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UCTIONCONSTR ESTRADA RYCULIN STARCEAN ENTRAPE EMAP RSES2016-2017FA L LWINTERCareer and Technical Education (631) 286-6585Health Sciences (631) 233-4450Literacy (631) 233-4425Federavailab al student aidle foand Pra r CosmetologyctCall 63 ical Nursing.1- 233 445more informatio 0 forn.Register online at: for Spring Catalog February 2017

HOW TO REGISTERREGISTRATION IS ON-GOING FOR THE FALL, WINTER AND SPRING SEMESTERSAll students must be 18 years of age or olderand cannot be currently enrolled in high school.ON-LINEVisit our website at on REGISTER ON-LINEMAILFAXComplete the registration form inside thiscatalog and mail with a money orderor credit card information (no cash) to:Faxed registrations will be accepted for studentsusing VISA, MASTERCARD or DISCOVER.Eastern Suffolk BOCESAdult Education Center100 Second AvenueBrentwood, NY 11717Fax the completed registration form to:(631) 286-6582PHONEPhone-in registration will be accepted from8:30 AM to 3:30 PMIN-PERSON A dult Education Center (AEC)100 Second Ave., Brentwood, NY9:00 AM - 3:00 PMA staff member will be available to acceptyour registration. A dult Education Center (AEC)(631) 233-4425 G ary D. Bixhorn Technical Center (BTC)350 Martha Ave., Bellport, NY9:00 AM - 3:00 PM5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (WEDS. Only –Beginning 9/21/16) G ary D. Bixhorn Technical Center (BTC)(631) 286-6585 E dward J. Milliken Technical Center (MTC)375 Locust Ave., Oakdale, NY9:00 AM - 3:00 PM H arry B. Ward Technical Center (WTC)(631) 369-7567 H arry B. Ward Technical Center (WTC)970 N. Griffing Ave., Riverhead, NY9:00 AM - 3:00 PM E dward J. Milliken Technical Center (MTC)(631) 244-5893PAYMENT METHODS FOR: Mail and In-Person Registration: Money Order(made out to Eastern Suffolk BOCES) VISA, MASTERCARD or DISCOVERREGISTERNOW!N Fax and Phone Registration: VISA, MASTERCARD or DISCOVER only NO CASH C ourses approved for the training of Veterans and other eligible personnelby the New York State Bureau of Veteran’s Education.Tuition vouchers accepted for ACCES, WIA and CSEA Partnership.Financial options available for eligible courses over 1,000.Please call (631) 286-6585 for more information.AEC Adult Education Center (Brentwood)BTC Gary D. Bixhorn Technical Center (Bellport)ICC Islip Career Center (Oakdale)MTC Edward J. Milliken Technical Center (Oakdale)WTC Harry B. Ward Technical Center (Riverhead)

ADULT EDUCATION CALENDARSEPTEMBERS M T W T F1 245 6 7 8 911 12 13 14 15 1618 19 20 21 22 2325 26 27 28 29 30OCTOBERS3101724School ClosedNOVEMBERS M T W T F S123 4 5 6 789 10 11 12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31DECEMBERS M T W T F1 245 6 7 8 911 12 13 14 15 1618 19 20 21 22 2325 26 27 28 29 302016-2017S M T167 813 14 1520 21 2227 28 SING INFORMATIONS7142128S M T W T F1 2 356 7 8 9 1012 13 14 15 16 1719 20 21 22 23 2426 27 28 29Secondary Open HouseSEPTEMBER 28SecondaryOpen House(evening only)WALK. 1370 AMand 97.5 FMOCTOBER 3-4Rosh HashanahWBAB.102.3 FMWBLI.106.1 FMB103.1.103.1 FMKJOY.98.3 FMWRIV. 1390 AM(Riverhead)Channel 12. 286-6585S4111825Classes StartClasses will NOT be heldon the following dates:Adult programswill be automatically cancelledif the centers are closedduring the day. In the eventof inclement weather orforced closings, announcementsfor Eastern Suffolk BOCESwill be made on:WBAZ.101.7 FM(Southold)S5121926FEBRUARYW T F4 5 611 12 1318 19 2025 26 27School Closed for Evening Classes OnlyW T F2 3 49 10 1116 17 1823 24 2530The dates listed beloware scheduled school closingsthat were adoptedby the Board of Education:NOVEMBER 23Thanksgiving(evening only)NOVEMBER 24-25ThanksgivingDEC. 26-JANUARY 2OCTOBER 10Winter RecessColumbusDayCLASS STARTINGJANUARYDATES:16OCTOBER 11Martin Luther King,(evening only)Jr. DayOCTOBER 12FEBRUARY 2Yom KippurSecondary Open HouseNOVEMBER 8Election DayNOVEMBER 11Veteran’s Day(evening only)FEBRUARY 20-24Mid-Winter RecessCLASS STARTING DATES:Fall Semester: September 19, 2016Winter Semester: January 3, 2017Spring Semester: March 20, 2017

