Oracle DatabaseDatabase Sample Schemas19cE96482-02November 2019
Oracle Database Database Sample Schemas, 19cE96482-02Copyright 2002, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Primary Author: Lavanya JayapalanContributing Authors: Apoorva Srinivas, Amith R. Kumar, Tulika Das, Roza Leyderman, David Austin ,Christian Bauwens, Vimmika Dinesh, Mark Drake, Nancy Greenberg, Deepti Kamal, Diana Lorentz, NagavalliPataballaThis software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions onuse and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in yourlicense agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify,license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means.Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law forinteroperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. Ifyou find any errors, please report them to us in writing.If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it onbehalf of the U.S. Government, then the following notice is applicable:U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software,any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are"commercial computer software" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agencyspecific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of theprograms, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware,and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs.No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications.It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications thatmay create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then youshall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure itssafe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of thissoftware or hardware in dangerous applications.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks oftheir respective owners.Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks areused under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron,the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced MicroDevices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information about content, products,and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expresslydisclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services unless otherwiseset forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not beresponsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content,products, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle.
ContentsPreface12AudienceviiiDocumentation AccessibilityviiiRelated DocumentsviiiConventionsviiiIntroduction to Sample Schemas1.1About the Sample Schemas1-11.2Design Principles for Sample Schemas1-11.3Customer Benefits of Sample Schemas1-21.4Overview of the Sample Schemas1-21.4.1HR Sample Schema1-21.4.2OE Sample Schema1-31.4.3OC Sample Schema1-41.4.4PM Sample Schema1-41.4.5IX Sample Schema1-41.4.6SH Sample Schema1-51.4.7CO Sample Schema1-5Installing Sample Schemas2.12.22.3Installing HR Schema Only2-12.1.1Installing HR Schema Using Database Configuration Assistant2-12.1.2Manually Installing the HR Schema2-22.1.3Uninstalling HR Schema2-3Installing Sample Schemas from GitHub2-32.2.1Resetting Sample Schemas2-42.2.2Uninstalling Sample Schemas2-4Installing CO schema2-5iii
3Schema Diagrams3.14Sample Schema Diagrams3-1Sample Schema Scripts and Object Descriptions4.1Master Script for Sample Schemas4.1.1mksample.sql4-14-14.2HR Sample Schema Scripts and Objects4-44.3HR Sample Schema Table Descriptions4-54.3.1Table HR.COUNTRIES4-54.3.2Table HR.DEPARTMENTS4-54.3.3Table HR.EMPLOYEES4-64.3.4Table HR.JOBS4-64.3.5Table HR.JOB HISTORY4-64.3.6Table HR.LOCATIONS4-74.3.7Table HR.REGIONS4-74.4OE Sample Schema Scripts and Objects4-74.5OE Sample Schema Table Descriptions4-94.5.1Table OE.CUSTOMERS4-94.5.2Table OE.INVENTORIES4-104.5.3Table OE.ORDERS4-104.5.4Table OE.ORDER ITEMS4-114.5.5Table OE.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS4-114.5.6Table OE.PRODUCT INFORMATION4-114.5.7Table OE.WAREHOUSES4-124.5.8Table OE.PURCHASEORDER4-124.6PM Sample Schema Scripts and Objects4-124.7PM Sample Schema Table Descriptions4-134.7.1Table PM.PRINT MEDIA4-134.8IX Sample Schema Scripts and Objects4-144.9IX Sample Schema Table Descriptions4-154.9.1Table IX.ORDERS QUEUETABLE4-154.9.2Table IX.STREAMS QUEUE TABLE4-164.10SH Sample Schema Scripts and Objects4-174.11SH Sample Schema Table Descriptions4-184.11.1Table SH.CHANNELS4-184.11.2Table SH.COSTS4-184.11.3Table SH.COUNTRIES4-194.11.4Table SH.CUSTOMERS4-194.11.5Table SH.PRODUCTS4-204.11.6Table SH.PROMOTIONS4-21iv
4.11.7Table SH.SALES4-214.11.8Table SH.TIMES4-224.12CO Sample Schema Scripts and Objects4-234.13CO Sample Schema Table Descriptions4-244.13.1Table CO.CUSTOMERS4-244.13.2Table CO.STORES4-244.13.3Table CO.PRODUCTS4-254.13.4Table CO.ORDERS4-254.13.5Table CO.ORDER ITEMS4-26Indexv
