1Morten TolbollCovid-19: The Fall of America and The Rise of ChinaThe Corona crisis is a time of remembering the Greco-Roman philosophers , and theearly Christian s, mantra: Memento Mori. Remember that you must die.Evolutionism, and especially transhumanism, have for years now been busy trying tomake us forget this mantra, promising us that immortality and the digital “Garden ofEden”, are around the next corner. The Corona crisis has forced us to remember thatthis is not so.The Corona crisis has punctured the ideology of evolutionism. Evolutionism wascreated in the 19th century, but the background is to be found in the Renaissance, notleast in the scientific breakthrough from approximately 1550 onwards.It is an ideology which we still celebrate in the Western world. We find it natural totalk about progress, development, growth, renewal, innovation, visions, whether it'seconomic, political, social conditions, spiritual - and also when it comes to art. It is alinear view of history where it is about being constantly progressive, revolutionary,dynamic, unconventional, without rest, without end. Evolutionism is so close-knittedin our minds that we find it very difficult to imagine that it could be different.But evolutionism is a newer Western phenomenon. In the rest of the world, it did notexist before the Europeans. All pre-modern societies had a cyclic view of history. Inthe society of today it is stated in all areas that we must move on, develop ourselves,renew ourselves and the institutions, companies, develop trade, exports, imports. Inthe cyclic societies concepts such as gods, providence and destiny were central. Butsuch concepts have long been replaced with ideas of growth and progress. Inbusiness, innovation and expansion have become key words. Evolutionism has goneso much into the blood that it also characterizes our view of spirituality.The Indian Yuga teaching, for example, has a cyclic view of history. The teaching iswritten down in the Vedas. Yuga in Hinduism is an epoch or era within a four-agecycle. A complete Yuga starts with the Satya Yuga, via Treta Yuga and DvaparaYuga into a Kali Yuga. Our present time is a Kali Yuga, which started at 3102 BCEwith the end of the Kurukshetra War (or Mahabharata war).What s interesting about this view of our present day s history is that it has the directopposite view of the linear progressive history of evolutionism, namely that we are
2heading into a very long time of decline. The ages see a gradual decline of dharma,wisdom, knowledge, intellectual capability, life span, emotional and physicalstrength.If we should try to view the Corona Crisis in connection with this teaching, we couldsay, that the collective ego-inflation of our time is based on extremely self-obsessedthinking. This self-obsessed thinking is especially seen in the United States ofAmerica. In his book Fantasyland – How America Went Haywire, Kurt Andersenwrites that an entertainer, reality tv star, conspiracy theorist, con artist andpathological liar are now sitting in the White House. In his book Andersen argues forthat USA was created by people, who likes good stories and the believe in the, sometimes a bit too, fantastic worlds. The book describes the Trump-phenomenon as adirect consequence of the land s history. The national character is determined by theright of believing what you want. No matter what others are saying. This moment inhistory, the era of Donald Trump, where facts no longer are facts, are quite natural forAmericans.When the puritans went from Europe to America, they precisely did this because theyinsisted on the right to believe what they wanted to, even if the surrounded worldbelieved they were crazy.The establishment of Hollywood s dream universe marks another turning-point onUSA s path towards the ultimate state of “Fantasyland”. The most famous people inUSA are now actors – persons who pretend to be other persons, who exists in analternative version of reality. In the movie theatres seats, everybody can now live alife with unrealistic stories, and they can dream themselves away into another reality.The 1960s puts even more fire to this. The hippies rebellion against the existingnorms begins in a beautiful way, but leads to a widespread relativism, where thesubjective view becomes more important than the objective. The political left, and itsinsistence that you can perceive many things in different ways, was gaining footholdin the academical world and therefore it was turned into the society as such. Withtime the political right was following and has taken relativism into new heights.Andersen argues that the 1968s somehow is partly responsible for the denial of factscoming from the political right. I have myself argued for this. American weaponenthusiasts, climate deniers and conspiracy theoreticians are in a high degree usinginformation which are against the objective truth.The hippies message about that you can believe in anything because truth isconstructed, created a markedly movement. In the 1960s all forms of belief andspeculations were suddenly made possible, says Andersen.
