Train Unit Study and Lapbook for Preschoolcreated by Robin DiedrichsTrain Library ListFreight Train by Donald CrewsThis Train by Paul CollicuttTrain Song by Diane SiebertChugga-Chugga Choo-Choo by Kevin LewisThe Little Engine That Could by Watty PiperA Ride in the Crummy by Gary HinesObjectivesExposure to rhyming words.Learn the concept of opposites using pairs of words from several train books.Learn train words that begin with the letter T.Learn how to write the letter T.Recite Philippians 4:13.Become familiar with train songs and poems.Learn the names of different types of train cars.Match numbers to correct amount of animals.Match correct picture with vocabulary words from train books.Develop fine motor skills by cutting and pasting.Identify the following shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, and octagon.Additional Ideas1. Exploring words with your child in relation to movement or action words. InFreight Train by Donald Crews the words moving, going, and crossing are used.
Demonstrate acting out these words for your child. Chugga-Chugga ChooChoo uses the following -ing words: blowing, turning, setting, falling. Train Songuses the following -ing words: going, rolling, rumbling, sitting, grumbling, slicing,singing, clickety-clacking, hauling, disappearing, slowing, creaking, clanking,moaning, groaning, waiting, peering, pulling, and roaring. Have your child act outsome of these words. You could also brainstorm some additional -ing words andhave your child act them out. For example, running, sitting, standing, hopping, .2. Use this unit to learn to identify colors if your child has not already done so.You could also explore the page in Freight Train where the train is crossingtrestles. Talk about the way the colors show the movement of the train. You coulddo an experiment with coffee filters where your child colors on the filter withwater soluble markers. Have them leave plenty of room between colors. Havethem use their finger to drop water on the design. The water will cause the colorof the marker to spread out and reveal the secondary colors with which the ink ismade. This is called chromatography. You could also explore mixing colors tomake new colors with finger paint – red yellow orange. Make sure thediscovery is done by the child. Don't be quick to point out that red yellow orange. Let your child discover it for himself.3. Explore the words in the different books listed above that are used to make thetrain sounds – clickety-clack, chug-chug, puff-puff, chugga-chugga choo-choo,whooooo-whooooo, ding-dong, chug chugging, harrumph, whoot whoot, kadunkkathunk, huffa-puffa, akachoo-kachoo-kachoo, and kadonk-kathonk. Pretend tobe trains and go around the house making the noises.4. Visit a local zoo or park to ride a small train in your area. Take pictures to put inthe lapbook.5. Make a train whistle. Choose one of the ideas listed below:1. Toilet Paper Tubes:Toilet paper tubes, Wax Paper, Rubber Band, PaintWhat You Do: Decorate a toilet paper tube with paint. Then punch a hole about ahalf-inch down the tube. Finally put a circle of wax paper over one end and secureit with a rubber band. Children can pretend to be a train and make whistle-likenoises (sounds more like a kazoo)2. Water Bottle: Let your children make train whistle sound by blowing across the
top of a plastic bottle. Talk to them about how trains have certain whistlepatterns that they use when they are crossing a road, meeting another train, etc.Materials and information may be used for your own personal and school use.Material may not be used for resale or shared electronically. Homeschool Share
TrainRhyming htsoundRhyming words are an important aspect of phonemic awareness. The objective for thisactivity is simply exploration of the concept of rhyming words. When reading the pairsof words, emphasis the fact that the words are rhyming words because they sound thesame at the end. All of these pairs of words came from Chugga-Chugga-Choo-Chooand Train Song. Cut windows on three sides on page with train and glue to bottomsheet. Lift windows to read the matching rhyming words.
You are looking at the inside of the book. Cutout as one piece. Fold left side in. Fold rightside in. Fold top down. Paste cover piece ontop. Have child trace the T’s. On the two outerflaps when folded in have the child write a Twithout the tracing guide.WRITING THELETTERT
What Begins With T?WhatbeginswithTCut out the large rectangle on this page and fold using hotdog instructions to make a small book. Print 2nd page onsticker or label paper. Have child choose 6 favorite train themed words that start with the letter T and correspondingwords. Attach stickers in book and attach book to lapbook or notebook page.
