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”5 VA R DLHfo‘x'ERS!TY.L: U FARYAPR25 I9455;f' fA L Mff- kbfl‐ d - \ - - rAlpi‐(57Reprinted by permittin‑of “ c h Sign"

THE TACTICS OF COMMUNISMCOMMUNISMByByRT.REV. Msgr.M5511. FultonFULTON J.J. SHEEN,DD.Krv Rev.Sheen, D D*1. Q*Q. Whatultimate goalLWhat isis thethe ultimategoal ofof Com‑Com munismmunism ?A. TheThe ultimateultimate goalgoal of CommunismCommunism isis thethe es es‑A*tablishment. "of“ o f worldworld dictatorshipdictamrship ofthe prolemale‑tablishmentof thetariat.”(Page 34,34, ProgramProgram ofof thethe CommunistCommunist In In‑tariat." (Pageternational 'Workers’Library Publication,Publication, 1931936.)ternationalWorkers1 Library6.)2. Q*Q. HowHow doesdoes CommunismCommunism proposepropose toas‑2*to es tablishitself1'tablish itself?A. ByRevohtfion. "The“The RevolutionRevolutian doesdoes nnototA.By Revolution.simply happenfbapfierz, itit mustmust: bebe made”made.” (Earl(Earl Browder,simplyBrowder,What IsCm-muniHnP, p.p. 163.)163.)Whath Communism?,3. Q*Q. Whothe Revolution,Revolution,3.Who makesmakes theworker oror thethe CommunistParty?workerCommunist Party?thetheA.The CommunistCmnmunist: Party,Party. "The“The RevolutionRevolution isisA. Thecarried outo u t byby thethe great masses ofof thethe toilers.boilers. TheThe:carriedCommunist PartyParty asas thethe: vanguardvanguard of01‘: thethe mostmostCommunistconscious toilerstoilets acts asas theirtheir organizer andguide.”consciousand guide”( l a d„. p*p . 163*)163.){Ibid

THE Tncncs or COMMUNISM44. Q. Does this Revolution lake place ci‑mullttmzotiel:f in all the countries of the world?A. No. “The Revolution cannot be conceivedasa single event occurring simultaneously all overthe world." (Program, p. 35.)5. Q. How does the Revolution “the place?A. It begins with a civil war which is the con‑dition of overthrowing the established order.“Revolution. signifies the forcible invasion of theproletariat into the domain of property. . . . Theconquest of power by the proletariat is the violentoverthrow of . . . armies, police, bureaucratichierarchy, judiciary, parliaments, etc. (Program, p.36.)6. Q. Will violence continue even after thecivil war?A. Yes, until everyone who is opposed to Com‑munism is crushed. "After the civil war has beenbrought to an end. the Stubborn class struggle con‑tinues in the form of a struggle between the sur‑vivors of previous economic systems."(Ibid., p.43.)7. Q. Since Communism means the aboli‑tion o f all private p r o p e r t y what. will happen t otho unall landowners, peasant", farmer. andthe like?

THE. TACTICSor?COMMUNISM5m u s t be crushed with violence. The"Proictarint . . . m u s t mercilessly suppress the slight‑mil: opposition on the p a r t of the village bourgeoisieA. The}!rwho ally themselves with the landowners."gram, p. 49.)(Pro‑8. Q. What will happen to the city peoplewho o w n their o w n homes, 8. g., the grocer, thebutcher or the solemn?A. They are to be left their property for a while”to win them over” (Program, p. 49), but in theend all private p r o p e r t y m u s t be abolished. (Pro‑gram, p. 30.)9. Q. During this period of civil w a r whenprivate property is confiscated in the name oftho proletarian Revolution, who plays the leadsl o g rt‘ileu‐the Communist Party or the workerswhom it claims to old?A. "The Communist Party plays the leadingrole.” (Program. p. 51, italics in original.)10. Q. Does that mean there will be ourother party permitted in a country after theostahlishment of Commitment?A. No, Communism tolerates no rival parties."The essential difference between the existence ofparties in the W'cstcru world and with usCommun‑ists, is that the sole possibility with Communion is

