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Updates and ErrataWhile every precaution has been taken toensure the accuracy of this document, errorsmay have occurred during development.Updates or Errata are posted to the AmericanWood Council website at inquiries may be addressed American Wood Council (AWC) is the wood products division of the American Forest & PaperAssociation (AF&PA). AF&PA is the national trade association of the forest, paper, and wood productsindustry, representing member companies engaged in growing, harvesting, and processing wood andZRRG ¿EHU PDQXIDFWXULQJ SXOS SDSHU DQG SDSHUERDUG SURGXFWV IURP ERWK YLUJLQ DQG UHF\FOHG ¿EHU and producing engineered and traditional wood products. For more information see

2005 EDITIONASD/LRFDMANUALFOR ENGINEEREDWOOD CONSTRUCTIONCopyright 2006American Forest & Paper Association, Inc.

iiASD/LRFD MANUAL FOR ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTIONASD/LRFD Manual for Engineered Wood Construction 2005 EditionWeb Version: September 2008ISBN 0-9625985-7-7 (Volume 3)ISBN 0-9625985-8-5 (4 Volume Set)Copyright 2006 by American Forest & Paper Association, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, including, without limitation, electronic, optical, or mechanical means (by way of example and not limitation,photocopying, or recording by or in an information storage retrieval system) without express written permission of theAmerican Forest & Paper Association, Inc. For information on permission to copy material, please contact:Copyright PermissionAF&PA American Wood Council1111 Nineteenth St., NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036email: awcinfo@afandpa.orgPrinted in the United States of AmericaAMERICAN WOOD COUNCIL

ASD/LRFD MANUAL FOR ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTIONiiiFOREWORDThis Allowable Stress Design/Load and ResistanceFactor Design Manual for Engineered Wood Construction(ASD/LRFD Manual) provides guidance for design of mostwood-based structural products used in the constructionof wood buildings. The complete Wood Design Packageincludes this ASD/LRFD Manual and the following: ANSI/AF&PA NDS-2005 National Design Speci¿FDWLRQ (NDS ) for Wood Construction – withCommentary; and, NDS Supplement – Design Values for Wood Construction, 2005 Edition, ANSI/AF&PA SDPWS-05 – Special Design Provisions for Wind and Seismic (SDPWS) – withCommentary, ASD/LRFD Structural Wood Design Solved Example Problems, 2005 Edition.SURGXFWV IRU RYHU \HDUV ¿UVW LQ WKH IRUP RI WKH WoodStructural Design Data series and then in the National'HVLJQ 6SHFL¿FDWLRQ 1'6 IRU :RRG &RQVWUXFWLRQ.It is intended that this document be used in conjunctionwith competent engineering design, accurate fabrication,and adequate supervision of construction. AF&PA does notassume any responsibility for errors or omissions in thedocument, nor for engineering designs, plans, or construction prepared from it.Those using this standard assume all liability arisingfrom its use. The design of engineered structures is withinthe scope of expertise of licensed engineers, architects, orother licensed professionals for applications to a particularstructure.The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA)has developed this manual for design professionals.AF&PA and its predecessor organizations have providedengineering design information to users of structural woodAMERICAN FOREST & PAPER ASSOCIATIONAmerican Forest & Paper Association


