Bachelor Of Computer Application - Tumkur University

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TUMKUR UNIVERSITYSyllabus as per CBCS 2016-2017 underSemester SchemeBachelor of Computer Applications (BCA)

Bachelor of Computer ApplicationComputer Science (BCA)FIRST SEMESTERBCACsT1.1: Programming concepts using C.BCACsP1.2: C programming labBCACsT1.3: Operating systemBCACsP1.4: DOS&Ms-office labBCACsT1.5: Computer Hardware and NetworkingBCACsP1.6:Computer Hardware LabSECOND SEMESTERBCACsT2.1: Database management systemsBCACsP2.2: DBMS labBCACsT2.3: Digital electronicsBCACsP2.4: Digital electronics labBCACsT2.5: Data structure using CBCACsP2.6: Data structures using C labTHIRD SEMESTERBCACsT3.1: Computational Numerical TechniquesBCACsP3.2: Numerical analysis labBCACsT3.3: Object oriented programming using C BCACsP3.4: C using oops labBCACsT3.5: Internet ProgrammingBCACsP3.6: HTML & XML labFOURTH SEMESTERBCACsT4.1: Computer networks and data communicationBCACsP4.2: Static website project labBCACsT4.3: UNIX operating systemBCACsP4.4: UNIX labBCACsT4.5: ADABCACsP4.6: ADA labFIFTH SEMESTERBCACsT5.1: Core JAVABCACsP5.2: JAVA programming LabBCACsT5.3: DOT NET with C#BCACsP5.4:DOT NET LabBCACsT5.5: Computer architectureBCACsP5.6: Micro processor LabBCACsT5.7: Software EngineeringBCACsP5.8: DBMS Mini ProjectBCACsT5.9: PHP and MySQLBCACsP5.10: PHP LABBCACsT5.11: Data MiningBCACsP5.12: SDLC LabSIXTH SEMESTERBCACsT6.1: Programming using PythonBCACsP6.2: Python LabBCACsT6.3: MIS and ERPBCACsP6.4: Tally LabBCACsT6.5: Cryptography & Network SecurityBCACsP6.6: Computer Network LabBCACsT6.7: Computer GraphicsBCACsP6.8: Computer Graphics LabBCACsT6.9: System SoftwareBCACsP6.10: SSPD LabBCACsT6.11: Artificial IntelligenceBCACsP6.12: Project labTumkur University, TumkurPage 1

Bachelor of Computer ApplicationComputer Science (BCA) 5th and 6th Semester Syllabus -2016ABSTRACTSEMPAPER CODEPAPER NAMEHRS /WEEKEXAMHRSMAX.MARKSBCACsT5.1Core JAVA03031090100BCACsP5.2JAVA programming Lab0303-5050BCACsT5.3DOT NET with C#03031090100BCACsP5.4DOT NET Lab0303-5050BCACsT5.5Computer architecture03031090100BCACsP5.6Micro processor Lab0303-5050BCACsT5.7Software Engineering03031090100BCACsP5.8DBMS Mini Project0303-5050BCACsT5.9PHP and MySQL03031090100BCACsP5.10PHP LAB0303-5050BCACsT5.11Data mining03031090100BCACsP5.12SDLC lab0303-5050BCACsT6.1Programming using Python03031090100BCACsP6.2Python Lab0303-5050BCACsT6.3MIS and ERP03031090100BCACsP6.4Tally Lab0303-5050BCACsT6.5Cryptography & NetworkSecurity03031090100BCACsP6.6Computer Network Lab0303-5050BCACsT6.7Computer Graphics03031090100BCACsP6.8Computer Graphics Lab0303-5050BCACsT6.9System Software03031090100BCACsP6.10SSPD Lab0303-5050BCACsT6.11Artificial Intelligence03031090100BCACsP6.12Project lab0303-505056Tumkur University, TumkurPage 2

Bachelor of Computer ApplicationQuestion Paper PatternDuration: 3 Hrs.I.II.III.IV.AnswerAnswerAnswerAnswerMax. Marks: 90anyanyanyany10 Questions out of 12:5 questions out of 07:6 questions out of 08:5 questions out of 07:(10 x 01 10)(05 x 03 15)(06 x 05 30)(05 x 07 35)Scheme for Practical Examination1.2.3.4.Writing two programsExecution of two programsPractical recordViva Voce::::Total: 50 Marks10300505MarksMarksMarksMarksNote1. Internal assessment for each paper(Theory)2. Practical examination of 3 hours duration3. Theory examination of 3 hours durationTumkur University, Tumkur:10 Marks:50 Marks:90 MarksTotal:150 MarksPage 3

