/1MEREDITH COLLEGEUNDERGRADUATECATALOGUE2019-20VOLUME 43MEREDITH COLLEGE INTENDS TO adhere to the rules, regulations, policies, and related statements included in this document,but reserves the right to modify, alter, or vary all parts of this document with appropriate notice and efforts to communicate suchchanges.
CONTENTS / 2CONTENTSCONTENTS .2MEREDITH COLLEGE: OVERVIEW .6Mission Statement . 6Vision . 6Values . 6History of the College . 6The Academic Experience at Meredith. 7Other Distinctive Features and Programs . 7The Meredith Campus and Community . 8Graduate Programs . 9Professional Studies Programs . 9Accelerated MBA and Early MAT . 10Community and Lifelong Learning . 10ADMISSIONS . 11Admissions Options. 11Traditional Admission: Freshmen . 11Gap Year . 14Transfer Admissions. 14Wings Admission-Women Who are 23 Years of Age or Older. . 15International Student Admission . 16Re-Admission of Former Students . 17Second Baccalaureate Degree Students . 18Non-Degree Students. 18Advanced Standing Credit . 19FINANCES . 20Residence Hall Services . 20Tuition and Fees. 20Terms of Payment . 21Financial Assistance. 22Principles and Procedures . 22Types of Assistance . 24General Grants and Scholarships . 26Frequently Asked Questions about Financial Assistance . 29STUDENT LIFE . 30Student Orientation . 30Student Responsibility . 31Student Organizations . 31Religious Life . 32
CONTENTS / 3Recreation – Intercollegiate Athletics . 32On-Campus Living. 32Commuter Student Life . 33Student Support Services. 33Volunteer Opportunities . 35Organizations: Opportunities for Involvement . 35ACADEMIC POLICIES & PROCEDURES . 37Types of Degrees . 37Academic Planning and Advising . 38The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act . 39Registering for Courses: Registration Materials . 41Credit Options and Restrictions . 41Academic Recognition and Graduation . 418Grading System. 418Academic Records . 52ACADEMIC ENHANCEMENTS . 53StrongPoints . 53Undergraduate Research . 53Community-Based Learning . 53Study Abroad . 54The Honors Program . 54Teaching Fellows Program . 56Focus on Careers . 56Post-Baccalaureate and Certificate Programs . 58Interdisciplinary Opportunities . 59Center for Women in the Arts . 60Academic Support Services . 60ACADEMIC PROGRAMS . 62General Education Requirements . 64Accounting (see Business) . 66Art. 66Arts Management . 69Biological Sciences . 70The School of Business . 73Career Studies and Professional Preparation . 77Chemistry, Physics, and Geoscience . 77Child Development (see Human Environmental Sciences) . 79Communication . 79Computer Science (see Mathematics and Computer Science) . 80Criminology (see Sociology) . 80Dance . 80
CONTENTS / 4Economics (see Business) . 82Education . 82English . 93Environmental Sustainability (see Biological Sciences) . 94Exercise and Sports Science (see Nutrition, Health and Human Performance) . 94Family Consumer Sciences (see Human Environmental Sciences) . 94Fashion Merchandising and Design (see Human Environmental Sciences) . 94Food and Nutrition (see Nutrition, Health and Human Performance) . 94Graphic Design (see Art) . 95History, Political Science and International Studies. 95Hospitality . 97Human Environmental Sciences . 978Interdisciplinary Studies . 102Interior Design (see Human Environmental Sciences) . 102International Studies (see History, Political Science and International Studies) . 102Mathematics and Computer Science. 102Medieval and Early Modern Studies . 105Music . 105Nutrition, Health and Human Performance . 109Political Science (see History, Political Science and International Studies) . 113Psychology . 113Public Health . 114Religious and Ethical Studies . 116Social Work . 117Sociology and Criminology . 118Spanish (see World Languages and Cultures) . 121Theatre . 121World Languages and Cultures .124COURSE DESCRIPTIONS . 126COLLEGE DIRECTORY . 230The Corporation . 230Faculty. 231Administration. 243Facilities . 250Academic Calendar . 253Correspondence and Visits . 254Enrollment . 255Campus Map . 256Index . 257
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE / 5PRESIDENT’S MESSAGEGreetings to the Class of 2023!As an alumna of Meredith College, I well remember the excitement of my first move-in day, talking with new friends, arranging(and re-arranging) my room, and getting my new Meredith College ID that proved I was an official college student. Havingreturned to Meredith many years later as President, I am delighted to welcome you to this College, this experience, this incrediblepart of your life’s journey.Meredith is no doubt a tremendous part of my success, as it most certainly will be of yours. As I made friends, learned howmuch the faculty and staff could help guide me in reaching my goals, and explored educational, social, and numerous otheropportunities through the College and throughout Raleigh, I learned that Meredith has a distinctive reputation for excellence thatbalances challenges with support. We garnered this reputation by investing 128 years into the development of strong women.And we are delighted you agree that being strong is the best way to face life’s options and opportunities.Your enrollment here begins with understanding your strengths—what makes you unique—in ways that will help shape yourdecisions regarding your education, experiences outside the classroom, understandings of finances, and options for your career.That exploration results in a StrongPoints plan, a coaching model and plan that differs from student to student, but alwaysfocuses on a well-researched pathway designed to position you for the future you desire. Every single major at Meredith Collegeoffers multiple opportunities for careers, and understanding your strengths will help you explore the nuances of those optionsand the ways that you are ideally suited to pursue them. In the end, the focus on planning and strengths is what leads toresilience—the confidence to pursue your goals and the knowledge that you can face challenges and disappointments andbounce back.I am delighted you are eager to join our community of strong women that is the Meredith sisterhood. Here you will find eagercollaborators, guides, mentors, and supporters as we help open doors all along this beautiful journey. I encourage you to thinkof yourself as one of those collaborators, guides, mentors, and supporters who stand ready to encourage others along theirjourneys. That is truly what makes this place special .and makes us all strong!Best wishes and WELCOME!Jo Allen, Ph.D.President
