Karan J. SorensenKaranSorensen@gmail.com emailhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/karansorensen LinkedInTechnology & Business Management ExecutiveKaran Sorensen is an award-winning business management and information technology executive. She hasspecial expertise in executing innovation, information and technology solutions, building businesses,implementing operational excellence programs and developing leaders. Karan is a visionary and inspirationalleader adept at shaping technical and business strategies, creating an energetic climate for growth andexcellence, delivering large-scale goals, and motivating others to achieve their highest levels of growth andperformance. She has a reputation for excellence in creating high performance global teams and organizationsand for administering multi-million dollar budgets. She has lead several organizations in turn-aroundrevitalizations and has been acknowledged for her accomplishments by CIO magazine and other executiveand industry publications and organizations. A technopreneur, Karan serves as a board member and advisorfor technology start-ups, colleges, universities and industry standards organizations.ExecutiveProfileAreas ofExpertise Education Executive Leadership and Business GrowthStrategic Business and Technology PlanningLarge Complex Programs and Shared ServicesMulti-Site and Multi-Cultural CollaborationsIndividual/Organizational Development and HighPerformance Teams Information Technology, Informatics, Info Security Academic and Instructional Technologies Process Optimization, Six Sigma Green Belt &Quality Matters certified Grants management, reporting and writingEdD program, Educational Leadership, Liberty UniversityPhD program, Technology Management, Stevens Institute of TechnologyMBA, Magna Cum Laude, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2010MS, Management of Technology, Summa Cum Laude, Stevens Institute of Technology, 1997BS, Management Information Systems and Business Administration, Cum Laude, Charleston SouthernUniversity, 1986 Cert., Johnson & Johnson Strategic Leadership, Harvard Business School, 2007Centers ofExcellence Executive leading Financial Systems COE designated as the benchmark standard for SOX compliance in a 60B corporation Created a highly-leveraged COE executing large, complex, cross-company, global technologyprojects/programs across 200 operating companies and multiple healthcare business sectors. Projectsranged in value from 20,000 to 258 million. Executive leading Technology, Innovation and Engineering COEs in 2 different Pharma companies whereeach received prestigious CIO magazine awards (Enterprise Value, Top 100, Competitive Advantage) Created IT COE for Pharmaceutical R&D’s integrated scheduling, resource and pipeline portfoliomanagement systems to enable high-quality data-driven decisions, cross-R&D synergies, cost savings, andpipeline transparency of 3,600 pipeline projectsTurn-aroundExperience Dramatic and rapid turnaround of a company ill-prepared for explosive growth (see Business TransformationProject) Revitalized an organization that was deemed bureaucratic and mediocre to become an organization thatwas a competitive asset to the company and a world-class partner in the company’s growth. Provided ITwith vision, strategic direction and executive leadership while restructuring the organization to reducebottom-line costs and deliver measurable value to the business Revitalized an IT organization operating in a maintenance mode to a position of technology leadership andstrategic partnership. Accomplishments included significant reduction in a business-critical capital projecttimeline resulting in reduced cost, increased revenue and early launch of a blockbuster productStart-up &EntrepreneurialExperience Board member, advocate, scout, mentor, advisor and consultant to technology start-ups. Examples includeHigh-Tech Business Startups (5280 Technology, Wave Sciences), Medical Device Startups (Moterum,ImmunoMatrix), Technology Services (RedZone Technologies, PowerHouse), Global e-Identity TrustEcosystem (SAFE-BioPharma), Healthcare Mobile (MUSC Tension Tamer) Trained, coached and mentored a company’s leadership team through its transition from a small companysuffering from growth pains to an operationally stable growth leader with an innovative pipeline New business startup and general management of premier-online and mobile community for oncologyutilizing cloud computing, social media, and collaboration technologies and platforms New business start-up, Advanced Technology Division. In addition to increased revenue, the divisionsignificantly expanded the company’s competitiveness, capabilities, revenue and customer base1 P a g e