ASD/LRFD MANUAL FOR ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTIONvTABLE OF CONTENTSPart/TitleM1PageGENERAL REQUIREMENTSFOR STRUCTURAL DESIGN .1Part/TitleM7M1.1 Products Covered in This ManualM1.2 General RequirementsM1.3 Design ProceduresM2DESIGN VALUES FORSTRUCTURAL MEMBERS . 3M2.1 General InformationM2.2 Reference Design ValuesM2.3 Adjustment of Design ValuesM3M4SAWN LUMBER . 11M4.1 GeneralM4.2 Reference Design ValuesM4.3 Adjustment of Reference DesignValuesM4.4 Special Design ConsiderationsM4.5 Member Selection TablesM4.6 Examples of Capacity TableDevelopmentM5STRUCTURAL GLUEDLAMINATED TIMBER . 27M5.1 GeneralM5.2 Reference Design ValuesM5.3 Adjustment of Reference DesignValuesM5.4 Special Design ConsiderationsM6ROUND TIMBER POLESAND PILES. 33M6.1 GeneralM6.2 Reference Design ValuesM6.3 Adjustment of Reference DesignValuesM6.4 Special Design ConsiderationsPREFABRICATED WOODI-JOISTS . 37M7.1 GeneralM7.2 Reference Design ValuesM7.3 Adjustment of Reference DesignValuesM7.4 Special Design ConsiderationsM8STRUCTURAL COMPOSITELUMBER . 53M8.1 GeneralM8.2 Reference Design ValuesM8.3 Adjustment of Reference DesignValuesM8.4 Special Design ConsiderationsDESIGN PROVISIONS ANDEQUATIONS . 5M3.1 GeneralM3.2 Bending Members - GeneralM3.3 Bending Members - FlexureM3.4 Bending Members - Shear0 %HQGLQJ 0HPEHUV 'HÀHFWLRnM3.6 Compression MembersM3.7 Solid ColumnsM3.8 Tension MembersM3.9 Combined Bending and Axial LoadingM3.10 Design for BearingPageM9WOOD STRUCTURALPANELS .59M9.1 GeneralM9.2 Reference Design ValuesM9.3 Adjustment of Reference DesignValuesM9.4 Special Design ConsiderationsM10 MECHANICALCONNECTIONS .69M10.1M10.2M10.3M10.4M10.5GeneralReference Design ValuesDesign Adjustment FactorsTypical Connection DetailsPre-Engineered Metal ConnectorsM11 DOWEL-TYPE FASTENERS. 85M11.1 GeneralM11.2 Reference Withdrawal DesignValuesM11.3 Reference Lateral Design ValuesM11.4 Combined Lateral and WithdrawalLoadsM11.5 Adjustment of Reference DesignValuesM11.6 Multiple FastenersM12 SPLIT RING AND SHEARPLATE CONNECTORS. 89M12.1 GeneralM12.2 Reference Design ValuesM12.3 Placement of Split Ring and ShearPlate ConnectorsAMERICAN FOREST & PAPER ASSOCIATION

viASD/LRFD MANUAL FOR ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTIONPart/TitlePageM13 TIMBER RIVETS. 91Part/TitleM16 FIRE DESIGN . 101M13.1 GeneralM13.2 Reference Design ValuesM13.3 Placement of Timber RivetsM14 SHEAR WALLS ANDDIAPHRAGMS . 93M14.1M14.2M14.3M14.4PageGeneralDesign PrinciplesShear WallsDiaphragmsM15 SPECIAL LOADINGCONDITIONS.99M15.1 Lateral Distribution ofConcentrated LoadsM15.2 Spaced ColumnsM15.3 Built-Up ColumnsM15.4 Wood Columns with Side Loadsand EccentricityAMERICAN WOOD COUNCILM16.1 GeneralM16.2 Design Procedures for ExposedWood MembersM16.3 Wood Connections

