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W A N GC E N T E RF O RG L O B A LE D U C A T I O NG AT E WAY A N D F E AT U R E DSTUDY AWAY PROGRAMS2021-22Gain the knowledge andexperience required to thrivein a complex world

ABOUT USPLU GATEWAY AND FEATURED STUDYAWAY PROGRAMSThe Wang Center for Global Educationwas established in 2002 thanks tothe vision of donors Peter (’60) andGrace Wang. Working collaborativelywith academic units and disciplines ofPacific Lutheran University, the WangCenter supports faculty, students andstaff with resources that advancePLU’s distinction and vision for globaleducation of “educating to achieve ajust, healthy, sustainable and peacefulworld.” The Wang Center offers facultydevelopment and grant opportunities,short- and long-term study awayprograms, on-campus programmingon pressing world issues, and acommitment to best practices whenengaging with educational partners,both locally and globally.At PLU, global engagement is a high priority, and many studentschoose to deepen their understanding of our globalized,interconnected world through short-term, semester, or yearlong study away. In fact, over the last 15 years, PLU studentshave studied away in over 80 countries. For students seeking asemester-long opportunity, PLU offers seven signature Gatewaysemester programs, Featured semester programs in over 20locations across the globe, and a range of Approved programs.Whether you are seeking the right fit for your academic programor the perfect internship to prepare for your future career, PLUsemester programs have plenty to offer!PLU GATEWAY PROGRAMSTRINIDAD & TOBAGO.p. 6Heritage, Cultural Fusion andSustainability in the Southern CaribbeanOAXACA, MEXICO.p. 7Development, Culture, Environmentand Social Change in MexicoCHENGDU, CHINA*.p. 8Continuity and Change in anEmerging World PowerWINDHOEK, NAMIBIA.p. 9Cultural Immersion for Education,Natural and Social SciencesStudying away for a semester requires planning and preparation.As you begin your study away journey, you can access the supportand guidance of the Wang Center advisor/Wang Center staff,faculty advisors, Gateway Program Directors, Student FinancialServices Specialists, and partner institutions to select a programthat meets your academic, professional, and personal goals.ALIGNED with PLU missionINTEGRATED with curriculum and university systemsRESPONSIVE to academic, professional andpersonal goals and needsACCESSIBLE to students of all financial backgroundsSUSTAINABLE travel through educational carbonmitigation practicesINCLUSIVE programs provide immersionexperiences for all studentsIHON-OXFORD, ENGLAND. p. 10International Honors ProgramEXAMINE GLOBAL ISSUESOSLO, NORWAY. p. 11Peace and Conflict StudiesEngage with interconnected global issues related to human diversity,social justice and the fragility of our planet as they impact specificcommunities, regions and nations both abroad and at home.BØ, NORWAY*. p. 12Nordic Studies, Business, NaturalSciences, Environmental Studiesand KinesiologyVESTFOLD, NORWAY. p. 13Kinesiology in Norway*Yearlong study SKILLS TO LIVE, LEARN AND WORKIN A GLOBAL CONTEXTDevelop the cross-cultural and language skills to navigatediverse and interdependent communities in a range of fields andprofessions. Engage with community, nonprofit and governmentleaders through homestays or student housing abroad, study toursand opportunities to engage in independent research, an internshipor a service-learning project.INTEGRATE ACADEMIC, CAREER ANDPERSONAL GOALSExpand the knowledge, skills and contacts made during your studyaway experience in your Senior Capstone project, Wang CenterResearch Grant application, local internship opportunities, in yourPeace Corps, Fulbright and graduate school applications, or inseeking meaningful employment opportunities upon graduation.1


WHAT’S INCLUDED?The cost for all PLU Gateway and Featured programs is the PLUcomprehensive fee, and all financial aid and scholarships apply.*HOUSINGMEALS 750FO FR LIGG HAT TEW CRAY EDITTUITIONEMERGENCYINSURANCESTUDY TOURS***VISAFEE**CARBON ONSETNOT INCLUDEDAir travel / Personal excursions / Books & supplies /Some Featured program excursions* Students can participate in ONE Featured program with all of theirfinancial aid** Gateway programs cover full visa fee, Featured up to 300 ofvisa fee*** Tours vary by program; see website or contact the advisorfor detailsThere are study awayscholarships available! learn more.3