COURSE OFFERINGSSCHEDULING AND REGISTRATION PROCESSWe are pleased to welcome you to the worldof life-long learning. The courses listed on thefollowing pages have been scheduled for yourconvenience.CLASS STARTING DATES:Fall Semester: September 19, 2016Winter Semester: January 3, 2017Spring Semester: March 20, 2017Many offerings are available in the eveningand during the day at five different locations.FOR SPRING COURSE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION,VISIT Veterinary Assistant. 4Basic Veterinary Care. 4Dog Grooming. 4Dog Grooming Part 2. 4Canine Basic Obedience Training. 4Architectural Moldings. 10Tile Installation and Design. 10Home Inspector Program. 10Electric Program. 11Plumbing Program. 11Solar Power. 12APPEARANCE ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMSEMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. 12ANIMAL SCIENCECosmetology. 5Esthetician. 6Laser Certification. 6Spray Tan Workshop. 6Airbrush Make-Up. 6Chemical Peel Workshop. 6Barbering. 7Nail Technician. 7Waxing Certificate. 7Advanced Hairstyling. 7BUSINESSHow to Start Up and Operate a Small Business. 8Bookkeeping Basics. 8Quickbooks Pro – Basics. 8Business and Finance. 8Notary Public Workshop. 8HEATING, REFRIGERATION ANDAIR CONDITIONINGHeating. 13Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.13, 14CREATIVE DESIGNPhotography. 15Interior Design. 15Digital Audio Recording. 16Computer Graphics Designer. 16Website Design. 16Dreamweaver. 16HEALTHY YOUPiloxing. 16Plyoga. 16Reiki 1 Practitioner. 16COMPUTER TECHNOLOGYComputer Repair. 9Introduction to Computers. 9Microsoft Excel XP. 9Introduction to Electronics and Engineering. 9COMMUNITY OUTREACHDrug Abuse on Long Island. 9Alzheimer’s – The Growing Concern in America. 9CONSTRUCTION TRADESBlue Print Reading. 10Basic Carpentry Skills. 10CULINARY ARTSPastry Arts & Baking. 17Holiday Baking. 17Commercial Culinary Arts Program. 17Everyday Healthy Cooking. 17Italian Cooking. 18Introduction to Cooking. 18Vegetarian Cooking. 18Chocolate, Baking and Candy Making. 18Couples Culinary Class. 18Gourmet and Gluten-Free Cooking. 18Cake Decorating – Advanced. 18

COURSE OFFERINGS Approved for Veterans’ BenefitsAEC Adult Education Center (Brentwood)BTC Gary D. Bixhorn Technical Center (Bellport)ICC Islip Career Center (Oakdale)MTC Edward J. Milliken Technical Center (Oakdale)WTC Harry B. Ward Technical Center (Riverhead)REGISTERNOW!Online: SAT , ACT , GMAT , GRE , LSAT Test Preparation. 19TASC Preparation. 19Motorcycle Repair. 29Small Engine Repair. 29Aviation Ground School. 30Commercial Driving. 30HEALTH SCIENCESWELDINGEXAMINATION ASSISTANCEDental Chairside Assistant. 20Certified Personal Trainer. 20EKG Technician. 20Phlebotomy. 20Prep Course for the Nurse Entrance Exam. 20Nurse Entrance Exam. 21Pharmacy Technician. 21Medical Office Biller/Coder ICD-10. 21Nurse Assistant. 22LPN Refresher/Licensing Preparation Course. 22Case Management. 22Clinical Medical Assistant. 22Clinical Medical Assistant Skills Lab. 23Practical Nursing. 24LANGUAGESSpanish. 25Italian. 25LANDSCAPING & FLORAL DESIGNFlowers for the Holidays. 25Irrigation Systems. 25Landscape Design & Maintenance. 25PUBLIC SAFETYSecurity Guard Training. 26ONLINE LEARNINGOnline Course with the Center for Legal Studies. 27UGotClass Online Certificates and Courses. 27TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGYComprehensive Automotive Skills. 28Basic Auto Mechanics and Maintenance. 28Auto Body Repair. 28Auto Body Repair as a Profession. 28Automotive - Prep for ASE Certification. 28Transit Career Training. 29Marine Repair. 29Comprehensive Welding. 31Shielded Metal Arc. 31Ornamental Welding. 31TIG/MIG. 31Automotive Welding. 31SPECIAL OFFERINGSADAPTIVE DRIVER TRAINING. 29We offer individualized driver instruction for adultsand high school students with physical and nonphysical disabilities.ADULT LITERACY PROGRAM. 32We offer educational opportunities for: English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Adult Basic and Secondary Education (ABE/ASE) Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC ) TABE AssessmentEMPLOYMENT RESOURCE CENTERS. 33 Resume and Cover Letter Assistance Interview Skill Assistance Job Search Assistance Job BankOPEN HOUSEFOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS. 33Get the power to succeed! Eastern Long IslandAcademy of Applied Technology provides high schoolstudents with the very best Career and TechnicalEducation course information at our Open Houses.ADULT EDUCATION POLICIES. 35

