3 Social Science - Santillana

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3Social ScienceSocial Science Learning Lab is a collective work,conceived, designed and created by the PrimaryEducational department at Santillana, under thesupervision of Teresa Grence.WRITERSNatalia GómezMaría MoreILLUSTRATIONSDani JiménezEsther Pérez-CuadradoSCIENCE CONSULTANTRaquel MacarrónEDITORSara J. ChecaEXECUTIVE EDITORPeter BartonBILINGUAL PROJECT COORDINATIONMargarita EspañaDo not write in this book.Do all the activities in your notebook.

ContentsGet started!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 The relief of Spain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Our rivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Learning Lab game. . . . . . . . . . . . . 363 We live in Europe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Our world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52Learning Lab game. . . . . . . . . . . . . 665 Studying the past. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686 Discovering history. . . . . . . . . . . . . 82Learning Lab game. . . . . . . . . . . . . 96Key vocabulary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98.three3

UNITCONTENTS1 Inland and coastal landscape features Main features of the relief of SpainThe relief of Spain Parts of a mountain Highest mountains and mountainranges in Spain Relief maps2 Types of rivers River mapsOur rivers Parts of a river Cantabrian rivers Features of a river Atlantic rivers Spanish rivers Mediterranean riversREVIEWLearning Lab game3 Where is Europe? Rivers and lakes in EuropeWe live in Europe Types of maps Countries in Europe The relief in Europe The population of Europe The coast in Europe4 Asia AfricaOur world North America Oceania South America AntarcticaREVIEWLearning Lab game5 Historical sources Years, centuries and agesStudying the past Archaeology Historical timelines Measuring time Clues from the past Timelines6 Palaeolithic and Neolithic RenaissanceDiscovering history The Ancient Age The Industrial revolution The Middle AgesREVIEWKEY VOCABULARY4fourLearning Lab game

RAPSMINI LAB / BE A GEOGRAPHER!FINAL TASKThe relief rap Compare landscapesExpedition to an autonomouscommunity Mountain presentation How do you read a relief map?The river rap How are watersheds similarExpedition on a river How do you read a watershed map?The Russian rap Investigate a lake in EuropeExpedition to a country in Europe Learn European languages How do you read a political map?The Oceania rap Discover monuments of the worldExpedition to Asia How do you read map scales?The archaeology rap Finding fossilsMake a personal timeline How do we look for clues from thepast?The Renaissance rap Historical costume designsExpedition to the past How can we predict the future?five5

Get started!876111412592103Think about the world1 Look at the map. Name the continentsand oceans.Continent one is Asia.901533 00 p06 h01 mundi fisico mudo2 Can you name a country on each continent?Do you know a city in these countries?3 Look at the photo. Describe it.What country can you see? Explain why.I can see I think it is because 6sixSpain is in Europe.Madrid is a city in Spain.

ABCThink about yourself4 Look at the photos of Sara. Order them.5 Copy and complete.I am years old.My date of birth is 67 What do you want to bewhen you grow up? Why?I started school inthe year I was years old.I want to be a geographer.This year is I am years old.I want to be a nurse.In what year will you be 18 years old? How will the world be different?seven7

1The relief of SpainWhat are landscape features?ABCDObserve1 ook at the photos. What can youLsee? Talk to a partner.What can you see in photo A?I can see a cliff.8eightYou already know! Spain has different types oflandscapes. There are coastal landscapesand inland landscapes. There are many differentlandscape features.

How are landscapes similar?Mini LabCompare landscapesAB1 Copy the diagram in your notebook.Landscape ABothLandscape B 2 Compare the two landscapes.3 Write the landscape features and man-made elements that you can seein the correct circle. Write the things you can see in both in the centre. 4 How are the landscapes similar? How are they different?They are similar because Final taskExpedition toan autonomouscommunitynine9

What is relief?Relief is the combination of landscape features in an area of land.The relief of coastal and inland landscapes is different.Coastal landscapes are next to the sea.A gulf is a large area of sea that extendsinto the land.A cape is an area of land that extends intothe sea.An island is an area of land surroundedby water. A group of islands is called anarchipelago.A peninsula is an area of land surroundedby water on all sides except one. It isconnected to the coast by the isthmus.1Listen to the definitions and write the names of the landscape features.2 Play ‘guess the landscape feature’ with a partner.It is a low elevation of land.3Is it a hill?Yes! Draw a coastal landscape in your notebook. Include a cape, a gulf and anarchipelago. Label the landscape features.10 ten

