GRILLES AND REGISTERSGENERAL PRODUCT OVERVIEWGRILLES AND REGISTERSQuality Assured Products, unobtrusive clean lines for appearance, careful engineering and professional work-manship with the backingof an industry leader – these add up to true value; prime reasons for specifying Nailor Grilles and Registers.GRILLES AND REGISTERSArchitectural excellence and engineering selections demand high quality products and shipping schedules demand service; all part ofthe package.F Comprehensive range of models and styles to choose from. Various border/frame types, combinations and mounting options. Versatile selection and sizing ensures the correct product for anyspecific application. Balancing accessories. Material choice of premium quality extruded aluminum, costeffective steel or stainless steel. Unique in our manufacturingprocess is the exclusive use of corrosion-resistant coated steelas used in the auto industry. The material has superb formingqualities and outlasts painted cold-rolled steel and galvanizedsteel by up to three times. Performance data in accordance with current international teststandards and the back-up of one of the finest 'in-house' testinglaboratories in North America. Superior finishes.LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERSThis series of grilles and registers are available in cost effective, corrosion-resistant steel, premium quality extruded aluminum or stainlesssteel construction. The blades are formed to a streamlined engineered contoured cross-section. Rigid, reinforced frames feature hairlinemitered corners. Optional opposed blade dampers have a screwdriver slot or lever operator for adjustment through the face of the register.As standard, the grilles and registers have countersunk screw holes in the frame, which make for an architecturally pleasing appearance.LOUVERED FACE — SUPPLY AIRDOUBLE DEFLECTIONA dual set of individually adjustable blades are friction pivoted and canbe easily adjusted to provide maximum control of the air pattern forspread and deflection in two planes. Blades are spaced on 3/4" (19)centers.Aluminum – Models 51DV, 51DHPage F14Suffix '-O' adds a steel OBDSuffix '-OA' adds an aluminum OBDPage F16Steel – Models 61DV, 61DHSuffix '-O' adds a steel OBDPage F18Stainless Steel – Models 67DV, 67DHSuffix '-O' adds a stainless steel OBDModels 51DV, 67DVSINGLE DEFLECTIONA single set of individually adjustable blades are friction pivoted and canbe easily adjusted to provide the desired spread or deflection in a singleplane. Blades are spaced on 3/4" (19) centers.Aluminum – Models 51SV, 51SHPage F15Suffix '-O' adds a steel OBDSuffix '-OA' adds an aluminum OBDPage F17Steel – Models 61SV, 61SHSuffix '-O' adds a steel OBDPage F19Stainless Steel – Models 67SV, 67SHSuffix '-O' adds a stainless steel OBDModelsodels 51SH51SH, 67SVF4
LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERSALUMINUM DOUBLEDEFLECTION GRILLESAND REGISTERS SUPPLYModels:51DV and 51DHGRILLES AND REGISTERS Suffix '-O' adds a steel opposedblade damper Suffix '-OA' adds an aluminumopposed blade damperFModel 51DVModels 51DV and 51DH Double Deflection Supply Grilles and Registers are recommended for application in systems requiringmaximum flexibility. The front set of blades has the greatest effect on the air pattern and therefore should be selected based onparticular requirements. Vertical front blades will control the spread and throw distance of the air pattern whereas horizontal frontblades will control the rise and drop of the air pattern, typically directing warm air downwards or cool air upwards along the ceiling.The combination of streamlined 'teardrop' shaped blades and 3/4" (19) spacing maintains a high effective free area average capacityof 75%, which minimizes outlet velocity, reduces pressure drop and assures quiet operation.STANDARD FEATURES:FASTENING OPTIONS: 1 1/4" (32) wide face border with a 1"(25) overlap margin standard, furnishedwith countersunk screw holes andmounting screws.NF Narrow frame with 1" (25) face borderand a 3/4" (19) overlap margin. O.A.flange to flange dim. listed size 1 1/4"(32). Concealed mounting is optional. Available in sizes from 4" x 4" to48" x 48" (102 x 102 to 1219 x 1219)in single section construction. Multiplesection assemblies are available. Rigid, heavy gauge extruded frameswith reinforced mitered corners. Steel or aluminum integral dampers areopposed blade design with screwdriverslot operator. Streamlined shaped extruded bladeson 3/4" (19) centers. Blades