Karan J. SorensenKaranSorensen@gmail.com emailhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/karansorensen LinkedInTechnology & Business Management ExecutiveProfessionalHistory2017 – current Charleston Southern University Charleston, SCDirector of Academic Technology and Grants; Program Director for US Dept of Education Title III Grant; AdjunctProfessorAcademic Technology: Provide leadership and oversight for strategy, funding, selection, deployment, trainingand support for the university’s academic and instructional technologies. Representative technologies include:Blackboard LMS, Collaborate, Ally, Kaltura, One-Button Faculty Studio, Sling Streaming, instructional apps,video and interactive display systems, tablets/PCs, VR/AR, and simulation systems. Lead the standardizationof instructional design best practices; development, and design of CSU’s master course templates for onlineand web-enhanced (hybrid/blended/flipped) courses. Guide the appropriate integration of a wide variety oftechnologies into academic programs. Oversee educational and instructional technical support and trainingfor Faculty.Grants: Set an ambitious grant-seeking agenda designed to meet the university’s strategic goals. Serve aslead internal consultant to faculty, administrators and executives on grant development. Direct the preparationof complex and varied grants, and develop and implement systems and procedures to ensure successfulgrant-seeking and grant-reporting efforts at the university. Collaborate with external agencies and companiesto identify fundable projects fitting university strategies, conduct research, and write proposals to secureprivately and publicly funded grants for the university.Title III Program Director: Manage personnel and implement strategies to meet the objectives of the 2.5million, Title III Program - Success Through Access and Robust Support (STARS). Oversee rollout andadoption of the Quality Matters (QM) best practices and continuous improvement program. Providefaculty/staff with professional development and coaching in online, hybrid/blended and shared-classroomcourse design and instructional best practices. Oversee the redesign/development of Liberal Arts Core andCriminal Justice courses for online, hybrid/blended and shared-classroom instruction. Coordinate with CSUpersonnel to lead the development and pilots of new online student support services including reading skillsassistance, academic planning, advising, and mentoring. Oversee acquisition and integration of technologiesto meet the STARS program’s objectives (Faculty Studio, Blackboard Collaborate, Kaltura Video Managementplatform, Blackboard Ally for universal design and accessible content, smart/interactive display technologies,iPads for tutoring and instruction, 3D, VR and augmented reality technology, and other tools and applicationsto advance CSU’s ability to provide engaging and interactive instruction).Title III Supplemental Project Pgm Dir: Develop a financial education program (Buc ense) that will beincorporated into student orientation and made available to all students online (BucSense.com). Focus areasfor the program include personal financial literacy, knowledge of higher education financing and repayment(e.g., college savings and student loans), and developing skills aimed at building personal financialunderstanding and responsibility. The outcomes from the project will also contribute significantly to CSU’sability to meet SACSCOC *Principles of Accreditation, Section 12: Academic and Student Support Services,Sub-section 12.6: The institution provides information and guidance to help student borrowers understandhow to manage their debt and repay their loans (Student debt).2012 – current Sorensen Strategies, LLC Charleston, SC www.sorensenstrategies.comPresident and CEOBusiness and technology executive-consultant and strategist for C-level leaders in the areas of informationtechnology and security, innovation/technology, supply chain, enterprise systems, digital/marketing strategiesand project/process optimization. Specific expertise in business and revenue growth, bottom-line costefficiencies, process and operational excellence, start-ups, tech transfer, product/service/market expansion,executive coaching/mentoring and leadership development. Provide company turn-around leadership andexecutive coaching and training services through interim-CEO, COO and/or CIO engagements.Technopreneur, advocate, board member and advisor for universities, technology start-ups, hospitals, andcorporate R&D organizations (USA, Israel, Europe and China). Recent projects and startups include: HighTech Business Startup (5280 Technology, Red Zone Technologies), 2 Medical Device Startups (Moterum,ImmunoMatrix), 5-year IT Strategic Plan (confidential healthcare), Technology Services (PowerHouse), Globale-Identity Trust Ecosystem (SAFE-BioPharma), and Business Transformation (PSA).Business Transformation Project: As Assistant-CEO at Palmetto State Armory (PSA) in Columbia, SC,Sorensen was engaged to transform PSA from a business, suffering through growth pains with a D- BetterBusiness Bureau (BBB) rating to a successful BBB accredited A rated company operating efficiently and2 P a g e
