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2020 Annual ReportTraining and Organizational Development

2020 Annual ReportTraining & Organizational Development UnitDirector’s MessageThere is almost nothing about 2020 left to say. We here at DJJ Training & Organizational Development arebeing very intentional about focusing on what is to come and not lingering on yesterday’s challenges. However, as we present to you this report on our activities for the past year, I will make this simple observation.We kept the train on the track.In my years in this profession, I have never once considered it anaccomplishment to simply maintain operations, but, under thecircumstances presented in 2020, I can say that our training teamsucceeded where other training organizations struggled. That itseemed rather matter-of-fact to those we serve speaks to thecapacity of the team and the high standards we set for ourselves.You have come to expect that from us.J. Patrick BridgeDirector of Training & OrganizationalDevelopmentWe want it that way.ContentsOur New Platforms4Full Steam Ahead!5Organizational Chart6Organizational DevelopmentTraining Team8Community ProgramsTraining Team10Residential ProgramsTraining Team12Our Learners14What you will see in the following pages is the story of our 2020.The conversion to nearly exclusive web-based training the perseverance of those who, out of necessity, continued in-personinstruction in a safe manner the payoff of preparation prior tothe onset of the pandemic the innovation and problem-solvingto meet the needs of the agency in new ways while maintaininglearning effectiveness. In some respects, we had to unlearn previous knowledge about instruction and course development tocontinue our mission.Our story is yours, as well. None of the changes we made toinstruction would have made a difference if our workforce did notembrace those changes. You did that in a big way.We trained more people on more topics in 2020 than in any otheryear in DJJ’s history. It is our intent that this record will not standfor long as we set our sights on keeping the DJJ train rolling ontoward brighter days ahead.J. Patrick BridgeDirector of Training & Organizational Development23

2020 Annual ReportTraining & Organizational Development UnitOur new platformsWhen all in-person training shut down in March of 2020, our workwas just getting started. Instruction for all DJJ employees needed tocontinue, and, after extensive research, we chose to utilize the LogMeIn suite of applications for all virtual training and meetings.Tech SupportOur training teams providedtechnical support, assistance and development formany webinars, e-learningcourses and meetingsthroughout 2020:BIR TrainingCommunity ProgramsVirtual GraduationDJJ Board MeetingsGoToTrainingVirtual Instructor-Led TrainingGoToTraining allows our trainersto plan more traditional instruction for DJJ learners but through avirtual platform known as VirtualInstructor-Led Training or VILT. Whenattending a VILT with the DJJ Training Unit, expect regular engagementand interaction with your instructorsand classmates through our virtualtraining platform with group discussions, class feedback and team work.Blended learning lessons are available, too, through recorded webinarsand independent study sessions.“The Training & OrganizationalDevelopment Unit kept DJJ ontrack with training offered in themiddle of a pandemic, reachingmore people with more trainingsessions than ever before.”-Martha Smith4GoToWebinarWebinarsGoToWebinar provides a platform forlive webinars, which are real-timeonline seminars. When attending ourwebinars, expect excellent deliveryof content by subject matter experts.Ask questions and interact with theinstructor - just like in a classroom.Our Training Unit can plan anddevelop webinars for a specific teamor unit. GoToWebinar also allows theTraining Unit to record live webinarsso learners can view recorded webinars at their convenience.DJJ Leadership SummitDJJ Listening SessionsDJJ TodayDOLI e-LearningHR EssentialsHR Open HouseInformation SecurityAwareness CurriculumInstitutional Inservicee-LearningNetOp e-LearningParents’ Town HallPREA e-LearningWomen in Leadership SeriesGuillermo B. NovoTraining & Development ManagerFull Steam Ahead!In order to produce a training catalog by January of each year, we start planning around August. Little didwe know that all of that planning would be suspended just three months into the calendar year. EffectiveMarch 16, 2020, DJJ suspended most in-person activities and meetings, which included almost all training classes. However, it did not include the one program that was deemed essential (Basic Skills for DirectCare Staff), and it continued to run in person, requiring us to make significant changes in order to accommodate CDC and VDH guidelines.Just two weeks into the “shut down,” our Training Unit met to develop and implement a pandemic training response plan in which we divided into teams and instituted a strategy dubbed “contact minimization”in order to sustain our essential in-person training in the event of an outbreak in the unit. Then, just fourweeks in, the unit began the planning process to convert our other multi-week programs into a sustainable virtual format. By May 18, 2020, just two months after suspending in-person activities, the TrainingUnit had kicked off its first completely virtual multi-week program, with the restart of the Basic Skills forCaseworkers. This was a monumental feat to create a program that included a combination of pre-work,virtual instructor-led training, live webinars, recorded webinars, and inter-session independent work bythe students.When combined with the virtual leadership programs, the extensive number of live and recorded webinars produced, and the creation of a few new communication mediums for the Training Unit to engageemployees such as the monthly Newsletter, weekly Bulletin and the all-new and incredibly informative DJJToday, we have not only continued to sustain our programming and employee development opportunities throughout the pandemic, but in some ways we have engaged even more people than we could havesolely with in-person training.We spent the last decade building a highly effective and competent training team of talented high-achievers and creating an environment where exceeding expectations IS the expectation. As a result, this year,with all of its challenges, has been our best year!5

