THE TELANGANA BUILDINGS (LEASE, RENT AND EVICTION)CONTROL ACT, 1960.(ACT No. XV OF 1960.)ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONSSections1.Short title and application.2.Definitions.3.Notice of vacancy.4.Determination of fair rent.5.Increase in fair rent in what cases admissible.6.Increase of rent in certain cases.7.Landlord not to claim or receive any thing inexcess of fair rent or agreed rent.8.Right of tenant paying rent or advance to receipt.9.Right of tenant to deposit rent in certain cases.10.Eviction of tenants.10-A.Right to recover immediate possession ofpremises to accrue to members of the armedforces etc.10-B.Right to recover immediate possession to accrueto employee of State or Central Government.10-C.Right to recover immediate possession ofpremises to accrue to a widow.11.Payment or deposit of rent during the pendency ofproceedings for eviction.12.Recovery of possession by landlord for repairs,alterations or additions or for reconstruction.
2[Act No. XV of 1960]13.Recovery of possession by landlord for repairs,alterations or additions or for reconstruction ofbuilding in respect of which the Government shallbe deemed to be the tenant.14.Landlord not to interfere with amenities enjoyed bythe tenant.15.Execution of orders.16.Decisions which have become final not to bereopened.17.Orders of Controller, appellate and revisionalauthority to be pronounced in open court.18.Conversion into non-residential building.19.Failure by landlord to make necessary repairs.20.Appeal.21.Costs.22.Revision.23.Order under this Act to be binding on sub-tenants.24.Proceedings by or against legal representatives.25.Summons to witnesses.26.Exemptions.27.Executive authorities of local bodies to furnishcertified extracts from property tax assessmentbooks.28.Landlord and tenant to furnish particulars.29.Penalties.30.Power to make rules.31.Power to enter and inspect premises.32.Act not apply to certain buildings.
[Act No. XV of 1960]33.Repeals and savings.34.Indemnity for acts done under this Act.35.Power to remove difficulties.3
THE TELANGANA BUILDINGS (LEASE, RENT ANDEVICTION) CONTROL ACT, 1960.1ACT No. XV OF 1960.1. (1) This Act may be called the 2Telangana Buildings(Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control Act, 1960.(2) (a) This Act, except sub-section (2) of section 3, shallapply to the cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad,3[Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada] Municipal Corporations4[and to all municipal corporations and municipalities in theState of 2Telangana].(b) sub-section (2) of section 3, shall apply to thecities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, 3[Visakhapatnamand Vijayawada] and 4[to any municipal corporation ormunicipality in the State of 2Telangana], if the StateGovernment, by notification in the Telangana Gazette sodirect.(c) the State Government may, by notification in theTelangana Gazette, apply all or any of the provisions of thisAct except sub-section (2) of section 3 to any other area inthe State of Telangana with effect from such date as may bespecified in the notification, and may cancel or modify anysuch notification.1. The Andhra Pradesh Buildings (Lease, Rent and Eviction) Control Act,1960 in force in the combined State, as on 02.06.2014, has beenadapted to the State of Telangana, under section 101 of the AndhraPradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014 (Central Act 6 of 2014) vide. theTelangana Adaptation of Laws Order, 2016, issued in G.O.Ms.No.45,Law (F) Department, dated 01.06.2016.2. Substituted by G.O.Ms.No.45, Law (F) Department, dated 01.06.2016.3. Inserted by Act No.22 of 1985.4. Substituted by Act No.27 of 1997.Short title andapplication.