MEREDITH COLLEGE: OVERVIEW / 6MEREDITH COLLEGE: OVERVIEWChartered in 1891, Meredith College has been educating the South’s – and now, some of the world’s – brightest and mostpromising women for over 128 years. Our enduring commitment to innovation and fresh perspectives over the years has allowedus to confidently expand our programs – and keeps us going strong.Meredith is one of the largest independent women’s colleges in the U.S., with an enrollment of approximately 2,000 students.Rigorous academics in a personalized environment is the hallmark of a Meredith education. Our students are challengedacademically through more than 80 majors, minors, and concentrations, and their learning is reinforced through experientialopportunities on campus, in the community, and around the world. Internships, community-based learning, study abroad, andundergraduate research allow students to apply their strengths and acquire the knowledge and skills employers desire. Ourstudents are prepared for success when they graduate – whether they pursue careers or continue studies in graduate orprofessional schools.At the graduate level, Meredith offers coeducational programs in business, education, nutrition, and psychology; postbaccalaureate certificates in business, digital communication, entrepreneurship and family business, paralegal, and pre-health;and a dietetic internship. Every program challenges students to expand their skills, build on their strengths, and advance theircareers, whether they are seeking professional growth in their field or pursuing a career change.Meredith is committed to helping students discover their greatest strengths and understand how to use those strengths tosucceed. And our location in North Carolina’s flourishing capital city and near the famed Research Triangle Park offers numerousadvantages, including career, research, internship, and service opportunities for students, faculty, and staff.MISSION STATEMENTMeredith College, grounded in the liberal arts andcommitted to professional preparation, educates andinspires students to live with integrity and provideleadership for the needs, opportunities and challenges ofsociety.VISIONMeredith College is respected nationally as a vibrantlearning environment in which students enhance theirstrengths, broaden their perspectives, and prepare for livesof impact and distinction.VALUESThe Meredith College community is dedicated to corevalues drawn from Meredith’s mission and heritage,including its founding as a women’s college by NorthCarolina Baptists. The values serve as the foundation forour programs, our interactions with each other, and ouroutreach beyond the campus:Integrity.upholding high standards of truth and personalhonor;Intellectual freedom.fostering a spirit of openness andinquiry, and respecting a range of perspectives andvoices;Academic excellence.promoting scholarship, innovation,curiosity, intellectual challenge, hard work and lifelonglearning;Responsible global citizenship.contributing positivechange through ethical leadership and civicengagement;Personal development.seeking intellectual, personaland spiritual growth through structured and individuallearning and experience;Religious diversity.avowing the College’s Christianheritage while respecting all faiths and spiritual beliefs;andRelevance meeting society’s needs by educating studentsin programs that prepare them for the future.HISTORY OF THE COLLEGEMeredith College’s rich history dates back to 1835, whenThomas Meredith – the College’s namesake – conceivedthe idea for a university for women. Though such an ideawas uncommon at the time, Meredith was a vocal advocatefor women’s education and persisted in his call for thecreation of an institution to provide “a first-rate course offemale education.”Decades later, the North Carolina legislature issued acharter in 1891 for the Baptist Female University, whichbecame the Baptist University for Women in 1905, andfinally Meredith College in 1909, when the institution wasrenamed in honor of the leader whose dedication helpedmake it a reality.The College opened in downtown Raleigh on September27, 1899. First-year enrollment reached 220 studentstaught by 19 faculty and staff. The first class graduatedthree years later when ten women – known as the ImmortalTen – received their degrees in 1902.Over the course of 128 years, Meredith has experiencedtremendous growth and many changes. In 1926, theinstitution moved from its original, downtown location to thecurrent 225-acre campus in west Raleigh to accommodateits continued expansion.Meredith restored master’s degree programs in 1983, afterthe original graduate programs were removed when thestate approved the College’s revised charter in 1911. In1988, the Graduate Studies Program at Meredith wasnamed the John E. Weems Graduate School in honor ofMeredith’s sixth president. Today, the school offersadvanced degrees to both men and women.
