Inter‐comparison of data characteristics andimpact on NWP of FY‐3B SNPP and NOAA18microwave observationsPeiming Dong, Wei Han, Zeshuai Cai and Jiangping HuangNWPC/CMACAMS/CMAITSC19, March 26, 2014
Outline Background Cloud detection and quality control Inter-comparison of data characteristics Data impact on analysis and forecast Discussions and SummaryCAMS/CMA
BackgroundFY3 MWTS/MWHS(FY-3A,2008; FY-3B,2010; FY-3C,2013) MW sensorsSuomi NPP ATMS(SNPP,2010) AMSUA/MHS, ATMS, MWTS/MWHS Data assimilation modules in regional NWP WRFDA(ATMS,MWTS/MWHS) GSI (MWTS/MWHS)We are happy to share the moduleswith the community GRAPES 3DVAR(MWTS/MWHS) Experiments in WRFDA NOAA18 AMSUA/MHS Suomi NPP ATMS FY3B MWTS/MWHSCAMS/CMA3 afternoon orbits
31450.351.765452.8553.596 /-0.115654.4754.94855.59f 0 57.290344111012VVH52.8H53.596 /-0.115H54.4H54.94H55.5Hf 0 57.290344Hf 0 /-0.3222 /-0.217f 0 /-0.217HH11f 0 /-0.3222 /-0.048f 0 /-0.3222 /-0.048HH1312f 0 /-0.3222 /-0.022f 0 /-0.3222 /-0.022HH1413f 0 /-0.3222 /-0.010f 0 /-0.3222 /-0.010HH1514f 0 /-0.3222 /-0.0045f 0 /-0.3222 /-0.0045HH62783910453.596 1722165.5150.0157.0HHV1855183.31 /-7.0183.31 /-7.0190.311HHVHHHH1920CAMS/CMAPolarizationCentre Frenquency(GHz)183.31 /-4.5442122183.31 /-3.0H183.31 /-3.0183.31 /-3.0183.31 /-1.833183.31 /-1.0HH183.31 /-1.0183.31 /-1.0H
Observation characteristicsSatelliteSensorNumber ofscanFY-3A/BNPPFOV size(Km)Swatch l 1-2)2,30032(channel 3-16)16(channel 17-22)NOAA KLMAMSUA30482,340andMHS90172,250METOPCAMS/CMA
QC and BCFY-3A/B MWTS/MWHSNPP ATMSNOAA AMSUA/MHSnoneNeighborhood averagenoneNoisereducingChannel1)MWTS 1 and MWHS 1 2 are not1)ATMS 11 15 and 16 17 are not1)AMSUA 10 14 and MHS 1 2selectionused;usedare not used2)MWTS 2 3 and MWHS 3 5 are2)ATMS 6 8 and 18 22 are2)AMSUA 5 7 and MHS 3 5discarded for land, ice and snow;discarded for land, ice and snow;are discarded for land, ice and3) MWTS 2 and MWHS 5 are aborted3) ATMS 6 and 18 are aborted whensnow;when Ps 850 hPa and Ps 800 hPa,Ps 850 hPa and Ps 800 hPa,3) AMSUA 5 and MHS 5 arerespectively。respectively;aborted when Ps 850 hPa andPs 800 hPa, respectively;Cloud1)MWTS 1 dtb, not use MWTS 2 3;1)channel 3 abs(dtb), not use 6 81)scattering Index combineddetection2)MWHS 1 dtb, not use MWHS 3 and 18 22;AMSUA 1 and 15, not use5.2)channel 1 dtb,not use 6 8 (test);AMSUA 5 7;3)Index combined channel 16 and2)scattering Index combined MHS17, not use 18 22 (test).1 and 2, not use MHS 3 5.OutermostMWTS 3 13scanMWHS 9 89BiasVarBC1 96AMSUA 4 27MHS 9 82VarBCcorrectionCAMS/CMANote:dtb is the bias of observed and simulated brightness temperature and abs is absolute value.VarBC
Experiments designConfiguration: 161 151 horizontal grid points with 30-km resolution 28 vertical levels with model top at 10 hPa RT model: CRTM2.05 Period: 2012.07.29--2012.08.06, Background is from NCEP GFS 6h forecastCAMS/CMA
Cloud detection for T sounding channelsFY2E VISSR O-B 5KATMS, O-B,Ch3,50.3GHz O-B 5K ?CAMS/CMAFY3B MWTS, (O-B) ch1,50.3GHzN18 AMSUA, O ch1-O ch15
Cloud detection forHumidity sounding channelsFY2E VISSRFY3B MWHS, (O-B) ch1,150GHz,VN18 MHS, O ch1-O ch2ATMS, O ch16-O ch17CAMS/CMAOver sea only
RMS of O-BOverview of the departure statistics of observation against clear-sky simulated (over sea)25150GHz VDeviation2015NPP ATMSFY-3B MWTS/MWHSNOAA18 AMSU10501 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22ChannelIt is seen that ATMS is of good quality. MWTS is comparable to ATMS and AMSUA.The bias of MWHS is the largest.Presently the fundamental channel selection is:Temperature unit: 2-4 for MWTS, 6-10 for ATMS and 5-9 for AMSUACAMS/CMAHumility unit: 3-5 for MWHS, 18-22 for ATMS and 3-5 for MHS.