List of Tables4-1HR Sample Schema Scripts4-44-2HR Sample Schema Objects4-44-3HR.COUNTRIES Table Description4-54-4HR.DEPARTMENTS Table Description4-54-5HR.EMPLOYEES Table Description4-64-6HR.JOBS Table Description4-64-7HR.JOB HISTORY Table Description4-64-8HR.LOCATIONS Table Description4-74-9HR.REGIONS Table Description4-74-10OE Sample Schema Scripts4-74-11OE Sample Schema Objects4-84-12OE.CUSTOMERS Table Description4-94-13OE.INVENTORIES Table Description4-104-14OE.ORDERS Table Description4-104-15OE.ORDER ITEMS Table Description4-114-16OE.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONS Table Description4-114-17OE.PRODUCT INFORMATION Table Description4-114-18OE.WAREHOUSES Table Description4-124-19PM Schema Scripts4-134-20PM Sample Schema Objects4-134-21PM.PRINT MEDIA Table Description4-134-22IX Sample Schema Scripts4-144-23IX Sample Schema Objects4-144-24IX.ORDERS QUEUETABLE Table Description4-154-25IX.STREAMS QUEUE TABLE Table Description4-164-26SH Sample Schema Scripts4-174-27SH Sample Schema Objects4-174-28SH.CHANNELS Table Description4-184-29SH.COSTS Table Description4-184-30SH.COUNTRIES Table Description4-194-31SH.CUSTOMERS Table Description4-194-32SH.PRODUCTS Table Description4-204-33SH.PROMOTIONS Table Description4-214-34SH.SALES Table Description4-214-35SH.TIMES Table Description4-22vi
4-36CO Sample Schema Scripts4-234-37CO Sample Schema Objects4-244-38CO.CUSTOMERS Table Description4-244-39Table CO.STORES Table Description4-254-40Table CO.PRODUCTS Table Description4-254-41Table CO.ORDERS Table Description4-264-42Table CO.ORDER ITEMS Table Description4-26vii
PrefacePrefaceThis guide is a primary source of information about the sample database schemas thatare used for examples in Oracle Database documentation.This preface contains the following topics: Audience Related Documents ConventionsAudienceThis document is intended for all users of the seed database, which is installed whenyou install Oracle Database.Documentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the OracleAccessibility Program website at acc&id docacc.Access to Oracle SupportOracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic supportthrough My Oracle Support. For information, visit acc&id info or visit acc&id trsif you are hearing impaired.Related DocumentsThis guide does not discuss specific programming examples that use data in thesample schemas; see the Oracle Database documentation library for specific booksthat discuss the technology that you are using.Sample database schema OE contains tables that use SQL data type XMLType. Forinformation about the use of such data, see Oracle XML DB Developer's Guide.ConventionsThe following text conventions are used in this document:viii
PrefaceConventionMeaningboldfaceBoldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associatedwith an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.italicItalic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables forwhich you supply particular values.monospaceMonospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, codein examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.ix
1Introduction to Sample SchemasFor many years, Oracle used the simple database schema SCOTT, with its twoprominent tables EMP and DEPT, for various examples in documentation and training.These tables are inadequate to show the basic features of Oracle Database and otherOracle products. The sample database schemas can be used for productdocumentation, courseware, software development, and application demos.1.1 About the Sample SchemasThe sample database schemas provide a common platform for examples in eachrelease of the Oracle Database. The sample schemas are a set of interlinkeddatabase schemas. This set provides approach to complexity: Schema Human Resources (HR) is useful for introducing basic topics. Anextension to this schema supports Oracle Internet Directory demos. Schema Order Entry (OE) is useful for dealing with matters of intermediatecomplexity. Many data types are available in this schema, including nonscalar datatypes. Schema Online Catalog (OC) is a collection of object-relational database objectsbuilt inside schema OE. Schema Product Media (PM) is dedicated to print media data types. A set of schemas gathered under the main schema name Information Exchange(IX) can be used to demonstrate Oracle Advanced Queuing capabilities. Schema Sales History (SH) is designed to allow for demos with large amounts ofdata. An extension to this schema provides support for advanced analyticprocessing. Schema Customer Orders (CO) is a modern schema useful for demos of ecommerce transactions. It allows the storage of semi-structured data using JSON.1.2 Design Principles for Sample SchemasThe sample database schemas have been created with the following design principlesin mind: Simplicity and ease of use. Schemas HR and OE are intentionally simple. Theyprovide a graduated path from simple to intermediate levels of database use. Relevance for typical users. The base schemas and their extensions bring to theforeground the functionality that customers typically use. Only the most commonlyused database objects are built automatically in the schemas. The entire set ofschemas provides a foundation upon which one can expand to illustrate additionalfunctionality. Extensibility. The sample schemas provide a logical and physical foundation foradding objects to demonstrate functionality beyond the fundamental scope.1-1
