Training The Best Dog Ever Ebook Dog Training Logs

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WANT MORE TRAINING?“The family-friendly, step-by-step guide”“PURE FUN”“STRENGTHEN THE BOND”“turn your dog into a YouTube star!”—Dogster MagazineGUIDEDPROGRAMS20 Beginner Tricks33 Intermediate TricksTRICKS FOREVERY DOGPRO LEVELSMovie Dog TricksPerforming LiveDog DancingExtreme StuntsBONUSISBN 9781523501618Workman Publishing320 pagesTraining GamesExpert InterviewsFun Activitiesmore than450PHOTOSas seen onGOODMORNINGAMERICAThe MostComprehensiveDog Tricks BookEver!NEW IN 2020! Larry Kay’s Trick Training & Moviemaking Workshop

DOG TRAINING LOGSCHECKLISTS E X C E R P T SDIPLOMAF R O MTraining the Best Dog EverA 5-Week Program Using the Power of Positive Reinforcementby Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz and Larry KayCopyright 2010, 2012 by Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz Additional material 2020 by Larry Kay. All rights reserved. ISBN 978-0-7611-6885-0VISIT US ATP OSITIVELY W OOF.COM

WELCOMEYour quick guideto dog trainingCongratulations on taking a lifelong adventure with your dog!Whether you’re new to having a dog, about to get a dog, or want torefresh your memory, this eBook is a quick guide to having a safe andcaring home with your dog. The training logs will guide you through ourbook’s five-week dog training program.The following pages are excerpts from our award-winning book, whichhas now sold more than 200,000 copies. If you’d like to see whatothers say about the book, order a copy, or discover our book on dogtricks, ︎click here.This eBook is designed to print on regular paper (8.5” x 11”) and writeon as you make progress in your dog’s care and training.If you have dog training questions, I would love to hear from you.No question is too small or too big. Chances are other folks have thesame question. We take your questions and provide answerson our popular “Ask the Dog Trainer” column,and I invite you to ︎click here.As in all dog training, rememberto practice, be patient, staypositive, and have fun!Best barks,Larry ︎

CONTENTSPAGE NUMBERSFor easy reference, they’re the pagenumbers in the full book.CHECKLISTS - 15 pagesSet dog training goals, socialize yourbest friend to your world (including kidsand other pets), maintain a daily routine,keep your home safe and well-supplied,and help caregivers be successful withyour dog.TRAINING LOGS - 10 pagesTrack your dog’s progress in the book’sfive-week dog training program. Eachweek has new skills, which you can alsoadapt to train at your own pace.DIPLOMACongratulations! Display your dog’sgraduation diploma with honor.ABOUTDiscover P-Woof workshops andperformances, magazine, newsletter,and join the community of two milliondog lovers. Meet Dawn and Larry.CELEBRATE OUR BOND

Dog CareChecklists

THE CHECKLISTSUse these next fifteen pages of checklists to focusand organize your dog care, training, socialization,and safety. Set your dog training goals (2 pages)Develop a daily routine (2 pages)Get supplies for dog care and training (4 pages)Dogproof your home, yard, and car (4 pages)Tips for a home with kids and other pets (2 pages)Orient your dog’s caregivers (1 page)

24 TRAINING THE BEST DOG EVERChecklist: Setting GoalsHere is a checklist to help you set your goals. Try picking only your topten, so that you can get an idea of what is most important to you. Thelist doesn’t need to be perfect or final; it’s just a tool to help you get focusedand specific.AT HOME TRAININGr My dog is impeccably house-r My dog and I love to train for atrained. My dog knows where to gopotty and goes potty on cue. Whenshe needs to go outside, she givesme the signal that I taught her.quick minute when the opportunityarises. We also love doing ourtraining homework daily and bondmore closely while we train.r The crate is my dog’s home. Sher Sitting calmly is my dog’s way ofenjoys her crate, goes to it whenasked, and keeps calm inside it.saying please. He sits when askedand has learned the situations inwhich I usually ask him to sit.r My dog settles down when I askher. Although I love it when my dogis enthusiastic, she doesn’t jump upunless she’s invited.r Mealtimes are enjoyable andcalm. My dog sits to receive herfood and does not guard it frompeople or other animals. Shedoesn’t bother me when I am eating.r Grooming my dog is a pleasantexperience. She enjoys beinghandled while I brush her. Sheaccepts bath time with ease andenjoys being handled and massaged.r My dog obeys the furniturerules and chews only what isallowed.r Although my dog likes being withme, she isn’t so needy that sheshadows me everywhere. When Ileave the house, my dog relaxes.When I return, she is happy andmellow.r “Down” and “stay” aremastered. When I cue thecommand, my dog does it withouthesitation.r My dog loves hearing his nameand is attentive when I say it.r “Come here” is mastered. WhenI recall my dog, he comes to meright away.r Playtime is fun for my dog andme. When others are invited to play,they are safe and so is my dog.When I ask him to give back a toyor let go of it, he does so right away.r Tricks are now a fun part of ourongoing training. As my dog masterseach trick, we are joyful and proudtogether. I love to show off his tricksto other people.

