Request For Proposals And Qualifications: Furniture .

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REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS AND QUALIFICATIONS:Furniture, Fixture, and Equipment Consultant andDesign Support Services, including Furniture, Fixturesand Equipment Purchase and InstallationIssue Date: November 8th, 2017Due Date: November 22nd, 2017In order to be considered, proposals must be signed and delivered toWestEd by 4:00 p.m. on November 22, 2017, via email to oleon@wested.orgor by mail to the WestEd Procurement Department at 4665 Lampson Ave.,Los Alamitos, CA 90720Proposal responses will be considered valid for a period of 120 calendardays after the proposal due date.


I. INTRODUCTIONWestEd is soliciting qualifications and proposals from Furniture, Fixture, andEquipment Consultant and Furniture Solutions Design Service Firms,including Furniture Manufacturers and Office Furniture Dealers (“Firm”) for designsupport services and the purchase, delivery and installation of Furniture, Fixturesand Equipment (collectively “FF&E”) for WestEd’s office located in the City ofAlameda, California (“Project”). The estimated timing of the installation offurnishings is the end of January 2018. The Project location includes 51 privateoffices and 20 open workstations. WestEd is interested in purchasing durable,easily maintained and highly functional furnishings that will look good and beserviceable for a minimum of 10 years or longer.WestEd is also interested in learning about the Firm’s qualifications to serveWestEd’s ongoing needs for furniture solutions at its other 13 locations. Theongoing and as needed FF&E services would be provided until the end of 2018and may include two (1) year contractual options to continue these services.Included in this request for proposal are the following documents to be used in thepreparation and submission of proposals: Exhibit A: Model AgreementExhibit B: Specification for furniture designs for open workstations andprivate offices (WSO1, WS02, and PO1)Exhibit C: Furniture plan (A1)Exhibit D: Pricing MatrixII. BACKGROUNDWestEd is a not-for-profit research, development, and service agency that workswith education and other communities to promote excellence, achieve equity, andimprove learning for children, youth, and adults. WestEd has over 640 employees,located in 13 offices across the United States, and had revenue in excess of 160million for Fiscal Year 2016.WestEd is a Joint Powers Agency (“JPA”) formed under the California JointExercise of Powers Act, California Government Code section 6500 et seq. andgoverned by public entities in Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah. WestEd’sBoard of Directors is comprised of members representing agencies from thesestates, as well as other national education and business leaders. WestEd’s incomeis tax exempt under Section 115 (1) of the Internal Revenue Code.WestEd complies with the required federal regulations on procurement, as well asapplicable State procurement law and procedures.2017 Furniture RFPPage 2 of 35

Efforts, including affirmative steps prescribed by federal regulation (if applicable),will be made by WestEd to utilize small and minority-owned businesses, women’sbusiness enterprises and labor surplus area firms when possible. If the resultingcontract is being funded by federal funds, the selected firm may be required toundertake affirmative steps to utilize such firms in subcontracts if this contract isfederally funded.For the purposes of this RFP and WestEd’s obligations to meet SBE requirements,a Firm can be classified as a SBE by having a 100-employee size standard. Inaddition, the offeror must comply with the manufacturing performancerequirements, or comply with the non-manufacturer rule by supplying the productsof small business concerns, unless SBA has issued a class or contract specificwaiver of the non-manufacturer rule (13 CFR 121.201, Subsector 423210).III. WESTED CONTACTAll communications, including any requests for clarification, concerning this RFPshould be addressed in writing to the following:Oscar LeonProcurement Manageroleon@wested.org2017 Furniture RFPPage 3 of 35

IV. SOLICITATION FORMFAILURE TO SIGN THIS PAGE WILL DISQUALIFY YOUR RESPONSEIf awarded, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the services described in this Request forProposal at the prices and terms stated, subject to mutually agreed upon terms and conditions.The undersigned warrants and represents their authority to bind the firm into an agreement subjectto the terms and conditions of this Request for Proposal.Company Name:Street Address:City, State Zip:Email:Telephone:By (Authorized Signature)Date Signed:Print name and title of Authorized SignatoryALL SPECIFICATIONS, TERMS, AND CONDITIONS OF THIS PROPOSALWILL BE INCORPORATED INTO ANY RESULTING AGREEMENT.2017 Furniture RFPPage 4 of 35