Chapter 1Customer Benefits of Sample Schemas Relevance. The sample schemas are designed to be applicable to e-business andother significant industry trends (for example, XML). When this goal conflicts withthe goal of simplicity, schema extensions are used to showcase the trends infocus.1.3 Customer Benefits of Sample SchemasBenefits provided by the sample schemas include the following: Continuity of context. When encountering the same set of tables everywhere,users, students, and developers can spend less time becoming familiar with theschema and more time understanding or explaining the technical concepts. Usability. Customers can use these schemas in the seed database to runexamples that are shown in Oracle Database documentation and trainingmaterials. This first-hand access to examples facilitates both conceptualunderstanding and application development. Quality. Through central maintenance and testing of both the creation scripts thatbuild the sample schemas and the examples that run against the schemas, thequality of Oracle Database documentation and training materials is enhanced.1.4 Overview of the Sample SchemasThe Oracle Database sample schemas are based on a fictitious sample company thatsells goods through various channels. The company operates worldwide to fill ordersfor products. It has several divisions, each of which is represented by a sampledatabase schema.Topics: Schema HR – Division Human Resources tracks information about the companyemployees and facilities. Schema OE – Division Order Entry tracks product inventories and sales ofcompany products through various channels. Schema PM – Division Product Media maintains descriptions and detailedinformation about each product sold by the company. Schema IX – Division Information Exchange manages shipping through B2Bapplications. Schema SH – Division Sales tracks business statistics to facilitate businessdecisions. Schema CO - Division Customer Orders models a simple retail applicationconsisting of customer, product, store and order data.1.4.1 HR Sample SchemaIn the Human Resource (HR) records, each employee has an identification number, email address, job identification code, salary, and manager. Some employees earncommissions in addition to their salary.The company also tracks information about jobs within the organization. Each job hasan identification code, job title, and a minimum and maximum salary range for the job.Some employees have been with the company for a long time and have held different1-2
Chapter 1Overview of the Sample Schemaspositions within the company. When an employee resigns, the duration the employeewas working, the job identification number, and the department are recorded.The sample company is regionally diverse, so it tracks the locations of its warehousesand departments. Each employee is assigned to a department, and each departmentis identified either by a unique department number or a short name. Each departmentis associated with one location, and each location has a full address that includes thestreet name, postal code, city, state or province, and the country code.In places where the departments and warehouses are located, the company recordsdetails such as the country name, currency symbol, currency name, and the regionwhere the country is located geographically.1.4.2 OE Sample SchemaThe company sells several products, such as computer hardware and software, music,clothing, and tools. The company maintains information about these products, such asproduct identification numbers, the category into which the product falls, order entry(OE), the weight group (for shipping purposes), the warranty period if applicable, thesupplier, the availability status of the product, a list price, a minimum price at which aproduct will be sold, and a URL address for manufacturer information. Inventoryinformation is also recorded for all products, including the warehouse where theproduct is available and the quantity on hand. Because products are sold worldwide,the company maintains the names of the products and their descriptions in severallanguages.The company maintains warehouses in several locations to fulfill customer needs.Each warehouse has a warehouse identification number, name, facility description,and location identification number.Customer information is also tracked. Each customer has an identification number.Customer records include customer name, street name, city or province, country,phone numbers (up to five phone numbers for each customer), and postal code. Somecustomers place orders through the Internet, so e-mail addresses are also recorded.Because of language differences among customers, the company records the nativelanguage and territory of each customer.The company places a credit limit on its customers, to limit the amount of productsthey can purchase at one time. Some customers have an account manager, and thisinformation is also recorded.When a customer places an order, the company tracks the date of the order, how theorder was placed, the current status of the order, shipping mode, total amount of theorder, and the sales representative who helped place the order. The salesrepresentative may or may not be the same person as the account manager for acustomer. If an order is placed over the Internet, no sales representative is recorded.In addition to order information, the company also tracks the number of items ordered,the unit price, and the products ordered.Schema OE also contains XML purchase-order documents. These are stored in OracleXML DB Repository after validation against the registered XML schemapurchaseorder.xsd. You can access these documents in various ways, such as byquerying table purchaseorder using SQL, querying public views RESOURCE VIEW andPATH VIEW, and querying the repository using XPath expressions.1-3