3Around the turn of the century another revolution happened: the internet allows thespread of fake news, and wrong information and viewpoints explode. Conspiracytheorists have found a haven here. Donald Trump, for example, created his politicalplatform and power base in the republican party on the background of a conspiracytheory: that the former president, Barack Obama, not is born in USA.The internet creates a perfect infrastructure to obscure ideas and beliefs, which beforewere long from mainstream. Alternative realities could now be discharged to a hugeaudience, which the traditional gatekeepers couldn t control.While almost all other countries are working deeply seriously with the corona virus,we see an American president, and a large American population, claim that the virusis a hoax. And in connection with the coming presidential election we are witnessinga new conspiracy growing: the so-called QAnon conspiracy.QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satan-worshipingpedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring is plotting against PresidentDonald Trump, who is battling them. The theory began with an October 2017 post onthe anonymous imageboard 4chan by "Q", who was presumably an Americanindividual, but probably became a group of people. Q claimed to have access toclassified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in theUnited States. NBC News found that three people took the original Q post andexpanded it across multiple media platforms to build internet followings for profit.QAnon was preceded by several similar anonymous 4chan posters, such as FBIAnon,HLIAnon (High-Level Insider), CIAAnon, and WH Insider Anon.Q has accused many liberal Hollywood actors, Democratic politicians, and highranking officials of being members of the cabal. Q also claimed that Trump feignedcollusion with Russians to enlist Robert Mueller to join him in exposing the ring andpreventing a coup d'état by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros. "Q" isa reference to the Q clearance used by the U.S. Department of Energy. QAnonbelievers commonly tag their social media posts with the hashtag #WWG1WGA,signifying the motto "Where We Go One, We Go All".New Age is an American spiritual movement that is a direct result of all of the abovementioned. It is therefore not surprising that parts of New Age also are promotingQanon. On Facebook, for example, I follow a great deal of New Age sites. They arefilled with skepticism about the existence of Covid-19. As an example, among manyothers, I will mention YouTuber Eldora Rose. In a video called The Q Movement Conspiracy or Truth?, she writes:
4The Q Anon movement has been taking this world by storm, to say the very least! ThisGlobal Movement has caught the attention of Mainstream Media as well asMILLIONS of people around the world who are joining together as digital soldiersfor a common cause!*** Is Donald Trump secretly a proponent of this movement?*** Did JFK Jr. fake his own death to go underground and become the main drivingforce for this movement?*** What is the spiritual significance of this movement that is taking the world by astorm?Join us as we shed some light on these hot topics. With love, EldoRa & Simanfacebook.com/eldora1111 facebook.com/simanraBelow I will post the video, but first I will reveal how this new conspiracy theory,called Qanon, is created by New Age psychotherapy cults.The very notion of satanic ritual abuse, and the rise of Qanon, shows the success ofthese New Age psychotherapy cults. It also shows how widespread New Age is, andthat it is deeply naïve to ignore this movement. For example, on the Watkins Spiritual 100 List on the most spiritual influential living people, you can see NewAgers overall represented. Oprah Winfrey is the second most influential spiritualperson in the world after the Pope! Dalai Lama is only number three.New Age psychotherapy cults are for example therapies such as Experientialpsychotherapy, Rebirthing, Reparenting, Past life regression, Hypnotherapy, Alienabduction, Recovered memory therapy, Satanic ritual abuse, Primal Therapy, Gestalttherapy, Energy Breathing, Holotropic Breathwork, etc., etc. Also NonviolentCommunication, NLP and New Thought, must be seen as kinds of New Agepsychotherapy cults.A common thread in satanic ritual abuse psychotherapies, it is the belief that a personhaving problems is not likely to be responsible for those problems (this is not so inother New Age psychotherapies, where victim bashing is in the centre). Anotherthread is the belief that the patient must discover the cause of his or her problem to behelped. These causes are built into the psychotherapy itself, and are therefore pureprejudice. It is causes such as inadequate parents, sexual abuse, satanic rituals,cannibalistic orgies, past lives, alien abduction, possession by entities, etc.
