Implantation Of Electrical 1, Bd Charles De Gaulle Devices .

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Reference manualImplantation of electricaldevices and cable layout1, bd Charles de GaulleF-92700 COLOMBES - FRANCETel: 33 (0)1 47 52 97 27Fax: 33 (0)1 47 52 95 60E-mail : - web : www.caneco.euREFERENCE MANUALCaneco Implantation

Reference manualCANECO IMPLANTATIONVersion 2.5Laying out electrical equipment and automatic wiringwww.caneco.euAugust 2010

ALPI - 2010Caneco Implantation Table of Contents1License g, starting and uninstalling software133.13.2Installing and starting softwareUninstalling software1313Principles of Caneco 71818191919194. and definition4.1.1 Distribution4.1.2 Equipment4.1.3 Terminal4.1.4 Circuit4.1.5 Link4.1.6 Main, intermediate and terminal cable4.1.7 Track4.1.8 Altitude4.1.9 HeightPrinciples governing drawing4.2.1 Required pointsPrinciple governing device positioningPrinciple governing wiring4.4.1 Wiring using "nearest" method4.4.2 "Sequential" wiring4.4.3 Cable propertiesCaneco Implantation / Caneco LV interface4.5.1 Principle governing Caneco Implantation / Caneco LV interfacing4.5.2 Calculating circuits with Caneco LV4.5.3 Single electrical network made up of several separate DWG plansTrack sizing"Unique identifier" GUIDCaneco Implantation knowledgeAnnotations7Commands5.1.1 "Configuration" Group5.1.2 "Layout" Group5.1.3 "Modification" Group5.1.4 "Wiring" Group5.1.5 "Cable tray" Group5.1.6 "Sizing" Group5.1.7 "Tools" Group5.1.8 "Import" Group5.1.9 "Export" Group5.1.10 "Selection" Group5.1.11 "Labels" Group5.1.12 "Checking" GroupTool paletteRibbonToolbars and dropdown menuPop-up menuDirectory and database files296.16.26.3292929Knowing the location of the base directoryCreating/Modifying the location of the 'base' directoryPicking up the default base directoryReference ManualTable of Contents - 1

Caneco Implantation 737398.13939393939"Label" frame of Caneco objects8.1.1 Keywords associated with Caneco objects8.1.2 Keyword check marks8.1.3 Label codesRepositioning labelsGeneral lorer" dialogue box7.1.1 Expanding/Reducing the explorer7.1.2 Header bar7.1.3 "Distributions" tab7.1.4 "Circuits" tab7.1.5 "Installation" tab7.1.6 "Properties" tab7.1.7 "Search" tab7.1.8 "Selection from the plan" button7.1.9 "Deselect all" button7.1.10 "Zoom on active line" button7.1.11 "Reach inaccurate object" button7.1.12 "Powers or Explorer" buttonDisplaying Caneco explorerCaneco explorer pop-up menuCSV export from neco Explorer7.27.37.48Editing/Modifying manufacturers and models in the ".CSV" files6.4.1 Manufacturer board6.4.2 Manufacturer cable6.4.3 Manufacturer equipment6.4.4 Manufacturer track6.4.5 Typical track6.4.6 Purpose trackCreating DWG symbol6.5.1 Forcing the base point of the symbol6.5.2 Differentiating the cable point going into and out the symbol6.5.3 Adding property keywords associated with Caneco objectsAdding DWG symbolsCreating/Modifying equipment library filesAdding/Modifying DWG label blocks of Caneco objects6.8.1 Adding property keywords associated with Caneco objectsALPI - 2010"Units and heights" tab9.1.1 "Plan" frame9.1.2 "Heights of equipment or terminals" frame9.1.3 "Wiring height" frame9.1.4 "Cable tray height" frame"General" tab"Layer management" tab9.3.1 Do not change the name of the AutoCAD block layer."Default values" tab9.4.1 Default options for Caneco objects dialogue boxesDistribution4510.1 "Distribution" dialogue box10.1.1 Titlebar10.1.2 "Distribution" frame10.1.3 "Label" frame10.1.4 "Cable" frame10.1.5 "Preview" frame10.1.6 "Track" frame10.1.7 "AutoCAD layers" frame10.1.8 Checkmark of keywords associated with the object4545454646464646462 - Table of ContentsReference Manual

