Reading Pacing GuideGrade 5MPUnitsUnitCumulativeTOTAL* TOTAL**MP1Unit 1 – School Spirit25 days25 daysMP1FLEX DAYS5 days30 daysUnit 2 – Wild Encounters25 days55 daysMP2FLEX DAYS5 days60 daysMP2Unit 3 – Revolution25 days85 daysMP2FLEX DAYS5 days90 daysMP3Unit 4 – What’s Your Story?25 days115 daysMP3FLEX DAYS5 days120 daysUnit 5 – Under Western Skies25 days145 daysMP4FLEX DAYS5 days150 daysMP4Unit 6 – Journey to Discovery25 days175 daysMP4FLEX DAYS5 days180 daysMP1-2MP3-4
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingUnit Title: Unit 1: School Spirit!Stage 1: Desired ResultsStandards & Indicators:NJSLS Grade 5 English Language Arts RL.5.1 RL.5.2 RL.5.3 RL.5.4 RL.5.5 RL.5.6 RL.5.7 RL.5.9 RL.5.10 RI.5.1 RI.5.2 RI.5.3 RI.5.4 RI.5.5 RI.5.6 RI.5.7 RI.5.8 RI.5.9 RI.5.10 SL.5.1 SL.5.2 SL.5.3 SL.5.4 SL.5.5 SL.5.6 RF.5.4 L.5.1 L.5.3 L.5.4 L.5.5 L.5.61 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingStandards & Indicators:NJSLS Grade 5 Social Studies 6.1.4.A.7 6.1.4.A.11 6.1.4.A.12NJSLS Grade 5 Science 5-ESS1-1 5-ESS2-1NJSLS Technology 8.1.5.A.1 8.1.P.E.1 8.1.2.E.1NJSLS 21st Century Life and Careers CRP1. 9.2.4.A.2 9.3.12.BM-OP.22 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingCentral Idea / Enduring Understanding:Students will Understand setting, story elements,characterization, and plot Employ strategies to help understandinformational text Think and grow ideas while reading Use language structure, prior knowledge andcontext clues to identify the intended meaningof words, phrases, and text Continually monitor for understanding, so myreading makes sense Use the text to support conversations andthinking about the text Identify various types of genreEssential/Guiding Question: What funny events lead Louis to Mrs. Jewls’sclassroom? How can graphics help you learn about space? What can our differences teach us? What events lead a team to learn double Dutch? How does a character learn an importantlesson?3 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingContent:Skills(Objectives): Big Idea: We never stop learning. Story Structure Genres: Humorous Fiction, Readers’ Theater,Informational Text, Realistic Fiction, PersuasiveText, Narrative Nonfiction, Poetry Summarize Text and Graphic FeaturesWeekly Fluency Focus: Expression, Accuracy,Intonation, Phrasing: Pauses, Stress Question Compare and Contrast Infer/Predict Sequence of Events Monitor/Clarify Theme Visualize Weekly Target Vocabulary Vocabulary Strategies: Using Context, Prefixes(non-, un-, dis-, mis-), Multiple-Meaning Words,Suffixes (-ion,-tion, -ly, -ful) Spelling: (Word Sorts) - Short Vowels, LongVowels (a,e,i,o), Vowel Sounds /ōō/, /yōō/,/ou/, /ô/, /oi/ Academic Language: Story Structure,Summarize, Conflict, Resolution, Rising Action,Graphic Features, Text Features, Question,Compare, Contrast, Infer, Sequence of Events,Monitor, Clarify, Chronological Order, Theme,Visualize, Context, Prefix, Affix, Base Word,Multiple-Meaning Words, Suffix Decoding: (Students Below Benchmark) – VCVSyllable Patterns, Vowel Sounds in VCV SyllablePatterns, VCCV Pattern, Digraphs inMultisyllable Words, Stressed and UnstressedSyllables4 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingStage 2: Assessment EvidencePerformance Task(s):Other Evidence: Reader’s Notebook Entries Running Record Completes Graphic Organizers: Story Map, TMap, Venn Diagram, Flow Chart, Inference Map Weekly Tests Responses to Open-Ended Critical ThinkingQuestions Accelerated Reader Quizzes Analyze characters and events Recognize how pictures impact meaning Infer/draw conclusions Compare and contrast Recognize qualities of different genres Understand text features in informational text Search for information in graphics Analyze facts and events5 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingStage 3: Learning PlanLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 1 – (Lesson 1 in Journeys)Resources:Week 1 – (Lesson 1 in Journeys) Vocabulary in Context: Introduce newvocabulary words appropriately to reflectmeaning. T14-15 Think Central – Vocabulary in Context