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March 2010Issue #11This month’s features:Our Staff:George Lewis – Interim Editor In ChiefDVA Vice President From the President . 3Terry Eshenour From the Editor . 6George LewisLarry Foltran – LayoutA320 Chief Pilot Meet the Queen B747 . 7Rob MorganContact the Delta FLY! DVA Dispatch Tour . 10David KeechPhotos & Screenshots courtesy of: Larry Foltran Rob Morgan & David Keech Tips for Take Off in the CRJ . 13Mark SalterOn the Cover: A320 vs MD-88. 16Larry FoltranDelta Virtual Airlines (DVA) is in no way affiliated with Delta AirLines or any of its subsidiaries. The information contained in thisdocument is for flight simulation use only. This document isfreeware only.A330 over Salt Lake City – Mark SpringsteenIf you want your photo to be considered for the cover of a futureedition of Delta FLY!, send an email to the above email addresswith the subject Cover Photo. Please do not send the photo itself,but instead provide a link to the photo (i.e., from the WaterCooler). If you have to send the photo itself, send it Photos must be your own work. Please donot recommend photos that are not yours. Photo copyrightsbelong to the original author and will not be used withoutpermission. If you want a photo to be used as filler within DeltaFLY!, the same rules apply.All Rights Reserved. This publication may not be reproduced, inpart or its entirety, without the expressed permission of DVA andthe Editor. Images used are copyrighted by their respectiveowners.2Page 2March 2010

Fellow Pilots,This was a year of major transitionstemming from Delta Air Lines’ acquisitionof Northwest Airlines. The merger addedNWA flights and new equipment to DeltaVirtual Airlines. This was all good newssince we now have three new aircraftprograms, -- B747, A320, and A330.Our age, continued development andgrowth are testimony to the airline’s overallsuccess. Our founders discovered abusiness plan that met and continues tomeet the needs of our community. Astestament to the quality and character ofour operation, Luke Kolin pointed outrecently that our pilot database is completefrom the inception of the business. For me,it is a privilege to be a member and havethe opportunity to serve on themanagement team.At the start of year 8 we set goals for ourorganization. Continue to focus on serving withexcellence. Hire additional staff to support in atimely manner our pilots.This is our Ninth Anniversary ofproviding aviation virtual services to ourpilots. While nine years in non-virtual timemay not be considered long; in virtualairlines longevity terms, we are definitelymature.Delta Virtual Airlines continued togrow as we moved into the 8,000 series forPilot ID’s in the 8th year. Currently we havemore than 2,100 active pilots. We have 40dedicated volunteers on staff providingprogram services to our pilots. Our pilotsare hard at work flying 404,000 flight legs,1 million hours and covering 347 millionnautical miles since the inception of theairline. Revise exam questions and aircraftoperating manuals to assureaccuracy and eliminate vaguequestions. Revise Flight Academy curriculum. Introduce Dispatch feature forACARS. Complete fleet upgrade to be FSXcompatible.3Page 3March 2010

In the twelve months that followed,staff has made considerable headway inachieving and in many cases surpassing thegoals. The Flight Academy was temporarilyclosed to revise curriculum. Totally volunteer funded to coveroperating expenses. Northwest Airline Merger resulted inadding NWA flights to DVA scheduledatabase and creating A320 andB747 programs. Active membership capped at 2,500to ensure our ability to deliverexcellent service. USA terminal charts updated every 3months. ACARS submitted flight reports forthe 10 flight legs for promotion. Live Dispatch using ACARS createdwith a staff dedicated to researchingroutes and providing live, on-requestservice. Fleet is FSX compatible.Our goals for our 9th year of operationcontain some familiar and additional items. Continue to focus on serving withexcellence. Hire additional staff to provideservices in a timely manner to ourpilots. Revise exam questions and aircraftoperating manuals to assureaccuracy and eliminate vaguequestions. Revise Flight Academy curriculum. Equip pilots with additional aviationknowledge throughout advancement. Add aircraft to our fleet. Exam questions review and revisionswas completed. The exams aremultiple choice, auto-graded withprompt results supplied to the pilot. AOM revisions published include: L1011 MD-88, A320.There were staff changes in the past 12months that are too involved and numerousto enumerate. All changes are posted onthe website. Volunteers often experiencereal world demands that prevent them fromcarrying out their roles. Also, after servingin one position for extended periods of timethere is often burnout when the role is nolonger enjoyable. This is a managementchallenge to detect burnout in advance andfind a different situation for the individual.We want our staff members to enjoy theirroles just like we hope our pilots enjoy“working” for DVA.4Page 4March 2010

