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AN ANALYSIS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGES IN THE MADMAN BYKAHLIL GIBRANA THESISSubmitted to English Language Teaching Department Tarbiyah and Teacher TrainingFaculty, Syekh Nurjati State Islamic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of theRequirements of Undergraduate DegreeBy:RIZA RAFSANJANIReg. Number: 1410130149ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING DEPARTMENTTARBIYAH AND TEACHER TRAINING FACULTYSYEKH NURJATI STATE ISLAMIC INSTITUTECIREBON2015

ABSTRACTRafsanjani, Riza. 2015. An Analysis Of Figurative Language In the Madman byKahlil Gibran.Keyword: Literature, Poetry and figurative languages.To Understanding exactly what literature is very difficult. The definitionof literature is entirely subjective. This means that everybody has differentopinion in analyzing and understanding about literature itself. Literature has threemain divisions; they are drama, poetry and prose. In this thesis the writer onlyfocus on analyzing poetry because many readers who have no troubleunderstanding and enjoying prose find that poetry is difficult to understand, thathappen because of the wrong analysis on figurative languages that are used by thepoet. The function of figurative language is to add the beauty and artwork of thepoems. So the Writer is pointed to find out what kind of figurative languages thatare used in kahlil Gibran’s poem and analyzing contextual meaning.This study was designed to follow the principles of qualitativedescriptive method. In collecting the data. First the writer collects kahlil gibran’spoems, the second reads and understandings 11 poems of kahlil gibran, and thelast collects data selected figurative language found in kahlil gibran’s poem. Inanalyzing the data, the writer analysis every figurative language that found in thepoem, and the last the writer draws conclusion based on the result of dataanalysis.In finding and discussion there were found and analyzed its contextualmeaning on 11 poems of kahlil Gibran. “Become a madman” there are threepersonifications, one Metonymy, one Repetition, and one Symbolism. “Myfriend” there are two Litotes, five Personifications, three Symbolisms, oneMetaphor, three Hyperbolas and two pleonasms. “The Fox” there is Metaphor,“The two hermits” found a metaphor and two symbolism, “The wise king” onlyfound symbolism, “ The Three Ants” only found Symbolism, “The GraveDigger” the wtiter found metaphor.” The Good God and The Evil God” thewriter found a repetition and metaphor. “The eye” there is Personification. “NightandTheMadman”therearetwo similes,seven Hyperbolas, three Personifications, two Repetition, and one metaphor. Andthe last “Said a blade of Grass” the writer only found Personification.The Mad man poetry consist oftweleve personifications, oneMetonymy, four repetitions, seven symbolisms, two litotes, five metaphors, tenhyperboles, two pleonasms, and two similes. The dominant figurative languagesin The Mad Man poetry is personification.Finally, it is hoped that this study will be benefitable to the readersespecially to the students who are interested in analyzing the same literary workof English LanguageTeaching Department Tarbiyah and Teacher TrainingFacultySyekhNurjati State Islamic Institute in Cirebon.ii

