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BUILDING ADHESIVES LTDLongton Road, TrenthamStoke-on-Trent, ST4 8JB, Englandwww.bal-adhesives.comSalesTel: 44 (0) 1782 591160Fax: 44 (0) 1782 591131Technical/TrainingTel: 44 (0) 1782 591120 orTel: 44 (0) 845 600 1 222Fax: 44 (0) 1782 591121Unit 622, Phase III,Northwest Business Park,Ballycoolin, Dublin 15, IrelandTel: 353 (0) 1 880 9210Fax: 353 (0) 1 880 9211Email: info@building-adhesives.comNote: The customer must verify the suitability of any information, opinion, recommendation or advice(“Information”) provided by the Company for the particular application for which any goods are intended tobe used and the Company accepts no liability (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) whatsoever for any loss,damage or expense arising from the misuse of any Information it supplies nor for the use of any Informationin or for applications which are unsuitable or inappropriate. Building Adhesives Limited operates a continuousresearch and development programme and reserves the right to alter or to update Information from time to time.Microban and the Microban symbol are trademarks of the Microban Products Company, Huntersville, NC Copyright Building Adhesives Limited 2015PorcelBond Plus is a trademark of Building Adhesives FEBRUARY

productselectionYOU BAL:Working inpartnership.The professionalsguide to tilingproduct

YOU BAL puts you at the heart of a market-leadingteam. Become a BAL Partner today and instantlybenefit from full support, innovative products andservices that make life easier. Working together,everything you need to help your business grow.Unrivalled BALexperienceYou can also rely on BAL to support youwith expert advice if ever you may need it.No other brand canoffer you the benefits of so muchexperience and expertise, including:n Free training nationwiden Free technical advicen Free on-site consultancyn Free specification servicen Free customer toolsn Free web based business tools

trust BAL toget it rightcontentsSELECTIONSelection principlesBAL is the UK’s leading brandof adhesives, grouts andancillary products for professional tile fixers. Whateverthe tile material, whatever thetiling background, and whatever the function of the tiledenvironment, there is a BALsolution that you cancompletely trust for qualityand lasting performance.Helping productselectionThis guide is your comprehensiveaid for selecting the right productsfor each specific tiling task.It includes a handy reference to allBAL products, as well as remindersof various factors that professionalsmay need to consider in makingtheir final selection.For guidance and best practiceadvice on preparing tiling backgrounds, and using BAL productson-site, see our companion bookletBAL professional fixing guideSITEWORK GUIDANCEUnique25-yearguaranteeUsed correctly, BAL products won’tlet you down. That very reassuringfact is now fully confirmed via ourunique 25-year product guarantee.Key considerations/Classifications/Tile types4-5Product selectorsAdhesives for WALL tiling6-7Adhesives for FLOOR tiling8-9Grouts for WALL & FLOOR tiling 10-11Selection factors and guidanceWall tiling weights/Product ATIONPreparationFloor rs/AdmixturesUncoupling system16-1718-1920-2122-23AdhesivesReady-mixed adhesivesCementitious powderedadhesives24-2526-31GroutsCementitious grouts32-33Microban antimicrobial grouts 34-35Epoxy grouts36Sealing/Tile careSealing/Temporary protection/Tile care37COLOUR CHOICEColoured grouts forwalls and floors38-39PROFESSIONALSUPPORT SERVICESBAL WebsiteBAL PowerspecBAL TrainingBAL Technical Advisory ServiceBAL Innovation and TechnologyCentre4041424243

SELECTION – PRINCIPLESkey considerationsSelection prioritiesThe key factors that influence correctproduct selection are:nBackground/base– What is the substrate ontowhich tiles are to be fixed?– Is it flat – or does it needlevelling/smoothing?nLocation– Is it indoors or outdoors?– Is it a domestic installation –or a public/communal place?– Will it be a dry place, orintermittently wet –or regularly wet?nnTile type and size– A re tiles porous –or fully-glazed/vitrified?– A re they light-coloured/translucent or natural stone?– I s the tile material vulnerableto staining by grouting?– A re the tiles subject towater-staining?– A re they large format tiles?–W hat is the tile weight per m2?(Is the substrate able to carrythat weight?) See page 12for wall tiling weight limits.Note: Adhesive may take longer to set fullyon some substrates.Service conditions– What is the tiled area to beused for?– Is there a power shower –or total immersion?– Will it be subject tomovement/vibration and/orheavy trafficking? See page 13for flexibility guide.– Are there any special servicerequirements applicable(EXAMPLES: extra hygiene/sterile conditions/protection frombacteria/chemical resistance)?BAL tipsavoiding stains topreserve appearance If the chosen tiles arenvulnerable to water staining,select a fast-setting adhesive For light-coloured/translucentntiles or natural stone, select arapid drying white adhesive To avoid unsightly stainsnon certain tile materials, useBAL Protective Sealer toprovide temporary protectionduring grouting4

