LIST OF BOOKS-KLUWER ARBITRATIONS.NoTitleAuthor Name1The 1958 New York Convention inActionPaulsson240 under 40 International Arbitration(2018)Gonzalez-Bueno (ed.) (2018)360 Years of the New York Convention:Key Issues and Future ChallengesFach Gomez and Lopez-Rodriguez(eds) (2019)4The Adaptation of Long-Term Gas SaleAgreements by ArbitratorsFerrarioADR in Business: Practice and Issuesacross Countries and Cultures IGoldsmith, Ingen-Housz andPointon (eds) (2006)567ADR in Business: Practice and Issuesacross Countries and Cultures IIIngen-Housz (ed.) (2010)America’s Cup Dispute ResolutionSeries8Annual Report on Recognition andEnforcement of Foreign ArbitralAwards in China (2017)Sun(2018)9Arbitrability: International andComparative PerspectivesMistelis and Brekoulakis (eds)(2009)10Arbitral Awards as Investments: TreatyInterpretation and the Dynamics ofInternational Investment LawClasmeier (2016)11Arbitral Awards of the Cairo RegionalCentre for International CommercialArbitration IAlam-Eldin (ed.) (2000)12Arbitral Awards of the Cairo RegionalCentre for International CommercialArbitration IIAlam-Eldin (ed.) (2003)13Arbitral Awards of the Cairo RegionalCentre for International CommercialArbitration IVAlam-Eldin (ed.) (2014)14Arbitrating for Peace: How ArbitrationMade a DifferenceFranke, Magnusson and Dahlquist(eds) (2016)Wolters Kluwer10th, Floor, Tower C Building 10, Phase II DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana (India)Email:
1516Arbitrating Foreign InvestmentDisputes: Procedural and SubstantiveLegal AspectsHorn and Kroll (eds) (2004)Arbitrating under the 2012 ICC RulesGrierson and van Hooft (2012)1718Arbitrating under the 2014 LCIA Rules:A User's GuideScherer, Richman and Gerbay(2015)19Arbitration and Mediation inInternational Business (Second Edition)Bühring-Uhle (2006)Arbitration and Mediation in theSouthern Mediterranean Countries20de Palo and Trevor (eds) (2007)21Arbitration and Renegotiation ofInternational Investment AgreementsPeter (1995)22Arbitration in Africa: A Practitioner'sGuideBosman (ed.) (2013)23Arbitration in BelgiumBassiri and Draye (eds) (2016)24Arbitration in ChinaSun and Willems (2015)25Arbitration in England, with chapterson Scotland and IrelandLew, Bor, Fullelove, et al. (eds)(2013)Arbitration in Germany: The ModelLaw in Practice (Second Edition)262728Nacimiento, Kroll and Bockstiegel(eds) (2015Arbitration in Romania: APractitioner's GuideArbitration in RussiaLeaua and Baias (eds) (2016)Kotelnikov, Kurochkin andSkvortsov (eds) (2019)29Arbitration in Switzerland: ThePractitioner's GuideArroyo (ed.) (2013)30Arbitration in Switzerland: ThePractitioner's Guide (Second Edition)Arroyo (ed.) (2018)3132Arbitration in TurkeyArbitration Insights: Twenty Years ofthe Annual Lecture of the School ofInternational Arbitration, Sponsoredby Freshfields Bruckhaus DeringerYesilirmak and Esin (eds) (2015)Lew and Mistelis (eds) (2007)Wolters Kluwer10th, Floor, Tower C Building 10, Phase II DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana (India)Email:
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50Commercial Dispute Resolution inChina: An Annual Review and Preview(2017)51Commercial Dispute Resolution inChina: An Annual Review and Preview(2018)Commercial Mediation in Europe: AnEmpirical Study of the User Experience52Filler (2012)53Comparative International CommercialArbitrationLew, Mistelis and Kroll (2003)54Compendium of InternationalCommercial Arbitration Forms: Letters,Procedural Instructions, Briefs andOther DocumentsJarvin and Nguyen (2017)Competing for the Internet - ICANNGate - An Analysis and Plea for JudicialReview through Arbitration55Petillion (2017)56Complex Arbitrations: Multiparty,Multicontract, Multi-Issue and ClassActionsHanotiau (2006)57Concise International Arbitration(Second Edition)Mistelis (ed.) (2015)58Confidentiality in InternationalCommercial ArbitrationSmeureanu (2011)59Constructive Interventions: Paradigms,Process and Practice of InternationalMediationKirchhoff (2008)60The Core Standard of InternationalInvestment ProtectionDiehl (2012)61A Counsel's Guide to Examining andPreparing Witnesses in InternationalArbitrationHarbst (2015)62The Decision-Making Process ofInvestor-State Arbitration TribunalsMitsi (2018)63Digest of CAS Awards I 1986-1998Reeb (ed.) (1998)64Reeb (ed.) (2002)65Digest of CAS Awards II 1998-2000Digest of CAS Awards III 2001-200366Dispute Resolution in Austria: AnIntroductionHeider, Nueber, , et al. (2015)67Document Production in InternationalArbitrationMarghitola (2015)Reeb (ed.) (2004)Wolters Kluwer10th, Floor, Tower C Building 10, Phase II DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana (India)Email:
Dossiers of the ICC Institute of WorldBusiness Law6869The Energy Charter Treaty: An EastWest Gateway for Investment andTradeWälde (ed.) (1996)70The Energy Charter Treaty: The Notionof InvestorBaltag (2012)71Enforcement of Foreign ArbitralAwards and Judgments in New YorkFrischknecht, Lahlou, Walters, etal. (2018)72Essays on Mediation: Dealing withDisputes in the 21st CenturyMacduff (ed.) (2016)73EU and US Antitrust Arbitration: AHandbook for PractitionersBlanke and Landolt (eds) (2011)74EU Mediation Law HandbookAlexander, Walsh and Svato (eds)(2017)75European Business Law Review SpecialEdition - Arbitrating Competition LawIssuesBlanke (ed.) (2008)76The European Convention onInternational Commercial Arbitration:A CommentaryZeiler and Siwy (2018)77Evidence in International Arbitration:The Italian Perspective and BeyondEmanuele, Molfa and Jedrey(2016)78The Evolution and Future ofInternational ArbitrationBrekoulakis, Lew and Mistelis (eds)(2016)79The Fair and Equitable TreatmentStandard: A Guide to NAFTA Case Lawon Article 1105Dumberry (2013)80Festschrift Ahmed Sadek El-KosheriZiadé (ed.) (2015)8182Finality in Litigation: The Law andPractice of Preclusion – Res Judicata(Merger and Estoppel), Abuse ofProcess and Recognition of ForeignJudgmentsFinding, Freezing and AttachingAssets: A Multi-JurisdictionalHandbookvan de Velden (2017)J rgensen (ed.) (2016)Wolters Kluwer10th, Floor, Tower C Building 10, Phase II DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana (India)Email:
83Force Majeure and Hardship underGeneral Contract Principles: Exemptionfor Non-performance in InternationalArbitrationBrunner (2008)84Foreign Investment Disputes: Cases,Materials and Commentary (SecondEdition)Reisman, Crawford and Bishop(eds) (2014)85Fouchard Gaillard Goldman onInternational Commercial ArbitrationGaillard and Savage (eds) (199986French Arbitration Law and Practice: ADynamic Civil Law Approach toInternational Arbitration (SecondEdition)Rouche, Pointon and Delvolvé(2009)87The Freshfields Guide to ArbitrationClauses in International Contracts(Third Edition)88The Functions of Arbitral InstitutionsGerbay (2016)89Global Trends in Mediation (SecondEdition)Alexander (ed.) (2006)90Guerrilla Tactics in InternationalArbitrationHorvath and Wilske (eds) (2013)91Guide to ICSID ArbitrationReed, Paulsson and Blackaby(2010)A Guide to the 2006 Amendments tothe UNCITRAL Model Law onInternational Commercial Arbitration:Legislative History and Commentary92Holtzmann, Neuhaus,Kristjansdottir, et al. (2015)93Guide to the ICC Rules of Arbitration(Second Edition)Schwartz and Derains (2005)94A Guide to the NAI Arbitration Rules:Including a Commentary on DutchArbitration Lawvan der Bend, Leijten andYnzonides (eds) (2009)9596A Guide to the UNCITRAL Model Lawon International CommercialArbitration: Legislative History andCommentaryHandbook Vienna Rules: APractitioner's GuideHoltzmann and Neuhaus (1989)Vienna International ArbitralCentre of the Austrian FederalEconomic Chamber (ed.) (2014)Wolters Kluwer10th, Floor, Tower C Building 10, Phase II DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana (India)Email:
97ICC Arbitration in Practice (SecondEdition)98ICCA Congress Series99ICCA Reports Series100ICCA's Guide to the Interpretation ofthe 1958 New York Convention: AHandbook for Judges101ICCA's Guide to the Interpretation ofthe 1958 New York Convention: AHandbook for Judges102ICSID Convention after 50 Years:Unsettled IssuesBaltag (2016)103Interaction and Conflict of Treaties inInvestment ArbitrationGhouri (2015)104International and ComparativeMediationAlexander (2009)105International Arbitration: Cases andMaterials (Second Edition)Born (2015)Verbist, Schäfer and Imhoos (2015)International Arbitration: Comparativeand Swiss Perspectives (Third Edition)106Girsberger and Voser (2016)107International Arbitration: Issues,Perspectives and Practice: LiberAmicorum Neil Kaplan108International Arbitration: Law andPractice (Second Edition)109WTO Litigation, InvestmentArbitration, and CommercialArbitrationHuerta-Goldman, Romanetti andStirnimann (eds) (2013)110World Court Practice Guide:Summaries and Index of PCIJ and ICJCasesUchkunova (2016)111The Vienna Rules: A Commentary onInternational Arbitration in AustriaSchwarz and Konrad (2009)112Valuation for ArbitrationKantor (2008)113UNCITRAL ArbitrationPaulsson and Petrochilos (2017)114The Transformation of Arbitration inAfrica: The Role of Arbitral InstitutionsOnyema (2016)Hong Kong InternationalArbitration Centre (ed.) (2018)Born (2015)Wolters Kluwer10th, Floor, Tower C Building 10, Phase II DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana (India)Email:
Trade Sanctions and InternationalSales: An Inquiry into InternationalArbitration and Commercial Litigation115Azeredo Da Silveira (2014)116Trade Agreements, InvestmentProtection and Dispute Settlement inLatin AmericaGiupponi (2018)117Third-Party Funding in InternationalArbitration and its Impact onProcedurevon Goeler (2016)Third-Party Funding in InternationalArbitration (Second Edition)Bench Nieuwveld and Sahani(2017)118119Swiss Rules of InternationalArbitration: CommentarySwiss Rules of InternationalArbitration: Commentary120Sustainable Development in WorldInvestment LawCordonier Segger, Gehring andNewcombe (2011)121Summaries of UAE Courts' Decisions onArbitration, Including DIFC Courts'Decisions (2012-2016)Arab, Hammoud and Lovett (eds)(2017)Arab, Hammoud and Lovett (eds)(2013)122123Substantive Law in Investment TreatyArbitration: The Unsettled Relationshipbetween International Law andMunicipal Law (Second Edition)Sasson (2017)124Stories from the Hearing Room:Experience from Arbitral Practice(Essays in Honour of Michael E.Schneider)Ehle and Baizeau (eds) (2015)125The Spanish Arbitration Act: ACommentaryGonzalez-Bueno (ed.) (2016)126The Settlement of Foreign InvestmentDisputesSornarajah (2000)127Selected Issues in InternationalArbitration: The Italian PerspectiveEmanuele and Molfa (2014)Vienna International ArbitralCentre of the Austrian FederalEconomic Chamber (ed.) (2015)128Selected Arbitral Awards, Vol 1 (2015)129The Roles of Psychology inInternational ArbitrationCole (2017)Wolters Kluwer10th, Floor, Tower C Building 10, Phase II DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana (India)Email:
Revista Brasileira de ArbitragemSpecial Editions130131Rethinking the Role of African NationalCourts in ArbitrationOnyema (ed.) (2018)132The Relationship of WTO Law andRegional Trade Agreements in DisputeSettlementForere (2015)133Regulatory Freedom and IndirectExpropriation in InvestmentArbitrationRajput (2018)Redfern and Hunter on InternationalArbitration (Sixth Edition)134135136Blackaby, Partasides, Redfern, etal. (2015)Recognition and Enforcement ofForeign Arbitral Awards in Brazil: APractitioner's GuideRecognition and Enforcement ofForeign Arbitral Awards: A GlobalCommentary on the New YorkConventionde Campos Melo (2015)Kronke, Nacimiento, Otto, et al.(eds) (2010)137Provisional Measures in InternationalCommercial ArbitrationYesilirmak (2005)138Protection of Foreign Investment inIndia and Investment TreatyArbitrationRajput (2017139Protecting Investment in Services:Investor-State Arbitration versus WTODispute SettlementMolinuevo (2011)140Procedure and Evidence inInternational ArbitrationWaincymer (2012)Private Dispute Resolution inInternational Business: Negotiation,Mediation, Arbitration (Third Edition)141Berger (2015)142Predictability of 'Public Policy' inArticle V of the New York Conventionunder Mainland China's JudicialPracticeChen (2017)143The Powers and Duties of anArbitrator: Liber Amicorum Pierre A.KarrerShaughnessy and Tung (eds)(2017)Wolters Kluwer10th, Floor, Tower C Building 10, Phase II DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana (India)Email:
144Piercing the Veil of State Enterprises inInternational ArbitrationBadia (2014)145Pervasive Problems in InternationalArbitrationMistelis and Lew (eds) (2006)146Permanent Court of Arbitration AwardSeriesParty-Appointed Arbitrators inInternational Commercial Arbitration147Gomez-Acebo (2016)148Parallel Proceedings in InternationalArbitration: A Comparative EuropeanPerspectiveErk-Kubat (2014)149The Notion of Award in InternationalCommercial Arbitration: AComparative Analysis of French Law,English Law, and the UNCITRAL ModelLawMarchisio (2017)150Negotiation: Things Corporate CounselNeed to Know but Were Not TaughtLeathes (2017)151NAFTA Chapter Eleven ReportsBrower II, Coe and Dodge (2006)152NAFTA and InvestmentRubin and Alexander (eds) (1995)153Modernised EC Competition Law inInternational ArbitrationLandolt (2006)154Mediation: Creating Value inInternational Intellectual PropertyDisputesBonne, Margellos, Humphreys, etal. (2018)155Managing Business Disputes in Today'sChina: Duelling with DragonsMoser (ed.) (2007)156M&A Disputes and CompletionMechanismsZiehms (2018)157Liber Amicorum Bernardo CremadesFernandez-Ballester and Arias(eds) (2010)158The Legal, Real and Converged Interestin Declaratory ReliefGessel-Kalinowska vel Kalisz(2019)159Law and Practice of InvestmentTreaties: Standards of TreatmentNewcombe and Paradell (2009)160Law and Practice of InternationalArbitration in the CIS RegionHober and Kryvoi (2017)Wolters Kluwer10th, Floor, Tower C Building 10, Phase II DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana (India)Email:
161Jurisdiction, Admissibility and Choiceof Law in International Arbitration:Liber Amicorum Michael PrylesKaplan and Moser (eds) (2018)162Judicial Review of Arbitration: Law andPractice in ChinaYifei (2018)163Investment Protection in Brazilde Andrade Levy, Gerdau de BorjaMercereau and Pucci (eds) (2013)164Investment Disputes under NAFTA: AnAnnotated Guide to NAFTA Chapter 11Kinnear, Bjorklund and Hannaford(2006)165Introduction to Investor-StateArbitrationSicard-Mirabal and Derains (2018)Wolters Kluwer10th, Floor, Tower C Building 10, Phase II DLF Cyber City, Gurgaon-122002, Haryana (India)Email:
Guerrilla Tactics in International Arbitration Horvath and Wilske (eds) (2013) 91 Guide to ICSID Arbitration Reed, Paulsson and Blackaby (2010) 92 A Guide to the 2006 Amendments to the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration: Legislative History and Commentary Holtzmann, Neuhaus, Kristjansdottir, et al. (2015) 93
Law and Recent Developments in India International Commercial Arbitration Contents 1.INTRODUCTION 01 2. INDIAN ARBITRATION REGIME 03 I. History of Arbitration in India 03 II. Background to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 03 III. Scheme of the Act 03 IV. Arbitration and Conciliation (Amendment) Act, 2015 04 V. Arbitration and .
contract; Describe the meaning and enforcement of the term "arbitration agreement" under the Model Law. 1.1 Definition. Arbitration agreement, arbitration clause and submission agreement In general, the arbitration agreement provides the basis for arbitration. It is defined as an agreement to submit present or future disputes to arbitration.
2016 and shall apply to any International Commercial Arbitration, which is commenced on or after that date. The Indian Council of Arbitration recommends to all parties, desirous of making reference to arbitration by the Indian Council of Arbitration, the use of the following arbitration clause in writing in their contracts:
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arbitration by the courts in domestic disputes is not uncommon4. However, this feature attracts many parties to choose arbitration. Also, it is important to note that, once the arbitration is commenced, parties cannot quit from the proceedings. 2.1 The Development of Arbitration in the UAE
8 Günther J. Horvath, Stephan Wilske, Guerrilla Tactics in International Arbitration, International Arbitration Law Library, 2013, ISBN 13: 9789041140029. Stephan Wilske, ‘Arbitration Guerrillas at the Gate: Preserving the Civility of Arbitral Proceedings when the
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