Preparing for Dog TrainingSOCIALIZATION r When the doorbell rings, my dogis interested, but sits until cued togreet a visitor.r Walking with my dog is joyfuland relaxing. She loves walkingon a leash by my side, and sheresponds when I ask her to finishsniffing and resume walking.r When we meet other dogs,mine is well behaved regardlessof what they do. 25r When we encounter strangenoises or surprises, my dog ismildly interested but doesn’t freezeor try to fight or flee.r When we go to the groomer orthe veterinarian, my dog and theseprofessionals are happy to seeeach other.r When my dog is allowed to joinme inside a place of business, shehas impeccable behavior. I feel like Ican take my dog anywhere.r Car rides are peaceful withmy dog. She loves to go in thecar with me.Proper socialization helps a dog feelsafe and comfortable, even in new situations.If you were able to narrow the list down to your top ten, good job; that willhelp you and your dog be successful together. Trust that whatever prioritiesyou pick are going to be the right priorities, and don’t worry about the othersfor now. Don’t get stuck on trying to be perfect; in this book, perfect means“perfect for you.” If you follow the training program, and are disciplinedabout doing your homework, you’ll go far. After all, if you make no choices,you will end up neglecting your dog’s social and emotional needs. So makeyour choices and feel good about them. Post your list of goals on the fridgeor somewhere you can see it. Be inspired by it.

26 TRAINING THE BEST DOG EVERFrom Goals to Plan:The Daily RoutineKeeping to a schedule tells your new dog, regardless of his age, that you,his benevolent leader, are in charge. It helps him learn the householdrules and understand that he must “work” for his food and his privileges.Dogs respect and want that kind of safe certainty. In time, both you and yourdog will find the daily schedule and routine . . . well, routine.It’s important to get your dog started on his routine as soon as you bringhim home—each point on the daily routine represents an opportunity totrain him—which means that you should begin preparing for a new scheduleof your own weeks before you visit your shelter or breeder to choose yourdog. While your dog’s routine will ultimately depend on his needs and yours,every day must include time for feeding, potty, walking, and play.Here’s a sample routine for you to look over. But don’t worry about ittoo much now: We’ll cover every step in the course of our five-week trainingprogram, with detailed instructions.Morning Routineo wake up. Greet the dog at hercrate, ask for a sit before openingthe crate, direct your dog out of thecrate, and ask for another sit.o potty. From the crate, gooutside (with a sit at the door) to doa potty on cue. Give your dog a treatwhen she obeys you. A sit at thedoor, then back inside for breakfast.o breakfast. A sit as youprepare to give your dog herbreakfast.o puppy potty. If you have apuppy, go outside again to potty,using the potty-training protocolwe’ll discuss later (see page 50).Always give your puppy a treatwhen she goes potty. o brush and comb. Handleyour dog all over as you brush andcomb her coat.o walk. Use the walk trainingprogram (see page 75).o puppy potty. Each time youcrate and uncrate your puppy, takeher outside to potty.o crate time is nap time.Your dog learns to love her crate asyou give her time in it when you goto work, go out on errands on whichyour dog cannot accompany you, orneed time to do things around thehouse. As she becomes comfortablewith these scheduled naps in hercrate, the possibility of separationanxiety lessens.