SELECTION – PRINCIPLESproduct classificationsBAL adhesives and grouts meetor exceed European standardsaccording to classifications thatdefine the type and properties ofeach product:AdhesivesUnder BS EN 12004: 2007 A1:2012TYPEC CementitiousD Dispersion (ready-to-use)R Reaction resin (e.g. Epoxy)CHARACTERISTICSF Fast-settingT Reduced slipE Extended open timeAlso, under BS EN 12002:2008S1 DeformableS2 Highly deformableGroutsUnder BS EN 13888:2009CG Cementitious groutRG Reaction resin groutW reduced water absorptionA high abrasion resistanceIn any adhesive or groutclassification above:1 Normal characteristics2 Improved/additionalcharacteristicsCementitious Screeds/CompoundsUnder BS EN 13813:2002TYPECT Cementitious screedCHARACTERISTICSC Compressive strengthF Flexural strengthIn the above classifications thecompressive and flexural strengthnumber is the recorded measurementof N/mm after 28 days.Example BAL Level Max CT- C25 - F7whereby compressive strength is25N/mm and flexural strength is7N/mm after 28 days.Tile typesAlways check that the correctadhesive and grout are selectedto suit the material of the tiles tobe fixed.In addition to information inthis guide, packaging for all BALadhesives and grouts clearlyidentifies for which tile types theproduct concerned is suitable.Porcelain tiles are now anincreasingly popular choice. Asthey absorb a negligible amountof moisture, to achieve adhesionstrength and drying times, speciallyformulated products for fixing andgrouting are required.BAL products suitable foruse with porcelain tilesare identifiable via thePorcelbond Plus mark.5

PRODUCT SELECTIONwall tile adhesive selectorSTANDARDSETTINGREADYMIXEDBlue StarTile & GroutWhite StarPlusGreen Star(guide only,ctf4LOCATIONInterior ittent wet*EEPower shower––Communal shower––Swimming pool––Minor vibration––Limited sBACKGROUNDSLightweight blockRender, Standard brick/blockConcrete, Dense brick/blockPlasterQPlasterboardsTilebacker boards, Fibrereinforced cement boardswwwwsExisting Tiles: glazedceramics, Natural stonewwwwsPlywood walls––LightweightTilebacker boardswwwwExisting Tiles: unglazedceramicssREADYMIXEDKEY Suitable products Use product with BAL Admix AD1* (1:1)1:3 Use product with BAL Admix AD1* (1:3)E Use product with BAL Easypoxy AGQ Use product with BAL Prime APDw Longer drying time (min. 3 days)*Kitchen/Bathroom/Domestic shower6sSTANDARDSETTING


PRODUCT SELECTIONfloor tile adhesive selector (guide dsetSTANDARDSETTING FLEXSIngle PartFlexibleMax-FlexFibreLOCATIONInterior (dry)ExteriorssSwimming poolssMinor vibration/Heavy usessLimited deflection––Flooring grade asphaltssAnhydrite screedQQUnderfloor heated screedsssENVIRONMENTSIntermittent wet*Power showerCommunal shower––QQRM QRM QBASESCement:sand screed/ConcretePlywood overlayTongue & groove floorboardsVinyl tiles/sheetsssRM Qs or lssRM Qs or lConcrete fibre boards––Uncoupling membrane**(such as BAL Rapid-Mat)ssExisting tiles: glazedssSTANDARDSETTINGRAPIDSETTING–Existing tiles: unglazed,Hard natural stoneKEY Suitable products Use product with BAL Admix AD1* (1:1)1:3 Use product with BAL Admix AD1* (1:3)RM Use product with BAL Rapid-Matl Use product with BAL Bond SBRQ Use product with BAL Prime APD*Kitchen/Bathroom/Domestic shower** Can vary with matting system used.For guidance, contact BAL Technical Advisory Service8STANDARDSETTING FLEX