4 ANIMAL SCIENCE PROGRAMDOG GROOMING SALON SERVICESAvailable October-April, 6 PM- 9 PMServices include: Bathing and Fluffing Ear Cleaning Nail Trimming Trimming & CuttingCall: (631) 286-6585 (BTC) or(631) 369-7567 (WTC)Mon. - Thurs. to schedule anappointment for your dog.REGISTERNOW!Animals must have proof of inoculations. DOG GROOMINGASC1020 990 26 ClassesCOMPREHENSIVE VETERINARYASSISTANTASC1000 2,365 61 Classes This course is designed to prepare students toperform both clinical and administrative dutiesassociated with the veterinary field. Students willhave the opportunity to combine theory with hands-onapplications to prepare them for success in the field.The course of study includes: comparative anatomyand physiology, diagnostic procedures and techniques,introduction to dentistry and radiology, veterinaryterminology, handling and restraining techniques,surgical preparation, post-operative care, aseptictechniques, animal first aid, and small and largeanimal nursing. Students will also be introducedto holistic methods such as animal nutrition andpreventative and alternative medicine. An additional20-hour off campus clinical experience is a courserequirement. The objective of the clinical experience isto complement classroom activities and give studentsthe opportunity to gain experience in the field. It isrecommended that all students have a current tetanusvaccination. Students are required to purchase auniform. Off-site visits to be announced at the firstclass. Please call 631-286-6585 for financial options.A: 09/19 - 06/07 M/W 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM BTCB: 09/20 - 05/25 T/Th 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM BTC BASIC VETERINARY CAREASC1010 970 24 ClassesThis course is designed for individuals who areinterested in working with and caring for a varietyof small animals. It combines theory and hands-onapplications that will prepare the student to workin the veterinary field. Students will learn basicanimal care, handling and restraining techniques,external anatomy, parasitology, controlling infection,laboratory skills, animal nutrition, animal first aid, anintroduction to alternative and preventative medicineand care of small and exotic animals. A scrub top willbe required for the class. It is recommended that allstudents have a current tetanus vaccination.A: 09/19 - 01/04 M/W 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM BTCThis comprehensive course combines theory andpractical hands-on learning that will prepare anindividual for an entry-level position in the excitingfield of dog grooming. Students learn a variety ofgrooming techniques and first aid procedures thatare needed to be successful in the grooming field. It isrecommended that all students have a current tetanusvaccination. Dog grooming services are available at alow cost. Please call 631-286-6585 (BTC) or 631-3697567 (WTC) for an appointment.A: 09/19 - 01/11 M/W6:30 PM - 9:30 PM BTCB: 09/20 - 01/05 T/Th6:30 PM - 9:30 PM BTCC: 09/20 - 01/05 T/Th6:00 PM - 9:00 PM WTCD: 01/24 - 05/09 T/Th6:30 PM - 9:30 PM BTCE: 01/24 - 05/09 T/Th6:00 PM - 9:00 PM WTC DOG GROOMING PART 2ASC1025 385 14 ClassesNEWPrerequisite: ASC1020 Dog GroomingThis course is designed for the student who would like toobtain their Suffolk County Dog Grooming License. Thecourse will expand upon your knowledge of dog groomingas it applies to the many different breeds. Students willgain the practical hands-on experience necessary forthem to master the techniques of scissoring, clippingand thinning out fur or hair. A 30-hour internship isnecessary for the completion of this course.A: 01/23 - 03/20 M/W6:00 PM - 9:00 PM BTCCANINE BASIC OBEDIENCETRAININGASC1040 190 9 ClassesPrerequisite: Dogs must be at least 6 months old andcurrent on their immunizations. Owners will need toprovide proof of inoculations.It is never too late to start training your dog to be amore obedient member of your pack. This course isdesigned to teach dogs basic obedience through theuse of positive reinforcement. Lessons include sit, stay,down, leave it, take it, come and loose leash walking.Problem behaviors will be discussed.A: 10/18 - 11/17 T/Th 6:30 PM - 7:30 PMICC