V. SOLICITATION KEY DATES AND TIMELINE(Dates are subject to change at any time in WestEd’s sole discretion)RFP ActivityDatesRFP Released, Posted onlineNovember 8th, 2017Questions Due by biddersNovember 10th, 2017Response to Questions PostedNovember 14th, 2017Proposal Due DateNovember 22nd, 2017Award NoticeNovember 30th, 2017Start of contractTBD2017 Furniture RFPPage 5 of 35

VI. SCOPE OF WORKThe scope of work is divided into five (5) primary categories: (A) FF&EConsulting and Design Support Services, (B) Project Management andInstallation, (C) Service and Maintenance, (D) General Notes and (E) AdditionalServices.A.Project FF&E Consulting and Design Support Services: B.Personnel and resources to become an active member of the design teamworking in collaboration with Unispace (“Architect”) and WestEd includingattending Project meetings are required.The Firm may be asked to develop special products to meet unique needs.The Firm will bear all engineering costs and product development costsincurred for those special products, if applicable.Specification and design services support to WestEd and Architectthroughout the course of the project. The Firm will develop shop drawingsand specifications for typical workstations and furniture that meet WestEd’srequirements and design intent as indicated in Architect specifications fortypical workstations and furniture provided with this RFP. The Firm will beresponsible for reviewing those preliminary specifications for specificdetails; product numbers and finishes, dimensions, connectors, powerdistribution system, support brackets, trim, accessories, etc. Any shopdrawings and specifications developed by the Firm will be reviewed foraccuracy, system applications and specific details prior to order entry. Ifadditional specification support services are available, please indicate thoseservices in the proposal.Guidance in selection of furnishings and finishes that meet budget and meetdelivery schedule while maintaining or enhancing design intent and quality,value, and functional performance of furnishings.Layout diagrams and shop drawings of furnishings for each category toensure proper fit of furnishings, including alignment with power and datalocations and code compliance.Finish options for each category of furniture for approval by WestEd andArchitect.Project Management, Including Furniture Purchase and Installation. Provide project schedules that include purchase and installation activitiesfor approval by WestEd’s project representatives and managing suppliers2017 Furniture RFPPage 6 of 35 adhere to agreed to schedule.Advise WestEd’s project representatives on prioritization of critical issuesthat need resolution.Chalk the layout of the panels from a mutually established work point priorto installation of any electrical core drills. The manufacturer will be requiredto re-chalk the floors after the installation of the finished floor covering. Costof any chalking is to be included in this proposal.Coordinate manufacturing and shipping of product to ensure that theproduct arrives at the site properly tagged and in the correct sequence forexpedient installation. The proposal should include, within the standarddiscount structure, deliveries to the job site according to any schedule thegeneral contractor may dictate. Installation crews should be available forregular and outside of business hours work as deemed necessary to meetschedule deadline without overtime charges to WestEd.Coordinate all aspects of delivery and installation with property manager,General Contractor and WestEd’s Property and Facility Managementrepresentatives and all job site communications. The furniture dealer shallbe responsible for visiting the site, including elevators and loading dockareas, to assure familiarity and proper coordination of the deliverysequencing. Installation crews shall not cause a disruption of work and shallbe familiar with the codes and rules of work in the city in which the projectis locatedConfirm that all furniture specified is fully functional and installedcompletely.Plan to use plywood or Masonite sheets in major traffic corridors forinstallation to protect carpet.Responsible for the removal of all cartons and debris and clean all newfurniture prior to WestEd move-in.Service and Maintenance. Arrange for the repair or replacement of any damaged or defective itemsfollowing installation. Replacement or acceptable repair of damagedmerchandise shall be at WestEd's reasonable discretion.Guarantee all work performed and all materials and equipment furnishedunder the Contract against defects in materials and workmanship for aperiod of at least one year from the date of Final Acceptance of thecompleted work by WestEd.Whenever, within the guarantee period, the Firm is notified by WestEd thatany item of equipment, material and/or workmanship has proved defectiveor is not meeting the specification requirements, the Firm shall immediatelyreplace, repair or otherwise correct the defect or defects without cost to theWestEd and the guarantee shall be extended another year from the date2017 Furniture RFPPage 7 of 35

