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MessengerTHE“Your Local Weekly Since 1868Free Our 149th Year A Tradition Worth Keeping”Issue 25 June 23, 2017Francestown's Ehrlerjoins Lake Sunapee BankDonna Ehrler has joined Lake SunapeeBank, a division of Bar Harbor Bank &Trust, as SeniorVice President,Middle MarketManager. Heroffice is presently locatedin the bank’sbranch at 8Loudon Roadin Concord, New Hampshire. Ehrler isa board member of the ManchesterRotary Club, YWCA of New Hampshire,and the Francestown Improvementand Historical Society. Ehrler residesin Francestown, New Hampshire withher husband, Vincent, and they havean adult daughter, Nicole.Belmont PrincipalSheila Arnold retiresBelmont Elementary School PrincipalSheila Arnold is retiring and isfinishing herlast course inpreparation foran examinationto become aboard-certifiedbehavioranalyst. In leaving, she urgedparents to: Continue to be your child’snumber one advocate because, if notyou, then who? She challenged theschool staff to "Remain committedand passionate and do not forget yourprimary focus: the students.”ECRWSSPAIDPRSRT STDUS PostageHillsboro, NHPermit #25Postal CustomerVisit usonline atgranitequill.comClass President Nicholas Mayo welcomed all to the Hopkinton Graduation.Be allergic to failureHopkinton grads urged to "blow up" expectationsFollowing a long standing tradition, the56 members of the Hopkinton High School’sClass of 2017 lined the center isle of the J.D.Durgin Memorial Pulling Arena and "clappedin" the faculty to the graduation ceremony.Class President Nicholas Mayo challengedthe graduates to, “Make use of your actionsand words to make a personal impact on theworld – no matter how big or small. You’ll be amore fulfilled and disciplined person,” he said.“As long as you have passion and drive, there’sno reason the goals you set cannot be accomplished.”Kevin Mackenzie, who shared salutatorianhonors with Samuel Needleman, urged hisclassmates to “Live everyday like you’re allergic to failure, like the very thought that someone is better than you makes you feel sick.”Valedictorian Aidan Molnar told how, at 3years old while visiting the zoo, he was so anxious to see the polar bears that he passed bythe other animals. Today, he said, he regretsmissing out on the journey because he wasfixated on the final destination and urged hisclassmates not to do the same. “Don’t let onefacet of your life become so overbearing thatit leaves you exhausted and drained – have abalance,” he said. “You aren’t chained to onething; you have to try different things.”Math teacher Lawrence Bickford, whodelivered the commencement address, thoughthe was going to be a doctor. During his firstsemester at Dartmouth College however, herealized that it wasn’t for him.While many of his classmates went on tobecome doctors and lawyers, Bickford said hebroke the mold, and followed his own pathdespite the criticism he received for doing so. “Iwant you to find work that you love,” Bickfordsaid, “Set your bar high. Don’t settle; don’t domediocre work. You can’t do mediocre work ifyou love what you do.”Concluding the event, the faculty lined theaisle and clapped-out the Class of 2017.