195APPEARANCE ENHANCEMENTCULINARYPROGRAMARTSCOSMETOLOGY LICENSINGPROGRAMAEP1000 10,140 172 Classes Prerequisite: U.S. High School Diploma or equivalency.Foreign Diplomas must be evaluated and verified priorto registration.If you have a desire to be artistic, the world of cosmetologyis the one for you. The 1,000-hour New York State licensedcourse will open many doors for you. The licensed course willlead you down the path to developing skills in hairstyling,haircoloring, haircutting, all chemical techniques,make-up, skin care, and all phases of nail technology.OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)certification will also be included. Preparation for the stateboard written and practical exam is an essential part ofthe licensed curriculum. The instructor of this courseis a licensed, experienced instructor. The CosmetologyLicensing Program is now eligible for federal student aid.Please call 631-233-4450 for more information.A: 09/07 - 06/09 M/T/W/Th/F 8:15 AM - 2:45 PM WTCB: 10/05 - 07/07 M/T/W/Th/F 8:15 AM - 2:45 PM MTCEVENING PROGRAMNOW AVAILABLECOSMETOLOGY LICENSINGPROGRAM – EVENINGAEP1100 5,070 139 Classes NEWStudents enrolled in the Cosmetology Evening programwill complete 528 hours from September 19, 2016 –June 29, 2017. Students will resume the CosmetologyEvening program in the Fall of 2017 to complete therequired 1,000 hours. Dates to be announced.A: 09/19 - 06/29 M/T/W/Th 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM MTCCOSMETOLOGY MAKE-UP HOURSAEP1005 410 5 ClassesThis program is designed for students who needto make up hours to qualify for the New York StateCosmetology licensing examination. This course istaught in modules during a two-week period in thesummer and during the school year from October toMay. Students MUST meet with our cosmetology teacherfor an evaluation of formal transcripts describingaccumulated cosmetology hours prior to acceptanceinto this program. Where necessary, an entrance exammay be required. Once accepted, the appropriatemodule(s) and schedule(s) will be assigned. The coursewill be offered in 30-hour/1-week blocks at 360 perweek. Students must come to class with their ownmannequins, tools, and non-consumable supplies.Placement in this program is contingent upon spaceavailability in the class.A: 10/17 - 06/09 M/T/W/Th/F 8:15 AM - 2:15 PM MTCB: 10/17 - 06/09 M/T/W/Th/F 8:15 AM - 2:15 PM WTCREGISTERNOW!Information for Students Registeringfor Cosmetology/Barbering/Nail Technology/EstheticianSUPPLIES NEEDEDStudents are required to purchase a cosmetology/barbering or nail kit, which includes workbooks and adesignated uniform top. Black slacks and rubber-soledshoes are required to complete the uniform. All studentsare required to be models for class partners during livepractice sessions.TUITIONRegistration and financial arrangements must becompleted prior to the start date of class. Forms ofaccepted payment are: money order payable to: EasternSuffolk BOCES, VISA, Mastercard or Discover. CareerTraining Loans or Partial Payment Plans are available.Questions RegardingAppearance Enhancement Program Licensing?Call: New York State Division of Licensing(518) 473-2731SALON SERVICESAvailable February - JuneAll hair, skin and nail services offered atreasonable prices.Call for an appointment!Cosmetology: (631) 244-5893(631) 369-7567(631) 369-7567Nail Technology: (631) 233-4425Barbering:Esthetician:(631) 286-6585(631) 233-4425PREPARATION FORTHE NEW YORK STATE LICENSINGCOSMETOLOGY EXAMAEP1010 500 10 ClassesThis course is designed for individuals who havecompleted the 1,000 hours for licensing, but did nottake the New York State Cosmetology Licensing Exam.All skills required for this exam will be demonstratedand practiced. Students must supply their own tools.Mannequin and review text included in tuition.A: 09/27 - 12/20 T6:30 PM - 9:30 PM MTC