Bachelor of Computer Application5thSem BCAPaper: BCACsT5.1: Core JAVA3Hrs /WeekTotal: 48Hrs Chapter 1: Fundamentals Of Oops & Overview of Java Language5 HrsIntroduction, Object Oriented paradigm, Basic Concepts of OOP, Benefitsof OOP, Applications of OOP, Java features: OVERVIEW OF JAVALANGUAGE: Introduction, Simple Java program structure, Java tokens,Java Statements, Implementing a Java Program, Java Virtual Machine,Command line arguments. Chapter 2: Programming Basics10 HrsConstants, variables & data types: Introduction, Constants, Variables,Data Types, Declaration of Variables, Giving Value to Variables, Scope ofvariables, Symbolic Constants, Type casting, Getting Value of Variables,Standard Default values.Operators & Expressions: Arithmetic operators, bitwise operators,relational operators, assignment operator, ternary operator. Logicalexpression.Decision making & Branching: Introduction, Decision making with ifstatement, Simple if statement, if. Else statement, Nesting of if.elsestatements, the else if ladder, the switch statement, the conditionaloperator. LOOPING: Introduction, The While statement, the do-whilestatement, the for statement, Jumps in loops. Chapter 3: Classes, Objects & Methods5 HrsIntroduction, Defining a class, Adding variables, Adding methods,Creating objects, Accessing class members, Constructors, Methodoverloading, Static members, Nesting of methods; Chapter 4: Inheritance Interfaces and Packages10 HrsExtending a class, Overriding methods, Final variables and methods,Final variables, methods and classes, Finalizer method, Abstractmethods and classes;Arrays, Strings and Vectors: Arrays, One-dimensional arrays, Creating anarray, Two – dimensional arrays, Strings, Vectors, Wrapper classes;Interfaces: Multiple Inheritance: Introduction, Defining interfaces,Extending interfaces, Implementing interfaces, Assessing interfacevariables;Packages: Introduction, Java API Packages, Using System Packages,Naming conventions, Creating Packages, Accessing a Package, using aPackage. Chapter 5: Multithreaded Programming& Exception5 HrsIntroduction, Creating Threads, Extending the Threads, Stopping andBlocking a Thread, Lifecycle of a Thread, Using Thread Methods, ThreadExceptions, Thread Priority, Synchronization, Exception: Types of errorsCompile time errors, Runtime errors, Exceptions, Exception handling,Multiple Catch Statements, Using finally statement, Throwing our ownException.Tumkur University, TumkurPage 4

Bachelor of Computer Application Chapter 6: Applet & Graphics Programming13HrsLocal and remote applets, Applets and Applications, Building Appletcode, Applet Life cycle: Initialization state, Running state, Idle or stoppedstate, Dead state, Display state.Graphics Programming:Introduction, The Graphics Class, Lines andrectangles, circles, and Ellipses, Drawing Arcs, Drawing Polygons, LinesGraphs, Using Control Loops in Applets, Drawing Bar Charts.AWT classes, window fundamentals, creating frame window and handlingevents, working with graphics, working with color, working with fonts,understanding layout managers, menu bars and menus, dialog boxes.Reference Books:1. E.Balaguruswamy, Programming with JAVA, A primer, 3e, TATAMcGraw-Hill Company.2. Herbert Schildt: Java The complete Reference , 7th Edition, TataMcGraw Hill, 2007.3.Programming in Java by SachinMalhotra, OXFORD University Press4. John R. Hubbard, Programming with Java, Second Edition, Schaum’soutline Series, TATA McGraw-Hill Company.5. Deitel&Deitel. Java TM: How to Program, PHI (2007)6. Java Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design- D.SMallikTumkur University, TumkurPage 5

