Voluntary Product Accessibility Template(VPAT) 2.3Google Slides Accessibility Conformance ReportVPAT 2.3 Version 1.0 Name of product/version: Google SlidesProduct description: Web applicationDate: 13 November 2020Contact information: apps-accessibility@google.comNote: The following applications were used to evaluate this product:o Desktop browsers: Firefox, Chrome, and Safari.o Assistive technologies: JAWS, NVDA, and VoiceOver.o Accessibility testing tools: Browser developer tools.This report covers the degree of conformance for the following accessibilitystandards/guidelines:o Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 - Level A and Level AA, but not LevelAAA.o Revised Section 508, as published by the U.S. Access Board in the Federal Register onJanuary 18, 2017.o Corrections to the ICT Final Rule as published by the US Access Board in the FederalRegister on January 22, 20181
TerminologyThe terms used in the conformance level information are defined as follows: Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion withoutknown defects or meets with equivalent facilitation. Partially supports: Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion. Does not support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion. Not applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product. Not evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion. This can only be used inWCAG 2.0 Level AAA.WCAG 2.0 ReportTables 1 and 2 also document conformance with: Chapter 5 – 501.1 Scope, 504.2 Content Creation or EditingChapter 6 – 602.3 Electronic Support DocumentationNote: When reporting on conformance with the WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria, they are scoped for fullpages, complete processes, and accessibility-supported ways of using technology as documented in theWCAG 2.0 Conformance Requirements.Table 1: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Success Criteria, Level ANotes:Criteria1.1.1 Non-text Content1.2.1 Audio-only and Videoonly (Prerecorded)Conformance levelRemarks and explanationsSupportsThe Google Slides web applicationprovides text alternatives for nontext items.Not applicableThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not have prerecorded audioonly or prerecorded video-onlymedia.2
CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanations1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded)Not applicableThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not have prerecorded audiocontent.1.2.3 Audio Description orMedia Alternative(Prerecorded)Not applicableThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not have prerecorded videocontent.1.3.1 Info and RelationshipsPartially supportsThe Google Slides web applicationexposes most semantics, withsome exceptions: Some headings do notexpose heading semantics,and headings do not have arequired heading-level. Landmark regions are notidentified.1.3.2 Meaningful SequenceSupportsThe correct reading sequence ismeaningful throughout the GoogleSlides web application.1.3.3 Sensory CharacteristicsSupportsThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not rely on sensorycharacteristics for instructions.1.4.1 Use of ColorSupportsThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not rely on color-alone toconvey information.Not applicableThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not have audio content.1.4.2 Audio Control3
CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanations2.1.1 KeyboardPartially supportsAll functionality is operable usingthe keyboard-alone in the GoogleSlides web application with someexceptions, including: Some tooltips cannot bedisplayed using thekeyboard. The speaker notes panelcannot be resized using thekeyboard. Some interface elements donot operate correctly usingthe keyboard, such asmoving focus away frommenu buttons when theyare using the escape key.2.1.2 No Keyboard TrapPartially supportsThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not cause a keyboard trap,with the following exception: When the overflow toolbaronly has one item in it in themain toolbar, it causes akeyboard trap.2.2.1 Timing AdjustableNot applicableThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not include content with atimeout.2.2.2 Pause, Stop, HideNot applicableThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not have content that blinks,scrolls, or updates regularly.4
CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanations2.3.1 Three Flashes or BelowThresholdSupportsThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not have flashing content.2.4.1 Bypass BlocksSupportsThe Google Slides web applicationprovides a set of shortcuts thatallow keyboard users to skip tovarious locations of the userinterface.2.4.2 Page TitledSupportsThe Google Slides web applicationuses the name of the document forthe page title.2.4.3 Focus OrderSupportsThe Google Slides web applicationhas a meaningful focus order.2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context)SupportsThe Google Slides web applicationhas meaningful link phrases.3.1.1 Language of PageSupportsThe Google Slides web applicationidentifies the default language ofthe page.3.2.1 On FocusSupportsThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not cause a change of contexton focus.3.2.2 On InputPartially supportsThe Google Slides web applicationdoes not cause an unexpectedchange of context when interactingwith elements, with someexceptions: Some elements lose focuswhen dismissed usingescape, such as menu5
CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanationsbuttons and the colorpicker.3.3.1 Error Identification3.3.2 Labels or Instructions4.1.1 ParsingSupportsIf an input error is detected in theGoogle Slides web application, theerror is described to the user intext.Partially supportsThe Google Slides web applicationhas visible labels for most formcontrols, with some exceptions: Some form controls do nothave a label. Some form controls arelabeled using theplaceholder attribute.SupportsThe Google Slides web applicationhas some minor parsing errors, butnone that adversely affectaccessibility.6
Criteria4.1.2 Name, Role, ValueConformance levelPartially supportsRemarks and explanationsThe Google Slides web applicationprovides the correct name, role,state, and other importantaccessibility information for mostform controls, with someexceptions, including: The main menu in thegeneral header is notcorrectly structured. Some combo boxes are notcorrectly structured. Spin buttons do not have abutton role or otherrelevant properties. IFrame elements do nothave an accessible name.7
Table 2: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Success Criteria, Level AANotes:CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanations1.2.4 Captions (Live)Not applicableThe Google Slides webapplication does not have liveaudio content.1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded)Not applicableThe Google Slides webapplication does not have videocontent.Partially supportsThe Google Slides webapplication has sufficientcontrast between theforeground and backgroundcolors, with some exceptions,including: Placeholder text hasinsufficient contrast. Some instructional texthas insufficient contrast. Some buttons and linkshave insufficientcontrast. Selected list box optionshave insufficientcontrast.1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum)8
Criteria1.4.4 Resize textConformance levelRemarks and explanationsPartially supportsText is resizable to 200%throughout the Google Slidesweb application without a lossof content or functionality withsome exceptions: Some dialogs areclipped at the bottomwhen zoomed to 200%. The menu items in thegeneral header areclipped when the text iszoomed to 200%.1.4.5 Images of TextSupportsThe Google Slides webapplication does not containimages of text.2.4.5 Multiple WaysSupportsThe Google Slides webapplication has multiple ways oflocating screens in theapplication.2.4.6 Headings and LabelsSupportsHeadings and labels aredescriptive throughout theGoogle Slides web application.9
CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanations2.4.7 Focus VisiblePartially supportsThe Google Slides webapplication has a visibleindication of focus throughout,with some exceptions: There is no visibleindication of focus whensome checkboxesreceive focus. There is no visibleindication of focus onsome elements, such asinteractive controls inthe animation panel.3.1.2 Language of PartsPartially supportsThe Google Slides webapplication identifies thelanguage of the UI and allowsspecification of the language forthe entire text of the document,but it does not allow users tospecify different languagesmixed within the document text.3.2.3 Consistent NavigationSupportsThe Google Slides webapplication has a consistentnavigation mechanism.3.2.4 Consistent IdentificationSupportsThe Google Slides webapplication components areidentified consistently.3.3.3 Error SuggestionNot applicableThere are no known suggestionsfor correction when errors aredetected in the Google Slidesweb application.10