Preparing for Dog TrainingAfternoon Routineo greet. Each time you let yournew dog out of the crate, continuethe crate training protocol . . .III IIIIIIIo potty. . . . and the pottytraining protocol.o train. Take time for yourformal daily 10-minute homeworkpractice. (Each week’s suggestedagenda is detailed in your five-weekFundamentals Training Program.)o puppy potty. You know thedrill.o socialization. Dependingon your dog’s readiness, you maychoose to go on a brief car rideor on a walk. You might visit aneighbor or neighboring dogs in aplace where you can do socializationexercises. If you have children,this might be the right time tosocialize your dog with your kids.(Socialization activities are spelledout throughout the book.)o relax at home. Brushing,petting, or engaging in other quietactivities that bond you and yourdog.o puppy potty. Should befamiliar to you . . . and becomingmore familiar for your pup. 27o potty. Notice how you’rebuilding your dog’s association ofgetting out of the crate with goingpotty—all while practicing the sitcues on the way.III IIIIIIo suppertime. Similar routineto breakfast.o puppy potty. It’s that timeagain.o walk. Can be a socializationwalk or a special time for you andyour dog. It’s your call.o puppy potty. You’re anotherday closer to having a potty-traineddog.o family time. Rotate a varietyof activities, keeping your focus onyour dog for 10 minutes. This maybe a good time to involve your kidsin assisting you with her training. It’simportant that the dog be socializedto your whole family. Rememberthat you must always supervise whenkids are involved.IIII I I I I I Io potty. Build up your dog’sunderstanding that potty time comesbefore good-night time.Good Nighto crate time is nap time.The purpose, again, is to help yourdog love his crate and not associatecrate time with exile or punishment.o crate. Into the crate for rest. Ifyou’ve exercised enough today, yourdog is more likely to sleep better,and so are you. I like to express mydaily gratitude and blessing to mydog.Evening RoutineMiddle of the Nighto greet. Sometimes the afternooncrate time might be brief.o puppy potty. Your middle-ofthe-night puppy potty routine willcome to an end. I promise.

Preparing for Dog Training 29Checklist: Around the HousePreparing for your dog’s arrival involves not only buying supplies suchas a leash and toys, but also taking measures to make your home safefor your new pet. You should also establish the extent to which any childrenin your household are allowed to interact with the dog, plus what rooms orareas will be no-dog zones (including parts of your yard or garden). Lookover these checklists to make sure you’ll be ready when your dog arrives—orto update your home for the dog you already have.EQUIPMENT ANDSUPPLIESYour dog’s basic equipmentand supplies can be purchasedinexpensively and resourcefully, oryou can spend more outfitting yourdog than you did buying her froma top-line breeder. How much youspend I’ll leave up to you, but here’syour shopping list.r Flat buckle collar. When hercollar is complete with dog tags, it’syour dog’s uniform. I recommenda flat buckle collar in either leatheror webbed fiber. (You may needto start with a lightweightkitty collar, just to getyour dog used to the feelof the collar while she’saround your home,and use a heaviercollar on walks.)Flat bucklecollar and leashr Dog tags. One tag should displayyour name, the dog’s name, andyour phone numbers. Local lawsmay also require you to display a dog license tag that includescurrent vaccination data. If youhave a second residence, such as aweekend house or a beach house,you should have an extra set oftags with local phone numbersmade.r Training collars (optional).I am against the use of chokecollars and prong collars, as theycan be misused and can hurt adog unnecessarily. I support thecareful use of some head-collartraining devices (the ones thatlook somewhat like horse halters),such as the Gentle Leader, as longas you follow the manufacturer’sinstructions, as improper use canhurt your dog. I’ll tell you moreabout using the Gentle Leaderin Chapter Eleven, BehaviorProblems (page 194).Gentle Leadertraining collar