Bachelor of Computer Application5thSem BCA3Hrs/WeekPaper: BCACsP5.2: JAVA PROGRAMMING LABPracticalTotal Marks: 501. Write a Java program to find the GCD of number.2. Write a JAVA Program to demonstrate Constructor for calculating area ofrectangle.3. Write a JAVA Program to demonstrate Method Overloading.4. Write a program in Java for String handling which performs thefollowing: i) Reverses the contents of a string given on console and ii)converts the resultant string in upper case.5. Write a JAVA Program on interfaces to calculate the area of a rectangleand triangle.6. Write a JAVA Program to Design a simple calculator using SwitchStatement7. Write a program to calculate area and perimeter of a rectangle usingSuper keyword.8. Write a program to sort given Strings.9. Design student application form and store in database and display.10. Write a java applet program to print some text.11. Write a java applet program to understand the properties of the font.12. Write a java applet program to demonstrate the drawing function (drawlines, rectangle, ellipse and circle.Tumkur University, TumkurPage 6

Bachelor of Computer Application5thSem BCAPaper: BCACsT5.3: Dot Net With C#3Hrs /WeekChapter 1: Getting started with .NET FrameworkTotal: 48Hrs(5 Hours)Dot Net Framework: basic concepts of .net framework: MSIL, JIT, CLR, CLS,Execution, Assemblies, and Application Domain. Features of C#,Intermediate language, Meta Data. DOT NET namespaces.Building C# Applications: Role of the command line complier (csc.exe),Building a C# application using csc.exe, the command line debugger(cordbg.exe), using the visual studio .NET IDE & its debuggingChapter 2: Introduction to C#(10Hours)C# Consoleprogramming: Structure of C# program: name space, types,value type, simple type, reference type, boxing and unboxing, and theirconversions. Variables & parameters, implicit conversion, explicit conversionand user-defined conversion. Expressions: Expressions, types ofexpressions, C# operators: arithmetic operators, shift operators, logicaloperators, conditional operators, conversion operators, checked& uncheckedoperators.Control statements: sequence, Conditional statements, loops,jumping statements. Arrays & Collections: Introduction to arrays,Declarations and its types. Introduction to collection, Array list, jaggedarray, stack implementation.Chapter 3: Object oriented programming:(05 Hours)Class & Methods: Class, declarations, class modifiers, constructors &destructors,new modifier.Methods, method parameters, abstract class,sealed class, access modifiers,method overloading.Chapter 4: Inheritance & Interfaces(08 Hours)Inheritance: introduction, types, base class inheritance, derived classinheritance. Virtual methods, method overriding. Interface: Interface,declaration modifiers, methods, properties, events. Exception Handling:Definition, Exception handling techniques (statements), types, creating ourown exception class. Multi-ThreadingChapter 5: Windows Applications(10 Hours)Windows Forms-Common Controls, Control Properties and Layout, Labels,TextBoxes and Buttons, GroupBoxes and Panels, CheckBoxes ard-EventHandling.Menus, Month Calendar Control, LinkLabel Control, ListBoxControl, ComboBox Control, TreeView Control, ListView Control, TabControland Multiple Document Interface (MDI) Windows and Delegates:Introduction, types, multi-cast delegates.Tumkur University, TumkurPage 7

Bachelor of Computer ApplicationChapter 6: Hours)Components of, Understanding ADO.NET: Describing theArchitecture of ADO.NET, Connection Strings: Syntax for ConnectionStrings. Working with Connection Object: Creating a Connection to aDatabase: SQL Server Database, OLEDB Database, Creating a CommandObject.Inserting, Updating and Deleting Records.Working with DataAdapters: Creating DataSet from DataAdapter.Reference Books:1. ASP.NET 4.0 Black Book2. Andrew Troelsen: Pro C# with .Net 3.0, 4th Edition, Wiley India, 2009.3. E.Balaguruswamy: Programming in C#, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,2008.4. Tom Archer: Inside C#, WP Publishers, 2001.5. Herbert Schildt: C# The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.Tumkur University, TumkurPage 8

