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ABOUT USWhisskers, founded by two Ex-Googlers, is a 360 degree digital marke ng training and consultancy company pioneeringin the Educa on Sector, helping ins tutes, organiza ons and companies bridge the digital gap, in this fast moving environment by means of world class digital services in managing their online adver sing accounts on global pla orms likeGoogle, Facebook, Bing, Yahoo, Twi er and many others, along with upskilling their students to become proficient DigitalMarketers by means of their extensive and one of its kind Digital Marke ng Course.The en re Whisskers team is cer fied by Google and/or Facebook for both managing live ad accounts as well as fordelivering training on basic and advanced digital marke ng concepts. The team individually has managed million dollaraccounts and have grown them considerably across geographies and industries making them well equipped with plethoraof live examples that they are able to bring to the table.Whisskers uses technology extensively to make the experience much more wholesome and rewarding - from India's firstand only digital marke ng simula on tool for search trainings to their own bid op mizer to work on ROI for ad accounts,are some of the impac ul ones apart from the others.Whisskers is recognized by global and na onal bodies:

4Module Wise Structure5Pedagogy11Whisskers Simula on Tool12Cer fica ons14Whisskers Trainers Profile14Whisskers Already Trained15DIGITAL MARKETING SIMULATION TOOL16Tool Features17Auc on & Repor ng19COMPANIES WORKED FOR20MARKETS SERVED21TESTIMONIALS21CONTACT DETAILS22TABLE OF CONTENTSDIGITAL MARKETING COURSE


5DIGITAL MARKETING COURSE MODULEDIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY, PLANNING & EXECUTIONMODULESMODULE NAMEDETAILSMODULE 1Introduc on to DigitalMarke ngWHY DIGITAL MARKETINGInternet Penetra on, Growth in Digital Marke ngSpends, Online vs Offline, Need and Benefit ofDigital Transforma onDIGITAL MARKETING LANDSCAPEIn India, In Mature Markets, Other DevelopingMarkets, Opportuni es, ChallengesBUSINESS CASE STUDIESOf companies that transformed business by goingonline, Of companies that failed to go online andwent bustMODULE 2Digital Marke ngChannels and ToolsDIGITAL MARKETING CHANNELSBranding, Social Media, Content Marke ng, DisplayNetwork, Video Produc on, Video Ad Management,Youtube Ads, SEO, Web Design, SEM, EmailMarke ngDIGITAL MARKETING TOOLSGoogle Adwords, Facebook Adverts, Twi er Ads,Hootsuite, Mailchimp, Google Analy cs, Omniture,Outbrain, Taboola, MOZ, Google Webmaster Tool,Screaming Frog, Sokra , Trackur, MeltwaterMODULE 3Business & A ribu onModelsONLINE BUSINESS MODELSOnline Retail, Online Lead Genera on, Online Ads,Online MarketPlace, Online PublishersONLINE ATTRIBUTION MODELSMul Channel Funnels, Performance Metrics,Ecommerce Tracking, Conversion Paths, WebNaviga on FlowOTHER ELEMENTSEmail Marke ng, Mobile Marke ng, AffiliateMarke ngMODULE 4Organic Social MediaManagementBRAND PAGE MANAGEMENTFacebook Page Management, Twi er Handle,Organic Company Por olio Management,Performance Metrics, Organic Buzz Crea on onSocial MediaMODULE 5Paid Adver sing onSocial MediaADVERTS ON SOCIAL MEDIAMetrics That Ma er, Campaign Objec ves,Campaign Crea ons, Audience Targe ng

6MODULE 6Introduc on to SEOSEOWebsite Analysis, Keyword Research, ContentWri ng, Website Op miza on, SEO Submission,Link Building, Repor ngSEO PROCESSObjec ves, Keywors List Crea on, Keyword Mapping,Content and On Page Op miza on, Off PageOp miza on, Repor ng, MonitoringMODULE 7Introduc on to SEMand Google AdwordsSEMBrain Behind Search, Search Auc onGOOGLE ADWORDSAccount Structure, Keyword Tool, Adwords Editor,Audience Targe ng, Match Types, Control FactorsMODULE 8Display Adver singDISPLAY ADVERTISINGBackend of Display Network, Topic Targe ng,Placement Targe ng, Contextual Targe ng, InterestTarge ng, Remarke ng, Bid Op miza onMODULE 9Google Web Analy csWHY WEB ANALYTICSAudience Por olio, Op miza ons, ROI Calcula onsWEB ANALYTICS PLATFORMSGoogle Analy cs, OmnitureGOOGLE ANALYTICSPerformance Metrics, Audience Engagement Data,Audience Por olio Data, Goal Se ng and Tracking,Path Analysis, Interest Targe ngMODULE 10Email Marke ngWHY EMAIL MARKETINGEasy and Effec ve Reach, In-depth Engagement,Genera ng High Leads and Conversions, Sales Boos ng,Interac ve Communica onEMAIL MARKETING PLATFORMSMailchimp, Getresponse, Constant ContactIMPORTANT ELEMENTSGoals Iden fica on, Understanding Different Campaign Types,Email Wri ng Tac cs, Knowing Email Marke ng MetricsMODULE 11Customized DigitaMarke ng Nedia Plan forOutreach & EngagementStrategic Development, Social Media Management,Web Development, Design Services, Direct Email,Brand Placement

7SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETINGMODULESMODULE NAMEDETAILSMODULE 1Introduc on to SocialMedia, the Pla ormsand Online SocialGoalsSOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMSFacebook, Youtube, Instagram, Linked In, Twi erSOCIAL MEDIA GOALSOnline Branding, Online Sales, Lead Genera on,App Downloads, Customer Loyalty, CustomerEngagementMODULE 2Organic Social MediaManagementMODULESMODULE NAMEMODULE 3Hands On/LiveMODULE 4Paid Adver sing onSocial MediaADVERTS ON SOCIAL MEDIAMetrics That Ma er, Campaign Objec ves,Campaign Crea ons, Audience Targe ngMODULE 5Op miza ons onSocial MediaEFFICIENCY MAPPING, FINE TUNINGROI Op miza ons, Traffic Op miza on, AudienceOp miza ons,Repor ng,MonitoringIntroduc on, SitemapAssignment,Robots.Txt File Protocol,BRAND PAGE MANAGEMENTFacebook Page Management, Twi er Handle,Organic Company Por olio Management,DETAILS Metrics, Organic Buzz Crea on onPerformanceSocial MediaLIVE AD ACCOUNT EXERCISE (WALKTHROUGH ONLY)Redirects 101, 404 Pages Best Tac csMODULE 6Hands On/LiveLIVE AD ACCOUNT WALKTHROUGH & EXERCISEFacebook Ad Case StudiesMODULE 7Other Social MediaPla ormsOTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PAID ADSTwi er Ads, Linked In Ads, Placements, Ad Formats,Targe ng Op ons, Reports

8GOOGLE ADWORDS & OTHER AD PLATFORMSMODULESMODULE NAMEMODULE 1Introduc on to SEMand Google AdwordsDETAILSSEMBrain Behind Search, Search Auc onGOOGLE ADWORDSAccount Structure, Keyword Tool, Adwords Editor,Audience Targe ng, Match Types, Control FactorsMODULE 2SEM Op miza onsEFFICIENCY MAPPING & FINE TUNINGROI Op miza ons, Traffic Op miza on, AdvancedFeature Op onsMODULE 3Hands On/LiveLIVE AD ACCOUNT EXERCISE (WALKTHROUGH ONLY)ONLINE AD CASE STUDIESMODULE 4Display Adver singDISPLAY ADVERTISINGBackend of Display Network, Topic Targe ng,Placement Targe ng, Contextual Targe ng, InterestTarge ng, Remarke ng, Bid Op miza onMODULE 5The Live Simula onTool - Crea on andResearchCREATION OF CAMPAIGNS, KEYWORDRESEARCH, CREATION OF AD COPIES,MODULE 6The Live Simula onTool - BasicOp miza onsTRAFFIC OPTIMIZATION, ROI OPTIMIZATION,SEASONAL CAMPAIGN CREATIONMODULE 7The Live Simula onTool - Industry &Compe torsWORK UNDER INDUSTRY SCENARIO ANDCONSTRAINTS, COMPETITOR ANALYSIS AFTEREACH AUCTIONMODULE 8The Live Simula onTool - AdvancedOp miza onsADVANCED OPTIMIZATIONS BASED ON CASESMODULE 9The Live Simula onTool - Benchmarking& Data Interpreta onBENCHMARKING, DATA ANALYSIS &INTERPRETATIONMODULE 10Google Web Analy csWHY WEB ANALYTICSAudience Por olio, Op miza ons, ROI Calcula onsWEB ANALYTICS PLATFORMSGoogle Analy cs, OmnitureGOOGLE ANALYTICSPerformance Metrics, Audience Engagement Data,Audience Por olio Data, Goal Se ng and Tracking,Path Analysis, Interest Targe ng