Print the next FOUR pages on CARDSTOCK.Follow these instructions to create your flag book:
Cut on thesolid blacklines; youwill havetwo rectangles whenfinished.These areyourcovers.
engineerlocomotivecaboosefreightCut apart onSOLID blacklines; youshould havefour pieceswhen finished; theseare theflags.
stationAll aboard!Cut apart on SOLID black lines; you should have two pieceswhen finished; these are the flags.
Cut apart on solid lines so that you have 6 pieces. Glue on the back side of the flags on pages 4 and 5.bridgerailpassenger roundhouseconductorbox car
Talk about the meaning of the vocabulary words and have child identify which pictures would go with thewords. Cut out pictures and match with corresponding vocabulary words. Depending on the child, you maywant to do a few words each day. Black and white clipart taken from
I can do allthings throughChrist whichstrengtheneth me.Philippians 4:13If desired, print on colored paper cardstock. Cut shape out as one piece. Fold flaps inusing the dotted lines as your guide. Tuck the last flap under so that book will stayclosed. The verse can be used when reading The Little Engine that Could by WattyPiper.
Cut out each shape (cut along the dark black lines; do not cut any dotted lines). Fold each book in half (four small books and one large book).Glue the back sides of the small books into the inside of your large book.Tank CarGondola CarCattle CarSee diagram on next page to help you visualize what your opened book will look like.Hopper Car
Cut out each car and glue to the inside of the corresponding small book. Black and white images taken from the following
Shapes Train ScenePrint the second page on white cardstock. Identify the different shapeswith child—circles, rectangles, square, octagon, and triangles. Havechild cut out the shapes and either paint or color them. The shapes canthen be glued together to make a train and a stop sign. This could beused to glue to the front of the lapbook for the cover décor or glued tothe back of the lapbook. You could brainstorm with your child otherthings that could be added to the scene and what shape would beneeded to make it. For example, a sun—circle, tracks—rectangles,house—square or rectangle, Clear contact paper could be added fordurability.
TrainPoems & SongsA peanut saton a railroad track,His heart was all a-flutter.Along came a choo-chooDown the track,A-track, a-choo-choo,Peanut butter.Cut out rectangles. Stack together (smallest to largest) with cover on top and staple.Down By the StationDown by the stationEarly in the morningSee the little puffer belliesAll in a rowSee the station masterTurn the little handlePuff, puff, toot, tootOff we go!Down by the stationEarly in the morningSee the little puffer belliesAll in a rowA Peanut Sat On ARailroad TrackTrain WheelsClickety clack, clickety clack!Sing the train wheels on the track.Clickety clack, clickety clack!We’re rushing away,But we’ll be back!Clickety, clickety, clickety,Clickety clack!See the station masterTurn the little handlePuff, puff, toot, tootOff we go!Down By The StationTrain Wheels
I've been working on the railroadAll the livelong dayI've been working on the railroadJust to pass the time awayCan't you hear the whistle blowingRise up so early in the mornCan't you hear the captain shoutingDinah, blow your hornDinah, won't you blowDinah, won't you blowDinah, won't you blow your hornDinah, won't you blowDinah, won't you blowDinah, won't you blow your hornSomeone's in the kitchen with DinahSomeone's in the kitchen I knowSomeone's in the kitchen with DinahStrumming on the old banjo,and singingFie, fi, fiddly i oFie, fi, fiddly i oFie, fi, fiddly i oStrumming on the old banjoWorking on theRailroad
Little Red CabooseThe Happy Day ExpressLittle red caboose, chug chug chugLittle red caboose, chug chug chugLittle red caboose behind the train,train, train, trainSmokestack on his back back backbackComing down the track track tracktrackLittle red caboose behind the trainWhoo-Whoo!We’re going to a mansion on theHappy Day Express,The letters on the engine areJ-E-S-U-S;The guard calls, “All for heaven!”We gladly answer, “Yes!”We’re going to a mansion on theHappy Day Express.You’re welcome, all ye people, onthe Happy Day Express;The way to go is put your trust inJ-E-S-U-S;Get ready now for heaven,Be steady, don’t digress!We’re going to a mansion on theHappy Day Express.JESUSLittle Red CabooseThe HappyDay Express
nightshortdownhillnewdaylightCut out book as one piece. Fold left side in. Fold right side in. Open book.Cut on dotted lines to form five flaps. Refold book. Cut out strips and glue on correspondinginside flaps matching opposites as follows: long/short, old/new, uphill/downhill, country/city, day/night, and darkness/daylight. I wouldrecommend printing the first page on cardstock or else reinforcing the tabs with clear contact
Cut out matchbook and fold twice (tri-fold style— folding bothflaps in over toward the middle). Unfold. Glue picture of caboosewith label on the inside. This goes with the book A Ride in theCrummy by Gary Hines.A caboose.Whatis acrummy?
