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BOSTON COLLEGEWILLIAM F. CONNELL SCHOOL OF NURSINGChestnut Hill, MA 02467CURRICULUM VITAECALLISTA ROY, PhD, RN, FAANEDUCATION:1983198519771973197019661963Post DocFellowPh.D.M.A.M.S.B.A.University of California, San Francisco; Neuroscience Nursing/EthicsResearch AdministrationUniversity of California, Los Angeles; SociologyUniversity of California, Los Angeles; Sociology – Self and Role SystemsMount Saint Mary's College, Los Angeles, California; Sociology majorUniversity of California, Los Angeles; Nursing – Pediatrics and MaternityMount Saint Mary's College, Los Angeles, California; NursingPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:1987-presentProfessor and Nurse Theorist; Boston College School of Nursing, Chestnut Hill, MA1987Tenure Granted, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA2007-presentFaculty Senior Scientist, Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, Boston, MA1987-presentResearch Professor in Nursing; Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA2008-presentVisiting Professor, St. Mary's College, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan2000-2006Clinical Associate Staff; Department of Nursing, Massachusetts General Hospital.2004Consulting professor, Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon Monterey, Mexico, designand teaching, course on Philosophy of Nursing Knowledge in first PhD program in Mexico1987-95Neuroscience Nursing Staff Privileges, Beth Israel Hospital Nursing Services and the Centerfor the Advancement of Nursing Practice, Boston, MA1986-87Associate Research Nurse, Department of Neurosurgery; School of Medicine, University ofCalifornia, San Francisco1986Distinguished Visiting Professor; School of Nursing, Vanderbilt University1985-86Associate Research Nurse; Department of Physiological Nursing, University of California,San Francisco1985Visiting Professor; School of Nursing, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA1985-86Lecturer; School of Nursing, University of San Francisco1985Guest Faculty; University of Lund, Malmo School of Education, Department of Nursing1983Professor; Department of Nursing, Mount Saint Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA1983Visiting Professor; University of Conception, Conception, Chile1982-83Scholar in Residence; Department of Nursing, Mount Saint Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA1979Tenure Granted, Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles, CA1983Tenure Granted, University of Portland, OR1979-83Associate Professor; Department of Nursing, Mount Saint Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA1983-85Adjunct Professor; School of Nursing, University of Portland, OR1977-82Adjunct Associate Professor; School of Nursing, University of Portland, OR

C.V.C. Roy-2-1977-82/1971-74 Chair; Department of Nursing, Mount Saint Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA1969-73Curriculum Coordinator; Department of Nursing, Mount Saint Mary's College, Los Angeles,CA1966-79Instructor and Assistant Professor; Pediatric, Maternity and Medical-Surgical Nursing;Mount Saint Mary's College, Los Angeles, CA1966Acting Director of Nursing; St. Joseph's Hospital, Lewiston, ID1963-64Staff and Charge Nurse; Pediatric Nursing, Intensive Care and Medical-Surgical Nursing, St.Mary's Hospital, Tucson, AZ1963Staff Nurse; Medical-Surgical Nursing, St. Joseph's Hospital, Lewiston, IDHONORS AND AWARDS:2014Mary Starke Harper Leadership Interviewee, Hartford Center of Gerontological NursingAcademic Leadership. November 4, 2014.2013Distinguished Graduate Award, Bishop Conaty/Our Lady of Loretto High School.September 28, 2013.2013Alumni Award for Professional Achievement, University of California, Los Angeles2013Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters, Holy Family University. May 18, 2013.2013Excellence in Nursing, The University of Antioquia, Medellin Colombia. March 8, 2013.2011The Faculty Senior Scientist Poster Exemplar Award, Yvonne L. Munn Center for NursingResearch and the Nursing Research Expo Committee, Massachusetts General HospitalMay 4, 20112011The Sigma Mentor Award, Sigma Theta Tau International Alpha Chi Chapter. BostonCollege, Chestnut Hill, MA April 27, 20112010Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame, Sigma Theta Tau International, Honor Society of Nursing(inaugural inductee one of 10)2010Featured in UCLA School of Nursing 60th Anniversary Edition Magazine in “Sixty Whohave Made a Difference”2009Honored at University of Tamaulipas, MX with gift of University President’s pin2009Honored with a commemorative ceremony and a dedication of a bridge connecting thenew development of graduate program buildings to the existing undergraduatebuildings at St. Mary’s College in Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan on Tuesday, June 30, 2009.The Distinguished Nurse Scholar Award, Framingham State College Nursing Department,Framingham, MA, April 1620092008Nursing Department Distinguished Award, University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, Arecibo,Puerto Rico, May 22008Living Legend in Massachusetts Nursing recognition, Massachusetts Association ofRegistered Nurses, Dedham, MA, April 252007Living Legend recognition, American Academy of Nursing, Annual Conference,Washington, DC, November 82006University Distinguished Teaching Award, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA2006Distinguished Lecturer, Regis College, Weston, MA2006Massachusetts Department of Corrections, Volunteer, Commissioner RecognitionCeremony, State House, Boston, MA, June

