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Quality Educationto be discussedI n te r f r a te m ity a n d C o m m u n ity R e la tio n sBasketball League to help broach the gapby Brian GoodmanDrug Testingseries continuedby Joe SaundersO f The TriangleSpecial to The TriangleO f The TriangleD r. Ernest Boyer, o f the CarnegieFoundation for the Advancement o fTeaching, will be the keynote speakerin a day-long regional conference on“ H ow to Enhance the Quality o fTeaching” to be held at Drexel onJune 1, 1987. T he conference is oneo f the final steps in first stage o f anagenda set forth by the Quality inEducation C om m ittee o f the Collegeo f Business and Administration.T he Com m ittee, w hose mission is“ to determine quality in educating ourstudents, how to achieve it, and howthe C ollege o f Business and Adminstration can promote it,” wasfounded in late 1985 by D r. AndrewVerzilli, Professor o f Economics andthe C om m ittee’s chairman." I ’ve been here twenty-one years,”said Dr. Verzilli, “ One day 1 stood upat a faculty meeting and asked howwell are we doing our jobs? 1 mean,I com e here and 1 teach my classes,grad e p ap ers, and interact withstudents, but am I effective?”This question prompted administra tion officials to provide Verzilli withresources so that he, along with com mittee members Rolph Anderson, JonBurton, D ennis D unn, D oug Kahl,John S avchak, Steven Sher, and TomW ieckow ski, could conduct an indepth study o f quality education andits im plem entation in the Drexelcurricula.As a prelude to the June 1 con ference, D r. V e r a ili and ProfessorSteven Sher are fervently promotinga student competition centered aroundB oyer’s recently published book Col F ou r o f D rexel U n iv ersity’sfraternities are im proving com m uni ty relations by starting a M an tu a/F raternity Basketball League.Sigma Pi, A lpha Pi Lambda, SigmaAlpha M u, and Theta Chi will play them embers o f the M antua communitytwice a week for six weeks on the Kel ly Hall basketball courts. Each teamwill consist o f five fraternity membersand five M antua residents.The idea o f a basketball league withMantua com munity residents camefrom Dr. G aither, who asked JasonMagidson o f the Busch CommunityC enter to contact the President ofInter—Fraternity League, ThaddeusK enney, to ask IFA for their support.Ron Kibbe, Dean o f G reek Life, andM r.M agidson worked together toorganize the basketball league.Dean Kibbe believes that this actionis the beginning o f a brighter futurefor IFA in the Drexel com munity, aswell as its relations within thecommunity.“ It’s a great opportunity for Drexfl students the meet the communityThe first part o f this series, whichappeared in last week's issue « /T h eTriangle, dealt with the efforts o f twoDrexel students to operate—andadvertise—a drug-free urine businesson Drexel's campus. This installmentdeals with corporate reasons fo r in stituting drug testing and pendinglegislative action which would makethe sale o f drug-free urine illegal.lege: the Undergraduate Experiencein America. Students from all Drexelcolleges, including the University Col lege, may borrow copies o f Boyer’sw ork from V erzilli and Sher and sub mit a four to five page critical analysiso f the Boyer study. A “ competentpanel” coordinated by Dr. John Sav chak will evaluate submissions andchoose the best paper from each col lege. A uthors o f w inning entries willbe invited to dine with D r. Boyer atthe Four Seasons Hotel restaurant, freefrom the prescence o f Drexel faculty,staff, o r adm inistration, to discusschanges in higher education and theramifications o f these changes uponstudents today.“ If these kids are serious about theireducation, then the y ’ll want to readthis book and consider its sugges tio n s,” noted Verzilli.'Aside from B oyer’s presentation onJune 1 from 12:00 -1:00 p.m. in theM andell Theater, tw o w orkshops willbe open to visitors and representativesfrom ninety-nine area colleges.