Cards Introduce Comprehension: Identify events thatadvance a story’s plot. Organize story elementsin a Story Map and use story structure tosummarize Billy on the Loose. T18 Think Central – Projectable 1.2 Develop Background: Shared Read – Types ofHumor - Students learn about important ideas inthe weekly selection, A Package for Mrs. Jewls.T16-17 Types of Humor Introduce the Main Selection: As you do ashared read of the selection, stop at intervals tocomplete the Story Map graphic organizer torecord the setting, main characters, key plotevents, conflict, and resolution in A Package forMrs. Jewls. T20 – 30 Anchor Text: A Package for Mrs. Jewls, fromWayside School Is Falling Down by Louie SacharGraphic Organizer – Story MapThink Central – Projectable 1.3a Think Central – Projectable 1.4 Paired Selection: Questioning Gravity, by KatieSharp Think Central – Projectable 1.5 Deepen Comprehension: Complete togetherand discuss Story Map: Analyze Story Structureto identify story elements and organize storyelements in a Story Map. T36-37 Connect to Science: Shared Read, Readers’Theater: Questioning Gravity. Discuss theselection, focusing on the features of aninterview. T32-34 Vocabulary Strategies: Using Context – Usecontext clues to identify the meaning of wordswithin A Singing Surprise. T40-41Resources:6 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 2 – (Lesson 2 in Journeys) Week 2 – (Lesson 2 in Journeys) Think Central – Vocabulary in Context Cards Think Central – Projectable 2.2 What Is Gravity? Anchor Text: Blasting Off to Space Academy,From Ultimate Field Trip 5 by Susan E. GoodmanGraphic Organizer – T-MapThink Central – Projectable 2.3a Think Central – Projectable 2.4Deepen Comprehension: Complete togetherand discuss T-Map: Analyze Text and GraphicFeatures to use text and graphic features to gainan overview of information. T110-111 Connect to Science: Informational Text, Profileof a Spacewalker – Discuss how graphicfeatures, such as diagrams, help the readerunderstand the text. T106-108Paired Selection: Profile of a Spacewalker byCarole Gerber Think Central – Projectable 2.5Vocabulary in Context: Introduce newvocabulary words appropriately to reflectmeaning. T86-87Introduce Comprehension: Read and completeT-Map to identify text and graphic features andtheir purposes, and to ask and answer questionsfrom Moon Walking. T90Develop Background: Shared Read – What isGravity? - Students learn important ideas in theweekly selection, Blasting Off to SpaceAcademy. T88-89Introduce the Main Selection: As you do ashared read of the selection, stop at intervals tocomplete the T-Map graphic organizer to recordheadings of each sections, captions, andphotographs in Blasting Off to Space Academy.T92-104Vocabulary Strategies: Prefixes (non-, un-, dismis-) – Complete the Feature Map together tolearn and use words with the Latin and Greekprefixes above; use word parts to determinemeanings of words in Science Class. T114-115Resources:Week 3 – (Lesson 3 in Journeys)7 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 3 – (Lesson 3 in Journeys) Think Central – Vocabulary in Context CardsVocabulary in Context: Introduce newvocabulary words appropriately to reflectmeaning. T160-161 Think Central – Projectable 3.2Introduce Comprehension: Read and completeVenn Diagram to compare and contrastcharacters, and infer what characters think andto predict what characters will do in The NewBabysitter. T164 School Elections Anchor Text: Off and Running by Gary SotoGraphic Organizer – Venn DiagramThink Central – Projectables 3.3a Think Central – Projectable 3.4 Paired Selection: Vote for Me! by Pamela Zarn Think Central – Projectable 3.5Develop Background: Shared Read – SchoolElections - Students learn about important ideasin the weekly selection, Off and Running. T162163 Introduce the Main Selection: As you do ashared read of the selection, stop at intervals tocomplete the Venn Diagram graphic organizerto record ways the two main characters arealike and different in Off and Running. T166-178 Deepen Comprehension: Complete togetherand