Criteria3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal,Financial, Data)Conformance levelNot applicableRemarks and explanationsUse of the Google Slides webapplication does not inherentlycause legal commitments orfinancial transactions to occur.11
Table 3: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Success Criteria, Level AAANotes:CriteriaConformance level1.2.6 Sign Language (Prerecorded)Not evaluated1.2.7 Extended Audio Description(Prerecorded)Not evaluated1.2.8 Media Alternative (Prerecorded)Not evaluated1.2.9 Audio-only (Live)Not evaluated1.4.6 Contrast EnhancedNot evaluated1.4.7 Low or No Background AudioNot evaluated1.4.8 Visual PresentationNot evaluated1.4.9 Images of Text (No Exception)ControlNot evaluated2.1.3 Keyboard (No Exception)Not evaluated2.2.3 No TimingNot evaluated2.2.4 InterruptionsNot evaluated2.2.5 Re-authenticatingNot evaluated2.3.2 Three FlashesNot evaluated2.4.8 LocationNot evaluated2.4.9 Link Purpose (Link Only)Not evaluatedRemarks and explanations12
CriteriaConformance level2.4.10 Section HeadingsNot evaluated3.1.3 Unusual WordsNot evaluated3.1.4 AbbreviationsNot evaluated3.1.5 Reading LevelNot evaluated3.1.6 PronunciationNot evaluated3.2.5 Change on RequestNot evaluated3.3.5 HelpNot evaluated3.3.6 Error Prevention (All)Not evaluatedRemarks and explanations13
Section 508 Chapter 3: Functional Performance Criteria (FPC)Notes:CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanations302.1 Without VisionPartially supportsThe Google Slides webapplication provides the correctname, role, state, and otherimportant accessibilityinformation for most interfaceelements. Some decorativeimages are not hidden correctlyfrom assistive technologies.302.2 With Limited VisionPartially supportsThe Google Slides webapplication can be used withlimited vision, but somecontent is clipped whenzoomed to 200%.302.3 Without Perception of ColorSupports302.4 Without HearingSupports302.5 With Limited HearingSupports302.6 Without SpeechSupports14
Criteria302.7 With Limited ManipulationConformance levelRemarks and explanationsPartially supportsThe Google Slides webapplication is usable by peoplewith limited manipulation, butsome operations cannot becompleted using the keyboardalone.302.8 With Limited Reach and StrengthSupports302.9 With Limited Language,Cognitive, and Learning AbilitiesSupports15
Section 508 Chapter 4: HardwareNotes: Google Slides is not a hardware product.CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanations402 Closed Functionality402.1 General402.2 Speech-Output Enabled402.2.1 Information Displayed OnScreenNot applicable402.2.2 Transactional OutputsNot applicable402.2.3 Speech Delivery Type andCoordinationNot applicable402.2.4 User ControlNot applicable402.2.5 Braille InstructionsNot applicable402.3 Volume402.3.1 Private ListeningNot applicable402.3.2 Non-private ListeningNot applicable402.4 Characters on DisplayScreensNot applicable402.5 Characters on VariableMessage SignsNot applicable403 Biometrics403.1 GeneralNot applicable16
CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanations404 Preservation of InformationProvided for Accessibility404.1 GeneralNot applicable405 Privacy405.1 GeneralNot applicable406 Standard Connections406.1 GeneralNot applicable407 Operable Parts407.2 ContrastNot applicable407.3 Input Controls407.3.1 Tactilely DiscernibleNot applicable407.3.2 Alphabetic KeysNot applicable407.3.3 Numeric KeysNot applicable407.4 Key RepeatNot applicable407.5 Timed ResponseNot applicable407.6 OperationNot applicable407.7 Tickets, Fare Cards, andKeycardsNot applicable407.8 Reach, Height and Depth17
