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March 2002Issue NineFresh ideas inside!LANGPrimaryLANG EdizioniPBM Editori Spacorso Trapani, 16 - 10139 TorinoFax 011 75021510per informazioni:uffici di Milano, Tel 02 74823207E-mail: EEREWARDSTICKERS!For LANG Edizioni this isa special year. SUNNY DAYS,the new course for the third,fourth and fifth years of thePrimary school has just beenpublished. SUNNY DAYS is thefinal part of a projectfor the Primary school whichbegan in 2001 with SUNSHINE 1and 2. This exciting projectdraws on a wealth of experiencein the Italian Primary school.Some details of the materialscan be found on pages 4-5.Other new publications includeCHEESE, PLEASE!, three storybooks specifically designedto teach and practice aspectsof English pronunciation;SUPER MINI CLUB for the secondyear of the Primary schooland CHILDREN IN ACTIONa new resource book for teachers full of language practice activitiesfor the Primary school student.So there are lots of newpublications with a wealthof fresh ideas!In this issue we have includeda sheet of Rewardor Encouragement stickerswhich are very popularin schools in Great Britain.Some ideas for using these stickerscan be found on page 8.IndexThe art of Storytellingp2Sunny Days are here!p4English World Worksheets – Easterp6Using Reward stickersp8Kids’ Cornerp9English World Worksheets – Easterp 13Famous British Ghostsp 15Seminar programme for 2002p 16Graphic Organizersp 17Five minute fillersp 18Class and teacher projectsp 191

LANGPrimaryThe Art of Storytellingand Using Traditional Story Books in the EFL ClassroomJoanna CarterThere are many very persuasive arguments for storytelling and using traditional storieswith classes of young learners.GENERALLY SPEAKINGStories can be used to create a positive learningenvironment. Through story books the teachercan enter the children’s world, communicatewith them on their level and teach languageconcepts in a context that they can understandand that is relevant and interesting to them.Reading a story to the class becomes a sharedsocial experience. It can provoke communalresponses such as laughter, sadness, wonder orexpectation and therefore help to promotepositive group dynamics and encourage cooperation.122PRACTICALLY SPEAKINGOn a language learning level storybooks offeran occasion for well integrated skills work.Predominantly the children practice listeningand reading comprehension but with extensionactivities based on the book they can alsopractice speaking and writing.Story books also provide an ideal opportunityfor the teacher to introduce or revise vocabularyand language structures in a clear visualcontext. For example the story of ‘Snow Whiteand the Seven Dwarfs’ could be used to teachvocabulary for emotions and feelings. Firstlythrough the names of the dwarfs- Grumpy,Sleepy, Happy and Bashful. Then through theevents in the story – the Queen becomes jealousand then angry. The dwarfs are happy thenfrightened and sad. The story could also be usedto concentrate on descriptions of people- SnowWhite is beautiful with dark hair, Doc is shortand fat with glasses, and so on.The story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’could be used to introduce family members,furniture, or names of the rooms in a house. Itcould also be used for language of extremes –too big, too small, too hot, too cold etc.Shared reading also allows children to seefunction words ( an, that, which etc.) in ameaningful context – words that are otherwisevery difficult to explain and understand.

Don’t just open the book and read the story!3 Choose a book that has clear illustrations that support the text asthis will obviously help comprehension. Consider the level, ability and already acquired languageknowledge of the children and if necessary adapt or simplify the textto make it more accessible. To generate interest and understanding before you start reading,get the class to predict the story from the front cover or first page.4 Involve the children throughout the story by stopping and askingthem questions. This will also help check comprehension. Whilst reading, repeat key words and phrases and encourage thechildren to join in with you. Throughout the reading, use different voices for differentcharacters, make the noises of things such as cars and animals or thereactions of characters – crying laughing etc. Finally when you have finished reading the story, go back throughit by looking at the illustrations and re-eliciting the events from thechildren themselves.The story does not have tofinish with the reading butcan be used for the basis of awhole lesson or series of lessonsif it is then followed up withextension activities.Some ideas could be: having pictures and words from the story thathave to be matched together or put in thecorrect sequence, making a written gap filling exercise aboutthe story to practise key vocabulary, acting out the story with the children takingthe parts of the different characters,1Sunny Days,Student’s book 32Mini Club,Pupil’s book3Sunshine,Activity book 24Sunshine,Activity book 1 extending the story itself so that morevocabulary can be incorporated. For example ifusing ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’,create the whole bear familyincluding sister bear, brotherbear, uncle bear and auntiebear.3