ALPI - 20101112131415Caneco Implantation 10.1.9 Default option10.2 Laying out of a new distribution10.3 Editing/Modifying properties of distribution(s)464747Circuit4911.1 "Circuit" dialogue box11.1.1 Titlebar11.1.2 "Circuit" frame11.1.3 "Cable" frame11.1.4 "Equipment" frame11.1.5 "Factors" frame11.1.6 Quantity to be created11.1.7 Default option11.2 Creating a new circuit11.3 Deleting a circuit11.4 Editing/Modifying properties of the circuit11.5 Assigning a circuit to another distribution11.6 Renaming a circuit49494949515151515151525253Cable properties5512.1 "Cable properties" dialogue box12.1.1 Titlebar12.1.2 Determining the cable12.1.3 Status12.1.4 "Characteristics" frame12.1.5 "Label" frame12.1.6 "Section" frame12.1.7 "Upstream circuit" frame12.1.8 Checkmark of keywords associated with the object12.1.9 Default option12.2 Editing/Modifying properties of the cable12.3 Picking up properties of the main circuit cable555555555556575757575758Equipment5913.1 "Equipment" dialogue box13.1.1 "Equipment" frame13.1.2 "Characteristic" frame13.1.3 "Preview" frame13.1.4 "Label" frame13.1.5 "Cable" frame13.1.6 "Ref mark" frame13.1.7 "AutoCAD layers" frame13.1.8 Checkmark of keywords associated with the object13.1.9 Default option13.2 Laying out of a new equipment13.3 Editing/Modifying properties of equipment595959606061616161616262Terminal6314.1 "Terminal" dialogue box14.1.1 "Terminal" frame14.1.2 "Label" frame14.1.3 "Cable" frame14.1.4 "Ref mark" frame14.1.5 "AutoCAD layers" frame14.1.6 Checkmark of keywords associated with the object14.1.7 Default option14.2 Laying out of a new terminal14.3 Editing/Modifying properties of equipment63636364646464646565Conversion of blocks into Caneco objects6715.1 Converting one AutoCAD block into "Equipment" Caneco object15.2 Converting one AutoCAD block into "Terminal(s)" Caneco object15.3 Converting one AutoCAD block into "Distribution(s)" Caneco object676767Reference ManualTable of Contents - 3

Caneco Implantation 16171815.4 Converting one AutoCAD block into "System(s)" Caneco object67Busbar trunking system (BBTS)6916.1 "BBTS" dialogue box16.1.1 Titlebar16.1.2 "Characteristics" frame16.1.3 "Label" frame16.1.4 "Automatically creating equipment" frame16.1.5 "Ref mark" frame16.1.6 "AutoCAD layers" frame16.1.7 Checkmark of keywords associated with the object16.1.8 Default option16.2 Laying out of a new BBTS16.3 Editing/Modifying properties of BBTS(s)6969697070707070717171Track7317.1 "Track" dialogue box17.1.1 "Characteristics" frame17.1.2 "Label" frame17.1.3 "Distributions excluded or only authorized" frame17.1.4 "Calculated characteristics" frame17.1.5 "AutoCAD layers" frame17.1.6 Checkmark of keywords associated with the object17.1.7 Default option17.2 Laying out of a new track17.3 Editing/Modifying properties of track(s)17.4 Cutting a track17.5 Rotating 90 degrees a track17.6 Distorting a track17.7 Exploding a track17.8 Projecting a track portion on another one17.9 Joining track portions17.10 Join a track portion to another one17.11 Track sizing17.11.1 Calculating track segments17.11.2 Automatically increase dimensions17.11.3 Automatically reduce dimensions17.12 Exporting file (.csv) of cable tray segments17.13 Recalculating17.14 New track with identical properties17.15 Converting "Line", "Polyline" into 97979Auto 84858586868618.718.818.918.1018.1118.1218.1319ALPI - 2010Supply byWire withWiring downstreamSerial wiringUnwiring Caneco objectsPlotting with rigid or flexible cable18.6.1 Flexible cable18.6.2 Rigid cableAdding a handle to the cableChanging the route of a cableDeleting the manual tracingChanging the wiring sequence of equipment.Plotting the cable through a trackCalculating circuit wiresCalculating all cablesTrack cable information8719.1 "Track cable information" dialogue box19.1.1 "Track dimension" frame19.1.2 "Drawing of the section" frame8787874 - Table of ContentsReference Manual