Karan J. SorensenKaranSorensen@gmail.com emailhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/karansorensen LinkedInTechnology & Business Management Executivegrowing rapidly. She focused on Leadership, Communications, Quality, Continuous Improvement, ProcessExcellence, High Accountability and Teamwork to advance the company’s capabilities. She created a serviceand action-oriented culture and completely transformed the company’s information technology, manufacturing,logistics and distribution, R&D, Procurement, and Customer Service capabilities in record-breaking time.Examples of the transformation include: Across the board, put in the right leadership, processes, clear accountability, performance metrics, SOPs,new organizational structures, and completely overhauled entire business functions to achieve optimumefficiency. IT systems in the company were ineffective, bordering on toxic. The negative impact from persistent ITproblems cost the company millions of dollars in lost sales, supply chain and distribution issues. Thousandsof hours were spent to manually correct, compensate for, verify and remediate inconsistencies in andbetween systems. Warehouse utilization and efficiency was inconsistent and severely constrained. Hiringthe right technical talent and completely overhauling the entire IT infrastructure and applications footprintresulted in a standard, stable, secure, sustainable and scalable IT environment capable of meeting thedemands of unparalleled growth for the company. Logistics: Shipping delays were a significant source for BBB complaints. Customer orders were delayed inshipping as much as 4 - 8 weeks. Under Sorensen’s leadership, PSA progressed to same-day and next-dayshipping. Transformed Logistics from a liability to a high achieving asset for the company. Customer Service was a source for a high number of customer and BBB complaints. Under Sorensen’sleadership Customer Service became a core competency for PSA. In addition to its traditional role, CustomerService provided social-listening for the company across social media and industry forums; communicatedcustomer feedback directly to manufacturing and the distribution warehouse; and became a strong advocatefor the customers’ concerns, ideas, recommendations and unmet needs. As the voice of the customer,Customer Service has contributed ideas for new products, recommended design changes/improvements,and greatly improved customer FAQs and information. The call answer rate went from 13% to the 90s. Emailresponse rates went from weeks to 1 business day with often same-day response. Manufacturing and parts issues were also a source for customer complaints. The dramatic improvement inquality and throughput resulted in an all-time high for demand of PSA manufactured products. Returns andrepairs went to a record low, production capacity nearly doubled, and new products are coming through thepipeline and successfully launching out of manufacturing. Manufacturing became a source for growthdelivering high-value and quality brands of products for PSA. Revenue increased by 35% during the firstyear of the transition. R&D: The company had a bad reputation for announcing but not delivering new products. Implemented andformalized R&D Pipeline and Portfolio processes, Governance, R&D/Product Development strategies andestablished key vendor/supplier partnerships. The company is now considered innovative and delivers newproducts and accessories at an accelerated pace. Procurement: The company had a large percentage of slow moving/obsolete inventory, stockouts/shortages, and high-spend on non-discounted and expedited orders/shipping. Revamped Purchasingto a Product-Line Management and Procurement Organization focused on supplier management, highdiscount and volume/strategic buys, eliminating obsolete/excess inventories, reducing total SKUs, highmargin and fast moving products, preferred vendor partnerships, just-in-time parts/materials delivery,reduced shipping cost, favorable contract terms. Achieved cost savings and reduced inventory cost acrossall product categories, preferred-buyer status, and negotiated significant discounts and favorable terms.Dramatically increased margins, inventory turns and reduced shipping, inventory and carrying costs. The company’s Better Business Bureau rating went from a D- to an A in 10 months! PSA was bestowedthe BBB Torch Award as a top company and role model in the region. Sorensen was awarded the BBBOutstanding Individual Employee certificate.2001 – 2011 Johnson & Johnson New Jersey CIO & Vice President, Information Technology,Total Oncology Digital OfficerJohnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical R&D and Centocor R&D 2005 – 2011CIO & Vice President, Information Technology: Provided executive leadership to deliver complex globaltechnology programs focused on increasing top-line growth, improving operating margins through innovationand emerging technologies, and improving the reliability, efficiency and effectiveness of J&J’s Business,Digital and Pharmaceutical/Biotechnology R&D environments. Managed global organization and amultimillion-dollar budget. Representative accomplishments and benefits included:3 P a g e