2Definitions.[Act No.XV of 1960]2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires(i) „Andhra area‟ means the territories which immediatelybefore the 1st November 1956, were comprised in the Stateof Andhra;(ii) „authorised officer‟ means any officer authorised bythe Government under sub-section (1) of section 3;(iii) „building‟ means any house or hut or part of a houseor hut, let or to be let separately for residential or nonresidential purposes and includes(a) the gardens, grounds, garages and out-houses, ifany, appurtenant to such house, hut or part of such houseor hut and let or to be let along with such house or hut orpart of such house or hut;(b) any furniture supplied or any fittings affixed by thelandlord for use in such house or hut or part of a house orhut;but does not include a room in a hotel or boarding house;(iv) „Controller‟ means any person not below the rank ofa Tahsildar appointed by the Government to perform thefunctions of a Controller under this Act;(v) „Government‟ means the State Government;(vi) „landlord‟ means the owner of a building andincludes a person who is receiving or is entitled to receivethe rent of a building whether on his own account or onbehalf of another person or on behalf of himself and othersor as an agent, trustee, executor, administrator, receiver orguardian or who would so receive the rent or be entitled toreceive the rent; if the building were let a tenant;
[Act No. XV of 1960]3Explanation.- A tenant who sub-lets a building shall bedeemed to be a landlord within the meaning of this Act inrelation to the sub-tenant;(vii) „prescribed‟ means prescribed by rules made underthis Act;(viii) „Telangana area‟ means the territories specified insub-section (1) of section 3.of the States Reorganization Act,1956 (Central Act 37 of 1956);(ix) „tenant‟ means any person by whom or on whoseaccount rent is payable for a building and includes thesurviving spouse, or any son or daughter, of a deceasedtenant who had been living with the tenant in the building asa member of the tenant‟s family up to the death of the tenantand a person continuing in possession after the terminationof the tenancy in his favour,but does not include a person placed in occupation of abuilding, by its tenant or a person to whom the collection ofrents or fees in a public market, cart-stand or slaughterhouse or of rents for shops has been framed out or leasedby a local authority.3. (1) (a) Every landlord shall, within ten days after the Notice of vacancy.building becomes vacant by his ceasing to occupy it, or bythe termination of a tenancy, or by the eviction of the tenantor by release from requisition or otherwise, give notice of thevacancy in writing to the officer authorised in that behalf bythe Government.Explanation.- A landlord who, having obtainedpossession of a building under sub-section (3) of section 10lets the whole or part of it to a tenant shall be deemed tohave failed to give notice under this section.
4[Act No.XV of 1960](b) Every notice given under clause (a) shall containsuch particulars as may be prescribed.(2) 5[In any Municipal Corporation or in any Municipality](including the cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad,6[Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada]) to which this sub-sectionhas been applied under clause (b) of sub-section (2) ofsection 1, where the tenant of a building puts anotherperson in occupation thereof and does not re-occupy itwithin a period of three months, then, on the expiry of suchperiod, the tenancy shall be deemed to have terminated andit shall be the duty of the tenant, and also of the landlord ifhe is aware of such terminaiion, to give notice thereof inwriting to the authorised officer within seven days of suchtermination:Provided that where the tenant obtains writtenpermission from the authorised officer to re-occupy thebuilding within a period of six months, this sub-section shallhave effect as if for the period of three months specifiedtherein a period of six months were substituted.Explanation.- This sub-section shall not apply where thebuilding has been sub-let by a tenant entitled to do so, aftergiving due notice to the authorised officer under sub-section(1) and in conformity with the provisions of this section.(3) If, within fifteen days of the receipt by the authorisedofficer of a notice under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2),the Government or the authorised officer does not intimateto the landlord in writing that the building is required for thepurposes of the State Government or the CentralGovernment or of any local authority or of any publicinstitution under the control of any such Government or for5. Inserted by Act No.27 of 1997.6. Inserted by Act No.22 of 1985.
[Act No. XV of 1960]5the occupation of any officer of such Government, thelandlord shall be at liberty to let the building to any tenant orto occupy it himself.(4) (a) The authorised officer may, on receipt of anapplication from the landlord, or on receipt of a directionfrom the Government in pursuance of an application madeto them by the landlord, release a building for theoccupation of the landlord.(b) A landlord who has obtained possession of abuilding in pursuance of an order under clause (a) shalloccupy it himself and if he does not himself occupy it butproposes either to let out or keep vacant the whole or anypart of the building for a period exceeding that permitted bythe authorised officer by order in writing, he shall give noticeas required under sub-section (1) as if the building hasfallen vacant.(c) Where a landlord fails to give intimation to theauthorised officer as required under clause (b), theGovernment or the authorised officer shall have power, if thebuilding is required for any of the purposes, or foroccupation by any of the officers specified in sub-section(3), to give intimation to the landlord that the building is sorequired and thereupon the provisions of sub-sections (6)and (8) shall apply to the building.(5) The landlord shall not let the building to a tenant oroccupy it himself, before the expiry of the period of fifteendays specified in sub-section (3), unless in the meantime hehas received intimation that the building is not required forthe purposes, or for occupation by any of the officers, specified in that sub-section.