6 APPEARANCE ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM ESTHETICIANAEP2000 8,570 75 Classes - Day,150 Classes EveningPrerequisite: U.S. High School Diploma or equivalency.Foreign Diplomas must be evaluated and verified priorto registration.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Become a professionalEsthetician and begin a career creating beauty! Becomeemployed in a spa, laser clinic, plastic surgery office,resort, cruise ship or a salon. This course is taught byan industry professional instructor who will guide andinstruct you in classroom theory as well as a sterileclinical lab. This program is a New York State licensed600-hour course. Tuition includes a student make-upkit. White uniform and textbook are to be purchased bythe student. A supplemental tool and supply list will bediscussed at the first class meeting. Call 631-286-6585for more information and financial options.A: 09/07 - 02/01 T/W/Th/F 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM AECB: 09/19 - 07/14 M/T/W/Th 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM AECC: 02/07 - 06/29 T/W/Th/F 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM AECLASER CERTIFICATIONCOURSECOMING THIS FALLPlease call 631-286-6585for more information.SPRAY TAN WORKSHOPAEP2050 200 2 ClassesNEWAdd a new service to your Salon or start a businessusing the Bronze Biologic Tanning System. This 2-dayworkshop will offer you the opportunity to join a billiondollar sunless industry where you can offer your clientsspray tanning in your salon or in your home. Thisworkshop includes hands-on training, marketing and acertification from Bronze Biologic. Students are requiredto purchase the Bronze Biologic Spray Tanning kit. Thecost of the kit is 995 which will allow you to spray tan100 clients. Information for purchasing the kit will beavailable at registration.A: 10/17 - 10/24 M9:00 AM - 12:00 PM AECA: 01/23 - 01/30 M9:00 AM - 12:00 PM AECATTENTION ESTHETICIANS:For additional certificationcourses, please MAKE-UP NEWAEP1040 200 2 ClassesAirbrushing has become one of the premier ways ofapplying make-up. In this course, we will give you a clearand easy demonstration on how the tool works and showhow to properly care for and maintain it. In addition,we teach the techniques to apply beautiful, flawlessbeauty make-up. Learn techniques that are beingrequired by the major studios as well as demandingclients. Included in this workshop is Bridal Make-up.Learn the techniques used to complete a successfulconsultation with a bride and family members. We willfocus on the lucrative world of wedding make-up andwhat is required to successfully own a bridal make-upbusiness. Students enrolled in this class will learn bothairbrush and make-up training. Students are required topurchase the TEMPTU airbrush kit for 425. Informationfor purchasing the kit will be available at registration.A: 11/28 - 12/05 M8:00 AM - 3:00 PM AECCHEMICAL PEEL NEWWORKSHOPAEP2020 200 2 ClassesPrerequisite: Licensed Esthetician.Chemical Peels have become a staple of theesthetics profession. Peels are used for anti-aging,hyperpigmentation, acne, and oily skin, as well as todeliver overall healthier, smoother, more youthful skin.Estheticians will grasp a complete understanding of thedifferent types of chemical peels. Enzymes, alpha/betapeels, jessners solution as well as advanced technologyin chemical peeling agents will be discussed. Attendeeswill learn the physiological reactions of peeling agentson the skin, as well as how to determine which peelsare suitable for each skin type and condition. Studentsare required to purchase a kit of chemical peels andproducts for 250. Information for purchasing the kitwill be available at registration.A: 11/07 - 11/14 M9:00 AM - 12:00 PM AECB: 02/06 - 02/13 M9:00 AM - 12:00 PM AEC