Karan J. SorensenKaranSorensen@gmail.com emailhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/karansorensen LinkedInTechnology & Business Management Executive tranSMART - knowledge management platform that enables scientists to develop and refine researchhypotheses by investigating correlations between genetic and phenotypic data and assessing analyticalresults in the context of published literature and other works. Bio-IT World Best Practices and CIO 100awards granted for the platform's innovation and potential to advance translational research.http://www.transmartfoundation.org/ Health informatics capability for post-marketing safety studies, clinical trial support, identification of patientsubpopulations, biomarker identification through analysis of patient data and outcome based research.Enhanced strategic insights and drove greater marketplace understanding and partnership for the globalPharmaceutical community R&D Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) increased productivity, quality, and IP protection. Enabledscientific collaboration, knowledge sharing and provided the foundation for implementing the Lab-to-Patientstrategy Provided systems to enable novel compound discovery and drug development for pharmacogenomics,molecular imaging, biomarkers, translational medicine, scientific computing. Cloud computing: Cloud and GRID computing enabled drug discovery to be faster, more economical, anddramatically expanded computational and analytical capabilities. Winner of CIO magazine and CIO.COMawards: CIO 100 award and CIO 100 Competitive Advantage award Supply chain, financial and global project management systems in support of J&J’s Pharma R&Dcompanies (10,000 users in 70 countries). SAP environment identified as a model system for SOXcompliance and manufacturing excellence for all of J&J Increased operating efficiency and leveraged capabilities to reduce R&D IT cost by 55 million eSignature and eSubmission capabilities for fully electronic FDA regulatory submissions. Firstpharmaceutical company to submit a SAFE compliant electronic signature to the FDA (submissioncontained over 100,000 links) Provided patient and hospital-based systems for Phase I clinical trial hospital in Belgium. Also developedand supported Patient Monitoring, Clinical Trial Management, Trial Master File, Regulatory, IVR, EDC andAdverse Event Reporting systems. Additionally had responsibility over development and support ofsystems for pre-clinical, chemical and biologics manufacturing, translational medicine, Informatics, imaging,GxP, statistical analysis and reporting systems.Total Oncology Digital Officer: Executive leadership and general management for creation, businessdevelopment, execution and delivery of premier online and mobile accessible destination and community foroncology utilizing cloud computing, social media, collaboration technologies and platforms. Unique aspectsincluded Utilized large-scale crowd sourcing for idea generation, business plan development, feedback, andaccess to and input from subject matter experts and domain leaders Developed alliance and collaborations with best-in-class partners to top-grade and fast-track accessand delivery of premier, timely and relevant content, superior and unique user experiences, insights andanalytics from online communities, and Internet-wide big-data sets Drove convergence across business sectors to provide education, awareness, services, solutions, andproducts to advance the cancer care agenda on behalf of patients, caregivers, health care professionals,researchers, advocates, academia, and other interested parties Developed strong partnerships with advocacy groups, profit and nonprofit organizations Developed clinical trial matching and digital recruitment strategies for rare diseases External/Community Innovation/Collaboration: Developed solutions to quickly integrate internal/externalpartners, collaborators and virtual communities. External partnering and collaboration were key driversfor global reach, competitive growth, and cultivating innovation and expertise breadth and depthVice President, Global Infrastructure Programs and Management Board memberJohnson & Johnson Networking & Computing Services 2001 - 2005Executive over Global Program Management organization executing and delivering complex IT projects and6-sigma process-excellence programs to improve the reliability, efficiency and effectiveness of J&J’s4 P a g e
