NextBack7NNITROGENAVIGATEYOUR WAYChemistry at Warwick4Our Courses- Chemistry (BSc and MChem)6- Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (BSc and MChem)8- Chemistry with Industrial Placement (MChem)10Modules12Something for everyone13Practical and Laboratory work14Study abroad16Teaching Styles18Assessment Methods19Support for learning20What to expect when you arrive22Opportunities for Research Training24Careers26“I have found chemistry at Warwickengaging and rewarding. Everyone inthe department is friendly and I feel like Ireally belong here.”Louis Ammon 3rd Year, BSc Chemistry23
BackContentsNext6CCARBONHEMISTRYAT WARWICKThe Department of Chemistry at Warwick is a thrivingcommunity of students, academics, researchers, andsupport staff. By joining our department, you willquickly share in our enthusiasm for chemistry and itsapplications, from medicine to renewable energy.AN EXCELLENTALL-ROUND EXPERIENCETHAT ALLOWS YOU TOEXPLORE AND FOLLOWYOUR CURIOSITYINSPIRED LEARNINGSHAPING YOUR FUTUREWhen you arrive as an undergraduate,you’ll find yourself surrounded bylike-minded people who share yourinquisitiveness about the world andtreasure the application of knowledge.You’ll be inspired by our dedicated teamof academics who, as world-leadingresearchers, use their expertise andenthusiasm for innovation and discoveryto teach you about the chemical world.We provide an excellent all-roundexperience that allows you to exploreand follow your curiosity. Our range ofcourses with flexible transfers and a widevariety of opportunities enables you todiscover your interests and shape yourfuture.A SENSE OF COMMUNITYA strong departmental student network,providing tailored peer-to-peer support,and a University with over 250 societiesensures that our students quicklyintegrate into our friendly anddiverse community.Outside of the classroom there areopportunities to carry out cuttingedge research, take part in industrialplacements, spend time abroad,volunteer in outreach and teach at asecondary school, giving you an edgethat sets you apart in the internationalworkplace. When you graduate, youwill leave us with a broad skillset from auniversity whose graduates are the thirdmost targeted by the UK’s top graduateemployers †.That’s just a glimpse into the world ofdiscovery awaiting you here at Warwick.We look forward to meeting you soon!*96.6% National Student Survey 2019* * The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2020, and, The Complete University Guide 2020*** Research Excellence Framework 2014The Graduate Market 2020, High Fliers Research Ltd.96%WE SCOREDOVERALL SATISFACTIONIN THE NATIONALSTUDENT SURVEY2019 FORCHEMISTRY*10RANKEDTOP 10IN THE UK**FOR THE SUBJECT6TH (EQUAL)BEST UKRESEARCHDEPARTMENT***† 5
ContentsBack8OOXYGENURCOURSESCHEMISTRY(BSc AND MChem)ENTRY REQUIREMENTSFlexible course transfers and a wide rangeof optional modules in Years 3 and 4.BSc: AAB to include Chemistryand a second Science*Our BSc and MChem Chemistry degreesprovide the most widespread overview of thediscipline of all our courses, with the maximumrange of optional modules. In the third yearyou will use your experience of the themesand topics from years one and two to chooseoptional modules, tailoring your degree toyour interests.MChem: AAA to includeChemistry and a second Science*For students carrying on into the fourth year ofan MChem degree, this is where you will havethe opportunity to work on a single researchproject for the majority of the year.OUR INTERNATIONALLYRECOGNISED ACADEMICSTAFF WORK AT THE CUTTINGEDGE OF THEIR FIELDS.Under their supervision, you might discovera significant improvement in solar celltechnology, develop an electrochemicalsensor for pharmaceutical analysis, a novelcompound for cryopreservation of cells, arenewable polymer made from vegetables,an improved catalyst or an antibacterial agentextracted from plants. You will also chooseoptional modules to support your projectand create a wide base of knowledge inother advanced areas of Chemistry.6NextWhat I enjoy about my course is thelight bulb moment and the satisfactionyou get when you solve an extremelyhard problem or understand achallenging concept.As you learn more about chemistry,you will begin to understand that thesubject is critical in your everyday life,from household products to the batteryin our phones.”Typical A-Level offerJunting Jiang 1st Year, BSc ChemistryTypical IB offerBSc: 36 points overall including6 in HL Chemistry and 5 in eitherHL Maths, Physics or Biology.MChem: 38 points overallincluding 6 in HL Chemistry and5 