GLASS SUSAN BERRY Intro To Beadmaking

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MULTI WEEK CLASSESSUPPLY LISTS ONLINEGLASSSUSAN BERRYIntro to BeadmakingLevel: Beginner/IntermediateVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 249 member/ 299 non-member/supply fee includedSupply list onlineLimited enrollment! This course will teach the technique of manipulating glass rods in a flame. Youwill learn the process of melting glass over a mandrel to produce a beautiful glass bead.· BER040121: 4 Thursdays, April 1-22, 5:30-8:30pmSHERI ROULEAUIntro to Glass FusingLevel: Beginner/IntermediateVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 105 member/ 155 non-member/supply fee includedSupply list onlineThis one day, introductory session (a pre-requisite for other fused glass courses) will give youelementary knowledge of kiln formed glass while creating your own exciting fused and slumpedglass pieces. Fundamental fusing terminology, technology and principles will be covered, alongwith a studio tour to familiarize you with all the equipment and materials available to you. Pleasebring your lunch for a 30 minute lunch break.· ROU031921: Friday, March 19, 10am-2:30pm· ROU050721: Friday, May 7, 10am-2:30pmSHERI ROULEAUIndependent Study Fused GlassLevel: Intermediate, pre-req: Intro to Glass FusingVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/glass firing feesSupply list onlineThis class is for glass artists with experience. The instructor will mentor individually to assist withyour unique fused glass projects.· ROU032921: 5 Mondays, March 29-April 26, 1-4pm· ROU040321: 5 Saturdays, April 3-May 1, 9am-noonSUSAN BERRYIndependent Study Fused GlassLevel: Intermediate, pre-req: Intro to Glass FusingVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road · Supply list online5wks: 164 member/ 214 non-member/glass firing fees4wks: 131 member/ 181 non-member/glass firing feesThis glass fusing class is for all levels, beginners through advanced. The instructor will mentorstudents at their level with individual projects chosen by the student or suggested by the instructor.· BER033121: 4 Wednesdays, March 31-April 21, 1-4pmMILA STANISICMosaicsLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 209 member/ 259 non-member/material & tool fees includedSupply list onlineLearn basic glass cutting skills, mosaic glass laying techniques and the basics of the direct methodof making mosaic art. Class tuition covers glass for a 2-foot-square project, larger projects will becharged an additional 30 per-square-foot.· STA040121-2: Thursdays, April 1-22, 1-4pmMILA STANISICStained GlassLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 209 member/ 259 non-member/studio fee includedSupply list onlineBuild a stained glass piece, cut and shape glass and assemble the pieces using copper foil and soldertechniques. Patterns available. Class tuition covers glass for a 2-foot-square project, larger projectswill be charged an additional 30 per-square-foot.· STA040121-1: 4 Thursdays, April 1-22, 9am-noon22 CENTERS FOR THE ARTS BONITA SPRINGS MARCH 2021

SIGN UP EARLY!MULTI WEEK CLASSESJEWELRYBARBARA ELLISBeadweavingLevel: AllMondays: Performing Arts Center, 10150 Bonita Beach RoadThursdays: Visual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/inst. supply feeSupply list onlineThis five week workshop is for beginners as well as those with bead weaving experience. Learn thefoundational bead weaving stitches necessary for developing beaded jewelry pieces and more. Noclasses on 4/12/2021 or 4/15/2021.· ELL032921: 5 Mondays, March 29-May 3, 1-4pm (No class April 12)· ELL040121: 5 Thursdays, April 1-May 6, 1-4pm (No class April 15)CALLIGRAPHYJEAN BEAVERThe Art of CalligraphyLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 109 member/ 159 non-member/ 25 inst. feeSupply list onlineCalligraphy is a learned art form. Anyone can learn with instruction and practice. Students willbecome familiar with use of a broad-edged pen nib and will learn two beautiful alphabets, Romanand Bookhand. Instructor will show examples of calligraphy usage.· JBE040121: 5 Thursdays, April 1-29, 9-11amPAINTING / DRAWINGRUTHE SHOLLERColored Pencil PaintingLevel: Intermediate/AdvancedVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineCreate masterful, vibrant colored pencil paintings layer by layer.· SHO033021: 5 Tuesdays, March 30-April 27, 1-4pmMULTI WEEK CLASSES CANCELLATION AND REFUND POLICY· If you need to cancel your workshop reservation the Centers mustbe notified by phone 239.495.8989, or email:,10 business days before the start of class.· There is a 10 fee for cancellations and transfers.· Refunds issued after classes begin will be 50% of remaining classesin session.· The Centers do not offer make-up classes. Instructors may offermake-ups pending availability and space.· It is the student’s responsibility to read and understand the rightsand responsibilities of attending classes at the Centers for the Arts· Refund requests received less than 10 business days before the startas described of class will incur a 25% fee.· No transfers or refunds once session is complete.ARTCENTERBONITA.ORG 23

