Work HoursCalendar
Work HoursCalendarEMPLOYEE:DATES(Dates entered in this calendar, e.g., April–July 2016)EMPLOYER:START OF WORKWEEK:(Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / etc.)PAY:(Hourly / Tips / Salary / Piece Rate)
Minimum WageGenerally, you must be paid at least the federal minimum wage for all the time that you work,whether you are paid by the hour, the day, or at a piece rate.Overtime & Regular RateIf you are not an exempt employee, you must receive time and one-half your regular rate of pay after40 hours of work in a seven-day workweek. Regular rate includes most compensation, includingnon-discretionary bonuses and shift differentials.MisclassificationSome employers misclassify workers who are employees under the law as something other thanemployees, sometimes calling them “independent contractors.” When this happens, the workers donot receive certain workplace rights and benefits, such as the minimum wage and overtime pay, towhich they are legally entitled.RecordkeepingGenerally, you should know that your employer must keep records of all wages paid to you and of allhours you worked, no matter where the work is done. Similarly, we recommend that you keep yourown records of all the hours you work and of your pay. We recommend that you keep all your pay1
stubs, information your employer gives you or tells you about your pay rate, how many hours youworked, including overtime, and other information on your employer’s pay practices. This work hourscalendar should help you keep as much information as possible.Em ployers must pay employees for all the time worked in a workday. “Workday,” in general, meansall of the hours between the time an employee begins work and ends work on a particular day.Sometimes the workday extends beyond a worker’s scheduled shift or normal hours, and when thishappens the employer is responsible for paying for the extra time. Usually, workers have to be paidfor all the time that they work, including: Waiting for repairs to equipment necessary for work Time spent traveling between worksites during the workday Time spent waiting for materials during the workday Breaks less than 20 minutes long Time spent completing unfinished work after a shift
NOTE! While most workers in the United States have these rights, some workers are not covered byfederal labor laws. If the federal law does not apply, check with your state’s Labor Department.The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division (WHD) is responsible for administeringand enforcing some of the nation’s most important worker protection laws. WHD is committed toensuring that workers in this country are paid properly and for all the hours they work, regardlessof immigration status. There are more than 200 WHD offices throughout the country with trainedprofessionals to help you. The following information is useful to file a complaint with WHD: Your name Your address and phone number (how you can be contacted) The name of the company where you work(ed) Location of the company (this maybe different from where you worked) Phone number of the company Manager’s, supervisor’s, or owner’s name (who should we ask to speak to?) Type of work you did How and when you were paid (i.e. cash or check, every Friday)3
Calendar InstructionsFor each day you work, fill in the following information: Month: Next to the month, write the year in which you are working Date: Write the date in the green box Arrive: Write when you arrived at the worksite Start: Write what time you started working Stop: Write what time you stopped working Leave: Write what time you left the worksite Meal & Other Breaks: Write in minutes how long your meal breaks or other breaks wereMONTHDateS2017(YEAR)MTWTFS
28ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArrive1 7:007:304:305:0030 min15 min23SAMPLEStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks5
JANUARYDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksSM(YEAR)TWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks7
FEBRUARYDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksSM(YEAR)TWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks9
MARCHDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksS(YEAR)MTWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks11
APRILDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksS(YEAR)MTWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks13
MAYDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks(YEAR)SMTWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks15
JUNEDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks(YEAR)SMTWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks17
JULYDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks(YEAR)SMTWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks19
AUGUSTDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksS(YEAR)MTWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks21
SEPTEMBERDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksSM(YEAR)TWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks23
OCTOBERDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksSM(YEAR)TWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks25
NOVEMBERDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksSM(YEAR)TWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks27
DECEMBERDateArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksSM(YEAR)TWTFS
ArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther BreaksArriveStartStopLeaveMeal BreaksOther Breaks29
For more informationYou work hard, and you have the right to be paid fairly. It is a serious problem when workers inthis country are not paid every cent they earn. All services are free and confidential, whether youare documented or not. Please remember that your employer cannot terminate you or in any othermanner discriminate against you for filing a complaint with WHD.Call the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division at 1-866-487-9243 (toll free) or visitour website at 12/16
MONTH 2017 Date S M T W T F S (YEAR) 28 1 2 3 5 Arrive 7:00 Start 7:30 Stop 4:30 Leave 5:00 Meal Breaks 30 min Other Breaks 15 min Arrive Start Stop Leave Meal Breaks Other Breaks Arrive Start Stop . SEPTEMBER Date S M T W T F S Arrive Start Stop Leave Meal Breaks Other Breaks Arrive Start Stop Leave Meal Breaks Other Breaks (YEAR) 23 Arrive .
Calendar Example 3 - Compile a Single Calendar 21 Calendar Example 4 - Compile All Calendars 22 Calendar Example 5 - Create a List Calendar 22 Calendar Example 6 - Create a Group Calendar 23 Calendar Example 7 - Create a Daily Calendar with Details and a Condition 24 Calendar Example 8 - Delete a Detail in a Calendar 24 Calendar .
August 2020 Blank Calendar Printable Calendar Author: Subject: Blank August 2020 Calendar Keywords: Word Calendar, Calendar, Aug 2020, Calendar, Printable Calendar, Portrait Calendar, Template, B
2019 Calendar - US Holidays This full year Calendar is in PDF format for easy printing. . Excel Calendar, Online Calendar . 2019 Calendar, Calendar, PDF Calendar Template, Printable Calendar, Calendar
December 2018 Blank Calendar Printable Calendar Author: WinCalendar Subject: Blank December 2018 Calendar Keywords: Word Calendar, Calendar, Dec 2018, Calendar, Printable Calendar, Portrait Calendar, Template, B
January 2020 Australia Calendar Template Author: Sapro Systems Subject: Printable Calendar Keywords: Word Calendar Template, Calendar, Jun 2020, Australia Calendar, Printable Calendar, Landscape Calendar, Template, Blank, Holiday Calendar Created Date: 6/22/2020 12:33:18 PM
US 2016 Weekly Calendar Author: Sapro Systems Subject: PDF Calendar Keywords: 2016 Holiday Calendar, 2016 Weekly Calendar, Calendar, PDF Calendar Template, Printable Calendar, Calendar Created Date: 6/4/2017 3:54:18 AM
Contents iv Cisco Tidal Enterprise Scheduler 6.2 REST API Reference Guide OL-32206-01 Specifying Calendar Days 3-18 Calendar Example 6 - Create a group calendar 3-19 Calendar Example 7 - Create a daily calendar with details and a condition 3-20 Calendar Example 8 - Delete a detail in a calendar 3-21 Calendar Example 9 - Delete a condition in a calendar 3-21
and the Department of Labor (DOL) Regulations; Rev. Rul. . 375 hours if the basis is "regular time hours." DOL Regs. 2530.200b-3 DOL Regs. 2530.200b-4 Line f. An individual shall be credited with certain hours of service if such individual is absent from work for any period by reason of (1) pregnancy of the individual, (2) birth of a .