THEBUSINESS OPPORTUNITYAMCL’s Asset Intensive Business Architecture(AIBA) tool enables the practical applicationof Asset ManagementProgressive organisations are seeking ‘practical’ ways toimplement and accelerate Asset Management good practice. Theywish to streamline business processes and compliance, manageperformance and reduce the risk of IT projects not achievingreturn on investment.To improve business performance enterprises need to make changes topeople, process and technology. Therefore, it is essential they have a cleardefinition of how their business works, with well defined objectives,capabilities and clear measures to assess performance. A business capabilityis a unique activity that a business needs to perform, ranging from strategiccapabilities like demand analysis through to high volume operationalcapabilities such as issuing inventory or executing work in the field.By adopting Business Architecture concepts, organisations can close the gapbetween their high-level objectives and lower level operating processes,helping to embed ‘line of sight’.Top-downObjectives & Strategies definedat the Enterprise levelet IAssObjectivesntensiveirchAssineBusTheGapMissing alignment betweenStrategic Objectives andTactical/OperationalBusiness CapabilitiesteceturBottom-upIT Systems used primarilyfor Operationalbusiness processesOperationsA Business Architecture can be described as “a blueprint of the enterpriseproviding a common understanding of the organisation used to align strategicobjectives and tactical demands.”1 By developing a Business Architecture anorganisation will provide an agreed, consistent and clear model of how theywish to run the business.1Source: Business Architecture Special Intrest Group (BASIG)
THETOOL & THE BENEFITSThe AIBA has allowed us to understand howour business works and identify improvementsAMCL has developed the Asset Intensive Business Architecture (AIBA) modelto enable the rapid design and implementation of management systems thatembed Asset Management principles throughout the organisation. The AIBAtoolset includes a graphical capability model, at multiple levels of granularity,and a comprehensive catalogue defining necessary business capabilities andtheir good practice integration.Organisations can tailor their AIBA model to the needs of their region orindustry, via interactive design workshops. This allows the design of a ‘To-Be’business model as well as an assessment of their current level of maturity(‘As-Is’).Line of sightCapability ModelCapability CataloguePerformance Management FrameworkMethodology & Change ManagementStrategy & ObjectivesLine of sightExample Use CasesProcessModellingIT oadmapsAIBA drives alignment of strategic, tactical & operational businesscapabilities. The benefits to an organisation when deploying AIBA are: embedding effective ‘line of sight’ through business capabilities, linkingthe strategic, tactical and operational domains supporting the development of effective organisational design driving optimised ways of working and the removal of departmental silos providing the model and tools needed to quickly define a future state setof capabilities supporting detailed process mapping across the framework, whilstensuring integration between departments enabling the development of business aligned IT system requirements gap analysis against recognised good practice and the development ofeffective improvement roadmaps.