Page 2 The Messenger june 23, 2017 www.granitequill.comYesteryearCo-op eShop gives everyoneaccess to all their Co-op favoritesfrom the convenience of theirsmart phone or computer!Simply order online, choose apickup time, & your order will be readyfor you curbside at the Co-op!PLUS! Receive a FREE Reusable Shopping Bag!While Supplies Last.COUPON CODE VALID NOW - 6/30/17Available to all Co-op customers on Co-op eShop purchases.Coupon code may not be used to purchase beer, wine or sushi.Local history asreported in The MessengerJune 17, 2016Antrim woman rescued from Mount WashingtonSunapee speed stop results in felony drug bustRenovations on Mary Haddad Bandstand completedConservation Easement prevents Corvus acquisitionJune 19, 2015Grassmere Town Hall lease under reviewH-'D's Heidi Welch named "unsung hero"Bow developer fined 12,000 by Attorney GeneralWeare police investigating 2nd vandalism spreeJune 20, 2014Goffstown's Villa Augustina closing after 100 yearsNew London Police Officer assaulted during arrestPlanning begins for Hopkinton's 250th CelebrationHillsborough's Dee Grimes given Patriot AwardJune 21, 2013Newport Selectmen honor life of Richard ChappellNew Boston to drop PSNH for electricityWarner looking to increase economic developmentWilmot hosts 4th Annual Pie BreakfastJune 22, 2012Antrim Selectmen sign PILOT Agreement with Antrim WindNo charges against driver in Newport fatal accidentSunapee Lakers repeat as Division IV Baseball ChampionsHopkinton Hawks claim Division III Baseball ChampionshipJune 24, 2011Bennington's St. Peter's Church to be closedHillsborough named "Historic Community On The Rise"Sutton needs additional cemetery spaceWeare man charged with indecent exposureJune 18, 2010Cahill to head NH Police Chief's AssociationNewport School Board recognizes staff excellenceNew London skateboard park coming soonHenniker Chamber of Commerce kickoffJune 19, 2009Monadnock Hospital rated 5th best in NHPeterborough juvenile in custody for burglaryWeare girl attacks sister with a knifeGranite bench dedicated to memory of Sean PowersJune 20, 2008Babette Haley resigns as HD School Board ChairActing Antrim Police Chief also resignsHillsborough man busted for drug salesHDMS eighth graders visit nation's capitalJune 22, 2007Route 114 bridge named for Sgt. Russell DurginSunapee man killed in Newport crashNewbury teenager faces life sentence for rapePeterborough Police subdue Antrim man with taser

www.granitequill.com june 23, 2017 The Messenger Page 3Franklin graduates urged to emulate the Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesFor their final assignment, FranklinHigh School principal Carrie Charetteasked the 68 graduating senior studentsto analyze the song "Hall Of Fame' byThe Script. The song, which later closedthe ceremony, claims "The world’s gonnaknow your name, because you burn withthe brightest flame." She urged the classto "Connect this lyric to your future andcontinue to make us proud.”Class officer Michayla Sharlow welcomed all to the ceremony and was grateful that Franklin High was a small school,as it" has allowed us to get to know eachother in a way that is not possible at alarger school.”Salutatorian Zoe Kaplan thanked herseven older siblings for helping to shapeher, and thanked her parents for saving,“the best for last.” She also quoted LebronJames who said, "You have to be able toaccept failure if you seek success."On behalf of her fellow graduates,Valedictorian Brianna Judkins said,"While we will hope to move on to biggerand better things, we will always hold aplace in our heart for not only our friendsin high school but the city of Franklin."In addition to being the Valedictorian,Judkins dominated the awards presentations, receiving the Presidential AcademicExcellence Award, the Martha GilchristMemorial Award, and the the LoyaltyAward.English teacher Andrea Costanzourged the graduates to emulate theTeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who eachembodied a trait, be it passion, intellector good humor, that the graduates shouldshare. The turtles, named after Renaissance artists, describe the sort of FranklinRenaissance the students had experiencedwhile at the school Costanzo said. “TheRenaissance was a time of new ideas, aflourishing of art and culture, discoveryand philosophy,” she said. “I hope thatyou were exposed to new ideas and madenew intellectual discoveries. I hope thatyou were challenged and lived all of yourtime to the fullest.”Noting that the Renaissance in Europewas followed by the Age of Explora-tion, in which sailors set forth to explorelands they had never previously visited,Costanzo hoped the next chapter in theirlives would