ASD/LRFD MANUAL FOR ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTIONviiLIST OF TABLESM4.3-1Applicability of Adjustment Factors forSawn Lumber . 13M4.4-1Approximate Moisture and ThermalDimensional Changes. 140 &RHI¿FLHQW RI 0RLVWXUH ([SDQVLRQ HME,and Fiber Saturation Point, FSP, for SolidWoods . 150 &RHI¿FLHQW RI 7KHUPDO ([SDQVLRQ HTE, forSolid Woods . 16M4.5-1aASD Tension Member Capacity (T'),Structural Lumber (2-inch nominal thicknessVisually Graded Lumber (1.5 inch drydressed size), CD 1.0.4-inch nominalthickness Visually Graded Lumber (3.5inch dry dressed size), CD 1.0) . 18M4.5-1b ASD Tension Member Capacity (T'),Structural Lumber (2-inch nominalthickness MSR Lumber (1.5 inch drydressed size), CD 1.0) . 18M4.5-2aASD Column Capacity (P', P'x, P'y), Timbers(6-inch nominal thickness (5.5 inch drydressed size), CD 1.0) . 19M4.5-2b ASD Column Capacity (P', P'x, P'y), Timbers(8-inch nominal thickness (7.5 inch drydressed size), CD 1.0) . 20M4.5-2cM4.5-3aASD Column Capacity (P', P'x, P'y), Timbers(10-inch nominal thickness (9.5 inch drydressed size), CD 1.0) . 21ASD Bending Member Capacity (M',CrM', V', and EI), Structural Lumber (2-inchnominal thickness (1.5 inch dry dressedsize), CD 1.0, CL 1.0) . 22M4.5-3b ASD Bending Member Capacity (M', CrM',V', and EI), Structural Lumber (4-inchnominal thickness (3.5 inch dry dressedsize), CD 1.0, CL 1.0. . 22M4.5-4aASD Bending Member Capacity (M', V',and EI), Timbers (6-inch nominal thickness(5.5 inch dry dressed size), CD 1.0,CL 1.0) . 23M4.5-4b ASD Bending Member Capacity (M', V',and EI), Timbers (8-inch nominalthickness (7.5 inch dry dressed size),CD 1.0, CL 1.0). 23M4.5-4cASD Bending Member Capacity (M', V',and EI), Timbers (10-inch nominalthickness (9.5 inch dry dressed size),CD 1.0, CL 1.0). 24M4.5-4d ASD Bending Member Capacity (M', V',and EI), Timbers (Nominal dimensions 10 inch (actual nominal – 1/2 inch),CD 1.0, CL 1.0). 24M5.1-1Economical Spans for Structural GluedLaminated Timber Framing Systems . 29M5.3-1Applicability of Adjustment Factors forStructural Glued Laminated Timber. 310 YHUDJH 6SHFL¿F *UDYLW\ DQG :HLJKW Factor . 32M6.3-1Applicability of Adjustment Factors forRound Timber Poles and Piles . 35M7.3-1Applicability of Adjustment Factors forPrefabricated Wood I-Joists . 40M8.3-1Applicability of Adjustment Factors forStructural Composite Lumber . 56M9.1-1Guide to Panel Use . 61M9.2-1Wood Structural Panel Bending Stiffnessand Strength . 62M9.2-2Wood Structural Panel Axial Stiffness,Tension, and Compression Capacities. 63M9.2-3Wood Structural Panel Planar (Rolling)Shear Capacities . 65M9.2-4Wood Structural Panel Rigidity andThrough-the-Thickness Shear Capacities . 65M9.3-1Applicability of Adjustment Factors forWood Structural Panels . 66M9.4-1Panel Edge Support . 67M9.4-2Minimum Nailing for Wood StructuralPanel Applications. 68M10.3-1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors forMechanical Connections . 71AMERICAN FOREST & PAPER ASSOCIATION

