Adhesive Technology & Formulations HandBook

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ADHESIVETECHNOLOGYAND FORMULATIONS HAND BOOK(HAND BOOK OF ADHESIVES)Written By :EIRI Consultants and Engineers Copy Reserved by Sudhir Gupta, DelhiISBN : 978-81-86732-80-94449, Nai Sarak, Main Road, Delhi-110 006 (India)E-Mail :

Click Here To Buy This Book OnlinePrefaceThe book Adhesive Technology and Formulations Hand Book coversalmost all the basic and advanced details to setup own Gums and AdhesiveUnit. The new edition of the book is covering latest methods includingIntroduction, Historical Development of Adhesives and Adhesive Bonding,Types of Adhesives, Emulsion and Dispersion Adhesives, Testing of Adhesives,Protein Adhesives for Wood, Hot Melt Adhesives, Animal Glues and Adhesives,Polyvinyl Acetate/Alcohol Based Adhesives, Ethylene-Vinyl AcetateCopolymers, Polyvinyl Acetal Adhesives, Silicone Adhesives, EpoxideAdhesives, Polyester Adhesives, Furane Adhesives, Phenolic Resin Adhesives,Cellulose Derivative Adhesives, Epoxy Polyurethane Adhesives,Polyisocyanate/Polyurethane Adhesive, Amino (Urea & Melamine)Formaldehyde Adhesives, Paper, Board & Packaging Adhesives,Remoistenable Adhesives, Gum Arabic etc. Adhesives, Footwear Applicationsof Adhesives, High-Temperature Adhesives, Dispensing of Adhesives, NaturalRubber–Based Adhesives, Polysulfied Sealants and Adhesives, Phenolic ResinAdhesives, Urea–Formaldehyde Adhesives, Melamine–FormaldehydeAdhesives, Polyurethane Adhesives, Unsaturated Polyester Adhesives,Reactive Acrylic Adhesives, Technology of Cyanoacrylate Adhesives forIndustrial Assembly, Silicone Adhesives and Sealants, Epoxy Resin Adhesives,Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives, Adhesives in the Automotive Industry, AdhesiveBased on Vinyl Acetate, Printing Gums (Guar Gum Based), Leather BasedAdhesive, Latex Rubber Based Adhesive, Office Paste, Starch and DextrinBased Adhesive, Adhesive for Corrugation Dry Powder and Paste, Adhesive(Different Type), Adhesive Industries (Laminated, Fevicol, Sticker DDL andOther Types of Adhesive), Rubber Adhesive, Adhesive (Polyvinyl ButyralBased), Self Adhesive Labels, Ester Gums (Food Grade), Vulcanizing RubberSolution/Cement for Automobile Tyres, Industrial Adhesive Based on StarchGum, Dextrin Silicate, Suppliers of Plant & Machineries and Suppliers of RawMaterials.The book has been written for the benefit and to prove an asset and ahandy reference guide in the hands of new entrepreneurs and well establishedindustrialists.Director4449, Nai Sarak, Main Road, Delhi - 110 006 (INDIA)E–Mail : eiritechnology@gmail.comWebsite:

Click Here To Buy This Book OnlineContents Cum-Subject IndexChapter - 1– ThermosettingAdhesives .16INTRODUCTION .1-5 – Rubber Resin Blends .16– Why adhesive Bonding . 1Chapter - 4– Advantages andDisadvantages ofEMULSION ANDAdhesive Bonding . 2 DISPERSION– Advantages . 2 ADHESIVES . 20-23– Disadvantages . 3 – Type of Emulsion– Ideal Adhesive . 3Adhesives . 20– Application area for– Setting Mechanism . 21Adhesive Bonding . 4 – Methods ofApplication . 21Chapter - 2– Advantages andLimitations . 22HISTORICALDEVELOPMENT– EngineeringOF ADHESIVES ANDAdvantages . 22ADHESIVE BONDING . 6-13– Engineering Designwith Adhesive . 23– Introduction . 6– Early History of Adhesivesand Sealants . 6Chapter - 5– Modern Adhesives andTESTING OFSealants . 9 ADHESIVES . 24-58Chapter - 3– Introduction . 24TYPES OF ADHESIVES .14-19– Standard Tests . 24– Physical Classification .14– Some SelectedStandards . 26– Chemical Classification .15 – A Test for AdhesiveJoint Strength . 27– ThermoplasticAdhesives .15 – Tensile Tests . 27

