In the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, Embry-Riddle Prescott tookon a leadership role in creating an academic program that focuses on trainingindividuals who would become experts in Security & Intelligence domesticallyand abroad. That initiative has resulted in the development and implementationof highly successful bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in Security andSCHOLARSHIPS ANDA S S I S TA N T S H I P SScholarships and assistantships arecompetitive. However, many graduatestudents are able to fund a portion oftheir education through a combination ofa scholarship, an assistantship, and workstudy. Our excellent connections withcorporations and government agenciescan also result in project-based funding.Intelligence and in Cyber Intelligence and Security which are housed in theA C A D E M I C F A CT Snation’s first College of Security and Intelligence.7:1G R A D U ATE D E G R E E P R O G R A M S I NTH E C O LLE G E O F S E C U R IT Y A N D I NTE LLI G E N C E/// Master of Science inSecurity & Intelligence Studies/// Master of Science inCyber Intelligence & SecurityONLYFLEXIBLEAN D I N D IVI D UALIZE DC O U R S E S AND PROGRAMOFFERINGSNETWORKING EVENTSTH RO U G H O UTTH E YEARFall and Spring Career ExpoDistinguished Speaker SeriesU N D E R G R A D U AT E / G R A D U AT ESTU D E NTS EN RO LLED AN DG ROWI N G STRO N GC O LLE G E O F ITS KI N DI N T H E N AT I O NOur faculty and curriculum are balancedbetween academic and professionaltraining; many of our faculty membersare scholars with doctoral degrees andactive research agendas, while othersbring decades of experience as securityprofessionals in the government and/orprivate sector84501st ANDSTU D ENT TOFA C U LT Y R AT I O97%GRADUATEDAND HIREDStudent-organized off-Campus Socials(Open only to graduate studentsand faculty)LO C AT I O N F A CT S539ACRECAMPUSElevation 5,350 ft. in the BradshawMountains; natural beauty and outdooradventure all around50-mile Prescott Circle Trail goesthrough campusEasy air access to Los Angeles andDenver. Phoenix and the Grand Canyonare only two hours away. The beautifulred rock city of Sedona can be reachedin a little over an hour.WITH I N O N E YEARM I L I TA RY A N D V E T E R A NF R I E N D LY C A M P U SDear Prospective Student,Welcome to the world of Security and Intelligence! I commend youfor your commitment to serving the national and global public interest.These times present nations across the globe with highly complex challenges.Dr. Haass was appointed to the State of Arizona Governor’sCouncil to join the Arizona Cybersecurity Team. He is alsoan Advisory Board member of Arizona Cyber Threat ResponseAlliance. His research interests focus on security forInternet of Things, Threat Intelligence, and AI appliedto Intrusion Detection.Dr. Jon HaassInterim Dean of the College of Security and IntelligencePh.D. in Mathematicsfrom Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyP R E S C O T T . E R A U . E D U A R I Z O N A C A M P U S E M B R Y- R I D D L E A E R O N A U T I C A L U N I V E R S I T Y1
TA KE A C LO S E R LO O KM A STE R O F S C I E N C E I NS E C U R IT Y A N D I NTE LLI G E N C E STU D I E SWhat You Bring to the TableStudents in this master’s program have varied backgrounds. While we accept applications from all majors,most common are students with a major in political science, law, international affairs, modern languages,homeland security, criminal justice, and history.Here are some other characteristics that you will find among our students: Commitment to keeping country and its citizens secure and safe Interest in the psychology of criminals and terrorists Passion for research and analysis Cultural curiosity Fascination with information gathering technology and techniquesAreas of ConcentrationThe degree program provides an opportunity to explore both theoretical and practical knowledge within securityand intelligence disciplines. Students choose from two areas of concentration to give their studies focus anddepth: Intelligence or Security, or Security and Intelligence.INTELLIGENCE AREA OF CONCENTRATION provides targeted study in intelligence analysis and practice (domesticand foreign), international affairs, world cultures, as well as counterterrorism and counterintelligence.SECURITY AREA OF CONCENTRATION provides targeted study in all aspects of integrated security studies includingcorporate security (domestic and international), physical and emergency security management, investigations,and advanced counterintelligence.Meet the MSSIS Graduate Program CoordinatorDr. Tyrone GrohGraduate Program Coordinator MSSISPh.D. in Government from Georgetown UniversityDr. Groh is a retired U.S. Air Force officer with over 21 years of service. He flew F-16s for over10 years and participated in different overseas contingency operations throughout the world. Morerecently, Dr. Groh commanded a squadron of remotely piloted aircraft (aka. drones) in support ofOperation Enduring Freedom. His research interests focus on the link between strategy, policy, andunconventional warfare. He is currently working on a book about proxy war as a form of foreign policy.2E M B R Y-R I D D L E A E R O N A U T I C A L U N I V E R S I T Y A R I Z O N A C A M P U S P R E S C O T T . E R A U . E D U