6THE Tnmcs or Cour/10mmthe following: One p a r t y is in power and all theothers are in jail.” (Troud. November 13, 1927.)Troud is the official organ of the Central Commit‑tee of the Syndicate of Soviet Workers.11. Q. Will the Communist Party ever reallyrenounce its control over the workers?A. No. “The Communist Party will never re‑nounce the role of its direction and its revolution‑ary initiative.(International Correspondence.August s, 1935.)12. Q. Against which groups will Com‑munism fight during the civil war in order toestablish the dictatorship of the CommunistParty?A . Against (a) all forms o f private p r o p e r t y,(b) against all religions, Jewish, Pratestant, Cathoolic, (c) and against all education e x c e p t material‑istic. “The confiscation of allproperty." (Program,p. 40.) "Systernaticall}r and unswervinglyr combat‑ing religion.” (Program, p. 53.) “Reconstructthe whole of education on the basis of scientific ma terialism." (Program, p. 54.)13. Q. Whom do the Communist- regard anthe greatest f o r c e ; standing in the way of worldrevolution?A. The main obstacles on the road toward theestablishment of the proletarian social revolution

THE TACTICS on COMMUNISM7. . . Catholic trade unions, Y. M. C. A., JewishZionist organizations. . . . The American Federa‑tion of Labor, e t c . (Program, pp. 68 and 69.)are14. Q. Does the American CommunistParty have any relation with the InternationalCommunist Party whose c e n t e r is in Russia andwhose head is Stalin?A. Earl Browder, the Secretary of the Com‑munist Party of the United States. says no. “TheCommunisr Party does n o t take orders from Mos‑cow.” (What Is Communism?, p. 205.) Thisstatement, however, m u s t be judged in relation tothe facts mentioned in the answers to questions16’24115. Q. Must one be a member of the Inter‑national Communin Party to attend its annualcongresses in Moscow?A. Yes. The Plenum of the Central Committeeof the Communist Party of the U. S.S. R. Decem‑ber 25, 193 S,verified Patty documents of members.Only members may attend the sessions.16. Q. Did Earl Browder ever attend a Con‑gress of the International Communist Party inMoscow?A. Yes. On July 28, 1935, Earl Browder actedasChairman at the Seventh Session of the Seventh

8. .THE Terence or COMMUNISM. ‐ . . . . .Annual Congress of the International CommunistParty.17. Q. Does Earl Browder have a n y otherrelation with the International CommunistParty than that of being present at o n e of itssessions?A. Yes. He is Vice-President of the Interna‑tional Communist Party. During the SeventhCongress of the International Communist PartyBrowder was criticized for n o t doing more to com‑munize the millions of American unemployed. Soimpressed was he that he agreed to participate in aspecial conference of Communist leaders whose aimwas to propagandize the unemployed of all coun‑met.18. Q. D i d Earl Browder, while attendingthe Congress of the International CommunistParty in Moscow, ever speak of the AmericanCommunist Party and the International Com‑munist Party at a unit?A. Yes. On Jul),r 18, 1935 , hequestioned himselfand gave answer: “How was our p a r t y able to pene‑t r a t e the masses and emerge from isolation? Agreat role was played by leaders in the strike move m e n t and i n the work o f the p a r t y among the u n ‑employed. In some of the m o s t important strikes,the San Francisco general strike for one, the Com‑

THE Tacncs op COMMUNISM9munist Party had a decisive, determining influ‑once.”19. Q. Was any other member of theAmerican Communist Party admitted asa m e m ‑ber of the International CommunistParty dur‑ing its Seventh Annual Congress?A. Yes. Comrade Darcy. (International Cor‑respondence, October 7, 1935.)20. Q. Has the International CommunistParty of Moscow ever recommended that theAmerican Communists f o r m a Farmer-LaborParty, and establish a League against War andFascism?A. Yes. The following is from the Third Inter‑national of Moscow. "Under American conditionsthe creation of a mass p a r t y of toilets a ‘Labot andFarmer Party’ might serve as a suitable form forwinning over the broad discontented masses of thetoilets. Such a p a r t y would be a specific form ofthe mass people’s front in America. . . . Such ap a r t y, of course, will be neither Socialist nor Com munist. But it must be an anti‐Fascist p a r t y, andmust not be an anti-Communist party.” (G. D i ‑mitrov, The Working Class Against Fascism, p. 45.Italics are in the original.) " I n no ease m u s t theinitiative or organizing the p a r t y be allowed to passinto . . . an anti-Communist p a r t y, a p a r t y directedagainst the revolutionary movement.” (Ibid., p.