Click Here To Buy This Book OnlineChapter Name– Shear Tests . 30Page No.Chapter - 7– Peel Tests . 36HOT MELT– EnvironmentalADHESIVES . 88-89and RelatedConsiderations . 38 – Introduction . 88– Fracture MechanicsTechniques . 47Chapter - 6PROTEIN ADHESIVESFOR WOOD . 59-87– Composition . 88– Advantage of MeltAdhesives .88– Limitations of MeltAdhesives . 89– Application Methods .89– Introduction . 59 – Use of Melt Adhesives . 89– Soybean Adhesives . 61– Raw Material Sourceand Preparation . 61– Formulation . 62– Mixing, Application,and Pressing . 65Chapter - 8ANIMAL GLUES ANDADHESIVES . 90-112– Introduction . 90– Chemical Composition . 91– Types of Animal Glue . 93Soybean-Blood Glues . 68– Manufacture ofSoybean-CaseinAnimal Glue . 94Glues . 71– Properties ofBlood Glues . 72Animal Glues . 95Raw Material Source– Grades And Testing . 97and Preparation . 72 – Preparation ofAnimal Glues . 98Formulation . 74–Flexible andMixing, Application,Nonwarp Glues . 99and Pressing . 78Casein Glues . 79 – Liquid Animal Glues .100– Glue Application . 100Raw Material Sourcesand Preparation . 79 – End Uses . 102Formulation . 80 – Bookbinding . 102– Paper . 104Mixing, Application,and Pressing .84 – Paper Converting . 105– Blended Formulations . 68––––––––––– Other Proteins .86 – Abrasives . 106

Click Here To Buy This Book OnlineChapter Name– Woodworking .107– Matches .108– Ore and MetalRefining .109– Gummed Tape . 109– MiscellaneousApplications .110– Textiles .110– Rubber Compounding . 110– Luggage and CaseCovering .110– Gaskets .111– Glass Chipping .111– Other Applications .111Chapter - 9POLYVINYL ACETATE/ALCOHOL BASEDADHESIVES .113-119– Polyvinyl AcetateAdhesives . 113– Properties .114– Applications . 114Page No.Chapter - 11POLYVINYL ACETALADHESIVES .122-128– Properties . 122– Uses .122– Plasticizers andSolvents .122– Polyvinyl ButyralAdhesives .123– Phenolic-VinylButyral Adhesives .123– Formulations .124– Laminated SafetyGlass .127– Polyvinyl FormalAdhesives .127– Polyvinyl FormalPhenolic Adhesives .127– Formulation .128Chapter - 12– Formulations . 115– Fevicol-TypeAdhesive .115– Polyvinyl (Alcohol) . 117– Properties .118SILICONEADHESIVES .129-132– Silicone Resins . 129– Applications .118– Silicone Rubbers . 130– Formulations .119– Expoxy Silicones .131Chapter - 10Chapter - 13ETHYLENE-VINYLACETATECOPOLYMERS . 120-121EPOXIDEADHESIVES .133-136– Properties .121– A Mine Hardeners .134

Click Here To Buy This Book OnlineChapter NamePage No.– Acid-AnnydrideHardeners .135– Resorcinol Formaldehyde Adhesives .145– Other Hardeners . 135– Properties .146– Applications . 147Chapter - 14Chapter - 17POLYESTERADHESIVES .137-139CELLULOSE DERIVATIVEADHESIVES .148-153– Unsaturated PolyesterAdhesives .137– Cellulose EsterAdhesives . 149– Properties .138– Cellulose NitrateAdhesives . 149– Applications .138– Applications . 150Chapter - 15FURANEADHESIVES .140-141– Properties .140– Applications . 140Chapter - 16– Cellulose CaprateAdhesives . 150– Cellulose AcetateButyrate Adhesives . 150– Cellulose EtherAdhesives . 151– Methyl CelluloseAdhesives . 151PHENOLIC RESINADHESIVES .142-147– Ethyl CelluloseAdhesive . 151– Phenol-Formaldehydehyde ResinAdhesives .142– Other CelluloseEther Adhesives .152– Properties .142– Applications . 143– Dry Glue Film .143– Phenolic BakingCement .144– Phenolic ResinPutty .144– Phenolic Resin RubberCement . 144– Fabric LiningComposition .153Chapter - 18EPOXYPOLYURETHANEADHESIVES .154-155– Epoxy-PhenolicAdhesives . 154