Employment OutlookEmployment of security and intelligence professionals is expectedto see strong growth in coming years. Job growth will occur asemphasis on crime prevention and national security increases.OutcomesACCO RD I N G TO G L ASSD O O R,J U N I O R I N T E L A N A LY S T S M A K E61k ON AVERAGEEmployers who have hired our graduates include several agencieswithin the Intelligence Community, state intelligence agencies,military intelligence and security commands, national andmultinational corporations (GE, Amazon, Uber, Google, etc.),as well as private companies such as Pinkerton Security andBSI Supply Chain Services and Solutions.TOP COMPANIESC O N N E CT W I T H T O P S T U D E N T SMeet the Department ChairDr. Thomas FieldChair, Department of Global Security and Intelligence StudiesPh.D. in International History from the London Schoolof Economics and Political ScienceDr. Field, author of From Development to Dictatorship, specializesin the history of development and covert operations, especially inthe context of U.S.-Latin American relations.What Our Alumni & Current Students Have to SayI really appreciate the accessibility of professors and facultywithin the MSSIS program. Not only can I seek out their expertiseon academic and professional matters, but I have the opportunityto build personal relationships with them as well.For my internship I worked with the Arizona Criminal JusticeCommission with their Statistical Analysis Center and publishedseveral crime sheet reports across the state of Arizona.— ROSA ‘17— K ARISSA ‘18P R E S C O T T . E R A U . E D U A R I Z O N A C A M P U S E M B R Y- R I D D L E A E R O N A U T I C A L U N I V E R S I T Y3
TA KE A C LO S E R LO O KM A STE R O F S C I E N C E I NCYB E R I NTE LLI G E N C E A N D S E C U R IT YWhat You Bring to the TableThe Master of Science in Cyber Intelligence and Security (MSCIS) is interdisciplinary with opportunities for students witha regionally accredited baccalaureate degree in computer science, engineering, math, physics, or a related technical discipline.Prospective students need to have some background in programming, computing, and networking, or the ability and interestto quickly learn these fields.What You Will LearnOur MSCIS program builds on the remarkable success of our BSCIS program which is in candidacy for both NSA CAE designationand ABET-Cyber accreditation. The MSCIS program has been developed in consultation with our industry advisory board and is cuttingedge and industry-oriented. As a member of National CyberWatch Center and CyberWatch West, we ensure the quality and content ofour curriculum remains current and follows best practices for rigor and assessment. The MSCIS students are given high-tech, hands-onopportunities to engage with latest technological advances and develop their knowledge and skillset. Example latest technological areasinclude: Penetration testing and ethical hacking; malware and threat intelligence analysis; digital forensics; cyber data science; Internetof Things (IoT) and Cyber-Physical System (CPS) security; aviation and connected vehicle cyber security. Graduates of the MSCISprogram will have core technical background and program management skills to advance their careers and become leaders in cyberintelligence and security.CertificationsThe MSCIS prepares its students for cyber certifications sought after by the industry and government. Such as:/// CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker)/// CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional)/// OSCP (Offensive Security Certified Professional)In addition, MSCIS students are provided free access to industry certification training materials and exams,such as Juniper Networks M B R Y-R I D D L E A E R O N A U T I C A L U N I V E R S I T Y A R I Z O N A C A M P U S P R E S C O T T . E R A U . E D U
100k EARN I N GS POTENTIAL28%FA S T E R J O B G R O W T H T H A NN AT I O N A L A V E R A G EEmployment OutlookIn the wake of increasing computer breaches and trillions ofdollars in damage, the need for cybersecurity professionals islikely to increase 18 percent by 2024, says the U.S. Bureauof Labor Statistics. Companies in financial industry and hightechnology are being joined by retail, manufacturing, utilitiesand other critical infrastructure sectors in their hiring of cyberintelligence and security type master’s graduates.The U.S. government and the U.S. Department of Defensecontinues to invest heavily in growing the cybersecurityworkforce. The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careersand Studies, funded by the Department of HomelandSecurity has developed a workforce framework to assiststudents, workers, higher educational institutions andbusinesses in professionalizing the field.Currently the shortfall for students with a master’s degree inthis field exceeds 2,000 annually. This is almost 100% morethan the current nationwide production. The Bureau of LaborStatistics indicates this shortfall will widen in the comingdecade. In the Phoenix Metro Area alone there is currentlya need of over 500 master’s level cyber intelligence andsecurity professionals in the areas of analysis, operations,and