2019-2020 RUSSIAN - Foreign Language Bookshop

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2019-2020RUSSIANEuropean SchoolbooksLanguage Learning ResourcesPrimarySecondaryFurther / Adult / Higher Education

Welcome to our 2019/20 catalogueof Russian Language Resources!ContentsThis catalogue contains the latest and most popular resourcesfor language learners of all ages.Classroom courses.3Short & intensive courses.6Vocational cabulary.10Evaluation, tests.11Mixed skills.12Idioms.14Grammar.15Methodology.15Graded readers.18Bilingual books.20Reference.20Monolingual dictionaries.20Bilingual dictionaries.21Classroom aids.21Games.22Periodicals.22ELI magazines.23Miscellaneous aids.23Everything here is distributed by European SchoolbooksLtd. (ESB) and is available from The European Bookshop inLondon and nationally by mail order from Cheltenham, onlinevia our website: www.russianbookshop.co.ukPricesPrices are correct at the time of printing (7/11/2019) but maybe changed without notice if affected by publishers’ increasesor exchange rate movements.Prices followed by a symbol indicate that VAT (currently20%) must be added to the stated price. Up to date pricescan always be found on our website.New titles are highlighted with catalogue codes and prices in red.Inspection Copy Service for UK TeachersWe will gladly send your school/college an inspection copyof most textbooks (sorry, not audio-visual materials) you arethinking of buying in class sets. If you subsequently buy 12 ormore copies of the book directly from ESB or our bookshopyou may keep the inspection copy free-of-charge. Please askfor more details or visit the Help section of our website for fullterms of our Inspection Copy service.Common European Framework of Referencefor Languages (CEFR)ESB’s mission is to provide UK language teachers and learnerswith the best of a huge range of materials produced by themany European publishers who specialise in the learning andteaching of their respective languages.In particular, we think it is in every pupil’s interest that UKlanguage learning should be aligned with the CEFR, whichall the best new materials produced within the other membercountries of the Council of Europe now incorporate.As a guide, please see the table below for an approximatecomparison of CEFR language levels, TORFL (Test of Russianas a Foreign Language) levels, and UK certifications:Language LevelsBeginnersNear beginnersIntermediateUpper vel ILevel IILevel IIICEFRA1A2B1B2C1General Certificateof EducationEntry LevelFoundation GCSEHigher GCSEAS/A2ProficiencyWe are always pleased to hear your comments andfeedback regarding our resources. If you have any queries orsuggestions, please contact our Marketing Department on01242 245252. All trade enquiries should be directed to ESBHead Office in Cheltenham.Courses.3Contacting us:European Schoolbooks Ltd.The Runnings, CheltenhamGL51 9PQphone: 01242 245 252email: direct@esb.co.ukwww.eurobooks.co.ukBusiness HoursMonday to Friday 8:30 - 17:00The European Bookshop123 Gloucester Road,London, SW7 4TEphone: 020 7734 5259email: g HoursMonday to Saturday 10:00 - 18:30Sunday 12:00 - 17:00The European Bookshop is a division ofEuropean Schoolbooks Ltd.