PRODUCT SELECTIONwall tile grout selector (guide only, contactCEMENTITIOUSANTIMICROBIAL RANGESuperflexMicroflexBal GroutMicromax2LOCATIONInterior (dry)Exterior1:2ENVIRONMENTSIntermittent wet*Power shower–Communal showerSwimming pool1:2Minor vibrationsLimited movement1:2–SPECIFIC FEATURESAntibacterial––Hygienic/sterile – food use––––Chemically ANTIMICROBIAL RANGEfloor tile grout selectorCEMENTITIOUSANTIMICROBIALSuperflexWide JointWide JointMicromax2LOCATIONInterior (dry)Exterior1:2ENVIRONMENTSIntermittent wet*Domestic showerPower shower–Communal showerSwimming pool1:2Minor vibration/Heavy use1:2Limited deflections–1:2SPECIFIC FEATURESAntibacterial––Hygienic/sterile – food use–––Chemically resistant–––Moderate traffickingHeavy ICROBIAL

t TAS for details)EPOXY-RESINKEY Suitable product se product with BAL Admix GT1* (1:1)s U1:2 Use product with BAL Admix GT1* (1:2)Easypoxy AG* Kitchen/Bathroom/Domestic shower –Contact Technical Advisory ServiceLOCATIONInterior (dry)ExteriorENVIRONMENTSIntermittent wet*Power showerCommunal showerSwimming poolMinor vibrationLimited movementSPECIFIC FEATURES–AntibacterialHygienic/sterile – food useChemically resistantEPOXY-RESINEPOXY-RESINEasypoxy AGFloor EpoxyLOCATIONInterior (dry)ExteriorENVIRONMENTSIntermittent wet*Domestic showerPower showerCommunal showerSwimming poolMinor vibration/Heavy useLimited deflectionSPECIFIC FEATURES––AntibacterialHygienic/sterile – food useChemically resistantModerate traffickingHeavy traffickingEPOXY-RESIN11

SELECTION – FACTORS AND GUIDANCEwall tiling weightsWhen tiling walls, it is vital toensure that: The combined weight of tiles PLUSnadhesive and grout is compatiblewith the tiling background The tiling background/substratenis rigid and stableThe correct adhesive is selectedThe table below gives generalguidance on maximum recommendedweights for tiling some commontypes of building board.nTypical weight equivalents20kg/m2– ceramic tiles up to 8mm thick (max.)or natural stone tiles up to 7mmthick (max.)32kg/m2– ceramic tiles up to 12.5mm thick(max.) or natural stone tiles up to10mm thick (max.)Remember to allow 2-4kg/m2 foradhesive in addition to the declaredtile weight per m2.Typical wall substrates: Maximum tiling weight guideWall substratesMaximum weight ‡ of tiling per m²(inclusive of adhesive & grout)Gypsum plaster20kg/m²Gypsum plasterboard direct32kg/m²(i.e. without a plaster skim)Plywood (WBP)Up to 30kg/m²Lightweight tile-backingboards*Up to 60kg/m²dependent upon type/thickness of boardGlass reinforced cementsheets*Up to 50kg/m² dependentupon type/thickness of boardGypsum fibre boards*Approx. 35- 40kg/m²* R ECOMMENDATION: Seek further advice/guidance fromthe manufacturers for weight of tiling for their boards andthe correct installation of these boards12

SELECTION – FACTORS AND GUIDANCEflexibilityBAL ADHESIVESsingle part fastflexFLEXIBILITYrapidset flexible fibrestone & tile ptbsupercover rapidsetctf4-Elastomeric – highly-flexible admix ADl Addition ofAdmix AD1gives extraflexibilitymax-flex fibrerapidset flexible fibregreen screed adhesivesingle part flexiblerapidset flexiblesupercover rapidflexstone & tile ptbwhite star plusGood flexibilityas single part(with no admix)supercover rapidsetctf4tile & groutblue stargreen starFor useon rigidsubstratesonlymicromax2 groutwide joint groutbal groutHighly flexiblewhen Admix GT1addedFLEXIBILITY admixGTlBAL GROUTSmicromax2 groutmicroflex groutsuperflex wide joint groutsuperflex groutGood flexibilityas single part-wide joint groutbal groutVery limitedflexibility when set13