6[Act No.XV of 1960](6) If the building is required for any of the purposes orfor occupation by any of the officers specified in sub-section(3), the landlord shall deliver possession of the building tothe authorised officer or to the allottee, named by theauthorised officer, as the case may be, and the Governmentshall be deemed to be the tenant of the landlord, withretrospective effect from the date on which the authorisedofficer received notice under sub-section (1) or sub-section(2), the terms of the tenancy being such as may be agreedupon between the landlord and the tenant and in default ofan agreement, as may be determined by the Controller:Provided that(i) where the landlord fails to deliver possession ofthe building to the authorised officer, within forty-eight hoursof the receipt of the intimation that the building is requiredfor any of the purposes, or for occupation by any of theofficers specified in sub-section (3) or within such furthertime as the authorised officer may by order in writing allow,the Government shall be deemed to be the tenant of thelandlord only from the date on which he deliverspossession;(ii) where owing to any ommission or act orobstructive or preventive tactics on the part of the landlordthere has been delay in coming to a decision whether or notthe building is required for any of the purposes, or foroccupation by any of the officers specified in sub-section(3), the Government shall be deemed to be the tenant of thelandlord only from such later date as may be fixed by theauthorised officer having regard to the circumstances ofeach case;(iii) the rent payable shall be the fair rent, if any, fixedfor the building under the provisions of this Act; and if no fair
[Act No. XV of 1960]7rent has been so fixed, such reasonable rent as theauthorised officer may determine;(iv) the reasonable rent fixed by the authorised officerunder the foregoing proviso shall be subject to such fair rentas may be determined by the Controller;(v) if the building is a residential building, it shall notbe converted into a non-residential building unless thepremission in writing of the Controller is obtained undersection 18;(vi) no structural alterations shall be made in thebuilding, unless the consent of the landlord is also obtainedtherefor.(7) In cases not falling under sub-section (6) where thelandlord, without having occupied the building himself, lets itto any tenant after a notice is given to the authorised officerunder sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), the tenancy shallbe deemed to have been ante-dated by the number of daysduring which the landlord was prohibited from letting thebuilding to any tenant by virtue of sub-section (5) and thetenant shall be liable to pay for those days also.(8) (a) Any officer empowered by the Government in thisbehalf may summarily dispossess(i) any landlord, tenant or other person occupyingany building in contravention of the provisions of this sectionor any landlord who fails to deliver to the Governmentpossession of any building in respect of which they aredeemed to be the tenant by virtue of this section, or(ii) any officer, local authority or public institutioncontinuing to occupy, or failing to deliver possession of, anybuilding in respect of which the Government are deemed to
8[Act No.XV of 1960]be the tenant by virtue of this section, after the termination ofhis or its licence to occupy such building,and take possession of the building including any portionthereof which may have been sub-let.Explanation.- The provisions of this clause shall applyalso to cases which, arose before the date of thecommencement of this Act.(b) If free access to the building is not afforded to theofficer empowered under clause (a) he may after givingreasonable warning and facility to withdraw to any womannot appearing in public according to the customs of thecountry remove or open any lock or bolt or break open anydoor or do any other act necessary for effecting suchdispossession.(c) Any landlord, tenant or other person or any officer,local authority or public institution, liable to be summarilydispossessed under clause (a), shall pay to the Goverment(i) the fair rent payable for the building under theprovisions of this Act for the period of his or its occupationor possession thereof as described in that clause; and(ii) the expenses, if any, incurred by theGovernment in effecting such summary dispossession, asdetermined by them.(9) Nothing in this section shall apply—(a) to a residential building the monthly rent of whichdoes not exceed twenty-five rupees; or(b) to a non-residential building the monthly rent ofwhich, does not exceed fifty rupees; or
