PN 475573Vari-Green ControlIndoor Air Quality–Temp/HumidityInstallation, Operation and Maintenance ManualPlease read and save these instructions for future reference. Read carefully before attempting to assemble,install, operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safetyinformation. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage!Temperature and Humidity ControllerThe Temperature and Humidity Controller isspecifically designed to control a Vari-Green fanmotor. The Temperature and Humidity Controllerwill sense the temperature and humidity in thespace and will automatically adjust the speed ofa supply or exhaust fan to adjust the ventilationrate accordingly. The temperature measurementwill be compared to a field adjustable temperaturesetpoint, processed through a Proportional/Integral/Derivative (PID) control algorithm to produce a 2to 10 VDC fan motor control output. The humiditymeasurement will be compared to a field adjustablehumidity setpoint, processed through a PID controlalgorithm to produce a 2 to 10 VDC fan motorcontrol output. If the unit is in temperature onlymode the temperature algorithm’s output shall beused to provide the fan motor control output. Whenthe unit is in humidity-only mode the humidityalgorithm’s output shall be used to provide thefan motor control output. When the unit is intemperature and humidity mode the algorithm withthe greatest output shall be used to provide the fanmotor control output.When all active algorithms are satisfied, the outputvoltage shall be set to its lowest value, 2 VDC. Ifthe temperature is 1 F below the temperatureGeneral Safety InformationOnly qualified personnel should install this product.Personnel should have a clear understanding ofthese instructions and should be aware of generalsafety precautions. Improper installation can resultin electric shock, possible injury due to coming incontact with moving parts, as well as other potentialhazards. Other considerations may be requiredif high winds or seismic activity are present. Ifmore information is needed, contact a licensedprofessional engineer before moving forward.setpoint intemperature controland the humidityis 3% below thehumidity setpoint inhumidity control orboth in temperatureand humidity control,the voltage outputmay be set to zero(optional cutoutmode). The unitwill resume normalfan operation ifthe temperaturechanges by 1 F orthe humidity changes by 5%.Ventilating based on the temperature and humiditymeasurements assures that the space will not beover or under ventilated while using the Vari-Greenmotor technology to operate quietly and efficiently.The Temperature and Humidity Controller hasadjustments for setpoint, minimum and maximumfan speed. The fan speed and temperature orhumidity level are available as an analog output tobe read by a buildingDANGERAlways disconnect, lock and tag power source beforeinstalling or servicing. Failure to disconnect powersource can result in fire, shock or serious injury.CAUTIONWhen servicing the fan, motor may be hot enoughto cause pain or injury. Allow motor to cool beforeservicing.CAUTIONPrecaution should be taken in explosiveatmospheres.1
Electrical Safety InformationFollow all local electrical and safety codes, as wellas the National Electrical Code (NEC) and theNational Fire Protection Agency (NFPA). Whereapplicable, follow the Canadian Electric Code.1. The rotation of the wheel is critical. It must befree to rotate without striking or rubbing anystationary objects.2. Motor must be securely and adequatelygrounded.3. Do not spin fan wheel faster than maximumcataloged fan RPM. Adjustment to fan speedsignificantly affects motor load. If fan RPM ischanged, motor current should be checkedto make sure it is not exceeding the motornameplate amps.4. Do not allow the power cable to kink or comein contact with oil, grease, hot surfaces,or chemicals. Replace cord immediately ifdamaged.5. Verify that the power source is compatible withthe equipment.6. Never open access doors to a duct while the fanis running.ReceivingUpon receiving the product check to make sure allitems are accounted for by referencing the bill oflading to ensure all items were received. Inspecteach crate for shipping damage before acceptingdelivery. Notify the carrier if any damage is noticed.The carrier will make notification on the deliveryreceipt acknowledging any damage to the product.All damage should be noted on all the copies of thebill of lading which is countersigned by the deliveringcarrier. A Carrier Inspection Report should be filledout by the