2020 Annual ReportTraining & Organizational Development UnitPatrick BridgeDirector of Training & Org. DevelopmentGuillermo B. NovoTraining & OrganizationalDevelopment UnitTraining & Development ManagerJerry A. JohnsonTraining SupervisorResidential ProgramsTeresa A. MooreTraining SupervisorCommunity ProgramsJerri L. SmithTraining SupervisorOrganizational DevelopmentMaurice JohnsonResidential TrainingProgram CoordinatorStephanie L. MortonResidential TrainingProgram CoordinatorSharnise H. JacksonKaren L. HilemanCSU Trg. ProgramCoordinatorOrganizational Dev.CoordinatorDaniel LawsonTraining & Dev.CoordinatorAlexis J. BrownCasework & ReentryTrg & Dev. CoordinatorBrandy A. NewtonTraining & Dev.Coordinator Sr.Benjamin P. DeBordDustin R. KelleyLeadership TrainingProgram CoordinatorMedia Prod/TechSupport SpecialistAlton L. SturdifenTraining & Dev.CoordinatorJames W. WallaceTraining & Dev.SpecialistLeonard Hopkins, Jr.Training & Dev.CoordinatorKashara BrownInstructional AssistantFrank W. PiotrowskiTraining & Dev.Coordinator Sr.Julie E. NorrisTech. TrainingProgram CoordinatorMartha SmithInstructional Assistant67

8Training & Organizational Development UnitOrganizational DevelopmentTraining Team“Just as the year 2020showed up with a vengeance, so did our teamof extraordinary people!I honestly don’t think wecould have pulled off whatseemed to be the impossible, without the dedicatedand talented folks fromthe training unit! 2020pretty much tested the resilience of each and everymember of the team andwe may have sustainedThe challenges we faced as anagency in 2020 brought ouroriginal plans to a screeching halt.Delivering an abundance of inperson academy training as wellas traveling to regions all overthe commonwealth to providetraining was not an option. Thattemporary derailment was aninvitation to us to use our talentsto get back on track. The technology team did an outstanding jobresearching platforms to delivertraining and creating trainingsessions to get others acclimatedto a new form, for not only conducting classes but also conducting meetings, all while offeringendless hours of technical sup-port. That was just one area inwhich the Organizational Development team contributed tothe new direction for the agencytrain. My new team of wellnessand leadership trainers createda robust schedule of remarkablewebinars during a time where wehad no idea when we would beback on campus. Praises to ODservices for providing units withhours of assessments, consultsand developmental plans. I’m soproud of all the accomplishmentsof my team and I couldn’t havechosen a better team to battle2020! There is light at the end ofthe tunnel. Kudos!a couple of bumps andbruises but I can say weRecordedWebinars2,794est times, we can come“together to achieve some- Left to right:thing great!Julie Norris, Leonard Hopkins, Kashara Brown, Dustin Kelley, Jerri Smith,8Martha Smith, Ben DeBord, Karen HilemanO.D. ProgramCourses2120TechnologyProgramCoursespretty good to know thatthrough some of the dark-22TotalLearnerExperienceswon that fight and it feels-Jerri urses24CoachingConsultations“TrainingBulletinsI found 2020 to be a unique opportunity to rethink how we accomplishour work. Personally I find it refreshing and energizing to solve new challenges and look at objectives in newways.-Ben DeBord“2020 Annual Report9

