2012 NATIONAL REPORT (2011 data) TO THEEMCDDAby the Reitox National Focal Point“PORTUGAL”New Developments, Trends and in-depth informationon selected issuesREITOX
As the Focal Point to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), oneof the core tasks of the Institute on Drugs and Drug Addiction (IDT, I.P.) is the elaboration of thisAnnual Report, which structure and contents are mandatorily defined by the EMCDDA (to allowcomparability of data among National Focal Points).This year report describes the national situation in 2011 as well as new developments and trendsregarding 2012. The report is divided in three main parts: summary, new developments and trendsand selected issues.The National Focal Point works closely with several other Governmental Departments, namely,Ministérios da Saúde (Health Ministry), Ministério da Educação (Education Ministry), Polícia Judiciária(Criminal Police), Direcção Geral das Alfândegas e Impostos Especiais sobre o Consumo (Customs),Instituto Nacional de Estatísticas (Portugal Statistics), Instituto Nacional Medicina Legal (NationalForensics Institute).Authors:Ana Sofia Santos (sofia.santos@sicad.min-saude.pt)Óscar Duarte (oscar.duarte@sicad.min-saude.pt)Elsa Maia (elsa.maia@sicad.min-saude.pt)Other Focal Point Experts:Manuel Cardoso –Review and approval of this Annual inhaMadalenaCruchinhoMário MartinsTreatment andReintegrationDepartmentAlcina LóAlcinda GomesPatricia PissaraDomingosDuranFátima SilvaPaula AndradeGraça VilarMonitoring,Training andInternationalRelationsDepartmentCarla RibeiroCatarinaGuerreiroFernanda FeijãoPaula GraçaPaula FrangoRaul MeloSandra SimõesVanda BaptistaVera RibeiroAdvisers to theExecutiveBoardFátimaTrigueirosPaula MarquesExternalPartnersAnália TorresAngelodeSousaCasimiro BalsaCélia TeresoCristinaMesquitaEugéniaGallardoJoana SilvaJorge NegreirosMário BarrosoSusanaCardosoMendesSuzel CostaThe International Relations Unit wishes to acknowledge all the above mentioned experts and partnersfor their endeavour, support and cooperation.Institute on Drugs and Drug Addiction, I.P.Monitoring, Training and International Relations DepartmentInternational Relations UnitReitox National Focal PointAvenida da República, nº 61, 1050-189 LisboaTel. 21 111 91 00 / 21 111 90 99www.idt.ptIDT,I.P.2
Table of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTSSummary . 5Part A . 14New Developments and Trends . 141. Drug policy: legislation, strategies and economic analysis . 162. Drug use in the general population and specific targeted-groups . 223. Prevention . 354. Problem Drug Use . 655. Drug-related treatment: treatment demand and treatment availability . 686. Health Correlates and Consequences . 737. Responses to Health Correlates and Consequences. 848. Social Correlates and Social Reintegration. 939. Drug-related crime, prevention of drug related crime and prison . 10010. Drug Markets . 121Part B . 126Selected Issues . 12611. Drug Policies of large European cities . 12712. Residential treatment for drug users in Europe . 134Part C . 156Bibliography and Annexes . 15613.1 Bibliography. 15713.2 List of relevant data bases . Erro! Marcador não definido.13.3 List of relevant Internet addresses . 161Annexes . 164IDT,I.P.4
SummarySummaryPart A: New development and trendsDrug Policy: legislation, strategies and economic analysisThe current economic crisis that Europe is experiencing, with direct implications in ourcountry, led to the adoption of measures of rationalization and containment of publicexpenditure, which resulted in the reduction of human and financial resources compromisingthe performance of the mission of IDT, I.P.Also, on the second semester of 2011, the activity of IDT, I.P. was defined by the instabilitycaused by the announcement of the governmental decision to extinguish the IDT, I.P. on thecontext of the PREMAC (Plano de Redução e Melhoria da Administração Central) and thecreation of a new structure within the Ministry of Health, SICAD – Directorate General forIntervention on Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies, in charge of planning andmonitoring programs of reduction of use of psychoactive substances, prevention of addictivebehaviours and reducing dependencies. The implementation of interventions will lie on thecompetence of the Regional Health Administrations (ARS).The mission of SICAD is to promote the reduction of use of psychoactive substances, theprevention of addictive behaviours and the reduction of dependencies.The external evaluation of the National Plan on Drugs and Drug Addiction 2005-2012 istaking place now and the final report will be presented in December 2012, which will includerecommendations for the next policy cycle.The final report of the internal evaluation of both Plans (Drugs and Alcohol) will be presentedby the end of 2012 for approval of the Inter-ministerial