TheA bi-monthly bulletin of Aklatang Emilio AguinaldoDE LA SALLE UNIVERSITY - DASMARIÑASBOOKSHELFVol. 27 Issue 9-10February - March 2014snn EyAMarMary AnllotudiLudivina Cambayn Jimenez-SalvadorTeachers’ appreciation night heldAn Indian poet once said “there are four pillars, on which you can build the platform, to reach the zenithof success: Dedication, devotion, discipline, and determination.” American football player Vince Lombardi sharedthe same principle about success in life “the price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand and thedetermination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.”On Feb. 11, marked another important milestone in the lives of the faculty members of De La SalleUniversity-Dasmariñas. This is the night when they were given recognition and appreciation for their hardwork, dedication, commitment, notable contributions and achievements for the University. The awardees werelauded onstage with none other than the University President Br. Gus Boquer FSC together with the threevice chancellors namely: Dr. Olivia Legaspi, vice chancellor for academic and research; Dr. Myrna Ramos, vicechancellor for mission, external affairs and advancement and Prof. Mary May Eulogio, vice chancellor for financeand administrative services.Three librarians from the Aklatang Emilio Aguinaldo were partly honored on that day for their unfathomableservice to the institution. Librarians Mary Ann Estudillo and Ludivina Cambay awarded 20-years in service whileMary Ann Jimenez-Salvador recognized for 10 years-service.The awarding ceremony was held at the Ugnayang La Salle where everyone dressed in their mostimpressive attire and wore their best smile as they gathered together and celebrate success and challenges thatcomes ahead. The challenge from the words of Br. Gus is to “always aim for excellence” and “be the best thatyou can be” in all endeavors. Whether awardees or non-awardees, what important is we’re doing our best to thetask and responsibility given to us.Kudos to the organizing committee spearheaded by the Human Resource Management Office for makingfaculty night a truly memorable occasion.
Contents.1 Rev-up Energy1 Librarians consulted for RDA policy andAction Plan for Filipiniana Resources1 Reading, library exhibit & throwbackTuesday at lib on-air1 AEA hosts DLSP Libraries seminar2 What I’ve learned from Infolitby: Edison Espineli2 Birthday Celebrators2 Library Visitors2 Donations2 Library Wisdom3 Stats-To-Go.4 Faculty and Staff in Action4 & 8 Library Exhibit5 Featured Book of the Month6 Section Updates7 From the Staff Mind9-10 Library AdvertisementTheBOOKSHELFis a bi-monthly publication ofAklatang Emilio AguinaldoDe La Salle University-DasmariñasCity of Dasmariñas, 4115 Cavitedr. sonia ann jimenez-salvador.rey peñ & rvpeñ duque.IMAGING & samaniego & ethel torres.CONTRIBUTORStess poblete.OFFICE & CIRCULATION de communications office. FINAL EDITING779-5180 direct Manila line(046) 481-1932 direct Dasmariñas line(046) 416-1900 to 1930 local 3060/3168/3061
News BriefsRev-up energy!On Feb. 27, all library personnel along with other DLSU-Demployees took time out from a day’s work to rev-up energy in aseminar-workshop on “Employees Wellness thru Oriental HealthyLifestyle.” Dr. Alfonso Lagaya, certified medical acupuncturist,oriented the participants on how to live a healthy lifestyle whichincludes right food to eat, amount of water to drink, sleepinghours and best time to fast. He also indulged the participants in astretching exercises.According to British Columbia Healthy Families blog, theworkplace has a big influence on employees’ health where theyspend much of their waking hours. Hence, the workplace shouldsupport its employee healthy choices through the creation ofa health supporting environment. As noted by Jeff Klein, authorof Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living(Sounds True, 2009), “When the people feel cared about, theycome alive. And that makes workers more engaged and moreproductive, and it becomes a virtuous — and prosperous — cycle.”For its part, DLSU-D’s Human Resource ManagementOffice thru its Training and Development Unit, aside from organizinghealth seminar also launched a series of