MULTI WEEK CLASSESSUPPLY LISTS ONLINEPAINTING / DRAWINGCAROL BROMANFriday Figure StudyLevel: AllPerforming Arts Center, 10150 Bonita Beach Road 179 member/ 229 non-member/model fee includedSupply list onlineJoin us for a Friday long pose figure study class with Carol Broman. Models will be nude, clothed orcostumed. Don’t miss this opportunity to work with Carol. Space is limited.· CBR040221: 5 Fridays, April 2-30, 10am-1pmMONITORFigure Study—All Mediums with ModelLevel: AllPerforming Arts Center, 10150 Bonita Beach Road 140 member/ 190 non-memberDrop-ins 33 member/ 37 non-member · Supply list onlineWork from life in this class with the medium of your choice. Models are clothed or nude. Mondays—long pose, Wednesdays—short pose possibly leading to long pose. Drop-ins welcome.· FIG032921: 5 Mondays, March 29-April 26, 1-4pm· FIG033121: 5 Wednesdays, March 31-April 28, 1-4pmPAINTINGSCOTT BROWNPastel PassionsLevel: Beginner/IntermediateVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/supply fee includedSupply list onlineDevelop a passion for pastels while you learn how to transform color and shape into beautiful andintricate works of art.· SBR033121: 5 Wednesdays, March 31-April 28, 9am-noonJOHN ROBBOLINOPainting Oil & AcrylicLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineBasics of laying out your design, mixing colors and techniques for applying paint will be coveredalong with mentoring of accomplished artists. You may choose your own subject matter or theinstructor will provide options.· ROB040221: 5 Fridays, April 2-30, 1-4pmDEE JULIANIntro to AcrylicsLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineThis is a follow along class giving you the basics of acrylic painting. Dee will lead you throughexercises in mixing colors, blending, drawing and shading, and information on materials/suppliesused in acrylic painting.· JUL040121: 5 Thursdays, April 1-29, 9am-noon24 CENTERS FOR THE ARTS BONITA SPRINGS MARCH 2021

