Minerals Management ServiceDEEPWATER RISER DESIGN, FATIGUELIFE AND STANDARDS STUDYREPORTTA&R Project Number 572Document No.86330-20-R-RP-005122 OCT 2007Issue for MMS ApprovalG. MansourP. JukesJ. Skinner05 OCT 2007Draft Issue for MMS ReviewG. MansourP. JukesJ. SkinnerM ElseREVDATEORIGCHKAPPRMMSISSUE STATUS CODEJP Kenny, Inc.17404 Katy Freeway, Suite 350,Houston, TX 77094, USADocument NumberProjectAreaDisciplineTypeSeq. No.Rev.8633020RRP0051
Project Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards StudyProject Description: Provide Recommendations and Comments for Riser GuidanceDocument Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards Study Report86330-20-R-RP-005Revision 1Page 2 of 98TABLE OF CONTENTSSECTIONTITLEPAGE1.STUDY OVERVIEW . 62.STUDY SCOPE DESCRIPTION . 73.DATA GATHERING REVIEW. 94.4.1REPORTED RISER FAILURE DATA REVIEW. 11Industry Reports of Deepwater Riser System Component Failures. 114.1.1 Flexible Joint (FJ) Reported Failures . 114.1.2 Tapered Stress Joint (TSJ) Reported Failures. 134.1.3 Flexible Riser Failures . 144.1.4 Strake Installation Report Failures . 155.INDUSTRY CURRENT PRACTICES AND OPINION. 176.6.1REGULATORY CODES AND STANDARDS AND PRACTICES . 20Regulatory Jurisdiction . 206.1.1 MMS . 206.1.2 PHMSA . 216.1.3 Riser Standards and Practice Approval . RISER OVERVIEW - SCR SYSTEMS. 23Introduction . 23SCR Configuration. 24SCR Pipe . 25External Coating . 26SCR Interface with the Hull . 26J-lay Collars . 28Buckle arrestors. 28Anodes. 29Buoyancy Modules . 29VIV Suppression Devices . 29VIV Suppression Devices Status in the Industry . DESIGN CRITERIA . 31Wall Thickness . 31Anti-Corrosion and Thermal Insulation Design Criteria . 31Strength Design Criteria . 31Fatigue Design Criteria. 31VIV Design Criteria . 32Clashing Design Criteria. 32Hydrostatic Testing. 33Installation and Fabrication Tolerance . 339. ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY . 34SCR Model . 34Soil-Pipe Interaction . 34Load Case Matrix . 349.3.1 Strength Analysis. 349.3.2 VIV Fatigue Analysis . 349.3.3 Wave Fatigue Analysis . 359.3.4 Clashing Analysis . 35Global Dynamic Analysis. 359.4.1 Strength Analysis. 359.4.2 VIV Analysis . 359.4.3 Wave Fatigue Analysis . 359.4
Project Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards StudyProject Description: Provide Recommendations and Comments for Riser GuidanceDocument Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards Study Report9.586330-20-R-RP-005Revision 1Page 3 of 989.4.4 Clashing Analysis . 359.4.5 Sensitivity Checks . 36Fatigue Damage Calculation . 369.5.1 VIV Fatigue Damage Calculation . 369.5.2 Wave Fatigue Damage Calculation. 369.5.3 Combined Fatigue Life Calculation . 3610. 38S-N Curves . 38Weld Qualification Procedure . 38Fatigue Testing . 38Engineering Critical Assessment. 3911. RISER OVERVIEW - FCR SYSTEMS. 40Introduction . 40FCR Configuration. 41FCR Pipe . 42FCR Interface with the Hull. 43FCR Interface with Other Structures . 45Buoyancy Modules . 46VIV Suppression Devices . 4612. DESIGN CRITERIA . 47Cross Section . 47Anti-Corrosion and Thermal Insulation Design Criteria . 48Strength Design Criteria . 48Fatigue Design Criteria. 48VIV Design Criteria . 49Clashing Design Criteria. 49Hydrostatic Testing. 49Installation and Fabrication Tolerance . 4913.FCR ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY . 5014. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY . 51Working Stress Design . 51Limit State Design . 5114.2.1 Ultimate Limit State (ULS) . 5314.2.2 Fatigue Limit State (FLS). 5314.2.3 Serviceability Limit State (SLS) . 5314.2.4 Special Limit States . 53WSD versus LSD. 54Mixing WSD and LSD. 54Time Domain versus Frequency Domain . 55Coupled and Pseudo-Coupled Analyses. 5515. RELEVANT ISSUES . 57New Hurricane Criteria . 57Metocean Criteria Hot Spots . 57Submerged and Bottom Currents. 57Sour Contents and Seawater Effects on Fatigue for SCRs . 59Fatigue S-N Curves for FCRs. 59Touchdown Area . 60Cathodic Protection (CP). 60Pipe Materials . 61Marine Growth . 6116.RISER ANALYSIS SOFTWARE. 6317.RISER INSPECTION, MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING REVIEW . 65