SELECTION – FACTORS AND GUIDANCEusing admixturesThe physical properties andperformance of certain cementbased adhesives and grouts canbe improved by adding admixturesto the mix.This may be to:– increase flexural strength andflexibility: for backgrounds/basessubject to limited movement orvibration – reduce water permeability: to giveextra protection to water-sensitivebackgrounds and minimise therisk of efflorescenceand– (for adhesives) increase tensile andshear adhesion strength: essentialfor fixing glazed/vitrified and othertiles to dense, impervious surfaces– (for grouts) increase mechanicalstrength: to provide greateradhesion and abrasion resistanceThe diluted admixture should replacean equivalent volume of the requiredwater in mixing the product.For adhesivesBAL Admix AD1 @1:1 with water,may be added to:– ctf4– Supercover RapidsetBAL Admix AD1 @1:3 with water,may be added to:– Rapidset Flexible Fibre– Stone & Tile PTBFor groutsBAL Admix GT1 may be added to:–B al Grout (1:2 with water)–W ide Joint Grout (1:2 with water)For single layer timber floorsBAL Admix GT1 may be added to:–W ide Joint Grout (1:1 with water)–M icromax2 (1:2 with water)BAL tipsgrouting in moredemanding situations If using these products forngrouting in especiallydemanding situations(EXAMPLE: tiling to singlelayer timber floors),BAL Admix GT1 should bediluted as per above ratios.14

primer guideBefore tiling, certain wall and floorbackgrounds/substrates requirepriming.This may be to:– reduce porosity of backgrounds/bases, and so prevent formationof air bubbles– isolate surfaces containingcalcium sulphate from cementbased adhesives, and so minimiserisk of chemical reaction– add surface strength to friablesurfaces– prepare surface for waterproofing/tanking, or for application oflevelling compoundKey substrates/backgrounds tobe primed using BAL Prime APD:Note:- Allow each coat of primer to dry betweencoats (second coat applied at 90º to the first).- If using on floors, do NOT allow to form puddles.TWO coats neatn Gypsum plaster §n Tongue-and-groove floorboardsSubstrate/base recommended tobe primed using BAL Bond SBR:ONE coat neatThe following substrates may requirepriming on the face of the substrate/background that will receive tiles:nnnnnLightweight tile backer boardsCalcium Silicate boardsFibre-reinforced cement sheets #Plywood/Chipboard #PlasterboardIf using cementitious adhesivesIf using ready-mixed dispersion adhesivest BAL Bond SBR may be used insteadas primer – diluted 1:2 with clean waterif using BAL cementitious adhesives(or 1:4 if using BAL ready-mixeddispersion adhesives)# Apply ONE coat of neat BAL Bond SBRto the reverse side and edges§‡tONE to TWO coatsn Lightweight blockworkTWO coats(1st coat diluted 1:1 with clean water,2nd coat neat when using BAL PRIMEAPD)(1st coat diluted 1:4 with clean water,2nd coat diluted 1:2 when using BALBOND SBR)n Calcium sulphate screedn Anhydrite screedBAL tipssecond coat primingWhen TWO coats of primer arerequired, it’s Good Practice toapply the second coat at 90 to the first coat – i.e. one coathorizontally, and one vertically.Always allow each coat to dry.ONE coat(diluted 1:1 with clean water)n Gypsum plaster ‡tONE coat(if required i.e. surface is dusty/friable)n Cement:sand rendern Concreten Cement:sand screed15