SIGN UP EARLY!MULTI WEEK CLASSESPAINTINGSUNNY KRCHMARBeginning WatercolorLevel: BeginnerVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineThis class is both an introduction to watercolor techniques and an opportunity to delve intothe process. Choosing subject material, painting styles, sketching, journaling, tools, techniques,lighting and capturing movement are some of the topics addressed in this exploratory class.· KRC033021: 5 Tuesdays, March 30-April 27, 9am-noonLINDA BACHOFNERIntermediate Watercolor 1Level: IntermediateVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineFor students moving to the intermediate level, expand the techniques of watercolor and continue toexplore color mixing/application. Demos will enable you to understand how to build the paintingand assistance will be available throughout the class time. Enjoy the thrill of watercolor!· BAC033021-1: 5 Tuesday, March 30-April 27, 9am-noonLINDA BACHOFNERIntermediate Watercolor 2Level: IntermediateVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineExpand your watercolor skills and knowledge as we develop a painting. Demos will be giventhroughout the process, then step by step build our paintings. Material research of the “Tried andTrue” will be discussed. Assistance available throughout the class time.· BAC033021-2: 5 Tuesdays, March 30-April 27, 1-4pmSHIRLEY BLAKEAcrylics—Traditional to ExperimentalLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineDiscover the many versatile properties of acrylic paints. Students can choose to work in a traditionalmanner or be experimental with their techniques. Design, visual impact and your personal paintinglanguage will be the main focus of this class. References available, demos and critiques a part ofeach class. All mediums are welcome.· BLA032921: 5 Mondays, March 29-April 26, 9am-noonJACKIE ZORNDriven to AbstractionLevel: Beginner/IntermediateVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineStudy works by Modernists’ Bluemner, Diller, Hartley, Matisse, Mondrian, Morris, O’Keeffe andTorr; and Contemporary artists Basquiat, Frankenthaler and Mitchell. Examine works of 2-3 artistsin each class, studying how they employ line, shape, form, color and composition. Learn whycertain pieces are successful. Students complete 1-2 works in each class with a group critique everyother week. Discussion of artists’ practices will inform and incorporate joy into our own practice above all, we’ll have FUN!· ZOR040321: 5 Saturdays, April 3-May 1, 9am-noon239.495.8989 ARTCENTERBONITA.ORG 25

MULTI WEEK CLASSESSUPPLY LISTS ONLINEPAINTINGRICHARD KIRKBeginning Painting Oil/Acrylic—FundamentalsLevel: BeginnerONLINE ONLY 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineThis class provides students with basic information about drawing, painting materials, paintingtechniques and product safety. Richard’s class follows his book, “Painting Fundamentals,” which isa step-by-step guide, designed to help you build confidence through study and practice. Richard’sbook is available for purchase during the first class. Students may start with either beginning class.· KIR040121-2: 5 Thursdays, April 1-29, 1-4pmRICHARD KIRKIntermediate PaintingLevel: IntermediateONLINE ONLY 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineThis class provides students a transitional step from beginning to advanced painters. Richardwill provide the reference and paint along with students. In addition to painting techniques,photography and the tools you need to advance your work will be discussed.· KIR040221-1: 5 Fridays, April 2-30, 9am-noonRICHARD KIRKPalette Knife PaintingLevel: Intermediate/AdvancedONLINE ONLY 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineExplore a multitude of textures and effects as you learn the basics of palette knife painting. Uselarge, small and specialty blade shapes to create beautiful rich surface interest on you finished work.Mix, spread, splash and render your painting from the ground up using painting knives, with someinitial sketching to start.· KIR040221-2: 5 Fridays, April 2-30, 1-4pmRICHARD KIRKPortraits from PhotosLevel: Intermediate/AdvancedONLINE ONLY 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineCreate beautiful paintings of your loved ones in oil or acrylic. Richard’s class follows his book,“Portrait Painting from Photography,” which is a step-by-step guide to help achieve excellentresults. His book can be purchased during the first class.· KIR040121-1: 5 Thursdays, April 1-29, 9am-noonRICHARD KIRKAdvanced PaintingLevel: AdvancedONLINE ONLY 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineEach class begins with a brief review of a specific topic. If you seek to improve your skills, experimentwith new techniques or build a cohesive body of work—this class will address your needs.· KIR033121: 5 Wednesdays, March 31-April 28, 9am-noon· KIR040321; 5 Saturdays, April 3-May 1, 9am-noonBILL KREUTZArtist’s Choice—Oil, Acrylic, Pastel, WatercolorLevel: All with ExperienceONLINE ONLY 164 member/ 214 non-memberSupply list onlineYou pick the subject and the medium—oil, acrylic, pastel, watercolor—and work from yourpersonal references to explore composition, color, perspective, lighting, brush strokes and more.Artist’s Choice with Master Artist Bill Kreutz is a social, lighthearted class involving mentoring tobring out the best of your natural abilities. Limited enrollment.· KRE033021: 5 Tuesdays, March 30-April 27, 1-4pm26 CENTERS FOR THE ARTS BONITA SPRINGS MARCH 2021