Council.Drug use in the general population and specific targeted-groupsIn the Strategic cycle initiated in 2005, were carried out several national epidemiologicalstudies that allowed trend analysis and comparability of the national situation at theEuropean and international context, namely in the general population (2007 and 2012,results not yet available for 2012), in prison population (2007), in school populations (2006,2007, 2010 and 2011) and in the driving population (2008-2009).In the study conducted in 2007 in the Portuguese General Population (15-64), cannabis,cocaine and ecstasy were the illicit substances preferably used by the Portuguese withlifetime prevalence (at least one use experience) of 11,7% for cannabis, 1,9% for cocaineand 1,3% for ecstasy). Between 2001 and 2007, despite the increase in lifetime prevalence’s(of any illicit drug from 8% to 12%) it was verified a stability in the prevalence of use of anydrug in the last month (2,5% in 2001 and 2007) and a decrease in continuity rates of use (ofany drug passed from 44% to 31%). In 2007, Portugal was among the European thecountries the one with the lowest prevalence of drug use with the exception of heroin.In the context of school populations, the results of national studies have shown that the useof drugs that had been increasing since the 90’s declined for the first time in 2006 and 2007,noting up in 2010 and 2011 again an increase of drug use in these populations, alerting tothe need for investment in prevention. In all studies carried out in 2010 and 2011, cannabisremains the drug preferentially used (prevalence of lifetime use ranged from 2.3% instudents from 13 years old and 29.7% in 18 years old), with values close to the prevalence ofuse of any drug (between 4.4% in students of 13 years and 31.2% in 18 years). Followed byIDT,I.P.5
Summaryprevalence of lifetime use far below, cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines among youngerstudents, and amphetamines, LSD and ecstasy among the older ones. Despite the increasesregistered in the prevalence of drug use between 2006/2007 and 2010/2011 especiallycannabis but also other drugs such as LSD and amphetamines, the prevalence’s of use ofany drug among younger students (13-15 years) remain lower (short) than the onesregistered in 2001/2003.Despite the increase of drug use in this the end of strategic cycle, the perception of the riskof regular drug use among students increased, considering the Portuguese students morerisky that use than the European average.PreventionDuring 2011, the intervention in the mission area of prevention followed the task to achievethe main strategic goals defined in previous years: prevent the beginning of psychoactivesubstance use, prevent the continue use and abuse and the transition from use to abuse ormisuse and dependence. To achieve them, activities were planned in accordance withoperational objectives of the Action Plan Against Drugs and Drug Addiction 2009-2012: Increase quality of intervention through adequate strategies, mainly selected andindicated prevention, with monitoring and evaluation of the results of theinterventions;Contribute for an integrated intervention of IDT, I.P. investing in seeking answersadapted to the problems and needs, sharing resources in an articulate way, bothinternally and with civil society.During 2011, it was verified a diversification of intervention contexts (family, school,professional schools and training centers, care institutions for children and youth, universitysetting, workplace, recreational settings, prison setting, community), at universal interventionlevel as well as selective and indicated, and in some cases this intervention wascomplementary and covered individuals in different spheres of their life.In the education system, there was a strengthening in the articulation with the Ministry ofEducation, and other health structures, with the use of universal prevention strategiescombined with more focused interventions.The prevention structures gave technical support, throughout all its stages, to projects andprograms developed in partnership between IDT, I.P. and other structures of local andregional community, particularly in programs of school and family context and interventions inrecreational and university context (articulated with the Harm Reduction area).There was throughout the country a strong investment in selective and indicated preventioninterventions, focused in groups, individuals and contexts that presents an increase risk forthe use/abuse of substances, particularly in the implementation of personal and socialcompetence training programs in the vocational and alternative curricular education and thecreation of selective and indicated prevention appointment spaces thus contributing to thestrengthening of a Teenagers Appointment System in