discuss Venn Diagram: Compare andContrast to compare and contrast characters,and connect story details with personalexperiences. T184-185 Connect to Social Studies: Persuasive Text, Votefor Me! – As students read the selection, discusshow campaign advertising, with exaggerated,contradictory, and/or misleading statementscan persuade the audience. T180-182Vocabulary Strategies: Context: MultipleMeaning Words – Learn and use words thathave more than one meaning, and use wordlearning strategies independently while readingStewart for Mayor. T188-189Learning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 4 – (Lesson 4 in Journeys)Resources:Week 4 – (Lesson 4 in Journeys)8 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade Reading Vocabulary in Context: Introduce newvocabulary words appropriately to reflectmeaning. T234-235 Think Central – Vocabulary in Context Cards Introduce Comprehension: Read The BouncingBulldogs and complete Flow Chart to identify asequence of events in text. Use themonitor/clarify strategy to check understandingof a sequence of events. T238 Think Central – Projectable 4.2 Develop Background: Shared Read – What isDouble Dutch? - Students learn about importantideas in the weekly selection, Double Dutch.T236-237 What is Double Dutch? Introduce the Main Selection: As you do ashared read of the selection, stop at intervals tocomplete the Flow Chart graphic organizer tomonitor time words and phrases, place eventsin time order to sequence events in DoubleDutch. T240-250 Anchor Text: Double Dutch: A Celebration ofJump Rope, Rhyme, and Sisterhood by VeronicaChambersGraphic Organizer – Flow ChartThink Central – Projectable 4.3a Deepen Comprehension: Complete togetherand discuss Flow Chart: Infer Sequence of Eventsto identify sequence of events, and inferunstated events and their sequence. T256-257 Think Central – Projectable 4.4 Connect to Poetry: Shared Read - Poetry, Score!– While reading, discuss how the poet’s use ofrhyme makes the reader feel about the poem’ssubject and meaning. T252-254 Paired Selection: Score! by Various Authors Think Central – Projectable 4.5 Vocabulary Strategies: Suffixes (-ion, -tion)Learn and use words with the suffixes above;use word-learning strategies while reading TheSpelling Bee. T260-261Learning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 5 – (Lesson 5 in Journeys)Resources:Week 5 – (Lesson 5 in Journeys)9 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade Reading Vocabulary in Context: Introduce newvocabulary words appropriately to reflectmeaning. T306-307Introduce Comprehension: Read Safety Firstand complete the Inference Map to understandtheme and visualize story details. Use thevisualize strategy to identify theme. T310Develop Background: Shared Read –Newcomers - Students learn important ideas inthe weekly selection, Elisa’s Diary. T308-309Introduce the Main Selection: As you do ashared read of the selection, stop at intervals tocomplete an Inference Map graphic organizer torecord details about characters’ qualities,motives, and actions, as well as importantlessons learned in Elisa’s Diary. T312-322Deepen Comprehension: Complete togetherand discuss Inference Map: Theme to use textdetails and background knowledge to infer astory’s theme. T328-329Connect to Social Studies: Informational Text,From Tragedy to Triumph – Discuss how graphicsources that give additional information help todeepen comprehension. T324-326Vocabulary Strategies: Suffixes (-ly, -ful) – Learnand use words with the suffixes above. Useword-learning strategies independently whilereading Respecting the Game. T332-333DifferentiationHigh-Achieving Students Guided Reading:Support studentswith weeklyOn Grade Level Students Guided Reading:Support studentswith weekly fluency Think Central – Vocabulary in Context Cards Think Central – Projectable 5.2 Newcomers Anchor Text: Elisa’s Diary by Doris Luisa OronozGraphic Organizer – Inference MapThink Central – Projectable 5.3a Think Central – Projectable 5.4 Paired Selection: From Tragedy to Triumph byJennifer Johnson Think Central – Projectable 5.5Struggling Students Guided Reading:Support studentswith weeklySpecial Needs/ELL Guided Reading:Support studentswith weekly10 P a g e