GATEWAY & FEATURED SEMESTER PROGRAMSGateway study away programs are uniquely designed and administered in partnership withPLU faculty. Featured Programs, administered by partner institutions, align with our missionand typically have a long history of PLU student participation and ties to PLU.BØ, NORWAYAberdeen, ScotlandUniversity of AberdeenOXFORD, ENGLAND(GEO) London, EnglandLanguage & Area StudiesGerman Language and CultureAix-en-Provence, FranceBelgrade, Serbia (SIT)Peace and Conflict Studies in the BalkansGranada, SpainAthens, Greece (CYA)Spanish Language & Culture(SIT)Nomadism, Geopolitics and the EnvironmentMusic / Psychology & Social SciencesFrench Language & CultureArt, Social Sciences, Business(ILACA)Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (SIT)Vienna, Austria (IES ABROAD)Liberal Arts(IAU)OSLO, NORWAYVESTFOLD, NORWAYBerlin, Germany (IES ABROAD)Humanities, Social Sciences, ClassicsRabat, MoroccoSeoul, South Korea (CIEE)New Delhi, India (SIT)Arts & SciencesPublic Health, Gender and Community ActionCHENGDU, CHINAField Studies in Journalism and New MediaMigration and Transnational IdentityMulticulturalism and Human RightsMilan, Italy (IES ABROAD)Music(SIT)Jaipur, IndiaSustainable Development andSocial ChangeKathmandu, Nepal (SIT)Development and Social ChangeTibetan and Himalayan PeoplesOAXACA, MEXICOTRINIDAD & TOBAGOHo Chi Minh City, Vietnam (SIT)Culture, Social Change & DevelopmentMonteverde, Costa Rica (CIEE)Tropical Ecology and ConservationSustainability and the Environment(SIT)Kigali, RwandaPost-Genocide Restorationand PeacebuildingKerambitan, Bali, Indonesia (SIT)Arts, Religion and Social ChangeWINDHOEK, NAMIBIAGatewayProgramFeaturedProgramWellington, New ZealandVictoria University of, Tasmania, AustraliaUniversity of Tasmania5

TRINIDAD &TOBAGOHeritage, Cultural Fusion andSustainability in the Southern CaribbeanPROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSe Gain an in-depth understanding ofTrinbagonian culture through a requiredset of three PLU-designed courses taughtby local professors, local experts and USprofessorse Examine key issues such as post-colonialism,globalization, diversity, equity, social justice,gender and environmental sustainability in arich, ethnically diverse culturee Study at University of the West Indies, amajor research institution in theCaribbean, and engage withlocal studentse Engage with the rich cultural,environmental, religious andartistic diversity of Trinidad& Tobago through a series ofstudy tours and lectures thatfacilitate student participationin Trinidad’s expressions ofthe Hindu spring festival ofPhagwa, the West AfricanOrish and Shouter Baptistfestivals, the Muslim Hosaycommemoration, and theworld famous Trinidad Carnivale Experience the traditional fishingvillage of Charlotteville, Tobago, as itexplores new directions in organic gardening,marine research, and sustainable tourismPROGRAMDIRECTORDr. Gregory YoutzTRINIDAD & TOBAGOProfessor of n SmithVENEZUELASemester ProgramManagersmithba@plu.edu253-535-7628SEMESTER OFFEREDSpring (*Note: program begins in January)PREREQUISITESOpen to sophomores, juniors or seniorsin good standing; 2.7 minimum GPA (3.0preferred)DURATIONJanuary to May, 20 weeksCREDIT19-21 creditsPROGRAM BASESt. Augustine, Trinidad & TobagoHOUSINGUniversity of the West Indies dormitory,double roomsLANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTIONEnglish6

OAXACADevelopment, Culture, Environmentand Social Change in MexicoUNITED STATESMEXICOPROGRAMDIRECTORDr. Tamara R.WilliamsProf. of Hispanic StudiesExecutive Director,Wang Center for R OFFEREDFallPREREQUISITESOpen to sophomores, juniors or seniorsin good standing; 3.0 minimum GPA; 4-5semesters of college-level Spanish or theequivalentDURATIONMid-August to mid-December, 17 weeksdivided into three sessionsCREDIT16-17 creditsPROGRAM BASEOaxaca City, MexicoPROGRAMMANAGERBrynn SmithSemester ProgramManagersmithba@plu.edu253-535-7628PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSe Explore Mexican history, development, societyand environment through an interdisciplinaryview of Ancient, Modern, and ContemporaryMexicoe Learn about U.S.-Mexico relations and gain anin-depth perspective of Mexican immigration to— and the hispanization of — the United Statese Experience approaches to, and strategies for,social change, and the value placed on theseprocesses by diverse groups in the Oaxacaregion and across Mexicoe Integrate academic knowledge andintercultural skills in an internship with alocal nonprofit organization focused on anissue related to your academic, personal orprofessional goalse Build knowledge of pressing issues facingMexico today through extended study toursto Mexico City and the states of Pueblaand Morelose Increase Spanish proficiencyto advanced, advanced plus orsuperior through a completeimmersion programHOUSINGHomestayLANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTIONSpanish7