carrier upon arrival and reported to theTraffic Department. If damaged upon arrival, filea claim with carrier. Any physical damage to theunit after acceptance is not the responsibility ofGreenheck Fan Corporation.UnpackingVerify that all required parts and the correct quantityof each item have been received. If any items aremissing, report shortages to your local representativeto arrange for obtaining missing parts. Sometimes itis not possible that all items for the unit be shippedtogether due to availability of transportation and truckspace. Confirmation of shipment(s) must be limited toonly items on the bill of lading.2ElectricalThe motor amperage and voltage ratings must bechecked for compatibility to supply voltage priorto final electrical connection. Wiring must conformto local and national codes. Consult local codeauthorities for specific requirements.StorageProduct is protected against damage duringshipment. If the product cannot be installed andoperated immediately, precautions need to betaken to prevent deterioration of the product duringstorage. The user assumes responsibility of theproduct and accessories while in storage. Themanufacturer will not be responsible for damageduring storage. These suggestions are providedsolely as a convenience to the user.Indoor OnlyDo not store this product outdoors. The idealenvironment for the storage of this product isindoors, above grade, in a low humidity atmospherewhich is sealed to prevent the entry of blowingdust, rain or snow. Temperatures should be evenlymaintained between 30 to 110 F (-1 to 43 C) (widetemperature swings may cause condensation and“sweating” of metal parts). All accessories must bestored indoors in a clean, dry atmosphere.Remove any accumulations of dirt, water, ice, orsnow and wipe dry before moving to indoor storage.Allow cold parts to reach room temperature to avoid“sweating” of metal parts. To dry parts and packages,use a portable electric heater to get rid of any moisturebuildup. Leave coverings loose to permit air circulationand to allow for periodic inspection. The unit shouldnot be stored on the floor.Inspection and MaintenanceDuring StorageWhile in storage, inspect product once per month.Keep a record of inspection and maintenanceperformed. If moisture or dirt accumulations are foundon parts, the source should be located and eliminated.Installation and Setup GuideThis guide provides instructions for how toinstall, wire and program the control system foruse when constant pressure in a duct or roomsystem is required. This does not cover ductworkrecommendations or other considerations.
MountingMount the controller in the space to be controlled.Keep wire lengths between the controller and the fanto 200 feet or less.Drywall MountingMounting PlateJunction Box MountingCoverElectrical BoxMounting PlateCover1. Separate the unit from the back plate by drivingin the Allen screw until the two pieces come free.2. Place the base plate against the wall where youwant to mount the sensor.1. Separate the unit from the back plate by drivingin the Allen screw until the two pieces come free.3. Using a pencil mark out the two mounting holesand the area where the wires will come throughthe wall.3. Pull the wire through the hole in the base plate.4. Drill two 3/16 inch holes in the center of eachmarked mounting hole, DO NOT punch theholes or the drywall anchors will not hold. Inserta drywall anchor into each hole.4. Secure the plate to the box using the #6-32 x 5/8inch mounting screws provided.5. Drill one 1/2 inch hole in the middle of themarked wiring area.5. Terminate the unit wiring.6. Pull the wire through the wall and out of the 1/2Inch hole, leaving about six inches free.2. Pull the wire through the wall and out of thejunction box, leaving about six inches free.6. Mold the foam on the unit’s base to the wirebundle to prevent drafts. (see note below)7. Pull the wire through the hole in the base plate.7. Attach Cover by latching it to the top of the base,rotating the cover down and snapping it into place.8. Secure the base to the drywall anchors using the#6 x 1 inch mounting screws provided.8. Secure the cover by backing out the lock-downscrew using a 1/16 inch Allen wrench until it isflush with the bottom of the cover.9. Terminate the unit wiring.10. Mold the foam on the unit’s base to the wirebundle to prevent drafts. (see note below)11. Attach cover by latching it to the top of the base,rotating the cover down and snapping it into place.12. Secure the cover by backing out the lock-downscrew using a 1/16 inch Allen wrench until it isflush with the bottom of the cover.NOTE: In any wall-mount application, the airwithin the wall cavity can cause erroneousreadings. The mixing of room air and air fromwithin the wall cavity can lead to condensation,erroneous readings and sensor failure.To prevent these conditions, Greenheckrecommends sealing the conduit leading tothe junction box, filling the junction box withfiberglass insulation or sealing the wall cavity.3
