CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTCORE COMPETENCIESA Guide to the Construction Management Core Competencies and their Body of KnowledgeCM PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE . 1CM PROJECT MANAGEMENT . 4COST MANAGEMENT . 7TIME MANAGEMENT . 9QUALITY MANAGEMENT . 10CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION . 12SAFETY MANAGEMENT. 15CM PROFESSIONAL PRACTICEA. The Construction Manager as a Professional1. CM’s role and responsibilities as a professional and leaderB. Historical Evolution of CM1. Early construction management projects2. Evolution of CM in the public sector3. Problems encountered at the Federal level4. Role of associations in the development of CM5. Role of the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA)6. Establishment of standards of professional practice7. Standard forms of agreement8. Certification of the Construction ManagerC. Ethics of Professional Practice1. Ethics as a marketing issue2. Ethics as a project delivery issueD. Delivery Methods for Construction Projects1. Factors impacting the project delivery function
2. Traditional approached to project deliverya. Contracting optionsb. Advantages and disadvantages of the traditional system3. Design-Build as a delivery systema. Advantages and disadvantages of the design/build approach4. Construction Management as a delivery systema. Definitions of CME. Forms of Construction Management1. Placing CM on the agency at risk spectrum2. Legal relationships between owner and CMa. Fiduciary responsibility and the potential conflict of interestb. Defining the CM standard of carec. Creating and maintaining the owner-CM relationship3. Forms of CM contracta. CM as an agent of the owneri.Pure Agentii. ACM-Single Primeiii. ACM-Multi Primeb. Guaranteed Maximum Price CM (GMP)c. CM as an independent contractord. Dual Services CMe. Extended Services CMF. Procurement and Compensation of Professional CM Services1. Owner selection of the project teama. Determining the project delivery systemb. Criteria for the project teamc. Selection of the Construction Manager2. CM professional services contract issuesa. Standard form versus specially developed contractsb. Legal and other review processesc. Public sector procurement of CM services3. CM compensationa. Basic CM fee structuresi.Fixed feeii. Fixed fee plus costsiii. Percentage of construction costsiv. Cost reimbursementv. Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP)
b. General condition itemsG. Consultant Agreements in CM Practice1. Relationship of agreements to the project delivery process2. CM consulting agreementsa. CMAA and AIA approaches3. CMAA standard form contracts4. Responsibilities defined by the Agency CM Seriesa. Leadership role of the CMb. General conditions for Agency CM5. Responsibilities defined by the GMP CM SeriesH. Legal Obligations of the Construction Manager1. Professional practice liabilitiesa. Design defectsb. Cost estimatesc. Scheduling and Coordinationd. Inspectione. Contractor payment applications2. CM Third-Party liability issuesa. Contractor claims for project coordination and schedulingb. Personal injury claims3. Employment practices and labor relationsa. Employment discrimination lawsi.Civil Rights Act of the 1964 Title VIIii. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990iii. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967iv. Equal Pay Act of 1963v. Civil Rights Acts of 1866 and 1871vi. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986vii. Jobsite labor disputes4. Drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace5. Federal compensation lawa. Fair Labor Standards Actb. Davis-Bacon Actc. Service Contract Labor Standards Act6. Parental and family rightsa. Family and Medical Leave Act of 19937. Employee privacy and statutory individual rights8. Environmental regulations
a. Role of the Environmental Projection Agencyb. CERCLA/Superfundc. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)d. Clean Air Acte. Clean Water Actf. National Environmental Policy Act of 1969g. Toxic Substances Control ActCM PROJECT MANAGEMENTA. Definitions:1. Agency2. Agency CM3. Beneficial Occupancy4. Bulletin5. Changes Conditions6. Change Order7. Constructibility8. Construction Management Plan9. Construction Manager10. Critical Path Method11. Direct Costs12. Fast Track13. Force Account14. Multiple Prime Contracts15. Phased Construction16. Project Procedures Manual17. Quality Assurance18. Quality Control19. Schedule of Values20. Scope Changes21. Substantial Completion22. Supplementary Conditions23. Value AnalysisB. The Construction Management Plan1. The purpose and content of the CM Plan2. Stating measurable objectives for the projecta. Methods and standards of measure commonly used to describe projectsb. Qualitative/performance criteria essential to describe projects