I am grateful for the multitude ofcontributions our staff, management andpilots contribute unselfishly for thebetterment of DVA. This characteristic iscommon among aviators including virtualaviators. Lacking contributors, we wouldnot be able to function at the level we areexperiencing.Should you have a specific question or aproblem with flight reporting, check rides,fleet installer, signatures, create a HelpDesk issue. This gives us the ability toassign the matter to the individual bestequipped to resolve it. We can also trackthe progress of resolving the matter. Staffand administrative issues placed in theWater Cooler can get lost and they arepublic.The publication of Delta Fly! is a timeconsuming and often times frustrating taskfor the writers, editors and publishers.Every effort is made to publish quarterly,but time constraints do not always permit.George Lewis, and Larry Foltran are theenergy behind its publication. We aredeeply indebted to these gentlemen fortheir efforts. Their talented and energeticinputs produce a professional qualitypublication. We always have a need forcontent and assistance in publishing DeltaFly! Let George or myself know if youwould like to take a role.Your organization is busy, vibrant andmaintains a high level of participation in theCooler, events and instruction.Wishing you all a safe end ofwinter/summer for our southernhemisphere pilots.Thank you for flying Delta Virtual Airlines,Terry Eshenour (DVA057)President, Senior Captain5Page 5March 2010

Welcome to the 9th anniversaryedition of the Delta FLYThis issue features articles on theCRJ, A320, B744, and Dispatch.We are looking for someone to takeover the reins as the Delta FLY Editor.Ideally, you should have some experienceputting together newsletters/publicationsand have a good grasp of the Englishlanguage and of course, be a DVA memberin good standing. If you are interested inthis position, please send an e-mail toHuman Resources at you are interested in seeingcertain topics covered in this newsletter, orwould be interested in submitting an articleto the FLY, please contact me via email Please keep in mindthat as a rule, we do not do reviews onproducts, as this would be an endorsement.Any articles you may be interested in forthe FLY! should be related to Delta VirtualAirlines. If you’re not sure, send me anemail.RegardsGeorge Lewis, DVA Vice President6Page 6March 2010

The 747 Program Celebrates its First AnniversaryRob Morgan (DVA2784)Chief Pilot, DVA B747 ProgramFebruary 3 2009 saw the launch ofDVA’s much anticipated Boeing 747program. A huge amount of work went intothe launch of this program. Fleet aircrafthad to be found, tested, and packaged forpilot download. The result is the ProjectOpen Sky B747-400 for both FSX and FS9that is the merged with the iFly panel,complete with a Flight Management Systemthat is nearly as good as a payware FMS.But yes, there are some limitations. Also forFS9 only, there are B747-100 and -200models based on the Ready For Pushbackfreeware package. Both are well modeledand can be a challenge to fly.A new Operations Manual was alsowritten and the information within testedand validated. A check ride had to bedeveloped and extensively tested to makesure it was a fair, yet challenging test of aStage 4 pilot’s skills. More about the checkride a bit later.Now just over a year later, there are58 members of the 747 program and manyothers hold ratings in the aircraft.Personally, I was honored and humbled tobe asked to serve as the first Chief Pilot forthis program. I knew from my experiencewith the EMB-120 program that setting up anew program would be a difficult task. Ialso knew that, with the help of the DVAstaff, it could be done. Of particular note,George Lewis and Luke Kolin whereinvaluable in getting the program launched.Both spent many hours putting the fleet747 through its paces, identifying areasthat needed work and providing critical dataon aircraft performance.Then as the7Page 7March 2010