“ The m orning workshop will be aconceptual-type presentation on howto enhance classroom education,”noted D r. Verzilli, while the afternoonsession will “ concentrate on the im plementation o f the concepts,” optedSher.Last Tuesday, April 21, the C om mittee sponsored a round table discus sion on “ T he Advancement o f theQuality of Undergraduate Education.”T he colloquium featured panelistsF redricka Reism an, Jacqueline Mancall, R oger C orneiussen, A rthurS h o s ta k , D e n n is W ill, E d w ardKoziara, Robert Hutchins, and AlbertH err, all o f w hom are Drexel p ro fessors. Each panelist presented a fivem inute personal com m entary onB oyer’s book and how the Universitycould enhance the quality o f the educa tion it provides.Rew ards for teaching, not researchand publication, were suggested bynumerous panelists as a step towardsfocusing m ore faculty interest onclassroom activity.Another problem in undergraduateeducation, noted economics professorEdw ard Koziara, was the “ invisiblefaculty at D rex el.”See QUALITY on page 9The increasing use o f urinalysisresults by the corporate world in mak ing hiring decisions is perhaps one ofthe most im portant issues facing jo b hunting college graduates and co-opstudents. According to the CollegePlacement C ouncil’s (CPC) report onP re-em ploym ent D rug Screening,“ Nearly 30% o f employers of newcollege graduates now ',creen jo b ap plicants for drug use, and another 20%residents, and 1 am extremely proud tow ard more fraternity involvement, Catalano, explains Sigma Pi's extra ef plan to adopt the practice within theo f the fraternities involved in this pro with different houses on campus spon fort in the area of community involve next two y e a rs.”je c t,” declared Dean Kibbe.soring a team by supplying coaches, m e n t,“ We need to improve fraterni Although m ost o f the Fortune 500The Sigm a Pi fraternity is invloved referees, basketballs, and the Greek ty/comm unity involvement relations,com panies have implemented somein another com munity project on its letter T-shirts o f the sponsoring frater and forming some kind o f athleticp rogram for drug screening, most doown, which is a basketball league for nity. This league is expected to begin league between residents in the Drexelnot d o the testing themselves, prefer ten to twelve y ear olds from the M an in the summer o f 1987.community and Drexel fraternities isring to contract the task to indepen tua com m unity. They are workingThe President o f Sigma Pi, Richard a step in the right d ire c tio n .”dent contractors. One o f the majortesting laboratories in the nation isCom puC hem , a North Carolina firmthat handles the screening contracts of30 o f the Fortune 150 companies, aswell as the U .S . military and theFederal Aviation Administration.According to Howard Magid, ComThe gong show-style format o f theC hildren’s Hospital and 4,000 tohosted by P ierre Robert of W M M Rp uC hem ’s V ice President for C o r Pj i p p Show is a well-Jjinown tradi P .U .S .H . This g e a r ’s g o a lis .lo raisew ith an opening ceremony by. BigporateDeveFopment. most client com Special to The Triangletion at Drexel University, and one that 5,00 0 .0 0.Daddy Graham .panies test for illegal substances suchis a spin-off from a tradition that began“ This is a very reaii.stic figure forAfter the show, the ticket stub to theOn Saturday, May 2nd, the Pi Kap in the I 9 2 0 ’s. Records o f a Pi Kappus n o w ." said Tom H arris, one o f theshow will perm it free entrance to as marijuana, cocaine, opiates (heroineand its derivatives), PCP ("an gelpa Phi fraternity will hold its 10th A n Show date back to before the Pi K ap Show Chairpersons.Cavanaugh’s and one free drink.d u s t” ), methadone, amphetamines,nual Pi K app Show benefitting the pa Phi fraternity was even called byA m ajor goal o f the Pi Kappa PhiFeatured there that night will be theand barbiturates.C hildren’s Hospital o f Philadelphiathat name. In the sixties, the idea offraternity in its efforts is to install aFlaming Caucasions, beginning rightAll samples are pul through at leastand Play Units for the Severely H an a show died out. Ten years ago,full unit at C h ildren’s Hospital. Theafter the show.two te.sts; if a positive result is obtain dicapped. The event will begin at 7:00 members o f Pi Kappa Phi decided toco st o f o ne o f th e se units isThe organizers o f the show express ed,ath ir dte s t.Ihe G asp.m . in the M ain Auditorium o f the renew it and make it a fundraiser for 17,000.00.ed s in c e r e th a n k s to D r e x e l 'sC hrom atograph Mass SpectrometerMain Building and will cost 7 at the charily.W ell-known personalities will beM aintenance, Electrician, and