TABLE CONTENTTITLE . iABSTRACT . iiAPPROVAL . iiiOFFICIAL NOTE . ivRATIFICATION. vLETTER OF AUTHENTICITY . viDEDICATION . viiCURRICULUM VITAE . viiiPREFACE . ixTABLE OF CONTENT . xiLIST OF TABLE . xvCHAPTER I INTRODUCTION1. of the Problem.The Formulation of the Problem .1.2.1 The Identification of the Problem . The Field of The Research . The Kind of The Research . The Main of The Problem.The Limitation of The Problem .The Question of The Research .The Aims of The Research .The Significant of The Research .The Previous of The Study .Theoritical Foundation .1.8.1 Definition of Literature .1.8.2 Categories of Literature .1.8.3 The Benefit of Reading Literature .1.8.4 The Kind of Literature .1.8.5 Poetry .1.8.6 Kind of Poetry. Sonet . Ballad. Coupet . Quatrain . Epic . Free Verse. Haiku .1.8.7 Elements of Poetry. Rhyme . Stanza . Feeling .xi13334455566778889101010111111121112121213 Theme . Rhytm . Figurative Languages . Imaginery.131314141.8.8 Figurative Languages. Hyperbole . Simile. Methapor . Personification . Repetition . Symbolism . Onomatopoeia . Irony . Litotes . Pleonasm . Metonimy . Euphemism .1.8.9 The Conotative Meaning .14161718192020212121222323241.9 Methodology of The Research.1.9.1 The Objective of The Research .1.9.2 The Object and The Time of The Research .1.9.3 The Method of The Research .1.9.4 The Sourch and Types of Data .1.9.5 Instrument of The Research .1.9.6 Technique of Collecting Data .1.9.7 Technique of Analyzing Data .2526262728292930CHAPTER II THE KIND OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN THEMADMAN2.1The kind of Figurative Language in The Madman .2.1.1 Finding of Figurative Language in “Become a Madman . Personification . Metonimy. Repetition. Symbolism .2.1.2 Finding Figurative Language in “My Friend” . Litotes . Personification. . Methaphor . Hyperbole .2.1.25 Pleonasm .2.1.3 Finding Figurative Language in “The Fox” . Methaphor .xii313131323232333333343434353535 Figurative Language in “The Two Hermits” . 352.1.4.1 Methaphor . 352.1.4.2 Symbolism . 352.1.5 Finding Figurative Language in “The Wise King” . 362.1.5.1 Symbolism . 362.1.6 Finding Fifurative Language in “The Tree Ants” . 362.1.6.1 Personification. 362.1.7 Finding Figurative Language in “The Gave Digger”. 362.1.7.1 Methaphor . 362.1.8 Finding Figurative Language in “The Good God and The EvilGod” . 362.1.8.1 Repitition . 362.1.9 Finding Figurative Language in “ The Eye” . 362.1.9.1 Personification. 362.1.10 Finding Figurative Language in “ Night and The Madman” . 372.1.10.1 Simile . 372.1.10.2 Hyperbole . 372. Personification. 372. Repetition . 382. Methaphor . 382.1.11 Finding Figurative Language in “ Said a Blade of Glass” . 382. Personification. 38The Dominant of Figurative Language in The Madman. 382.2.1 Personification. 382.2.2 Metonimy . 392.2.3 Repetition . 402.2.4 Symbolism . 402.2.5 Litotes . 412.2.6 Methaphor . 412.2.7 Hyberbole . 422.2.8 Pleonasm . 432.2.9 Simile . 43CHAPTER III THE CONOTATIVE MEANING OF FIGURATIVELANGUAGES IN POEMS“THE MADMAN” Conotative Meaning of Figurative Languages in Poems “BecomeMadman” . 45The Conotative Meaning of Figurative Languages in Poems “MyFriends” . 46The conotative meaning of figurative languages in poems “The Fox” . 47The conotative meaning of figurative languages in poems“The Two Hermits” . 483.5The Conotative Meaning of Figurative Languages in Poems“The Wise King” . 48xiii

3.6The Conotative Meaning of Figurative Languages in Poems“The Tree Ants” . 483.7The Conotative Meaning of Figurative Languages in Poems“The Grave Digger . 493.8The Conotative Meaning of Figurative Languages in Poems“The Good Godand the Evil God .3.9 The Conotative Meaning of Figurative Languages in Poems“The Eye” .3.10 The Conotative Meaning of Figurative Languagee in Poems“Night and The Madman .3.11 The Conotative Meaning of Figurative Languages in Poems“said a Blade of Grass .49495052CHAPTER IV FINDINGS OF FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE IN “BECOMEA MADMAN4.1 Findings of Figurative Language in “become a Madman .4.1.1 Personification .4.1.2 Metonimy.4.1.3 Repetition.4.1.4 Symbolism .4.2 Finding Figurative Language in “My Friend” .4.2.1 Litotes .4.2.2 Personification .4.2.3 Symbolism .4.2.4 Methaphor .4.2.5 Hyperbole .4.2.6 Pleonasm .4.3 Finding Figurative Language in “the fox” .4.3.1 Methapor .4.4 Finding Figurative Language in “the two hermits” .4.4.1 Methapor .4.4.2 Symbolism .4.5 Finding Figurative Language in “the wise king” .4.5.1 Symbolism .535354545454545555565657575757575858584.6 Finding Figurative Language in “the tree ants” .4.6.1 Personification .4.7 Finding Figurative Language in “the gave digger” .4.7.1 Methapor .4.8 Finding Figurative Language in “the good god and the evil god” .4.8.1 Repitition .4.9 Finding Figurative Language in “the eye” .4.9.1 Personification .4.10 Finding Figurative Language in “night and the madman” .585858585959595959xiv

4.10.1 Simile .4.10.2 Hyperbole .4.10.3 Personification .4.10.4 Repetition .4.10.5 Methaphor .4.11 Finding Figurative Language in “said a blade of grass” .4.11.1 Personification .59606161626262CHAPTER V CONCLUSION,

Kahlil Gibran.Keyword: Literature, Poetry and figurative languages. To Understanding exactly what literature is very difficult. The definition of literature is entirely subjective. This means that everybody has different opinion in analyzing and understanding about literature itself. Literature has three

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