in either HL Maths, Physics orBiology.Access Courses: HE Diploma(QAA-recognised) includingappropriate subjects withdistinction grades in level 3 units.Please contact the Department ofChemistry before application.We welcome applicants withnon-standard qualifications,relevant experience, or otherinternationally recognisedqualifications.FLEXIBILITYAs an MChem applicant, if yourexam results aren't what youhoped for, you may be able toenter on a BSc course instead(subject to available spaces). Oncehere, you may be able to transferonto an MChem if you meet theprogression requirements (and UKvisa regulations allowing).In support of our aim to widenaccess to higher education forstudents of all backgrounds, wecan also make ‘differential offers’that are one or two gradesbelow our standard offer.See details.IT’S THEPERFECTBALANCE* Your further science subject/s should include:Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics,Biology, Geology or Statistics. You must alsopass your science practical if your ScienceA Level includes a separate practicalassessment.7
BackCHEMISTRY WITHMEDICINAL CHEMISTRY(BSc AND MChem)Optional modules available in Years 3 and 4highlight interdisciplinarity.ContentsNextTYPICALA-LEVEL OFFER:BSc: AABMChem: AAA(see page 6 for fullentry requirements)Our BSc and MChem Chemistry withMedicinal Chemistry degrees provide asolid foundation in chemistry coupled withspecialist knowledge in advanced medicinalchemistry/biochemistry. During specialistmodules taken in Years 3 and 4, you willexplore the process of medicinal drugdiscovery, starting from the initial conceptof a new product, to the discovery stage,clinical trials, scale-up and production.You can explore the biochemistry of theseprocesses, and how this leads to medicalbreakthroughs. In addition to research-ledteaching from top academics in their field,you will benefit from external lectures givenby pharmaceutical industry leaders.You will carry out a range ofinterdisciplinary experimentsin your first two years thatwill prepare you for anexperimental project in thearea of Medicinal Chemistryduring your third year. Yourfourth year research projectwill also be based on yourspecialism, and you canexpect to be working ondrug discovery of novelantibiotic, anticancer oranti-inflammatory compoundsthrough organic synthesis ornatural product isolation.8STATE-OF-THE-ARTINSIGHT ANDANALYSIS DELIVEREDBY PHARMACEUTICALINDUSTRY LEADERS9
BackContentsNextCHEMISTRY WITH INDUSTRIALPLACEMENT (MChem)TYPICALA-LEVEL OFFER:MChem:AAAFull year in industry in third year and academic research projectin fourth year.Your industrial placement will take place in your third year andyou will return to Warwick in your final year to complete yourMChem research project. If you are not sure whether you wantto go into research or industry, this will give you the opportunityto explore both options and find out what is right for you.(see page 6 for fullentry requirements)CHEMISTRY WITHINTERNATIONALPLACEMENT (MChem)You will be fully involved and responsible for finding aplacement, ensuring that you are selecting a field that suits you,develops your transferable skills, and gets you employmentready. You will be supported to find your placement by theStudent Opportunity Department and a dedicated careersadvisor. You will have access to online training materials,workshops and training sessions as well as individual adviceand feedback to guide you through the process and refineyour applications.Term abroad in third year carrying out researchin an overseas institution.DURING YOUR PLACEMENTYou will study by distance-learning the core elements of theyear 3 syllabus, worth 25% of the year, to enable you to accessfourth year optional modules. The distance learning is wellsupported, and you will have access to our virtual learningenvironment and lecture capture as well as regular contactwith the Chemistry department. However the majority ofyour grades for your third year will come from assessed workcomponents that demonstrate the competencies that youdevelop during your placement, such as report writing andpresentation skills.OPPORTUNITIESIN INDUSTRYOR ABROAD10“My degree in Chemistry at Warwick gave methe most hands-on lab experience and theopportunity to learn from my own findings.For me, this was the best preparation for mycareer working as a Process DevelopmentChemist in industry. Additionally, my degreegave me a great deal of flexibility where I wasable to spend a year working in industry andchose my modules in my final years.As well as lab experience, I