THE Tncrrcs OF COMMUNISM10m.“‑“The Communist International art-trim nocondition: to unity of action except one, end the!an elementary condition acceptable for all workers,namely that unity of action can bedirected againstFascism, against the offensive of capital, against tbtthreat of war, against tbe class enemy. This is ourcondition.” (Ibid., p. 34. In italics in the original.)21. Q. Hu- tlte American CommunistParty ever recommended the formulation of aF"met-Labor Party or the establishment ofLeagues against Fascism and War?A. Yes. “We propose the coming together of46.)trade unions, unemployed organizations, the Town‑send Clubs. minority parties, such as Socialist andCommunist, into a broad, all-inclusive Farmer‑Labor Party." (Earl Browder. Lincoln and theCommunist, p. 13.) “We m u s t give much moresupport to the American League against. War andFascism. which already represents the largest unitedfrom ever built in America.” (Ibid., p. 179.)[Remember the words "United Front.”]22. Q. What done the olflcinl organ of theExecutive Committee of the Communist Inter‑national my of those who say they take noorder: from Moreow?A. "Those who say we do n o t take orders fromMoscow are against the proletarian state. It prove:they are allied to the bourgeoisie . . . and are the

THE TACTICS on COMMUNtsM‘.-.‐m.11.of the proletariat class. . . . To receive ordersfrom Moscow, asDimitrov said, is to follow theexample of Lenin and Stalin.” (International Com‑munist, French edition, August 5, 1935.)23. Q. How can Earl Browder be a bone fidemember of the International Communist Partyand act as Chairman at its International Con‑g r e n and ttill say he take. no orders from Moe‑enemycow?A. There is nothing to prevent him from sayingIt.24. Q. II the goal of American Commun‑ism difl’erent from the goal of InternationalCommunism?A. No, in both the goal is the establishment ofthe proletarian dictatorship by revolution. “ I n therevolutionary situation the Communist Partyr . . .wins some of the armed forces to its side, and leadsthe effective majority of the population to theseizure of State power. . . . Above all they need thearmed forces.” (Earl Browder. Wharf I: Comemum'sntP, p. 164 and 165.)25. Q. What does the word “Fneeism”m e a n to a Communilt?A. It means anything that is anti-Communist.Browder identifies it with the DuPont: and a “sys‑t e m of murder and concentration camps for every‑

12THE TACTICS OF Comuomsmone who raises his voice against exploitation andoppression.” (What Is Communism?, p. 106.) D i ‑mittotr says it is "rabid reaction and ecuntet-revo‑lotion.” (Working Class Against Fascism, p. 14.)Note: In order to think clearly about Communismit is well always to translate the word Fascism when‑ever “they use it as anti-Communist. When theCommunisc o r a t o r pleads for the union of the em‑ployed, or the unemployed, or the Negro, or s t u ‑dents to fight agaimt Fascism, remember Fascismto a Communist is anti-Communism.26. Q. I! there a Fascist Party in the UnitedStates?A. No.27. Q. Is there a Communist Party in theUnited States?A. Yes.28. Q. Which then is the greater danger forAmerica?A. Communism. It musr be borne in mind thatthe political problem of the world is n o t a choicebetween Communism and Fascism. There are otherkinds o f g o v e r n m e n t besides the Fascist, for ex‑ample, our own American form. Rather the string‑gle is between Communism and anti Communismwhatever forms the latter may assume.

THE. Tacncs or COMMUNISM1329. Q. Do the Communists say they a r e op‑posed to War?A. Yes. Hence the formation of Leagues againstWar.30. Q. Are they really opposed to War?A. The].' are certainly n o t opposed to civil warfor in the words of Lenin, Stalin and Browder: "Wem u s t t u r n every imperialist war into a civil war.”The}r are n o t opposed to civil wars and revolutionswhich lead to Communism. Wars againsr Com‑munism to them are always wrong.31. What do the Communists m e a n whenthey u s e the word “Peace”?A. Peace means the establishment of the Com‑munist regime. Peace under an},r other régime isinconceivable to Communism. “The fight to main‑tain peace is a fight against Fascism, a fight that isessentially revolutionary.” (G. Dimitrov, TbeUnited Struggle for Peace, 13. 18, Workers’ Libraryedition.) "The anti-war struggle of the massesm u S t be very «clotznsehr combined with the struggleagainst Fascism [anti-Communism] and the Fascistmovement.” (Resolutions of the Seventh AnnualCongress, International Correspondence, Septem‑be: 19, 1935, p. 1184. Brackets mine}32. Q. What are we to understand by Com‑munism presenting itself as the Enemy of War