[Act No. XV of 1960]9(c) to any building or buildings in the same city, townor village owned by any company, association or firm,whether incorporated or not, and bona fide intended solelyfor the occupation of its officers, servants or agents.4. (1) The Controller shall, on application by the tenant or Determination oflandlord of a building fix the fair rent for such building after fair rent.holding such inquiry as the Controller thinks fit.(2) In fixing the fair rent under this section the Controllershall have due regard(a) to the prevailing rates of rent in the locality for thesame or similar accommodation in similar circumstancesduring the twelve months prior to the 5th April 1944;(b) to the rental value as entered in the property taxassessment book of the concerned local authority relating tothe period mentioned in clause (a);(c) to the circumstances of the case, including anyamount paid by the tenant by way of premium or any otherlike sum in addition to rent after the 5th April 1944;(3) In fixing the fair rent of residential buildings, theController may allow(i) if the rate of rent or rental value referred to in subsection (2) does not exceed twenty-five rupees per mensem,an increase not exceeding 12½ per cent on such rate orrental value;(ii) if the rate of rent or rental value exceeds twentyfive rupees per mensem but does not exceed fifty rupeesper mensem, an increase not exceeding 18 ¾ per cent onsuch rate or rental value;
10[Act No.XV of 1960](iii) if the rate of rent or rental value exceeds fiftyrupees per mensem, an increase not exceeding 37½ percent on such rate or rental value:Provided that in the case of a residential buildingwhich has been constructed after the 5th April 1944, thepercentage of increase shall not exceed 37½, 56¼ and 75respectively.(4) In fixing the fair rent of non-residential building, theController may allow(i) if the rate of rent or rental value referred to in subsection (2) does not exceed fifty rupees per mensem anincrease not exceeding 56 ¼ per cent on such rate or rentalvalue;(ii) if the rate of rent or rental value exceeds fiftyrupees per mensem, an increase not exceeding 75 per centon such rate or rental value:Provided that in the case of a non-residential buildingwhich has been constructed after the 5th Aprll 1944, thepercentage of increase shall not exceed 75 and 150respectively.(5) In the case of a building for which the fair rent hasbeen fixed before the commencement of this Act, theController shall, on the application of the landlord, allowsuch increase in the fair rent as in the opinion of theController the landlord is entitled to under this section.Increase in fairrent in what casesadmissible.5. (1) When the fair rent of a building has been fixed underthis Act no further increase in such fair rent shall bepermissible except in cases where some addition,improvemment or alteration has been carried out at the
[Act No. XV of 1960]11landlord‟s expense and if the building is then in theoccupation of a tenant, at his request:Provided that the increase shall be calculated at a rateper annum not exceeding six per cent of the cost of suchaddition, improvement or alteration carried out and the fairrent as increased under this sub-section shall not exceedthe fair rent payable under this Act for a similar building inthe same locality, with such addition, improvement oralteration:Provided further that any dispute between the landlordand the tenant in regard to any increase claimed under thissub-section shall be decided by the Controller.(2) Where, after the fair rent of a building has been fixedunder this Act, there is a decrease or diminution in theaccommodation or amenities provided, the tenant mayclaim a reduction in the fair rent as so fixed:Provided that any dispute between the landlord and thetenant in regard to any reduction so claimed shall bedecided by the Controller.6. (1) Where the amount of taxes and cesses payable by Increase of rent inthe landlord in respect of any building to a local authority is certain cases.enhanced after the fixation of the fair rent under section 4the landlord shall be entitled to claim half of such excessfrom the tenant in addition to the rent payable for thebuilding under this Act:Provided that such excess shall not be recoverable in sofar as it has resulted from an increase of rent in respect ofthe building.
12[Act No.XV of 1960](2) Any dispute between the landlord and the tenant inregard to any increase claimed under sub-section (1) shallbe decided by the Controller.Landlord not toclaim or receiveany thing inexcess of fair rentor agreed rent.7. (1) Where the Controller has fixed the fair rent of abuilding—(a) the landlord shall not claim, receive or stipulate forthe payment of (i) any premium or other like sum in additionto such fair rent, or (ii) save as provided in section 5 orsection 6, anything in excess of such fair rent:Provided that the landlord may receive, or stipulatefor the payment of, an amount not exceeding one month‟srent, by way of advance;(b) save as provided in clause (a), any premium orother like sum or any rent paid in addition to, or in excess of,such fair rent, whether before or after the commencement ofthis Act, in consideration of the grant, continuance orrenewal of the tenancy of the building after suchcommencement, shall be refunded by the landlord to theperson by whom it was paid or at the option of such person,shall be otherwise adjusted by the landlord:Provided that where before the determination of thefair rent, rent has been paid in excess thereof, the refund oradjustment shall be limited to the amount paid in excess fora period of six months prior to the date of application by thetenant or the landlord under sub-section (1) of section 4 forfixing the fair rent.(2) Where the fair rent of a building has not been sofixed—