Karan J. SorensenKaranSorensen@gmail.com emailhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/karansorensen LinkedInTechnology & Business Management Executiveworldwide computing infrastructure. Programs advanced business capabilities and assured a standard, stable,secure operating environment. Representative projects included: Global Infrastructure Optimization – Reduced overall infrastructure spend by 211 million over a 5-yearperiod resulting in a positive contribution to EPS of .01 per share. (global data centers consolidation,server consolidation/virtualization, sourcing/contract leveraging, standardized and top-graded services,technical solutions and resources). Business Infrastructure Program – Implemented a worldwide, standard, stable, secure and sustainablecomputing infrastructure to 200 operating companies. Deployed new OS to 100,000 personal computersand 1000 servers. Project delivered ahead of schedule and under budget ( 199 million vs. 258 million) Acquisition/Merger Integration – IT Executive co-leading integration and growth acceleration team.Industry-leading systems integration capabilities provided on merger-day one. Capabilities included:trusted/integrated networks; integrated voicemail, videoconferencing, and email; linked intranets; warmtransfer between customer call centers; common employee identification system; and integrated HelpDesks Global Dial Services & PKI – Deployed next generation remote access and security to over 60,000 endusers (below budget and ahead of schedule). Technical/business benefits included improved networkprotection, enhanced end-user security, and improved service due to ten-fold increase in available remoteaccess points. Financial benefits included 9 million recurring cost savings and 3.2 million one-time costavoidance Led the development of the next-generation J&J Information Management Global Strategic Plan. Actionplans resulted in reducing infrastructure spend from 1.5% NTS to 1.1% NTS and reduced infrastructurepercent of spend from 43% to 38% Medical Device & Diagnostics Global Supply Chain – Implemented the infrastructure supporting theOracle/JDE supply chain systems for 14 billion Medical Device & Diagnostics business. Largestdeployment in the world of OneWorld and APS on HP Superdome1999 – 2001 Life Technologies Rockville, MDCIO & Vice President, Information Technology, Executive Committee member and Company OfficerAs an officer of the company reporting to the CEO, led the drive for utilizing technology to achieve marketleadership and sustain exceptional performance. Delivered eBusiness, marketing/sales, supply chain,customer relationship management, and bioinformatics programs in support of marketing, sales, R&D,manufacturing, and customer service. Assessed emerging technologies and ensured that technologystrategies, long-term architecture, and technology investments aligned with business objectives. Exploitedtechnology to drive process improvements and efficiencies and created new information-based revenuegenerating services and business.Developed vendor relationships and managed contractual agreements for delivery of products and services.Managed multi-million-dollar budget and global organization in support of operations in 22 countries anddistributor relationships in 40 more. Key executive leading a critical transition team for the merger of 3 majorLife Sciences companies1994 – 1999 Merck & Co., Inc. Somerset, NJDirector, Computer Integrated Engineering & ConstructionDirected Merck's worldwide network infrastructure, Intranet/Extranet, application systems, securityadministration, desktop computers, server systems and end-user Help Desk in support of worldwideengineering. Also directed external alliance initiatives relative to information technology and engineering. Keyinnovator in adopting new technologies such as client/server, web-based systems, electronic documentmanagement, expert systems, mobile electronic help desk and intelligent 2D and 3D CAD systems. Manageda multi-million-dollar budget and global staff in support of capital projects valued at over 5 billionEarly Career Notes: Senior Staff Manager – Jacobs Engineering; Staff Manager/Consultant – GeneralElectric Consulting Services; and Production Analyst – E. I. DuPont De Nemours & Co., Inc.5 P a g e
Karan J. SorensenKaranSorensen@gmail.com emailhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/karansorensen LinkedInTechnology & Business Management ExecutiveBoardMembership Awards &Honors Board of Directors, Charleston Women in Tech (2019)Board of Directors, Moterum (2017-19)Board of Directors, RedZone Technologies (2017-19)Board of Directors & Board Treasurer/Vice Chairperson, Better Business Bureau Central SC &Charleston (Treasurer 2016-2019, elected Vice Chairperson for 2020) Board of Directors, SAFE-BioPharma (2013-18) Board of Visitors, Charleston Southern University (2013-19) Inducted into Charleston Southern University’s Hall of Honor for Computer Science & MathematicsBetter Business Bureau Individual recognition for Outstanding Company EmployeeBetter Business Bureau Award for top company and role model in the regionBetter Business Bureau Torch Awards A Company AwardCharleston County Council Certificate of Appreciation for contributions to the development and successof small businesses and support of the Small Business Enterprise ProgramCIO 100 award for Strategic/Competitive Advantage - translational medicine; CIO magazineBDPA Corporate Advisory Leadership and ExcellenceCIO 100 Award for Grid Computing, CIO 100 Competitive Advantage award, CIO magazineTWIN - Tribute to Women and Industry honoreeNJ Assoc for Biomedical Research, Caring Heart Award for the Art of the Mentor CIO Enterprise Value Award runner-up for 3D Design of the fast track Crixivan projectProfessionalMemberships