THEPRACTICAL APPLICATIONUTILITIESPOWERGENTRANSITA growing number of clients across multiple industries have utilised theAIBA model to ensure alignment of their business capabilities, processes,information models, and Asset Information Systems with corporate objectives.AMCL manages and updates three industry-specific versions - AIBA for PowerGeneration, AIBA for Transit, and AIBA for Distributed Utilities - incorporatingdesign experience and good practice from a significant number of globalprojects.AIBA enables organisations to define, model and communicate all activities,interactions, processes and technology systems across the enterprise,including back office functions such as Finance, Procurement and HumanResources. AIBA improves Asset Management decision making by linkinginformation models in Enterprise Asset Management, Enterprise ResourcePlanning and operational IT systems (e.g. IBM Maximo, Infor, SAP, Bentley).AIBA allows the integration of business and performance architectures withenterprise data/application architectures, breaking down barriers betweenthe business and IT.DATA / ITARCHITECTURESBUSINESSARCHITECTURESMANAGEMENT FRAMEWORKBUSINESS ARCHITECTUREPERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORKINFORMATION MODELIT APPLICATIONS / TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTUREDATA ARCHITECTURE
WHATOUR CLIENTS ARE SAYING Our Business Architecture project helped to establish the blueprintfor an integrated management system across all our agencies. Itprovides the basis for a common culture and understanding of whatwe do and how we interact.Director and Program Executive, Asset ManagementMetropolitan Transportation Authority, USAAMCL’s AIBA model was absolutely central to the SSE Generation’stransformation programme, providing a framework across 16areas of the business, allowing the findings to be logged in aconsistent and concise way.The AIBA has allowed us to understand how our business worksand identify improvements; in the future it should provide a stableand accessible operating model through which staff will interactwith one another.Programme Manager for Business TransformationScottish and Southern Energy, UKAt Rail for London Infrastructure (RfLI) we have used the AIBAmodel to help shape our business model for managing theCrossrail infrastructure. It has allowed us to step back anddetermine the core capabilities we will need, identify the interfacesbetween capabilities and clarify the owners of the capabilities forongoing development of the more detailed business processes.The AIBA diagrams are now embedded in the organisationproviding a clear communication and business development toolincluding supporting the specification and implementation of theIT systems that the business will need to manage the railway.Head of InfrastructureRail for London Infrastructure, UKWorking with AMCL and the AIBA model we were able to clarifythe existing Asset Management capabilities and accountabilitiesin our business and those held by our suppliers. Using thisbaseline “as is” model we have started to develop a targetoperating model that will improve ways of working in ourbusiness and across the interfaces with our suppliersHead of Asset ManagementHigh Speed Rail Infrastructure Manager, Europe
KEY CONTACTSAmericas 1 212 370 7319Europe 44 207 688 2828Australasia 61 2 9252 7623enquiries@amcl.comwww.amcl.com
A Business Architecture can be described as “a blueprint of the enterprise providing a common understanding of the organisation used to align strategic objectives and tactical demands.”1 By developing a Business Architecture an organisation will provide an agreed, consistent and clear model of how they wish to run the business.
Asset Keeper Pro - Fixed Asset Cycle Asset Keeper Pro - Fixed Asset Cycle Page 5. Fixed Asset Cycle: Building your own Fixed Asset Cycle If you would prefer to add your own steps to the Fixed Asset Cycle because you are unsure of the procedure that you currently use, you can use the Add Step button. This provides a very quick method
A Practical Guide to SAP . 9.1 Introduction to asset accounting 181 9.2 Structure and methodolgy 183 9.3 Different methods of asset acquisition 184 9.4 Asset master record 185 9.5 Asset acquisitions 190 9.6 Retirements with customer 199 9.7 Asset value adjustments 202 9.8 Reverse asset posting 207 9.9 Asset transfers 208 9.10 Depreciation and closing tasks 211 9.11 Asset drill down and .
mass m extensive kg molar mass M intensive kg mol-1 temperature T intensive K pressure P, p intensive Pa fugacity f intensive Pa density intensive kg m-3 volume V extensive m3 molar volume V m, v, intensive m3 mol-1 heat Q extensive J work W extensive J inner energy U extensive J enthalpy H extensi
hired or self-employed. (c) Intensive SEMP may be provided as: (1) Intensive - 1, which is Intensive SEMP provided to one individual; or (2) Intensive - 2, which is Intensive SEMP provided to a group of 2-8 individuals. (d) Intensive SEMP can only be provided for a time-limited period
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CARESOURCE'S BUSINESS ARCHITECTURE PRACTICE ¡CareSource's Business Architecture practice is part of the Enterprise Architecture team ¡EA team uses Orbus iServer as our primary architecture tool ¡In 2020, launched a reset / maturing focus on the business architecture practices: ¡ Existing capability model rebuilt leveraging Business Architecture Guild's industry reference models
8 Overview Physical infrastructure is an asset-intensive business -Lifecycle : Asset deployment, followed by provision of space, power and services to customers (internal or external ) over many years In steady-state, business performance is directly linked to capex and opex productivity Build the Asset Manage the Asset Asset Lifecycle Management
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