PREPARATIONFloor LevellingWNElevel maxSingle-part fibre-reinforced self-smoothingcompoundUSE FOR:– preparing floors for tiling, including timber floors– substrates including underfloor heating– dry – interiorMAY BE TILED AFTER: 4 hours (at any thicknessup to 80mm)n Bed depth up to 80mm COLOUR: GreyCLASSIFICATION: BS EN 13813:2002 CT-C25-F7n Fibre-reinforced withbuilt-in polymerTYPICAL COVERAGE (per pack):n Suitable for timberwith THICKNESS:3mmfloors (can be applied25kg5m2SIZE:at only min. 3mmthickness providing3 times the coverageof most alternateproducts)n Protein free formulationand pumpablen Self-smoothing,shrinkage compensatedwith excellent flowacrybaseTwo-part Self-smoothing CompoundUSE FOR:– preparing floors for tiling– most substrates– dry/wet – interior/exteriorMAY BE TILED AFTER: 4 hoursCOLOUR: GreyCLASSIFICATION: BS EN 13813:2002 CT-C35-F10n Beddepth featheredge to 10mm.Up to 20mm max.with addition ofsuitable aggregaten For heavy-traffickedfloorsn Fast-hardening:sets in 3 hours16TYPICAL COVERAGE (per pack):with THICKNESS:SIZE:3mm23.5kg 5.0m2 5 litre liquid

LevelMaxHigh performance,minimal effort –the new all-in-oneleveller with FST.MAX BED DEPTHUp to 80mmMAX FLEXIBILITYFibre Strand TechnologySuitable for timber floorsMAX WORKABILITYWorking time 30 minsTile after only 4 hoursThe ultimate leveller& easy on the pocket!The all-in-one leveller, find out

PREPARATIONScreeds/Render/Waterproofingquickset renderPreparation Render for WallsUSE FOR:– most substrates– dry/wet – interior/exteriorMAY BE TILED AFTER: 2 hoursCOLOUR: GreyTYPICAL COVERAGE (per pack):nnnPolymer-modifiedcement/sand mixPre-blendedRapid-setting:sets in 2 hourswith THICKNESS:25kgSIZE:3mm5.3m2quickset cementnnNew improvedformulationLow shrinkagewith rapid strengthdevelopment(80% less shrinkage thanOrdinary Portland Cementscreed)nnnnn18Pumpable for quickinstallationCan be used withunderfloor heatingsystemsSuitable for areas oftotal immersion (i.e.swimming pools)Water/frost resistantIncreased workingtime of 60 minutes(at 20 C)For use in Screeds and Render MortarsUSE FOR:– screeding or rendering to prepare wall and floorsurfaces prior to installing most tile types– dry/wet – interiors/exteriors– fast-setting: accepts foot traffic in 3 hoursMAY BE TILED AFTER: – 4 hours (on bonded screeds)– 48 hours (on un-bonded or floating screeds)COLOUR: GreyCLASSIFICATION: BS EN 13813:2002 CT-C40-F7TYPICAL COVERAGE (per pack):SCREED (at 50mmthickness)cement:sand ratio1:41:5RENDER(at 10mmthickness)1:71:41.0m2 1.1m2 1.5m2 5.6m2SIZE: 20kgor 20m2 if used for SLURRY BONDING COAT mixed with sandby weight and BAL BOND SBR diluted 1:1 with water

he Complete Rapid-setting Waterproofing KitUSE FOR:– wet – interior and external– power showers, wet rooms, laundry/utility rooms,swimming pools, hydrotherapy and spa pools,fountains, water features, terrace and balconiesMAY BE TILED AFTER: 90 minutesCOLOUR: Dark GreyCLASSIFICATION: Exceeds the requirements forBS EN 14891: 2012TYPICAL COVERAGE (per pack):with THICKNESS:5kg/5ltrSIZE:1mm7.0m2n Simple,easy to applytwo-part mixn Total waterproofprotectionn Rapid-setting; allowstiling in 90 minutesn Applied on both wallsand floorsn Ideal for internal andexternal areaswaterproofing kitThe Complete Waterproofing KitUSE FOR:– wet – interior– showers, wet rooms, laundry/utility rooms– around drainage channels, upst

Adhesives Ready-mixed adhesives 24-25 Cementitious powdered adhesives 26-31 Grouts Cementitious grouts 32-33 Microban antimicrobial grouts 34-35 Epoxy grouts 36 Sealing/Tile care Sealing/Temporary protection/ Tile care 37 COLOUR CHOICE Coloured grouts for walls and floors 38-39 PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES BAL Website 40 BAL Powerspec 41

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