ALPI - 20102021222319.1.3 "Cable information" frame19.1.4 "Track cable list" frame19.1.5 Default option19.1.6 "CSV file" Button19.2 Track cable information8788888888System8920.1 "System" dialogue box20.1.1 "Characteristics" frame20.1.2 "Label" frame20.1.3 "AutoCAD layers" frame20.1.4 Checkmark of keywords associated with the object20.1.5 Default option20.2 Creating a system definition20.3 Importing a system definition20.4 Laying out a system20.5 Editing/Modifying properties of system(s)20.6 Connecting a system20.7 Dissociating a system20.8 Moving a system20.9 Copying a system8989909090909091919192929292Display management9321.1 "Display management" dialogue box21.1.1 "External references" frame21.1.2 "Objects" frame21.1.3 "Cable trays" frame21.1.4 "Display by altitudes" frame21.1.5 "Display by circuits" frame21.1.6 "Other options" menu21.2 Displaying display management9393939595969696Rooms9722.1 Creating a room22.2 Inserting room names into Caneco objects22.3 Converting "Polyline" into room979797DIALux interface9923.123.223.323.42425Caneco Implantation Exporting a file (.stf) to DIALux in CanecoOpening a file (.stf) in DIALuxExporting a file (.stf) to DIALuxImporting a file (.stf) from DIALux in Caneco999999100Caneco Implantation / Caneco LV interface10124.1 Configuring Caneco LV interface in Caneco Implantation24.1.1 For users with Caneco LV 5.3:24.1.2 For users with Caneco LV 5.2:24.2 Saving the file (.mdb) of the Caneco LV interface24.3 Export a partial file (.mdb) to Caneco LV24.4 Import a Caneco Implantation file (.mdb) into Caneco LV24.5 Updating cables from the Caneco LV project24.6 Importing a project from Caneco 6Defining an active circuitSelecting the equipment of the active circuitSelecting the terminals of the active circuitSelecting the cables of the active circuitSelecting all equipmentSelecting all terminals:Selecting all cablesSelecting from the pop-up menuSelecting from Caneco explorerReference ManualTable of Contents - 5

Caneco Implantation 26272829ALPI - 201025.10 Selecting all labels:25.11 Search and select from Caneco 6.6109109109109109109Verifying ref marksVerifying distributionsVerifying circuitsVerifying databaseVerifying superimposed equipmentVerifying superimposed tracksLegend and nomenclature11127.1 "Legend and nomenclature" dialogue box27.2 Editing legend and nomenclature27.3 Synoptic of a circuit111112112Other out.CancelChange all unique identifiersExporting DWG containing only AutoCAD entitiesBlock scaleCreating block attributes from Caneco propertiesDeleting Caneco block attributesRemoving Caneco object propertiesPicking up Caneco layer names from labelsPicking up Caneco layer namesImporting a Caneco Implantation external referenceAvoiding label superimpositionGlossary of sary of distribution label keywordsGlossary of cable label keywordsGlossary of equipment label keywordsGlossary of terminal label keywordsGlossary of track label keywords6 - Table of ContentsReference Manual