positivelyhold deflection setting under all conditionsof velocity and pressure.CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL: High quality, extruded aluminumconstruction.FINISH OPTIONS: Type AType CType DType NScrew Holes (default)Concealed Mounting StrapsConcealed Screw HolesNoneOPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES: ISInsect Screen PF Plaster Frame GK Foam Gasket EQT Earthquake TabsFor additional options and accessories,see page F191. AW Appliance White finish is standard.Other finishes are available. Adjustable air pattern - Blades arefriction pivoted and easily adjusted toprovide desired spread or deflection.3 9/16" (90)1 1/4" (32) FACEBORDER STANDARDOPTIONALOPPOSED1 13/16" (46) BLADEDAMPERMODEL 51DV Vertical Front BladesF143 9/16" (90)LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44) STD.LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44) STD.LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44) STD.LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44) STD.1 1/4" (32) FACEBORDER STANDARDOPTIONALOPPOSED1 13/16" (46) BLADEDAMPERMODEL 51DH Horizontal Front Blades
LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERSALUMINUM SINGLEDEFLECTION GRILLESAND REGISTERS SUPPLYModels:51SV and 51SH Suffix '-O' adds a steel opposedblade damper Suffix '-OA' adds an aluminumopposed blade damperModels 51SV and 51SH Single Deflection Supply Grilles and Registers are recommended for applications requiring pattern adjustmentin a single horizontal or vertical plane. They are generally used in a high side wall application where vertical blades will control thespread and throw distance of the air pattern to accommodate various layouts. Horizontal blades will control the rise and drop of theair pattern, typically directing warm air downwards or cool air upwards along the ceiling.The combination of streamlined 'teardrop' shaped blades and 3/4" (19) spacing maintains a high effective free area average capacityof 75%, which minimizes outlet velocity, reduces pressure drop and assures quiet operation.STANDARD FEATURES: 1 1/4" (32) wide face border with a 1"(25) overlap margin standard, furnishedwith countersunk screw holes andmounting screws.NF Narrow frame with 1" (25) face borderand a 3/4" (19) overlap margin. O.A.flange to flange dim. listed size 1 1/4"(32). Concealed mounting is optional. Rigid, heavy gauge extruded frameswith reinforced mitered corners. Streamlined shaped extruded bladeson 3/4" (19) centers. Blades positivelyhold deflection setting under all conditionsof velocity and pressure.FASTENING OPTIONS: Available in sizes from 4" x 4" to48" x 48" (102 x 102 to 1219 x 1219)in single section construction. Multiplesection assemblies are available. Type A Screw Holes (default) Type C Concealed Mounting Straps Type D Concealed Screw Holes Type N NoneCONSTRUCTION MATERIAL: High quality, extruded aluminumconstruction. Steel or aluminum integral dampers areopposed blade design with screwdriverslot operator.FINISH OPTIONS: AW Appliance White finish is standard.Other finishes are available.GRILLES AND REGISTERSModel 51SVFOPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES: ISInsect Screen PFPlaster Frame GKFoam Gasket EQT Earthquake TabsFor additional options and accessories,see page F191. Adjustable air pattern - Blades arefriction pivoted and easily adjusted toprovide desired spread or deflection.2 5/8" (67)1 1/4" (32) FACEBORDER STANDARDMODEL 51SV Vertical Blades2 5/8" (67)OPTIONALOPPOSEDBLADE7/8" (22) DAMPERLISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44) STD.LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44) STD.LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44) STD.LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44) STD.1 1/4" (32) FACEBORDER STANDARDOPTIONALOPPOSEDBLADE7/8" (22) DAMPERMODEL 51SH Horizontal BladesF15
LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERSSTEEL DOUBLEDEFLECTION GRILLESAND REGISTERS SUPPLYModels:61DV and 61DHModels 61DV and 61DH Double Deflection Supply Grilles and Registers are recommended for application in systems requiringmaximum flexibility. The front set of blades has the greatest effect on the air pattern and therefore should be selected based onparticular requirements. Vertical front blades will control the spread and throw distance of the air pattern whereas horizontal frontblades will control the rise and drop of the air pattern, typically directing warm air downwards or cool air upwards along the ceiling.The combination of streamlined 'teardrop' shaped blades and 3/4" (19) spacing maintains a high effective free area average capacityof 75%, which minimizes outlet velocity, reduces pressure drop and assures quiet operation.STANDARD FEATURES:FASTENING OPTIONS: Available in sizes from 4" x 4" to48" x 36" (102 x 102 to 1219 x 914)in single section construction. Multiplesection assemblies are available. 1 1/4" (32) wide face border with a 1"(25) overlap margin standard, furnishedwith countersunk screw holes andmounting screws. Concealed mountingis optional.CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL: Rigid, roll-formed frames with reinforcedmitered corners. Cost effective, corrosion-resistant steelconstruction.OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES:Insect Screen Integral dampers - roll-formed steelblades. Opposed blade design withscrewdriver slot operator. PFPlaster Frame GKFoam GasketFINISH OPTIONS:For additional options and accessories,see page F191. AW Appliance White finish is standard.Other finishes are available. EQT Earthquake TabsLISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44)LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44) STD.3 9/16" (90)OPTIONALOPPOSED1 13/16" (46) BLADEDAMPERMODEL 61DV Vertical Front BladesF16 Type D Concealed Screw Holes IS Adjustable air pattern - Blades arefriction pivoted and easily adjusted toprovide desired spread or deflection.1 1/4" (32) FACEBORDER STANDARD Type C Concealed Mounting Straps Type N None Streamlined shaped roll-formed bladeson 3/4" (19) centers. Blades positivelyhold deflection setting under all conditionsof velocity and pressure.LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44) STD. Type A Screw Holes (default)3 9/16" (90)LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)FModel 61DVLISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44)GRILLES AND REGISTERS Suffix '-O' adds a steel opposedblade damper1 1/4" (32) FACEBORDEROPTIONALOPPOSED1 13/16" (46) BLADEDAMPERMODEL 61DH Horizontal Front Blades
LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERSSTEEL SINGLEDEFLECTION GRILLESAND REGISTERS SUPPLYModels:61SV and 61SH Suffix '-O' adds a steel opposedblade damperModels 61SV and 61SH Single Deflection Supply Grilles and Registers are recommended for applications requiring pattern adjustmentin a single horizontal or vertical plane. They are generally used in a high side wall application where vertical blades will control thespread and throw distance of the air pattern to accommodate various layouts. Horizontal blades will control the rise and drop of theair pattern, typically directing warm air downwards or cool air upwards along the ceiling.The combination of streamlined 'teardrop' shaped blades and 3/4" (19) spacing maintains a high effective free area average capacityof 75%, which minimizes outlet velocity, reduces pressure drop and assures quiet operation.STANDARD FEATURES:FASTENING OPTIONS: 1 1/4" (32) wide face border with a 1"(25) overlap margin standard, furnishedwith countersunk screw holes andmounting screws. Concealed mountingis optional. Available in sizes from 4" x 4" to48" x 36" (102 x 102 to 1219 x 914)in single section construction. Multiplesection assemblies are available. Rigid, roll-formed frames with reinforcedmitered corners. Cost effective, corrosion-resistant steelconstruction. Type A Screw Holes (default) Type C Concealed Mounting Straps Type D Concealed Screw Holes Type N NoneCONSTRUCTION MATERIAL:OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES: ISInsect Screen Integral dampers - roll-formed steelblades. Opposed blade design withscrewdriver slot operator. PFPlaster Frame GKFoam GasketFINISH OPTIONS:For additional options and accessories,see page F191. Streamlined shaped roll-formed bladeson 3/4" (19) centers. Blades positivelyhold deflection setting under all conditionsof velocity and pressure. Adjustable air pattern - Blades arefriction pivoted and easily adjusted toprovide desired spread or deflection. AW Appliance White finish is standard.Other finishes are available.2 5/8" (67)1 1/4" (32) FACEBORDERMODEL 61SV Vertical BladesOPTIONALOPPOSEDBLADE7/8" (22) DAMPERF EQT Earthquake Tabs2 5/8" (67)LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44)LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44)LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44)LISTED SIZE 1 3/4" (44)GRILLES AND REGISTERSModel 61SV1 1/4" (32) FACEBORDEROPTIONALOPPOSEDBLADE7/8" (22) DAMPERMODEL 61SH Horizontal BladesF17
LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERSSTAINLESS STEELDOUBLE DEFLECTIONGRILLES AND REGISTERS SUPPLYModels:67DV and 67DHModels 67DV and 67DH Double Deflection Supply Grilles and Registers are recommended for application in systems requiringmaximum flexibility. The front set of blades has the greatest effect on the air pattern and therefore should be selected based onparticular requirements. Vertical front blades will control the spread and throw distance of the air pattern whereas horizontal frontblades will control the rise and drop of the air pattern, typically directing warm air downwards or cool air upwards along the ceiling.Stainless steel grilles and registers are well suited for applications involving corrosive environments, high humidity or frequentcleaning with strong chemicals. Typical projects include hospitals, clean rooms, laboratories, industrial and manufacturing facilities.The combination of streamlined shaped blades and 3/4" (19) spacing maintains a high effective free area average capacity of 75%,which minimizes outlet velocity, reduces pressure drop and assures quiet operation.STANDARD FEATURES: 1 3/8" (35) wide face border with a 1"(25) overlap margin standard, furnishedwith Type A countersunk screw holesand stainless steel mounting screws. Rigid, welded and reinforced frameswith hairline mitered corners. Streamlined shaped roll-formed bladeson 3/4" (19) centers. Blades positivelyhold deflection setting under all conditionsof velocity and pressure. #4 Brushed Satin Polished finish isstandard. AW Appliance White finish isoptional. Available in sizes from 4" x 4" to48" x 48" (102 x 102 to 1219 x 1219).OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES:CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL: PFS Stainless Steel Plaster Frame Type 304 Stainless Steel construction.For additional options and accessories,see page F191. Integral dampers - roll-formed stainlesssteel blades. Opposed blade design witha screwdriver operator. Type 316 Stainless Steel ConstructionLISTED SIZE 1 5/8" (41)3 5/8" (92)LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)LISTED SIZE 1 5/8" (41)LISTED SIZE 1 5/8" (41)FINISH OPTIONS: Adjustable air pattern - Blades arefriction pivoted and easily adjusted toprovide desired spread or deflection.3 5/8" (92)LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)FModel 67DVLISTED SIZE 1 5/8" (41)GRILLES AND REGISTERS Suffix '-O' adds a stainless steelopposed blade damperOPT.O.B.D.OPT.O.B.D.1 3/8" (35) FACE BORDER1 3/4" (44)MODEL 67DV Vertical Front BladesF181 3/8" (35) FACE BORDER1 3/4" (44)MODEL 67DH Horizontal Front Blades
LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERSSTAINLESS STEELSINGLE DEFLECTIONGRILLES AND REGISTERS SUPPLYModels:67SV and 67SH Suffix '-O' adds a stainless steelopposed blade damperModels 67SV and 67SH Single Deflection Supply Grilles and Registers are recommended for applications requiring pattern adjustmentin a single horizontal or vertical plane. They are generally used in a high side wall application where vertical blades will control thespread and throw distance of the air pattern to accommodate various layouts. Horizontal blades will control the rise and drop of theair pattern, typically directing warm air downwards or cool air upwards along the ceiling.Stainless steel grilles and registers are well suited for applications involving corrosive environments, high humidity or frequentcleaning with strong chemicals. Typical projects include hospitals, clean rooms, laboratories, industrial and manufacturing facilities.The combination of streamlined shaped blades and 3/4" (19) spacing maintains a high effective free area average capacity of 75%,which minimizes outlet velocity, reduces pressure drop and assures quiet operation.STANDARD FEATURES: Streamlined shaped roll-formed bladeson 3/4" (19) centers. Blades positivelyhold deflection setting under all conditionsof velocity and pressure. Adjustable air pattern - Blades arefriction pivoted and easily adjusted toprovide desired spread or deflection. Type 316 Stainless Steel ConstructionCONSTRUCTION MATERIAL:For additional options and accessories,see page F191. Type 304 Stainless Steel construction. PFS Stainless Steel Plaster FrameF Integral dampers - roll-formed stainlesssteel blades. Opposed blade design witha screwdriver operator.FINISH OPTIONS: #4 Brushed Satin Polished finish isstandard. AW Appliance