C.V.C. Roy-3-200615th Anniversary Visiting Professor, La Sabana University, Chia, Columbia. Voted by the2003University Governing Board and awarded by the President, MarchDistinguished Friend of Nursing Award, Minnesota State University, Mankato,Minnesota2003Doctorate of Humane Letters, 50th Anniversary of the St. Anselm’s Department ofNursing, Manchester, NH2000Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit Universities Faculty Book Award in Science for Roy AdaptationModel-Based Research: 25 Years of Contributions to Nursing Science published by SigmaTheta Tau International1999Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa, St. Joseph’s College, Standish, ME1999Invited scholar of the Ministry of University Affairs, Thailand, for 4-day seminar on RoyAdaptation Model: A Tool for Nursing Science Development, Mahidol University,Bangkok, with 300 participating nurse leaders, educators from 19 schools1998O’Connor Chair Lecture Series, Philosophical Perspectives of the Person as an AdaptiveSystem, Oneonta, NY1995Carondelet Medal, Mount St. Mary’s College, Outstanding contribution to education forwomen, ethics, cultural diversity1991-1994Annual Sr. Callista Roy Lectureships at Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles, CA1994Florida International University, honoree at reception for leaders of nursing in the Stateof Florida1994Signatures provided for Sigma Theta Tau, Nurse Theorists Quilt1993Best dissertation of biennium, Sigma Theta Tau International, awarded to Dr. KarenHassey-Dow, C. Roy, dissertation committee chair, Indianapolis, IN1992Visiting Scholar. Thomas Jefferson University, PA1992Conversations with Dr. Callista Roy, Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Beta and Eta OmegaChapters1992Commentary on Florence Nightingale, Notes on Nursing Commemorative Edition,Philadelphia: Lippincott1991Martha Rogers Award for advancing nursing science, National League for NursingBiennial Convention, Nashville TN1991Outstanding Alumnae, gold medal for contributions to ones profession; Mount SaintMary's College, Founders Day Celebration1991The Nurse Theorists: Excellence in Action, Sr. Callista Roy, filmed at Montefiore HospitalNY, Sharp Hospital, San Diego and Mount St. Mary's College, Los Angeles, pilot forseries, Studio Three, Oakland, CA., funded by The Helen Fuld Foundation1989Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, Australian-American Educational Foundation1989International Tree Planting, Public Park, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia1990,89,88,86Who's Who in American Nursing1988Included in anthology of nurse leaders, Making choices, taking chances (Schorr, T. andZimmerman, A. Eds.) Mosby, pp. 291-298.1989The Nurse Theorists: Portraits of Excellence, Sr. Callista Roy, filmed San FranciscoGeneral Hospital, produced by as part of award winning series, Studio Three, Oakland,CA, funded by The Helen Fuld Foundation