August 2010Caneco Implantation 1 License AgreementEND USER LICENSE AGREEMENT for Caneco Implantation SOFTWARE1.IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ CAREFULLYPlease read this License Agreement before installing or using this software. By installing or using the software, you agree to bebound by the terms of this license. If you have illegally obtained a copy of this software, please immediately destroy the copy.If you disagree with the terms of this Agreement, ALPI does not agree to grant you any Caneco Implantation license.In this case, you have no right to use or copy Caneco Implantation and you should promptly contact ALPI to obtain COD returninstructions for the unused product.2.DefinitionsIn this Agreement,-"ALPI" means Applications Logiciels Pour l’Ingénierie S.A;-"LICENSE AGREEMENT" means this agreement and any other document that is included by way of direct reference, namelythe Statement on the protection of personal information;"LICENSEE" means you, the user of the SOFTWARE;"STATEMENT ON THE PROTECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION" means the Statement on the protection of personalinformation that applies to Caneco Implantation software;"SOFTWARE" means the Caneco Implantation software used by the LICENSEE, including any technology and any utility usedby Caneco Implantation under license granted to ALPI by designers and owners of this technology or utility, and any attacheddocumentation3.LICENSECaneco Implantation is protected by copyright laws and the provisions of international treaties as well as other laws andinternational treaties on intellectual property.Caneco Implantation is not sold but licensed.In return for the commitment of the LICENSEE to comply with the terms of this license agreement, ALPI grants LICENSEE anon-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the SOFTWARE and consult the documentation on a computer systemcomprising one terminal. It is also agreed that the license relating to Caneco Implantation which is granted to LICENSEE is nottransferable. The LICENSEE may not use the SOFTWARE on a network server or on more than one computer terminal at thesame time, except in case of prior commercial agreement with ALPI. This agreement does not grant the LICENSEE anycopyright or other rights regarding patents, trade secrets, trade names and trademarks (registered or unregistered) or any otherright, duty or license regarding the SOFTWARE.4.CONFIDENTIALITYDuring the registration process, ALPI may request disclosure of demographic data (country) or personal data (email address).ALPI uses this data to customise and improve its products and services. The information needed to contact its LICENSEES isused to send information about Caneco Implantation to users who have expressed their intention to be notified of news andevents related to its products. ALPI does not sell, does not rent nor disclose personal information to other companies. At anytime, a user has the opportunity to opt out of future mailings.Your continued use of LogiCell, following a change notice published on the website of the SOFTWARE or served any other way,is deemed, in itself, your final approval of the changes under this License Agreement. If you feel that any of changes areunacceptable to you, you should immediately stop using the SOFTWARE.5.COPYRIGHT AND RESTRICTIONS ON THE USEThe SOFTWARE contains material protected by copyright and, in its human readable form, trade secrets and proprietaryinformation which is owned by or licensed to ALPI. ALPI or its licensors hold the title of the SOFTWARE and its attacheddocumentation, as well as all intellectual property rights to the SOFTWARE and such documentation.However, copyright applying to any abstract or summary of text produced from the SOFTWARE will remain the sole property ofthe owner of rights to the original work which is the subject of a summary. Therefore, neither ALPI nor the LICENSEE can claimto have copyrights on any summary arising from the use of the SOFTWARE, and no rights are conferred on them by the use ofthe SOFTWARE.By submitting a suggestion, information, materials, a skin (skin) or any other content (collectively referred to as "Content") toALPI, LICENSEE: (a) represents and warrants that such Content does not breach any intellectual property or other proprietaryright of any third party (including, but not limited to, patents, copyrights, trademarks or trade secrets ) and that it holds allnecessary rights to transfer such Content to ALPI, and (b) automatically grants ALPI a royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, nonexclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, edit or translate such product, to create derivative works from such Content,distribute, redistribute, transfer, perform and display such Content (in whole or in part) worldwide, and/or to incorporate suchContent into any œ work, whatever its form, into a media or a technology unknown or later developed, for the full durationof a right applicable to such other Content. In addition, ALPI is free to use or not any concepts, ideas, know-how, technique orsuggestion which is part of any Content or any transfer that LICENSEE can send to it for any purpose, including, but not limitedto, the creation, manufacture and marketing of products and/or services using such information.LICENSEE shall refrain from decompiling, reverse engineering or disassembling the SOFTWARE or converting it into a humanreadable form. LICENSEE shall refrain from modifying, renting or lending the SOFTWARE or distributing copies. LICENSEEshall refrain from electronically transferring the SOFTWARE on a network, a telephone circuit or the Internet.Reference ManualLicense Agreement - 7