WiringAll wiring for the Greenheck Temperature andHumidity Controller is Class II low-voltage controlwiring. See the Wiring Diagram on Page 7 for thewiring overview.Main Display 0.76inch 4-digit NumericHeat ControlIconControl box to factory mountedtransformer control formerControl Terminal0 to 10VCOM24VMinor Display0.34 inch 3-digitAlpha-NumericCool ControlIconDotFan ON IconDisplay FeaturesConnect a normally-open switch between terminalsJ17-OVR and J15-GND on the controller. Closingthis switch will activate the remote override feature.Opening the switch will de-activate the override.The minor display is used to describe the unitsdisplayed and the main display shows the numericvalue. The fan icon is illuminated whenever the fanoutput voltage is at or above the minimum specifiedin parameter P8, Minimum % Fan Speed. The Cooland Heat Icons are illuminated in each control moderespectively. The dot in the lower left is used tosignal fan cut-out mode.Optional Output ReferenceNormal Operation (J19 RUN)Optional Remote OverrideA 0 to 10VDC signal is available from J15-REF toJ15-GND. The signal is 15 to 130 F (-10 to 55 C)or 0 to 100% Relative Humidity depending on thevalue of parameter P10 (see pg 6).ScrollButtonThe Greenheck Indoor Air Quality – Temperature/Humidity Controller ships with the following factorysetting: Cooling Control, Temperature Setpoint 72 F,Fan Control output at 2 to 10 Volts and Cut-OutDisabled. Pressing the scroll button at any timeshows the Temperature setpoint, a second pushshows the fan speed in percent.The scroll button will change the display momentarilyto view other information such as setpoints and fanspeed. These are for reference only, and cannotbe adjusted. The exact sequence will depend onthe settings of parameters P0, P1, P2 and P4. Forexamples, see the two figures below.ProgrammingSwitchesProgrammingJumper inRUN ModeUser InterfaceA scroll button protrudes through the case. Theprogramming switches and programming jumper areinside the case.4Scroll ButtonSequence,TemperatureControlCooling Mode, F Temperatureand Display inrun.Scroll Button Sequence,Temperature & Humidity ControlCooling Mode, F Temperatureand Display in run.
Programming (J19 PRG)The unit shall ship with factory default parametersetpoints. Parameter setpoints may be edited inthe field by HVAC technicians. During parameterediting, the output voltage shall be set to zero.General Programming Enter the edit mode by removingthe unit from its base andplacing jumper J19 on the PRGJ19 Edit Modepins. The minor display shallshow the parameter name and the major displayshall show the parameter number.Press the UP or DN switch to select theparameter you wish to edit.Press the ENT switch to select the parameter andenter the parameter edit mode. The minor displayshall show the parameter name and the majordisplay shall show the parameter value.Press the UP or DN switch to change theparameter value. Pressing and holding theswitch will scroll through the values.If a parameter has more than one sub-menu (seetables pgs 6-7), press the ENT switch to reachthe 1st sub-menu and edit the parameter, thenpush the ENT switch to reach the 2nd sub-menuand edit the parameter. Continue until all submenus are edited. Pushing the ENT switch oncemore will save and return to the parameter menu.Return to normal operation by placing jumper J19on a single pin.Parameter DescriptionsTemperature Control, Parameter P0Factory Defaults On, COOL, Setpoint 72 FTMP OFF Temperature control OffTMP On Temperature control OnACT COOL Cool Mode, operate fan to lower tempACT HEAt Heat Mode, operate fan to raise tempSP F # Temp Setpoint, 15 to 130 F in 1 incrementsSP C # Temp Setpoint, -10 to 55 C in 0.5 increments( C or F Temp Setpoint is defined by P1 below)Temperature Units, Parameter P1Factory Default FDEG F Fahrenheit degreesDEG C Celsius degreesHumidity Control, Parameter P2Factory Defaults OFF, Humidity Setpoint 50%RHHMD OFF Humidity control offHMD On Humidity control on,operate fan to decrease humidity%HSP # Humidity Setpoint,0 to 100%RH in 1% incrementsRestore Factory Default ParameterValues, Parameter P3Factory