Hospital Able Database Data Dictionary

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System Requirements SpecificationHospital Downloadable DatabaseData DictionaryCenters for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Table of ContentsIntroduction . 5Document Purpose. 5Acronym Index . 6Measure Descriptions and Reporting Cycles . 8Measure Dates . 15File Summary . 16Downloadable Database Content Summary . 19General Information . 19Survey of Patients’ Experiences . 21Timely and Effective Care. 23Complications and Deaths . 25Healthcare-associated Infections (HAI) . 28Unplanned Hospital Visits . 30Use of Medical Imaging . 33Payment and Value of Care . 34Medicare Spending per Beneficiary (MSPB) . 37Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting (IPFQR) Program . 40PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting (PCHQR) Program . 49ACoS NSQIP . 55Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting (ASCQR) Program . 55Outpatient and Ambulatory Surgical Center (OAS) CAHPS . 58Outpatient CAHPS . 58Ambulatory Surical Center CAHPS . 63OAS Footnote Crosswalk . 67Linking Quality to Payment . 68Hospital-Acquired Conditions Reduction Program (HACRP). 68Hospital Readmission Reduction Program (HRRP). 69Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (HVBP) Program . 70HVBP Program Incentive Payment Adjustments. 79Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model . 81Veterans Health Administration Hospital Data . 82Appendix A – Hospital Care Compare Measures . 86Hospital General Information.csv . 86Downloadable Database Dictionary January 2021Page 2 of 103

HCAHPS–Hospital.csv . 86Timely and Effective Care–Hospital.csv . 87Complications and Deaths–Hospital.csv . 88CMS PSI 6 decimal file.csv. 88Healthcare Associated Infections–Hospital.csv . 89Unplanned Hospital Visits-Hospital.csv . 89Outpatient Imaging Efficiency–Hospital.csv . 89Medicare Hospital Spending per Patient–Hospital.csv . 89IPFQR QualityMeasures Facility.csv . 90FY 2021 HAC Reduction Program Hospital.csv . 90FY 2021 Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program Hospital .csv . 90PCH OUTCOMES HOSPITAL .csv . 91PCH ONCOLOGY CARE MEASURES HOSPITAL .csv . 91PCH EXTERNAL BEAM RADIOTHERAPY HOSPITAL .csv . 91PCH HCAHPS HOSPITAL .csv . 91PCH HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATED INFECTIONS HOSPITAL .csv . 91ASC Facility .csv . 91Payment and Value of Care-Hospital .csv . 92HVBP Measures Directory . 92VA TE.csv . 92VA IPF. 92VA PSI.csv . 93CJR PY4 Quality Reporting July 2020 Production File.csv . 93Appendix B – Measure Component Definitions . 94Appendix C – HCAHPS Survey Questions Listing . 95Appendix D – OAS CAHPS Survey Questions Listing . 96Appendix E – Footnote Crosswalk . 97Appendix F – Release Updates. 101January 2021 Release . 101New Measures . 101Retired Measures . 102October 2020 Release . 102Retired Measures . 102July 2020 Release . 103Downloadable Database Dictionary January 2021Page 3 of 103

New Measures . 103Retired Measures . 103April 2020 Release . 103New Measures . 103Retired Measures . 103Downloadable Database Dictionary January 2021Page 4 of 103

IntroductionHospital Care Compare is a consumer-oriented website that provides information on the quality of care hospitals are providing to theirpatients. This information can help consumers make informed decisions about health care. Hospital Care-Compare allows consumers toselect multiple hospitals and directly compare performance measure information related to heart attack, emergency department care,preventive care, and other conditions. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) created the Hospital Care Compare websiteto better inform health care consumers about a hospital’s quality of care. Hospital Care Compare provides data on over 4,000 Medicarecertified hospitals, including acute care hospitals, critical access hospitals (CAHs), children’s hospitals, Veterans Health Administration(VHA) Medical Centers, Department of Defence (DoD) and hospital outpatient departments. Hospital Care Compare is part of anAdministration-wide effort to increase the availability and accessibility of information on quality, utilization, and costs for effective,informed decision-making. More information about Hospital Care Compare can be found by visiting the website andperforming a search for Hospital Compare. To access the Hospital Care Compare website, please visit Care Compare is typically updated, or refreshed, each quarter in January, April, July, and October, however, the refreshschedule is subject to change and not all measures will update during each quarterly release.See the Measure Descriptions and Reporting Cycles section of this Data Dictionary for additional information. Hospital data are reportedin median time only; however, the median time is often referred to as the “average time” to allow for ease of understanding across awider audience.Links to download the data from the individual datasets in comma-separated value (CSV) flat file format can be found on the ProviderData Catalog site with each dataset. To view the Announcements, About the data information, and a link to the data archives, go to theTopics page.All Hospital Care Compare websites are publically accessible. As works of the U.S. government, Hospital Care Compare data are inthe public domain and permission is not required to reuse them. An attribution to the agency as the source is appreciated. Yourmaterials, however, should not give the false impression of government endorsement of your commercial products or services.Document PurposeThe purpose of this document is to provide a directory of material for use in the navigation of information contained within theHospital Compare downloadable databases. The Appendix A – Hospital Care Compare Measures section in this data dictionaryprovides a full list of Hospital Compare measures contained in the downloadable databases. The Measure Dates section of this datadictionary provides additional information about measure dates and quarters.The following Specification Manuals are available on Specifications Manual for Hospital Inpatient Quality (IQR) Measures Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) Specifications Manual Ambulatory Surgical Center Quality Reporting Specifications Manual Specification Resources for IPFQR Program Measures PCHQR Program ManualDownloadable Database Dictionary January 2021Page 5 of 103