LANGPrimaryWelcomeSUNNY DAYS are here!The new English language course for the 3rd, 4th and 5thyears of the Primary school is now available from LANGagents and we recommend that you take a copy homeand examine it carefully.SUNNY DAYS completes the project for the ScuolaElementare which began with SUNSHINE for the first twoyears which was published in 2001.Full details are available in the new 2002 LANGEdizioni catalogue and we have listed below someof the features that make SUNNY DAYS a veryspecial and complete English language course forchildren.SYLLABUSThe syllabus follows level A1 of the CommonEuropean Framework of Reference Levels whichare part of Progetto Lingue 2000. The units ofeach level are divided into Modules to give thechildren short term language learning objectives.All the language skillsEach unit includes language corners withspecific development of listening, reading andwriting and oral communication skills.Dialogues, songs, games, a short exercise onpronunciation and a page dedicated to aspects ofcivilità in Great Britain and America completethe units.4

SUNNY DAYSDramatisationEach unit of the Student’s Books includes one actof a play as a listening/reading task. These pagesgive the teacher the option of organising a schoolplay at the end of each school year. The plays;Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Wizard ofOz and The Canterville Ghost have been speciallyadapted to practice the language introduced ineach unit.External CertificationDuring the three-year course the children will beasked to complete exercises based on the format ofthe Cambridge Starters Test. There is at least oneexercise of this type in every unit.My Porfolio DossierEach student receives a personal Porfolio Dossierwith instructions in Italian for collecting,organising and registering their best work in a ringbinder Dossier. This Dossier follows the frameworkof the European Language Portfolio for learnerspromoted by the European Commission.Teacher’s ResourcesThe Teacher’s Resources for SUNNY DAYS areavailable in English or Italian in a ring binder sothat they can be supplemented both by the teacherand the authors with extra material in the comingyears.Activity BooksEach Activity Book, generally used for extrahomework activities, includes an audio cassettewith the recordings of all the songs from theStudent’s Book. The children have the opportunityto listen and sing the songs outside the classroom.5

LANGPrimaryACTIVITY SHEETEaster Eggs everywhere!Look at the picture, choose the words, then colour the eggs.onunderinbetweenbehindin front of1.6There’s an egg the tree. It’s yellow.4. There’s an egg the sheep. It’s green.2. There’s an egg the tree. It’s pink.5. There’s an egg the rabbit’s head. It’s orange.3. There’s an egg the flowers. It’s blue.6. There’s an egg the house. It’s purple.

MAKE THIS FUNEaster chick1.Copy the four parts A, B, Cand D onto yellow card andcut out. Make holes whereindicated and cut out the slitnear the tail.2. Put a piece of thread throughone of the holes in eachwing and tie it, leaving along piece hanging down.3. Attach the wings to the bodywith paper fasteners. Put thelever through the slit front toback.4. Attachthe threads on thewings to the lever with tape.When the lever is pulled thewings flap up and down.7

LANGPrimaryUsingReward StickersThis issue of LANG Primary offers teachers a sheet of 34 Rewardstickers, sometimes called Encouragement stickers.Reward stickers are very popular with Primary teachers andchildren in the United Kingdom and are used to encourage andmotivate children to take that little extra care when they are doingclass work or homework that requires concentration and precision.The little extra care can be rewarded with a sticker which is put ontothe written or visual work.The Reward stickers can be used in several ways. The teacher can choose the best homework exercise eachweek and give a sticker to the winner. The teacher should try to give at least one sticker to everychild during the scholastic year.A sticker can be put on a particularly good exercisecompleted during a lesson.The teacher can ask the children to read exercises completedby the class and elect a winner each week.The teacher can use the stickers not only to reward a childwho has completed a language task efficiently but also toencourage a child who has made a special effort to do well.The children will be very proud of the stickers they receive and willcertainly show them to their families. Encourage the children tokeep the exercises with Reward stickers in their Portfolio Dossiers ora place where they normally keep special work.If you would like to use Reward stickers more frequently contactyour local LANG agent. We have sent a limited supply of stickers toevery agent and they will be distributed on a first come, first servedbasis, while stocks last.A black and white version of the stickers can be found in Childrenin Action by Carmen Argondizzo (LANG Edizioni, 2002). They canbe photocopied and given to the children who can then colourthem.8