developedskills in scientific writing, presenting, researchand analysis which would be beneficial inany career.”Dikivitila Fundu Process Development Chemist,Johnson Matthey (MChem Chemistry withIndustrial placement graduate)Your international placement will take place in termthree of your third year, and will replace the coreand extended laboratory modules. You will have theopportunity to choose from our partner institutionsand could explore neighbouring cultures by studyingin Europe or travel to the other side of the globeto Australia or Singapore. Funding is available tocontribute to travel costs, visas and accommodation,and many students opt to travel around theirdestination for a few weeks before or after theirplacement.DURING YOUR PLACEMENTYou will spend a minimum of 13 weeks working withan academic, in their group, on an authentic researchproject and may even make a discovery that getspublished in a scientific journal. During the projectyou will develop a wide range of transferable skillsincluding team work, communication, problem solving,analysis and independent investigation.Your fourth year will be spent at Warwick carrying outanother research project that spans the academic yearalongside optional modules. This degree programmeis ideal if you are considering a career in research,either academic or industrial, and want to exploredifferent fields and have an overseas experience.11
ContentsBack4216Mo DULESMOLYBDENUMYEAR 1 - Common to all courses Inorganic Chemistry Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Foundation laboratoryYEAR 2 - Common to all courses Selective Organic Synthesis Mechanistic and Biological Chemistry Electrons in Molecules and Solids Transition Metal Chemistry Materials and Polymers Statistical Mechanics and Electrochemistry Further LaboratoryYEAR 3* Advanced Organic Chemistry and Laboratory Advanced Inorganic Chemistry and Laboratory Advanced Physical Chemistry and Laboratory Advanced Analytical Chemistry Molecular Pharmacology (Chemistry with MedicinalChemistry only)YEAR 3 - tailor your degree to your interestsOptional Modules: Molecular Structure and Dynamics Bioorganic Chemistry Polymer and Colloid Science Energy Communicating Science Extended Lab (core for MChem) Coordination and Bio-Inorganic Chemistry Secondary School Teaching*MChem with Industrial Placement students spend a full yearin industry during Year 3 with some distance learning.*MChem with International Placement students take thesummer term abroad which replaces the laboratory sessions.12NextSSULFURYEAR 4 Research Project and MethodologysConduct a research project in collaboration withone of our research academics. Advanced Medicinal and Biological Chemistry(Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry only)YEAR 4 - Optional modules Synthetic Chemistry I (Organic) Synthetic Chemistry II (Metallo-organic) Synthetic Chemistry III (Macromolecular) Electrochemistry and Nanotechnology Medicinal and Biological Chemistry Advanced Computational Chemistry Chemical BiologyVisit our website for detailed moduledescriptions, please note that modulesare subject to change.“Transition Metal Chemistry: Structure,Reactivity & Organometalic ChemistrySince it gives real life applicationssuch as cancer treatments and whycompounds are of a certain colour, thecontent was engaging and there was anice amount of maths in the module.”Becky Sellers 2nd Year, BSc Chemistrywith Medicinal ChemistryOMETHINGFOR EVERYONEWhether you want to study a broad Chemistrycurriculum, specialise in Medicinal Chemistry, carryout research at an overseas institution or undertake anindustrial placement, Warwick Chemistry has a coursethat will fit.TRAINING BEYOND CHEMISTRYAs well as enriching your subjectknowledge, our Chemistry degreeswill develop your analytical andproblem-solving, time management,communication, presentation andnumerical skills, all of which are highlyvalued by employers.Each of the subject areas you studyin year one includes essential skillscomponent. These include an excitingnew series of coding workshops, whereyou will learn how to programme withPython, among other digital skills thatyou will use as part of your degreeand beyond Warwick; interculturalcommunication workshops thatwill enhance your global employability;and research and analytical skills thatwill spark your intellectual curiosity forthe subject.PROBLEM-SOLVING,TIME MANAGEMENT,COMMUNICATION,PRESENTATION ANDNUMERICAL SKILLS13