Russian 3CoursesClassroom coursesAges 5-7Букварьдля умничкиЗЛАТОУСТThe book is for Russian-speaking primaryteachers and parents who would like to teachchildren to read Russian, as well as to raisechildren’s interest in the language. It can beused for monolingual and bilingual children,and for children with speech difficulties.The book draws on the author’s 30-yearexperience of teaching children of 5 and olderto read. Exercises include learning letters andphonemes, recognising the position of lettersin words, and distinguishing between similarsounds. Each page provides tips for parentsand teachers.040259 ABC Book for Clever HeadsХочу говорить порусскиЕдем вПростоквашиноThe course I Want to Speak Russian hasbeen specifically designed for teachingbilingual children living abroad. It is basedon the methodology of teaching Russian asa family language at weekend schools. Thefirst grade is aimed at children aged 6-8 yearsold. Now the 2nd grade follow up part of thecourse for children aged 8-10 years old is alsoavailable.Learn Russian through exploring a famouscartoon film Edem v Prostokvashino. Intendedfor school children and foreign students learning Russian, this book is suitable for thosewho have a basic understanding of Russian(CEFR A2-B1). It develops students’ understanding of basic grammar as well as practisestheir listening, reading, speaking, translationskills, and widens their vocabulary.A1047491 1 Class. Textbook CD (new ed) 22.95047493 1 Class. Workbook (new ed) 15.95047432 Edem v ProstokvashinoРУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫA2047449 2 Class. Textbook CD047451 2 Class. WorkbookРУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫ 25.50 20.95Ages 11-14 11.75Истоки 2Ages 8-10Русская школа.Практикум пообщениюРУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫNEW!Буковкины историиБРАГИНА Н.From the author of the bestselling courseURA! Nadezhda Bragina, this book isdesigned for 4-5 years old children whohave been introduced to the letters of theRussian alphabet but can't read yet. Itincludes a student book and a workbook, andconsists of 36 lessons structured accordingto levels of difficulty. Children will learn todifferentiate between soft and hard soundsas well as vowels and consonants. They willlearn to produce syllables through the learntsounds and letters and to read: from simplemonosyllabic/disyllabic/three-syllable words toshort texts specially written for this stage. Thebook also introduces children to the basics ofpunctuation marks. It has been successfullytested and is currently used for work withbilingual children in Russian Gymnasium #1 inLondon.042919 The Letters' Stories 15.95The course is designed for children aged7-9 years old who learn Russian abroad andlive in a non-Russian speaking environment.It consists of 15 training parts, a vocabulary,grammar units for successful communicationin Russian as well as various interesting textson Russian customs, traditions, and culture.Each part provides assignments of differentdifficulty levels depending on children'slanguage level. The book helps to developand practise informative, intellectual, andcreative abilities of children, contributing totheir multicultural upbringing. The book comeswith a CD.047433 Russian School. CommunicationPractice CD-MP3 25.50NEW!РУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫOrigins 2: Russian Language Textbook forBilingual Children Living Abroad (QR-codefor audio is included!). "Istoki 2" course isdesigned for teaching Russian to childrenaged 11-13 who live outside Russia andknow the basics of Russian vocabulary andpractical grammar required for everydaycommunication. It can be used at schoolswhere children learn Russian as a foreignlanguage, as well as at Sunday schools andfor home studies. The course is aimed todevelop children's listening skills, enrich theirvocabulary, improve their grammar skills, andadvance their skills in working with a text. It isa follow up part in the series to the first partwhich is designed for childrenaged 8-10 yearsold.A2-B1048054 Istoki. Textbook CD Audio 28.95048056 Istoki. Workbook 20.9548057 Istoki 2. Textbook ( QR code) 28.9548059 Istoki 2. Workbook 21.95 20.00www.russianbookshop.co.uk