Project Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards StudyProject Description: Provide Recommendations and Comments for Riser GuidanceDocument Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards Study Report86330-20-R-RP-005Revision 1Page 4 of 9817.117.217.317.4Riser IM Objectives . 65Riser IM Approach. 67Risk based Approach . 68Riser Monitoring . 7217.4.1 Value of Riser Monitoring . 7318.CONCLUSIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTARY . 7519.REFERENCES . 78APPENDIX A – WORKSHOP. 81APPENDIX B – DATA GATHERING- PAPER SYNOPSIS . 91
Project Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards StudyProject Description: Provide Recommendations and Comments for Riser GuidanceDocument Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards Study Report86330-20-R-RP-005Revision 1Page 5 of 98LIST OF TABLES & FIGURES3.1: Documents and Publication Review . 9Table 8.1: Design Case Factors and Allowable Stress [Ref. 2] . 31Table 12.1: Flexible Pipe Layer Design Criteria [Ref. 4]. 47Table 14.1: Design Case Factors and Allowable Stress [Ref. 2] . 51Table 16.1: Riser Analysis Software . 63Table 16.2: VIV Analysis Software. 63Figure 4.1: Fatigue Crack Initiation in a Failed Flexible Joint Flexible Element [Ref. 20]. 12Figure 4.2: Leak during Hydrotesting at the Top Flange of a Tapered Stress Joint (Confidential Source). 13Figure 4.3: Crack at the Top Flange Neck of a Tapered Stress Joint (Confidential Source) . 14Figure 4.4: Shroud Installed on TSJ (Credit: RTI Energy Systems) . 14Figure 4.5: External Sheathing and Tensile Armor Wire Failure Due to Abrasion [Ref. 22]. 15Figure 4.6: Tensile Armor Wire Failure at End Fitting [Ref. 22] . 15Figure 7.7.1: SCR Elevation Schematic (Credit: API RP 2RD) . 25Figure 7.7.2: Schematic of a Typical Flexible Joint (Credit: API RP 2RD) . 27Figure 7.7.3: Schematic of a Typical Steel Stress Joint (Credit: RTI Energy Systems) . 28Figure 11.1: Flexible Riser Configurations (Credit: API RP 2RD). 42Figure 11.2: Typical FCR Cross Section Structure (Credit: API RP 17B) . 43Figure 11.11.3: Schematic of a Typical FCR Hang-off Structure (Credit: API RP 17B) . 44Figure 11.4: Schematic of a Typical End Fitting (Credit: API RP 17B). 45Figure 11.5: Schematic of a Typical Bend Stiffener (Credit: API RP 17B) . 45Figure 11.6: Schematic of a Bellmouth (Credit: API RP 17B). 45Figure 11.7: Schematic of a Typical Bend Restrictor (Credit: API RP 17B) . 46Figure 11.8: Schematic of a Typical Buoyancy Module (Credit: API RP 17B) . 46Figure 14.1: Limit State Design Approach (Credit: DnV) . 53Figure 15.1: Sigsbee Escarpment (Credit: NOAA, Ocean Explorer) . 58Figure 17.1: IM Failure Rate over Asset Lifetime . 66Figure 17.2: Typical RIM Workflow . 67Figure 17.3: Continuous Risk Reduction . 68Figure 17.4: Risk Based Approach . 69Figure 17.5: Incident Barriers & Recovery Measures . 70Figure 17.6: Incident Barriers & Recovery Measures . 71Figure 17.7: Example Bow Tie Diagram . 72
Project Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards StudyProject Description: Provide Recommendations and Comments for Riser GuidanceDocument Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards Study Report1.86330-20-R-RP-005Revision 1Page 6 of 98Study OverviewThis study has been completed on behalf of the Department of Interior, MineralsManagement Service (MMS) Technology Assessment and Research (TA&R) Program,Operational Safety and Engineering Research (OSER).The study includes a review of the current industry practices for the analysis and designof pipeline risers on floating structures, design criteria, design philosophies, analysismethodology, and review of the reported failures. It also includes a general review of theregulatory requirements, special issues that affect the analysis and design of risers,inspection, monitoring, and integrity management. All in an effort for this study to form abasis for useful input for riser design and analysis, future studies, and regulatoryguidance.The primary focus of this study is deepwater steel catenary riser (SCR) and flexiblecatenary riser (FCR) systems. Figure 1.1 illustrates