C.V.C. Roy-4-1987Sr. Callista Roy Library, built at Community Health Post, Freetown, Sierra Leone, WestAfrica1987Nursing Theory: A Circle of Knowledge, C. Roy interview and neuro clinical practice andresearch filmed by the National League for Nursing at San Francisco General Hospital1986American Journal of Nursing Books of the Year Award for Essentials of the RoyAdaptation Model (with H. Andrews). Appleton-Lange.1985Honorary Doctor of Science, Eastern Michigan University (fellow honoree, U.S. SurgeonGeneral C. Everett Koop)1984Inaugural Address, Geraldine Crawford Distinguished Nursing Lecture Series, School ofNursing, University of San Francisco1984Distinguished Visiting Anise J. Sorrell Professor to the School of Nursing, Troy StateUniversity, AL1984Outstanding Contribution Award, North American Nursing Diagnosis Association1984Distinguished Nurse Lecturer, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA.1983Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa, Alverno College1983-85Robert Wood Johnson, Clinical Nurse Scholar1981Oral History, National Nursing Archives, Boston University1981Sigma Theta Tau, National Founder's Award for Excellence in Fostering ProfessionalNursing Standards1978Fellow of American Academy of Nursing1978World Who's Who of Women in Education1978-79Personalities of America1979Who's Who in California1979World's Who's Who of Women1977Sigma Theta Tau, Nursing Honor Society, Gamma Tau Chapter1976Isabel Hampton Robb Memorial Award, American Nurses Fund1974Faculty Achievement Award Mount Saint Mary's College1965Outstanding Graduate Student, Faculty Gold Medal, School of Nursing, University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles1963Delta Epsilon Sigma, Scholastic Honor SocietyRESEARCH AND TRAINING GRANTS:2014Knowledge of the Roy Adaptation Model, Coping, and Cultural Characteristics Of Patients WithHeart Failure and Impact on Adaptation To The Condition , Supervisor for Gulcan Bakan, Postdoctoral Fellow, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, Funded by Tubitak, 7 months2009-2013Meta-analysis of intervention research based on the Roy Adaptation Model (with P.Senesac, S. Barone, D. Hanna, & E. Long, UG Research Fellows Program, costs funded byRoy Adaptation Association, with base at Boston College).2000 – 2009Improving Cognitive Recovery of Patients with Mild Head Injury Using a Protocol ofInterventions in Collaboration with Families: A Pilot Investigation, Emergency NursesFoundation, 10,000

C.V.C. Roy-5-2008-2009Use of Nursing Theory in Nursing Education: National online Survey (with ElizabethJohnson, UG Research Fellows Program)1996-2013Nurse Theorist annual grant from the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet(June 1, 2006 – May 31, 2013)2007-2008Research mentorship, Senior Fulbright Fellow Eunkwang “Gloria” Yoo, Korea, onDeveloping an Integrated Theoretical Foundation for Holistic Health Applicable in Korea2006Assessment of International Views on Doctoral Mentoring, including a 2-round USDelphi study, data from 10 countries synthesized in position paper. InternationalNetwork for Doctoral Education (INDEN)2006Critical appraisal of instruments used, 30 years of research based on the Roy AdaptationModel (N 218 studies). Costs funded by the Roy Adaptation Association, based atBoston College.2004Research mentorship, Senior Fulbright Fellow Sumiko Tsuhako, Japan, on Chronic PainAdaptation Assessment and Non-Pharmacological Intervention to Facilitate EffectiveCoping of School Children, Children’s Hospital, Boston1994-2003Critical Appraisal of 30 Years of Research based on the Roy Adaptation Model, 223studies. Funded by Boston Based Adaptation Research in Nursing Society, PrincipleInvestigator1997-1998International Nursing Knowledge Impact Conferences, Linking Knowledge to PracticeOutcomes: Case Analysis from Three Philosophical and Theoretical Perspectives forClinical and Ethical Reasoning, Co-PI, Raskob Foundation, 10,0001994-1998Faculty Expense Grant, Boston College. Psychometric Evaluation of Cognitive AdaptationProcessing Scale.1992Nursing Interventions in the First Month after Head Injury, Faculty Incentive Grant,Boston College.1992Cognitive Processing Activity in Adaptation of the Elderly to Hearing Loss. DissertationProgram, Sponsor, AHCPR, U.S.P.H.S., not funded.1992Cognitive Impairment with Chronic Disabling Conditions, PI, Exploratory Center forBiobehavioral Symptom Management National Center for Nursing Research, NIH,approved, not funded.1992Adaptation in Young Breast Cancer Survivors, collaborator, First Award, National Centerfor Nursing Research, NIH1991Measurement of Cognitive and Emotional Processes Used in Adapting to Situations ofHealth and Illness, Research Expense Grant, Boston College1991Roy Adaptation Model Cognitive Recovery from Head Injury faculty incentive grant,Boston College.1991Centennial Survey, Columbia University, Presbyterian Hospital, School of Nursing AlumniAssociation, design and analysis phase1989-1991Nursing Interventions in the First Month after Head Injury, Faculty Expense Grant,Boston College1988-2001Early interventions to promote cognitive recovery in mild head injury study:supplementary data collection in collaboration with emergency department at St.Elizabeth’s Hospital.