Caneco Implantation August 2010LICENSEE shall refrain from creating any software derived from trade secrets and proprietary information of ALPI or itslicensors. LICENSEE shall refrain from granting sublicenses or transferring such license. LICENSEE shall refrain from copyingthe printed information contained in the package. The LICENSEE may not adapt or use a trademark or trade name that issimilar to the one of Caneco Implantation or of any of its licensors or that leads to confusion with it, nor take any other actionthat could impair or diminish the intellectual property rights of ALPI or its licensors.LICENSEE may make one copy of the SOFTWARE for backup or archiving purposes, provided that the notice of copyright andother identifying information found on the software medium is copied and that this notice is affixed on the backup copy.LICENSEE may print a copy of the documentation provided with the SOFTWARE solely for personal use and for the solepurpose of using the SOFTWARE.In addition, LICENSEE acknowledges that the grant of this license does not constitute a sale of intellectual property rights ofALPI or its licensors related to the SOFTWARE and its attached documentation, and that ALPI and its licensors remain ownersof the SOFTWARE and the copyright on printed information.Any rights not expressly granted by this Agreement are reserved by ALPI and its suppliers6.NO WARRANTYALPI does not guarantee nor claims that the SOFTWARE functions described in the Manual comply with the requirements ofthe LICENSEE or that the operation of the SOFTWARE will be uninterrupted or error-free. Any other software and equipmentprovided with the SOFTWARE or attached to it is not guaranteed by ALPI.7.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITH NO WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDINGIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR USE FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NO CLAIM CAN BEBROUGHT AGAINST ALPI OR ITS LICENSORS, IF ANY, BASED ON A CONTRACT, TORT OR TECHNICAL OFFENCE.SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE ABOVEEXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY.WITHIN THE LIMITS PROVIDED BY ANY APPLICABLE LAW, ALPI, OR ITS LICENSORS, IF ANY, ARE IN NO WAY LIABLEFOR SPECIAL, DIRECT OR INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, IN PARTICULAR, LOSS OFPROFITS) ARISING FROM THE USE BY THE LICENSEE OF THE SOFTWARE OR THE PRINTED INFORMATIONATTACHED TO IT, OR FROM INABILITY TO USE THEM EVEN IF ALPI OR ITS LICENSORS, IF ANY, HAVE BEEN ADVISEDOF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS, REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE OF THE LOSS OR THE THEORETICAL BASIS OFLIABILITY. ANY LIABILITY ARISING FROM A CLAIM MADE BY A THIRD PARTY AGAINST THE LICENSEE IS ALSOEXCLUDED.TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY ANY APPLICABLE LAW, ALPI OR ITS LICENSORS, IF ANY, SHALL IN NOEVENT BE LIABLE FOR ACCESS TO SEARCH ENGINES OR RESEARCH AREAS INCLUDED IN THE SOFTWARE ORUSED BY IT. ALPI OR ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTY AS TO THE ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, UPDATE ORSUITABILITY OF THE CONTENT OF ANY SERVICE OR ANY INFORMATION FROM ONE OR THE OTHER SEARCHENGINES AND, THEREFO

11.3 Deleting a circuit 51 11.4 Editing/Modifying properties of the circuit 52 . Table of Contents Reference Manual 15.4 Converting one AutoCAD block into "System(s)" Caneco object 67 . to DIALux 99 23.4 Importing a file (.stf) from DIALux in Caneco 100

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