Default OFFFAC OFF Entry screen, leave current valuesFAC On Restore factory valuesDisplay Format, Parameter P4Factory Default runDIS OFF Turn minor and major displays off, leavecontrol mode and fan icons on.DIS FAn Unit shows fan speed until scroll buttonpushedDIS run Unit shows temp or humidity values intemp or humidity control. Unit togglesbetween temp and humidity if bothcontrol modes are enabled.Fan Cutout Timer, Parameter P5Factory Default OFF, 30 secondsCUT OFF Cutout timer offCUT On Cutout timer onCTM # Cutout time, 0 to 300 secs in 1 sec incrementsThe cutout function turns off the fan when thetemperature and humidity are below their setpointsfor a predetermined amount of time.Cutout DisabledThe algorithm is run and the FAN output is alwaysbetween the min and max speed (Parameters P8 & P9).Cutout EnabledWhen the temp and humidity are below setpoint,the cutout timer is started and the dot icon on thedisplay starts flashing. If the timer runs out beforethe temp and humidity raises above setpoint, thenthe FAN output is set to zero, the dot icon is onsteady and the fan icon is turned off. If the temp andhumidity rises above setpoint (1 F or 3%RH), thenthe dot turns off, the fan icon is illuminated and theFAN resumes algorithm control. The Scroll Buttonbehaves normally during cutout.Fan Override, Parameter P6Factory Default 100% Fan Speed%OVR # Fan Speed of 20 to 100% in 1% incrementsDuring normal operation, when the remote overrideswitch is closed, the fan will immediately ramp toP6 speed and stay there until the remote overrideswitch is opened. The override can be activated byany normally-open, voltage-free contact. Closing thecontact will activate the override. The fan icon shall turnon and the display will show %OVR and the %Speed.Manual Fan Speed Override, Parameter P7Factory Defaults OFF, 50% Manual Fan SpeedSPD OFF Algorithm controlSPD On Manual control%SPD # 20% to 100% in 1% increments, or 0%5
Parameter P7 continued.Allows manual control of the fan speed for systemsetup and commissioning tests. Exiting thisparameter returns the controller to normal operation.When entering this parameter, the value shall beOFF (normal operation). Press the UP button to setthe parameter value to On and then press the ENTbutton. The unit is now in manual control.The major display shall read 50 for 50% output (5VDC out). The minor display shall show %SPD.Pressing the UP button shall increase the displayedvalue and proportionally change the fan speed.Pressing the DN button shall decrease the displayedvalue and proportionally change the fan speed.Allowed values are 0% and 20 to 100%, for 0 VDCand 2 to 10 VDC fan motor control voltage.The fan speed will remain at the displayed valueuntil the ENT button is pressed placing the unit backto the parameter selection mode.Parameter P8 continued.Minimum Fan Speed, Parameter P8Factory Default 20%An analog output across J15 terminals “REF” and“GND” for the measured temp or humidity.Parameter MenuSub-Menu 1Sub-Menu 2%MIN # 20% to 100% in 1% incrementsSets the min fan speed that the controller maycontrol to. Note: the controller will not allow theoutput min to be set higher than the output max.Maximum Fan Speed, Parameter P9Factory Default 100%%MAX # 20% to 100% in 1% incrementsSets the max fan speed that the controller maycontrol to. Note: the controller will not allow theoutput max to be set lower than the output min.Analog Output Reference, Parameter P10Factory Default TemperatureREF H Humidity, 0 to 10V for 0 to 100%RHREF t Temperature,0 to 10V for 15 to 130 F (-10 to 55 C)Sub-Menu 3DescriptionFactory DefaultPage 0, Temperature ControlTemperature Control OffTemperature Control OnCooling Mode, moving cooling air to spaceONCOOLHeating Mode, moving heating air to spaceTemperature Setpoint in Degrees Fahrenheit, 15 to 130 , by 1 , Units Controlled by P1Temperature Setpoint in Degrees Celsius, -10 to55 , by 0.5 , Units Controlled by P172 FPage 1, Temperature UnitsFahrenheit DegreesFCelsius DegreesPage 2, Humidity ControlHumidity Control OffOFFHumidity Control OnHumidity Setpoint, 0 to 100 %RH by 1 %RH50%Page 3, Restore Factory Default Menu ValuesEntry Screen, Leave Current ValuesOFFRestore Factory ValuesPage 4, Display FormatTurn Minor and Major Display Off, Mode Icons OnShow % Fan SpeedShow Space Temperature and Humidity, Dependson control mode6runPage 5, Fan Cutout TimerFan Cutout OffOFF