Print all pages on card stock. Cut out engine, caboose, and number cars. You may want to consider laminating orcovering with clear contact paper for durability. Have the child match the number cars with the corresponding number of animals. Make a long train with the cars put in proper order. Make and store in pockets. You could also playmemory with the animal/number cars.
Cut pocket out as one piece. Fold back up. Wrap flaps around the back and glue down. Attachby gluing the back of the pocket into lapbook.CircusTrainCountingAnimal Cars
Cut pocket out as one piece. Fold back up. Wrap flaps around the back and glue down. Attachby gluing the back of the pocket into lapbook.CircusTrainCountingNumber Cars1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rhyming words are an important aspect of phonemic awareness. The objective for this activity is simply exploration of the concept of rhyming words. When reading the pairs of words, emphasis the fact that the words are rhyming words because they sound the same at the end. All of these pairs of words came from Chugga-Chugga-Choo-Choo and Train Song.
Rhyming is important because children need to be able to hear the separate sounds that make up words before they try to read or write them. Rhyming helps children pay attention to how words sound. Rhyming Games to Play with Children There are many fun rhyming games you can play with your child. Here are just a few ideas: Rhyme Hunt
of words with /aʊ/? clown, crown, ground, pound, brown, house, mouse. o Introduce two words that rhyme. Students find a rhyming word. We are going to play a rhyming game. Rhyming words have the same ending sounds. Cat and rat are rhyming words. I am going to say two words: town, down,
illustrations of the two words, such as corn and horn. Students can sort them as rhyming or non-rhyming words. 11. The game can also be modified to listen to sets of words that have the same ending or beginning sounds. E. Assessment/Evaluation 1. Teacher reads a list of pairs of words for student to identify as rhyming or non-rhyming. 2.
3 worksheets that have basic CVC sentences and beginning sight words where the student/child must identify the rhyming words. 2-page book the students color, cut, staple, and identify the rhyming words (again, simple CVC words and basic beginning sight words). 3 col
The student will recognize rhyming words. Materials Set of rhyming picture cards (Activity Master PA.005.AM1a - PA.005.AM1g) Clothespin Chart or Pocket Chart Clothespins or paper clips Paper Crayons Activity Students match rhyming pairs of picture cards and clip to the chart. 1. Place rhyming cards face down in rows next to the clothespin chart. 2.
Poems are different from prose because sometimes lines rhyme. Words that rhyme have the same end sound. Many poems use rhyming words at the end of the lines. Most rhyming words end with the same vowel sound and often with the same final consonant. Here are some examples of rhyming words
Have your child come up with three words that rhyme. He/she can think of some or use the rhyming words website. Then, encourage your child to create a poem to go with the rhyming words that follows the same pattern as the I Love You poem. Create pictures for the rhyming words. For example: three
through Korean language classes, Korean weekend schools, Korean churches, and a university, as well as through personal acquaintances. Pseudonyms are used to protect participants’ privacy. The study utilized data collected through interviews and derived from a questionnaire. To obtain a broad perspective, seven Korean-American high school students were interviewed. All respondents were .