D.General Notes. E.the repairs or replacements are completed for the defective item or items.Firm will act as WestEd’s agent in the event of the guarantee or warrantyperiods as stated by the particular manufacturer, supplier or fabricator.There are no implied warranties.Firm will arrange for the repair or replacement of any damaged or defectiveitems following installation. Replacement or acceptable repair of damagedmerchandise shall be at WestEd's reasonable discretion.Firm will provide WestEd with a maintenance manual for all furnishingspurchased.Firms is responsible for the coordination of the keying schedule withWestEd. Two (2) sets of keys shall be provided for WestEd by eachmanufacturer and for each private office or workstation. The number ofmaster keys will be determined by the WestEd. All pedestals within aworkstation to be keyed alike, but differently from other workstations.One convenience tray should be provided for every pedestal containing a6" box drawer.All work surfaces to be continuous up to 90"; provide one grommet per worksurface.Additional Services.Ancillary Furniture: Firm is to provide FF&E consultation and expertise forancillary spaces within the Project site such as storage areas, meetingrooms, break rooms and common areas. Firm would assist WestEd to establish the basic performance andaesthetic criteria based on WestEd’s needs, including ergonomiccriteria.Firm would provide comprehensive solutions that best meet thosecriteria and utilize the spaces where the furniture would be locatedincluding a review of all code related considerations, such as ADAclearances.Firm would advise WestEd on ways to modify existing furnishings toadapt it to new locations and address new ergonomic goals and othercriteria.Portfolio Service to WestEd’s Other Offices: Firm is support WestEd’songoing needs for furniture solutions at its other 13 locations.2017 Furniture RFPPage 8 of 35

Firm may be called upon to provide WestEd with comprehensive FF&Eservices for any of WestEd’s 13 offices located in Arizona, California,District of Columbia, Georgia, Massachusetts and Vermont.Firm would advise on after-market modifications of existing furniture.Other Additional Services: Please indicate in the proposal any additionalservices that would be available to WestEd during the design process,manufacturing, installation or as a facilities management tool. If there is anadditional cost to WestEd for utilizing any of these services, please includeprice information. These services may include, but are not to be limited to: Inventory liquidationInventory controlAs-built installation plansTagging and keyingComputerized specification or drawing assistance. (Please includeinformation regarding compatibility with Revit.)Purchase and installation (through dealer) of specified items from othermanufacturersCoordination of Owner's refurbishment and reinstallation of used orinventory furnitureCoordination of refurbishment and reinstallation of used Ownerinventory furnitureVII. PROPOSAL OUTLINEIn order to simplify the review process and to obtain the maximum degree ofcomparability, the proposals should include the following items and be organizedin the manner specified below.1. Letter of TransmittalA letter of transmittal briefly outlining the Firm’s understanding of the work andgeneral information regarding the Firm and individuals to be involved is limited toa maximum of two pages. The letter should clearly identify the local address of theoffice of the firm performing the work, the telephone number, and the name of theauthorized representative. The letter shall include a clear statement from the firmthat this offer is binding and shall remain open for 120 days from the due date ofthis RFP and acknowledges that its proposal cannot be withdrawn within that timewithout the written consent of WestEd.2017 Furniture RFPPage 9 of 35