197APPEARANCE ENHANCEMENTCULINARYPROGRAMARTSBARBERING LICENSINGPROGRAMAEP6000 4,525 134 Classes Prerequisite : U.S. High School Diploma orequivalency. Foreign Diplomas must be evaluated andverified before registration.Hands-on class, taught by a Professional Barber in astate-of-the-art classroom. This 536-hour class willprepare students for a career in Barbering. This coursefulfills the New York State requirements necessary toqualify for the New York State licensing examination.You will be instructed in all skills related to barbering.These skills include: contemporary haircuttingand styling, shaving, mustache and beard design,shampoos, rinses and conditioning treatments. You willlearn proper sanitation techniques, hygiene practices,safety measures and first aid techniques. You will alsostudy anatomy and physiology, shop management andprofessional ethics. Students are required to purchasetheir own kit. Please call 631-286-6585 for financialoptions. Veteran approved.A: 09/19 - 06/22 M/T/W/Th 6:00 PM - 10:00 PM BTCNAIL TECHNICIAN LICENSINGPROGRAMAEP3000 2,290 104 Classes This course will cover both practical skills and relatedtheory required to pass the NYS written segment of thelicensing examination. Students in ESOL and TASC courses are welcome. Bi-lingual help is available.The 250-hour New York State approved curriculumfor the nail technician licensing covers all phasesof manicures, pedicures, artificial nail applications,nail art and all related sanitation and sterilizationprocedures. Literacy students MUST meet with avocational advisor prior to registering for this course.Please call 631-286-6585 for financial options.A: 10/05 - 05/04 M/T/W/Th 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM AECB: 10/05 - 05/04 M/T/W/Th 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM WTCWAXING CERTIFICATE NEWPROGRAMAEP2030 1,800 13 ClassesThis 75-hour New York State licensed course willprepare you for a career in face and body waxing.This course will include state laws and professionalrequirements, physiology and histology of the skin,disorders and diseases, bacteriology, sanitation anddisinfection and the removal of superfluous hair. Uponcompletion of this course students will be able to passthe NYS written and practical exam and obtain the NewYork State specialty license in Waxing.A: 09/12 - 12/19 M 8:00 AM - 2:00 PMAECADVANCED HAIRSTYLINGAND HAIRCUTTING FOR THELICENSED COSMETOLOGISTAEP1080 580 8 ClassesPrerequisite: New York State Cosmetology LicenseEastern Suffolk BOCES offers this course to assist youin learning to improve your cosmetology skills to betterserve your clients. Learn the latest in haircutting andhaircoloring techniques to improve your client baseand income. Four haircuts will be introduced as wellas four advanced color techniques. Styling and curlingtechniques will enhance the practical projects. Twomannequins are included in the tuition.A: 10/19 - 12/14 W6:30 PM - 9:30 PM MTCFOR SPRING COURSEINFORMATIONAND REGISTRATION,VISIT’t Forgetthe Book!Some of our course offeringsrequire a textbookand/or workbook.If your course listing features aicon,be sure to visit purchasing information.

18BUSINESS8CULINARY ARTSREGISTERNOW!HOW TO START UP ANDOPERATE A SMALL BUSINESSBUS1000 400 12 ClassesIf you are planning to open your own business, thiscourse will provide you with the foundation to becomea successful entrepreneur. Topics will include: how tostart up your business and stay in business, planningahead, cash management, do’s and don’ts of sellinggoods and/or services, getting help when needed, andhow to determine proper pricing. Before consideringstarting a business, be prepared by learning all that isinvolved in such a venture.A: 09/19 - 11/09 M/W 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM MTC BOOKKEEPING BASICSBUS1010 400 8 ClassesThis introductory course prepares the individual tobetter understand the bookkeeping process for asmall business. This course will help the entrepreneurunderstand the principles of the accounting cycle.Basic instruction in banking, payroll, sales, receivables,payables and other transactions will be covered. Thecourse includes use of ledgers, journals and financialstatements. This course is STRONGLY RECOMMENDEDprior to taking BUS1020 QUICKBOOKS.A: 09/19 - 10/26 M/W 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM MTC QUICKBOOKS PRO – BASICBUS1020 400 9 ClassesBUS1010 Bookkeeping Basics and basic computerskills are strongly recommended in order to take thiscourse.This course introduces the fastest and easiest wayto manage a small business. Students will learn howQuickBooks Pro maintains account receivables andaccount payables, tracks inventory, prepares payrolland so much more. Students will learn how to integratefinancial statements and produce multiple reports.A: 09/20 - 10/25 T/Th 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM WTCB: 11/07 - 12/07 M/W 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM BTC BUSINESS AND FINANCEBUS1100 2,695 63 ClassesThis course is designed for individuals preparing for thejob market who need a combination of computer andbasic language skills to become successful in today’sjob market. Students will be enrolled in a programleading to entry-level opportunities in the workplace.Emphasis will be placed on keyboarding, Windows andword processing skills, and appropriate communicationskil

individual for an entry-level position in the exciting field of dog grooming. Students learn a variety of grooming techniques and first aid procedures that are needed to be successful in the grooming field. It is recommended that all students have a current tetanus vaccin

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