serve as a sort of personal ageof exploration. “I hope you are leavinghere with your own sense of adventureand set forth to seek out new experiencesand take advantage of new opportunitiesthat come your way,” she said. “Go todayand embark upon your age of discovery.”Salutatorian Zoe Kaplan thanked her parents.John Stark voters reject teachers' contract againBy a vote of 121-87 in Henniker and180-127 in Weare, John Stark votersrejected a new teachers' contract for thesecond time.Voters turned down a three-yearcontract at the annual meeting in March,but approved a warrant article allowing thedistrict to renegotiate cost items associatedwith the contract. Under the current pro-posal, teachers would have received a 2.11percent step increase each of the next twoyears, a decrease from the current contractrate of 3.63 percent. Overall, the contractwould have cost taxpayers 329,248 overthree years, compared to the first rejectedcontract’s projected cost of 382,393. Onlyabout 515 people turned out Tuesday tovote on the second contract.MAY IS ONE-OF-A-KIND SOFA MONTHDon’t settle fora sofa some other storehas in stock.You can get the style you want, in the fabric or leather you want, delivered promptly to your homeat special order sale prices Choose from many styles of sofas, loveseats, recliners, sectionals, chairsand sleep sofas Select from 1000 fabrics Rest assured with America’s best warranty!BARNS OF BRADFORD - Factory Furniture Store - 938-2618Rte. 114 by Lake Massasecum, Bradford NH MC/Visa OPEN Mon-Sat 10 to 5; Sun 11-4 Budget Terms Arranged

Page 4 The Messenger june 23, 2017 www.granitequill.comFuel Oils and LP Gas Sales and ServiceOur family has been serving the area’s heating needs for over 65 years!24 Hour Gasoline and Diesel Pumps20 Hall Ave. Henniker and Rte. 114 Bradford428-3333 www.ayerandgoss.comLandsite Corp.MLOACIALSPESCREENEDLOAM 18 per cubic yarddelivered. 12 yardminimum delivery.Landsite Corp 588-4019Choose OurQuality Lumber.Why “wood” you settle for less?If you’re interested in quality lumber andunparalleled service, Antrim Lumber shouldbe your choice. Stop in and see us today.Antrim Lumber Co.78 Smith Road Antrim 588-2139HOURS: M-F 7am-5pm, Sat. 7am-1pmDesigned to makethe toughest workeasy. Area K-9 Teams shine during CertificationGoffstown Officer Babcock and his K-9 partner Jax traveledto Andover, Connecticut to compete and certify in the Region4 USPCA PD1 trials. The event is a national certification andcompetition for police K-9 teams from the New England region.Officer Babcock and Jax obtained their certification and placed13th out of 33 K-9 teams overall. Officer Babcock and Jax placed2nd overall in the obedience portion of the competition. Hillsborough Sgt. Hodgen and K-9 Gibbs traveled to CT and competedfor national certification under the United States Police CanineAssociation. Not only did they obtain their 3rd certification title,they won 1st place in the suspect search category and came in 8thoverall out of 33 teams.Bow K-9 Officer receives hero's sendoffBow's K-9 Osci, the retired and beloved police officer took hislast ride through Bow on Friday. About a dozen Bow, Boscawenand New Hampshire State Police, the Bow Fire Department andthe Emergency Management team escorted Osci through thetown on his way to Riverside Veterinary Hospital in Boscawen,where he ended his watch. Osci served the department from 2005until he retired in 2013. After Osci retired, K-9 Officer Roxy andher handler Matt Pratte took over those duties.Antrim fire truck damages Stoddard road1,499.95MODEL LTA 18538 18.5 Briggs & StrattonIntek Engine 38” Cutting Width Cast Iron Front Axle Hydrostatic Transmission0% FINANCING — See dealer for detailswww.husqvarna.comOfficer Babcock and K-9 Jax.Copyright 2014 Husqvarna AB (publ). All rights reserved.TYLER’S SMALL ENGINE www.tylerssmallengine.comRoute 202 20 Concord St. Antrim, NH 603-588-6200 M-F 8-5:30, Sat 9-1Steve McGerty informed the Stoddard Selectmen that the LifePack that the board approved purchasing for 3,800 was boughtfor 3,325. The board praised him for the savings. McGertyalso met with Senator Ward concerning the drainage at the FireStation and she is looking into the matter. He also reported thatthere was a fire alarm at 84 Power Line Road and the respondingfire company was out of Antrim. The Fire Pumper ran off the roadwhile responding, causing approximately 1,500 of damage to theside of the road. The board will expect Antrim to reimburse thetown for the repair. McGerty requested permission to seek bidson replacing the siding and gutters on the Fire Station. The Boardagreed and said the money could come from the Building CapitalReserve Fund.