the types of floating production unitsassociated with such riser systems.Figure: 1.1 – Pipeline Riser FocusIn the course of this study, the project team interviewed government and industry staffand reviewed documentation of reported failures and repairs in an attempt to betterunderstand and improve the current practice. A literature search was conducted, theMMS damage database was reviewed, industry surveys were performed and aworkshop was held.The study team appreciated the time and support effort from a number of companieswhich participated and contributed to this JP Kenney study. These firms included BP,BHP, Cuneiform Engineering, Enbridge, Enterprise, Fluor, Helix, KBR, MCS, J RayMcDermott, Shell, Technip and Williams.
Project Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards StudyProject Description: Provide Recommendations and Comments for Riser GuidanceDocument Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards Study Report2.86330-20-R-RP-005Revision 1Page 7 of 98Study Scope DescriptionThe study was comprised of four interim tasks integrated into a final summary report onSCR and FCR systems that focused on current “regulatory requirements as compared tobest available, safe practices (BASP)”; including conclusions, recommendations, andcommentary.The study scope involved gathering industry input on current BASP regarding riserdesign, including fatigue evaluation and mitigation. Specifically, the study scopeincluded the following: A workshop and gathering of industry input designed to identify the areas thatare of concern to industry and thereby focus on the key issues and prioritizeareas for improvement and development in current practices; Research into past riser system failures and investigation of the root causes. Theinformation sources utilized to carry out this activity included MMS damagedatabase queries, data gathering, industry surveys, interviews and acollaborative workshop. This research also covered the issues associated withmarine growth and risk imposed when fouling interferes with fatigue suppressionand other systems that may not necessarily have resulted in a failure; A general review of existing regulations for deepwater infield and export SCRand FCRs as governed by 30CFR250, 49CFR192, and 49CFR195 andassociated recommended practices (RPs) such as API RP 2RD and API RP 17J; An overview of typical SCR and FCR systems and components; An overview of the current industry practices for design and analysis of SCR andFCR systems; A general overview of deepwater riser design and in-service risk mitigationcovering the risk based approaches used by industry to incorporate redundancyand establish acceptable safety factors in critical system areas; and focusing oninstrumented risers and the benefits and limitations associated with monitoringtechnology and its value proposition; An overview of design approaches covering the current working stress design(WSD) methodology employed by most domestic RP guidance documents andthe limit state design (LSD) methodology;
Project Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards StudyProject Description: Provide Recommendations and Comments for Riser GuidanceDocument Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards Study Report86330-20-R-RP-005Revision 1Page 8 of 98 An overview of time domain (TD) and frequency domain (FD) analysisapproaches and special issues affecting risers (coupled analysis, revisedhurricane criteria, submerged and bottom currents, effect of contents andseawater on fatigue, cathodic protection, etc.); An assessment of accuracy on past riser monitored performance data versuspredicted FEA model response and potential impact on safely factors.A compilation of the noted scope elements; conclusions, commentary andrecommendations are presented hereafter. Suggested areas for future research basedon the findings and industry statement gathered from the workshop and interviews arealso provided. The resulting conclusions, recommendations and comments are intendedto provide useful input for riser design and analysis, future studies, and updates ofexisting codes or RPs.