5In the best Sophist way, the therapists are planting such causes in their patients minds. They give their patients books to read or videos to watch. They plant themduring hypnosis, group sessions, etc., and then these planted causes are “recovered”and offered as validation of their therapeutic techniques and theories.A third thread is the arrogance and incompetence of the therapists. They are veryseldom educated psychologists, most often they are hopelessly uneducated. It doesn tmatter if they can show a diploma from one or the other private “New Age”education, which normally consists in a few weekend courses.As shown in a documentary by Ofra Bikel “Divided Memories”, they are oblivious tohow they are demonstrating the monstrosity of their pseudoscientific and selfdeceptive work. They talk freely about how uninterested they are in the truth and howindifferent they are to the families they help destroy. They are uniform in theirdismissal of critics as being in “denial.” Patient after patient is paraded forth by thetherapists as evidence of their good work, yet none of the patients seem better for thetherapy and many seem hopelessly ill.The documentary shows the subjectivism and relativism in the New Ageenvironment.Watch the documentary on the playlist of my YouTube channelAn example of a satanic ritual abuse psychotherapist is Colin A. Ross. He is aCanadian psychiatrist and former president of the International Society for the Studyof Trauma and Dissociation from 1993 to 1994. There is controversy about hismethods and claims, which include recovered memory through hypnosis of Satanicritual abuse and his own assertion that he can harness chi energy from his eyes tomanipulate electronics.Take a look at his bibliography. Ross has written several books about psychiatry andrelated subjects. Some of these books are: Dissociative Identity Disorder (2nd edition 1996. First edition titled: MultiplePersonality Disorder, 1989) Satanic Ritual Abuse - Principles of Treatment (1995) Bluebird: Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality by Psychiatrist (2000) Schizophrenia: Innovations in Diagnosis and Treatment (2004)
6 The CIA Doctors: Human Rights Violations By American Psychiatrists (2006)(About Project MKUltra) The Trauma Model - A solution to the Problem of Comorbidity In Psychiatry(2007) The Great Psychiatry Scam: One Shrink's Personal Journey (2008) Pseudoscience in Biological Psychiatry: Blaming the Body (2008) Military Mind Control: A Story of Trauma and Recovery (2009) Trauma Model Therapy (2009) Human Energy Fields: A New Science of Medicine (2011) The Rape of Eve (2014)Colin Ross is a perfect example of my claim that conspiracy theories themselves are aconspiracy (the Matrix Conspiracy), and I see the general preaching of subjectivismand relativism as attempts of making us doubt our own senses and ability of criticalthinking, so that we can be made suggestible for the underlying ideology (calledgaslightning - see my page: My Cultural Criticism). Ross delivers the completepseudoscientific material of the QAnon conspiracy.In my article, The Devastating New Age Turn in Psychotherapy, I describe differentpersuasion techniques used in New Age psychotherapy cults, both physiological andpsychological persuasion techniques. Today psychotherapy cults can, if you look a bitcarefully, easily be recognized in the popular mindfulness environment. In fact, themanagement and coaching environment are psychotherapy cults put into a socialaccepted system.Hypnosis is classed as a psychological rather than a physiological method because itis essentially a form of highly focused mental concentration in which one personallows another to structure the object of the concentration and simultaneouslysuspends critical judgment and peripheral awareness. When this method is used incultic environment, it becomes a form of psychological manipulation and coercionbecause the cult leader implants suggestions aimed at his own agenda while theperson is in a vulnerable state. Mindfulness induced relaxation is of course ideal forthis goal.
7Trancelike states can occur during hypnosis, during complete absorption in reading orhearing stories, and during marked concentration. They are sometimes referred toas altered states of consciousness. A number of cults use techniques that put peopleinto an altered state of consciousness, making them more compliant. They engagemembers in a fair amount of behavior that induces trances, as evidenced by the typesand quality of the lectures and sermons and the required activities, such as prolongedchanting or meditation, and repetitive rote behavior. Trance induction is the modelfor some of the maneuvres used by cult leaders to change the attitudes and behaviorsof their followers.Guided Imagery is an indirect trance induction which grows out of storytelling andother verbal experiences. Cult leaders often speak repetitively, rhythmically, in hardto-follow ways, and combine with these features the telling of tales and parables thatare highly visualizable. They use words to create mental imagery, commonly calledguided imagery. In these guided-imagery exercises, the listener is urged to picture thestory being told. The speaker may say, “Stop reflecting. Just go with the picture.”Those who do stop reflecting on their nearby circumstances and go with the picturesuddenly feel absorbed, relaxed, and very focused. And guided-imagery stories leadmany people to experience altered states of consciousness. For many persons,entering a trance state is pleasurable. It provides a respite from thought about thewoes of everyday lifeA considerable number of different guided-imagery techniques (for example readingpoetry or being in regression psychotherapy) are used by cult leaders and trainers toremove followers from their normal frames of reference.You don t need much awareness in order to discover how all of the above are presentin the following video by New Age YouTuber Eldora Rose. Note how it begins withthe just described techniques. This is substantiated by the stories about love, light andangels, etc. Hereafter the QAnon conspiracy is introduced:https://youtu.be/ecEvyVrX114QAnon is, contrary to the left-wing New Age version, extremely psychologicalviolent (just remember what it is they accuse public persons for). People whom theydisagree with is openly on social medias being attributed their own invented“diagnoses”. For New Age diagnoses, again see my article: The Devastating NewAge Turn in Psychotherapy.