Click Here To Buy This Book OnlineChapter Name– One ComponentAdhesives . 154– High TemperatureAdhesives . 155Chapter - 19POLYISOCYANATE/POLYURETHANEADHESIVE .156-159– Effectiveness of Polyisocyanate Adhesives . 156Page No.Chapter - 21PAPER, BOARD &PACKAGINGADHESIVES . 164-177– Selection ofAdhesives . 164– Laminated Papers .166– Corrugated Board .168– Book BindingAdhesives . 169– Paper Impregnate .171– IsocyanateAdhesives . 157– Paper Bag andCartons .172– Isocyanate-modifiedAdhesives . 157– Multiwall Bag seamPast-Water Resistant .173– PolyurethaneAdhesives .158– Carton Sealing . 173Chapter - 20AMINO (UREA &MELAMINE)FORMALDEHYDEADHESIVES .160-163– Urea-FormaldehydaAdhesives . 160– Envelopes . 174– Self-Sealing EnvelopesAdhesives . 175– Stamps . 176– Labels .176Chapter - 22REMOISTENABLEADHESIVES . 178-182– Properties . 160– Applications . 161– Melamine FormaldehydeAdhesives . 161– Formulation .178– Stamps . 179– Labels .179– Properties . 162– Decalcoamnials . 180– Applications . 162– Tapes . 181

Click Here To Buy This Book OnlineChapter NameChapter - 23GUM ARABIC ETC.ADHESIVES .183-184Chapter - 24Page No.Chapter - 26DISPENSING OFADHESIVES . 193-197– Basic DispensingPrinciples . 193FOOTWEARAPPLICATIONSOF ADHESIVES .185-189– Pressure TimeControlled System . 194– Adhesives for SoleAttaching . 186– Pressure Time UsingAdvancing Valve . 195– ProcessRequirements .186– Pressure Time Usinga Rotospray Unit . 195– Development of Adhesiveand Primers . 187– Cartridge/SyringeDispensers . 195– Solvent Hazards . 187– Screen Printing ofAdhesives . 196– Adhesive for AncillaryOperations . 188– Topline Folding . 188– Linings . 188– Toe Puff and HeelStiffener . 189– Lasting . 189– Static Pinch Valve .194Chapter - 27NATURAL RUBBER–BASEDADHESIVES .198-202– Introduction .198– Latex Adhesives .198– Shank . 189– Solution Adhesives . 200– Heel Covering . 189– Pressure-SensitiveAdhesive Tapes . 201Chapter - 25HIGH-TEMPERATUREADHESIVES . 190-192– Introduction . 190– Traditional AdhesivesSystems .191– Recent Development .192Chapter - 28POLYSULFIEDSEALANTSAND ADHESIVES . 203-214– Introduction . 203– Chemistry of PolysulfidePolymers . 204

Click Here To Buy This Book OnlineChapter Name– Preparation ofConventionalPolysulfide Polymers . 204– Modified Polysulfide . 205– Other MercaptanTerminatedPolymers . 206– PolythioetherPolymers . 206Page No.– Chemistry andTechnology ofApplication of PhenolicResin Adhesives forWood . 223– General Principles ofManufacture . 223– Curing AccelerationUnder AlkalineConditions .225– Properties of PolysulfidePolymers . 207– Physical Properties ofPhenol-FormaldehydeResins . 226– Compounding,Processing,and Manufacture ofPolysulfide Sealants . 208– Applications . 228– Polysulfide SealantCharacterization andTesting . 211– Polysulfide/EpoxyAdhesives . 212– AdhesionConsiderations . 213Chapter - 29PHENOLIC RESINADHESIVES . 215-239– Introduction . 215– Chemistry . 216– PF Wood Binders . 228– Properties of PhenolicAdhesives forPlywood . 229– Additives . 231– Formulation of PlywoodGlue Mixes . 233– General Observationson ParticleboardManufacture .234– Dry-Out Resistance . 236– Foundry Sand Bindersand Mineral FiberBinders . 237– Binders from PFCopolymers withOther Resins . 237– Acid Catalysis . 219Chapter - 30– Alkaline Catalysis . 220UREA–FORMALDEHYDEADHESIVES . 240-256– Metallic Ion Catalysisand ReactionOrientation . 221– Introduction . 240