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade Readingfluency focususing LeveledReader/ TeachingGuide focus using LeveledReader/ TeachingGuidefluency focus usingLeveled Reader/Teaching Guidefluency focus usingLeveled Reader/Teaching Guide Vocabulary Reader Vocabulary Reader Vocabulary Reader Tiered Ready-MadeWork Stations Tiered Ready-MadeWork StationsGrab-and-GoLeveled Practice Grab-and-GoLeveled PracticeTiered ReadyMade WorkStations Grab-and-GoLeveled PracticeUnit Project Listening StationThink Central:Anchor Text &Leveled Readers Write-in Reader MonitorComprehensionIf Then Decoding English LanguageLearners Scaffold Level 2 FundationsDuring WIN Period(if meets eligibilitycriteria)Tiered ReadyMade WorkStations Connect andExtend Listening StationThink Central:Anchor Text &Leveled Readers Write-in ReaderMakingConnectionsYour TurnGrab-and-GoLeveled Practice MonitorComprehensionIf Then Decoding Level 2 FundationsDuring WIN Period(if meets eligibilitycriteria)11 P a g e
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingUnit Title: Unit 2: Wild EncountersStage 1: Desired ResultsStandards & Indicators:NJSLS Grade 5 English Language Arts RL.5.1 RL.5.2 RL.5.3 RL.5.4 RL.5.5 RL.5.6 RL.5.7 RL.5.9 RL.5.10 RI.5.1 RI.5.2 RI.5.3 RI.5.4 RI.5.5 RI.5.6 RI.5.7 RI.5.8 RI.5.9 RI.5.10 SL.5.1 SL.5.2 SL.5.3 SL.5.4 SL.5.5 SL.5.6 RF.5.4 L.5.1 L.5.3 L.5.4 L.5.5 L.5.61 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingStandards & Indicators:NJSLS Grade 5 Social Studies 6.1.4.B.1 6.1.4.B.5 6.1.4.B.8NJSLS Grade 5 Science 5-LS2-1 5-ESS3-1NJSLS Technology 8.1.5.A.1 8.1.P.E.1 8.1.2.E.1NJSLS 21st Century Life and Careers CRP1. 9.2.4.A.2 9.3.12.BM-OP.22 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingCentral Idea / Enduring Understanding:Students will Understand setting, story elements,characterization, and plot Employ strategies to help understandinformational text Navigate through a text before, during, andafter reading by implementing readingstrategies Synthesize concepts to lead to larger ideas andthemes Identify literary devices and their purpose asthey are used in literature Use the text to support conversations andthinking about the text Identify various types of genreEssential/Guiding Question: What effect can one person have on a strandedsea turtle? Can nature bring out the best in a character? What persuades us to protect the environment? What conclusions can we draw about the sea? What are the most important ideas aboutcougars?3 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingContent:Skills(Objectives): Big Idea: Nature deserves our respect. Cause and Effect Genres: Informational Text, Myth, HistoricalFiction, Persuasive Text, Narrative Nonfiction,Poetry Question Understanding CharactersWeekly Fluency Focus: Expression, Intonation,Adjust Rate to Purpose, Phrasing: Punctuation,Stress Visualize Persuasion Weekly Target Vocabulary Analyze/Evaluate Vocabulary Strategies: Antonyms, Idioms,Prefixes (en-, re-, pre-, pro-), Greek and LatinRoots, Analogies Conclusions and Generalizations Infer/PredictSpelling: (Word Sorts) - Vowel /r/ Sounds,Homophones, Compound Words, Final Schwa /r/ Sounds Main Ideas and Details Monitor/Clarify Academic Language: Cause, Effect, Infer, Traits,Motive, Motivation, Visualize, Analyze,Author’s Viewpoint, Persuade, Behavior,Assumption, Evaluate, Conclusion,Generalization, Predict, Main Idea, Monitor,Supporting Detail, Antonyms, Idiom, Adage,Common Saying, Affix, Prefix, Base Word, WordRoot, Root, Analogy, Synonym Decoding: (Students Below Benchmark) –Common Beginning Syllables, Vowel /r/Sounds, Homophones, Compound Words,Recognizing Schwa /r/4 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingStage 2: Assessment EvidencePerformance Task(s):Other Evidence: Reader’s Notebook Entries Running Record Completes Graphic Organizers: Inference Map,Column Chart, Idea-Support Map, T-Map, FourSquare Map, Web Map Weekly