Preliminary - 27 January 2003LYNXR SeriesSecurity SystemsProgramming Guide forLYNXR/LYNXR24 and LETELIGHTS ON756BYPASSSTATUSMonitronics9CODECHIMENO DELAYFUNCTION0AUXSELECT3PLAYTEST8LIGHTS OFFREADY#RI N T E R N A T I O N A L , I N C .MonitronicsK5965MTV1 (bx) 1/22/03I N T E R N A T I O N A L , I N C .R
TABLE OF CONTENTSData Fields. 3*56 Enhanced Zone Programming. 11*80 Device Programming . 13*81 Zone Lists . 14*83 Enhanced Sequential Mode . 15*84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors . 16Vocabulary Index (for *84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors) . 16*85 Record Custom Voice Descriptors . 17*56 Enhanced Zone Programming Worksheet . 17Powerline Carrier Device Worksheet for *80 And *81. 195800 Series Transmitter Loop Numbers Diagram. 20Special Messages . 20MONITRONICS LYNXR-EN Programmed Values . 21LYNXR Series Summary Of Connections Diagram . 23Refer to the Installation and Setup Guide for detailed information on programming the LYNXR/LYNXR24 orLYNXR-EN system. The Installation and Setup Guide includes full descriptions of all data fields.ULLYNXR and LYNXR-EN are not intended for UL985 Household Fire applications unless a 24-hourbackup battery (P/N LYNXRCHKIT-HC) is installed.!Certain features differ between the LYNXR/LYNXR24 and the LYNXR-EN models. Verify the specificmodel being installed prior to the system programming.TO ENTER PROGRAMMING MODE:1. Power up, then depress [ ] and [#] both at once, within 50 seconds of powering up.OR2. For factory defaulted system, enter: Installer Code (4 1 1 2) plus 8 0 0. ORIf different Installer Code is programmed, enter: New Installer Code 8 0 0.(if 98 was used to exit previously, method 1 above must be used to enter the program mode again)3. Upon entry into Program mode, data field *20 will be displayed (the first data filed in the system) and bothkeypad LEDs will flash.TO PROGRAM THE DATA FIELDS:1. Press [*] followed by the desired field number (e.g., *21), then make the required entry.2. The keypad beeps three times after entering data, then displays the next data field in sequence.3. For phone number and account number fields, press [*] to end the entry if less than number maximumnumber of digits is entered.4. To delete an entry, simply press [*] plus that field number and reenter the correct data. For phonenumber and account number fields *40-*44, *88 and *94, press [*] field number [*].INTERACTIVE MENU MODES:There are six interactive menu modes as listed below. To enter these modes, first enter Program mode. Whilein Program mode, press [*] plus the mode number desired (e.g., *56).*56 Enhanced Zone Programming .For programming zone characteristics, report codes, etc.*80 Device Programming .For programming Powerline Carrier Devices*81 Zone List Programming.For programming zone lists for use with Powerline Carrier Devices*83 Enhanced Sequential Mode .For entering transmitter serial numbers*84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors .For assigning voice descriptors to zones*85 Record Custom Voice Descriptors.For recording custom voice descriptors-2-