[Act No. XV of 1960]13(a) the landlord shall not, after the commencement ofthis Act claim, receive or stipulate for the payment of anypremium or other like sum in addition to the agreed rent:Provided that the landlord may receive, or stipulatefor the payment of, an amount not exceeding one month‟srent by way of advance;(b) save as provided in clause (a), any sum paid inexcess of the agreed rent whether before or after thecommencement of this Act, in consideration of the grant,continuance or renewal of the tenancy of the building aftersuch commencement, shall be refunded by the landlord tothe person by whom it was paid or, at the option of suchperson, shall be otherwise adjusted by the landlord.(3) Any stipulation in contravention of sub-section (1) orsub-section (2) shall be null and void.8. (1) Every tenant who makes a payment on account of Right of tenantrent or advance shall be entitled to obtain a receipt for the paying rent oradvance toamount paid duly signed by the landlord or his authorised receipt.agent.(2) Where a landlord refuses to accept, or evades thereceipt of, any rent lawfully payable to him by a, tenant inrespect of any building, the tenant may, by notice in writing,require the landlord to specify within ten days from the dateof receipt of the notice by him, a bank into which the rentmay be deposited by the tenant to the credit of the landlord:Provided that such bank shall be one situated in thecity, town or village in which the building is situated or ifthere is no such bank in such city, town or village withinthree miles of the limits thereof.
14[Act No.XV of 1960]Explanation.- It shall be open to the landlord to specifyfrom time to time by a written notice to the tenant andsubject to the proviso aforesaid, a bank different from theone already specified by him under this sub-section.(3) If the landlord specifies a bank as aforesaid thetenant shall deposit the rent in the bank and shall continueto deposit in it any rent which may subsequently becomedue in respect of the building.(4) If the landlord does not specify a bank as aforesaid,the tenant shall remit the rent to the landlord by moneyorder, after deducting the money order commission andcontinue to remit any rent which may subsequently becomedue in respect of the building in the same manner until thelandlord signifies by a written notice to the tenant hiswillingness to accept the rent or specifies a bank in whichthe rent shall be deposited in accordance with theprovisions of sub-section (2).(5) If the landlord refuses to receive the rent remitted bymoney order under sub-section (4), the tenant may depositthe rent before such authority and in such manner as maybe prescribed, and continue to deposit any rent which maysubsequently become due in respect of the building, beforethe same authority and in the same manner; and theamount deposited may, subject to such conditions as maybe prescribed, be withdrawn by the person held by thecontroller, to be entitled to the amount on application madeby such person to the controller in that behalf.Right of tenant todeposit rent incertain cases.9. (1) Where the address of the landlord or his authorisedagent is not known to the tenant, he may deposit the rentlawfully payable to the landlord in respect of the building,before such authority and in such manner as may beprescribed, and continue to deposit any rent which maysubsequently become due in respect of the building, before
[Act No. XV of 1960]15the same authority and in the same manner until theaddress of the landlord or his authorised agent becomesknown to the tenant.(2) The amount deposited under sub-section (1) may,subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, bewithdrawn by the person held by the controller to be entitledto the amount on application made by such person to theController in that behalf.(3) Where any bona fide doubt or dispute arises as tothe person who is entitled to receive the rent for any buildingthe tenant may deposit such rent before such authority andin such manner as may be prescribed and shall report to theController the circumstances under which such deposit wasmade by him, and may continue to deposit any rent whichmay subsequently become due in respect of the buildingbefore the same authority and in the same manner until thedoubt is removed or the dispute is settled by the decision ofa competent Court or by a settlement between the parties oruntil the Controller makes an order under clause (b) of subsection (4), as the case may be.(4) (a) The Controller to whom a report is made undersub-section (3) shall, if satisfied that a bona fide doubt ordispute exists in the matter, direct that, pending removal ofthe doubt or settlement of the dispute as aforesaid, thedeposit be held by the authority concerned.(b) If the Controller is not so satisfied, he shallforthwith order payment of the amount deposited to thelandlord.(5) Where the Controller passes an order under clause(a) of sub-section (4) any amount or amounts depositedunder sub-section (3) may be withdrawn only by the personwho is declared by a competent Court to be entitled thereto,