Tests Responses to Open-Ended Critical ThinkingQuestions Accelerated Reader Quizzes Analyze characters and events Recognize how graphic features impact meaning Infer/draw conclusions Analyze and evaluate the author’s viewpoint Recognize qualities of different genres Understand text features in informational text Analyze cause-and-effect organizationalpatterns Analyze facts and events5 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingStage 3: Learning PlanLearning Opportunities/Strategies:Week 1 – (Lesson 6 in Journeys)Resources:Week 1 – (Lesson 6 in Journeys) Vocabulary in Context: Introduce newvocabulary words appropriately to reflectmeaning. T14-15 Think Central – Vocabulary in Context Cards Introduce Comprehension: Read and completean Inference Map to distinguish between acause and an effect, and identify cause-effectrelationships in a text. Use the question strategyto check understanding of cause-and-effectrelationships within Keep Sea Turtles Safe. T18 Think Central – Projectable 6.2 Develop Background: Shared Read – Sea Turtles- Students learn about important ideas in theweekly selection, Interrupted Journey: SavingEndangered Sea Turtles. T16-17 Sea Turtles Introduce the Main Selection: As you do ashared read of the selection, stop at intervals tocomplete the Inference Map graphic organizerto analyze cause-and-effect organizationalpatterns for idea relationships in InterruptedJourney: Saving Endangered Sea Turtles. T20 –32 Anchor Text: Interrupted Journey: SavingEndangered Sea Turtles by Kathryn LaskyGraphic Organizer – Inference MapThink Central – Projectable 6.3a Think Central – Projectable 6.4 Paired Selection: Skywoman and Turtle Retoldby Alan Felix Think Central – Projectable 6.5 Deepen Comprehension: Complete togetherand discuss Inference Map: Infer Cause andEffect to use text details to infer cause-andeffect relationships. T38-39Connect to Social Studies: Myth, Skywomanand Turtle. Discuss the selection, focusing onthe natural event, or phenomenon, the mythdescribes. T34-36 Vocabulary Strategies: Antonyms – Useantonyms and a thesaurus to understand wordmeaning within A Sea Turtle’s Ordeal. T42-43Learning Opportunities/Strategies:6 Page
Pemberton Township School DistrictFifth Grade ReadingWeek 2 – (Lesson 7 in Journeys) Vocabulary in Context: Introduce newvocabulary words appropriately to reflectmeaning. T88-89Introduce Comprehension: Read and completeColumn Chart to identify characters’ actions,words, and thoughts in the text, in order tounderstand characters from An Enjoyable Walk.T92 Develop Background: Shared Read – FrontierLife - Students learn important ideas in theweekly selection, Old Yeller. T90-91 Introduce the Main Selection: As you do ashared read of the selection, stop at intervals tocomplete the Column Chart graphic organizer torecord the thoughts, actions, and words ofcharacters, as well as characters’ conflicts andrelationships in Old Yeller. T94-104 Deepen Comprehension: Complete togetherand discuss Column Chart: UnderstandingCharacters to analyze the consistency,credibility, and logic of character behavior, andhow the character traits impact the plotdevelopment of the story. T110-111 Connect to Media: Persuasive Text, WhatMakes It Good? – Discuss how authorssometimes use exaggerated, misleading, orcontradictory statements to persuade thereader. Look for these types of statements inthe text. T106-108Resources:Week 2 – (Lesson 7 in Journeys) Think Central
MP 3 -4 Unit 5 – Under Western Skies 25 days 145 days MP4 FLEX DAYS 5 days 150 days MP4 Unit 6 – Journey to Discovery 25 days 175 days MP4 FLEX DAYS 5 days 180 days . Pemberton Township School District Fifth Grade Reading . . Week 3 – (Lesson 3 in Journeys) .
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Math Course Progression 7th Grade Math 6th Grade Math 5th Grade Math 8th Grade Math Algebra I ELEMENTARY 6th Grade Year 7th Grade Year 8th Grade Year Algebra I 9 th Grade Year Honors 7th Grade Adv. Math 6th Grade Adv. Math 5th Grade Math 6th Grade Year 7th Grade Year 8th Grade Year th Grade Year ELEMENTARY Geome