Show % Fan SpeedParameter MenuSub-Menu 1Sub-Menu 2Sub-Menu 3Show Space Temperature and Humidity, DependsDescriptionon control moderunDefaultFactoryPage 5,Cutout Timer0, FanTemperatureControlFanCutout OffControl OffTemperatureOFFFanCutout OnControl OnTemperatureONCutoutto 300 coolingsecondsair to eatingPage 6, Mode,Override% FanSpeedair to spaceTemperature Setpoint in Degrees Fahrenheit, 15 20% to 100% Fan Speed, by 1%to 130 , by 1 , Units Controlled by P1Temperature Setpoint in Degrees Celsius, -10 toPage 7, Manual Fan Speed Override55 , by 0.5 , Units Controlled by P110072 FManualSpeed OverridePage 1,FanTemperatureUnits OffOFFManualFanDegreesSpeed Override OnFahrenheitFManually Set Fan Speed, 20% to 100% in 1%Celsius Degreesincrements or 0%50Page 8,% Fan Speed2, MinimumHumidity Control20Minimum % Fan Speed Value, 20% to 100% in 1%Humidity Control OffincrementsOFFHumidityControl OnPage9, Maximum% Fan SpeedMaximum % Fan Speed Value, 20% to 100% inHumidity Setpoint, 0 to 100 %RH by 1 %RH1% increments10050%Page 10,Analog FactoryOutput Reference3, RestoreDefault Menu Values0to 100%RH,Leavefor 0 to10 VDCEntryScreen,CurrentValues15 to 130 F or -10 to 55 C, for 0 to 10 VDC,Restore Factory ValuesUnits Controlled by P1OFFtPage 4, Display FormatWiring DiagramTurn Minor and Major Display Off, Mode Icons OnShow % Fan SpeedShow Space Temperature and Humidity, Dependson control moderunPage 5, Fan Cutout TimerFan Cutout OffOFFFan Cutout OnCutout Timer, 0 to 300 seconds30Page 6, Override % Fan Speed20% to 100% Fan Speed, by 1%100Page 7, Manual Fan Speed OverrideManual Fan Speed Override OffOFFManual Fan Speed Override OnManually Set Fan Speed, 20% to 100% in 1%increments or 0%50Page 8, Minimum % Fan Speed20Minimum % Fan Speed Value, 20% to 100% in 1%incrementsPage 9, Maximum % Fan SpeedMaximum % Fan Speed Value, 20% to 100% in1% incrementsPage 10, Analog Output Reference0 to 100 %RH, for 0 to 10 VDC1007
TroubleshootingProblemPotential SolutionFan always at minimum speed Blow into the bottom of the unit. Your breath should increase the humiditymeasurement and raise the temperature measurement. The fan speed shouldincrease within a few minutes.Fan always at high speed Check that the temperature and humidity measurements are decreasing. Setpoint may be incorrect for the persistent load.Fan Cutout not working properly Setpoint may be incorrect for the persistent load. If the controller will not turn the fan off, verify that the measured temperature is atleast 0.9 F below and the relative humidity is at least 3% below set point. Verify that the cutout timer has started by looking for the flashing dot. If the controller will not restart the fan, verify that the measured temperature is atleast 1 F above the setpoint and the relative humidity is at least 5% above thesetpoint.WarrantyGreenheck warrants this equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period ofone year from the shipment date. Any units or parts which prove defective during the warranty period willbe replaced at our option when returned to our factory, transportation prepaid. Motors are warranted bythe motor manufacturer for a period of one year. Should motors furnished by Greenheck prove defectiveduring this period, they should be returned to the nearest authorized motor service station. Greenheckwill not be responsible for any removal or installation costs.As a result of our commitment to continuous improvement, Greenheck reserves the right to changespecifications without notice.Greenheck Vari-Green Motor catalog provides additionalinformation describing the equipment, fan performance,available accessories, and specification data.AMCA Publication 410-96, Safety Practices for Users andInstallers of Industrial and Commercial Fans, provides additional safety information. This publication can be obtainedfrom AMCA International, Inc. at: (715) 359-6171 Fax: (715) 355-2399 E-mail: Web site: www.greenheck.com8475573 Indoor Air Quality - Temp/Humidity, Rev. 1, June 2012Copyright 2012 Greenheck Fan Corporation
Temperature and Humidity Controller General Safety Information setpoint in temperature control and the humidity is 3% below the humidity setpoint in humidity control or both in temperature and humidity control, the voltage output may be set to zero (optional cutout mode). The unit will resume
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VARI LITE is a trademark owned by Genlyte Thomas Group LLC and is registered in the United States and other countries. VL1000 , VL2000 , VL2201 , VL2202 , VL2400 (and the individual product designations), VL3000 , Series 1000 , Series 2000 , Series 3000 , DICHRO TUNE , VARI IMAGE , and the Vari-Lite Asteri
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