Chapter 1Overview of the Sample SchemasThe purchase-order XML documents are located in Oracle XML DB Repositoryfolder ORACLE HOME/rdbms/demo/order entry/2002/month, where month is a threeletter month abbreviation (for example, Jan, Feb, Mar).1.4.3 OC Sample SchemaThe Online Catalog (OC) subschema of database schema OE addresses an onlinecatalog merchandising scenario. The same customers and products are used in OC asin schema OE proper, but subschema OC organizes the products into a hierarchy ofparent categories and subcategories. This hierarchy corresponds to the arrangementon an e-commerce portal site, where users navigate to specific products by drillingdown through increasingly specialized categories of products.1.4.4 PM Sample SchemaThe company stores print information about its products in a database. The ProductMedia (PM) schema is used to store such information. Examples of such informationare: Press release texts Print media advertisements Other promotional texts and translations1.4.5 IX Sample SchemaThe company has decided to test the use of messaging to manage its proposed B2Bapplications. The plan calls for a small test that will allow a user from outside thefirewall to place an order and track its status. The order must be booked into the mainsystem. Then, depending on the location of the customer, the order is routed to thenearest region for shipping. The Information Exchange (IX) schema stores suchinformation.Eventually, the company intends to expand beyond its current in-house distributionsystem to a system that will allow other businesses to provide the shipping. Themessages sent must be in a self-contained format. XML is the perfect format forsending messages, and both Advanced Queuing Servlet and Oracle Internet Directoryprovide the required routing between the queues.After the orders are either shipped or back ordered, a message must be sent back tothe employee concerned to inform about the status of the order and to initiate thebilling. It is important that the message be delivered only once and that there be asystem for tracking and reviewing messages to facilitate resolution of anydiscrepancies with the order.For the purpose of this test application, the company uses a database server and anapplication server. The application provides a mechanism for examining the XMLmessages as well as monitoring the queues. To demonstrate connectivity from outsidethe firewall, both the generation of a new order and customer service reporting areperformed using queues. The new order application directly enables a queue, whilethe customer service queries require XML messaging to disable a queue.1-4
Chapter 1Overview of the Sample Schemas1.4.6 SH Sample SchemaThe sample company does a high volume of business, so it runs business statisticsreports to aid in decision making. Many of these reports are time-based andnonvolatile. That is, they analyze past data trends. The company loads data into itsdata warehouse regularly to gather statistics for these reports. These reports includeannual, quarterly, monthly, and weekly sales figures by product. These reports arestored with the help of schema Sales History (SH).The company also runs reports on distribution channels through which its sales aredelivered. When the company runs special promotions on its products, it analyzes theimpact of the promotions on sales. It also analyzes sales by geographical area.1.4.7 CO Sample SchemaThe Customer Orders (CO) schema records the details of transactions made by aretail application.The CO schema is similar in concept to the OE schema. The CO schema is modernand highlights the features of Oracle database 12c such as JSON support.The company sells a variety of products which is maintained in the products table.Each product has a unique identification number, name, price, details stored in aJSON object and product image details.The orders placed by the customer is tracked using the order identification number,date and time when the order was placed, customer details, order status and the storeinformation.The details of the products in a particular order is also tracked using the orderidentification number. Details of the product(s), price at the time of purchase andquantity are recorded.The information of a customer placing an order is tracked. Each customer has anidentification number, name and email address which is used for communication of theorders.The customers can purchase the products in stores or online through the company'swebsite. The company stores the information of all the stores and their correspondingphysical and virtual addresses. The information of the store is also recorded in theorder details.1-5