8If the victims complain, they will immediately be reminded about that they nowviolate other New Age “techniques” as for example “Nonviolent Communication”,or that they lack “love”. The extreme and aggressive ways this right now are carriedout on social medias gives a warning about that this easily can develop into actualterrorism. About Nonviolent Communication, see my article: NonviolentCommunication is an Instrument of Psychic Terror.It should be added, that many people spreading QAnon theories, not are aware of it,or they might even be “New Age critics”, etc.First there was the pandemic, then came the “infodemic” — a term the head of theWorld Health Organization defines as the spread of false information about COVID19. The most dangerous conspiracy theories about the coronavirus are now part ofthe QAnon phenomenon. For months now, actors in QAnon have downplayed theseverity of the crisis, amplified medical disinformation and have been originators ofhoaxes.Unfortunately for the believers, all this might, contrary to what they preach, signalthe end of the American Era. That s what the anthropologist, Wade Davis, writes inhis article, The Unraveling of America (Rolling Stone, August 6, 2020). He writes:No empire long endures, even if few anticipate their demise. Every kingdom is bornto die. The 15th century belonged to the Portuguese, the 16th to Spain, 17th to theDutch. France dominated the 18th and Britain the 19th. Bled white and left bankruptby the Great War, the British maintained a pretense of domination as late as 1935,when the empire reached its greatest geographical extent. By then, of course, thetorch had long passed into the hands of America.[ ]In a dark season of pestilence, COVID has reduced to tatters the illusion of Americanexceptionalism. At the height of the crisis, with more than 2,000 dying each day,Americans found themselves members of a failed state, ruled by a dysfunctional andincompetent government largely responsible for death rates that added a tragic codato America’s claim to supremacy in the world.For the first time, the international community felt compelled to send disaster reliefto Washington. For more than two centuries, reported the Irish Times, “the UnitedStates has stirred a very wide range of feelings in the rest of the world: love andhatred, fear and hope, envy and contempt, awe and anger. But there is one emotionthat has never been directed towards the U.S. until now: pity.” As American doctors
9and nurses eagerly awaited emergency airlifts of basic supplies from China, thehinge of history opened to the Asian century.Davis is not the only one seeing this. In her article, The Pandemic is a Portal, theIndian author, Arundhati Roy, writes:Night after night, from halfway across the world, some of us watch the New Yorkgovernor’s press briefings with a fascination that is hard to explain. We follow thestatistics, and hear the stories of overwhelmed hospitals in the US, of underpaid,overworked nurses having to make masks out of garbage bin liners and old raincoats,risking everything to bring succour to the sick. About states being forced to bidagainst each other for ventilators, about doctors’ dilemmas over which patientshould get one and which left to die. And we think to ourselves, “My God! Thisis America!”The tragedy is immediate, real, epic and unfolding before our eyes. But it isn’t new. Itis the wreckage of a train that has be
Qanon. On Facebook, for example, I follow a great deal of New Age sites. They are filled with skepticism about the existence of Covid-19. As an example, among many others, I will mention YouTuber Eldora Rose. In a video called The Q Movement - Conspiracy or Truth?, she writes:
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Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.
Le genou de Lucy. Odile Jacob. 1999. Coppens Y. Pré-textes. L’homme préhistorique en morceaux. Eds Odile Jacob. 2011. Costentin J., Delaveau P. Café, thé, chocolat, les bons effets sur le cerveau et pour le corps. Editions Odile Jacob. 2010. 3 Crawford M., Marsh D. The driving force : food in human evolution and the future.