Bachelor of Computer Application5thSem BCAPaper: BCACsP5.4: Dot NET LABPRACTICAL3Hrs /Week50 Marks1. Write a Program in C# to Check whether a number is Palindrome or not.2. Write a Program in C# to demonstrate Command line argumentsprocessing.3. Write a Program in C# to find the roots of Quadratic Equation.4. Write a Program in C# to demonstrate boxing and unBoxing.5. Write a Program in C# to implement Stack operations.6. Write a program to demonstrate Operator overloading.7. Write a Program in C# to find the second largest element in a singledimensional array.8. Write a program to reverse a given string using C#.9. Using Try, Catch and Finally blocks write a program in C# todemonstrate error handling.10. Design a simple calculator using Switch Statement in C#.11. Demonstrate Use of Virtual and override key words in C# with asimple program12. Implement linked lists in C# using the existing collections namespace.13. Write a program to demonstrate abstract class and abstract methodsin C#.14. Write a program to illustrate the use of different properties in C#.15. Demonstrate arrays of interface types with a C# program.Tumkur University, TumkurPage 9

Bachelor of Computer Application3Hrs /Week5thSem BCAPaper: BCACsT5.5: Computer ArchitecturesTotal: 48Hrs Chapter-1 Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture 12hrsComputer-Definition and Block Diagram, Organization and architecture,Von Neumann Architecture, Designing for performance, Pentium &PowerPC Evolution. Computer component and Function: Basicinstruction cycle, Fetch & Execute cycle, Interrupts, Instruction Cyclewith Interrupts, Multiple Interrupts, I/O functions, InterconnectionStructures, Processor bus organization, Bus Interconnection-Busstructure, System bus structure, (Data, address and control bus),Elements of Bus design. Advance Architecture- Parallel Processing, RISCand CISC Characteristics.Chapter-2 The Memory Subsystem6hrsMemory system overview,Memory hierarchy, Semiconductor mainmemory, Basic concepts, RAM (Static and Dynamic), ROM (PROM,EPROM, EEPROM, FLASH MEMORY), Memory Module organizationCache memory – Principle, elements of cache design (Size, Mapping,Replacement, Write policies, Block size), Error detecting & correctingcode, External Memory-Magnetic, Optical and RAID.Chapter-3 The Input/output Subsystem5 hrsIntroduction- Access of I/O devices, I/O Modules (Functions andStructures), Programmed I/O,Overview ofInterrupt driven I/O,Comparisons of Programmed & Interrupt I/O, Direct Memory Access DMA Functions, I/O channels and processor.Chapter-4 The Central Processing Unit5 hrsArithmetic logic unit (ALU): instruction formats, addressing modes, ocessororganization. Computer Arithmetic: Integer representation andArithmetic. Floating point representation and Arithmetic.Chapter-5 Assembly Language Programming using 808520 hrsIntroduction to Microprocessors, Overview of Intel 8085 Basicmicroprocessors, architecture and interface, internal architecture,external architecture memory and input/ output interface. Assemblylanguage, Assembler, Assembly level instructions, program loops,Addressing modes and formats, Data movement, Arithmetic and logicinstructions, Control instructions.Tumkur University, TumkurPage 10

Bachelor of Computer ApplicationREFERENCE BOOKS1 Carl Hamacher,ZvonkoVarnesic, Swaft Computer Organization 5thedition, Tata McGraw-Hill2.William Stallings , Computer Organisation and Architecture, PearsonEducation3 Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Structured Computer Organization, 3rd Edition ;Prentice Hall of India.4 Heuring and Jordan, Computer Systems Design and Architecture ,Pearson Edition5 R.S. Gaonkar, “Microprocessor Architecture, programming andApplications with the 8085/8080A”, Wiley Eastern Ltd. 2. 19956 Fundamentals of Microprocessors and Micro Computers”, B RamDhanpathRai PublicationsTumkur University, TumkurPage 11

Bachelor of Computer Application5thSem BCAPaper: BCACsP5.6: MICRO PROCESSOR LABPractical3Hrs/WeekTotal Marks: 501. Program to find addition of two 8-bit numbers2. Program to find subtraction of two 8-bit numbers3. Program to find addition of two 16-bit numbers4. Programs to find subtraction of two 16-bit numbers5. Program to find addition of two 8-bit BCD numbers6. Program to find subtraction of two 8-bit BCD numbers7. Program to find multiplication of two 8-bit numbers using successiveaddition method.8. Program to find multiplication of two 8-bit numbers using shift and addmethod9. Program to convert two BCD numbers to their HEX equivalent10. Program to swap two numbers11. Program to find largest and smallest of two numbers.Tumkur University, TumkurPage 12