www.granitequill.com june 23, 2017 The Messenger Page 5Henniker being sued for wrongful termination of highway employeeFormer Highway Department employee Dale Havunen is suing the townfor wrongful discharge. In his seven pagecomplaint Havunen alleged bad faithand malice on the part of the town, RoadAgent Tom Weston and Town Administrator Christine Trovato. According tothe complaint, in his November 23, 2015performance review, then supervisor NateHadaway rated "a very good worker,""team player," and "positive." On February 29, 2016 Trovato pressed him for aconfidential assessment of the performance of then acting Road Agent Weston.Havunen expressed concerns aboutWeston's efficiency only to be confrontedby Weston two days later, who gave hima written warning for his "uncooperativeattitude" and having aired his criticism.About July 5, 2016 Havunen, the onlycertified culvert installer in the department, observed other workers replacing a 22 inch culvert with a 12 inch one.Havunen mentioned the error and thenext day weston suspended him for threedays without pay for his "uncooperativeattitude toward other employees."Havunen then filed his 2nd grievance,which was ignored and the selectmen terminated his employment on July 19th.Police present AED to SeniorsThe Belmont Police Relief Associationrecently presented Great Brook Villagewith an automatic emergency defibrillator(AED). Great Brook Village has been inviting members of the Belmont Police andFire departments to its Wednesday morning coffee hours for decades. Members ofthe Belmont Fire Department will be offering instruction in how to use the device.New Boston hires an assistantNew Boston Administrator Peter Flynnand Planning Coordinator Shannon Silverhave been interviewing candidates for openPlanning Assistant position, and offeredthe position to Nadine Scholes with a sixmonth probationary period. The selectmenunanimously approved by a 3-0 vote.He is seeking reinstatement, back pay,attorney's fees and enhanced damagesfor the wanton, malicious and oppressivenature of the town's actions.Sarah Johnson gives the Valedictory Address.203 ConVal graduates brave an outdoor ceremony"I still don’t know who I am," saidStudent Speaker Meaghan Farrell."I’m not even 100 percent sure who Iwant to be. However, I’ve been able tofigure out and explore different versions of myself at ConVal and for thatI’m grateful.”The Faculty Award, given annually to a graduating senior who, inthe opinion of the teachers, embodiesthe spirit of unselfishness, service,leadership and accomplishments wentto Michael Zrzavy. “He is spread toothin, but that is probably because he isso curious,” English teacher Elizabeth Moore said. “He excels at music,theater, foreign language, humanitiesPride in Our Teamand sciences.”Teacher Eric Bowman challengedthe students to guard against apathyand insincerity. “One of the reasonsI’m being blunt is because I thinkwe’ve lost the sense that some thingsmatter. We are so afraid of feelingpain that we often fail to feel joy oranything. I think we’ve learned not tocare, not to commit. It’s easy to beinsincere. It’s the ultimate cop out.”While it’s easier to be sarcasticthan to care, words and actions domatter, he said. “Insincerity and ironyrule the day,” he said.He urged student to be direct, honest and sincere.South 3 Orthopaedic UnitCaring for the human body and the human spirit With big hearts, strong work ethics and greatsenses of humor, providing round the clock care to patients through every step of recovery from surgery or illness.Proudly serving Lakes Region General Hospitallrgh.org

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know your name, because you burn with the brightest flame." She urged the class to "Connect this lyric to your future and continue to make us proud.” Class officer Michayla Sharlow wel-comed all to the ceremony and was grate-ful that Franklin High was a small school, as it" has allowed us to get to know each other in a way that is not possible at a larger school.” Salutatorian Zoe Kaplan .

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