viiiM11.3-1ASD/LRFD MANUAL FOR ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTIONApplicability of Adjustment Factors forDowel-Type Fasteners . 87M12.2-1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors forSplit Ring and Shear Plate Connectors . 90M13.2-1 Applicability of Adjustment Factors forTimber Rivets . 92M16.1-1 Minimum Sizes to Qualify as HeavyTimber Construction . 102M16.1-2 One-Hour Fire-Rated Load-BearingWood-Frame Wall Assemblies .103M16.1-3 Two-Hour Fire-Rated Load-BearingWood-Frame Wall Assemblies . 103M16.1-4 One-Hour Fire-Rated Wood Floor/CeilingAssemblies . 104M16.1-5 Two-Hour Fire-Rated Wood Floor/CeilingAssemblies . 104M16.1-6 Minimum Depths at Which Selected BeamSizes Can Be Adopted for One-Hour FireRatings . 119M16.1-7 Fire-Resistive Wood I-Joist Floor/CeilingAssemblies . 123M16.1-8 Privacy Afforded According to STCRating . 143M16.1-9 Contributions of Various Products to STCor IIC Rating . 143M16.1-10 Example Calculation . 144M16.1-11 STC & IIC Ratings for UL L528/L529 . 144M16.1-12 STC & IIC Ratings for FC-214 . 144M16.2-1 Design Load Ratios for BendingMembers Exposed on Three Sides(Structural Calculations at StandardReference Conditions: CD 1.0, CM 1.0,Ct 1.0, Ci 1.0, CL 1.0) (ProtectedSurface in Depth Direction) . 147M16.2-2 Design Load Ratios for Bending MembersExposed on Four Sides (StructuralCalculations at Standard ReferenceConditions: CD 1.0, CM 1.0, Ct 1.0,Ci 1.0, CL 1.0) .148M16.2-3 Design Load Ratios for CompressionMembers Exposed on Three Sides(Structural Calculations at StandardReference Conditions: CM 1.0, Ct 1.0,Ci 1.0) (Protected Surface in DepthDirection) . 149M16.2-4 Design Load Ratios for CompressionMembers Exposed on Three Sides(Structural Calculations at StandardReference Conditions: CM 1.0, Ct 1.0,Ci 1.0) (Protected Surface in WidthDirection) . 150M16.2-5 Design Load Ratios for CompressionMembers Exposed on Four Sides(Structural Calculations at StandardReference Conditions: CM 1.0, Ct 1.0,Ci 1.0) . 151M16.2-6 Design Load Ratios for Tension MembersExposed on Three Sides (StructuralCalculations at Standard ReferenceConditions: CD 1.0, CM 1.0, Ct 1.0,Ci 1.0) (Protected Surface in DepthDirection) . 152M16.2-7 Design Load Ratios for Tension MembersExposed on Three Sides (StructuralCalculations at Standard ReferenceConditions: CD 1.0, CM 1.0, Ct 1.0,Ci 1.0) (Protected Surface in WidthDirection) . 153M16.2-8 Design Load Ratios for Tension MembersExposed on Four Sides (StructuralCalculations at Standard ReferenceConditions: CD 1.0, CM 1.0, Ct 1.0,Ci 1.0) . 154M16.2-9 Design Load Ratios for Exposed TimberDecks (Double and Single Tongue &Groove Decking) (Structural Calculationsat Standard Reference Conditions:CD 1.0, CM 1.0, Ct 1.0, Ci 1.0). 155M16.2-10 Design Load Ratios for Exposed TimberDecks (Butt-Joint Timber Decking)(Structural Calculations at StandardReference Conditions: CD 1.0, CM 1.0,Ct 1.0, Ci 1.0) . 155AMERICAN WOOD COUNCIL

ASD/LRFD MANUAL FOR ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTIONixLIST OF FIGURESM5.1-1Unbalanced and Balanced LayupCombinations . 28M5.2-1Loading in the X-X and Y-Y Axes . 30M7.4-1Design Span Determination . 41M7.4-2Load Case Evaluations . 43M7.4-3End Bearing Web Stiffeners (BearingBlock) . 45M7.4-4Web Stiffener Bearing Interface . 46M7.4-5Beveled End Cut . 46M7.4-6Sloped Bearing Conditions (Low End) . 47M7.4-7Sloped Bearing Conditions (High End) . 48M7.4-8Lateral Support Requirements for Joistsin Hangers . 49M7.4-9Top Flange Hanger Support . 49M7.4-10 Connection Requirements for Face NailHangers . 50M7.4-11Details for Vertical Load Transfer . 51M9.2-1Structural Panel with Strength DirectionAcross Supports . 60M9.2-2Example of Structural Panel in Bending . 60M9.2-3Structural Panel with Axial CompressionLoad in the Plane of the Panel. 64M9.2-4Through-the-Thickness Shear for WoodStructural Panels. 64M9.2-5Planar (Rolling) Shear or Shear-in-thePlane for Wood Structural Panels. 64M14.2-1 Shear Wall Drag Strut . 94M14.2-2 Shear Wall Special Case Drag Strut . 95M14.2-3 Diaphragm Drag Strut (Drag strut parallelto loads) . 95M14.2-4 Diaphragm Chord Forces . 96M14.3-1 Overturning Forces (no dead load) . 97M16.1-1 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Wood WallAssembly (WS4-1.1) (2x4 Wood StudWall - 100% Design Load - ASTME119/NFPA 251) . 105M16.1-2 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Wood WallAssembly (WS6-1.1) (2x6 Wood StudWall - 100% Design Load - ASTME119/NFPA 251) . 106M16.1-3 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Wood WallAssembly (WS6-1.2) (2x6 Wood StudWall - 100% Design Load - ASTME119/NFPA 251) . 107M16.1-4 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Wood WallAssembly (WS6-1.4) (2x6 Wood StudWall - 100% Design Load - ASTME119/NFPA 251) . 108M16.1-5 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Wood WallAssembly (WS4-1.2) (2x4 Wood StudWall - 100% Design Load - ASTME119/NFPA 251 . 109M16.1-6 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Wood WallAssembly (WS4-1.3) (2x4 Wood StudWall - 78% Design Load - ASTME119/NFPA 251) . 110M16.1-7 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Wood WallAssembly (WS6-1.3) (2x6 Wood StudWall - 100% Design Load - ASTME119/NFPA 251) .111M16.1-8 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Wood WallAssembly (WS6-1.5) (2x6 Wood StudWall - 100% Design Load - ASTME119/NFPA 25) . 112M16.1-9 Two-Hour Fire-Resistive Wood WallAssembly (WS6-2.1) (2x6 Wood StudWall - 100% Design Load - ASTME119/NFPA 251) . 113M16.1-10 One-Hour Fire-Resistive WoodFloor/Ceiling Assembly (2x10 Wood Joists16" o.c. – Gypsum Directly Applied or onOptional Resilient Channels) . 114M14.3-2 Overturning Forces (with dead load) . 97AMERICAN FOREST & PAPER ASSOCIATION