Bachelor of Computer Application5thSem BCAPaper: BCACsT5.7: SOFTWARE ENGINEERING3 Hrs /WeekTotal: 48 Hrs Chapter - 1 Introduction:10 HrsDefinition of Software, Software Engineering, Software Products andSoftware process, Process models: Waterfall modal, EvolutionaryDevelopment, Bohemia’s Spiral model, Overview of risk management,Process Visibility, Professional responsibility. Computer based SystemEngineering: Systems and their environment, System Procurement, SystemEngineering Process, System architecture modelling. Human Factors,System reliability Engineering. Requirements and Specification: Therequirement Engineering Process, The Software requirement document,Validation of Evolution of requirements, Viewpoint – oriented & methodbased analysis, system contexts, Social 7 organizational factors. Data flow,Semantic, Objects, models, Requirement Specification, Non functionalrequirement. Chapter-2 Software Prototyping10 HrsPrototyping in software process, Prototyping techniques, User interfaceprototyping. Software Design: Design Process, Design Strategies, DesignQuality , System Structuring control models, Modular decomposition ,Domain Specific architecture.Chapter-3 Object Oriented & function oriented design10 HrsObjects, object Classes and inheritance Object identification, An objectoriented design example, Concurrent Objects, Data flow design Structuraldecomposition, Detailed Design, A Comparison of design Strategies. Userinterface design: Design Principles, User System interaction, InformationPresentation, User Guidance, Interface Evaluation. Chapter-4 Software Reliability and Reusability10 HrsSoftware reliability metrics , Software reliability Specification , Statisticaltesting, Reliability Growth modeling, Fault avoidance & tolerance, Exceptionhandling & defensive programming , Software development with reuse,Software’ development for reuse , Generator based reuse, ApplicationSystem Portability. Chapter-5 Software Verification and Validation8HrsThe testing Process , Test Planning & Strategies, Black Box , Structural,interface testing, Program inspections , Mathematically based verification,Static analysis tools, Clean room software development. Management Issues:Project management, Quality management, Software cost estimation,Software maintenance.Tumkur University, TumkurPage 13

Bachelor of Computer ApplicationReference Books:1.IanSommerville – Software Engineering, 9th Edition, Pearson EducationLtd, 2010.2. Roger S. Pressman – Software Engineering, A Practitioner’s approach, 7thEdition,McGRAW-Hill.3. PankajJalote, “An integrated approach to Software Engineering”, 3rdEdition, NarosaPublishing House.Tumkur University, TumkurPage 14

Bachelor of Computer Application5thSem BCAPaper: BCACsP5.8: DBMS MINI PROJECT3Hrs /WeekMarks: 50Students are expected to develop a DBMS mini project. Students can carryout the project in a group /team. The entire project to be submitted by eachgroup/team with some related entity information.Project should contain module to insert, update and report generation.Scheme for Practical Examination1. Writing about project.2. Execution and demonstration of Project3. Project report4. Viva VoceTotalTumkur University, Tumkur::::10 Marks30 Marks5 Marks5 Marks:50 MarksPage 15

Bachelor of Computer Application5thSem BCAPaper: BCACsT5.9: PHP and MySQL3 Hrs /WeekTotal: 48 Hrs Chapter-1 Introduction to PHP8hrsHistory, Advantages of PHP, HTML relationship, Interpreting vs.Compiling, Basic syntax of PHP, Writing and Running PHP scripts,variable types - Local and Global, Superglobal variable and their scope,Comments, Types of Data, Automatic type conversion, Forcing a typewith type casting, Non-decimal number systems, Pre-set variables,Constants, Pre-set constants, Operators, unary operators, arithmeticoperators,logical operators, conditional operators, conversionoperators, Comparison operators, The Ternary Operator, The scoperesolution operator. Control statements – sequence, Conditionalstatements, loops, jump statements. Chapter-2 Arrays6hrsCreating an

Tumkur University, Tumkur Page 6 5thSem BCA Paper: BCACsP5.2: JAVA PROGRAMMING LAB Practical 3Hrs/Week Total Marks: 50 1. Write a Java program to find the GCD of number. 2. Write a JAVA Program to demonstrate Constructor for calculating area of rectangle. 3. Write a JAVA Program to demonstrate Method Overloading. 4.

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