Kids’CornerSarah M. HowellEaster – A Humpty DumptyInteractive Egg Display!!!Interactive displaysCreating an interactive display for a young learners classroom can be a very rewardingand memorable experience both for children, teachers and parents. The children’s workand contributions along with a “hands on” approach to learning new language arecentral to the display and provide many opportunities for interactive learning.The Easter EggKids’Corneris a special section dedicatedto very young learners.First of all we should pick a theme for our displayand with Easter drawing near why not choose oneof the main symbols for Easter – the egg! It iscertainly a favourite with children.Making an Interactive “Humpty Dumpty Egg Display”The craft activities in this display are for 3-7 year olds and can bemade with material found around the home/class like cardboard,paper, boxes, string, crayons, paint, glue, etc.The projects for creating the display have been divided into six stepsand should be adapted according to the teacher’s/parents’ andchildren’s ideas, contributions and creative input – your displayshould be unique with the process being valued as much as the finalproduct.The instructions for Step 1 include a simplified version of the rhymeHumpty Dumpty. The original version can be found in SUNSHINEPupil’s book 1 page 74.Learning objectivesTo learn a traditional English Nursery Rhyme by heart, recognise keywords in a rhyme and explore the rhythm. To learn about the shapeand feel of eggs and how fragile they are. To observe the growingprocess.Step 1The Nursery RhymeStep 2Individual cardboardHumpties /picturesStep 3A Class HumptyStep 4Egg head HumptiesStep 5Assembling the displayStep 6Presentationto parents/otherclasses/teachers9

LANGPrimaryStep 1 – The Nursery Rhyme – Humpty DumptyYou need:An egg, a bowl,some empty eggshells (possiblyone for each child),some chocolate eggs,paper and crayons,a king’s crown (in yellow card),a plastic horse(s),a plastic soldier(s).Start by telling the story of Humpty Dumpty – a very unfortunate egg.Get all the children sitting around you on the floor. Show them a realegg. Bring some egg shells from home and pass them round thegroup. Ask the children to hold the shells in their hands and pressslightly. They will feel the egg shell break. Teach the word fragile.Well, one day Humpty Dumpty – our egg – sits on a wall.Show them storycard 1. Can you see him? Can you draw an egg inthe air with your fingers?Humpty Dumpty has a great fall.Show them storycard 2 of Humpty falling and point to the broken egg and shell in the bowl. Ask thechildren, (they can answer in their own language), if they can remember having a great fall.Can you tell the class what happened and who helped you?Show them storycard 3. These are the King’s horses and men. Can you see the king? He has a crown onhis head.Show them the crown and let them try it on. Can you see his horses?Show them the plastic horses. Can you see his men?Show them the plastic soldiers. Well, all the King’s horses and all the King’s men cannot stick Humptytogether.Show them storycard 4. Poor Humpty!Now tell the children the Nurseryrhyme or play it to them oncassette, (the original versionincludes the past tense). Showthem the storycards while youare telling them.Next, tell the rhyme again and getthem to listen and repeat eachline. Do this a few times untilthey are able to remember therhyme and repeat it by looking atthe storycards as prompts.In a gymnasium, or large openspace, the children can also actout the rhyme with HumptyDumpty style falling and rollingmovements from sitting on thefloor. They can also gallop acrossthe room like “the King’s men”.10Humpty DumptyHumpty Dumpty sits on a wall,Humpty Dumpty has a great fall,All the king’s horses and all King’s men,Cannot stick Humpty together again.NB:the storycardscan be enlargedand colouredfor use in class.

