The Digital Marketing Ecosystem
Today’s Marketing ChallengesMake interactiondecisions using all thedata available 2015 TeradataCoordinate paid andowned marketingchannelsUnderstand andoptimize marketingperformance
Forrester Assessment“No single technology vendor has - or will have in theforeseeable future - an online marketing suite thatprovides for all the needs of today’s interactivemarketers.”Forrester Research: The Evolved Online Marketing Suite 2015 Teradata
MARKETING TECHNOLOGY LUMAscape“So how do I manage allthis complexity?” 2015 Teradata
MARKETING TECHNOLOGY LUMAscape1876 companies 1 2015 Teradata1: Chief Martec 2015 Marketing Technology Landscape
Econsultancy/Teradata Research:Key criteria for new technologyFull integration with other technologies49%45%Privacy/data security29%Rapid development of new features for future needs26%Easy to use by marketers without IT involvement21%Feature set meets our needs todayCustomer service reputation of vendorBased in ‘cloud’ (access, flexibility, etc.)19%14%Source: Enterprise Priorities in Digital Marketing, Econsultancy/Teradata 2014 2015 Teradata
Digital Advertising and Marketing icsData Management 2015 Teradata
Digital Advertising and Marketing icsData ManagementEmail MarketingMobile MessagingGamification 2015 TeradataReal-TimeInteractionsOwned
Coming Soon: Digital Marketing Center – mobile marketingMessagingTargetingPersonalizationBest Time To SendAutomationDeep LinkingLocation,Device,In-app BehaviorLast ActivationCustom FieldsOther ToolsTechnologyIn-app InboxCustomer FeedbackNotification PreferenceCenter 2014 TeradataServer-to-Server APIAndroid & iOS SDKAbility to ScaleAnalyticsDaily / Hourly ActivationsLocationPer App / Segment /Message
Campaign NameMessage NameFirst Name, you have a15% coupon waiting justfor you!App Name 2014 TeradataShopGirlFirst Name, you have a 15%coupon waiting just for you!
Digital Advertising and Marketing tomerCustomerKnownCustomerDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementEmail MarketingMobile MessagingGamification 2015 TeradataReal-TimeInteractionsOwned
Digital Advertising and Marketing sData ManagementDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementPersonalizationEmail MarketingMobile MessagingGamification 2015 TeradataReal-TimeInteractionsOwned
Econsultancy/Teradata Research:Allocation of the digital marketing budget33%31%16%11%PaidOwnedTechnologyEarnedSource: Enterprise Priorities in Digital Marketing, Econsultancy/Teradata 2014 2015 Teradata9%Measurement& Analytics
Digital Advertising and Marketing FrameworkAUDIENCESINDIVIDUALSDemand Side PlatformsPaidOwnedBid ustomerDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementPersonalizationEmail MarketingMobile MessagingGamification 2015 TeradataReal-TimeInteractionsOwned
Digital Advertising and Marketing FrameworkAUDIENCESINDIVIDUALSDemand Side PlatformsPaidOwnedBid ManagementDemand Side ustomerKnownCustomerDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementPersonalizationEmail MarketingMobile MessagingGamification 2015 TeradataReal-TimeInteractionsOwned
Demand Side Platform (DSP)What is it?Software for buying digital advertising campaigns in display, mobile, social,video channels in real-timeHow does it relate to Teradata?Marketers can use segments created in Teradata solutions in their demand sideplatform in 3 ways:1. Target individual customers in advertising2. Suppress individual customers in advertising3. Find prospects that look like customers through “lookalike modeling”What should I know?Integration with DSP’s is available for CIM through Teradata’s partnership withLiveRamp. 2014 Teradata
2014 Teradata
Pre-email adsEmailSuppressRespondersAll addressable at the individual level 2014 Teradata
ngessegmentPERSONAL ID:Inactive Online 2014 TeradataANONYMOUS AD ID:Active Online
Same customers whoreceived the email 2014 Teradata
2014 Teradata
Digital Advertising and Marketing FrameworkAUDIENCESINDIVIDUALSDemand Side PlatformsPaidOwnedBid ManagementDemand Side ustomerKnownCustomerDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementPersonalizationEmail MarketingMobile MessagingGamification 2015 TeradataReal-TimeInteractionsOwned
Digital Advertising and Marketing FrameworkAUDIENCESINDIVIDUALSDemand Side PlatformsPaidBid ManagementDemand Side PlatformsOnboardingPaidContentCurationEarnedSocial omerKnownCustomerDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementPersonalizationEmail MarketingMobile MessagingGamification 2015 nedEarned
NEW: Digital Marketing Center – social marketingPublishingEngagementMeasurement 2015 Teradata
Digital Advertising and Marketing FrameworkAUDIENCESINDIVIDUALSDemand Side PlatformsPaidBid ManagementDemand Side PlatformsOnboardingPaidContentCurationEarnedSocial omerKnownCustomerDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementPersonalizationEmail MarketingMobile MessagingGamification 2015 nedEarned
Roles in the EcosystemAUDIENCESDemand Side PlatformsOnboardingDemand Side PlatformsBid ManagementPaidINDIVIDUALSIDENTITY MANAGEMENTContentCurationID ManagementEarnedSocial ecisioningAnalyticsData KnownCustomerProbabilisticDecisioningAnalyticsData ManagementEmail MarketingMobile MessagingGamification 2015 nsOwnedEarned
