CVT FLUIDCVT FLUIDChecking CVT FluidPFP:KLE50AUCS005XNFLUID LEVEL CHECKFluid level should be checked with the fluid warmed up to 50 to 80 C (122 to 176 F).1. Check for fluid leakage.2. With the engine warmed up, drive the vehicle to warm up theCVT fluid. When ambient temperature is 20 C (68 F), it takesabout 10 minutes for the CVT fluid to warm up to 50 to 80 C(122 to 176 F).3. Park the vehicle on a level surface and set the parking brake.4. With engine at idle, while depressing brake pedal, move theselector lever throughout the entire shift range and return it tothe “P” position.BCVTDESMA146B5.Press the tab on the CVT fluid level gauge to release the lockand pull out the CVT fluid level gauge from the CVT fluid charging pipe.FGHSCIA1933E6.Wipe fluid off the CVT fluid level gauge. Then rotate the CVTfluid level gauge 180 and re-insert it into the CVT charging pipeas far as it will go.CAUTION:Always use lint free paper towels to wipe fluid off the CVTfluid level gauge.IJKLSCIA1931E7.MRemove the CVT fluid level gauge and check that the fluid levelis within the specified range as shown. If the fluid level is at orbelow the low side of the range, add the necessary specifiedNISSAN CVT fluid through the CVT charging pipe.Fluid grade:Refer to MA-14, "MR20DE" .CAUTION: Only use specified NISSAN CVT fluid. Do not overfill the CVT.SCIA1932E8.Install the CVT fluid level gauge to the CVT fluid charging pipe until it locks.CAUTION:When CVT fluid level gauge is installed into the CVT fluid charging pipe, make sure that the CVTfluid level gauge is securely locked in place.Revision: December 2006CVT-152007 Sentra
CVT FLUIDFLUID CONDITION CHECKFluid statusConceivable causeRequired operationVarnished (viscousvarnish state)CVT fluid becomedegraded due tohugh temperatures.Replace the CVT fluid and check theCVT main unit and the vehicle formalfunctions (wire harness, coolerpipes, etc.)Milky white orcloudyWater in the fluidReplace the CVT fluid and check forplaces where water is getting in.Large amount ofmetal powder mixedin fluidUnusual wear ofsliding parts withinCVTReplace the CVT fluid and check forimproper operation of the CVT.ATA0022DChanging CVT Fluid1.2.Remove drain plug, and drain CVT fluid from oil pan.Install drain plug with new gasket to oil pan and tighten to the specified torque.Drain plug:3.UCS006Y9Refer to CVT-204, "COMPONENTS" .CAUTION:Do not reuse drain plug gasket.Fill CVT fluid from CVT fluid charging pipe to the specified level.Fluid grade and capacity:Refer to MA-14, "MR20DE" .CAUTION: Use only Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-2. Do not mix with other fluid. Using CVT fluid other than Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-2 will deteriorate in driveability andCVT durability, and may damage the CVT, which is not covered by the warranty. When filling CVT fluid, take care not to scatter fluid on heat generating parts such as exhaust. Sufficiently shake the container of CVT fluid before using.4. With the engine warmed up, drive the vehicle in an urban area. When ambient temperature is 20 C(68 F), it takes about 10 minutes for the CVT fluid to warm up to 50 to 80 C (122 to 176 F).5. Check CVT fluid level and condition. Refer to CVT-15, "Checking CVT Fluid" .6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 if CVT fluid is contaminated.CAUTION:Delete CVT fluid deterioration date with CONSULT-III after changing CVT fluid.Revision: December 2006CVT-162007 Sentra