program went live, we hired John DeBarr asmy Assistant Chief Pilot. I doubt a betterACP exists. John is a perfect complementto the program and puts in many hourshelping to ensure the entire program runssmoothly. Thank you John for all you havedone.All of the hard work has paid off. Itis my own humble opinion that the B747 isnot only the Queen of the Skies, but theQueen of the Fleet as well. Those whomaster her can hold their heads highknowing that there are no limits to theirvirtual piloting skills.I do want to take a few moments totalk about the B747-400 check ride. Asmany have found out the hard way, the747 check ride is not one you can simplykick the tires (all 18of them) and lightthe fires, and expectto pass. This flighttakes planning andyou must be able touseallthecapabilities of theFMS to the fullest.Both the departureandarrivalprocedures are bothRNAV based andloaded with speed and altitude restrictions.In fact, many of the fixes have both aspeed and altitude restriction associatedwith them.It is almost impossible to flythese procedures if you cannot properlyload the route AND restrictions into the FMS.The fleet installer includes the iFly B747manual which is several hundred pageslong and includes a highly detailed sectionon using the FMS. It is a must read. Also,the Aircraft Operations Manual includesdetails on the known limitations of the FMSand provides work arounds for theselimitations. The AOM also has completecheck lists and a complete tutorial to help anew pilot get comfortable with the aircraft.After mastering the departure andarrivals, the pilot must then negotiate a180-degree turn from the last arrival fix tothe ILS approach. This segment must beflown with the auto pilot off. Yes, you mustmanually fly the 180-degree turn whilemaintain level flight throughout the turn.This is not terribly difficult as long as youproperly manage the “Pitch, Power & Trim”and leave the 600 pound gorilla in thecargo hold. Make your control inputs in asmooth and easy manner. If you findyourself overshooting the turn, don’t turnharder. Instead, turn longer and correctback for the other side. Yes, the 747 is abig and heavy aircraft that will respond verynicely to a gentle touch. Attempting to flyher like a fighter with aggressive inputs andsteep bank angles will give you nothing butproblems. You must be ahead of theaircraft and anticipate what you want her todo next. After the turn, it is a simplematter of hand flying an ILS approach.Again, the ILS procedure has severalaltitude restrictions that must be compliedwith.8Page 8March 2010

What are the most common errors?Violationofspeedand/oraltituderestrictions, poorly executed turn to final,poorly flown final approach segment,incorrect aircraft loading, and poor fuelplanning.Bottom line, whether you use thefleet B747-400 or the PMDG B747-400 forthe check ride, the standards are the sameand to be successful, you must plan theflight in its entirety. You must study thecharts, properly plan the fuel (hint - use theAOM), the aircraft must be loaded per thecheck ride instructions, and the correctroute entered in ACARS. Oh yeah, youmust actually fly the route and conform tothe restrictions specified by the chartedprocedures.This has been a rewarding first year for theprogram and I have high hopes for the yearto come. To everyone who calls the 747home, congratulations on making this asuccessful program.49Page 9March 2010

A Tour of DVA’s ACARS Dispatch FeatureDavid Keech (DVA613)Director of Dispatch, DVA B727 ProgramI would like to welcome you to theDispatch office of Delta Virtual Airlines. Wehave a small staff, but work diligently tosee that your needs get met. As we beginour tour, I must warn you that the use offlash photography is not permitted and youare also being video recorded as weprogress through the operations area.We first start off by introducing youto the program. Once you log into ACARSand have selected your departure andarrival airports, you will notice the DispatchButton is lit up. By clicking this button, youare sending a request to any availabledispatcher of your intent to use theprogram. What exactly does this do?10Page 10March 2010

Well, as you can see by the examplebelow, the program will recognize theroutes you wish to fly, in this case KSLC toKLAX.This will then fill in the routeinformation on the screen. If no Air TrafficControl (ATC) is online, the dispatcherassigns a squawk code, typically 2200 forDVA. If ATC is online, we will coordinatesquawk codes to act as a ramp agent.Otherwise, you will get your squawk codefrom the online controller.The preferred route is immediatelyrecognized. The Dispatcher then acceptsthe preferred route. This is where theymust do their homework. In the case ofSalt Lake City (KSLC), you can’t use theSevyr1 SID for southbound operations. TheDispatcher then adjusts your fuel levels, sothat you have enough juice to get to yourpreferred destination, and then neatlypackages it up and sends to you.You then have the opportunity toreview it and accept or reject it. If accepted,ACARS will download a .pln file for yourGPS. You retrieve it from the downloadspot and your route is in the GPS.11Page 11March 2010

It really is that simple. Once you areonline and see under the pilots list aperson’s name shaded in green, that’s adispatcher. Try it the next time you fly.You’ll be amazed at how well it works.In the near future, we plan onhaving Dispatch coordinate an event. Onceimplemented, you will log onto Vatsim andimmediately contact the Dispatcher who willgive you your route and squawk code (ascoordinated with the local ARTCC). He willthen function as a ramp agent and grantyou push start and taxi to spot clearance.This will provide an added sense of realismto DVA group events.Remember; if you ever get stuck,just ask for someone on ACARS to help you.Members of the DVA staff or otherexperienced pilots are always connected atone time or another. Special thanks toJamal Broderick and Terry Kocher forassisting me in this endeavor, as you cansee by the chat messages, we hadissues LOL.Happy Flying!412Page 12March 2010