Reser (GCMS) is used. The GCM S is pur door. Advance tickets are 6, and canSince its rebirth, the Pi Kapp Showjudging the contest, including Terrivations Departments for their help.ported to be an exact analytical accountpurchased anytime this week in the has raised a total o f 17,000.00. O fM errim an o f Channel Three and" T h is could be the be.st Pi Kappo f what subsUmces are contained in theGreat Court in the Main Building.that, 1 3 ,0 0 0 has g one to theEagles C heerleaders. Events will beShow e v e r ,” Harris said.sample and, M agid .said, is l(X)% a c curate. H owever it makes no distinc tion on the basis of the degree o f asubstance's prescence and cannot tellthe difference between habitual use(addiction) or first lime exposure.Although the test is itself infallible.ly and figuratively,” said Paul E, D ascher, DeanSpecial to The TriangleWilliam Penn atop City Hall, thus ending aMagid conceeded that the human fac o f the College o f Business and A dministration,"gentlem en’s agreem ent" made at the time o f Citytor in the labratory could lead toW illard G. Rouse III, founder o f Rouse andreferring to Rouse’s Liberty Place office complex.Hall’s construction that it would be the tallestmistaken results.Associates and recently appointed chairman o f theW hen com pleted, it will be the tallest building inbuilding in the city.“ A nytim e you put som ething“ W e the People 2 0 0 ” com mittee organizingPhiladelphia.An active civic leader. Rouse was recentlythrough a labratory process there's aPhiladelphia’s bicentennial celebration o f the U.S.“ He is an admirable role model for ourselected by Philadelphia M ayor W ilson Gocxle topossibility for error.but we skew theConstitution, will receive the 34th annual Leaderstu d en ts,” Dascher added. “ W hile achieving onhead the organizing com mittee for " W e the Peo system for errors toward the negativeo f the Year a w ard from Drexel U niversity’s C ol many different levels of business, he has maintainedple 2 0 0 ," the organization charged with oversee sid e,” he said, adding that there arelege o f Business and Administration.high ethical values.”ing Philadelphia’s celebration of the bicentennialvery few com plaints from employeesThe aw ard will be presented at the college’sA native o f Baltimore, M aryland, Rouseo f the U.S. Constitution.who should have te.sted positive butHonors Day ceremony on Thursday, May 14, 2:00graduated from the University o f Virginia in 1966,Among his numerous civic affiliations are boarddidn ’t.P .M ., in D rexel’s Main A uditorium, 32nd andand began working with the G reat Southwest Corp.memberships with the G reater PhiladelphiaPositive results show up in 5 to 15%Chesnut Streets. He will also be a guest at the col in Dallas, Texas. In 1968, he joined the BernguilChamber of Commerce, the Council for Labor andof the samples the labratory tests,lege’s invitation-only Honors Day luncheonCo. in New Jersey, where he rem ained until for Industry, the G reater Philadelphia InternationalMagid said. The number varies bypreceding the aw ard presentation.m ing Rouse and Associates in 1972.Network, the M ayor’s Economic Roundtable, thegeographic area and how long theRouse started Rouse and Associates in 1972, andHis firm ’s Philadelphia-area developm ents in Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau, andcompany's program has been in place.has built it into one o f the major real estate develop clude the Great Valley Corporate C enter nearthe Fellowship Comm ission.Positive readings tend to drop off oveiment organizations on the East Coast. Its affiliatesPast recipients o f the "B usiness Leader o f theM alvern, P A ., the Philadelphia Stock Exchange,time.in c lu d eN o rw o o dC o n s tr u c t io nC o .;and the Sheraton Society Hill, as well asY ear" award include Gen. Douglas M acArthur,Samples which result in positiveR ouse/C ham berlain, residential developers; anddevelopm ents in California, D elew are, Florida,Edward R. Murrow, Walter Reuther, Sen. Charlesreadings are retained by CompuChemRealProp., a building management firm.M aryland, Virginia, and W ashington D .C . HisPercy, J. Willard M arriott J r., and in 1986, Norfor up to a year after the test, as“ Through his com pany’s efforts, Willard Rousefirm ’s most prominent project, Liberty Place, willniiin