14THE Tscnos or COMMUNISMand Fascism and the. friend of the Farmer andLaborer?A. We are to understand that Communism haschanged n o t its principles, but its tactics. In orderto understand the difference let us assume that A isa robber by profession. He decides to rob B, C andD, foreihl)r entering their homes, hitting eachover the head with a bludgcon and then steal‑ing their possessions. He succeeds with B but findsthat C and D p u t up considerable opposition andfight him off, and thereafter carry guns to preventa future robbery. A now decides to give up vio‑lence asa means of robbery. And so he plans torob E, F and G in a nonr way. He invites them todinner, tells them that he likes their families, theirchildren, goes to church with them. joins the samegolf clubs and then is finally invited into their homesfor s week-end during which he robs them. Notethat the principle of A's life would have remainedunchanged, but his tactics would have changed. Hewould have used non-violent methods to attain hisend.Now this is what Communism is doing today.It has found that its revolutionary approach hasbeen unsuccessful. Some countries have resistedand organized, and so, it decides to change its tacticsand to use nonurevolutionar}? approaches to attainrevolutionary ends.

THE TACTlCS or Couuumsm1533. Q. Did the change in tactics originateIn America or in Russia?A. In Russia. It became a definite policy at theSeventh Annual Congress of the Third Interm‑tional held in Moscow, July and August, 1935."The taCtical line of the Seventh Congress corre‑sponds to the present level of the movement andstrength of the Communist parties.” ' (D. 2. Ma‑nuilslty, The Work of the Seventh Congress, p. 65.)34. Q. What is the name given to the newtactics of Communism?A. The “United Front” or “Common Front” or"People’s Front" or “Popular Front.”35. Q, How do the Communists propose tooverthrow the established order?A. To this the Communist International replies:"The first thing that m u s t be done, the thing withwhich we commence is to form a United Front."(G. Dimitrov, report delivered to InternationalCongress, August 2, 1936.)36. Q. How does Communism form theUnited From?A. "By securing predominant influences in thebroad mass proletarian organizations: Trade unions,factory committees, cooperative societies, sport or‑ganizations, cultural organizations, etc. . . . the

16THE TACTICS or COMMUNISMh.‑urban and rural poor, over the lowerintelligensia, and over the so-called‘little man’.” (Program of the Communist Inter‑national, p. 77.) “Communists m u s t establish theclosest cooperation with those Left social-democraticworkers, functionaries and organizations that fightagainst the reformist policy and advocate a UnitedFran! with the Communist Party.” (Report of theExecutive Committee of the Communist Interna‑tional, August 1, 1935, Original in italiCS.)masses of thestrata of the37. Q. Do the United Front tactics meanthat during an election the Communists shouldunite with any major p a r t y to prevent the elec‑tion of antifiommunlstic candidates, eventhough the Communists have a ticket or a candi‑date themselves?A. Yes. "The Communists m u s t seek to escala‑[ish a United Front with the social-democratic par‑ties and trade unions (also with the organizations ofthe toiling workers, handicraftsmen, etc.) , ande x e r t every effort to prevent the election of reac‑tionary and Fascist [anti-Communist] candidates.In face of the Fascist [anti-Communist] danger,the Communists, wbiie reserving for themselvesfreedom of political agitation and criticism, partici‑pate in eleCtion campaigns on a common platformand with a common ticket of the anti-Fascist front,depending on the growth and success of the United