TO LOAD A DEFAULT SET:While in Program mode, press 97, then enter a number 1-4 corresponding to the default table desired. See theInstallation Instructions for the default tables. Enter 0 if you are not selecting a default table.NOTE: The telephone numbers in Fields 41 and 42 are not affected by defaults.TO EXIT PROGRAMMING MODE: 98 Exits programming mode and prevents re-entry by: Installer Code 8 0 0. If 98 is used to exitprogramming mode, system must be powered down, then press [*] and [#] within 50 seconds of power upto re-enter programming mode. 99 Exits programming mode and allows re-entry by: Installer Code 8 0 0 or: Power-up, then press [*]and [#] within 50 seconds of power up.DATA FIELDSFieldFunctionProgrammed Values[ ] Table 1 Default ValuesSYSTEM SETUP ( 20– 30) 20INSTALLER CODE[4112]Enter 4 digits, 0–9 21QUICK ARM ENABLE†[1]0 no; 1 yes 22KEYPAD BACKLIGHT TIMEOUT[0]0 none (backlighting always on); 1 backlight off after 10secs 23FORCED BYPASS†[0]0 none; 1 bypass open zonesUL installations 0 24RF HOUSE ID CODE [00]00 disable all wireless keypad usage;01–31 5827/5804BD/5804BDV house ID 25 26POWERLINE CARRIER DEVICEHOUSE CODECHIME BY ZONE[0]0 A; 1 B, 2 C, 3 D, 4 E, 5 F, 6 G, 7 H, 8 I,9 J, #10 K, #11 L, #12 M, #13 N, #14 O, #15 P† [0]0 no; 1 yes (program zones to chime on zone list 3) 27REAL TIME CLOCK DISPLAY† [1]0 no; 1 yes, display time on keypad 29 30DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMESTART/END MONTHDAYLIGHT SAVING TIMESTART/END WEEKEND[4, 10]StartEnd1-9, # 10,# 11,# 12. Enter 0,0 if no daylight savings time used.[1,5]StartEnd0 disable; 1 first; 2 second; 3 third; 4 fourth;5 last; 6 next to last; 7 third from last-3-
FieldFunctionProgrammed ValuesZONE SOUNDS AND TIMING ( 31– 39)SINGLE ALARM SOUNDING/ZONE 31[ ] Table 1 Default Values† [0]1 yes, limit once per arming period (also applies to long range radiooutput if “0” is selected in *91 field); 0 no limitUL installations 0 32FIRE SOUNDER TIMEOUT 33ALARM BELL TIMEOUT† [0]0 timeout; 1 no timeout† [1]0 none; 1 4 min; 2 8 min; 3 12 min; 4 16 minUL installations 1 (4 min) minimum 34EXIT DELAY† [70] 00-99 exit delay time (in seconds).UL installations 60 seconds max. 35ENTRY DELAY 1 (zone type 01)† [30] 00-99 entry delay time (in seconds);UL installations 45 seconds max. 36ENTRY DELAY 2 (zone type 02)† [60] 00-99 entry delay 2 time (in seconds);UL installations 45 seconds max. 37AUDIBLE EXIT WARNING /QUICK EXIT† [1, 1]Exit Warn Quick Exit0 no; 1 yes 38CONFIRMATION OF ARMING DING† [0]0 no; 1 yes (when armed by self-contained keypad or RF)2 yes (when armed by RF keypad only). 39POWER UP IN PREVIOUS STATE† [1]0 no; 1 yes; UL installations 1† Entering a number other than the one specified may give unpredictable results.DIALER PROGRAMMING ( 40– 53)In fields 40, 41, 42, enter up to the number of digits shown. Enter 0–9; # 11 for '*'; # 12 for '#'; # 13 for apause.PABX ACCESS CODE 40Enter 6 digits. If fewer than 6 digits are entered, pressing *advances to the next field. To clear entries from field, press *40*NOTE: Only a corporate installer can view/edit telephone numbers in Fields *41 and *42. 41STANDARD PHONE NUMBERNot Viewable. Press Field Number to advance to next field.-4-
42Not Viewable. Press Field Number to advance to next field.TWO WAY VOICE PHONENUMBERField FunctionProgrammed Values[] Table 1 Default ValueFor fields *43 , *44:Enter 0–9; # 11 for B; # 12 for C; # 13 for D; # 14 for E; [# 15 for F]. Enter as 4th digit, if 3 1 dialer reporting is to beused. If only 3 digits used, pressing advances to the next field.To clear entries from field, press 43 or 44 .Examples:For Acct. 1234, enter:1 2 3 4For Acct. 123, enter:1 2 3 NOTES: (1)(2); For Acct. B234, enter: # 11 2 3 4In order to communicate with the Compass Downloader, you must program a standard subscriber account number(Field 43), even if you are using only two-way voice reporting.All four digits of the subscriber account numbers must be entered in Fields 43 and 44. 43STANDARD SUBS ACCT #[15, 15, 15, 15] 44TWO WAY VOICE SUBS ACCT #[15, 15, 15, 15]For field *46Enter up to 24 digits. Enter 0-9, # 11 for ‘*’; # 12 for ‘#’; # 13 for a pause (two seconds). 