ContentsBack15PPHOSPHORUSNextRACTICAL ANDLABORATORY WORKThe laboratory component of all of ourcourses is delivered in our excellentundergraduate laboratories, and underpinsall of the Chemistry that we teach. Our industry-standard facilities are bright, modern andwell-equipped. You will carry out experiments in a small group, so you willbe able to get lots of hands-on experience with specialistequipment, and will get to know your lab group very well. Knowledgeable and helpful demonstrators and staff are alwayson hand to help you learn the practical techniques and guideyour understanding. The experiments are carefully designed so you will learnstandard techniques and then apply your knowledge toinvestigation and problem solving. Many of our practicals are unique and innovative because theyhave been designed by our academic researchers. Studentsmay get to work on an NMR spectrometer that uses the Earth’smagnetic field to create images (similar to the MRI scannersused in hospitals), use a 3D printer to print objects, and uselasers to study chemical reactions. All the equipment that you need is provided, including yourlaboratory coat, book and glasses, and we have never chargedfor breakages so you can learn in a stress-free environment.WHAT WAS YOUR FAVOURITE MODULE?“Easily labs, it’s the most fun by far and I like the rangeof topics covered in them. Also I find I learn a lot fromdoing the lab book write ups before the actual labs”Ollie Luke Bennett 1st Year, BSc Chemistry1415
ContentsBack16SSULFURTUDYABROADExamples of research projects undertaken by our studentsduring their international placements.Bicyclic Thymine:A Novel FluorescentBase AnalogueInkjet PrintedLuminescent DSCatalysts forConversion of DiphenylQuadricyclane toDiphenyl Norbornadienein Molecular SolarThermal SystemsTOULOUSEFRANCENext“Choosing to go on a placementabroad is the best thing I have everdone. I grew in confidence during mytime at Monash – both in my skills asa chemist and also in a wider sense.Spending time at Monash has givenme the chance to travel, exploreand have many new and excitingexperiences. A placement abroad canbe challenging but it is so rewardingand allowed me to step outside mycomfort zone and achieve things Iwould never have thought possiblebefore I went.”Gaby Newson (MChemChemistry graduate andGraduate Analyst, HighValue Manufacturingat Innovate)OrganometallicCompound withAnticancer Activity:Improving Cytotoxicityusing Thymidine as“Trojan Horse”NANYANG TECHNICALUNIVERSITY SINGAPOREBARCELONA SPAINApplications ofElectroanalyticalTechniques in thePredictionand Determinationof Antiretroviral DrugMetabolitesMODENA ITALYA 3D-MOF with SingleMolecule Magnets asLinkers: Assembly Strategy,Structural Characterisationand Magnetic Behaviour16MONASHUNIVERSITYAUSTRALIAOptimisation ofDiamine Electrolytesfor use in HydrogenPeroxide Fuel CellsA PLACEMENT ABROADCAN BE CHALLENGINGBUT IT IS SO REWARDINGAND ALLOWED METO STEP OUTSIDE MYCOMFORT ZONE17
rkshops are problem solving classes where questionsare set for you to attempt. Typically run in groups of 20-40students, these provide opportunities for you to work withyour peers as well as ask questions and get assistance fromacademic staff and teaching assistants on hand.Laboratory classes are amongst the most interesting andexciting part of any Chemistry student’s life. Classes in ourstate-of-the-art undergraduate labs will form an integral part ofyour learning.All of the teaching and learning activities are accessible throughthe virtual learning environment (VLE) – a one stop location foreverything you need. Each module has its own area containingmodule information, contacts for teaching staff, lecture notes,tutorial and workshop questions, recordings, forums and ofteninteractive quizzes. These stay with you throughout your time atWarwick so you can always access information and feedback fromprevious years.18SESSMENTMETHODSYou will be assessed by a mixtureof examinations and courseworkwith a minimum of 25% of eachyear being assessed work.Lectures are the main way that the content andtheory is delivered. You will encounter a range oflecturing styles that help you to learn in differentways including making your own notes, annotatingprinted handouts, problem solving activities andinteractive quizzes. Lecture theatres are equippedwith the latest technology including visualisers,cameras and sockets for student use. We endeavourto record all undergraduate lectures so you can watchthem later to enhance your understanding.Modules in the first and second year are supportedby tutorials with small groups of approximately 6-7students. These sessions are integrated with lecturesto