2. Table of ContentsInclude a table of contents that identifies the material by section, page number,and a reference to the information to be contained in the proposal.3. Solicitation FormThe Solicitation Form included in the RFP/RFQ shall be included here.4. Profile of Firm Proposinga. Provide a brief description of the Firm, its size and the locations of its offices.State whether the Firm is a qualified small or minority-owned business,women business enterprise or labor surplus area Firm and, if certified as suchby the State of California or United States Government, indicate whichdepartment or agency has so certified the Firm.b. State the Firm’s entity type (i.e. sole proprietorship, corporation, etc.) andstate of incorporation or organization, if applicable.c. State whether the Firm is in compliance with the applicable registration,licensure, and permit requirements to do business in California and theapplicable county and/or city.d. Describe the local office from which the work is to be performed.1. Location of office.2. Current size of the office.3. The size of professional staff by level who would be working on thisproject, such as partner, manager and supervisor, senior, and otherprofessional staff.4. The credentials and qualifications of key professional staff who will beinvolved on this project.5. Qualifications1. Furniture Consulting, Design and Procurement Services, includingManagement experience:1.1. Provide the name, title, including a detailed description of the role and jobresponsibilities related to all personnel assigned to the Project, includingexperience, years with the Firm and a list of relevant projects completed.Indicate who will serve as the primary contact for WestEd.1.2. Provide a list of any projects within the last three years on which the Firmproposing was contracted and was terminated, held in default, or failed tocomplete the work. Include the name of the project(s), timeframe of theproject and circumstances surrounding the termination or default.2017 Furniture RFPPage 10 of 35

1.3. Provide information regarding any recent legal proceedings and arbitrationagainst the Firm proposing that are current and occurred within the lastthree years.2. Quality control:2.1. Describe the Firm’s policy on notification of changes in key personnel.2.2. Briefly describe the Firm's system of quality control to ensure the workmeets a high-quality standard.2.3. Provide a description of how the Firm’s expertise, technical andprofessional skills will meet the goals and fulfill the general functionsidentified in this RFP.3. References:3.1. Include five (5) client references for work that is comparable to the scopeof this Project. Include contact information for the architects involved in thework.3.2. Provide a minimum of three (3) credit references.6. Project Specific ExperienceProvide a description of the three most relevant FF&E projects similar to thosedescribed in this RFP, including furniture solution consultation, design support,furniture purchase and installation contracts held by the proposing Firm within thelast five years, one page per project, to include:a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h.Role of the FirmDollar value of the projectDollar value of feeProject descriptionStaffingDuration of projectRelationship to clientClient contact information: name, position, entity name, telephone number,and email address for each project7. Scope of Services and Proposed Project ScheduleDescribe the Firm’s understanding of the scope of services to be provided. Providea description of how the Firm will approach this work including how the proposingFirm will manage the design process, installation, overall project schedule andongoing service and maintenance. The proposal should also include the followingrelated to the design and procurement services requested for the Alameda office,specifically:2017 Furniture RFPPage 11 of 35

a. Firm shall identify components proposed and provide cut sheets for allcomponents. Products should be similar to those outlined in the drawingsprovided as an exhibit.b. Firm shall provide axonometric diagrams for all furniture designs proposed.8. Fees and Compensationa. Firm’s shall provide clear pricing of all proposed consulting and designsupport services to be provided as well as furniture components includingquantities, list price and any discounts from published list prices using theprovided Pricing Matrix. If pricing is based on national nonprofit andgovernmental pricing agreements, Firm should provide copies of thoseagreements.b. Administrative costs, delivery and installation, as well as costs associatedwith services described in the body of this request for proposal should belisted separately from material pricing. Dealer markup shall also be listedseparately. All applicable taxes should be included in this proposal. If anincrease or reduction in the total dollar volume of the order would modify thediscount structure of the offer, state the break points for the various discountpercentages.c. Firm should state the costs for warehousing and handling product, should asignificant delay in the project arise after the product has been manufactured.Costs for warehousing any early deliveries will be borne by the Firm ormanufacturer. Any costs for warehousing nonstandard product should alsobe stated.d. The Firm's proposal should delineate the payment terms of the agreement;early payment discounts, progress payments, down payments, prepaymentsrequired, etc.e. Firm shall identify all subcontracted personnel or work contained in theproposal and described the Firm’s third-party vendor selection process.Installation services shall be prevailing wage.f. The manufacturer and Firm should provide a record of price increases overthe last five years, as well as any anticipated increases in the next 36 months.9. Fiscal StabilityProvide evidence of corporate stability including:a. A current report from any commercial credit rating service such as Dunn andBradstreet or Experian; orb. A letter from a financial institution stating a current line of credit; and2017 Furniture RFPPage 12 of 35