Project Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards StudyProject Description: Provide Recommendations and Comments for Riser GuidanceDocument Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards Study Report3.86330-20-R-RP-005Revision 1Page 9 of 98Data Gathering ReviewThe literature and publication review began in March 2007. Various publications, papersand proceedings were gathered regarding deepwater pipeline riser design, analysis,fatigue issues, verification, integrity management and monitoring.A large number of papers and proceedings have been identified and reviewed. Many ofthese are being used as source material for study investigation.The following list is an excerpt of some of the documents and publications that weregathered. A brief synopsis of each referenced paper is listed in Appendix C.3.1: Documents and Publication ReviewTitleRiser TypeAreaAdvances in the Design and Application of SCRFlexjointsSCRDesign Approach, FatigueVortex-Induced Vibrations of RisersSCRDesign Approach, FatigueSimulation of Riser VIV Using Fully ThreeDimensional CFD SimulationsSCRFatigue AnalysisRiser Design Guidance (Proprietary) (Select, genericportions of company documentation was shared)SCRDesign Approach, FatigueRiser IM Guidance (Proprietary) (Select, genericportions of company documentation was shared)SCRIntegrity ManagementIndependence Hub Flowline SCRs: Design,Fabrication, and Installation ChallengesSCRDesign, Fabrication,Installation Approach,FatigueSurface Monitoring Techniques for a ContinuousFlexible Riser Integrity AssessmentFLEXIM, Repair ,MonitoringRiser Integrity Management – Recent Advances inthe Deepwater Industry PracticeSCRIM, Repair ,MonitoringIntegrated Approach to Riser Design and IntegrityMonitoringSCRIM, Repair ,MonitoringBP Production Company – Riser AssuranceSCRIM, Repair ,MonitoringReview and Evaluation of Riser Integrity MonitoringSystems and Data ProcessingSCRIM, Repair ,MonitoringFatigue Life Assessment of Reeled RisersFLEXDesign Approach, FatigueFatigue Analysis of Unbonded Flexible Risers withIrregular Seas and HysteresisFLEXFatigue Analysis, IrregularSeasRiser Strategies: Fatigue Testing and AnalysisMethodologies for Flexible RisersFLEXFatigue Analysis, DesignApproach
Project Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards StudyProject Description: Provide Recommendations and Comments for Riser GuidanceDocument Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards Study Report86330-20-R-RP-005Revision 1Page 10 of 98Internal Flow Induced Pulsation of Flexible RisersFLEXDesign ApproachDeepwater Riser VIV Assessment by Using a TimeDomain Simulation ApproachSCRAnalysis MethodsSteel Catenary Risers Challenges and Solutions forDeepwater ApplicationsSCRAnalysis MethodIndependence Trail – Steel Catenary Risers Designand MaterialsSCRAnalysis MethodRiser Soil Interaction in Soft Clay Near theTouchdown ZoneSCREnvironment, AnalysisMethodEvaluation and Comparison of Hurricane InducedDamage to Offshore GoM Pipelines from HurricaneLiliSCREnvironment, MetoceanSteel Catenary Riser Touchdown Point VerticalInteraction ModelsSCRAnalysis Method
Project Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards StudyProject Description: Provide Recommendations and Comments for Riser GuidanceDocument Title:Deepwater Riser Design, Fatigue Life and Standards Study Report4.86330-20-R-RP-005Revision 1Page 11 of 98Reported Riser Failure Data ReviewBased on industry feedback and study team failure data review, deepwater riser damageexperience is insufficient to draw any conclusions as to suggest a need for revision tocurrent practices. Collection of operator failure experience and root cause analysisprovide continued learning to support any needed additions or modifications to RPs.Consideration should be given to development of an informal data sharing and collectionfor near misses and lessons learned, in addition to the data collected as part of damagereports currently used to capture failure data of this nature.As SCR’s have only been in use slightly more than a decade, it will take more time andindustry experience to capture statistically significant damage data from which to drawconclusions with respect to the actual failure modes of SCRs. Damage reports from theindustry on specific failures including flexible joints (FJs), tapered stress joints (TSJs)were reviewed. Some of these issues are confidential and are the subject of an industryJIP.4.1Industry Reports of Deepwater Riser System Component FailuresFortunately, there have been no reported major failures of deepwater GoM SCR or FCRsystems in operation. However, minor failures or problems with a few export riserFlexible joints (FJs) in operation and a few tapered stress joints (TSJs) and vortexinduced vibration (VIV) suppression device installations were reported. These minorfailures did not result in a hazard to the environment or injury to people.4.1.1Flexible Joint (FJ) Reported FailuresThere have been a few FJ failures reported in recent years, some resulting in minor oilleaks; the MMS issued an alert in 2004 [Ref. 19]. A typical failure is shown in Figure 4.1.