reinforce key concepts; questions are set in advance,handed in and marked before the sessions so that thetutor can ensure that you progress your learning and getthe maximum benefit.NextA RANGEOF LECTURINGSTYLES THATHELP YOUTO LEARN INDIFFERENTWAYSThere is one period each year when all Chemistryexaminations take place, allowing you toconcentrate on other work during the rest ofthe year and consolidate your knowledge andunderstanding across all modules. In years one andtwo the examinations take place at the very end ofthe academic year, whilst in years three and fourexams are sat earlier in the year, allowing a focus onlabs or research in the latter stages.Coursework activities are integrated throughoutthe curriculum, and you will meet similar themesin different settings to strengthen and unite yourunderstanding. You will encounter a range ofassessment types that prepare you for employmentincluding written reports, group projects and oraland poster presentations. We believe that feedback should be accessible,timely and help you to continuously improve. We use a virtual learning environment so thatyou can see your feedback whenever you wantand wherever you are. We subscribe to a policy of returning all gradesand feedback within 20 working days.19
ContentsBack16SSULFURUPPORTFOR LEARNINGWe want our students to succeed and thrive. Weknow your degree is a large investment of your effort,time and money, and that is why we have establishedmany methods both in the Department of Chemistryand at the University to support o
CHEMISTRY (BSc AND MChem) Flexible course transfers and a wide range of optional modules in Years 3 and 4. Our BSc and MChem Chemistry degrees provide the most widespread overview of the discipline of all our courses, with the maximum range of optional modules. In the third year you will use your experience of the themes and topics from years one and two to choose optional modules, tailoring .
University of Warwick Dan Bernhardt Department of Economics University of Warwick University of Illinois Mario Sanclemente Department of Economics University of Warwick April 18, 2018 Clickherefor the latest version Abstract
Chemistry ORU CH 210 Organic Chemistry I CHE 211 1,3 Chemistry OSU-OKC CH 210 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 2055 1,3,5 Chemistry OU CH 210 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 3064 1 Chemistry RCC CH 210 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 2115 1,3,5 Chemistry RSC CH 210 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 2103 1,3 Chemistry RSC CH 210 Organic Chemistry I CHEM 2112 1,3
Physical chemistry: Equilibria Physical chemistry: Reaction kinetics Inorganic chemistry: The Periodic Table: chemical periodicity Inorganic chemistry: Group 2 Inorganic chemistry: Group 17 Inorganic chemistry: An introduction to the chemistry of transition elements Inorganic chemistry: Nitrogen and sulfur Organic chemistry: Introductory topics
The Warwick Young Achievers’ Programme: Report 3: ‘Shooting the Past’, 2016, CEDAR, University of Warwick. 4 Cullen, Stephen M., & Thomas, Ruth, (August 2017), Evaluation of the University of Warwick’s outreach programme, UniTracks: The Warwick Young Achievers .
Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK Phone number: 07758933026 Alan J. Poots, NIHR CLAHRC Northwest London, Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom Juan Carpio, Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom Ivo Vlaev, Warwick Business School, The University of Warwick .
Artificial Intelligence in Asset Management Söhnke M. Bartram Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research, and Professor of Finance, University of Warwick, Warwick Business School, Department of Finance Jürgen Branke Professor of Operational Research and Systems, University of Warwick, Warwick Business School Mehrshad Motahari
Bid2023-085 Redistricting Mailing Service - Printing & Mailing of 4 x 6 Postcards Specifications are available in the Purchasing Division, Warwick City Hall, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM on or after Thursday, June 16, 2022. Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Division, Warwick City Hall, 3275 Post
Accelerated Chemistry I and Accelerated Chemistry Lab I and Accelerated Chemistry II and Accelerated Chemistry Lab II (preferred sequence) CHEM 102 & CHEM 103 & CHEM 104 & CHEM 105 General Chemistry I and General Chemistry Lab I and General Chemistry II and General Chemistry Lab II (with advisor approval) Organic chemistry, select from: 9-10