health and fitness programfor DLSU-D employees from January to March 2014. The fitnessprogram include Zumba, aerobics, and hatha yoga, belly dancing,running and walking clinic. Librarian Ludivina Cambay participatedin the latter activity.Librarians consulted for RDA Policyand Action Plan for FilipinianaResourcesThe Philippine Association of Academic/ResearchLibrarians, Inc. held a two-day public consultation and trainingworkshop on Resource Description and Access policy and actionplan for Philippine libraries on Mar. 27 and 28 at UST Miguel deBenavides Library, University of Santo Tomas, Manila.The activity aimed to solicit feedback from librariansworking from different types of libraries, archives, and museumsregarding full adaptation and implementation of the NationalPolicy on RDA specifically for Filipiniana resources thru a hands-onapplication of the policies and standards.Topics presented with their presenters include: RDA forPhilippine Libraries: Proposed Guidelines and Standard by MilaRamos, former member, Board for Librarians; Recording Attributesof Manifestation and Item by Prof. Rodolfo Tarlit, universitylibrarian, University of the Philippines-Diliman; Identifying Worksand Expression in Filipiniana Resources by Ana Fresnido, director oflibraries, DLSU-Manila; Identifying Persons, Families and CorporateBodies: A Workshop on Constructing Access Points (Creators andContributors) by Ruben Marasigan, chair, National Committee onRDA; Public Consultation in the Implementation of CatalogingPolicy Statement for Filipiniana Resources by Corazon Nera,director, Academic Resource Center, Lyceum of the PhilippinesUniversity-Manila; and MARC 21: Bibliographic and Authority DataFormat by Sonia Gementiza, director, Aklatang Emilio Aguinaldo,DLSU-Dasmariñas.The KOHA enabled database that were used by theparticipants in their hands-on workshop and was created andinstalled by AEA library associate Victorino Loyola Jr.This activity was held in partnerships with the NationalCommission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA)-National Committeeon Library and Information Services (NCLIS), National Library of thePhilippines and the National Committee on Resource Descriptionand Access (NCRDA).Reading, library exhibit & throwbackTuesday at lib on-airAirwaves Research focused on the importance and benefitof reading books particularly Non-School Book or fiction books forits episodes 15 and 16. Program hosts also revealed the resultof Filipino Readership survey conducted by the National BookDevelopment Board (NBDB) in 2012 and shared with its listenerpractical tips by NBDB Chair Neni Sta. Romana-Cruz on how topromote reading in school. The AEA Reading Campaign is alsore-launched. English Professor and Reading Specialist RaymondIbasco and DepEd Elementary Teacher and former Library AssistantJulie Ramos served as resource persons for these episodes.Meanwhile, on Feb. 18 (Episode 17), PresidentialManagement Office Director Jose Ritche Bongcaron talked aboutthe Brother President’s 14-Point Agenda while on Mar. 4 (Episode18), AEA’s creative team revealed their secret in putting-up anexhibition with Technical Support Personnel and Lay-out ArtistJayson Duque as main resource person. Duque also opened-up hiscreative process before the listening public. And finally, on Mar. 11,the library on-air capped with a throwback Tuesday by evaluatingits past program episodes.AEA hosts DLSP Libraries seminarThe Aklatang Emilio Aguinaldo hosted De La SallePhilippines Library Committee 2nd seminar-workshop on Mar. 10 atthe Luis Aguado Viewing Room. Aptly titled “Collection Assessmentand Analysis: Tools and Methodologies”, the activity aimed toacquaint the participants with the different collection assessmentmethodologies and develop a framework for identifying usefuldata for collection management especially in the preparation ofreports. Ana Maria Fresnido, chair of the Committee and director ofLibraries, DLSU-Manila shared her expertise on the said topic.Librarians who participated in the seminar were from DeLa Salle – College of St. Benilde, De La Salle Lipa, De La Salle Antipolo, De La Salle Araneta University, La Salle Greenhills, De LaSalle Santiago Zobel School-Alabang and De La Salle University Dasmariñas.1