THE TACTICS or COMMUNISMl?Front movement, also depending on the eleCtoralsystem in operation." (Resolutions of the SeventhAnnual Congress of the International CommunistParty, International Correspondence, September19, 1935, p. 1179. Italics and parenthesis in theoriginal; brackets mine.)38. Q. Would the United Front tacticsmean that Communism would seek to e n t e rCatholic organizations in order to secure “pro‑domimml influence”?A. Yes. “ I t would e x e r t a powerful influenceon the ranks of the Catholics, anarchists and smor‑ganized workers, even on tbose who bad temporarily[ m e m e tbs victims of Fascist [ands-Communist]domagogy.” (G. Dimitrov, Tbs Working Class w.Fascism, p. 32. Italics in original; brackets mine.)39. Q. Do the United Front tactics applyoven to the Youth?A. Yes. "The central task of the Youth Com‑munist International is to establish unity of theyouth movement against Fascism and war.” ( 0 .Kuusinen in his address to the Seventh World Canegross, "The Youth Movement and the Fight AgainstFascism and the War Danger,” Russian edition.Printshop No. 7, Moscow, p. 24. Italics in origi‑nal.) “ I f the representatives of the Young Com‑munists League of the United States had n o t known

18THE Tactics op Commumsuhow to approach the student youth in a comradelyfashion it would have been impossible for them tohave developed their great united front action .among the students, the m o s t important of whichwas the big student’s strike against war and Fascismon April 12, 1935, in which 184,000 students took .part.” (16:1, p. 18.)40. Q. Do the United Front tactics meanthat the masses a r e to he gradually led to revo‑lution?A. Yes. “The Communist Parties m u s t advancepartial slogans and demands that correspond to the .everyday needs of the toilets, linking them up withthe fundamental tasks of the Communist Interna‑tional.” (Program, p. 81, italics in original.)"Throughout the entire fire-revolutionary perioda most important basic p a r t of the tactics of theCommunist Parties is the tactics of fix unitedfront.” (Program, p. 82, italics in original.)4-1. Q. The United Front is then only a start‑ing point for Revolution?A. Yes. "The Party utilizes their minor every‑day needs as a starting point from which to leadthe working class to the revolutionary struggle forpower. (Program. p. 80, italics in original.)42. Q. The change in tactics then does n o tmean that Communion: has changed?

THE TACTICS o r C o u u u m s n19A. No. "Tacths, generally may change, but thegeneral line of the Communist International, theproletarian revolution, remains unchanged.” ( D .Z. Manuilsky, The Work of the Seventh Congress,p. 65.) “We m u s t fight for the unification of allrevolutionary forces on the basis of our programof strategy, and then pass to the offensive on allfronts.” (L4 Correspondence Internationale, Au‑gust3, 1935.)43. Q. When do the Communion proposeto reveal their revolutionary principles?A. "When Marx’s writings ha

THE TACTICS OF COMMUNISM By Krv Rev. Msgr. Fulton J. Sheen, D D* L Q* What is the ultimate goal of Com munism ? A* The ultimate goal of Communism is the es tablishment "of world dictatorship of the prole-tariat." (Page 34, Program of the Communist In ternational Workers1 Library Publication, 193 6.) 2* Q* How does Communism propose to es

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Communism will be relevant to Indigenous liberation so long as we value kinship. Communism is kinship; kinship is communism. Marx knew this. Marx saw in Indigenous kinship the fulcrum of the commons, which he understood as the basis of communism. He understood the original form of capitalist violence was the enclosure of the commons. The caging and

ways to fight Communism, the evil-s of Communism, and the false doctrines of Communism, it could become quite dangerous. Richard I. Miller, Associate Director of the National Education Association Project on Instruction, in re-porting on Communism to the Council of Chief State School Officers at Miami Beach said:

tactics and discuss the range of tactics identified by research, as well as their effects on various outcomes. Impression management tactics Research has identified a range of IM tactics and has found several ways to classify these tactics. The simplest distinction views IM tactics as either verbal or non-verbal (Schneider, 1981).


The Wildland Fire Suppression Tactics Reference Guide is designed to . supplement courses that teach tactics in the Wildland Fire Qualification System. It can be used by the beginning firefighter to learn basic tactics as well as a review of fire suppression tactics for the advanced firefighter.

Negotiation tactics can work to strengthen the relationship or can be used to intimidate, discourage, anger or upset the other party. Tactics can be skillfully planned or just happen in the course of a negotiation. Tactics that are intended to intimidate, surprise, or tip the power balance are labeled in this reading as "Adversarial Tactics". .

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