30 TRAINING THE BEST DOG EVERr Martingalecollar, also calleda Greyhoundcollar (optional).If you have a dogwith a narrowhead, such as aGreyhound, youmay want to usethis collar, butonly when takingthe dog on a walk,because the collarmay get caught onMartingale orGreyhound collarsomething. It hasan extra loop thattightens around the dog’s neck if hepulls, but will not choke the dog ifyou fit it properly. r Leash. I recommend a six-footleash (instead of a four-footer)so that your dog can get a littleextra freedom, especially duringexercises when you tether himto your belt. If you’re thinkingabout using a retractable leash,such as a Flexi, wait until yourdog has completed the five-weekfundamentals program, hasdeveloped excellent recall, and canwalk politely at a loose heel.r Crate. See the crate trainingsection (page 53) to help youchoose what’s right for your dogand your decor.r Harness (optional). Manyowners find that they can walktheir dog with more controlwhen his leash is attached toa harness instead of a collar. Iprefer harnesses where the leashattaches at the dog’s chest, ratherthan on his back. Many breeds treatthe top-of-the-back attachment asan invitation to pull, while the chestattachment causes the dog to turntoward you when he pulls. Makesure that the harness fits snuglyand check your dog for chafing.Use the x-pen as a playpen . . .r X-pen. If your budget will allowit, get a collapsible exercise pen,often called an x-pen, as yourdog’s movable playpen area. Thislightweight, portable pen can beused to keep a dog in or out ofan area. Set it up as a containedring or divide a room like the BerlinBody harness. . . or as a room divider.

Preparing for Dog TrainingWall . . . to be taken down whenyour dog matures. You will findother uses for your x-pen while yougo through this training program.To keep my dogs from moving ours,I tie dumbbell weights with bungeestraps to the bottom of the pen.r Baby gates. These movablegates help you close off roomsor keep your dog confined to aparticular room.r Bedding. Since your new dogmay chew his bed, choose aninexpensive option at first—towelsand cheap blankets.r Food bowl and water bowl.Although I’m a fan of bowls thatfit into a raised housing, you maywant to go as simple and lightweightas possible at first, especially asyou’re mastering the hand-feedingprotocol (detailed in the nextchapter). Once hand-feeding hasbeen mastered, you can switch toa more deluxe setup, including ametal or ceramic bowl that is easyto sterilize.r Food and treats. See thefeeding section in the next chapter(page 46) for guidance in makingdiet choices. Remember to setaside a portion of your dog’s dailydiet for training treats.r Toys for play. Allowing a dog to“own” only a couple of toys that hecan play with whenever he wantsto will help create opportunities fortraining. Don’t allow him to destroyor shred toys; blocked intestinescan require surgery. Alwayssupervise toy play. 31r Toys forchewing.Chewing is adog’s naturalimpulse. So,rather thantempting yourdog to chewFill a Kongthings shewith treats forshouldn’t, directconstructiveher chewingchewing.behaviorpositively by regularly giving hertoys that are made to be chewed.My favorite chew toy is the Kong,because younger dogs love themand yet they are practicallyindestructible. A Kong can bestuffed with treats or dog food toslow down a dog that eats too fast;you can give it to her while she is inher crate or as a reward.Have a few stuffed Kongshandy as special rewards.r Toys for training. These arespecial toys that I “lend” to mydog as a reward during trainingsessions; after some brief momentsof play, he has to give them backto me in exchange for a cookie,a training technique that I will teachyou later (see page 117). They canbe delicate rubber squeaky toys orspecial plush toys, and are alwaysreturned to me for safekeeping.