2Installing Sample SchemasStarting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2, the latest version of the sample schemascripts are available on GitHub at es/latest.During a complete installation of Oracle Database, the HR schema can be installedeither manually or automatically when creating a database using the dbca option. Allthe other sample schemas must be installed manually via the scripts available onGitHub.This chapter contains the following topics: Installing HR Schema Only Installing Sample Schemas from GitHubNote:By installing any of the Oracle Database sample schemas, you will drop anypreviously installed schemas that use the following user names: HR, OE, PM,SH, IX, BI.Data contained in any of these schemas will be lost if you run any of theinstallation scripts described in this section. You should not use the sampleschemas for your personal or business data and applications. They aremeant to be used for demonstration purposes only.2.1 Installing HR Schema OnlyThis section contains the following topics: Installing HR Schema Using Database Configuration Assistant Manually Installing the HR Schema Uninstalling HR Schema2.1.1 Installing HR Schema Using Database Configuration AssistantSelect the sample schemas option to install HR schema in the database.At the end of the installation process, a dialog box displays the accounts that havebeen created and their lock status. By default, sample schemas are locked and theirpasswords are expired. Before you can use a locked account, you must unlock it andreset its password. You can unlock the accounts at this point in the installationprocess. Alternatively, after the installation completes, you can unlock the schemas2-1
Chapter 2Installing HR Schema Onlyand reset their passwords by using the ALTER USER . ACCOUNT UNLOCK statement.For example:ALTER USER hr ACCOUNT UNLOCK IDENTIFIED BY Password;See Also:"Guidelines for Securing Passwords" in Oracle Database Security Guide forguidelines related to creating secure passwords2.1.2 Manually Installing the HR SchemaAll scripts necessary to create the Human Resource (HR) schema residein ORACLE HOME/demo/schema/human resources.You need to call only one script, hr main.sql, to create all the objects and load thedata. The following steps provide a summary of the installation process:1.Log on to SQL*Plus as SYS and connect using the AS SYSDBA privilege.sqlplus connect sys as sysdbaEnter password: password2.To run the hr main.sql script, use the following command:SQL @?/demo/schema/human resources/hr main.sql3.Enter a secure password for HRspecify password for HR as parameter 1:Enter value for 1:Enter an appropriate tablespace, for example, users as the default tablespace forHRspecify default tablespace for HR as parameter 2:Enter value for 2:4.Enter temp as the temporary tablespace for HRspecify temporary tablespace for HR as parameter 3:Enter value for 3:5.Enter your SYS passwordspecify password for SYS as parameter 4:Enter value for 4:6.Enter the directory path, for example, ORACLE HOME/demo/schema/log/, for yourlog directoryspecify log path as parameter 5:Enter value for 5:After script hr main.sql runs successfully and schema HR is installed, you areconnected as user HR. To verify that the schema was created, use the followingcommand:SQL SELECT table name FROM user tables;2-2
Chapter 2Installing Sample Schemas from GitHubRunning hr main.sql accomplishes the following tasks:1.Removes any previously installed HR schema2.Creates user HR and grants the necessary privileges3.Connects as HR4.Calls the scripts that create and populate the schema objectsFor a complete listing of the scripts and their functions, refer to HR Sample SchemaScripts and Objects.A pair of optional scripts, hr dn c.sql and hr dn d.sql, is provided as a schemaextension. To prepare schema HR for use with the directory capabilities of OracleInternet Directory, run the hr dn c.sql script. If you want to return to the initial setupof schema HR, use script hr dn d.sql to undo the effects of script hr dn c.sql.You can use script hr drop.sql to drop schema HR.See Also:Oracle Database Security Guide for the minimum password requirements2.1.3 Uninstalling HR SchemaIf you need to remove the HR schema, run the following script on the SQL* Pluscommand line.sqlplus system/systempw@connect string@drop hr.sql2.2 Installing Sample Schemas from GitHubStarting with Oracle Database 12c Release 2, only the HR sample schema SQL scriptsare available in the ORACLE HOME/demo/schema/human resources directory. Ifyou want to use sample schemas other than HR, such as OE, OC, PM, and SHschemas, you must download them from the GitHub repository.The procedure to install sample schemas from GitHub is as follows:1.To find the latest version of the sample schemas installation scripts, go to thefollowing GitHub web site : es/latestFor example, If you want a version of the scripts, then go to es/tag/v12.2.0.12.Clone the GitHub repository, or download the ZIP bundle from GitHub and extractthe files.3.Unzip the file.4.Follow the instructions to create the schemas in the README contained in the zipfile.2-3