C.V.C. Roy-6-1988-1991National Research Service Award NINR Sponsor, 4 pre doctoral , 1 post doctoral. Topics:Adaptation to Spinal Cord Injury, Becoming a mother after breast cancer; Adaptationafter gynecological cancer; Testing biobehavioral models for stress reduction andRespiratory muscle training for dyspnea1987-1989Mild Head Injury: biobehavioral features and predicting outcomes. Consultant. award toDepartment of Psychiatry, San Francisco General Hospital, Funded by Center for DiseaseControl, Atlanta, RFA in Trauma Research1987-1988Models of nursing care: pilot test of comparisons of Orem, Rogers, and Roy clinicalcomparisons of three protocols, Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Eta Chapter, Research Award1986-1987Prospective randomized trial of thyrotropin releasing hormone in spinal cord injury,Clinical Investigator, (L. Pitts, PI) American Paralysis Association and Paralyzed Veteransof America1986-1987Outcome of Head Injury, Clinical Investigator (Fishman, PI), National Institute ofNeurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke1985-1987Testing nursing interventions for cognitive recovery, a pilot P.I. American NursesFoundation Scholar, Research Award1985-1986Designing and testing nursing interventions for cognitive recovery from mild head injury,Academic Senate, Faculty Research Award, University of California, San Francisco1983-1984Information processing in recovery from head injury, Biomedical Research SupportGrant, University of California, San Francisco, School of Nursing1983-1985Changes in simultaneous and successive information processing patients with closed inhead injury, P.I., Robert Wood Johnson, Clinical Nurse Scholar Research Fund1982-1985Coping with disability and handicap following acoustic neuroma surgery, Surveyresearch with national sample, P.I. Acoustic Neuroma Association1983Mobility Options Curriculum, United States Public Health Service - Division of Nursing,author of approved grant1979-1980Director, Roy Adaptation Model, Small Grants, Mount Saint Mary's College1978-1979Adaptation nursing care: The patient perspective. Clinical research involving students offour nursing programs and patients of three hospitals, Mount Saint Mary's College1974 & 1977-80Capitation Grant Program, United States Public Health Service, Author and Director,Division of Nursing1976-1977Patient decision making and adaptation during illness, Loeb Center for NursingRehabilitation, NY; Rush Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago; Greater El Monte CommunityHospital, Queen of the Valley Hospital, University of California at Los Angeles MedicalCenter, CA, P.I. American Nurses Fund, Isabel Hampton Rob Research Award1975Psycho-Social Adaptation and the cognator-regulator adaptive processes, qualitativestudy1975Selected Individual Level and Social Structural Determinants of Preventive HealthBehavior. Imperial County Survey data set, secondary analysis, including factor analysis,P.I., Leo J. Reeder, UCLA.1973-76Curriculum Revision Based on Core Content and Adaptation Model of Nursing, author ofFunded 3-year project USPHS, Division of Nursing1972-74Open Curriculum Project, National League for Nursing, Project Author and Director1971Nursing interventions to promote adaptation for patients after surgery. Pilot study.National Institute of Mental Health Grant to Integrate Psychiatric Concepts