46END USER TELEPHONE NUMBER(Pager/”Follow me” system/”Followme” reminder telephone number)Enter up to 24 digits; Do not fill unused spaces. If fewer than 24 digitsentered, pressing * advances to the next field. To clear entries fromfield, press *46* . 47PHONE SYSTEM SELECT† [7] (LYNXR/LYNXR24)Note: If you are using Pulse(rotary) Dialing, make surethat LYNX has finisheddialing the last number youdialed (listen to pulses)† [7] (LYNXR-EN)For LYNXR/LYNXR24 only options 0, 1, 2, and 3 are applicableCentralStationNo WATSWATS 48REPORT FORMAT for PRIM./SECDialing ModePulse0 No SpeakerPhone2 No SpeakerPhone[7, 7]Primary SecondaryToneTone5 WithSpeaker Phone7 WithSpeaker PhoneNote: Option 7 (ADEMCO Contact ID ) mustbe selected for AVM.0 3 1, 4 1 ADEMCO L/S STANDARD1 3 1, 4 1 RADIONICS STANDARD2 4 2 ADEMCO L/S STANDARD3 4 2 RADIONICS STANDARD6 or undefined 4 2 ADEMCO EXPRESS7 ADEMCO CONTACT ID REPORTING8 3 1, 4 1 ADEMCO L/S EXPANDED9 3 1, 4 1 RADIONICS EXPANDED† Entering a number other than the one specified may give unpredictable results.-5-Pulse1 No Speaker 4 WithPhoneSpeaker Phone3 No Speaker 6 WithPhoneSpeaker Phone
FieldFunctionProgrammed Values[] Table 1 Default ValueNOTES: (1) If pager is enabled (Options 6-9 in Field *49) the end user cannot use the “Follow me”, and “Follow me” reminder features.(2) LYNX reports system status as a voice message. 49CENTRAL STATION/PAGERREPORTING/FOLLOW ME** Pager MessageA 7-digit code (plus optional 16-digit prefix) issent to the pager consisting of a 3-digit event code,followed by 00 and a 2-digit user or zone number.See Installation Instructions for an explanation ofthe pager code, which takes the following form:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-EEE-00NNAAA optional 16-digits (see field *88)EEE 3-digit event code: 911 (alarm), 101 (open), 102 (close),811 (trouble)00 always displayedNN 2-digit user number or zone number, depending on thetype of event (EEE) that ocurred. NN 00 indicates ACloss, sytem lowbattery or low battery in 5827. 5015 SEC DIALER DELAY (BURG) 51PERIODIC TEST REPORT[0]0 Disable (Backup report only)TO CENTRAL STA. PHONE No.6 All except Open/Close7 All reports8 All reports9 All except Open/CloseTO END USER PHONE No.**Alarms, Open/Close‡, TroublesAlarms, TroublesAlarms, Open/Close‡, TroublesOpen/Close‡‡ Will report users 0, 5-8 or wirelessarm/disarm button zones 26-33; all otherzones and users do not reportTO CENTRAL STA. PHONE No.10 All except Open/Close11 All reports12 All reports13 All except Open/CloseTO END USER PHONE No.Alarms, Open/Close‡, TroublesAlarms, TroublesAlarms, Open/Close‡, TroublesOpen/Close‡‡ Will report users 0, 5-8 or wirelessarm/disarm button zones 26-33; all otherzones and users do not report† [1]0 no; 1 yes; UL installations 0† [3]0 none; 1 24 hours; 2 weekly; 3 30 days(enter Test Code in field *64) 52FIRST TEST REPORT OFFSET† [3]0 24 hour; 1 6 hours; 2 12 hours; 3 18 hours(Time to 1st report from power up/programming or downloading). 53SESCOA/RADIONICS SELECT[0]0 Radionics (0–9, B–F reporting); 1 SESCOA (0–9 only reporting).Select 0 for all other formats. 54LACK OF USAGE NOTIFICATION 56 580 Disabled4 90 days1 1 day5 180 days2 7 days6 365 days3 27 daysENHANCED ZONE PROGRAMMING See procedure in this guide and refer to the Installation Guide.RF JAM DETECT[0][0]0 no RF Jam Detection; 1 RF Jam Detect on, no CS report;2 RF Jam Detect on with CS report(if trouble/restore report is enabled in fields *60, *71)Notes: (1)This feature cannot be used in conjunction with the 5827 wirelesskeypad.(2) For event logging option 2 must be selected.† Entering a number other than the one specified may give unpredictable results.-6-