Project Title:D
Minerals Management Service DEEPWATER RISER DESIGN, FATIGUE LIFE AND STANDARDS STUDY REPORT TA&R Project Number 572 Document No. 86330-20-R-RP-005 1 22 OCT 2007 Issue for MMS Approval G. Mansour P. Jukes J. Skinner 0 5 OCT 2007 Draft Issue for MMS Review G. Mansour P. Jukes J. Skinner M Else REV DATE ISSUE STATUS CODE ORIG CHK APPR MMS .
General design rules for riser necks used in iron castings; a. general riser b. side riser for plates c. top round riser Risers and Riser Design . Mech 423 #2 2 Figure 5.10 (a) Castings with blind feeders, F2 is correctly vented but has mixed results on sections S3 . metal velocity and turbulence
S4 / S6 Riser Kits Installation 9329-66144-00 REV A 1 S4/S6 Riser Kit Installation This document provides instructions for inst alling Riser Kits in an Avid S4 or S6 c ontrol surface. Riser Ki ts raise modules whe n a better viewing and interaction angle is desi red. Riser Kits for S4 and S6 include 1- bay and 2-bay kits.
connected drilling riser. A typical drilling riser stack-up is shown in Figure 1. Waves cause vessel surge and sway motions which are then transferred to the top of the drilling riser. Additionally, there is direct hydrodynamic load on the riser from the waves. Vortex-induced vibration (VIV) is another source of riser motions.
k. Riser clamps for bare cast iron pipe shall be Anvil Fig. 261 steel riser clamps. Locate under coupling or bell of pipe. l. Riser clamps for bare plastic pipe shall be Anvil Fig. 261 steel riser clamps. m. Riser clamps for bare stainless steel
the looped fire line to provide for isolation of the fire line. 5. fire sprinkler lines shall have a riser control piv for each individual riser. the piv's shall be located as close to the riser as practical. the riser control piv's may be eliminated when fd105 is used. fire sprinkler (fs) system riser (fd105) shall be shown on 6.
DNVGL-RP-F113 Pipeline subsea repair DNVGL-RP-F203 Riser interference DNVGL-RP-F204 Riser fatigue DNVGL-RP-F205 Global performance analysis of deepwater floating structures DNVGL-RP-N101 Risk management in
Application of ASME Fatigue Code: 3-F.1 ASME Smooth Bar Fatigue Curves Alternative Effective Stress vs Fatigue Cycles (S-N Curve) With your weld quality level assessed and an accurate FEA stress number, one can use the ASME fatigue curve to calculate the number of Fatigue Cycles. In our prior example, the fatigue stress could be 25.5 ksi or as .
AutoCAD 2000 Learning Assistance, provided on a separate CD, is a multi-media learning tool that focuses on working in AutoCAD, understanding dif-ficult concepts and underutilized AutoCAD features, and collaborating with other AutoCAD professionals. AutoCAD Training Autodesk Official Training Courseware (AOTC) is the Autodesk-endorsed courseware for instructor-led training. To register for a .