Presentations &Publications Creating the Next Generation Digital Learning Environment with Moodlerooms. Blackboard World, Orlando,FL, 2018. Digital Transformation Live and Unplugged, SIM Women Leadership Summit, Schaumburg, IL, 2018. Internal Customer Experience, Engagement and Business Alignment. CIO Strategy Conference (Innovate,Adapt, Transform, Secure), Charlotte, NC, 2017 Intersection of Digital Health and MedTech Innovation. SEMDA, Atlanta, GA, 2017 Industry’s Information Technology Best Practices That Higher Education Could Use. CCCU NationalWebinar, 2016 Women Winning in Technology. Women in Technology, Charleston, SC; 2016 Next Generation Technology Platforms and Commercializing Software. MUSC Biotech Innovation Groupseminar, Charleston, SC; 2014 Voice of the CXO - Helping CIO’s Succeed in the C-Suite (Keynote panel). SIM Premier CIO Forum,Charlotte, NC; 2014 Business Growth and Economic Influences. ConneXus Networking, Charleston, SC; 2014 TeleHealth, TeleMedicine & Health IT. GLOBES International Business Conf., Tel Aviv, Israel; 2013. Principle Centered Leadership. Senior Leadership Integration Seminar, Charleston, SC; 2013. Tips, Tools and Techniques for Growing Your Business. Charleston County Small Business EnterpriseProgram, Charleston, SC; 2013. Imagine Your Potential. American Business Women’s Assoc. (ABWA), Charleston, SC; 2012. Workforce 3.0. Society for Information Management (SIM), King of Prussia, PA; 2012. Strategic Marketing and Communications. Charleston County Small Business Enterprise Program,Charleston, SC; 2012.6 P a g eBetter Business Bureau (Board Treasurer & Vice Chairperson)Society for Information Management (SIM)Cyber Trends and Cyber Security AssociationWorldwide Supply Chain Federation
Karan J. SorensenKaranSorensen@gmail.com emailhttp://www.linkedin.com/in/karansorensen LinkedInTechnology & Business Management Executive Career Management Strategies and Leadership. Smith College Executive Women Leaders Program,Northhampton, MA; 2011. One Person Can’t Carry a Team to Victory: Succession Planning and Leadership Development. SIMPhiladelphia CIO Forum, King of Prussia, PA; 2011. Case Study: Centocor's Data Warehouse in the Cloud. CIO 100 Symposium, CA; 2010. Generating Business Value From Information Technology. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston,MA; 2010. Successful Strategies in Challenging Times. Rutgers Institute for Women's Leadership and Center forWomen and Work, New Brunswick, NJ; 2009. Healthcare & Life Sciences: Dealing with the Exploding Growth and Extraordinary Complexity of EnterpriseData. MIT CIO Symposium Panel, Boston, MA; 2008. Women in IT. Society for Information Management Panel, Morristown, NJ; 2008. Grid Computing: A Study in Bringing Innovation to Fruition. CIO 100 Symposium: Innovation WithoutBoundaries, Carlsbad, CA; 2007. The Future of Innovation and Productivity. The Institute for Innovation and Information Productivity & HoweSchool Alliance for Technology Management, Hoboken, NJ; 2007. On-ramping: Professional Women Re-entering the Workforce. A New Path: Setting New ProfessionalDirections, Harvard Business School Executive Education Program; 2007. Collaborative Culture and Perceived Issues with University-to-Industry Knowledge Transfer, 2007 HawaiiInternational Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii; Jan 2007.ExternalPublications Why Mentoring Creates Competitive AdvantageCIO.com: http://www.cio.com/article/443763/Why Mentoring Creates Competitive Advantage Collaborative Culture and Perceived Issues with University-to-Industry Knowledge Transfer, 40thAnnual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) .1109/HICSS.2007.130Featured inPublications Book: Uniting the Virtual Workforce: Transforming Leadership and Innovation in the GloballyIntegrated EnterpriseAuthors: Karen Sobel Lojeski and Richard R. Reilly ISBN-10: 0470193956 ISBN-13: 978-0470193952pages: 132-139. Article: How Virtual Teams Can SucceedMagazine: Business Week, Author: Rachael King Publication Date: Friday May 16, 2008Yahoo! News: http://news.yahoo.com/s/bw/20080516/bs tc20080515 505734.htm Article: Practical Tips From a J&J Mega-MentorArticle Author: Sue Dorward USPS 176-360 ISSN 1066-212XMagazine IEEE Engineering Management Society Newsletter. Vol. 56 1Q2006 pages 6Q1.pdf 4/12/karan-sorensen-mentoring.pdf Article: Involv
MBA, Magna Cum Laude, Stevens Institute of Technology, 2010 MS, Management of Technology, Summa Cum Laude, Stevens Institute of Technology, 1997 BS, Management Information Systems and Business Administration, Cum Laude, Charleston Southern University, 1986 Cert., Johnson & Jo
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MONDAY 11TH JANUARY, 2021 AT 6.00 PM VENUE VIRTUAL MEETING Dear Councillors, Please find enclosed additional papers relating to the following items for the above mentioned meeting which were not available at the time of collation of the agenda. Item No Title of Report Pages 1. FAMILY SERVICES QUARTERLY UPDATE 3 - 12 Naomi Kwasa 020 8359 6146 naomi.kwasa@Barnet.gov.uk Please note that this will .