News BriefsWhat I’ve learned from Infolitby Edison EspineliInformation literacy is considered an important part of anyuniversity library program because of its role played in academicachievement. Thru information literacy, learners may be able toenhance their research skills particularly in concept identification,developing search strategies, evaluating right information sources,proper use of library online/web catalog, ethical and legal use ofinformation.On Feb. 28, three library associates namely, BenjaminMontallana, Jeenah Marie Galang and I along with my Section Head,Reference Librarian Mary Ann Jimenez-Salvador attended a halfday forum entitled “InfoSMART: Information Skills for Creatives”at The Learning Commons, Henry Sy Hall, De La Salle University,Taft Ave., Manila. Facilitated by DLSU Readers’ Services CoordinatorMarian Ramos-Eclevia, the forum specifically discussed the basics,frameworks and models, essential skills and values, awarenessraising and practical and best practices in information literacy. Ithighlighted the on-going InfoSMART program of the DLSU Manilafor its students and faculty members.From listening to the lecture, I’ve learned and concludedthat information literacy would help patrons deal with informationoverload, inspire and equip patrons to become lifelong learners,empower patrons to become independent learners, support thelibrary’s mission to provide lifelong learning, promote responsibleuse of information for problem-solving, decision making, andcritical thinking and help learner become more self-directed,presume greater control over their own learning. Therefore, Irecommend that information literacy should be 1) incorporated inthe university’s curricular offering in such a way that every student,faculty, and staff would undergo such a program; 2) Administrationshould commit itself to providing the facilities necessary for theimplementation of information literacy program on campus; 3)The university library should develop and provide comprehensiveinformation literacy program for all library users; 4) Resources andmedia which need to be available and accessible should meet thestandard required with the number of students in the university.BirthdayCelebratorsArlene ManzoFebruary 3Cristina NeraFebruary 9Felix Sarreal, Jr.February 12Jeenah Marie GalangMarch 142LibraryVisitorsSt. Mary’s of Minnesota(Dr. Donna Aronson, Dr. JeanneMinnerath, Dr. Moni Berg-Binder)Br. Harry Reynolds and Co. (Malaysia)DonationsThe Library would like to acknowledge thefollowing donors:Amparo, Dr. Mary Felidora Florinor,2 titles/20 volumes, booksAñonuevo, Segismundo, 1 title/2 volumes, booksBongcaron, Jose Ritche, 1 title/ 2 volumes, magazineBr. Augustine Boquer FSC, EdD,2 titles /3 volumes, magazines;19 titles/24 volumes, newsletters; 4 journals, 4 booksCollege of Tourism and Hospitality Management,13 titles /17 volumes, newslettersDe La Salle University - Manila, 1 journalDLSU-D Marketing Communications Office, 1 newsletterDe La Salle Health Sciences Institute,1 title/ 4 volumes, booksDeutschland, 1 magazineGementiza, Sonia, 1 book, 1 annual report, 1 prospectus,1 magazine, 1 journalHong Kong Lasallian Family Bulletin, 1 newsletterLegaspi, Olivia, 6 booksManansala, Charito Cruz, 5 booksPhilippine Institute for Development Studies,3 titles/8 volumes research papers;2 volumes journal; 2 volumes books;9 titles /27 volumes, newslettersRussell Investments, 1 annual reportUniversity of Santo Tomas Library, 2 volumes newslettersLibraryWisdom“A circulating library in a town is as anevergreen tree of diabolical knowledge!It blossoms through the year!“Richard Brainsley Sheridan