3. Selecting and prioritizing pertinent reference documents4. Summarizing detailed project data for team members5. Organization of the projecta. Understanding relationships between project control systems, proceduresand tasksb. Types of project organization, decision and authority structuresc. Understanding organizational structures of other team membersd. Defining the roles and responsibilities of project team membersi.Using the “responsibility matrix” to communicate lines ofresponsibility and authority6. Site use planninga. Knowledge of construction sequences and operationsb. Components required for site mobilization/use over project durationc. Identifying unique site conditions which may impact constructionoperationsi.Alternative or prescriptive sequences to optimize site utilization7. Contract administrationa. Understanding the contractual relationships of team membersb. Applications of basic contracting/procurement strategies:i.Single Prime/Multi Primeii. Lump Sum/Cost Plus/Guaranteed Maximum Priceiii. Design-Buildiv. Fast Trackv. Phased Purchasevi. Long Lead Procurementvii. Owner Assignmentc. Identifying and resolving conflicts duplications or omissions in contractualresponsibilitiesd. Developing contract administration and documentation procedures specificto project needse. Analyzing contracting strategies to meet project cost and schedule goalswithin legal constraintsi.Quantifying the risks and benefits of alternate contractingstrategies8. Risk managementa. Understanding the elements of project design and construction likely togive rise to disputes or claimsi.General liability risks
ii. Special liability risksiii. Applying principles and techniques of risk managementiv. Available alternative dispute resolution options Applicable laws and standards9. The Project Procedures Manuala. Purpose and contentsb. Level of detail appropriate10. Project fundinga. Preparing information required to support owner’s funding requirements(cash flow, budgets, estimates, schedules, program definitions, projectdescriptions, etc)C. Design Professional Selection1. Design resources required to meet specific project requirements2. Basic tasks and responsibilities of design professionals3. Defining criteria for qualifications and experience of design professionals in relationto the project4. Basic contracting strategies for design professional servicesa. Understanding design professional contract standardsi.Basic service vs. extra servicesb. The design professional Request for Qualifications/Proposalsc. Analyzing the fee proposal and distributionD. Construction Contract Documents Development1. Responsibilities of the parties to a contract2. Basic forms of agreement3. Basic content requirements of a complete set of contract documents4. Sources of risk arising out of design and construction processesa. Sources of design efforts and omissions and construction deficienciesleading to construction problems and disputes5. Understand degree to which risk can be managed, shifted or insured viaconstruction documents6. Insurance requirements and options developed by the owner for the project7. Knowledge of basic building materials, systems and construction techniques8. Information required for proper coordination of construction processes9. Understanding how sequences of construction relate to drawings10. Understanding how drawings and various levels of detail or integrated to create acomplete depiction of the projectE. Procurement of Construction Services1. Public relations—means of reaching potential bidders
2. Assessing bidding climates3. Requirements for selection of pre-qualified bidders for bid advertisement4. Assessing and evaluating bidder qualifications relative to project requirements5. Understanding basic content required of contract general conditions6. Addressing risk management issues in contractor’s pre-award meetingsF. Information Management1. Defining expected outcomes of the information management systema. Data requirements to meet reporting goalsb. Client expectations and requirementsc. Appropriate levels of detaild. Distribution of reportse. Procedures for information plan revisions2. Providing timely flow of information to the project teama. Overall status and forecast of outcome vs estimate plan3. Understanding design report formats4. Understanding cost/benefit analyses of various information systems levels5. Procedures for retrieval and processing of information6. Developing appropriate public relations information7. Understand real/perceived impacts of project on the communityCOST MANAGEMENTA. Project and Construction Budget1. Conceptual budgeting methods, components and factorsa. Interpreting conceptual budgets provided by the owner and assessingimpacts on the project cost management planb. Integrating the owner’s conceptual budget into the overall costmanagement plan2. Development of a project/construction budgeta. Project and owner objectives and cost constraintsb. Procurement strategies, resource availability, productivity and other factorsi.Site, market, environmental, escalation, and other terms impactingbudgetB. Cost Management System1. Defining the purpose and objectives of a cost management systema. Utilizing available resources to develop, coordinate and implement thesystemb. Understanding the concept of cost planning2. Need for and utilization of project feasibility studies
3. Using cost models to monitor cost during progress of design4. Cash flow needs and availability based o the project progress schedulea. Developing a compatible cash flow schedule5. Impact of external economic factors on project cost6. Methods of project funding and how they impact project cost and scheduleC. Estimating1. Selection estimating techniques appropriate to the project and its phases2. Identifying factors for conceptual estimating3. Significance and validity of parameters for cost estimating4. Concept of range estimating5. Relationship of a quantity survey-based cost estimate to procurement strategiesa. Applications of quantity surveys to cost estimatingD. Cost Compliance Monitoring1. Defining the objectives of the cot management plan2. Developing and implementing a cost monitoring and compliance system utilizingavailable resourcesa. Specifying cost monitoring methods and