16[Act No.XV of 1960]or in case the doubt or dispute is removed by a settlementbetween the parties, only by the person who is held by theController to be entitled to the amount or amounts inaccordance with such settlement.Eviction oftenants.10. (1) A tenant shall not be evicted whether in execution ofa decree or otherwise except in accordance with theprovisions of this section or sections 12 and 13:Provided that where the tenant denies the title of thelandlord or claims right of permanent tenancy, the Controllershall decide whether the denial or claim is bona fide and ifhe records a finding to that effect, the landlord shall beentitied to sue for eviction of the tenant in a Civil Court andthe Court may pass a decree for eviction on any of thegrounds mentioned in the said sections, notwithstandingthat the Court finds that such denial does not involveforfeiture of the lease or that the claim is unfounded.(2) A landlord who seeks to evict his tenant shall applyto the Controller for a direction in that behalf. If theController after giving the tenant a reasonable opportunity ofshowing cause against the application, is satisfied(i) that the tenant has not paid or tendered the rentdue by him in respect of the building within fifteen days afterthe expiry of the time fixed in the agreement of tenancy withhis landlord or in the absence of any such agreement, bythe last day of the month next following that for which therent is payable, or(ii) that the tenant has, in the Andhra area, after the23rd October, 1945, and in the Telangana area aftercommencement of the Hyderabad Houses Rent ControlOrder of 1353 Fasli, without the written consent of thelandlord-
[Act No. XV of 1960]17(a) transferred his right under the lease or sub-letthe entire building or any portion thereof if the lease doesnot confer on him any right to do so, or(b) used the building for a purpose other than thatfor which it was leased, or(iii) that the tenant has committed such acts of wasteas are likely to impair materially the value or utility of thebuilding, or(iv) that the tenant has been guilty of such acts andconduct which are a nuisance to the occupiers of otherportions in the same building or of buildings in theneighbourhood, or(v) that the tenant has secured alternative building orceased to occupy the building for a, continuous period offour months without reasonable cause, or(vi) that the tenant has denied the title of the landlordor claimed a right of permanent tenancy and that suchdenial or claim was not bona fide,the Controller shall make an order directing the tenant to putthe landlord in possession of the building and if theController is not so satisfied, he shall make an orderrejecting the application:Provided that in any case falling under clause (i), if theController is satisfied that the tenant‟s default to pay ortender rent was not wilful, he may notwithstanding anythingin section 11, give the tenant a reasonable time, notexceeding fifteen days, to pay or tender the rent due by bimto the landlord up to the date of such payment or tender andon such payment or tender, the application shall berejected.
18[Act No.XV of 1960](3) (a) A landlord may, subject to the provisions ofclause (d), apply to the Controller for an order directing thetenant to put the landlord in possession of the building(i) in case it is a residential building—(a) if the landlord is not occupying a residentialbuilding of his own in the city, town or village concernedand he requires it for his own occupation;(b) if the landlord who has more buildings thanone in the city, town or village concerned is in occupation ofone such building and he bona fide requires anotherbuilding instead, for his own occupation;(ii) in case it is a non-residential building which isused for the purpose of keeping a vehicle or adapted forsuch use, if the landlord requires it for his own use and if heis not occupying any such building in the city, town orvillage concerned which is his own or the possession ofwhich he is entitled whether under this Act or otherwise;(iii) in case it is any other non-residential building, ifthe landlord is not occupying a non-residential building inthe city, town or village concerned which is his own or to thepossession of which he is entitled whether under this Act orotherwise(a) for the purpose of a business which he iscarrying on, on the date of the application, or(b) for the purpose of a business which in the
4. Determination of fair rent. 5. Increase in fair rent in what cases admissible. 6. Increase of rent in certain cases. 7. Landlord not to claim or receive any thing in excess of fair rent or agreed rent. 8. Right of tenant paying rent or advance to receipt. 9. Right of tenant to deposit rent in certain cases. 10. Eviction of tenants. 10-A.
May 02, 2018 · D. Program Evaluation ͟The organization has provided a description of the framework for how each program will be evaluated. The framework should include all the elements below: ͟The evaluation methods are cost-effective for the organization ͟Quantitative and qualitative data is being collected (at Basics tier, data collection must have begun)
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Once the lease is active, SAP Lease Administration can handle certain events such as lease modifications; we ll manage those in Section 7.4. 7.1 Master Lease Agreement The master lease agreement (MLA) is an umbrella agr eement for multiple lease con-tracts and is also where the lease hierarch y is defined. You can enter an MLA manu-
Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được
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