Stats-To-Go.Summer is fast approaching! Yet, our students are still busy meeting their deadlines for the months of February and March. The Reader’sServices Unit (RSU) has recorded a total of 49,626 library users or an average of 1,210 users per day. Still, the top library users are undergraduate studentsof the College of Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA) and students of the College of Education-Graduate Studies (COEd-GS).I. Undergraduate StudentsII. Graduate 04,000502,00000No. of -GS422812226845No. of UsersIn order to beat the deadlines, our students borrowed books from Circulation, Reserve and Filipiniana collection as their additional references.RSU circulation statistics show that undergraduate students borrowed a total of 30,452 books while graduate students borrowed a total of 6,798 books.The figures below listed the top three colleges with the most number of borrowed books in the undergraduate and graduate levels, respectively.Undergraduate Students (30,452 borrowers forFebruary and March)I. February - March top 3 borrowersGraduate Students (6,798 borrowers forFebruary and March)II. February - March top 3 borrowersCOEdCLAC-GSCOEd-GSCLACCCJE-GSCSCSSince we come close to the end of the semester, students spent most of their time doing their final project at the Electronic Resource Services(ERS). There are about 34,432 or daily average of 840 students who utilized AEA computer services for the months of February and March. With regardto the usage of Online databases, EBSCOhost is still the topmost used e-resources with 401,808 searches/103,408 session followed by GVRL with 5,569searches/1,743 sessions and lastly, the ProQuest database with 1,259 searches/497 sessions. One of the reasons for the increase of utilization of theseonline resources is the intense campaign of AEA to encourage DLSU-D community to hold Hands-On Training Program on the utilization of our e- resources.In fact, on Feb. 8, the College of Science and Computer Studies – Graduate Studies Program availed of this services which was facilitated by EducationalMedia Services Head Joebert De Paz.I. Bi-monthly Data on ERS Users (February-March 2014)II. Bi-monthly Data on Online Databases (February-March 006,000100,0004,00050,0002,00000Febuary 2014March uestSearches (February)401,8085,5691,259Sessions (February)103,4081,743497Searches (March)456,5155,683850Sessions (March)135,4871,0473383
Facultyand Staff in ActionElectronic Resource Services Unit Head Sharon Samaniegolistened to the lecture on creativity and innovation delivered by Dr. JesusAlcoba, director, La Salle International Graduate School, Madrid, Spain. Theactivity was held at Alumni Function Hall on Feb. 5.offices under the care of Academic Services including AEA held at AmericanLearning Resource Center, Conference Room on Mar. 14; and Lastly, OnMar. 25, Dr. Gementiza presided the AEA year-end evaluation and planningworkshop at the Periodical Section.All librarians were present at Faculty Association’s generalassembly on Feb. 5 at Severino de las Alas Auditorium.Educational Media Services Head Joebert de Paz joined aspart of working committee to document the Lasallian Festival (LSF) 2014spearheaded by the College of Education. This year’s theme “Si Juan atAko Tungo sa Pagsasakatuparan ng Misyong Lasalyano” was held from Feb.10 to 15. Participants to these events had variety of activities to choose,ranging from exhibition, lecture-forums, trade fair, intramurals, cookingcompetition, faculty night, performances and a lot more. Other AEApersonnel also actively participated in the week-long festival.All AEA personnel who are members of the De La Salle UniversityDasmariñas Development Cooperative participated in its 11th generalassembly on Mar. 26 at Severino de las Alas Hall Auditorium.Library ExhibitDirector Sonia Gementiza together with librarian Mae Lyn Barongraced the opening of Crochet Art exhibition of Aze Ong at the Fe SarmientoPanlilio Gallery, Museo De La Salle on Feb. 21.Other activities attended by AEA Director were: A symposium onthe Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program(ETEEAP) and Distance Education Programs for librarians at the Epifaniodelos Santos Auditorium, National Library of the Philippines, Ermita, Manilaon Mar. 4; A conference with the British Ambassador Asif Anwar Ahmad onMar. 