32 TRAINING THE BEST DOG EVERI also use tug toys andretrieving toys as training rewards.And then I always have a veryspecial toy in reserve to tradewith my dog when he has takencontraband, such as a shoe, or tostop unwanted chase behavior. Forcontraband trades, I recommend aplush toy that has lots of squeakyand crinkly features, and that can’teasily be shredded. Avoid toys thatwould get chewed up if left withyour dog for more than a minute. r Oral hygiene. Use onlytoothpaste that has beenformulated for dogs, plus a softbristled toothbrush. Dental treatscan help when they’re used as anaddition to toothbrushing, but notas a substitute. Bad dental hygienecan lead to infection, which, whenit travels through the bloodstream,can cause heart disease and more.Brushing your dog’s teeth regularlyis as important to his well-being asgood dental hygiene is to yours.r Special trainingr Poop bags/waste disposalequipment andsupplies.As you gothrough theprogram inthis book, Iwill discussa number ofspecial supplies,Treat pouchincluding a 50-footleash for recall training(a rope tied securely to the endof your dog’s leash can suffice), aclicker for trick training, and a treatpouch that clips to your belt.system. If your dog uses a pottyarea in your yard, have a pickuptool or scoop and disposalcontainer nearby. If he does hisbusiness on walks, make sureto pick it up with poop bags. Irecommend biodegradable pickupbags; they’re available at most petstores as well as online.r Coat grooming. Your basic listincludes a brush that is right foryour breed, plus a comb, coatrake, and shedding blade. If youbathe your dog yourself, use a dogshampoo and coat conditioner.r Nail care. Options include anail clipper and emery board, oran electric nail grooming tool.I personally like the PediPaws.Also get some styptic powder orcornstarch to stop bleeding in caseyou accidentally cut too close.r First-aid kit. You can buya ready-made kit or assembleyour own. At minimum, the kitshould have a tick remover, cleaningsolution such as hydrogen peroxide,antiseptic cream, gauze wraps,first-aid adhesive tape, scissors,and sterile eyewash. Some excellentfirst-aid kits, available at pet stores,contain upwards of 60 items.Keep your doghealthy by beingprepared foremergencies.

Preparing for Dog TrainingDOGPROOFINGAND SETUPYou may find it hard to believe, buthaving dogs in my home actuallyhelps me be a better housekeeper. Iam always looking for ways to keepthe dogs out of trouble in my houseand yard. Here is a dogproofingchecklist to make you a betterhousekeeper, too.r Shoes. Most dogs can’t resist thetemptation of the smell of your feeton leather or canvas. If you wearyour shoes in the house, put themaway in a closet and remember tokeep the door closed. If you don’twear shoes in your house, put allshoes by the door in an area thatyour dog can’t get to. If necessary,put an x-pen around the shoes.r Toys. Fuzzy shapes and easyto-chew toys are too often a doggydelicacy. Put them away. Keep toyclosets, toy boxes, and cabinetsclosed.r Homework, bills, importantpapers. “My dog ate my homework”may convince your child’s teacher,but bill collectors tend not toaccept that excuse. Recently,when I wasn’t paying attention, Bozchewed some pages out of a dogtraining log. Yes, even the expertsmake mistakes; with some dogs ittakes only a moment’s distraction.r Clothes. Don’t hang clothesso low that they can be draggedaway, and keep them off the floor,especially once they’ve been wornand have your delightful smell onthem. 33r Kitchen. Counter surfing(when a dog jumps up to see whatgoodies are on the counters) isa favorite dog sport. Keep yourcounters clean of any traces offood, your cabinet doors shut,and objects that are dangerousor breakable well out of surfingreach. Also make sure that cleaningsupplies (including sponges andgloves) are well beyond your dog’sreach. In fact, it’s wise to prepareyour kitchen as though you werechildproofing it: All potentiallypoisonous products should bestowed away, behind cabinet doorssecured with childproof locks.r Garbage pails andwastebaskets. Keep them out ofreach, and empty them often.r Bathroom. Keep toilet lids down,especially if there are chemicals inthe water. Beware of toilet papergetting unspooled or even chewedright off the roll. Soap bars look likedog treats, so keep them out ofsurfing range. It’s a lot to control,which is why it is usually easiest justto keep bathroom doors shut at alltimes.r Shut doors. In fact, you maywant to keep most doors shutwhen you can’t supervise your dog.Especially make sure you shut anydoors that open to the outdoors.r Towels. Keep towels near thedoor so that you can wipe yourdog’s feet and coat. I suggest thatyou practice wiping your dog’s feetand coat before he gets caughtin his first rainstorm, so that he’scomfortable when you need to dry