Step 2 – Individual cardboard Humpty puzzlesThe teacher draws a large round egg shape on each piece of card anda line across the middle. Ask the children to cut out the egg shape(they may need help depending on age).Explain to them that they are going to paint one half of their Humptyone colour and one half another colour (give them one colour at atime). Leave them to dry. Then get the children to stick on the eyesmouth and bow tie.Pin them up on the “wall” poster.Get the children (in groups) to paint the large sheets of card brown.When dry, the teacher can paint on the black lines to define thebricks.After school without the children – draw 6 simple puzzle shapes ontothe back of each humpty, cut them out and put the child’s initials oneach piece.Put each “Humpty puzzle” into its own freezer bag and write theirnames on the front with a marker pen.The next day at school, tell the Children that their Humpties fell offthe wall during the night! Now they must try to stick them backtogether again.Let the children play with their puzzle Humpties and see if they canre-assemble them (they may need help).You can either leave them as puzzle games to take home or get themto stick him back together again on a piece of backing paper.Step 3 – A Class HumptyCut out an enormous egg shape from the card.Draw a line across horizontally to divide Humpty’s head and body.Cut out 4 strips of card for the arms and legs and two hands and feet.The following can be done in 4 groups (or stages in small classes):Group 1: paint Humpty’s head an eggshell colour. When it is dry,paint on eyes, mouth and nose.Group 2: paint the bowtie bright blue and stick the buttons on itwhen it is dry.Group 3: paint Humpty’s arms and legs, hands and feet and stickthem together.Group 4: stick the pieces of coloured paper onto Humpty’s body.You need:A4 sizedpiec(one for e es of cardach child)paint,,cut out eyemouth an s,d bow tiefromcolouredpplastic fr aper,eez(one for e er bagsaWall post ch child),er prepared in adva(see belownce)You need:2 large posscissors, ter sized sheets of card,paint,pieces ofcolourfulcrepe/tisspaper,uebrightly cologlue, arm ured buttons,s and legs, bow tie.Attach the arms and legs and stick the class Humpty on the “wall”poster and then finally in the centre of the display on the backing paper.Step 4 – Egg head HumptiesYou need:eggshells,Clean eggshells and dry them gently (parents could bring these in).cotton wooTo give the eggshell a solid base, glue a small square of card tocress see l,ds,the bottom.paint or feltUsing tempera paint or markers (light colours), decorate thecolouring tippeggshells. Let the paint dry.white glue ens,,Draw on Humpty’s face with a black marker pen.a small squacard (or e re ofgg cup)11

LANGPrimaryPut cotton wool in the eggshells (fill a little over half way). Add manycress seeds. They will sprout in a couple of days.Sprinkle lightly with water.When the seeds sprout, put the tiny plant pot in a sunny spot andenjoy watching Humpty’s hair grow.Put the Egg-heads on the display table and let the children take themhome at Easter.Step 5 – Assembling the displayThe final display should be ascreative and original as possible.It is a good idea to make a roughsketch of how you would like thedisplay to look.Children and parents should beencouraged to bring things in forthe display – thus creatingimportant links between schooland home for the child. A sectionof the classroom or assembly hallshould be chosen for the displaywhere it is possible to put sometables together and stick up somebacking paper. Here are someideas to get started! Sheets of bright coloured backing paperThe “wall” posterThe class HumptyTape recorder with tape of children saying the rhymeA large sheet of card with the words of the nursery rhyme writtenor printed (for the parents to see)Labels for all the objects in the display with the English names inlarge capital letters e.g. Horse, King, Easter egg, egg heads,Humpty Dumpty, etc. (for parent participation)A banner with the title of the display e.g. Our Humpty DumptyEaster Egg DisplayPlastic horses, and soldiers and King (children’s own from home)Card crownHumpty Egg headsChocolate eggs (one for each child for the last day of school)Plastic eggs, real eggsChildren’s pictures of the Nursery Rhyme (these can be done atschool or home)A video of all the stages of preparation and the children acting outthe rhymeAnything else the children or parents might like to contribute tothe displayStep 6 – Presentation to parents/other classes-teachersAlthough in the introduction Isaid the process of making adisplay is as important as the finalproduct we shouldn’t forget thatthis display is interactive andtherefore the learning experiencedoes not end with the finalproduct.There are lots of ways you can getthe children to interact with thedisplay and here are just a coupleof ideas.You could invite the parents (orother classes) for a HumptyDumpty event and the childrencould act out and recite the12nursery rhyme. Then individualchildren could explain what thereis in the display. If you have videorecording facilities, you couldrecord the children for a minuteor so during each step and showthe parents what they have beendoing. This is very rewarding forthe children to see and gives theparents more of an opportunityfor discussing things with theirchildren later on at home.Alternatively, parents could beinvitedtocomealongindividually with their child andthe child can talk them throughthe display and tell their parentswhat he/she did, learnt, etc. Thisis a particularly good activity forshy children where they feelmuch freer without an audienceand it gives the child anopportunity to relate a sequenceof events that are central tohis/her own learning experience.The teacher also has anopportunity to explain to theparents the process involved increating the display and suggestother activities parents couldcontinue with their child outsideschool.