“Training & Organizational Development UnitWith all that 2020Community ProgramsTraining Teamdelivered socially, politically, and personally, itdidn’t defeat our HOPE.Hope that tomorrow1,215COMMITTED - INNOVATIVE - PASSIONATE - e the four words which describeour Community Programs TrainingTeam. We have toggled betweendealing with imminent challengesand preparing for the uncertainties of training during theseunprecedented times. In spring of2020, our team worked countlesshours to not only be trained onhow to proficiently utilize a webbased training tool but also convert the entire multitiered coretraining program, Basic Skills forCaseworkers, to a virtual classroom within three months. Whatwe achieved is impeccable.4 days, the Probation Module nowincludes Collaborative CaseworkI. In addition, open enrollmentcourses significantly increased.Currently, open enrollment courses include: Positive Youth Development (PYD), Eight Core Principles of Effective Intervention,Probable Cause & Elements of aCrime, Jurisdiction & Venue, Diversion, Adolescent Development &Trauma, Standardized DispositionMatrix, Gangs, Motivational Interviewing, EPICS (Virtual), VirtualModules (Intake, Probation, Parole& Residential), BADGE OffenseHistory Screen Modifications, and“If the plan doesn’t work, thenchange the plan, not the goal.” We a three-part series on Effectivereflected on this quote often over Group Facilitation Skills.the past year. Our team’s vision is “Always walk through life as ifto promote and support employee you have something new to learndevelopment and organizationaland you will.” During this pandemeffectiveness by providing highic, the team and supportive adquality educational training projuncts all have definitely learnedgrams. With this in mind, we have both independently and collabreflected on all the recent training, oratively to complete tasks, solveworkgroups, and the vast opporproblems, and support one antunities to collaborate with stake- other with our norms being chalholders. In 2020, there have been lenged and having to work outsidemany achievements: Motivational of our comfort zones. With sinInterviewing went from 4 hourscerity to everyone, we thank youto an 8 hour training, the Intakefor all of your support, participaModule expanded from 3 days totion, and trust in our work.will be better thantoday.Sharnise Jackson“Thank you for all thetime and preparationyou put into the training for our new hires!This is simply amazinghow you used all thetools of technology tomove forward with thisvery important training! You ALWAYS doan amazing job, but youhave gone above andbeyond to provide thistraining to our staff.“Left to right:Sharnise Jackson, Teresa Moore, Brandy Newton, Alexis Brown, Frank Piotrowski“2020 Annual ReportAnonymous11

2020 Annual ReportTraining & Organizational Development UnitResidential ProgramsTraining TeamOur Residential Programs Training Team (RPTT) displayed a commitment to excellence throughoutthe operation of our Basic Skillsfor Direct Care course in the calendar year of 2020.The COVID 19 pandemic presented many challenges for ourteam, but we completed essentialin-person training in spite of thepandemic. The challenges included utilizing larger training spacingfor classes to ensure proper socialdistancing requirements weremet, health screening studentsand staff members each morning, and the facilitation of classeswhile wearing mandatory facecoverings. In November of 2020,the team actually had two classes in session at the same time,thus making our tasks even moredemanding.With extraordinary professionalism and dedication, there wereno call-ins from instructors andall classes remained covered andfacilitated with the utmost enthusiasm.78430TotalLearnerExperienceswere a part of numerous workgroups and committees, workedwith Community Programs Training Team, worked with Residential Services on a Toolkit for Community Treatment Model training,provided numerous statewidetrainings on Safety and Security,assisted in the development ofon-line Institutional In-serviceand took part in Handle with CareRe-certification of instructors.Classes359Additionally, our team members62TrainedNew HiresSocially DistancedLearnerExperiences“As always, ‘thank you’again for being so accommodating to addressingthe needs of training““People are realizing the importance of staying connected. We’re all in this together. Looking out for others iskey, not only for their welfare but for our own.-Daniel Lawson12look forward to you pro-“Left to right:Alton Sturdifen, James Wallace, Stephanie Morton, Daniel Lawson, Jerry Johnson, Alexis Brown, MauriceJohnsonwhen requested, and weviding this training againnext year.-T. Prioleau13

2020 Annual ReportTraining & Organizational Development UnitOur Learners by DivisionWho are our learners?Community ProgramsOur Training and Organizational Development Unit works with all DJJ learners. Our team plans, developsand delivers training specifically for DJJ employees. We utilize the latest instructional techniques and keepabreast of industry standards to maintain a catalog full of the courses that DJJ employees need.Administration & FinanceThe statistics represented throughout this report were gathered from course surveys and data collectedduring calendar year 2020.Residential ServicesOur learners join us from allover the CommonwealthEducationNorthern13%Central Office 9%JCC8%CPP/Detention 1%Western21%Our Learners by GenerationGeneration X - born 1965-1980Millenial - born 1981-1996Central13%Southern12%Eastern23%Gen Z - born 1997 and beyondWhy Our Learners Attend TrainingThe Type of Training Our Learners AttendRequiredTrainingVirtual Instructor-Led14Live/Recorded WebinarsBaby Boomer - born 2%Expand CurrentSkillset34%Maintain Certification/Learn New Career Path7%15

Training & Organizational Development Programs Training Programs Training nal Development Training

2020 Annual Report Training & Organizational Development Unit GoToTraining Webinars GoToWebinar GoToWebinar provides a platform for live webinars, which are real-time online seminars. When attending our webinars, expect excellent delivery of content by subject matter experts. Ask questi

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