frequency of updating, costtracking and reportingE. Design Phase Cost Management1. Estimating the cost and budget impact of design elements2. Evaluating design detail and changes and estimating their cost impact on the budget3. Establishing effective value analysis programa. Alternate systems, methods, components and materialsb. Trade off factors in terms of first vs lifetime cost, availability, time ofdelivery, esthetics, etc.F. Construction Phase Cost Management1. Specifying cost monitoring and management procedures2. Understanding risks of project budgeting and cost analysis efforts3. Specifying, developing and implementing an effective schedule o values for promptand equitable payment requests evaluationa. Specifying, developing and implementing an integrated cost-loadedschedule4. Developing and implementing and effective change order control and evaluationsystema. Factors governing cost changes during construction5. Specifying, developing and implementing an effective procedure for controlling,analyzing and evaluating cost of potential claimsG. Cost Control
1. Utilization of manhour/cost forecasting productivity studies, impact analysis,efficiency losses, etc2. Bid preparation and review and contract awardsa. Contracting procedures and types; advantages and constraints3. Interactions and relationships among project development teama. Responsibilities and management structure of project management teamTIME MANAGEMENTA. Time Management System1. Relationship between project requirements and scheduling requirements2. Understanding costs of implementing various scheduling systemsB. Schedule Development1. Understanding how schedule types are developed and utilizeda. Common scheduling terms:i.Float, fragnet, activity, loop precedence, time-scaled network, etc.b. Determining appropriate level of detail for each type of schedule andproject phasec. Applications of a cost-loaded scheduled. Types of bar graphs and CPM schedulese. Costs and benefits of manually prepared and computer generatedschedulesf. Available computer programs for scheduling and their applications onvarious types and sizes of projects2. Scheduling reportsa. Selection and sorting of activitiesb. Utilization of reportsc. Frequency of progress reporting as it relates to project type and phased. Graphic approaches to progress reportinge. Summarizing schedule reports information into the project narrativef. Specifying report format (manual and computer generated) at theappropriate level for project participantsC. Pre-Design Scheduling1. Application of resources to the project schedule2. Identification of project milestonesa. Schedule calculationsb. Forward and backward passc. Determining the critical path for a simple networkd. Early/late dates and float values for activities in a network
e. Evaluating progress on activities and determining relative percentages forwork progressD. Design Phase Scheduling1. Difference between statusing the schedule for progress (updating) and revising theschedule to reflect changes that have or will occur2. Implementing schedule revisions and assessing and minimizing impact on projectdates and costsE. Construction Phase Scheduling1. Understanding when a recovery schedule should be required during the course of aprojecta. The relationship of the recovery schedule to the base project scheduleb. Determining the appropriate period of schedule recoveryc. Types and uses of forms of recovery schedules2. Schedule impact of suspension of work, concurrent delays, compensable and noncompensable delays3. Time impact analysis using as-planned, as-adjusted and as-built schedules4. Float—its use and legal implications5. Preparation and use of change order fragnets6. Defining procedures for management of schedules to avoid risksa. Impact of change orders on scheduleb. Anticipating potential claims for time extensionsc. Using the schedule to evaluate and mitigate potential claimsd. Being “claims conscious”7. Understanding risks of management of schedules8. Understanding how the reporting and document control system interacts with thechange order process extensionsQUALITY MANAGEMENTA. Preparing the Quality Management Plan1. Purpose and content of the Quality Management Plan2. Elements that comprise the quality management portion of a project budget3. Defining client/owner/user objectives and goals and incorporating them into theQuality Management Plan4. Stating measurable quality objectives for the project5. Distinguishing quality management systems and their applicability to differentcontracting methodologies6. Understanding the interrelationships between basic project systems, procedures,and task elements and their relationship to quality management
7. Integrating contract drawings, specifications, general and special provisions, codes,submittals, changes and applicable regulations into quality management8. Computer software available for project, cost, and schedule management andestimating9. Understanding how the Quality Management Plan integrates into other projectplans and proceduresB. Selecting the Project Team1. Understanding the selection process2. Defining measurable (qualifications) data for selecting project participantsC. Design Phase Quality Management1. Requirements for design reviews: program, technical, constructibility, etca. Understanding the purpose of a constructibility reviewb. Identifying construction elements which affect the quality of the work2. Evaluating bid submittals with regard to quality requirementsD. Construction Phase Quality Management1. Conformance of work