Braman.evidence in case o f litigation, shouldhas brought o u r city to new heights — both literal be the first building lo rise above the statue ofan employee lose a job or promotionbecause o f the test and disagrees withthe accuracy o f the procedure.The market for urinalysis is boom ing according to M agid, and C o m puChem expects business to keep pick ing up.replaces a piift of blood in one or twoby Michael Sheilenbargerimately 1,400 pints annually. This Court today, May I and Tuesday, May“ The governm ent is really beginn days. You should wait 56 days afterSpecial lo The Triangle5, taking sign-ups o f people wishingte rm ’s goal is for 300 pints, a goaling to move o n President R eagan'sgiving bliK)d before you give again.which will require vigorous support 10 donate. W alk-ins will definitely bemandate that all federal employeesIf you gave during the Winter termThe Spring term blood drive at from the entire campus.accepted, but for the convenience ofsubmit to drug tests),” he said. Otherblood drive in February, it has beenDrexel will be held on May 6th andG iving blood provides the oppor all involved, donors are urged to sign companies are expected to follow themore than enough time. Most donors7th, this com ing W ednesday and tunity to save som eo n e’s life. Thus, up for a time to donateti It will keeplead of the major corporations in re report no side effects or reactions toThursday, in the Grand Hall of Creese almost anyone can becom e life saver ihe lies and waiting down.quiring applicants and employees todonating.Student Center. It will run from 10:00 just by stopping by the blood drive onThe requirements for giving are: thepass drug screening tests.The donated blood is broken downa.m . until 6 :0 0 p.m . both days.one o f the tw o days. T he actual pro ilonor must be aged 17 or older, weigh“ Call it a bandwagon effect orinto com ponents by the Red Cross soAt Drexel, the Red Cross collects cess o f giving bl(Mxl takes only eight at least 110 pounds, and be willing tow hatever,” Magid said, “ there is anthat each pint helps three to five peo blood in Creese each term and uses the to ten minutes. W hen added to the give an hour for someone in need. Lt)tsescalating dem and, for a variety o fple. Imagine saving the lives o f fivedonations to meet the needs o f local registration beforehand and the fifteen of free donuts, snacks, juice, coffee,reasons,” such as the cost to a co m people in an hour.hospiUils. To comply with these needs, minutes o f rest time afterwards, iho and ice cream will be offered topany for a drug u s e r’s health benefitsRecords are kept o f each donorthe Red Cross must collect 1,500 pints total time required is forty to fifty-five donors.along with his/her fraternity, sororieach day to keep up with the dem and. minutes, the time period o f one class.The average adult has ten to twelveSee DRUG TKSTINC on Page 2Pi K appaP h i toh o st 1 0 than n u a l sh owR o u s e n a m e d b u s in e s s L e a d e r o f th eY earR e d C r o s s B lo o d D r iv e to b e h e ld n e x t w e e kThe Drexel com munity gives approx T here will be a table in the Greatpints o f blood and the human body

T h e T ria n g leRalston House get DU helpby D iane K livingtonTriangle Staff WriterWhat is your definition o f a seniorcitizen facility? D on’t reply yet, theNew Ralston House; located at 36thand Chestnut Streets just might in fluence your answer.As soon as you walk through theNew Ralston House door, you aregreeted with a pleasant hospitality.Soon afterwards, an enthusiastic staffmember greets you, giving you a senseo f warmth and belonging. This glow ing atmosphere is absorbed by the"residents as well, making the buildingmore than just a four-walled structure,it makes a home.The Ralston House history datesback to 1817. After a one year clos ing, the New Ralston House was builtunder new o w nership and soonreopened in August o f 1986.The new non-profit organization, af filiated with Presbyterian Hospital, ishighly reg u lated; it has passedMedicare inspection and become eligi ble for Blue C ross and Blue Shield.N ow, with a 120 bed capacity, theNew Ralston House is more than half way filled, with more residents com ing in weekly.P e te r A . L a u d e n s la g e r , a d ministrator o f the New Ralston House,is very selective about the staffmembers