CHENGDUContinuity and Change in anEmerging World PowerPROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSPROGRAMDIRECTORe Study at Sichuan University, one of China’smost prestigious universities, with studentsfrom all over China and the worldDr. Paul Manfredie Develop your Chinese language abilities withcourses available at all levelse Engage with local communities throughstudy tours to rural farms, local villages andnearby monumentse Deepen your understanding of the variouscultures of China through study tours to theForbidden City, the Great Wall in Beijing, andXian, whose famous Terracotta Warriorsand Wild Goose Pagoda are reminders ofChina’s prominence in the world as theeastern terminus of the Silk Roade Experience Tibetan culture witha week-long study tour exploringBuddhist temples and shrines,contrasting with China’sethnic Han majorityMONGOLIAProf. of AGERBrynn SmithSemester STER OFFEREDFall, Academic YearPREREQUISITESOpen to sophomores, juniors or seniorsin good standing; 2.7 minimum GPA (3.0preferred)DURATIONAugust to December for Fall; August toMay or July for Academic YearCREDIT12-18 creditsPROGRAM BASEChengdu, ChinaHOUSINGInternational student residence hall, doublerooms with bathroom and showerLANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTIONEnglish, Chinese (language courses only)8

WINDHOEKCultural Immersion for Education,Natural Sciences, and Social SciencesPROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSe Study at the premier University of Namibiaalongside students from Namibia andcountries across Africa and the globee Engage in a practicum in a local school andcomplete a robust set of courses alignedwith PLU’s program requirements (Educationstudents)e Learn about this young democratic countrywith a focus on a historical perspective ofNamibia from colonization to democracye Engage with indigenous people, cultures, andthe country’s unique geography on studytours, through rural homestays in the villagesof northern Namibia and visits to Namibia’srenowned national parks and game reservese Create your own batik art in a 3-day workshopin Windhoeke Engage with the local communitythrough an internship orvolunteer work with communityorganizationse Spend January enrolled in acontext-setting, intensive courseon non-Western history taught by alocal Namibia historianPROGRAMDIRECTORDr. Jan WeissAssociate DeanAssociate Professor 2CARIHUTAFSOPROGRAMMANAGERBrynn SmithSemester ProgramManagersmithba@plu.edu253-535-7628SEMESTER OFFEREDSpring (*Note program begins in January)PREREQUISITESOpen to sophomores, juniors or seniorsin good standing; 2.7 minimum GPA (3.0preferred)DURATIONJanuary to May, 20 weeksCREDIT17-18 creditsPROGRAM BASEWindhoek, NamibiaHOUSINGUniversity of Namibia on-campus housingcomplex, double roomsLANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTIONEnglish9

IHON-OXFORDInternational Honors ProgramSCOTLANDPROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSENGLANDFRANCESEMESTER OFFEREDFall or SpringPREREQUISITESOpen to sophomores, juniors or seniorsin good standing; 3.0 minimum GPADURATIONMid-August to December for Fall,February to mid-June for SpringCREDIT16 creditsPROGRAM BASEOxford, EnglandHOUSINGPrivate room within shared studenthouse (IHON students only)LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTIONEnglishe Experience the “Oxford tutorial” — weeklyone-on-one sessions with Oxford facultyand graduate students, aimed at bringingforth the students’ own powers of judgment,thought, and argumentatione Learn to “read” the United Kingdom throughthe disciplinary lens of the semester’s SiteDirector — a PLU-IHON faculty member whowill teach a place-based 200-level seminarand lead you on study tours in London,Manchester and other sitese Apply what you’re reading and learningto your own experiences in the 4-credit,discussion-based “Living and Learning inOxford” course, also led by the PLU SiteDirectorPROGRAMDIRECTORDr. Arthur StrumResident ac@plu.edu253-535-8774PROGRAMMANAGERBrynn SmithSemester ProgramManagersmithba@plu.edu253-535-7628e Become an Associate Member of an Oxfordcollege with dining and other privileges inthe collegee Take part in induction into the worldrenowned Bodleian research library,including more than 20 Oxfordbranches, where you have fullresearch access and readingprivilegese Complete two of your200-level IHON seminars— one in the form of aninterdisciplinary tutorial withOxford faculty and graduatestudents, the other with thePLU Site Director10