SIGN UP EARLY!MULTI WEEK CLASSESPOTTERYRINNY RYANHandbuildingLevel: Intermediate/AdvancedVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/ 50 clay · glaze · firingSupply list onlineThis class is for intermediate and advanced handbuilders ready to explore. The class will give youthe techniques that will make your pottery excel!· RYA033121-1: 5 Wednesdays, March 31-April 28, 9am-noonThrowingLevel: Intermediate/AdvancedVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/ 50 clay · glaze · firingSupply list onlineFor intermediate and advanced potters, this class will help you take your throwing to the next level.· RYA033121-2: 5 Wednesdays, March 31-April 28, 1-4pmSANDY LAWSONBeginning WheelLevel: BeginnerVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/ 50 clay · glaze · firingSupply list onlineThis class will open you up to the wonders of the potter’s wheel. The basics of wedging, centering,throwing and glazing will be taught. Repeated demos and individual attention.· LAW040221-1: 5 Fridays, April 2-30, 9am-noonBeginning Slab Rolling & HandbuildingLevel: BeginnerVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/ 50 clay · glaze · firingSupply list onlineLearn how to create functional and non-functional work using the slab roller and handbuilding.The possibilities are endless! This is a fun class for beginners, however anyone is welcome.· LAW033021: 5 Tuesdays, March 30-April 27, 9am-noonExtreme Functional PotteryLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/ 50 clay · glaze · firingSupply list onlineHand builders and wheel throwers unite to design and create fun table wear. Serving dishes, berrybowls, chip n’ dips, pitchers and flower vases. Combine hand built and wheel thrown pieces, cutpots apart and reassemble, add funky feet, handles, lugs and lids.· LAW032921-1: 5 Mondays, March 29-April 26, 9am-noonPersonal PathwaysLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/ 50 clay · glaze · firingSupply list onlinePursue and explore your own ideas with instructional guidance to achieve your individual goals inwheel throwing or hand building; alter or combine different techniques to create something that isuniquely your own.· LAW032921-2: 5 Mondays, March 29-April 26, 1-4pm· LAW040221-2: 5 Fridays, April 2-20, 1-4pmSTEVE KRAVECMastering the WheelLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/ 50 clay · glaze · firingSupply list onlineYou’ll get hooked! As a unique fluid rotating tool, the potter’s wheel fascinates its user. Learn basicwheel throwing techniques for making a variety of clay vessels.· KRA033021: 5 Tuesdays, March 30-April 27, 6-9pmDENOTES ONLINE OPTION239.495.8989 ARTCENTERBONITA.ORG 27