Click Here To Buy This Book OnlineChapter Name– Chemistry of UF Resins:Urea–FormaldehydeCondensation . 241– General Principles ofManufacture andApplication .244– Plywood Adhesives . 248– ParticleboardAdhesives . 250– UF Adhesives for LowFormaldehyde-EmissionParticleboard . 251– Other UF AdhesivesApplications . 254– Analysis . 255– Formulation . 255Chapter - 31MELAMINE–FORMALDEHYDEADHESIVES . 257-270– Inroduction . 257– Uses for MF Resins . 257– Chemistry . 258– CondensationReactions . 258– Mechanisms andKinetics . 261– Mixed MelamineResins . 263– Resin PreparationGlue Mixing AndHardening . 264– Chemical and PhysicalAnalysis . 268– Formulations . 270Page No.Chapter - 32POLYURETHANEADHESIVES . 271-301– Introduction . 271– Applications Overview . 274– Basic UrethaneChemistry . 275– Branching Reactions . 277– Catalysts . 279– Urethane PolymerMorphology . 281– PrepolymerFormation . 283– Adhesive RawMaterials . 284– Isocyanates forAdhesiveApplications . 288– Toxicology . 293– Fillers and Additives . 294– Surface Preparationand Primers . 294– Common AdhesiveTypes . 295– One-ComponentAdhesives . 295– Two-ComponentAdhesives . 297– RecentDevelopments . 299– Hybrid Adhesives . 299– Reactive Hot Melts . 300– Pressure-SensitiveAdhesives . 301

Click Here To Buy This Book OnlineChapter NamePage No.Chapter - 33UNSATURATEDPOLYESTERADHESIVES .– Typical Formulation . 317– Heat-Resistant EpoxyAcrylic Hybrid . 317302-310– U.S Patents . 318– Substrates . 318– Introduction . 302– Synthesis . 302– Reaction BetweenDicarboxylic Acids orAnhydrides and Diols . 302– Kinetics andMechanisms . 303Chapter - 35TECHNOLOGY OFCYANOACRYLATEADHESIVES FORINDUSTRIALASSEMBLY .319-332– Side Reactions . 305– Introduction . 319– Catalysts . 306– Chemistry ofThe System . 319– Resin Reactivity . 306– Cross-LinkingMechanism . 307– Structure-PropertiesRelationships . 308– Glass-FiberLamination . 309Chapter - 34REACTIVE ACRYLICADHESIVES . 311-318– Introduction . 311– Chemical Reactionsin Acrylic Adhesives . 311– Handling of AcrylicAdhesives: Do’s andDon’ts With Acrylics . 314– Bond StrengthsAvailable With AcrylicAdhesives . 315– Hot Strength . 325– Speed of Cure . 327– Activators . 329– Improved CommercialCyanoacrylateCompounds . 327– New FlexibleCyanoacrylates . 327– New Cure-ThroughGap Cyanoacrylates .328– New Ultrafast-CureSurface-InsensitiveCyanoacrylates . 328– New Low-OdorCyanoacrylates . 329– Significant CyanoacrylateCharacteristics .329– Polypropylene and Polyethylene Bonding . 329– Typical Formulations . 317– Medical-GradeMaterials . 329– HP Acrylic Adhesive . 317– Thermal Conductivity .

almost all the basic and advanced details to setup own Gums and Adhesive Unit. The new edition of the book is covering latest methods including Introduction, Historical Development of Adhesives and Adhesive Bonding, Types of Ad hesives, Emulsion and Dispersion Adhesives, Testing of Adhesives, Protein Adhesives for Wood, Hot Melt Adhesives, Animal Glues and Adhesives, Polyvinyl Acetate/Alcohol .

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