MEREDITH COLLEGE: OVERVIEW / 7In 1997, Meredith’s Board of Trustees voted to formallyredefine the College’s relationship with the Baptist StateConvention and become independent. As a self-governinginstitution, Meredith College maintains its independence,identity and integrity.Undergraduate ResearchTHE ACADEMIC EXPERIENCEAT MEREDITHThe Undergraduate Research Program supportsfaculty/student partnerships in the pursuit of research andcreative activity in all fields and disciplines. In all majors,students may earn course credit for research work. Collegefunds support research projects and help underwrite travelcosts for students presenting their work at conferences.Stipends are awarded to students and faculty whocollaborate on summer research projects. Each spring,Celebrating Student Achievement Day highlights theresearch, creative activity and academic and co-curricularaccomplishments of Meredith students. This day ofexhibitions, performances, scholarly presentations, awardsand socializing brings the Meredith community together toshare successes and inspire new levels of accomplishment.See page 53.Meredith offers four undergraduate degrees:Civic EngagementToday Meredith graduates nearly 500 students each yearwho come from 33 states and 39 countries. The College’seighth president, Jo Allen, ’80, is the first alumna to hold theoffice. Through growth and change, Meredith hasmaintained its vision and remained committed to its values.As a result, Meredith students and its network of 22,000alumnae are still going strong. Bachelor of ArtsBachelor of ScienceBachelor of MusicBachelor of Social WorkStudents may select from 34 undergraduate majors as wellas 53 minors, administered by departments and schools. Acomplete list of academic programs appears on page 63.Students may supplement any major with courses andpractica in teaching offered by the Department ofEducation.Building upon an established liberal arts tradition, Meredithis meeting challenges of the 21st century with severalimportant initiatives. These include a general educationprogram, StrongPoints , Meredith’s unique ad
/1 MEREDITH COLLEGE UNDERGRADUATE CATALOGUE 2018-19 VOLUME 42 MEREDITH COLLEGE INTENDS TO adhere to the rules, regulations, policies, and related statements included in this document,
Oct 11, 2011 · D-732 Meredith & Meredith, Inc. Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file fo
Meredith College only offers 4 or 5 month plans. If you have further questions or are in need of assistance, please contact ACI/Official Payments customer service at 1- 866-964-4020. You may also contact the Meredith College Accounting Office at 919-760-8363 or email us at accounting@meredith.edu
MEREDITH — Altru-sa of Meredith is offering scholarships to nontra-ditional students living or working in Meredith, Center Harbor, Moul-tonborough, New Hamp-ton or Sandwich and 23 years of age and older. Scholarships are intended for individu-als upgrading their job skills (for example but not limited to – LNA programs, recertifica-
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The College opened in downtown Raleigh on September 27, 1899. First-year enrollment reached 220 students taught by 19 faculty and staff. The first class graduated three years later when ten women - known as the Immortal Ten - received their degrees in 1902. Over the course of 129 years, Meredith has experienced .
HONOUR BOARD VOLUNTEERS 2019 - CURRENT David Staniforth Boorowa 2019 Bruce Gruber Boorowa 2019 Lindsay Cosgrove Boorowa 2019 Dennis Osborne Boorowa 2019 John Cook Boorowa 2019 Sue Cook Boorowa 2019 Mick Hughes Boorowa 2019 Daryl Heath Boorowa 2019 Lesley Heath Boorowa 2019 Russell Good Boorowa 2019 John Peterson Boorowa 2019 Heather Bottomley Boorowa 2019 James Armstrong Boorowa 2019
Por Alfredo López Austin * I. Necesidad conceptual Soy historiador; mi objeto de estudio es el pensamiento de las sociedades de tradición mesoamericana, con énfasis en las antiguas, anteriores al dominio colonial europeo. Como historiador no encuentro que mi trabajo se diferencie del propio del antropólogo; más bien, ignoro si existe alguna conveniencia en establecer un límite entre .