10SEOMODULE 1WISE STRUCTUREIntroduc on to SEOSEOWebsite Analysis, Keyword Research, ContentWri ng, Website Op miza on, SEO Submission,Link Building, Repor ngSEO PROCESSObjec ves, Keywors List Crea on, Keyword Mapping,Content and On Page Op miza on, Off PageOp miza on, Repor ng, MonitoringMODULE 2SEO FundamentalsTECHNICAL SEOLOCAL SEOIntroduc on, Objec ves, Directories, Nap, Top Local Signals,Key TakeawaysMODULE 3SEO ProcessPROCESSResearch Analysis, Goal Se ng, Content Building,Page Op miza on, Social and Link Building,Follow Up Repor ngSTRATEGY & ANALYTICSWhite Hat vs Black Hat, Seo Strategy and Implementa on,Analy cs, Campaign Monitoring and Op mizingMODULE 4SEO Tools andCompe on MappingTOOLS USED FOR SEOKeyword Tool, Webmaster Tool, Ranking Tools,Google Analy csSEO COMPETITOR ANALYSISData Sourcing, Data Analysis, Compe on AnalysisToolsMODULE 5Op mizing your Websitefor SearchCompe tor Ana lysis, Site Op miza onfor Local SearchKeyword Research and Selec on, Keyword Mapping,On Page Elements, Content Op miza onMODULE 6Advance ContentManagement & SocialTac csCONTENT MANAGEMENTContent Marke ng Cycle,Concepts For ContentMarke ng, Link Building, Audience Analysis andDesigningSOCIAL TACTICSSocial Media Links, Pla orm Analy cs and Selec on,Fundamentals for Crea ng Audience, Influencer\Marke ng, Building Rela onsMODULE 7Advance StrategiesTECHNICAL SEOObjec ve of Technical Seo, Indexing and Accessibility,Improving Site Speed and Performance, Advance DataAnalysisTOOLS AND ACTIVITYExcel Plugins, Browser Plugins, Backlink Analysis Tools,Fixing Technical Issues In Content, Record Website AuditMODULE 8Repor ng & MonitoringPerformanceTOOLS AND MONITORINGSemrush, Gtmetrix, Screaming Frog, Majes c Seo,Google Analy cs

11PEDAGOGYHands On Learning through Live Exercises:When it comes to understanding Digital Marke ng, there is just as much PPT and Videoscan make one learn. To make one understand how it’s really done in the industry, wemake the students work on live ad accounts and work on industry tools. This makeslearning faster and a lot more relevant.Case Study Based Sessions:To understand the dynamic transforma on that Digital can bring in a company or industry, it is important to know the impact of Digital Marke ng in perspec ve of businessscenario and how companies have adopted, strategized & executed digital strategies; atopic that is most effec vely delivered through case study discussions by our trainers atWhisskers.Advance Learning with Digital Marketing Simulation Tool:Considering the complexity and compe ve nature of Search adver sing, one can onlygrasp as much about the mechanism through theore cal learning. Simula on tool helpsstudents to create Online Campaigns and Ads, like in realworld, and then run those ads live as well, compe ng with peers like adver sers do, inthe real online adver sing world.Assessment with Insightful Results:At the end of the course, students take a test which includes ques ons from all thetopics covered. The test is quite exhaus ve and not only tests their Digital Marke nglearning of the course, but also gives a detailed result of which aspects of DigitalMarke ng do they have a strong hold on, and where do they need to put in moreefforts.

12WHISSKERS SIMULATION TOOL FOR DIGITALMARKETINGWST is India’s first Digital Marke ng Simula on Tool. Itsimulates the experience of online ad management acrossglobal pla orms like Google, Yahoo, Bing, into one Gamifica on pla orm which provides space to young marketers toescalate their journey of a professional digital marketer byge ng hands on prac cal experience.The tool covers allthe characteristicsof an online adaccount such as –Crea ng Campaign.Par cipants run for Simulated Auc on.Real Time Op misa on.TOOL INTERFACEOp misa on Reports & Comparison.Opportunity of “Learning by Doing".Admin:Whisskers to Add Trainers and Studentsfrom Admin InterfaceTrainer:Trainer portal to add students to a batch seereports and manage the trainingStudents:Unique log in details for each student toaccess their simula on ad account

BENEFITS OFGETTING TRAINEDUSING WSTAccess to Adwords lookalike tool,offering first-hand experience of digitalmarke ng world.Exposure to compe ve real worldenvironment, where students compete withothers whilst running campaign and bidingfor the same keyword.No risk factor involved in terms of moneyunlike Adwords which kills the scope oflearning while doing.Students become job ready right a erthe course is completed instead ofundertaking training for 6 or more monthsto gain experience.Adwords is complex and is challengingfor a newbie to develop an understandingfor it right away, and by working on thetool you have already crossed that bridge