MULTI WEEK CLASSESSUPPLY LISTS ONLINESCULPTUREJOANNE MATHESIntro to Clay SculptureLevel: BeginnerVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/ 50 clay · glaze · firingSupply list onlineLearn the basics of sculpting a 3-dimensional form in clay. Let your imagination take flight as yousculpt creatures, flora & fauna, organic shapes or abstract designs. This class is for beginners orthose who would like to explore with clay.· MAT033021: 5 Tuesdays, March 30-April 27, 1-4pmDOUG CORSINICreative Clay Sculpture—Open WorkLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 164 member/ 214 non-member/ 50 clay · glaze · firingSupply list onlineAll clay modeling in 3D is learning the use of tools and techniques in water based clay. This is astudy of a creative style in figures, portrait heads and a variety of subjects. Free expression will makethis an exciting journey.· COR040121: 5 Thursdays, April 1-29, 1-4pmSTEVE KRAVECIntro to Metal SculptureLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 214 member/ 264 non-member/materials fee includedSupply list onlineThis course is a combination of lectures, demonstrations and hands-on experience. Students areintroduced to the basic use of tools and techniques for fabrication of metals. The basic techniquesof cutting, forming, joining and finishing metal are covered. All students create physical samplesdemonstrating various techniques.· KRA032921: 5 Mondays, March 29-April 26, 9am-noonTERRIE MERTENSIntro to Stone CarvingLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 50 member/ 100 non-memberSupply list onlineThis one day, introductory session (a pre-requisite for other stone carving courses) will give you allthe information needed to enter the exciting world of stone sculpture. Learn about the tools youwill need, types of stones, how to design your stone, important safety issues and what it will take tocomplete your project.· MER032721: Saturday, March 27, 9am-noonTERRIE MERTENSRomancing The StoneLevel: All, pre-req: Intro to Stone CarvingVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road6wk: 270 member/ 320 non-member/stone fee5wk: 225 member/ 275 non-member/stone fee · Supply list onlineExplore your creative side by carving a variety of natural stones. Discover unique colors, texturesand properties of stones. Use hand or power tools to carve your finished masterpiece. Size andcomplexity of design may require multiple sessions.· MER040121: 6 Thursdays, April 1-May 6, 9am-noon28 CENTERS FOR THE ARTS BONITA SPRINGS MARCH 2021

SIGN UP EARLY!MULTI WEEK CLASSESSCULPTUREDOUG CORSINIRocks to ArtLevel: All, pre-req: Intro to Stone CarvingVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 270 member/ 320 non-member/stone feeSupply list onlineTransform a rock into a unique stone sculpture! Choose from a variety of colors and types of stonessuch as Alabaster, Soapstone, African Wonderstone and even Marble. Learn design concepts,carving techniques and use of tools. Depending on size and complexity of design, finished projectsmay take multiple sessions.· COR033021-1:· COR033021-2:· COR033121-1:· COR033121-2:6 Tuesdays, March 30-May 4, 9am-noon6 Tuesdays, March 30-May 4, 12:30-3:30pm6 Wednesdays, March 31-May 5, 9am-noon6 Wednesdays, March 31-May 5, 12:30-3:30pmMEMBERS’ OPEN STUDIOMEMBERS’Open StudioLevel: AllVisual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road 10 per hour for member 50 per hour non-memberAvailable to current members of the Centers for the Arts Bonita Springs on select days. A membermust be currently enrolled in a class or have taken a class within the previous 30 days or haveenrolled in a class that will begin during the next 30 days. Now through May 8:· Open Glass: Saturdays, 9am-noon· Open Stone: Saturdays, 9am-noon· Open Clay: Saturdays, 9am-noon· Open Painting: Fridays, 9am-noonTHEATERELIZABETH D’ONOFRIOCold Reading & Monologue StudyLevel: AllPerforming Arts Center, 10150 Bonita Beach Road 109 member/ 159 non-memberSupply list onlineAs a painter prepares his canvas or a musician tunes his instrument, so must an actor prepareand tune his/her self to create art. Based on Lee Strasberg’s “Method Acting” and Stanislavsky’s“Method of Physical Action.”· DON032921: 5 Mondays, March 29-April 26, 6:30-8:30pmDANCEJILL DEMCHAKAdult TapLevel: AllPerforming Arts Center, 10150 Bonita Beach Road 59 member/ 59 non-memberSupply list onlineJoin us for a fun and exhilarating hour of Tap Dancing. This class is for beginners or people who havenot tapped in years—enjoy get

CALLIGRAPHY JEAN BEAVER The Art of Calligraphy Level: All 109 member/ 159 non-member/ 25 inst. fee Visual Arts Center, 26100 Old 41 Road Supply list online Calligraphy is a learned art form. Anyone can learn with instruction and practice. Students will become familiar with use of a broad-edged pen nib and will learn two beautiful alphabets, Roman and Bookhand. Instructor will show examples of .

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