Consumer Identity ManagementDigital AdvertisingDataWeb Data(Tagging)Mobile DataSocial DataOther Digital DataDMP Cookie Syncs Probabilistic Cross-Device DeterministicANONYMOUSKNOWNMaster Data Management (Deterministic)TransactionData 2015 TeradataCustomerDataDemo DataEmail DataAddress Data
Data Management PlatformWhat is it?Solution for collection, aggregation, management and syndication of digitalmarketing dataHow does it relate to Teradata?Marketers can use segments created in Teradata solutions in the same ways asdemand side platforms.Marketers are starting to bring data from DMP’s into data warehouses and bigdata environments.What should I know?Integration with DMP’s is available with CIM using the LiveRamp partnership.DMP’s are typically purchased initially to improve digital advertising.Non-digital customer data imported into DMP’s becomes anonymous. 2014 Teradata
Channel ManagementInteraction ManagementCustomer DigitalData DataManagement Management 2014 Teradata
2014 TeradataCustomerDatabaseCampaign ManagementDigitalMarketingDigitalMarketing
CustomerDatabaseDemand Side PlatformData ManagementPlatform 2014 TeradataCampaign ManagementDigitalMarketingDigitalMarketing
Consumer Identity ManagementDigital AdvertisingDataWeb Data(Tagging)Mobile DataSocial DataOther Digital DataDMP Cookie Syncs Probabilistic Cross-Device DeterministicANONYMOUSIdentification EventsOnboardingKNOWNMaster Data Management (Deterministic)TransactionData 2015 TeradataCustomerDataDemo DataEmail DataAddress Data
Consumer Identity ManagementDigital AdvertisingDataWeb Data(Tagging)Mobile DataSocial DataOther Digital DataDMP Cookie Syncs Probabilistic Cross-Device DeterministicANONYMOUSIdentification EventsOnboardingKNOWNMaster Data Management (Deterministic)TransactionData 2015 TeradataCustomerDataDemo DataEmail DataAddress DataWeb Data(Tagging)Social Data Mobile Data
What does it all mean?1. Marketers and technologists need to consider how varioustechnologies support their overall customer engagement strategy.2. Teradata provides solutions, as well as partnerships and integrations tofully support our clients in an increasingly complex environment.3. Marketers and technologists should work together to understand andplan for where current and future technologies fit in the ecosystem –what problems they solve and how they connect to othertechnologies.
2015 Teradata
marketing plans spend management real workflow & collaboration asset management offer management marketing resource management inbound & outbound email marketing communications social marketing-time decisioning digital delivery optimization actionable analytics omni-channel marketing mobile marketing land
May 02, 2018 · D. Program Evaluation ͟The organization has provided a description of the framework for how each program will be evaluated. The framework should include all the elements below: ͟The evaluation methods are cost-effective for the organization ͟Quantitative and qualitative data is being collected (at Basics tier, data collection must have begun)
Silat is a combative art of self-defense and survival rooted from Matay archipelago. It was traced at thé early of Langkasuka Kingdom (2nd century CE) till thé reign of Melaka (Malaysia) Sultanate era (13th century). Silat has now evolved to become part of social culture and tradition with thé appearance of a fine physical and spiritual .
On an exceptional basis, Member States may request UNESCO to provide thé candidates with access to thé platform so they can complète thé form by themselves. Thèse requests must be addressed to esd rize unesco. or by 15 A ril 2021 UNESCO will provide thé nomineewith accessto thé platform via their émail address.
̶The leading indicator of employee engagement is based on the quality of the relationship between employee and supervisor Empower your managers! ̶Help them understand the impact on the organization ̶Share important changes, plan options, tasks, and deadlines ̶Provide key messages and talking points ̶Prepare them to answer employee questions
Dr. Sunita Bharatwal** Dr. Pawan Garga*** Abstract Customer satisfaction is derived from thè functionalities and values, a product or Service can provide. The current study aims to segregate thè dimensions of ordine Service quality and gather insights on its impact on web shopping. The trends of purchases have
Chính Văn.- Còn đức Thế tôn thì tuệ giác cực kỳ trong sạch 8: hiện hành bất nhị 9, đạt đến vô tướng 10, đứng vào chỗ đứng của các đức Thế tôn 11, thể hiện tính bình đẳng của các Ngài, đến chỗ không còn chướng ngại 12, giáo pháp không thể khuynh đảo, tâm thức không bị cản trở, cái được
MARCH 1973/FIFTY CENTS o 1 u ar CC,, tonics INCLUDING Electronics World UNDERSTANDING NEW FM TUNER SPECS CRYSTALS FOR CB BUILD: 1;: .Á Low Cóst Digital Clock ','Thé Light.Probé *Stage Lighting for thé Amateur s. Po ROCK\ MUSIC AND NOISE POLLUTION HOW WE HEAR THE WAY WE DO TEST REPORTS: - Dynacó FM -51 . ti Whárfedale W60E Speaker System' .
EcoSystem Bus and supports system programming All EcoSystem Bus programming is completed by using the EcoSystem Programmer, GRAFIK Eye QS Control Unit with EcoSystem Lighting Control System, or QuantumTM Software EcoSystem Bus Wiring EcoSystem Ballast Bus terminals only acc