1Key wordsInland landscapes are far from the sea. beach plateau cliff river lake reliefA mountain is an elevated area that ishigher than the surrounding land.A valley is an area of low land betweenmountains.A plain is flat area of low land.A hill is a low natural elevation of land.Think about it4 Copy and complete the diagram with hill, mountain and plain. eleven 11

Where is the foot of a mountain?Mountains can be alone in a landscape or grouped with other mountains.A mountain range is a group of mountains.A mountain chain is a line of mountain ranges.Mountains have different parts.The peak is thehighest part of amountain.The foot is thebottom ofthe mountain.The sides arecalled slopes.1 Copy the diagram and label the parts of the mountain. 12twelve

1Be a geographer!How do you read a relief map?Relief maps use different colours to show the height and shape of the land.ALTITUDEFrom 1,000 to 1,500 metresFrom 500 to 1,000 metresFrom 0 to 500 metresWhat does greenrepresent on the map?Look at the key1 What does green represent on the map?What does yellow represent?2 What colour represents the highest mountains?3 What colour represents the rivers?Green representslow land.Look at the map41 Copy and complete.2a. . represents a river.b. . represents a mountain.c. . represents a hill or plateau.d. . represents a plain.43thirteen 13

What do you know about the relief of Spain?The relief of Spain is organised according to the height of the land.Cantabrian SeaF R A N C ECORDILLERACANTÁBRICAP OR TU GA LTRAICOBP L A T E A UALR E SE ALASSISTEMANCEBLQUBA SIV I RINMiedterranneaSeaSE MASIST ICOSBÉTG UADAI SO CE A NA T LA NT I CANDORRAP I RI N ERSIO SOSTEMBAASIBINÉRI N N E RLEALTITUDE(metres)AT L A N T I C O C E A NISLASCAN ARI ASAltitude (metres)describes the height ofa point compared withsea level (0 metres).Over 2,000From 1,500 to 2,000From 1,000 to 1,500From 700 to 1,000From 400 to 700From 0 to 400Think about901533 01 p12 h01 Espana Fisicoit1 Look at the map of Tenerife. Answerthe questions. What is the highest point of theisland? What is its altitude? Find Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Is thishigh or low land?14 fourteenPuertode la CruzTeide# 3,718 mLos CristianosSanta Cruzde TenerifeCandelaria

1Key wordsTHE RELIEF OF SPAIN river basin inside outsidethe Inner Plateaumountainstwo river basinstwo archipelagosThe Inner Plateauis a large area ofhigh and flat landin the centreof the IberianPeninsula.There aremountain rangesinside and aroundthe Inner Plateau.The Guadalquivirbasin is in thesouth of theIberian Peninsula.The Islas Balearesare in theMediterraneanSea.Other mountainsare outside theInner Plateau.The Ebro basin isin the north of theIberian Peninsula.The Islas Canariasare in the AtlanticOcean.2Let’s rap! Listen and say the name of the relief.Think about it3 Where is the Inner Plateau? Where is the Ebro basin? Tell a partner.Where is theEbro basin?The Ebro basin is in the northof the Iberian Peninsula.fifteen 15

Where are the highest mountains in Spain?The highest mountain in Spain is Teide on Tenerife. It has analtitude of 3,718 metres. Spain has many other high mountains.1. CordilleraCantábrica2. Pirineos3. Sistema IbéricoThis mountain chain ison the border of Spain,France and Andorra.This mountain chain ison the Inner Plateau.Highest mountain:Highest mountain:Highest mountain:Torre CerredoAnetoMoncayoThis mountain chainis to the north of theInner Plateau.Observe1 Copy and complete the table.CordilleraCantábricaPirineosAREA2Sistema IbéricoSistema CentralSistemas BéticosMOUNTAINSOn the Inner Plateau Around the Inner Plateau Outside the Inner Plateau USE YOUR ATLAS. Look at a relief map of Spain. Add more mountains to your table.16 sixteen

1Cantabrian Sea243OCEAN1NTIC4. Sistema CentralAT L AThis mountain chaindivides the InnerPlateau into two parts:north and south.5Medrai te rne aeanSATLANTIC OCEAN5. Sistemas BéticosHighest mountain:AlmanzorThese mountain chains are in the901533 01 p15 h01 Espana Fisicosouth. TheCordillera Subbéticais inland and the CordilleraPenibética is near the coast.Highest mountain:MulhacénMini LabMountain presentation1 Choose a mountain in Spain to investigate.2 Find information. What is the altitude of your mountain? Which towns or cities is it near? Which plants grow there? Which animals live there? What activities can you doon your mountain?3 Make a poster. Include pictures of the mountain and labels.4 Present the information to your class.seventeen 17