5; A PROQUEST and LibTech Source Philippines, iGroup Asia-PacificLtd. event exclusively for library directors at G/F Garden Room Two, MarriottHotel Manila on Mar. 11. ERS Head Sharon Samaniego joined the directorin this event; Administrators’ sector representatives’ year-end evaluationassembly at Retreat and Conference Center, DLSU-D. Agenda for thisassembly were annual report for SY 2013-2014, accomplishment report ofthe Vice-Chancellors, LS cares summary report, monitoring of plans for 1stand 2nd quarters and updates on the Brothers’ vocation; ISO training for4This exhibit was meant to show to the community theUniversity’s journey that has been anchored on the 14-PointAgenda laid down by the Brother President when he assumedoffice in 2007. This exhibit is being held to put together milestonesof the University during the last three years – the 2nd term ofBr. Gus Boquer, FSC as President and Chancellor. The first ofthis kind of exhibit was held in February 2011 which highlightedachievements and accomplishments of the University during Br.Gus’ 1st term as University President.In line with this year’s Lasallian Festival theme: “Si Juanat Ako Tungo sa Pagsasakatuparan ng Misyong Lasalyano” thisactivity aims to put across the message that what the Universitydoes and continues to do - guided by the 14-point Agenda ofthe Brother President - has been and will always be part of theover-all effort to realize the Lasallian Mission – a mission startedby the Founder and continued by the Brothers and Lay Partnersin the present times. The exhibit hoped to enable the membersof the academic community to further appreciate what we couldachieve together as one LASALLIAN COMMUNITY guided by thecore values of Faith, Service and Communion expressed in ourVision-Mission and carried through the same 14-Point Agenda.For this second exhibition on 14-Point Agenda, thecreative team of the Aklatang Emilio Aguinaldo took inspirationfrom the green initiatives of the University being the flagshipprogram of the President. The AEA Gallery was transformed intoan ecological sanctuary visualizing the major accomplishmentsand achievements of the President and the University. Thebackground of each agenda featured a landscape consistingof tropical plants of varied hues, with grasses underneath,accented by stones or boulders and enhanced by either woodand /or bamboo. The garden- like ambience guided the viewersto understand the agenda as featured and to internalize theinsight, discovery and learning gained from his/her reflection.Continued on page 8
Featured Bookof the MonthLove and Death in a Small Filipino TownTREEF. Sionil JoséJose, S. F. (1978). Tree. Manila: Solidaridad Pub. House.IRC 4915The story depicts man’s continuing and often futile search for justice and a moral order as related by an eighteen year old son.It is a story of a lad who grew up in an Ilocano town with his poor frie
La Salle – College of St. Benilde, De La Salle Lipa, De La Salle - Antipolo, De La Salle Araneta University, La Salle Greenhills, De La Salle Santiago Zobel School-Alabang and De La Salle University - Dasmariñas. 2 News Briefs Library Wisdom “A circulating library in a town is as an
Salle Green Hills, De La Salle University, De La Salle- College of Saint Benilde, De La Salle Santiago Zobel School, De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, De La Salle Health Sciences Institute, De La Salle Canlubang, and De La Salle Lipa; 3 schools in Visayas, University of St. La Salle, St. Joseph School-La Salle, and De La Salle Andres Soriano .
May 02, 2018 · D. Program Evaluation ͟The organization has provided a description of the framework for how each program will be evaluated. The framework should include all the elements below: ͟The evaluation methods are cost-effective for the organization ͟Quantitative and qualitative data is being collected (at Basics tier, data collection must have begun)
Silat is a combative art of self-defense and survival rooted from Matay archipelago. It was traced at thé early of Langkasuka Kingdom (2nd century CE) till thé reign of Melaka (Malaysia) Sultanate era (13th century). Silat has now evolved to become part of social culture and tradition with thé appearance of a fine physical and spiritual .
DLSU-Manila, DLS-College of St. Benilde, De La Salle-Lipa, De La Salle-Araneta University, DLSU-Dasmariñas, University of St. La Salle Integrated School, University of St. La Salle, De La Salle Santiago Zobel School, and La Salle Green Hills. Lasallian Debcon is supported by De La Salle Philippines, Business Mirror, and Business World.
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