investigations. Nearby California has over 1,500 openingssuitable for graduates from the MSCIS program.OutcomesAll of our Bachelor of Science in Cyber Intelligence and Securityhave been employed in leading companies or governmentagencies within months of graduation. We are optimistic thatsuccessful graduates of the master’s program will experiencethe same level of success and can anticipate a starting annualsalary of up to 100,000.Meet the Department ChairDr. Krishna SampigethayaChair, Department Cyber Intelligence and SecurityPh.D. in Electronic Engineering from University of WashingtonDr. Sampigethaya has over a decade of industry cyber security R&D experience, contributingpioneering award-winning work in aviation cyber security research. His current research interestsinclude investigating challenging cyber security and privacy problems of aviation and aerospace.He is also interested in the security and privacy of cyber-physical system related advances, suchas software-defined networks, IoT, smart buildings, connected vehicles, and urban air mobility.P R E S C O T T . E R A U . E D U A R I Z O N A C A M P U S E M B R Y- R I D D L E A E R O N A U T I C A L U N I V E R S I T Y5
A CA D E M I C D I STI N CTI O N SMASTER OF SCIENCE INMASTER OF SCIENCE IN/// Embry-Riddle founded the nation’s first College of Security and Intelligence/// Embry-Riddle is a founding member of the Arizona Cyber Threat ResponseAlliance (ACTRA), a threat intelligence and information sharing and analysisorganization that has become a model across the nationSECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE STUDIES/// Students gain from one-on-one collaboration with their professors forpractical exercises, classroom studies and field training/// With an emphasis on reading and writing, students graduate with acomprehensive background and understanding of historical and politicalevents which is crucial for completing effective assessments and analysesof conflicts and emergency situations/// Study abroad programs offer once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to experiencesecurity and intelligence studies within a worldly context in destinationssuch as China, India, England, Pakistan, Israel and more/// Innovation and research are encouraged. Before graduating, studentshave the option to develop an experimental research project or traditionalthesis on a subject of their choosing and pertaining to their unique skillsets and interestCYBER INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY/// The Cyber Intelligence and Security advisory board includes leadingindustry and government members. The members will assure thatacademic and training programs are created and improved in responseto real needs in the ever-changing corporate and public environment/// Our position as a member of the Arizona Cybersecurity Workforce Collaborativehas opened the doors to hundreds of opportunities for graduates with regionaland national companies. This will allow the students to work closely with potentialsponsoring institutions while gaining valuable experience and training/// Embry-Riddle has its own state-of-the-art Cyber Lab and an upcoming Cyber WarfareRange that provides advanced capabilities to students/// One of a kind curriculum that can support ABET-Cyber and NSA CAE standardsR E C E NT D I STI N G U I S H E D S P E A K E R SFRANK ARCHIBALDFormer director of the CIA’s National Clandestine Service. His 31years of CIA service included assignments in Latin America, Africa,the Balkans, Southeast and Southwest Asia.LINDA R. MEDLERGeneral Medler is the chief information security officer at RaytheonMissile Systems in Tucson Arizona, and retired brigadier generalwith the US Air Force.W E N DY J . C H A M B E R L I NAmbassador (ret.) Wendy Chamberlin has been president of theMiddle East Institute since 2007. A 29-year veteran of the U.S.Foreign Service, she was ambassador to Pakistan from 2001 to2002.GREG RICEGreg Rice is a Research Group Manager for the Cyber Systemsresearch team in the Advanced Technology at Collins Aerospace.The title of his talk was “Securing Future Aircraft” during which heprovided the perspective from the private sector.YA Ë L E I S E N S TATMs. Eisenstat is a thought leader in the global political, social andsecurity space, having spent 17 years as a CIA analyst, a nationalsecurity advisor to Vice President Biden, a diplomat, and the seniorintelligence officer at the National Counterterrorism Center.KENNETH WILLIAMSKenneth Williams is a Phoenix FBI Special Agent and author of the“Phoenix Memo.”L A R RY P. G O O D S O N , P H . D .Dr. Larry P. Goodson holds the General Dwight D. Eisenhower Chairof National Security at the U.S. Army War College, where he servesas Professor of Middle East Studies.6E M B R Y-R I D D L E A E R O N A U T I C A L U N I V E R S I T Y A R I Z O N A C A M P U S P R E S C O T T . E R A U . E D UBRUCE SCHNEIERBruce Schneier is an internationally renowned security technologistand CTO of IBM Resilient. He talked about how computer securityis no longer only about data, but also life and property.PETER SK AVESA FAA’s Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor for AdvancedAvionics, including cyber security issues.