Bias and RMS of T sounding channelsThe statistics of departure between observed and simulated in temperature unit (over sea)In comparison, the rms of ATMS is the smallest. The rms of MWTS is comparable to AMSUA.The characteristics of ATMS and AMSUA agree with each other well. ATMS channel 9, correspondingCAMS/CMAAMSUAchannel 8 has the largest rms. MWTS channel 4 has significant positive bias average.
Bias and RMS of humidity sounding channelsThe statistics of departure between observed and simulated in humility unit (over sea)The rms of ATMS is the smallest. The rms of MWHS is a little larger than that of MHS.The characteristics of ATMS match that of MHS well. MWHS channel 4 and 3 have obvious negativeCAMS/CMAbias average.
O-B after Bias correction: T sounding channelsThe statistics of departure after bias correction in temperature unit (over sea)Diurnal cycle bias?CAMS/CMAThe rms,especiallyATMS ch9 andAMSUA ch8, isdecreasedgreatly by biascorrection. Therms of MWTSch4, however isstill large.
O-B after Bias correction: humidity sounding channelsThe statistics of departure after bias correction in humility unit (over sea)The rms is lessaffected by biascorrection. Biascorrection makesthe bias averageapproach to zero, inparticular for MWHSchannel 4 and 3.CAMS/CMAITSC-19,Jeju Island,2014
O-A and O-BThe statistics of departure before (oi) and after (ao) data assimilation (whole domain)CAMS/CMAITSC-19,Jeju Island,2014
Data impact on analysis and forecastInvestigation on Typhoon case2012073018CAMS/CMA2012073106black: Control; green: ATMS; red: FY-3B MWTS/MWHS;blue: NOAA18 AMSUA/MHS
Discussions: cloud detection Cloud detection Emission based Scattering based Cloud detection issues for microwave sounding channels O-B based: O-B or O-B ? Obs. channel difference basedThreshold value Retrieval based (LWP,IWP) Inter-comparison of cloud detection among NWP centers Same period, Same sensors Independent validation observations Could it be conducted by ITWG?CAMS/CMA
Discussions: bias correction in regional NWP Spin-up of VarBC coefficients O-B diurnal bias: B or O ?CAMS/CMA
Summary NPP ATMS agree with that of NOAA AMSUA/MHS well. ATMSdata is of good quality. Good coverage Small biases and std of O-B after bias correction FY-3B MWTS/MWHS has some unique features. Similar channels of MWTS and MWHS are of similar quality ofAMSUA and MHS. MWTS channel 4 has significant positive bias. It is expected to be enhanced by using the updatedMWTS/MWHS on broad FY-3C. Cloud detection scheme need to be refine for NPP ATMS andFY3MWTS and MWHS.CAMS/CMA
CAMS/CMA Inter‐comparison of data characteristics and impact on NWP of FY‐3B SNPP and NOAA18 microwave observations Peiming Dong, Wei Han, Zeshuai Cai and Jiangping Huang NWPC/CMA ITSC19, March 26, 2014
Comparison table descriptions 8 Water bill comparison summary (table 3) 10 Wastewater bill comparison summary (table 4) 11 Combined bill comparison summary (table 5) 12 Water bill comparison – Phoenix Metro chart 13 Water bill comparison – Southwest Region chart 14
chart no. title page no. 1 age distribution 55 2 sex distribution 56 3 weight distribution 57 4 comparison of asa 58 5 comparison of mpc 59 6 comparison of trends of heart rate 61 7 comparison of trends of systolic blood pressure 64 8 comparison of trends of diastolic blood pressure 68 9 comparison of trends of mean arterial pressure
Water bill comparison summary (table 3) 10 Wastewater bill comparison summary (table 4) 11 Combined bill comparison summary (table 5) 12 Water bill comparison - Phoenix Metro chart 13 Water bill comparison - Southwest Region chart 14 Water bill comparison - 20 largest US cities chart 15
figure 8.29 sqt comparison map: superior bay (top of sediment, 0-0.5 ft) figure 8.30 sqt comparison map: 21st avenue bay figure 8.31 sqt comparison map: agp slip figure 8.32 sqt comparison map: azcon slip figure 8.33 sqt comparison map: boat landing figure 8.34 sqt comparison map: cargill slip figure
local cache in the first core, and an inter-node messaging controller (INMC) in the first core. The INMC is to receive an inter-node message from a sender thread executing on the first core, wherein the message is directed to a receiver thread executing on a second core. In response, the INMC is to store a payload from the inter-node mes-
Inter-VLAN routing is a process for forwarding network traffic from one VLAN to another, using a router. There are three options for inter-VLAN routing: Legacy inter-VLAN routing Router-on-a-Stick Layer 3 switching using SVIs Inter-VLAN
1003 1.74 1247 1.40 1479 1.18 1849 .0946 2065 0.847 2537 0.690 3045 0.575 3481 0.503 4437 0.394 5133 0.341 6177 0.283 7569 0.231 Ratio 1/8 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 1.5 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 Motor HP OUTPUT TORQUE lb in min. max. Ratio Output Speed RPM (60 Hz) 1/8 1/4 1/3 1/2 3/4 1 1.5 2 3 5 7.5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 Motor HP 6 292 8 219 11 159 13 135 15 117 17 103 21 83.3 25 70 .