4RussianДавай!Adolescent/AdultThe course "Davai!" (Come on!) is designedfor children aged 11 who learn Russian as aforeign language. The entire series is intendedfor 4 years (classes) of study and coversCEFR levels A1-B1. A set of books for eachlevel includes a textbook, a workbook and ateacher's book. The set for the first year ofstudy also includes a copybook. The authorInga Mangus has developed this coursewith help from IT experts, teachers, gamingengineers, methodologists and children. Keyfeatures of the course: - Digital approach(QR codes, online tests with an auto-checkoption, PowerPoint presentations, onlineaudio vocabulary); - These novelties make thelearning process convenient both for studentsand teachers.ЗЛАТОУСТЗЛАТОУСТA1045003 Davai! 1 Textbook045006 Davai! 1 Workbook045013 Davai! 1 Copybook045011 Davai! 1 Teacher's Book 23.50 14.75 9.95 51.00A2045014 Davai! 2 Textbook045015 Davai! 2 Workbook045016 Davai! 2 Teacher's Book 23.50 14.75 51.00NEW!Поехали!Bestseller!This is the much-anticipated, new version ofthe famous course Let’s Go!. It is designed foradult students who are beginners in Russianas a foreign language. It covers CEFR levelsA1-A2 and is intended for 80-120 academichours of study with a teacher. It uses acommunication-focused approach whichpresents Russian grammar in a systematicway. Covering modern topics, the coursedevelops and practises all language skills,emphasising speaking skills and encouragingstudents to speak Russian from the firstlessons.The beginner’s course now comes in 2Parts: Part 1.1 and Part 1.2. Each part comeswith a textbook, a workbook, and an audiosupplement. After studying the new beginner’scourse, students are advised to continue theirstudy with the old editions of Poekhali! 2.1(ESB code 42455) and Poekhali! 2.2 (ESB code42463).A1041645 Textbook 1.1 ( QR code)041647 Workbook 1.1 ( QR code)041652 CD 1.1041653 Textbook 1.2041669 Workbook 1.2041671 CD 1.2 24.50 24.50 8.15 24.50 17.95 8.15 A2042455 Textbook 2.1042900 CD 2.1 22.95 8.95 B1042463 Textbook 2.2042916 CD 2.2 22.95 8.95 ЗЛАТОУСТ045551 Physics - 7045550 Geography - 6045575 Biology - 8 24.50 22.95 24.50A1046000 Coursebook046001 Teacher's book046004 Self-study material 29.95 19.95 8.45A2046005 Coursebook046007 Teacher's book046008 Self-study material 29.95 19.95 8.45B1.1046009 Coursebook 29.95B1.2046015 Coursebook 29.95ЛестницаРУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫThis new workbook is a part of the Ladderseries but can also be used for study as anindependent learning resource. It is aimed atstudents who are starting to learn Russian as aforeign language. The exercises are designedto practise and develop students' grammarskills and enrich their vocabulary so they feelcomfortable communicating in Russian at levelA2 (basic). The book comes with an answerkey for self-checking revision. The combinedvocabulary for the entire series is available todownload through a QR-code.Школьные предметына русском языкеThe series presents the textbooks on variousschool subjects in Russian for those whoknow the language at level CEFR A2-B1. Itspurpose is to introduce the language materialof the scientific style to schoolchildren, enrichtheir vocabulary, practise their language skillsrequired for comprehension of the scientifictexts, as well as provide basic information onthe specific course.course; Practice and development of alllanguage skills; Clear explanation of grammarthrough schemes; Great focus on phoneticsand vocabulary enrichment; Authenticdialogues and texts; Insight into Russianlife, culture, and current affairs; Wide rangeof photos, illustrations and tables; Excellentresource for teachers of Russian as a foreignlanguage.I Love RussianLIDEN & DENZNEW!A1042040 Textbook CD042030 WorkbookThis is a new, illustrated educationalbook series aimed at international studentsstudying Russian. All course books comewith extensive original and authentic audiomaterial, accessible by smartphone or webbrowser. The books are written entirely inRussian and are designed to be used primarilyin a classroom setting, for both group andindividual students.Key features: Up-to-date communicativewww.russianbookshop.co.uk 38.95 35.95NEW!

Russian 5Точка РуТОЧКА РУNEW!Tochka ru is a Russian course for youngpeople (16 ) and adults. The perfect balanceof grammar, vocabulary and conversationalskills of modern Russian language is the keyfeature of this course. The combination oftraditional and modern teaching methodshelps students to achieve their goals quicklyand efficiently: to keep a conversation onsuch topics as Family and Home, Workand Free time, Food and Drinks, Plans andTravel, Holidays and Fashion, Daily routineand Biography, Education and Career, Townand village living, Time and The Internet andothers.Tochka ru A1 consists of a textbook, aworkbook and audio resources. The coursecovers 120-150 academic hours. Tochka ruA2 part 1 is a follow-up to the course Tochkaru A1 and consists of a textbook, a workbookand audio resources. The course covers 110academic hours.A1043357 A1. Textbook Workbook 57.00A2043363 A2. Textbook Workbook 59.00Русский сувенирРУССКИЙ ЯЗЫК. КУРСЫThis is a popular communicative Russiancourse for English-speaking adults. It isdesigned for study with a teacher both forgroup and individual lessons. A recentlypublished Russian Souvenir 2 (A2) is a followup to the original Russian Souvenir 1 (A1). Thecourse introduces original video clips to makethe process of learning Russian efficient andenjoyable, making it possible for students toactively speak Russian at a basic level by theend of the course. The 3rd part of the course(New Souvenir, B1) by the same author I.Mozel

Origins 2: Russian Language Textbook for Bilingual Children Living Abroad (QR-code for audio is included!). "Istoki 2" course is designed for teaching Russian to children aged 11-13 who live outside Russia and know the basics of Russian vocabulary and practical grammar required for everyday communication. It can be used at schools where children learn Russian as a foreign language, as well as .

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