Chapter 2Installing Sample Schemas from GitHubThis section includes the following topics: Resetting Sample Schemas Uninstalling Sample Schemas2.2.1 Resetting Sample SchemasTo reset sample schemas to their initial state, use the following syntax from theSQL*Plus command-line interface:sqlplus system/systempw@connect string@mksample systempw syspw hrpw oepw pmpw ixpw shpw bipw users temp /your/path/to/log/connect stringThe mksample script expects 11 parameters. Provide the password for SYSTEM and SYS,and for schemas HR, OE, PM, IX, and SH. Specify a temporary and a default tablespace,and make sure to end the name of the log file directory with a trailing slash.The mksample script produces several log files: mkverify.log is the Sample Schema creation log file. hr main.log is the HR schema creation log file. oe oc main.log is the OE schema creation log file. pm main.log is the PM schema creation log file. pm p lob.log is the SQL*Loader log file for PM.PRINT MEDIA. ix main.log is the IX schema creation log file. sh main.log is the SH schema creation log file. cust.log is the SQL*Loader log file for SH.CUSTOMERS. prod.log is the SQL*Loader log file for SH.PRODUCTS. promo.log is the SQL*Loader log file for SH.PROMOTIONS. sales.log is the SQL*Loader log file for SH.SALES. sales ext.log is the external table log file for SH.COSTS.In most situations, there is no difference between installing a Sample Schema for thefirst time or reinstalling it over a previously installed version. The * main.sql scriptsdrop the schema users and all of their objects.2.2.2 Uninstalling Sample SchemasIf you need to remove the sample schemas from the installation, run scriptdrop sch.sql on the SQL*Plus command line. This script ships with Oracle Database.This script uses the following parameters: systempwd SYSTEM connect stringThe systempwd is the password for SYSTEM user and connect string is the connectionstring of the database.2-4
Chapter 2Installing CO schemaExample 2-1How to Uninstall Sample Schemassqlplus system/systempw@connect string@drop sch.sql2.3 Installing CO schemaCurrently, CO schema cannot be installed along with the other schema using themksample script. Install the CO schema independently from GitHub.The steps to install CO schema from GitHub is as follows:1.Go to the GitHub web site: es/tag/v19.22.Clone the GitHub repository, or download the ZIP bundle from GitHub and extractthe files.3
Oracle products. The sample database schemas can be used for product documentation, courseware, software development, and application demos. 1.1 About the Sample Schemas The sample database schemas provide a common platform for examples in each release of the Oracle Database. The sample schemas ar
About the Sample Schemas The new Oracle Database Sample Schemas provide a common platform for examples in each release of Oracle Database. All Oracle Database documentation and training materials are being converted to the Sample Schemas environment as those materials are updated. The Oracle Database Sample Schemas are a set of interlinked schemas.
For more information, see these Oracle resources: Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide Oracle Database Reference Oracle Database Utilities Many of the examples in this book use the sample schemas of the seed database, which is installed by default when you install Oracle. Refer to Oracle Database Sample Schemas
Oracle Database Sample Schemas 12c Release 1 (12.1) E15979-04 April 2013 This manual describes the sample database schemas available with Oracle
viii Related Documentation The platform-specific documentation for Oracle Database 10g products includes the following manuals: Oracle Database - Oracle Database Release Notes for Linux Itanium - Oracle Database Installation Guide for Linux Itanium - Oracle Database Quick Installation Guide for Linux Itanium - Oracle Database Oracle Clusterware and Oracle Real Application Clusters
Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference Oracle Database Heterogeneous Connectivity User's Guide Oracle Database 2 Day DBA Oracle Database Security Guide Many of the examples in this book use the sample schemas of the seed database, which is installed by default when you install Oracle.
Oracle e-Commerce Gateway, Oracle Business Intelligence System, Oracle Financial Analyzer, Oracle Reports, Oracle Strategic Enterprise Management, Oracle Financials, Oracle Internet Procurement, Oracle Supply Chain, Oracle Call Center, Oracle e-Commerce, Oracle Integration Products & Technologies, Oracle Marketing, Oracle Service,
Oracle is a registered trademark and Designer/2000, Developer/2000, Oracle7, Oracle8, Oracle Application Object Library, Oracle Applications, Oracle Alert, Oracle Financials, Oracle Workflow, SQL*Forms, SQL*Plus, SQL*Report, Oracle Data Browser, Oracle Forms, Oracle General Ledger, Oracle Human Resources, Oracle Manufacturing, Oracle Reports,
N. Sharma, M. P. Rai* Amity Institute of Biotechnology (J-3 block), Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector-125, Noida, India A B S T R A C T P A P E R I N F O Media requirement for microalgae cultivation adds most to the cost of biodiesel production at Paper history: Received 30 July 2015 Accepted in revised form 6 September 2015 Keywords: - Chlorella pyrenoidosa Cattle waste Lipid content .