c. Latest audited financial statement and/or annual report that has been certifiedby a CPA. This information will remain confidential and is not subject to publicdisclosure.10. Exceptions to Contract RequirementsWestEd’s draft form of Agreement is attached as Exhibit “A” and incorporatedherein by reference. Any exceptions to the requirements of the draft form ofAgreement shall be noted in the proposal. The Firm should pay particular attentionto the insurance and indemnification requirements as well as to the standard publicworks requirements (i.e. prevailing wage) set forth therein. WestEd shall have noobligation to accept any exceptions and may reject any proposal noting exceptionsto its contract requirements.VIII.PROPOSAL SUBMISSION AND SELECTION PROCESSBy use of numerical and narrative scoring techniques, proposals will be evaluatedby WestEd against the factors specified below. The relative weights of thecriteria—based on a 100-point scale—are shown below.CriteriaPoints1. Qualifications, experience, references, and ability tocarry out the described scope of work35 points2. Proposed methodologies, processes to accomplishwork and design of furnishings25 points3. Fees / expenses25 points4. Completeness of proposal and adherence to RFPinstructions.10 points5. Qualified small or minority-owned firm, womenbusiness enterprise or labor surplus area firm.5 pointsIX. REVIEW PROCESSWestEd may, at its discretion, request interviews/presentations by or a meetingwith any or all firms, to clarify or negotiate modifications to the firm’s proposal.However, WestEd reserves the right to make an award without further discussionof the proposals submitted. Therefore, proposals should be submitted initially on2017 Furniture RFPPage 13 of 35

the most favorable terms, from both technical and price standpoints, that the firmcan propose. WestEd contemplates award of the contract to the responsive,responsible firm whose proposal is the most advantageous to WestEd, based onthe highest total points and its decision is final.It is WestEd’s policy to utilize, whenever possible, small businesses, smallbusiness disadvantaged business concerns, veteran-owned small businesses,minority-owned Firms, and/or woman-owned business enterprises. Therefore,Firms that meet these criteria will be given preference, should they meet all otherstated criteria in the RFP.X. NOTICE TO FIRM(S)All materials provided to WestEd become the property of WestEd and may bereturned only at WestEd’s sole discretion. WestEd is a public entity. All proposalsand any materials submitted with a proposal may be deemed public recordssubject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act. No portion ofany proposal or materials submitted therewith will be withheld from disclosure asproprietary, trade secret or confidential unless that portion is clearly marked by thefirm as such, and the firm agrees to indemnify WestEd against any claim or actionto compel disclosure of such portion of the proposal. WestEd is not obligated toaccept any proposal or to negotiate with any entity. All transactions are subject tothe final approval of WestEd, which reserves the right to reject any and allproposals without liability. All costs directly or indirectly related to a response tothis RFP will be borne by the firm.The contract, if any, shall be awarded to the Contractor whose proposal is mostadvantageous and presents the best value to WestEd, based on the evaluationcriteria set forth in this RFP. WestEd may at its sole discretion select the responsethat best fits its needs, may choose to cancel the RFP, or to not select any offeror.A selection committee will evaluate the responses based on established criteriaincluding compliance with the direction herein, experience and qualifications, cost,financial position of the Contractor, and other factors as stated in this RFP. Ifselected, the successful Contractor will enter into a written agreement with WestEdthat will include service agreements and compensation agreements.Awards may also be made to the subsequent responsible bidders who will beconsidered the Back-up Contractors, and who will be called in ascending order,based upon their ranking by best value, if after WestEd issues a Notice of Award,WestEd and the selected Contractor awarded do not subsequently execute anagreement.2017 Furniture RFPPage 14 of 35