Easter BunniesSay and act outthis rhymewith very younglearners.Make copies of this sheet. Get the children to colour in the 5 rabbitsin the circles and cut them out. Get them to stick the circles on theirthumb and fingers with scotch tape. At the end of each verse of therhyme they bend down thumb and fingers one at a time, until thelast verse when all the fingers stand up again.Five little rabbitsOn Easter DayOne finds an eggAnd runs away.Four little rabbitsOn Easter DayOne finds an eggAnd runs away.Three little rabbits Two little rabbits One little rabbitOn Easter DaySays “Come back,rabbits!Come and play!”13

LANGPrimaryACTIVITY SHEETWord puzzleFindthese spring and HFLOWERS14EASTEREGG

Haunted Castles in Great BritainPeter WilsonIn Great Britain, churches, monuments, theatres and, above all,castles often have their own ghosts. They are usually famous ghostswho appear again and again in the same locations; like the ghost ofKing Henry VIII, who has been seen wandering the corridors ofWindsor castle, the largest inhabited castle in the world and one ofthe main royal residences.Here is an exercise for your children about haunted castles in GreatBritain.FamousBritish GhostsRead and number the ghosts. Then colour the drawings.1. There is the ghost of an African boy at Glamis Castle.2. There is the ghost of a black dog at Okehampton Castle.3. There is the ghost of a brown and white bear at Verdley Castle.4. There is the ghost of a tall thin father with short white hair at Conwy Castle.5. There is the ghost of a tall lady with long black hair at Boverton Castle.6. There is the ghost of a little old lady in a blue dress in Dunraven Castle.7. There is a ghost of a man in armour at Ruthin Castle.8. There is the ghost of a fat woman on a white donkey at Herstmonceux Castle.15

LANGPrimarySeminars for teachersThe Teacher Support Network for teachers in the Nursery and Primary schools is at your service.The Educational Consultants and Teacher Trainers have begun holding seminars for Primary schoolteachers on aspects of teaching English to children in many towns throughout Italy.Here are the abstracts of the seminars for 2002.Seminar 1Storytelling in the PrimaryEnglish classSeminar 2Using creative dramaticsin the Primary English classSeminar 3An introduction to theEuropean Language PortfolioStorytelling can be one of themost effective resources we mpetence in a foreignlanguage.During this seminar, storytellingwill be discussed as a uniqueresource for English teachers atPrimary level and a wide range ofsimple yet active techniques willbe demonstrated to help teachersinclude storytelling in theirlanguage lessons.For many teachers “drama”implies the use of props,costumes, scenery, a stage andindeed even a script. It doesn’thave to be like that. This seminarwill explore a wide range ofsimple yet effective techniques forintroducing drama into languagelessons at Primary level.“What is an ELP?”, do I hear youcry? – Although many teachershave indeed heard of theEuropean Language Portfolio veryfew have actually receivedenough information on how to goabout producing one and theimplications this might have ontheir teaching.What this practical seminar aimsto do is to help teachers defineexactly what the ELP is and offerpractical ideas and advice forgetting ELP projects started withPrimary pupils.Contact your local LANG agent for details of seminars in your area or your Educational Consualtant ifyou have questions or comments on LANG Edizioni publications.The Network is divided into:National Co-ordinator for Scuolad’infanzia and elementareTim PriesackPBM SpAVia Archimede 2320129 Milano02.74823207Roger CrosslandEmilia Romagna, Toscana,Canton Ticino, Sardegna051.227523 328.4126478Cecilia PerilloPuglia, Molise,Basilicata, Calabria,Campania349.6720152Email: tpriesack@langedizioni.comEmail: roger.c@flashnet.itEmail: scina@libero.itHeather BedellLombardia,Piemonte,Valle d’Aosta02.9065472Sarah M. HowellMarche, Abruzzo,Umbria, Lazio,Sicilia348.0701250Tracey SinclairLiguria, Veneto,Friuli-Venezia-Giulia,Trentino Alto Adige045.8030526Email: heabed@tiscalinet.itEmail: howell@marcheonline.netEmail: tsinclair@tin.itEducational Consultants16