CriteriaConformance level407.8.1 Vertical Reference PlaneNot applicable407.8.1.1 Vertical Plane for SideReachNot applicable407.8.1.2 Vertical Plane forForward ReachNot applicable407.8.2 Side ReachNot applicable407.8.2.1 Unobstructed Side ReachNot applicable407.8.2.2 Obstructed Side ReachNot applicable407.8.3 Forward ReachNot applicable407.8.3.1 Unobstructed ForwardReachNot applicable407.8.3.2 Obstructed ForwardReachNot applicable407. Operable Part Heightfor ICT with Obstructed ForwardReachNot applicable407. Knee and Toe Spaceunder ICT with Obstructed ForwardReachNot applicableRemarks and explanations408 Display Screens408.2 VisibilityNot applicable18
Criteria408.3 FlashingConformance levelRemarks and explanationsNot applicable409 Status Indicators409.1 GeneralNot applicable410 Color Coding410.1 GeneralNot applicable411 Audible Signals411.1 GeneralNot applicable412 ICT with Two-Way VoiceCommunication412.2 Volume Gain412.2.1 Volume Gain for WirelineTelephonesNot applicable412.2.2 Volume Gain for NonWireline ICTNot applicable412. 3 Interference Reduction andMagnetic Coupling412.3.1 Wireless HandsetsNot applicable412.3.2 Wireline HandsetsNot applicable412.4 Digital Encoding of SpeechNot applicable19
CriteriaConformance level412.5 Real-Time Text FunctionalityNot applicable412.6 Caller IDNot applicable412.7 Video CommunicationNot applicableRemarks and explanations413 Closed Caption ProcessingTechnologies413.1.1 Decoding and Display ofClosed CaptionsNot applicable413.1.2 Pass-Through of ClosedCaption DataNot applicable414 Audio Description ProcessingTechnologies414.1.1 Digital Television TunersNot applicable414.1.2 Other ICTNot applicable415 User Controls for Captions andAudio Descriptions415.1.1 Caption ControlsNot applicable415.1.2 Audio Description ControlsNot applicable20
Section 508 Chapter 5: SoftwareGoogle Slides is a web application, not a software product. However, the web application includes someauthoring functionality, hence Chapter 5: Software 504 Authoring Tools applies to this product.Criteria501.1 Scope – Incorporation ofWCAG 2.0 AAConformance levelRemarks and explanationsRefer to the WCAG 2.0section.Refer to the WCAG 2.0 section.502 Interoperability with AssistiveTechnology502.2.1 User Control ofAccessibility FeaturesNot applicable502.2.2 No Disruption ofAccessibility FeaturesNot applicable502.3 Accessibility Services502.3.1 Object InformationNot applicable502.3.2 Modification of ObjectInformationNot applicable502.3.3 Row, Column, and HeadersNot applicable502.3.4 ValuesNot applicable502.3.5 Modification of ValuesNot applicable502.3.6 Label RelationshipsNot applicable502.3.7 Hierarchical RelationshipsNot applicable502.3.8 TextNot applicable21
CriteriaConformance level502.3.9 Modification of TextNot applicable502.3.10 List of ActionsNot applicable502.3.11 Actions on ObjectsNot applicable502.3.12 Focus CursorNot applicable502.3.13 Modification of FocusCursorNot applicable502.3.14 Event NotificationNot applicable502.4 Platform AccessibilityFeaturesNot applicableRemarks and explanations503 Applications503.2 User PreferencesNot applicable503.3 Alternative User InterfacesNot applicable503.4 User Controls for Captionsand Audio Description503.4.1 Caption ControlsNot applicable503.4.2 Audio Description ControlsNot applicable504 Authoring Tools22
CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanations504.2 Content Creation or Editing(if not authoring tool, enter “notapplicable”)Partially supportsGoogle Slides provides a modeof operation to create contentthat conforms to WCAG 2.0level A and level AA, with someexceptions. Refer to the WCAG2.0 section for specificexceptions.504.2.1 Preservation ofInformation Provided forAccessibility in Format ConversionSupportsGoogle Slides preservesaccessibility information whenconverting to differentformats.Not applicableGoogle Slides can bedownloaded as a PDF, but thePDF document is not tagged.Partially supportsGoogle Slides does not promptfor text alternatives for nontext content. Instead, usersuse application menus to opena dialog for adding alternativetext.SupportsGoogle Slides provides severaltemplates to create contentthat conforms to WCAG 2.0level A and level AA, with someexceptions. Refer to the WCAG2.0 section for specificexceptions.504.2.2 PDF Export504.3 Prompts504.4 Templates23