hired to care for the elder ly. He looks for people who care aboutthe elderly and who have experience." W e look for people with a h eart,"Laudenslager says.Once hired, the staff treats the peopie as a family. Com posed o f “ quali ty p eo p le.” the staff includes PaulaBurroughs. Assistant Administrator;Gloria Boring, D irector o f Nursing.See RALSTON HOUSE on page 9Gallery Exhibition in NesbittSpecial to The Trianglecellence. T he quality o f this work isoutstanding, and the variety o f pro Winning entries in the Neographicsducts, from simple stationery to'87 com petition are currently on beautiful full-color posters and books,display in the design Arts Gallery and as well as packaging and other printedlobby area o f the College o f Design materials, is rem arkable.Arts, and the entire Drexel communityThe exhibit is expected to drawis invited to com e and look them over. regional attention to the College o fN early 2 ,5 0 0 entries were submit Design A rts, which has recently in ted to N eographics '8 7, sponsored by troduced a m asters’ program inthe Graphic Arts Association o f the Publication in G raphic Design. AD elaware Valley. The competition b a c h e lo r s ’ p ro g ra m in P rin tin gselects the best printed and editorial Technology M anagem ent will beginmaterial produced over the past year this fall, making Drexel University thean d d is p la y s th e ta le n ts and only school in the area to offer strongachievements o f the many facets that academic support to the printing andmake up the printing and publishing publishing com munity.industry in the Mid-Atlantic region.D o n ’t pass up a chance to see theThe exhibit showcases the work of winning entries in this nationally171 com panies and highlights the recognized event w hich honors thefinest w ork done in four broad printing and publishing industry in acategones: pnnting; prepress prepara 62 county area. The exhibit is opention; finishing, and editorial ex- from 8:00 a .m .—8:00 p.m . duringApril 27 through May 1, and May 4through M ay 8.RESEARCHolir)f c a t a i o q1*i.n(M) t o p i c s to.i’,!.i*.t jyiMjf fesearc eflo rf,ff)f H»f(i c a ll toll1 HOO ;?t 5 7 4 5 .(m IIiiiHHS (.all 31 2 9 2 2 0300)Cuts b y appL2 b lo c k s n o rtho fU . o f P. &D rex el c a m p u s RESEARCHPAPERS16»278 to Choose from—all subjects0 'fS9f Catalog Today with Visa/MC or COO3733 L a n c a s te r ,Ai enueP hila., Pa,Wm m 800-351-0222 t l -l l WinCai.iCai.' (213M77«2J6Or, rush S2 00 to R e u i r c h A m IMih c *11322 loanoAve #206-SN, Los Angeles. CA 90025Custom research also availaWe-all levels19104107o d is c o u n tf o r stu d en tsW h y isK a p la nt h e w o r l d ’s2153824944b e s t inte s t p re p ?KAPLANEstablished in 1926Drug TestingC orporate R easons & Legislative Actioncontinued from page Iwhich could be much higher thanaverage; safety implications (includingthe possibility o f litigation in the eventsomeone is “ negligently h ired ” andcommits a crim e on com pany timeunder the influence o f drugs), and in cre asin g p ress c o v e rag e o f theproblem.H ow ever, the costs o f hiring a druguser are often more direct than just thehypothetical chances o f being suedbecause o f the em ployee’s negligence.D e m o n s tr a b ly h ig h e r r a te s o fabsenteeism and the greater possibilityo f plant accidents resulting in substan tial financial loss are prim e incentivesfor companies to institute drug testing.“ M ost com panies are not going tospend this kind o f m oney [up to 40per test] to be part o f a fed ,” Magidsaid. “ I f you test 10.000 people peryear, th a t’s a quarter o f a milliond o llars.’’Reasons for the recent upsurge indrug testing vary from com pany tocompany, but the reason cited by mostcom panies, according to the C P C ’sreport is safety, by an almost four toone margin over the second most oftenstated reason—security.