Graphic Organizers:Teaching and Learning Tools“Students who understandhow to create a graphic organiserhave a new and valuable toolfor planning, understanding,rememberingand assessing knowledge”.Bromley, Irwin-DeVitis, ModloSpidergrams (webs), semanticmaps, story maps and so on aregraphic organisers which helpretrieve and retain information.The main function of thisimportant teaching and learningtool is to provide a “visual pictureofknowledge”andtodemonstrate that knowledge isinterconnected.The benefits of using graphicorganisers in the L2 classroomare infinite. Graphic organiserscan be used to introduce newmaterial, build up on previousknowledge, or merely, organisematerial which has already beentaught. They can also be used toassess what pupils already knowbyactivatingbackgroundknowledge.Graphic organisers keep pupilsactively engaged and motivatedbecause they are asked to focustheir attention on key elements.When planning lessons theteacher should remember toencourage the students to referback to previous graphicorganisers and revise and expandthem with new vocabulary andstructures.Fun Club 3How to prepare a vocabulary webWebbing the important vocabulary from a unit is appropriate forany grade level. When developing a webbing activity, place thekey word or phrase in the centre or at the top of the web. On thespokes extending from the key word or phrase, identifyvocabulary words that are in some way related to the key words.17

LANGPrimaryFive minuteSarah MurdochfillersTeachers often finish the materials they haveplanned for a lesson a few minutes before the endof-lesson bell rings. The question the teacher has toask at this point of time is - What can I do of valueto fill the last five minutes or so of the lesson?I use what I call “five minute fillers”.A five minute filler must be short, quick andsomething that the pupils are already familiar with.Why familiar?I can always remember this little boy in Primary 5 -1Aim: to understandinstructions, to revise verbs2his mother was very proud of thefact that he had been studyingEnglish since Primary 1. I asked him What’s your name? - which caused noproblems but when I asked - How old are you? - hepolitely informed me that he had studied that quitea few years ago (in which case he could not beexpected to remember!).Here are three five minute fillers. I hope you enjoyusing them as much as I do.Aim: to revise HIS andHER possessive adjectives3Aim:- to revise numbersfrom 1 to 100 or from 100to 200Materials required: noneMaterials required: noneMaterials required: a ball or anempty tin or boxRead aloud the followinginstructions. The pupils have to door mime what you say.stand up sit down stand up don’t sit down open your book close your book point to thewindow point to the blackboard listen to me listen to the radio wash your face wash yourhands eat a hamburger eat anice-cream drink a cola and soonThe teacher chooses the verbsdepending on the learningexperience of the class. If the classhave difficulty the teacher canhelp by miming the actions.Question and Answer chainOne pupil starts the chain byasking the person on his/her rightthe name of the person on his/herleft: e.g. “What’s his/her name?”The person on his right answers“His/her name is ”and then continues the chain byasking the person on his/her rightand so on.This activity is motivating as it isvery quick but at the same timethe child has to think whether touse his or her.Ask everyone to stand up – in acircle, if possible.Give the ball to one of the pupilsand ask him/her to hand the ballto the next pupil and so on, veryquickly, saying a number. Beginwith one and finish with ahundred. You can begin with ahundred and finish with twohundred – in doing so you arereinforcing a hundred and one.The person who says the lastnumber in the game is the winner.The teacher can also listen to thepronunciation of -teen and -ty.(A variation of this game is thatchildren must leave out numbersdivisible by three or seven (or bedisqualified.)It is amazing the amount of English you can do in five minutes today,followed by five minutes another day and so on – at the end of theschool year these five minute fillers will really make a difference.18

CLASS AND TEACHERPROJECTSThe Class projects presented in LANG Primarygive teachers the opportunity to encourage thechildren to prepare special materials, usually inthe form of posters or mini-booklets, which aresent to the address below. LANG Edizioni willsend a class set of Prime Readers to the classesthat present the most interesting projects.Once you have introduced the Project to the classdedicate a little time each week to the preparationof the materials.TEACHER PROJECT - March 2002 issueWe would like to encourage you to put togethera complete lesson plan you have prepared foryour children. You should describe the lesson indetail and include the various steps in thelesson.The topic for the Teacher Project this month is:CLASS PROJECT - March 2002 issueIntroducing adjectives describing objectsThe theme for the project for your children toorganise as a class or in smaller groups is :The lesson plan should be divided into threephases: Presentation Initial practice exercises Consolidation tasksFrom Carnival to EasterThe class s

using ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’, create the whole bear family including sister bear, brother bear, uncle bear and auntie bear. Don’t just open the book and read the story! Choose a book that has clear illustrations that suppor

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