to contract documents and applicable codes and regulations2. Understanding which items of work require inspection3. Relationship to the overall project quality of:a. Periodic monitoring, observation and inspectionb. Implementation of a project documentation procedurec. Management of change order proceduresd. Risk management during the construction phasei.Monitoring of project safety plans and implementation of safetyplans for CM’s own employeesii. Responsibility of contractors for safety of contractors’ employeesiii. Assigning responsibility for managing claimsE. Field Inspection Services1. Use and capabilities of construction materials used2. Inspection reports and assessing their impact on the project3. Evaluating the inspection capabilities of inspection services companies and staffF. Construction Quality Control Plan1. Purpose and content of the Construction Quality Control Plan (CQC)G. Material Acceptance1. Understanding which materials require testing on the project2. Evaluating capabilities of material testing companies3. Establishing minimum or maximum criteria for materials to be tested4. Determining applicable codes and regulations pertinent to materials being tested5. Material testing reports and assessing their impact on the project
6. General use and capabilities of materials used in construction7. Material performance and its relationship to project quality8. Developing corrective procedures for deficient and on-conforming workH. Quality Management Documentation1. Quality control document retrieval and archivala. Identifying quality management data requiring trackingb. Procedures for communicating quality management data to other projectpartiesCONTRACT ADMINISTRATIONA. Project Contract Format1. Evaluating a project to determine the appropriate delivery technique(s)2. Understanding risk sharing methods3. Defining the roles and responsibilities of the parties under each delivery technique4. Defining advantages and disadvantages of each delivery techniqueB. Design Phase Contract Administration1. Understanding design processes and procedures2. Importance of team member communication and interaction3. Understand the project milestone schedule4. Defining design phase milestones, tasks and responsibilities of team membersa. Understanding design requirements at various design milestones (concept,schematic, design development etc)5. Understanding the requirements for different types of design reviews (program,technical, constructibility, etc)6. Project legal requirements relative to proprietary specifications7. Documenting
4. Construction Management as a delivery system a. Definitions of CM E. Forms of Construction Management 1. Placing CM on the agency at risk spectrum 2. Legal relationships between owner and CM a. Fiduciary responsibility and the potential conflict of interest b. Defining the CM standard of care c. Creating and maintaining the owner-CM .
teamwork competencies, strategic action competencies, global awareness competencies, self-management competencies and communication competencies. Strategic action competencies Strategic action competencies refer to the manager’s abilities to grasp the overall strategy of the company and ensure employees’ efforts are in line with the strategy.
focused competencies. Competency Area NP Core Competencies Neither Curriculum Content to Support Competencies required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only suggested content specific to the core competencies Scientific Foundation Competencies 1. Critically analyzes data and evidence for improving advanced nursing practice. 2.
focused competencies. Competency Area NP Core Competencies Neither Curriculum Content to Support Competencies required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only suggested content specific to the core competencies Scientific Foundation Competencies 1. Critically analyzes data and evidence for improving advanced nursing practice. 2.
Competencies may vary according to the specific job duties and requirements. The OECD Competency Framework displays fifteen Core Competencies grouped into three clusters. The blue cluster groups the delivery-related competencies The purple groups interpersonal competencies The green cluster relates to strategic competencies
not included in these entry-level competencies. These compe-tencies are intended to supplement the core competencies for all nurse practitioners (National Organization of Nurse Prac-titioner Faculties, 2017), as well as population-focused nurse practitioner competencies. The final competencies
Competency Area NP Core Competencies Neither Curriculum Content to Support Competencies required nor comprehensive, this list reflects only suggested content specific to the core competencies Theories/conceptual frameworks/principles for practice: Translational research that guides practice Critical evaluation of research findings
3. Core-competencies. The essential competencies that a nurse is expected to possess at entry to advanced nursing practice as an outcome of their nursing education and experience in a specific area of practice in order to provide the public with safe, effective and ethical care. The Scope of Core-Competencies of . an . Advanced Practice Nurse
Core Competencies in Financial Management fsr Management Analysts and Financial Specialists is the fifth in a series of core competencies publications developed by the Human Resources Committee of the U.S. Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Council and the Joint Financial Management Improvement