“ O ur com pany feels it is in its bestint«rest. and in the employee’s best in-Blood DriveContinued from page Ity, or o rganization to fmd the highestpercentage participation. The resultswill be published after the drive isc o m p le t .Donating blood is completely safeand easily explained to newcomers. Itis impossible to get AIDS by givingblood. The Red Cross uses complete ly sterile materials w hich are thrownaway after each use. leaving no chancefor infection.This te rm ’s goal o f three hundredpints represents only about ten percento f the students at Drexel. Manyuniversities have a greater participa tion rate, but the Red C ross is confi dent o f DrexeVs support each term.Come out and give blood and help so meone in need.terest, to provide a drug-free work en on us, but I d o n ’t think y o u ’re doingviro n m en t,” says Tom Carrigan,anyone any favors. I m ean, if youM anager o f U niversity Relations forthink about it, w ho are you reallyAir Products and C hem icals, a majorkidding?”co-op em ployer.Soon, how ever, the practice o f sell There was no particular instance thating clean urine to those w orried aboutled Air Products to implement its pro passing a screening test may be madegram (now only a few weeks old),illegal in the state o f Pennsylvania.Carrigan said, it was just a matter “ o fState Senator George Saurmann (R.the corporate m anagem ent’s decisionM ontgomery County), has introduc that this [drug testing] is rig h t.”ed legislation to outlaw the sale o fJim Burke, an I B M . spokesmandrug-free urine and make such an ac concurs.tion a third degree misdemeanor,‘ ‘There was a growing amount o f in punishable by fines and imprisonment.formation that drugs were becoming“ My main concern.” Senator Saura problem in so cie ty ,” he said, ex man said in a telephone interview, “ isplaining the com pany’s screening pro that there have been indications thatgram , which has been in place sincethis sort o f thing [urine selling] has oc 1984. “ It w as not an l.B .M .-specificcurred in certain areas, and to makesitu atio n,” but based on outsidesure that it does not happen in Penn medical evidence.sylvania by making it illegal before itdoes.“ There is substance abuse at alllevels o f socie ty ,” says Gail Jamin,“ It does appear that there might bea Mobil Oil spokesperson, “ ourquite a market for i t .”em ployees are made up o f all levelsThe bill (H .B . 957) is currently ino f society. For us not to recognize that the Judicial Com m ittee o f the House.would be to be hiding o u r heads in theSenator Saurmann could not commentsand.on the chances o f the bill passing into“ The purpose o f this is not to infr law, due to an “ if it ain ’t broke, d o n ’tinge on individual rig h ts.” she con fix it.” attitude which prevails in thetinued. “ W e d o n ’t w ant people withstate legislature.addictions. W e d o n’t want people who“ Unfortunately, if there isn’t a pro have a drug problem , and if it’s not blem yet, it seems that there is lessa problem now , it will be somewhere chance of getting action. There hasn’tdown the p ik e .”been any special instance that I canAs to the possibility o f an applicant point to as evidence o f a p ro b le m .”substituting a drug-free urine sample,However, Saurmann said, “ N o oneJamin said that there was really no way opposes the c o n c ep t.”for the com pany to know. “ As far as“ It’s a strange thing, and it’s strangeI know, no one follows you into the that we need it. But it’s a strange worldstall, y e t,” she said.w e ’re living i n . ”“ I suppose you could pull one over34th S treet &Haverford Ave.10H Discount WithDrexel UniversityStudent ID.*N ewHaverlbrd AgeSprino G a rd g n Si.F r e s h S l i c e d D e li‘ M in im u m 1 0 P u r c h a s eO p e n 7 a m t o 7 p m M o n th r u S a t, 9 a m to 2 p m S u n d a y sSpa an d IF A present:T h e b e s t te s t re s tj lts c o n s is te n tly h i g h e r s c o re s .T h e b e s t m a te r ia L s c re a te d b y e x p e rts, tim ete s te d .T h e b e s t in e n r o l l m e n t s o v e r 1 m i lli o n s tu d e n t s .T h e b e s t tr a c k r e c o r d n e a r iy 5 0 y e a r s .T h e b e s t n a t io n - w id en etw o rk o f c e n te rs 12 0 in all.m a m m m m iMF rid a y , M a y 1, 1987also:SEPARATE CH ECKSBACKSTREETS iSIANlfVM KAf ANEOUCAnONAlC& TaODC . C ity - 5 4 6 - 3 3 1 7M I C H A E L J. C O Y N E . E d i t o r - i n - C h i e fD A V ID C H A R T IE R , O p e ra tio n s M a n a g e rD O N N A K E L L Y , B u s in e s s M a n a g e rM e lro se P h .