articulation with the Treatment MissionArea. Such has been developed through appointments with psychosocial support forteenagers and young people with consumption of psychoactive substances, particularlycannabis.In 2011, Program of Focused Intervention Final Report was concluded, evaluatinginterventions and the implementation of the program, having published a document with theconclusions. These documents were widely disseminated by managers and professionals ofIDT, I.P. It was also finalized a Catalogue of Best Practices in Prevention, which includes aset of projects selected from among those in PIF, complemented with projects with finalevaluation developed under Operational Program of Integrated Responses (PORI) - they allhave characteristics that confer quality at methodological level, evaluation process andresults.IDT,I.P.6
SummarySupport was provided to carry out research work with the Psychology University of Portounder the ambit of intervention held in 2010 at the Boom Festival, through informationcollected in Kosmicare (an emergency service developed at Boom Festival, whose purposewas to intervene in the crisis resulting from the use of psychedelic substances). This studywas concluded and a joint document was prepared, Report of Process Evaluation ofKosmicare intervention, which will certainly be useful for future interventions in the samecontext and for the preparation of the intervention in other festive and recreational contexts.Among the projects supported by NP professionals, we highlight the intervention in the CasaPia de Lisboa, in addressing youth in institutionalization situation, looking for suitablemanagement models of problematic situations and strengthening factors that promoteresilience and the project Euridice within the working environment, promoting awarenessabout psychoactive substance consumption.The year 2011 also included the final evaluation and possible continuation of projectsdeveloped under PORI, in addition to maintaining all the procedures involved in the processof follow-up, monitoring and evaluation of these projects. It was also enhanced theintegration of responses to alcohol use in our teams, (elaboration of training modules,extending the intervention to festive contexts).In the context of FESAT, IDT, I.P. participated in the elaboration of guidelines for thedissemination of best practice, which are available as an end product of the Leonardo daVinci – Mobility Projet.Problem Drug useResults fr
The external evaluation of the National Plan on Drugs and Drug Addiction 2005-2012 is taking place now and the final report will be presented in December 2012, which will include recommendations for the next policy cycle. The final report of the internal evaluation of both Plans (Drugs and Alcohol) will be presented by the end of 2012 for approval of the Inter-ministerial Council. Drug use in .
Price (excluding VAT) in Luxembourg: EUR 15 EMCDDA INSIGHTS Cannabis production and markets in Europe 12 12 About the EMCDDA The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is one of the European Union’s decentralised agencies. Established in 1993 and based in Lisbon, it is the central source of
Mar 21, 2017 · 7 NIH Development, Infectious Diseases and Drug Monitoring Centre. 2014 National Report to the EMCDDA by the REITOX National Focal Point. Tallinn, Estonia. 8 European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. Fentanyl in Europe EMCDDA Trendspotter Study: Report from an EMCDDA expert meeting
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2007 NATIONAL REPORT (2006 data) TO THE EMCDDA by the Reitox National Focal Point FR
limitations in the information set available can be found in the EMCDDA Statistical Bulletin. Country Drug Report 2017 — Netherlands 2 National drug strategy . The statistical data reported relate to 2015 (or most recent year) and are provided to the EMCDDA by the . transport.
The Centre’s publications are a prime source of information for a wide range of audiences including policymakers and their advisers; professionals and researchers working in the drugs field; and, more broadly, the media and general public. EMCDDA monographs a
Joint EMCDDA and ECDC rapid risk assessment HIV in injecting drug users in the EU/EEA, following a reported increase of cases in Greece and Romania Source and date of request: Request from DG SANCO, 15 November 2011 . [8, 9]. In Lithuania, a prison outbreak occurred in 2002 [10]. In most we
Alex Rider was woken by the first chime. His eyes flickered open, but for a moment he stayed completely still in his bed, lying on his back with his head resting on the pillow. He heard a bedroom door open and a creak of wood as somebody went downstairs. The bell rang a second time, and he looked at the alarm clock glowing beside him. There was a rattle as someone slid the security chain off .