FieldFunctionProgrammed Values[] Table 1 Default ValueTO PROGRAM SYSTEM STATUS, & RESTORE REPORT CODES ( 59– 76, & 89):With a 3 1 or 4 1 Standard Format: Enter a code in the first box: 1–9, 0, B, C, D, E, or F. Enter "# 10" for 0, "# 11" for B,"# 12" for C, "# 13" for D, "# 14" for E, "# 15" for F.A "0" (not "# 10") in the first box will disable a report.A "0" (not "# 10") in the second box will result in automatic advance to the next field when programming.With an Expanded or 4 2 Format: Enter codes in both boxes (1st and 2nd digits) for 1–9, 0, or B–F, as described above.A "0" (not "# 10") in the second box will eliminate the expanded message for that report.A "0" (not "# 10") in both boxes will disable the report.With Ademco Contact ID Reporting: Enter any digit (other than "0") in the first box, to enable zone to report (entries in thesecond boxes will be ignored).A "0" (not "# 10") in the first box will disable the report.Examples:For Code 3 (single digit), enter:3 0For Code 3 2 (two digits), enter:3 2For Code B 2 (Hexadecimal), enter:# 11 2SYSTEM STATUS REPORT CODES (*59–*68) 59EXIT ERROR REPORT CODE[0] 2nd digit is automatically sent as 2nd digit of the zone alarm reportcode programmed in *56, if expanded or 4 2 reporting is selected. 60TROUBLE REPORT CODE [1,0] 61BYPASS REPORT CODE [0,0] 62AC LOSS REPORT CODE [1,0] 63LOW BAT REPORT CODE [1,0] 64TEST REPORT CODE [1,0] 65OPEN REPORT CODE 66ARM AWAY/STAY RPT CODE 67RF XMTR LOW BAT REPORT CODE [1,0] 68CANCEL REPORT CODE [0,0]†† [0](†† 2nd digit is automatically sent as the user†† [0,0]AWAYRESTORE REPORT CODES (*70–*76)ALARM RESTORE RPT CODE 70number if expanded or 4 2 reporting isselected.)STAY[0] 2nd digit is automatically sent as 2nd digit of the zone alarm reportcode programmed in *56, if expanded or 4 2 reporting is selected. 71TROUBLE RESTORE RPT CODE [1,0] 72BYPASS RESTORE RPT CODE [0,0] 73AC RESTORE RPT CODE [1,0] 74LOW BAT RESTORE RPT CODE [0,0]-7-
FieldFunctionProgrammed Values[ 75RF XMTR LO BAT RST RPT CODE [1,0] 76TEST RESTORE RPT CODE [0,0]] Table 1 Default ValueOUTPUT AND SYSTEM SETUP (*80–*92)DEVICE PROGRAMMING MENU 80MODEZONE LISTS MENU MODE 81ENHANCED SEQUENTIAL MODE 83See procedure later in this manual. 84ASSIGN ZONE VOICEDESCRIPTORSee procedure later in this manual. 85RECORD CUSTOM VOICEDESCRIPTORSee procedure later in this manual. 87AUX FUNCTION/ 1-BUTTONPAGINGProgram *80 and *81 only if Powerline Carrier Devices or chimeby zone are to be used. See procedure later in this manual.[0]0 Aux key performs defined function (macro);1 Aux key sends message to pager or voice message to follow mesystem phone number.If 1, you must also select an option 6-9 in field *49 for the pager or 1013 for the follow me system announcement. 88PAGER CHARACTERSUp to 16 digits can be entered that will appear in front of the 7-digitpager message sent by the control (either upon system event or uponpressing AUX key [if programmed for paging]; see field *87 and *49 forother options regarding the paging feature). See the InstallationInstructions (fields *87, *88 and *49) for full descriptions of the pagingfeature. You do not need to fill all 16 digits (press [*] to advance tonext field). To clear entries, enter *88*.To enter “*” [#] [11]; To enter “#” [#] 12]To enter 2-second pause [#] [13] (some pagers require anadditional delay [pause] in order to receive the entire message) 89EVENT LOG 80% FULL RPT CODE 90EVENT LOGGING [0,0][15]0 None; 1 Alarm/Alarm Restore; 2 Trouble/Trouble Restore;4 Bypass/Bypass Restore; 8 Open/Close.Example: To select “Alarm/Alarm Restore”, and “Open/Close”, enter 9(1 8); To select all, enter #15.Note: System messages are logged when any non-zero selection is made.-8-