Mark Salter (DVA3787)Assistant Chief Pilot, DVA CRJ ProgramThe most successful jet in the regional industry, the CRJ is an absolutely rewardingaircraft to get behind the yoke of. However, the seemingly small jet has multiple challengesthe pilot must face, takeoff being the most notorious. I have compiled a list of some tricks thatwill help make the most out of your CRJ flight experience and definitely give you that edgeneeded to pass the checkride.Trim Proper trimming of the elevators isessential to victory and safety during takeoff. If youdo not have the trim freely available to use, thensilently scold yourself! You should go to theassignments menu in flight simulator and assign the"trim up" and "trim down" commands to a key orbutton. The elevator trim wheel in the CRJ is rotateddown or up and the pitch is affected respectively. Thewheel should be rotated down until the white selectoris about 3/4 the way down. The CRJ needs a littleextra lift support to get her aloft.Upon reaching V1, the yokeshould be smoothly pulled backjust enough to establish apositive rate of climb. In the Wilco CRJ, the elevator trim can be vieweddigitally under the STAT page. It is marked as STAB (Stabilizer).Trimming down to 6 is OK; just don't go past the green safety margin.13Page 13March 2010

Payload The default weight for theCRJ in FS is overweight! It is imperative ndedvalues.Remember, the MTOW (Maximum TakeoffWeight) is 51,000 lbs and the maximumlanding weight is 47,000 lbs.Theappropriate payload settings can be viewedin the Aircraft Operating Manual. Therehave been no accidents on record dealingwith an overweight landing, but youshouldn't take chances. Airlines also don'tlike the costs of overweight landinginspections. Too heavy a CRJ will cause theaircraft to unsafely waste excessiveamounts of runway. In the Wilco, makesure the PERF page of the FMS coincideswith the total gross weight FS gives you.completely unnecessary, this is extremelybad for the engines. I usually takeoff with92% N1. A safe range is between 85%95% N1. Some of the factors I considerwhen pre-planning my N1 settings are airdensity, runway length, and gross weight.The more dense the air, the more lift thewings can utilize to takeoff thus needingless thrust to do so. Density ties right in totemperature and air pressure. The colderthe OAT (Outside Air Temperature) is, themore dense the air. A higher pressure alsoincreases air density. On the contrary, if theair is less dense, there is less air availablefor the wings to gain lift, therefore requiringa boost in power. Sensibly, a short runwayand a heavy aircraft may need more thrustfor a safe takeoff. If using the Wilco, theFMS will calculate your N1 settings basedon a variety of inputs entered on the PERFpage. A reference bug will show up on theengine statistics screen indicating theproper N1 required.N1% Many CRJ pilot reports havean extravagant N1 percentage. Withthrottles pushed fully forward, the enginescan easily break into the red zone at morethan 100% N1. Aside from being14Page 14March 2010

Flaps We extend flaps duringtakeoff to increase the amount of lift thewings can get produce. Flaps also decreasethe stall speed of the aircraft. The standardCRJ flap setting is 20 and should be setprior to taking off. You should retract theflaps based on some given conditionscalculated during your pre-flight stage. Youcannot retract the flaps until 1,000 feetOCA (Obstacle Clearance Altitude) and V2 20 knots, assuming you have flaps 20 set.An airport facility chart contains altitudemarkings for obstructions within the vicinity.I hope this information will aid the massivenumber of questions regarding the CRJtakeoff procedure, improve those PIREPs,and clean up checkrides. For morequestions, the CRJ staff is always availableto offer help. We live an email away!415Page 15March 2010

Larry Foltran (DVA1679)Chief Pilot, DVA A320 ProgramAs part of the merging of fleets between Delta and Northwest Airlines, DVA pilots cannow enjoy logging flight time in the Airbus A320 and A319. After some time at the helm of theMD-88/90 program, I was flattered to be given the honor of being DVA’s first A320 Chief Pilot.Needless to say I did receive some grief over this move from our more die-hard Mad Dogpilots, but it was clearly all in fun or so I’d like to believe.In reality, I felt I was making the jump from one very unique aircraft to another veryunique aircraft, each on separate ends of the spectrum. During this transition, I found myselfco

stemming from Delta Air Lines’ acquisition of Northwest Airlines. The merger added NWA flights and new equipment to Delta Virtual Airlines. This was all good news since we now have three new aircraft programs, -- B747, A320, and A330. This is our Ninth Anniversary of providing aviation virtual services to our pilots.

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