Check your progressVocabulary1 In your notebook, match the words and pictures.mountainABmountain rangeCmountain chainConcepts2Write a sentence for each mountain chain.Sistemas BéticosSistema CentralTheSistema IbéricoPirineosisareonaroundoutsideCordillera Cantábrica3Copy and correct the sentences.A. The Guadalquivir basin is in the north of Spain.B. The Ebro basin is in the south of Spain.C. The Islas Baleares are in the Atlantic Ocean.D. The Islas Canarias are in the Mediterranean Sea.18 eighteenthe Inner Plateau.

1Apply what you know4 Describe the reliefyou see in the map.What relief can yousee in the map?ALTITUDE(metres)Over 1,000I can see From 400 to 1,000From 0 to 400Emb alsed eMa ría Cristina5Copy and complete.the Inner Plateau816737 p28 Cataluña Físico PolíticoTHE RELIEF OF SPAINmountainsriver basinsarchipelagos My progressHow is my work?Think about your work in this unit. Copy and complete.Very wellOKI need practiceI can identify relief in maps and photos. I can identify the mountain ranges of Spain nineteen 19

Final taskExpedition to an autonomous communityPlan an expedition to explore the relief of an autonomous community.You need a notebook a pencil coloured pencils1Think about it How many autonomous communities can you remember?2Make a decision In a group, compare the map of theautonomous communities and therelief map of Spain. Choose anautonomous community you wantto visit.PIRINSTEMLATRAEMSISTENACEOSCASTILLA Y LEÓNIBÉRICCOMUNIDADDE MADRIDOEXTREMADURAMeATLANTIC OCEAN20 twentyILLES BALEARSditenerraanToledoCASTILLALA MANCHAValenciaCOMUNITATMéridaVALENCIANAMurciaA N D A L U C Í AREGIÓNDE MURCIASevillaAT L ASI STEMASBÉTI CO IOK!PRINCIPADODE ASTURIAS Santander PAÍSSantiagoOviedo CANTABRIA VASCOde CompostelaPamplonaVitoriaGALICIAC.F. DELogroñoLA RIOJA NAVARRACantabrian SeaCOR DI LL ER ACAN TÁB RIC ALet’s visit Andalucía!SeaCANARIASSanta Cruzde TenerifeLas Palmasde Gran CanariaCeutaMelillaPalma

13 Plan your expedition In your group, use a relief map of theautonomous community.I want to visit Mulhacén andthe Doñana National Park. Which places do you want to visit? Why? What relief do you want to see? Why? What route do you want to take? Why?We can travel by bike. How do you want to travel? Why? What equipment do you need? Why?4 Make a poster Include: A map of the autonomous community withphotos or drawings of some of the relief. A line to show the route you will take. A list of equipment. Information on how you will travel.Show and tell5 Prepare a presentationMake notes: Why do you want to visit the autonomous community? Why did you choose the route? Why do you want to travel by river, road, land or sea? Why do you need the equipment?6 Present your expedition to your class Take turns to speak. Use your poster to explain your expedition.twenty-one 21

Key vocabulary

UNIT1The relief of Spainaltitude the height of a point comparedwith sea level (0 metres).archipelago a group of islands.cape an area of land that extends intothe sea.foot the bottom of a mountain.gulf a large area of sea that extends intothe land.hill a low natural elevation of land.island an area of land surrounded bywater.plain a flat area of low land.isthmus an area of land that connects apeninsula to the coast.relief the combination of landscapefeatures in an area of land.mountain an elevated area that is higherthan the surrounding land.mountain chain a line of mountainranges.plateau a flat area of high land.relief map a map that uses differentcolours to show the height and shapeof the land.mountain range a group of mountains.river basin a valley where the waterflows into a river.peak the highest part of a mountain.slope the side of a mountain.peninsula an area of land surrounded bywater on all sides except one.valley an area of low land betweenmountains.98 ninety-eight

Social Science Learning Lab is a collective work, conceived, designed and created by the Primary Educational department at Santillana, under the supervision of Teresa Grence. WRITERS Natalia Gómez María More ILLUSTRATIONS Dani Jiménez Esther Pérez-Cuadrado SCIENCE CONSULTANT Raquel Macarrón EDITOR Sara J. Checa EXECUTIVE EDITOR Peter Barton

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