White finish isoptional.LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6)LISTED SIZE 1 5/8" (41)2 7/8"(73)LISTED SIZE 1 5/8" (41)2 7/8"(73)LISTED SIZE 1 5/8" (41)LISTED SIZE - 1/4" (6) Rigid, welded and reinforced frameswith hairline mitered corners.OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES: Available in sizes from 4" x 4" to60" x 48" (102 x 102 to 1524 x 1219).LISTED SIZE 1 5/8" (41) 1 3/8" (35) wide face border with a 1"(25) overlap margin standard, furnishedwith Type A countersunk screw holesand stainless steel mounting screws.GRILLES AND REGISTERSModel 67SVOPT.O.B.D.OPT.O.B.D.1 3/8" (35) FACE BORDER1 3/8" (35) FACE BORDER1 1/8" (29)MODEL 67SV Vertical Blades1 1/8" (29)MODEL 67SH Horizontal BladesF19
LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERSPERFORMANCE NOTES FOR SUPPLY GRILLES AND REGISTERS:MODEL SERIES: 5100, 6100 AND 6700Under constant conditions of temperature, volume and corevelocity, the wider the spread, the smaller the drop. Typical coldsupply air (20 F 'T) reduces horizontal throw by approximately30%. Warm air will increase throw by approximately 30% andreduce drop.For a full explanation of the effects of spread, throw, temperatureand drop, refer to the engineering guide at the back of the catalog.The isovel diagrams shown below, illustrate in plan view, therelationship of horizontal spread to throw for three standardvertical blade deflections and represent a typical high side wallsupply outlet. The isovels (throw values) are for the catalogedterminal velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm.Cataloged data, in accordance with the test code, is with the grillemounted 9" (229) below the ceiling and benefiting from the ceilingcoanda effect under isothermal conditions. Throw values withoutceiling effect (greater than 24" (610) from a surface parallel to theairflow) may be approximated by multiplying the cataloged throwby x 0.7.In order to offset potential draft problems caused by prematuredrop, it is recommended to set the blades with an upwarddeflection setting of 15 – 20 in free space conditions. The angleof spread and temperature differential between the supply air androom air ('T) also effects the drop of the airstream.SPREAD CHARACTERISTICS WITH THREE DEFLECTIONSETTINGSNC Corrections for Blade Deflection (add)0 Deflection10Spread (ft.)GRILLES AND REGISTERSThrow, Spread and Drop5Vt 150 fpm0Vt 100 fpm10F510152025303540DamperDoubleDeflection50Blade DeflectionModelTypeVt 50 fpm45505560SingleDeflectionThrow (ft.)22 1/2 Deflection22 1/2 45 With0 2 7Without–4–2 3With–4–1 4Without–8–6 1Note: Damper corrections are for wide open damper.10Spread (ft.)0 Vt 50 fpm5TP Correction Factors for Grilles Without Damper(multiply)Vt 100 fpmVt 150 fpm0510051015202530Throw (ft.)45 Deflection35404550 NCFG &GƀGEVKQP0 22 1/2 45 Double Deflection Factorx .80x .83x .89Single Deflection Factorx .73x .76x .852015NC Corrections for Throttling Damper (add)Vt 50 fpm10Spread (ft.)Vt 100 fpm5Vt 150 fpm05101520051015Throw (ft.)F20202530Additional Pressure Drop(in. w.g.).05".15".25"Approx. Damper Opening75%67%50%NC add 6 11 18
LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERSPERFORMANCE DATA: SUPPLY GRILLES AND REGISTERS 5100, 6100 AND 6700 SERIESMODELS: 51DV, 51DH, 51SV, 51SH, 61DV, 61DH, 61SV, 61SH, 67DV, 67DH, 67SV, 67SHListedAlternateCoreDuctSizesAreaSize(inches) (sq. ft.)(inches)6x68x610 x 68x410 x 410 x 512 x 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria0. 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria0. 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria8x814 x 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria12 x 618 x 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria14 x 612 x 810 x 1018 x 612 x 1022 x 612 x 1210 x 816 x 624 x 414 x 726 x 414 x 828 x 430 x 420 x 624 x 516 x 828 x 536 x 414 x 1018 x 824 x 638 x 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria0. 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria0. 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria0. 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria0. 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria0. 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria0. 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria18 x 1030 x 22 1/2 45 -43-6128-34-4918-22-3128040GRILLES AND REGISTERS12 x 516 x 40.20AkFactorCore VelocityVelocity Pressure0 Total22 1/2 Pressure45 CFMNoise CriteriaFFor performance data notes, see F24.2-18-2020F21
LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERSPERFORMANCE DATA: SUPPLY GRILLES AND REGISTERS 5100, 6100 AND 6700 SERIESMODELS: 51DV, 51DH, 51SV, 51SH, 61DV, 61DH, 61SV, 61SH, 67DV, 67DH, 67SV, 67SHListedAlternateCoreDuctSizesAreaSize(inches) (sq. ft.)(inches)14 x 1418 x 12GRILLES AND REGISTERS24 x 1016 x 1624 x 1218 x 18F30 x 1216 x 1220 x 1024 x 834 x 616 x 1422 x 1028 x 838 x 620 x 1230 x 818 x 1422 x 1230 x 818 x 1620 x 1430 x 1036 x 820 x 1624 x 1428 x 1232 x 1020 x 1822 x 1626 x 1436 x 101.24AkFactor.84.73.64Core VelocityVelocity Pressure0 Total22 1/2 Pressure45 CFMNoise CriteriaThrow0 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria1. 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria1.521.03.90.78Throw0 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria1.641.12.97.84Throw0 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria1.851.261.09.95Throw0 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria2.101.431.241.08Throw0 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria2.321.581.371.19Throw0 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria24 x 1632 x 122.501.701.481.29Throw0 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria20 x 2036 x 1222 x 2222 x 1822 x 2024 x 1826 x 1630 x 1424 x 2026 x 1830 x 1640 x 122.611.771.541.34Throw0 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria2.791.901.651.44Throw0 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria3.172.161.871.63Throw0 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria42 x 1230 x 1836 x 1424 x 2234 x 1640 x 22 1/2 45 CFMNoise Criteria3.542.412.091.82Throw0 22 1/2 45 -65-9233-41-58For performance data notes, see F24.F222-18-2020
Architectural excellence and engineering selections demand high quality products and shipping schedules demand service; all part of the package. LOUVERED FACE GRILLES AND REGISTERS This series of grilles and registers are available in cost effective, corrosion-resistant steel, premium quality extruded a
Cisco IE 3000 Switch MODBUS TCP Registers IE3000-4TC IE3000-4TC System Information Registers Port Information Registers Table 1 IE3000-4TC System Information Registers Address Number of Registers Description R/W Format Example/Note 800 64 Product ID R Text “1783-MS10T” 840 64 Software Image Name R Text “IES-LANBASE-M”
DDR Configuration Registers are declared in asm-arm\arch-m2s\ddr.h file. This includes DDR Controller Registers, DDR PHY Configuration Registers, and FIC-64 registers. Refer to asm-arm\arch-m2s\ddr.h file for complete structure of DDR Configuration Registers. Functions DDR initialization function is defined in board\emcraft\m2s-som\board.c file.
1 Elec 326 1 Registers & Counters Registers & Counters Objectives This section deals with some simple and useful sequential circuits. Its objectives are to: Introduce registers as multi-bit storage devices. Introduce counters by adding logic to registers implementing the functional capability to increment and/or
Register Allocation In TAC, there are an unlimited number of variables. On a physical machine there are a small number of registers: x86 has four general-purpose registers and a number of specialized registers. MIPS has twenty-four general-purpose registers and eight special-purpose registers. Register allocation is the process of assigning
The grille must follow a radius . stainless steel curtain – and with an optional electric operator – our rolling grilles are well-suited to most any environment and application. Upward-Coiling Grilles: Many Options, Versatile Applications . diameter steel throw rods; Comes .
Air Distribution Components Wood Grilles, Plastic Grilles, Grille to Flex Duct Adaptors, Hose Adaptors and Duct. r171114. 2 . Guidelines and Safety . Consult your system installation manual for the recommended use of air control products. We will be
ROM 4K bytes RAM 128 bytes Timer 2 I/O pins 32 Serial port 1 Interrupt sources 6 Table No.1 Features of 8051[3] 1.2.2 Registers: Registers are used to store information temporarily. The vast majority of 8051 registers are 8-bit registers. With an 8 bit data typ
The Thermal Management System (TMS) is designed to remove the excess heat produced by modern electronic equipment employed in today’s ground combat systems. The TMS also ensures that crew combat performance is not degraded due to heat stress. The modular design was developed to maximize the flexibility of the TMS and to limit its intrusion into the Abrams fighting compartment. A Vapor .