All information in this RFP should, for purposes of this RFP, be consideredproprietary and confidential. Information contained in this RFP should not beshared or distributed without the expressed written consent of WestEd.XI. REJECTION OF PROPOSAL(S)WestEd reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject any or all proposals, inwhole or in part, without incurring any cost or liability whatsoever. All proposals willbe reviewed for completeness of the submission requirements. The proposal maybe rejected if it fails to meet a material requirement of the RFP, or if it is incompleteor contains irregularities. A deviation is material to the extent that a proposal is notin substantial accord with RFP requirements.A deviation from the RFP requirements may cause a bid to be rejected. WestEdmay or may not waive an immaterial deviation or defect in a proposal. WestEd’swaiver of an immaterial deviation or defect will in no way modify the RFP or excusea bidder from full compliance with the RFP requirements.Any proposal may be rejected where it is determined to be not competitive, orwhere the cost is not reasonable.Proposals that contain false or misleading statements may be rejected if inWestEd’s opinion the information was intended to mislead WestEd regarding arequirement of the RFP.WestEd may reject a proposal from a firm it finds non-responsible or nonresponsive. Any person or entity that has substantially assisted WestEd inpreparing any part of this RFP is prohibited from submitting a proposal. Submissionof a proposal to WestEd shall constitute the Contractor’s certification that theproposal is not collusive.XII.COMPLIANCE WITH LAWSAny offeror must affirmatively agree and certify that it will comply with all applicablefederal, state, and local laws and regulations, including but not limited to theprovisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act (Govt. Code, § 12900 et seq.)and any applicable regulations promulgated there under (Cal. Code of Regs., tit.2, § 72850.0 et seq.). Any Contractor must affirmatively agree to include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in any and all subcontractsto perform work under the agreement.XIII.WRITTEN QUESTIONS AND ADDENDAWritten questions or comments regarding this RFP must be in writing and receivedno later than 4 p.m. on November 10th, 2017. Questions should be emailed to theProcurement Manager, Oscar Leon All questions will be2017 Furniture RFPPage 15 of 35

responded to via email. Contractor(s) invited to submit a proposal understand andagree that they have an affirmative duty to inquire and seek clarification regardinganything in this RFP that is unclear or open to more than one interpretation.WestEd, at its sole discretion, may make questions submitted by offerors andresponses to the submitted questions available to all offerors.WestEd reserves the right in its sole discretion to revise or amend this RFP priorto the stated submittal deadline. Any such revisions will be made by writtenaddenda to this RFP. Contractors are responsible for verifying they have received,and all proposals shall acknowledge receipt of, all addenda issued by WestEdrelating to this RFP. Failure to acknowledge receipt of all such addenda mayrender a proposal nonresponsive.XIV.SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONSProposal submissions must be received no later than 4:00 PM Pacific time onWednesday, November 22, 2017. Any response received after this date may bereturned or not considered. Responses should be submitted electronically to theProcurement Manager at If Firms wish to also submit a hardcopy of the proposal, it needs to be postmarked no later than the due date andmailed to:WestEd4665 Lampson Ave.Los Alamitos, CA 90720Attn: Oscar LeonSubmission of a proposal shall constitute the firm’s representation that it: Has thoroughly examined and become familiar with the scope of work setforth in this RFP;Understands the requirements of the scope of work, the nature of the workand all other matters that may affect the

Nov 08, 2017 · 2017 Furniture RFP Page 2 of 35 I. INTRODUCTION WestEd is soliciting qualifications and proposals from Furniture, Fixture, and Equipment Consultant and Furniture Solutions Design Service Firms, including Furniture Manufacturers and Office Furniture Dealers (“Firm”) for design support services and the purchase, delivery and installation of Furniture, Fixtures

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