xASD/LRFD MANUAL FOR ENGINEERED WOOD CONSTRUCTIONM16.1-11 One-Hour Fire-Resistive WoodFloor/Ceiling Assembly (2x10 Wood Joists16" o.c. – Suspended Acoustical CeilingPanels) . 115M16.1-18 One-Hour Fire-Resistive CeilingAssembly (WIJ-1.4) (Floor/Ceiling 100% Design Load - 1-Hour Rating ASTM E119/NFPA 251) . 127M16.1-12 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Wood Floor/CeilingAssembly (2x10 Wood Joists 16" o.c.– Gypsum on Resilient Channels) . 116M16.1-19 One-Hour Fire-Resistive CeilingAssembly (WIJ-1.5) (Floor/Ceiling 100% Design Load - 1-Hour Rating ASTM E119/NFPA 251) . 128M16.1-13 One-Hour Fire-Resistive WoodFloor/Ceiling Assembly (2x10 WoodJoists 24" o.c. – Gypsum on ResilientChannels) . 117M16.1-14 Two-Hour Fire-Resistive WoodFloor/Ceiling Assembly (2x10 WoodJoists 16" o.c. – Gypsum Directly Appliedwith Second Layer on ResilientChannels) . 118M16.1-15 One-Hour Fire-Resistive Ceiling Assembly(WIJ-1.1) (Floor/Ceiling - 100% DesignLoad - 1-Hour Rating - ASTME119/NFPA 251) . 124M16.1-16 One-Hour Fire-Resistive CeilingAssembly (WIJ-1.2) (Floor/Ceiling 100% Design Load - 1 Hour Rating ASTM E119/NFPA 251) . 125M16.1-17 One-Hour Fire-Resistive CeilingAssembly (WIJ-1.3) (Floor/Ceiling 100% Design Load - 1-Hour Rating ASTM E119/NFPA 251) . 126M16.1-20 One-Hour Fire-Resistive CeilingAssembly (WIJ-1.6) (Floor/Ceiling 100% Design Load - 1-Hour Rating ASTM E119/NFPA 251) .

(ASD/LRFD Manual) provides guidance for design of most wood-based structural products used in the construction of wood buildings. . The design of engineered structures is within the scope of expertise of licensed engineers, architects, or other licensed professionals for applications to a particular

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MAY 2016 LRFD BRIDGE DESIGN 8-3 AASHTO LRFD shall be obtained from the National Design Specification for Wood Construction (NDS). The AASHTO LRFD tabulated design values assume dry-use conditions. These tabulated values shall be modified if wood will be subject to wet use conditions. Table has an abbreviated list of some typical