C.V.C. Roy-7-1970-79Evaluation of Use of Adaptation Theory by Student Nurses. Two Nursing Programs,Mount Saint Mary's , USPHS, Training Grant1968-73Undergraduate Psychiatric Training Grant, Project Director1966Nursing Activities Study, Saint Joseph's Hospital, Lewiston, ID.1966Nursing Audit Study, Saint Joseph's Hospital, Lewiston ID.1964-66The Nurse's Introduction of Role Cues and the Adequacy of the Mother in Relating toHer Hospitalized Child. Graduate Traineeship, United States Public Health ServicePROFESSIONAL AND LEARNED SOCIETIES: American Academy of NursingAmerican Nurses' AssociationAmerican Nurses Association ofMassachusettsCouncil for the Advancement of NursingScienceFaith and Science Exchange, Board MemberNetwork, National, State, and Local SocialJustice LobbyInternational Network Doctoral Education inNursing- Task Force on Mentoring-4 years- Elected to Board of Directors for threeyear termRoy Adaptation Association, co-founder andChair Sigma Theta Tau, Alpha Chi ChapterMember, Program Committee-2 yearsSociety of Ordained Scientists-Associate MemberEastern Nursing Research Society-Co-Chair, Theory Research Interest Group10 yrsWestern Institute for Nursing, committeememberWestern Society for Research in NursingAcoustic Neuroma Association, 12-year boardmemberFEDERAL APPOINTMENTS:20141998NIH Scientist Noon Lecture. Symptom Management Theory Development: Its Application toScience. with S. Bond, E. Keen, A. Gilmer, G. Kalnins, S. Sukha, , sponsored by NATIONALINSTITUTE OF NURSING RESEARCH, Division of Intramural Research, Symptom ManagementBranch, Campus, Bethesda, MD, October 15, 2014Speaker/Participant, State of the Science of Nursing Research in Pediatric Oncology, NIHReviewer, Nursing Research Study Section, Center for Scientific Review, NIH1992Conference on Research on Research Priorities in Nursing 1995-2000, NCNR, NI1988Select Panel, Division Research Grants, National Institute of Health, Integrity inScientific Research Report to Congress1987-1991Charter Member, Nursing Research Study Section, Division of Research Grants, NationalInstitutes of HealthPUBLICATIONS:Articles:Roy, C., Bakan, G. , Nguyen, T. H. & Li, Z. (in review) Coping Measurement: Creating Short Form of Cop- ing andAdaptation Processing Scale Using Item Response Theory and Patients Dealing with Chronic and AcuteHealth Conditions. International Journal of Nursing Studies.

C.V.C. Roy-8-Grace, P. J., Willis, D. G., Sr. Roy, C., & Jones, D. A. (2015, -). Profession at the crossroads: A dialog con-cerningthe preparation of nursing scholars and leaders. Nursing Outlook, -(-), 1-10. http:// (quoted in NursingResearch editorial announcing Special Issue on Nursing Theory and Theorizing in Nursing ScienceMason, D., Jones, D., Roy, C., Sullivan, C. &Wood, L. (2015). Commonalities of nurse-designed models of care.Nursing Outlook. 63, 540-553.Roy, S. C. (2011). Extending the Roy Adaptation Model to Meet Changing Global Needs. Nursing ScienceQuarterly, 24(4), 345-351. nsq.sagepub.comRoy, S. C. (2011). Research Based on the Roy Adaptation Model: Last 25 Years. Nursing Science Quartely, 24(4),312-320. nsq.sagepub.comRoy, C. (2010). Assessment and the Roy adaptation model. (M. Ito, Trans.). Journal of Japan Society of NursingDiagnosis, 15(1), 35-41.Roy, C. (2010). Nursing practice and research based on the Roy adaptation model. Bulletin of St. Mary’s College,Winter 2010, 5-13. Kurume, Japan.McCurry, M., Hun

WILLIAM F. CONNELL SCHOOL OF NURSING Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 CURRICULUM VITAE CALLISTA ROY, PhD, RN, FAAN EDUCATION: 1983- Post Doc University of California, San Francisco; Neuroscience Nursing/Ethics 1985 Fellow Research Administration 1977 Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles; Sociology

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