OSLOPeace and Conflict StudiesPROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSe Challenge the perception of the “sameness”of Western societies by experiencing therapidly changing Norwegian culture andsociety and Norway’s active engagementin defining and redefining its rolesinternationally and within its borderse Examine the Norwegian approach tocontemporary issues in a central locationwith engaged faculty whose specialtiesinclude Peace and Conflict Studies, AfricanStudies, International Relations, Middle EastStudies, Polital Theory and moree Study in English alongside Norwegiansmajoring in Peace & Conflict andInternational Studiese Immerse yourself in Norwegian culture,history, geography, society, and politics withthe “Norway —An Introduction” course (notfor credit) that includes excursions in andaround OsloPROGRAMDIRECTORDr. Ami V. ShahNORWAYAssistant Professor ofAnthropology & FIPROGRAMMANAGERBrynn SmithSemester ProgramManagersmithba@plu.edu253-535-7628SEMESTER OFFEREDFallPREREQUISITESOpen to sophomores, juniors or seniorsin good standing; 2.7 minimum GPA (3.0preferred)DURATIONAugust to DecemberCREDIT16 creditsPROGRAM BASEOslo, NorwayHOUSINGStudent housing, single room withbathroom and shower, shared kitchenLANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTIONEnglish11

BØNordic Studies, Business, NaturalSciences, Environmental Studies &KinesiologyPROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSNORWAYENEDSWNDLANFISEMESTER OFFEREDFall, Spring, Academic YearPREREQUISITESOpen to sophomores, juniors or seniorsin good standing; 2.7 minimum GPA (3.0preferred)e Engage in an active campus community atthe University of Southeastern Norway andexperience the local natural landscape as anextension of classroom learninge Live and learn in an environment thatchallenges cultural assumptions and helpsyou to see your discipline and the worldthrough a Norwegian lense Explore Telemark, a region known as“Norway in miniature” and known for its richcultural tradition and outdoor lifee Focus on Environmental Studies, NaturalSciences, Marketing and Management,Business, Kinesiology, or NorwegianLanguage and LiteraturePROGRAMDIRECTORDr. Michael BehrensAssociate Professor ofBiologyDirector, USN rynn SmithSemester ugust to December for Fall, Januaryto June for Spring, August to June forAcademic YearCREDIT15-17 creditsPROGRAM BASEBø, NorwayHOUSINGStudent residence hall, double room withbathroom and showerLANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTIONEnglish12

VESTFOLDKinesiology in NorwayPROGRAMDIRECTORDr. Michael BehrensNORWAYENEDSWNDLANFIAssociate Professor ofBiologyDirector, USN rynn SmithSEMESTER OFFEREDFall, Spring, Academic YearPREREQUISITESOpen to sophomores, juniors or seniorsin good standing; 2.7 minimum GPA (3.0preferred)DURATIONAugust to December for Fall, Januaryto June for Spring, August to June forAcademic YearSemester ProgramManagersmithba@plu.edu253-535-7628PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTSe Engage in an active campus community atthe University of Southeastern Norway andexperience the local natural landscape as anextension of classroom learninge Focus on Kinesiology in the Exercise andHealth Management programe Examine the Norwegian health system andwork life and social laws regulating healthand sick leave through project managementdevelopment and apprenticeshipe Live and learn in an environment thatchallenges cultural assumptions and helpsyou to see your discipline and the worldthrough a Norwegian lense Put theoretical components into practice atthe Vestfold campus’ stunning gym and poolfacilities or in the stunning natural settingwith numerous outdoor recreation optionsCREDIT15-17 creditsPROGRAM BASEVestfold, NorwayHOUSINGStudent residence hall, double room withbathroom and showerLANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTIONEnglish13

TAKE THE NEXT STEP1. EXPLORE4. PREPAREPLU offers a wide range of study away optionsto meet the needs of students across academicdisciplines. Challenge yourself to live and learnoutside of your comfort zone for a semester or year.LEARN ABOUT HEALTH AND SAFETY, LOGISTICSAND CULTURAL PREPARATION Research your host destination and culture Learn about logistics, prepare for health and safetyand cultural transitions Attend the mandatory general pre-departureorientation and any program specific orientations Apply for a visa with support from the WangCenter (Gateway) or program provider (Featured)DISCOVER YOUR OPTIONS Browse programs at Attend the Study Away Fair Sign up to learn about upcoming events EVALUATENARROW YOUR OPTIONS BY CONSIDERING Fit with academic program & location Fit with personal and professional goals Availability of service learning and internshipopportunitiesUTILIZE CAMPUS RESOURCES Talk with Student Global Ambassadors( Meet with the Study Away Advisor Meet the Gateway Program Director Discuss your plans with your Academic Advisor Complete your FAFSA (financial aid, gift aid &scholarships apply toward pro

courses available at all levels. . SEMESTER OFFERED . Fall, Academic Year PREREQUISITES. Open to sophomores, juniors or seniors . in good standing; 2.7 minimum GPA (3.0 preferred) DURATION . . tudy at the premier University of Namibia S alongside students from Namibia and

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