34 TRAINING THE BEST DOG EVERhim off quickly. Most dogs are morecomfortable with your wiping theirfront paws first and then their hindpaws.r Toxics. While most toxicsubstances are in the kitchen andbathroom, make sure that no straysprays, cleaners, or alcohol aremisplaced or stored within yourdog’s surfing reach.r Bitter apple spray. Most dogsdon’t like the taste of bitter applespray. It works best when sprayedin advance to help teach the dogto keep out of a wastebasket, off acounter, or from chewing furniture.Another option is a hotsauce-andperfume mix. Test any sprays tomake sure that they don’t stain.r Electrical cords. Tack themto baseboards; keep them out ofsight. If you can’t supervise a dogin a room where he can reachelectrical cords, consider taking the dog out of that room. Dogs canbe electrocuted or strangled byelectrical cords.r Curtain cords. If your curtainshave dangling cords, install cleatshigh up and tie off the cords.r Plants. Make sure that yourhouseplants are out of reach. Ifyou’re not sure if a plant is toxic,the ASPCA website ( a good list of plants that aretoxic to dogs and other pets.r Crate safety. Make sure thatyour dog’s crate is in a comfortablespot that is not too hot or too cold.r Baby gates. Use baby gates toblock off rooms, especially if doorscan’t be closed. Some people don’tlike hiking over baby gates, but Ihave done it for years and don’tmind. Some baby gates includeswinging doors if hiking and hurdlingare a problem for you.FURNITURE RULESIs your dog allowed on the couch or comfy chairs? Some trainers believethat allowing dogs on furniture undermines your authority, but I don’tagree. I think it’s an issue of personal preference and that whatever decisionyou make, you can keep your authority intact.Of course, most dog owners have a furniture story to tell. My rule is nodogs on the couch, which my dogs obey when I’m at home . . . but sometimesdisobey when I’m out. One evening I came inside the house quietly and sawJock, Merit, and Saxon scatter off the furniture like cockroaches. One of thepillows had been shredded. Even though Saxon had pillow fuzz all over hisbeard, I couldn’t do anything about it, since I didn’t catch him in the act.For a while after that, I put the x-pen panels on the couch and furniture, andkept the remaining pillows out of reach. In the end, when it comes to settingfurniture rules, it’s important to stay consistent, and not to tempt your dogby leaving him alone in the room while you’re still training.

Preparing for Dog TrainingYARD SETUPWhen your dog first comes home,you will always have to supervisehim outside. Here are someprecautions you should take tomake your yard safer for your dog.r Fencing. If your neighborhoodallows fencing, make sure thatthere are no gaps in yours, includingopen gates and areas hidden bybushes. Swimming pools should befenced or, at minimum, have a poolcover that the dog cannot squeezeunder. Fence off or remove anyother temptations, and seal offaccess to areas underneath thehouse, porches, and decks.r Electric fencing (optional).Some people like so-called invisiblefencing: electronic sensors thatare placed or buried around theperimeter of the yard that triggeran electronic shock collar whenthe dog wanders near. I’m not a bigfan of electric fences—if the dogendures the shock while chasing,say, a squirrel past the perimeter,he is less likely to return becausehe quickly learns that he will haveto endure more shocks. I say thatwhen your dog is outside in anunfenced yard, so are you. If youuse an electric fence or shockcollar, test it weekly to ensure thatit’s operating correctly—and at thecorrect voltage for your dog.r Mulch and plants. Mulch andmany plants can be toxic or impactyour dog’s bowels. Consider puttinggarden fencing around plant bedsif you treasure their appearance. 35Remove all poisonous plants. Referto the ASPCA website ( a list and photos of well over350 plants that are toxic to dogs.r Septic tank. Make sure that thecover can’t be pried open.r Grill. Keep it covered.r Bird feeders. Any bird feedersmust be out of the dog’s jumpingreach, or moved where the dog isn’tallowed to go.r Potty area. If you don’t wantyour dog doing his businesseverywhere he wants on yourproperty (and who does?),establish his potty area from dayone. If you have a yard, the idealpotty area will be located near thehouse for quick access, as wellas within reach of a garden hose.It should be at least 10 feet by 10feet, and about 3 inches deep, andlayered with a bed of absorbentsand, covered with pea gravel orsmall river rock. Be prepared toclean the potty area often.r Patio. If you live in an apartmentand have a patio, you can buildor purchase a children’s sandboxto use as a potty area, completewith artificial turf (that mustbe cleaned), actual sod, or hightech grids. Have your poopequipment nearby, whether youuse biodegradable bags, a gardentrowel, or a long-handled scoop.r Common areas. If you live in abuilding or housing developmentwith a common dog run, make sureto follow all the rules for cleanup.