— 635-3116D O N F E IL E RS p o r ts E d i to rB R IA N G O O D M A NN e w s E d i to rJO E SA U N D ER SC o p y E d ito rC H R IS ER BE n t e r ta in m e n t E d i to rE R IC L A B O R IEE d i to r ia l P a g e E d i to rED REAGANP h o to g r a p h y E d i to r D A E D A L U S ----ED U CA TIO NSERVICES G R E « G M A T « rL S A TKAREN P O IT SC la s s if i e d s M a n a g e rL A U R A D E R M A R D E R O S IA NA r tis t/ C a r to o n i s tNEED THE BEST?A SK O UR STU D EN TS!FOOD,GAMES,& MORE!!STAFFBill Andel, Kathy Austin, Chiistine Axsm ith, Rick Blank, Jim Bivno,Caroline Bryant, Robert Dagostino, Raoul Duke, William Frati, TaraGaffney, Adam Geibel, Tom Granahan, Mark Jackson, Diane Klivington,Allison Leah, A l Lord, Anthony LoRusso, Matt Lynch, Jason Mann,Eric M cCloy, Bruce MacKenzie, Brian Michalovic, Michael Pavese,Dave Pendergast, Brian Roberts, Bridget Sciamanna, Steve Segal, StuartSiegel, Matt Senh, M ike Thomas, Jef f Totaro.Copyright 1986, The Triangle. Nowork herein may be reproduced in anyform, in whole or in part, without thewritten consent of the BusinessManager. Opmions expressed hereinare not necessarily those of DrexelUniversity.The Triangle is published Fridays inB u s in e s s : ( 2 1 5 ) 2 2 2 - 0 8 0 0Philadelphia. PA during the academicyear except during examination andvacation periods.Subscriptions may be ordered for 20 for six months at 32nd & ChestnutStreets, Philadelphia. PA 19104.Display and classified advertisingmay be placed at the same address.N e w s ; (2 1 5 ) 8 9 5 - 2 5 8 5 .Ae'M a y 3 0 that Hill FieldALL DAY LONG*CA*'CALL2 1* 449-8311Tickets 3 in advance, 5 at Door, For more info call 895-2570

F rid a y , M a y1, 1987T h e T ria n g leStudent C ongress C andidates a ir view s before M ay 21 & 22 electionSophomore Class Pres.Toni CaiazzoO ur first year as members o f theDrexel community is quicicy comingto a close. Looking back in retrospect,the year has had both its ups anddow ns, and has proved itself to bequite an experience. Aside from theendless piles o f hom ew ork, and thestraining bundles o f red tape, our firstyear in college has overall been amemorable one, forming friendshipsand creating moments we will neverforget.As Freshman Class President. 1have w orked throughout the pastschool year for the com mon interesto f the Class o f 1991. Paralleling thegreat moments we have experiencedwere numerous problems and ques tions. and as class president. I havemade sure that quickly I sought andfound to all o f them. In all facets offreshman life I have w orked toeliminate little dilemmas that make lifesometimes irritating. Through meetingwith the head of the co-op office andby suggesting changes that wouldmake the co-op course more enjoyableand beneficial. I have helped to resolvethe many problems and disappoint ments freshmen saw with this m an datory class.By serving on the Food ServiceCom m ittee, I have worked to help in stitute changes in the food service of fered to o ur class, in o rd er to providea system that was up to par wtih ourtastes and needs. 1 have talked withdifferent adm inistrative heads toresolve difficulties m yself and otherfreshmen have experienced at theHealth Center. I have also brought tothe attention o f m embers o f RLOdissatisfaction I have had with condi tions in the dorm ities, resulting inpositive changes in the dorms. Sincethere are no activies held to bringfreshmen together as a class aside fromthe very first weekend we arrived atD rexel, I have coordinated andorganized a Freshm en Spring SemiFotm al to be held in the middle ofing everyday. It is important that weknow what they are, I would like tostate a one page weekly newsletter thatwould highlight upcoming events andim p o r ta n t d u e d a t e s s u c h asregistration.I have many other ideas such as ex pansion of the free weight room andaddititional pool hours. I want to carryout these ideas in order to make ourtime here at Drexel the best it can be.So rem em ber, vote for someone whocares, for Warren Edels for pre-juniorclass president.May. an event many have told me willbe a nice tradition to continue. It issomething that has never been und er taken before. Lastly, I have beenworking throughout the school year onthe design and making o f next y ea r’sFreshm en Register, “ The D ragon'sT a le ,

May 01, 1987 · of the Year award from Drexel University’s Col lege of Business and Administration. The award will be presented at the college’s Honors Day ceremony on Thursday, May 14, 2:00 P.M., in Drexel’s Main Auditorium, 32nd and Chesnut Streets. He will also be a gue

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