O U R FA C U LT YDR. JON HAASSTHOMAS FOLEYInterim Dean, College of Security & IntelligencePh.D. in Mathematics from Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyJ.D. in Law from Indiana University at BloomingtonDr. Haass was appointed to the State of Arizona Governor’s Councilto join the Arizona Cybersecurity Team. He is also an Advisory Boardmember of Arizona Cyber Threat Response Alliance. His researchinterests focus on security for Internet of Things, Threat Intelligence,and AI applied to Intrusion Detection.Professor Foley is a former attorney and former security operationscenter supervisor at Bank One Corporation. Professor Foley’sresearch interests concentrate on active shooter events andphysical security in schools. In 2017, the College of Security andIntelligence at the Prescott Campus received a 769,890 grant fromthe National Institute of Justice with Professor Foley as PrincipalInvestigator, titled “Identifying Cost-Effective Security BarrierTechnologies for K-12 Schools: An Interdisciplinary Evaluation”.DR. THOMAS FIELDChair, Department Global Securityand Intelligence StudiesPh.D. in International History from the London School of Economicsand Political ScienceDr. Field, author of From Development to Dictatorship,specializes in the history of development and covert operations,especially in the context of U.S.-Latin American relations.DR. TYRONE GROHGraduate Program Coordinator MSSISPh.D. in Government from Georgetown UniversityDr. Groh is a retired U.S. Air Force officer with over 21 years ofservice. He flew F-16s for over 10 years and participated in differentoverseas contingency operations throughout the world. More recently,Dr. Groh commanded a squadron of remotely piloted aircraft (aka.drones) in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. His researchinterests focus on the link between strategy, policy, and unconventionalwarfare. He is currently working on a book about proxy war as a formof foreign policy.D R . K R I S H N A S A M P I G E T H AYAM U R R AY H E N N E RChair, Department of Cyber Intelligence & SecurityPh.D. in Electrical Engineering from University of WashingtonJ.D. in Law from Western New England UniversityL.L.M. in International Law from Hofstra UniversityDr. Sampigethaya has over a decade of industry cyber security R&DProfessor Henner’s special areas of research are in InternationalIntelligence Law and European Legal Revisionism. He is fluentin German and Flemish and has authored over 40 journal articlesand seven books.experience, contributing pioneering award-winning work in aviation cybersecurity research. His current research interests include investigatingchallenging cyber security and privacy problems of manned and unmannedaircraft. He is also interested in the security and privacy of cyber-physicalsystem related advances, such as software-defined networks, IoT, smartbuildings, connected vehicles, and urban air mobility.DR. BROOKE SHANNONSTEVEN HOOPERAssociate Chair, Department ofGlobal Security & IntelligencePh.D. in Information Science and Learning Technology fromUniversity of Missouri at ColumbiaM.A. in Criminal Justice from St. Joseph’s UniversityDr. Shannon is an expert in epistemology and analysis and authorof a number of papers on intelligence education and informationpractices. Dr. Shannon was previously an analyst at the National Airand Space Intelligence Center and has received her college’s bestand most innovative teacher awards.DR. PHILIP JONESFounding Dean, College of Security & IntelligencePh.D. in International Relations from The Fletcher School at Tufts UniversityDr. Jones served as an intelligence analyst with the CIA. Helater worked on development projects with the World Bankand US multinational corporations in the energy sector. He isauthor of The Pakistan Peoples Party: Rise to Power.D A L E A V E RYM.A. in Economics from University of Michigan System: Ann ArborProfessor Avery was chief evaluator of intelligence analysisfor the Office of the Director of National Intelligence,overseeing all agencies of the Intelligence Community.Professor Hooper’s 30 years of experience with theFBI which includes the Head of Counterintelligence,Intelligence and Counterterrorism gives him a deepunderstanding of the United States IntelligenceCommunity and its role in national security.DR. GEOFFREY JENSENPh.D. in History from University of Arkansa
/// Embry-Riddle is a founding member of the Arizona Cyber Threat Response Alliance (ACTRA), a threat intelligence and information sharing and analysis organization that has become a model across the nation /// The Cyber Intelligence and Security advisory board includes leading industry and government members. The members will assure that
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