RECOMMENDED FLUIDS AND LUBRICANTSRECOMMENDED FLUIDS AND LUBRICANTSMR20DEPFP:00000ELS002A9Capacity (Approximate)DescriptionRecommended Fluids/LubricantsLiterUS measureImp measure55.014 1/2 gal12 1/8 galWith oil filterchange3.84 qt3 3/8 qtWithout oil filter change3.63 7/8 qt3 1/8 qtDry engine (engine overhaul)4.44 5/8 qt3 7/8 qtCooling system(with reservoir at max level)7.01 7/8 gal1 1/2 galGenuine NISSAN Long Life Anti-freezeCoolant or equivalentManual transaxle fluid (MTF)2.04 1/4 pt3 1/2 ptELF XT4447 M 75W-80 or API GL-4, Viscosity SAE 75W-80CVT fluid8.38 3/4 qt7 1/4 qtFuelEngine oilDrain and refillBrake and clutch fluid———Multi-purpose grease———Windshield washer fluidAir conditioning system refrigerantAir conditioning system oil3.53 3/4 qt3 1/8 qt0.50 0.05 kg1.10 0.11 lb1.10 0.11 lb5.03 fl oz5.3 fl oz120 mUnleaded gasoline with an octane rating ofat least 87 AKI (RON 91) API Certification Mark *1Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-2 *2Genuine NISSAN Super Heavy DutyBrake Fluid*3 or equivalent DOT 3 (USFMVSS No. 116)NLGI No. 2 (Lithium soap base)Genuine NISSAN Windshield WasherConcentrate Cleaner & Anti-Freeze orequivalentHFC-134a (R-134a) *4NISSAN A/C System Lubricant Type S orequivalent *4*1: For further details, see “SAE Viscosity Number”.*2: Using transaxle fluid other than Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-2 will damage the CVT, which is not covered by the NISSANnew vehicle limited warranty.*3: Available in mainland U.S.A. through your NISSAN dealer.*4: For further details, see “Air conditioner specification label”.QR25DEELS002DPCapacity (Approximate)DescriptionRecommended Fluids/LubricantsLiterUS measureImp measure55.014 1/2 gal12 1/8 galWith oil filterchange4.95 1/8 qt4 3/8 qtWithout oil filterchange4.64 7/8 qt4 qtDry engine (engine overhaul)5.05 1/4 qt4 3/8 qtCooling system(with reservoir at max level)7.62 gal1 5/8 galGenuine NISSAN Long Life Anti-freeze /Coolant or equivalentManual transaxle fluid (MTF)2.04 1/4 pt3 1/2 ptELF XT4447 M 75W-80 or API GL-4,Viscosity SAE 75W-80CVT fluid8.38 3/4 qt7 1/4 qtGenuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-2 *2Brake and clutch fluids———Genuine NISSAN Super Heavy DutyBrake Fluid or equivalent, DOT 3 (USFMVSS No. 116) *3Multi-purpose grease———NLGI No. 2 (Lithium soap base)FuelEngine oilDrain and refillRevision: December 2006MA-14Unleaded gasoline with an octane ratingof at least 87 AKI (RON 91) API Certification Mark *12007 Sentra
RECOMMENDED FLUIDS AND LUBRICANTSCapacity (Approximate)DescriptionWindshield washer fluidAir conditioning system refrigerantAir conditioning system oilLiterUS measureImp measure3.53 3/4 qt3 1/8 qt0.50 0.05 kg1.10 0.11 lb1.10 0.11 lb5.03 fl oz5.3 fl oz120 mRecommended Fluids/LubricantsAGenuine NISSAN Windshield WasherConcentrate Cleaner & Anti-freeze orequivalentBHFC-134a (R-134a) *4NISSAN A/C System Lubricant Type S orequivalent *4*1: For further details, see “SAE Viscosity Number”.*2: Using transaxle fluid other than Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-2 will damage the CVT, which is not covered by the NISSANnew vehicle limited warranty.*3: Available in mainland U.S.A. through your NISSAN dealer.*4: For further details, see “Air conditioner specification label”.CDEFGHIJKMAMRevision: December 2006MA-152007 Sentra
TRANSAXLE ASSEMBLYTRANSAXLE ASSEMBLYRemoval and Installation (MR20DE)PFP:32020UCS006YQCOMPONENTSWCIA0674E1.CVT fluid level gauge2.CVT fluid charging pipe3.O-ring4.Hose clamp7.Water hose5.CVT water hose6.Water thermostat tube8.Transaxle assembly9.10.CVT water hoseA.Air breather hoseTo engine coolant outletB.To water pumpC.Refer to CVT-205, "INSTALLATION" .REMOVAL1.2.3.Remove the engine and transaxle as an assembly. Refer to EM-102, "Removal and Installation" .Disconnect the electrical connectors from the following: Secondary speed sensor (1) Primary speed sensor (2) CVT unit connector (3) PNP switch (4)Remove the harness from the CVT.WCIA0673ERevision: December 2006CVT-2042007 Sentra
L M A B CVT Revision: December 2006 2007 Sentra CVT FLUID PFP:KLE50 Checking CVT Fluid UCS005XN FLUID LEVEL CHECK Fluid level should be checked with the fluid warmed up to 50 to 80 C (122 to 176 F). 1. Check for fluid leakage. 2. With the engine warmed up, drive the vehicle to warm up the CVT fluid. When ambient temperature is 20 C (68 F .