14CERTIFICATIONS ON COMPLETIONCERTIFICATIONS ELIGIBLE FORWHISSKERS TRAINERS PROFILEPOOJA VERMAPooja has worked with Google in the past, where she worked with High Net Clients in US, inmanaging their digital media spends effec vely. Pooja has a rich experience of training seniorexecu ves from companies like Google, Wipro, Infosys, Genpact, Dell, IBM and many others. Shehas mentored her students in the past few years to become experts in Digital Marke ng in theirjob and for start-ups as well.NEHA VERMANeha is an Ex-Googler, has done her MBA from SP Jain School of Global Managment. She hasworked in the Digital Marke ng field in Singapore and then moved to India, where she runs DigitalMarke ng agency. She is Facebook Cer fies and her core area of exper se is Social Media Adver sing and Online Branding.KANUPRIYA TAYALAn Ex-Googler and a passionate Digital Marketer with 11 years of experience in the field. She hasalso worked with brands like Search Experts and Expedia Inc with also heading marke ng forEduKart. Currently helping businesses sell be er and expand their online reach. In her ownwords, “Google Adwords is simply a part of the professional DNA now, once a Googler, always aGoogler”.

WHISSKERS ALREADY TRAINEDINDIVIDUALS FROM AccentureCTSInfonovumPersistentAndhra BankDango eInfosysPrama AON Hewi DellKeaneRBSBank of AmericaEatonKPI So Renault NissanBirlaso EmersonL&T InfotechSpiderlogicBora HousingEricssonLogicaSyndicate BankBWIRFidelityMahindra ComvivaSyntelCapegeminiFutures FirstMaxBupaTCSCentury LinkGEMind racle, LogicaVerizonCSCIBMPeriSo wareWipro


17DIGITAL MARKETING SIMULATION TOOLWST is India’s first Digital Marke ng Simula on Tool. It simulates the experience of online ad management across globalpla orms like Google, Yahoo, Bing, into one Gamifica on pla orm which provides space to young marketers to escalatetheir journey of a professional digital marketer by ge ng hands on prac cal experience.The tool covers all the characteristics of anonline ad account such as –Crea ngCampaign.Par cipants runfor SimulatedAuc on.Real TimeOp misa on.Op misa onReports &Comparison.Opportunity of“Learning byDoing".SNEAK PEEK INTO WHISSKERS TOOLCAMPAIGN CREATIONEach group of students will be assigned an account of a par cular company of the same industry to make a campaign.One can create as many campaigns with different budgets, Ad Groups and Keywords.

18CREATION OF AD COPIESStudent can create mul ple ads with keywords to improve performance.There is a character limits for Headline and both the descrip on, enabling real me experience of Adwords to thestudents.IN-BUILT KEYWORD TOOL100010001000100010001000

19Keyword Tool is used for assigning keywords to your CampaignStudents can also use Keyword Tool to get keyword sugges ons, suggested bids and traffic for each keyword for be erkeyword placement.RUN FOR AUCTIONAll Candidates submit their campaigns for the Simulated Auc onThe complex backend algorithm compares the results of all groups to measure which team created a well op mizedsolu on and were able to get maximum conversions at the minimum costREPORTING AND MONITORING IN THE TOOLWinners are announced for each Auc on before the teams move on to the next.At the end of the program, basis cumula ve results of all RFAs, the final winner is announced


43MARKETS SERVEDUKUSAAustriaIndiaSingaporeSouth AfricaTESTIMONIALS"It was great working with the Whisskersteam. The team understood our digitalmarke ng requirements and customizedtheir services to achieve our businessgoals. It also helped that both the Partnerscame from Google, so they know howto op mize our digital presence for bestresults. Look forward to working againwith them" Anu Parthasarathy - CEO, GlobalExecu ve Talent, Inc"We had a wonderful associa onwith Whisskers for my online retailcompany Pooja and Nehaare result driven professionals who excelin the field of digital marke ng - Extremelycrea ve, disciplined, knowledgable and a persistent team" Sonalika Sahai - Founder,"You guys are super. We are very withthe work you have done for us and Iwish you all the very best for all the verybest for all future endeavors Saket Modi, CEO, Lucideus Tech“At Gudskool, we have loved ourexperience of working with Whisskers.The team is extremely professional, commi edto delivering value and very helpful in sharingeverything around web marke ng. Theyare a very reliable partner to shape ourweb presence in the most produc ve way. Puneet Goyal Co-Founder,Gudskool Founda on.

Whisskers Marke ng Pvt. Ltd.Gurgaon: 5th Floor, 18 Ins tu onalArea, Sector 32, Gurgaon - 122001Noida: Nasscom Warehouse, Plot No 7 to 10,Sector 126, Noida – 201303Email - contactus@whisskers.comContact No.- 0124-4018106/ 91 9910950333/ 91

SEO PROCESS MODULE 1 MODULE 2 MODULE 3 SEO Tools and Compe on Mapping Keyword Tool, Webmaster Tool, Ranking Tools, Google Analy cs TOOLS USED FOR SEO Data Sourcing, Data Analysis, Compe on Analysis Tools SEO COMPETITOR ANALYSIS MODULE 4 SEO Fundamentals SEO Process SEO TECHNICAL SEO Int

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