Section 508 Chapter 6: Support Documentation and ServicesNotes:CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanations601.1 Scope602 Support Documentation602.2 Accessibility andCompatibility FeaturesSupportsThe documentation for GoogleSlides lists and explains how touse the accessibility andcompatibility features of theproduct, and also includesinstructions to create contentthat incorporates accessibility.See g.co/GSuiteAccessibility602.3 Electronic SupportDocumentationSupportsThe documentation for GoogleSlides complies with WCAG 2.0A/AA.Not applicableAll necessary documentation forGoogle Slides is providedelectronically.Not applicableThe Google Disability Supportteam can answer questionsabout the accessibility of GoogleSlides through various supportchannels. Seeg.co/GSuiteAccessibilitySupportsThe Google Disability Supportteam can answer questionsabout the accessibility of GoogleSlides through various supportchannels. See602.4 Alternate Formats forNon-Electronic SupportDocumentation603 Support Services603.2 Information onAccessibility and CompatibilityFeatures603.3 Accommodation ofCommunication Needs24
CriteriaConformance levelRemarks and explanationsg.co/GSuiteAccessibilityLegal disclaimer 2020 Google LLC. As of the date of its publication indicated in the information table at the beginningof this Conformance Report, this Conformance Report represents the current view of Google regardinginformation about the subject Google product as outlined in the ITI’s “VPAT 2.3 Revised Section 508Edition Version 1.0.” Google cannot guarantee that any information in this Conformance Report willremain accurate after such date of publication, but Google works continuously to monitor theaccessibility of its products and provide updates from time to time. Any modification or customization tothe subject product may render some or all of this Conformance Report to become inapplicable. ThisConformance Report is provided “as is” and for informational purposes only.25
1 Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) 2.3 Google Slides Accessibility Conformance Report VPAT 2.3 Version 1.0 Name of product/version: Google Slides Product description: Web application Date: 13 November 2020 Contact information: apps-accessibility@google.com Note: The f
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) Product Details Date Created: October 24, 2013 Product Name: Salesforce Sales Cloud Version: Summer 2013 Contact for more Information: accessibility@salesforce.com Supporting Features Supports Use this language when you determine the product fully meets the letter and intent of the Criteria.
F.A.Davis Accessibility Conformance Report VPAT Version 2.1 – March 2018 Name of Product/Version: Davis Advantage for Medical-Surgical Nursing Product Description: Content management system deliv
Voluntary Life - minimum group size: 3 (depends on state) Voluntary Critical Illness - minimum group size: 10 Voluntary Dental - minimum group size: 5 Voluntary Vision -- minimum group size: 50 Health Net: Health Net offers voluntary dental, voluntary vision, and voluntary term supplemental coverage to groups of two or more. Voluntary .
Google Accessibility Conformance Report Revised Section 508 Edition (Based on VPAT 1 Version 2.4) Name of Product/Version: Google Groups (May, 2021) Report Date: 24 May 2021 Product Description: Google Groups is a web application which allows users to send, receive, and manage group emails. Contact Information: vpat-questions@google.com Notes:
"Voluntary Product Accessibility Template" and "VPAT" are registered . This report covers the degree of conformance for the following accessibility standard/guidelines: . Web, Chapter 10 - Non-Web documents, Section 11.2.1- Non-Web Software (excluding closed functionality), and Section 11.2.2 - Non-Web Software (closed functionality
Notes Conformance according to the W3C: If there is no content to which a success criterion applies, the success criterion is satisfied. In this case where we conform due to no applicable content we have marked the slide 5 with “Supports*” –note the asterisks. Additional Information Accessibility in ScienceDirect Overview:
“Voluntary Product Accessibility Template” and “VPAT” are registered service marks of the Information Technology Industry Cou ncil (IT
Zoo Animal Nutrition III (2006) was edited by A. Fidgett, M. Clauss, K. Eulenberger, J.-M. Hatt, I. Hume, G. Janssens, J. Nijboer. Filander Verlag, Fürth ISBN-10: 3-930831-57-0 ISBN-13: 978-3-930831-57-9 To obtain a copy of the book, contact Filander Verlag at info@filander.de BIRDS Schoemaker, N.J. Some diet-related problems seen in birds 1 Ghysels, P. Transferring birds to pellet feeding 1 .