Field 91FunctionLYNXR/LYNXR24LONG RANGE RADIO/ALARMAUDIO VERIFICATION(AAV)/REMOTE PHONE CONTROLProgrammed Values[] Table 1 Default Value[4]0 Long range radio only1 AAV and remote phone control2 Long range radio and remote phone control4 AAV onlyNotes: (1) If long range radio is being connected alarm audio verification cannot beused.(2) In order to activate the remote phone access feature and defeat ananswering machine ensure that the correct ring detection count (“15”)has been programmed in field *95.(3) Remote phone session will be terminated if a report must be sent.(4) If alarm audio verification mode is selected a long range radio cannot beconnected.(5) Alarm audio verification will only function when Contact ID is selectedand cannot be used for UL installations.(6) If an alarm will be reported to the end user phone number (6-8 or 10-12in field *49) AAV cannot be used.(7) If AAV is enabled, LYNX will automatically use the central station phonenumber programmed in field *41. If AAV is not enabled LYNX will usethe phone number programmed in field *42.(8) If AAV is enabled, reports will be sent to the two-way voice phonenumber.LYNXR-ENALARM AUDIO VERIFICATION(AAV)/REMOTE PHONE CONTROL[4]0 None1 AAV and remote phone control2 remote phone control only4 AAV onlyNotes: (1) No programming is required if connecting an ALARMNET 7845C devicebecause the option is always enabled.(2) In order to activate the remote phone access feature and defeat ananswering machine ensure that the correct ring detection count (“15”)has been programmed in field *95.(3) Remote phone session will be terminated if a report must be sent.(4) Alarm audio verification will only function when Contact ID is selectedand cannot be used for UL installations.(5) If an alarm will be reported to the end user phone number (6-8 or 10-12in field *49) AAV cannot be used.(6) If AAV is enabled, LYNX will automatically use the central station phonenumber programmed in field *41. If AAV is not enabled LYNX will usethe phone number programmed in field *42.(7) If AAV is enabled, reports will be sent to the two-way voice phonenumber. 92NUMBER OF REPORTS IN ARMEDPERIOD[0]0 10 Alarm/Alarm Restore Reports;1 Unlimited (UL installations 0)DOWNLOAD INFORMATION (*93,*94,*95)FLEXIBLE CALLBACK 93[0]0 No flexible callback; 1 Last digit flexible; 2 Last 2 digits flexible;3 Last 3 digits flexible 94DOWNLOAD PHONE NUMBEREnter up to 20 digits, 0–9; # 11 for ' '; # 12 for '#'; # 13 for a pause.Do not fill unused spaces. If fewer than 20 digits entered, pressing advances to the next field. To clear entries from field, press 94 .Note:In UL installations, downloading may only be performed if a technicianis at the site.-9-
FieldFunction 95RING DETECT COUNT FORDOWNLOADING/REMOTE PHONECONTROL MODEProgrammed Values[] Table 1 Default Value[15]0 Disable Station Initiated Download; 1–14 number of rings (1–9,[#] 10 10, [#] 11 11, [#] 12 12, [#] 13 13, [#] 14 14);15 answering machine defeat ([#] 15 15) 96INITIALIZE DOWNLOAD ID &SUBSCRIBER ACCOUNTNo entry required 97SET ALL PROGRAM FIELDS TO1 OF 4
† [7] (LYNXR-EN) that LYNX has finished For LYNXR/LYNXR24 only options 0, 1, 2, and 3 are applicable Central Dialing Mode Station Pulse Tone Pulse Tone No WATS 0 No Speaker Phone 1 No Speaker Phone 4 With Speaker Phone 5 With Speaker Phone WATS 2 No Speaker Phone 3 No Speaker Phone 6 With Speaker Phone 7 With Speaker Phone 48 REPORT FORMAT for PRIM./SEC [7, 7] Primary .
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