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. Yo Usuba Senior Vice President Nissan CVT briefing (Continuously Variable Transmission) 2 2 1. The Powertrain concept 2. The History of Nissan CVT and Plans for Future Applications 3. CVT Expansion in North America 4. What is CVT? 5. XTRONIC CVT 6. CVT for 3.5L Engines 7. Summary Agenda. 3 3 1. The Powertrain concept. 4 4 1-1. The Powertrain concept Ultimate Powertrain .
2008-2013 ROGUE; REDUCED PERFORMANCE DUE TO CVT FLUID TEMPERATURE PROTECTION LOGIC . APPLIED VEHICLES: 2008-2013 Rogue (S35) 2WD/4WD without tow package kit. IF YOU CONFIRM . The vehicle speed is, or was, reduced by the CVT fail-safe (reduced vehicle speed) after continuous operation under the following conditions:the following conditions:
2011-2015 ROGUE AND ROGUE SELECT; REDUCED PERFORMANCE DUE TO CVT FLUID TEMPERATURE PROTECTION LOGIC . APPLIED VEHICLES: 2011-2013 Rogue (S35) 2WD/4WD without tow package kit 2014-2015 Rogue Select (S35) 2WD/4WD without tow package kit. IF YOU CONFIRM . The vehicle speed is, or was, reduced by the CVT fail-safe (reduced vehicle speed) after
NOTE: ONLY order a new CVT 8 transmission after completing the “Procedure for Shudder/Surge Condition” in this Service Campaign. Description Part Number Quantity CVT 8 Transmission Assembly (2WD) 2700A401 1 CVT 8 Transmission Assembly (AWD) 2700A403 1 Transmission Fluid: Mitsubishi Motors Genuine CVTF J4 MZ320185 6.9 L (7.3 qt)
2 Checking for Understanding schoolwide approaches. In this chapter, we’ll explore checking for understanding in terms of what it is, what it is not, and how it links to other teaching initiatives. What Is Checking for Understanding? Checking for understandin
Feb 20, 2021 · Column1 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Math Checking of HW/Assignment 9:40-10:20 Checking of HW/Assignment 10:30-11:10 English Checking of HW/Assignment 12:10-12:50 Checking of HW/Assignment 9:40-10:20 Gen.Science 9:40-10:20 Checking of HW/Assignment 10:30-11:10 Che
Wheel checking 9.1 Tire checking 9.2 Rim checking 10. Braking system checking and maintenance . 12. Checking and maintenance of speed regulation control and brake control device 12.1 Check brake . (reference) serial numb er battery capacity speed(km/h) 1 100% 42.8 2 90% 42.3 3 80% 41.6 4 70% 40.9
bribery, corruption or tax evasion in any form is the responsibility of all colleagues across the M&S Group and all individuals and entities over which M&S has control. Appropriate channels for colleagues and Business Partners are in place to report any such suspicions, and these are set out later in this Policy. Any failure to comply with this Policy will be treated seriously and may result .