36 TRAINING THE BEST DOG EVERCAR SETUPAn image that practically definesfamily life is a car trip—completewith a dog. We’ll get to that idyllicjourney with the family dog inChapter Twelve. Right now, let’sset up your car for everyday trips:going to the vet, to a friend’s home,on errands, or to the park.r Backseat riding. Your dogshould ride in the backseat, ideallyinside a carrier crate or strapped inwith a dog seat belt harness.r Seat cover. You can protect theseat with a blanket or purchaseseat covers.r Ramp or steps. Some dogsneed help getting into cars, so beprepared to lift yours or use a rampor steps.r Ventilation. Make sure yourdog gets proper ventilation, eitherby air-conditioning or a fan, or withwindows that are open just enoughto get some breeze.r Head in the car. Althoughanother iconic image is that of adog sticking his head out a carwindow, it’s dangerous to let yourdog do that. Countless injuriesoccur from flying debris. SAFETY RULES IN AHOME WITH KIDSMy kids have grown up around awhole menagerie of pets, especiallydogs. Although I have allowed themto have their own gerbils, snakes,and cats, all our family dogs havebeen my dogs. I let my kids helpwith dog care, but I believe thatdogs require too much hands-oneffort to entrust their primary careto children. Over the life of a dog,your kids will go through many lifechanges, starting and stoppingnew fads and relationships morequickly than it takes to completethis training program—even ifthey promise with completelyhonest intentions that “this time isdifferent.”When your dog or puppyfirst arrives at her new home, shemay be frightened. But whetheryour family is adopting a shy dog,a carefree puppy, or a confidentdog, explain to your children thateveryone’s habits and schedules willchange. And if your dog has been inyour home for some time, you canteach an old family new tricks. Asevery parent knows, children don’talways have reliable impulse control,especially with all the excitementthat comes with getting a new dog.Rule number one for you: You mustsupervise kids when they play withthe dog. Rule number one for kids:They must ask to play with thedog. Ultimately, your job is to setthe example; your kids will imitatewhat you do. It will be helpful todiscuss the following rules withyour children before the dog comes

Preparing for Dog Traininghome. Remember that more thantwo million children have been bittenby dogs in the past year.Your children will eventuallylearn impulse control, but right nowyou are training them as muchas your dog. I supervised my kidsaround dogs until they were 11 or 12,but I’ll leave it to you to determinewhen you feel that your child isskilled enough and mature enoughto be left alone with the dog. 37r Stay seated. You must sit on thefloor while handling the puppy.r No physical punishment. Neverhit the dog when she makes amistake. You could hurt her and shecould hurt you back.r Let the dog sleep. When thedog is sleeping, don’t touch her. Youcould scare her and she might biteyou. If you must wake the dog, askme to do it.r Ask permission. You must askr No feeding. You’re not allowed tome to play with the dog. I am

to dog training WELCOME Congratulations on taking a lifelong adventure with your dog! Whether you’re new to having a dog, about to get a dog, or want to refresh your memory, this eBook is a quick guide to having a safe and caring home with your

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Dr. Sunita Bharatwal** Dr. Pawan Garga*** Abstract Customer satisfaction is derived from thè functionalities and values, a product or Service can provide. The current study aims to segregate thè dimensions of ordine Service quality and gather insights on its impact on web shopping. The trends of purchases have

Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được

13. What are your dog's favorite toys (if interested in toys)? 14. Is your dog sensitive about any parts of his/her body touched (i.e., tail, paws, etc.)? Boarding Information 15. Has your dog ever boarded overnight anywhere before? If yes, explain how they did there. 16. Do you ever (or have you ever) used a crate/kennel at home for your dog?

T T 2.2902* (0.9842 )/T0.1702 (ASTM D5084, 2014) Equation 3 In the Equations 1 through 3, a in is the cross-sectional area of reservoir containing influent/inflow liquid; a out is the cross-sectional area of the reservoir containing the effluent/outflow liquid; L is the length of soil sample; A is the cross-sectional area of soil sample; h 1 is the head loss across the permeameter at t 1 .