Acronym IndexThe following acronyms are used within this data dictionary and in the corresponding downloadable databases (CSV flat files –Revised):AcronymACoS PHVBPIMGIMMIPFQRIQRMORTMRSAMSPBMSAMSRMPVNQFOAS an College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement ProgramAmbulatory Surgical CenterAmbulatory Surgical Center Quality ReportingAcute Myocardial InfarctionAverageCoronary Artery Bypass GraftCatheter-associated urinary tract infectionsClostridium difficile InfectionClinical Episode Based PurchasingComprehensive Care Joint ReplacementCentral line-associated bloodstream infectionsComplicationsChronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseDepartment of DefenseEmergency DepartmentExcess days in acute careFootnoteHospital-Acquired Conditions Reduction ProgramHealthcare-Associated InfectionsHospital-Based Inpatient Psychiatric ServicesHospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and SystemsHeart FailureTotal Hip/Knee ArthoplastyHealth Information TechnologyHospital Readmissions Reduction ProgramHospital Value-Based PurchasingImagingImmunizationInpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality ReportingInpatient Quality ReportingMortalityMethicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureusMedicare Spending per Beneficiary (also referred to as SPP for Spending Per Patient)Metropolitan Statistical AreaMeasureMedicare Payment and VolumeNational Quality ForumOutpatient and Ambulatory Surigical Center Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and SystemsOncology Care MeasuresOutpatient Imaging EfficiencyOutpatientOutpatient Quality ReportingPPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality ReportingPneumoniaPatient reported outcomesPatient Safety IndicatorsReadmissionsSepsisDownloadable Database Dictionary January 2021Page 6 of 103

SMSMDSPPSTKTHATKATRTPSTRISSVAVHAVOCVTEStructural MeasuresScreening for Metabolic DisorderSpending per Patient (also referred to as MSPB for Medicare Spending per Beneficiary)StrokeTotal Hip ArthroplastyTotal Knee ArthroplastyTransition RecordTotal Performance ScoreTRICARE Inpatient Satisfaction SurveysVeterans AdministrationVeterans Health AdministrationValue of careVenous ThromboembolismDownloadable Database Dictionary January 2021Page 7 of 103

Measure Descriptions and Reporting CyclesData for each measure set are collected in differing time frames from various quality measurement contractors. Additional informationabout the measure update frequency/refresh schedule and data collection periods can be found in the Measures and Current DataCollection Periods section of the Hospital Compare website. Below is a brief description of the collection processes and reporting cyclesfor each measure set included on Hospital Compare:NameDescription/BackgroundGeneral Information: Overall RatingThe Overall Hospital Ratings are designed to assist patients, consumers, and others in comparing hospitalsside-by-side. The Overall Hospital Ratings show the quality of care a hospital may provide compared to otherhospitals based on the quality measures reported on Hospital Compare. The Overall Hospital Ratingsummarizes as many as 51 measures reported on Hospital Compare into a single rating. The measures comefrom the IQR, OQR, and other programs and encompass measures in seven measure groups: mortality, safetyof care, readmission, patient experience, effectiveness of care, timeliness of care, and efficient use of medicalimaging. The hospitals can receive between one and five stars, with five stars being the highest rating, and themore stars, the better the hospital performs on the quality measures. Most hospitals will display a three starrating.For more information, go to the Hospital Care Compare overall hospital ratings section.Reporting CycleNameDescription/BackgroundReporting CycleNameDescription/BackgroundReporting CycleNameDescription/BackgroundFor more information regarding the methodology, go to the Overall Hospital RatingsMethodology section.Data collection period will vary by measure, and will be updated annually.American College of Surgeons (ACS) National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP)The American College of Surgeons provides surgical outcome measures voluntarily repoirted by hospitals.The hospitals report outcome measures to show whether hospitals differ in what happens to patients after theyhave 1 of 3 types of surgeries: Lower extremity bypass (LEB) surgical outcomes, Colon surgical outcomes andOutcomes in surgeries for patients 65 or older.For more information to go to the Hospital Care Compare ACS NSQIP page.Collection period: 12 months. Refreshed quarterly.General Information: Health Information Technology (HIT) MeasuresAs part of the general information available through CMS, hospitals submit HIT measure data which is part ofthe Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Program. The HIT measures include hospitals’ ability toreceive lab results electronically and track patients’ health information, including lab results, tests, andreferrals electronically between visits. The data for hospitals who are using certified electonic health recordtechnology to meet the requirements of promoting interoperability is available in the downloadable databasefiles.Collection period: 12 months. Refreshed annually.Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Patient SurveyThe HCAHPS Patient Survey, also known as the CAHPS Hospital Survey or Hospital CAHPS, is a

Downloadable Database Dictionary January 2021 Page 5 of 103 Introduction Hospital Care Compare is a consumer-oriented website that provides information on the quality of care hospitals are providing to their

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