TABLE OF CONTENTSMISSION STATEMENT .5ACCREDITATION .5ACADEMIC CALENDAR 6MAIN CAMPUS MAP .7ADMISSIONS AND REGISTRATION .8Begin Here at Hopkinsville Community College .8Apply Online .8Admissions Guidelines .9Checklist for Enrollment at HCC .9Additional Information .9First-Time Student 9Transfer Student 9Transient (Visiting) Student 10High School Student .10Selective Admission .10Registering for Classes 10Email Account .11Readmission after Two or More Years 11Advanced Placement Program .12Previous College Work 12Change of Program 12KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy .12Last Day to Enter an Organized Class 13Drop Policy .13RESIDENCY 14Determination of Residency Status .14TUITION AND FEES .14Customized Course Offerings 15Services .15Special Examination .15Professional Liability Insurance 15Cancellation of Registration for Non-Payment of Charges .16Payment Options 16Refunds .17Timeframe for Tuition Refunds 172
Financial Delinquency .17Other Fees .17FINANCIAL AID .18Priority Dates 18General Eligibility 18Federal Pell Grant .19Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) .19Federal Work Study (FWS) .19Kentucky College Access Program (CAP) Grant .19Kentucky Education Excellence Scholarships (KEES) .19Stafford Loan .19Scholarships and Other Assistance 19Third Party Assistance Programs .19Veteran’s Affairs (VA) .19Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) .20Suspension of Student Aid Due to Poor Grades 20Appeal Process .20Return of Title IV Policy .20Dual Enrollment/Consortium Agreements .21STUDENT AFFAIRS 21Ready to Work .21Student Support Services .21Upward Bound .21Career and Transfer Assistance 22Testing Center .22Students with Disabilities. 22FERPA .22Privacy and Release of Student Records 23Student Records Maintenance .23Appeal 24Student Organizations 24National Technical Honor Society .27Student Government .27Inter-KCTCS College Student Advisory Council .27RESOURCES FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS .27Personal Responsibility .27Student Success Tips 28Handling Your Stress 28Tips from Faculty 29Faculty Expectations .29College Lingo .303
Help Lines 32KCTCS STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT 34RIGHT TO KNOW .34STUDENT RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITIES .34Drug-Free Policy .35Sexual Harassment 35STUDENT DISCRIMINATION GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES 35ACADEMIC AFFAIRS 36Academic Advising .36Goals of Academic Advising 36Expected Student Learning Outcomes for the Academic Advising Experience .36Library 37Academic Assistance and Tutoring 37Student Load-Full Time Status .38Student Load-Maximum Student Load 38Grading System 38Developmental Course Work .40Changing Grades .40Grade-Point Average (GPA) .40Academic Probation, Academic Suspension, and Reinstatement 40Repeating a Course .41Final Exams .41EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS .41Associate in Arts .41Associate in Science .41Associate in Applied Science .41Programs Offered by HCC 42GRADUATION .43Hopkinsville Community College Graduation .43Applying for a Diploma, Degree, or Certificate .43Graduation with Honors 43Dean’s List 43Kentucky Community and Technical College Guarantee .43COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATION 444
MISSION STATEMENTHopkinsville Community College is an inclusive, student-centered educational institution that providesaccessible, innovative, and comprehensive learning opportunities within a supportive community thatencourages academic excellence. The college sustains strong educational, community, military, and economicpartnerships to improve quality of life in the southern Pennyrile region and Fort Campbell.Hopkinsville Community College promotes excellence in teaching and learning by offering: Degree, diploma, and certificate programs and courses that enable students to transfer to four-yearinstitutions, and acquire the knowledge and skills for new or continued employmentDevelopmental, academic and support services that promote student successCustomized business and industry trainingContinuing education and community outreachAdult educationACCREDITATIONAccreditation is the result of achieving established standards of quality and excellence as recognized by thatagency granting such accreditation.Hopkinsville Community College is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association ofColleges and Schools to award the associate degree. Contact the Commission on colleges at 1866 SouthernLane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of HopkinsvilleCommunity College. Note: The Commission is to be contacted only if there is evidence that appears to supportan institution's significant non-compliance with a requirement or standard.Academic Program Accreditations or CertificationsThe following programs have earned discipline-specific accreditations or certifications as recognized by thatrespective granting agency:Associate Degree Nursing: The Hopkinsville Community College Associate Degree Nursing Program isaccredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, 61 Broadway, New York, NY, 10006,Phone: (212) 363-5555 Ext. 153, Fax: (212) 812-0390.Practical Nursing: The Hopkinsville Community College Practical Nursing Program is under full approval statuswith the Kentucky Board of Nursing, (800) 305-2042.Why is accreditation important?Accreditation is important for two reasons. First, it assures HCC students that they are receiving an educationthat meets the high standards of an independent organization.Secondly, since HCC is accredited to award associate degrees, an HCC degree is automatically recognized andaccepted by all public or private four-year colleges and universities in Kentucky. Transfer assistance is availableto help explore options available to you.5
Campus SitesMany Locations for Your ConvenienceHopkinsville Community College (HCC) offers classes at two main campuses – one in Hopkinsville and one onthe Fort Campbell Army Base. Hopkinsville Community College main campus - 720 North Drive, Hopkinsville, KY 42241Fort Campbell campus – SSG Glenn H. English, Jr. Army Education Center, 202 Bastogne Ave., FortCampbell, KY 42223Classes are also available at a variety of off-campus locations: Hopkinsville – Christian County High School, 220 Glass Avenue, HopkinsvilleHopkinsville – Hopkinsville High School, 403 Koffman Drive, HopkinsvilleCadiz – Trigg County High School, 205 Main Street, CadizElkton –Todd County Central High School, 806 South Main Street, ElktonPrinceton – Caldwell County High School, 350 Beckner Lane, PrincetonADMISSIONS AND REGISTRATIONBegin here at Hopkinsville Community College and you can go anywhere!Your road to a good job and the skills needed to fit into our fast-changing world begins here. We can prepareyou to start working as soon as possible or transfer your credits to a four-year college or university.Why Hopkinsville Community College?We will challenge you and provide the support you need to begin an exciting career and build the foundationfor lifelong learning. Our classes are small, and our experienced faculty offer personal attention.What do we offer?Our college offers associate degrees, diplomas, and certificates in a wide variety of academic programs. Withso many course offerings, including day, evening, weekend, distance learning, and online classes, we can fityour schedule and meet your needs. Hopkinsville Community College is fully accredited by the SouthernAssociation of Colleges and Schools (SACS). With two primary campuses located in Hopkinsville and FortCampbell, KY, we can fit your schedule and meet your needs.Apply OnlineStudents may apply online. There is no application fee.Before you begin, you should have the following information readily available: Your Social Security Number.An email address where we may contact you.Telephone number where we may contact you.The name and address of the high school you attended.The name and address of any colleges you have attended.8
When you have this information, please begin the online application. You will receive animmediate confirmation via email (to the email address you provide during the application process) andonscreen of your status once you have completed the application.Admissions GuidelinesIf you have graduated from high school, earned a GED , are eligible to take the GED , or are dually enrolled inhigh school and college, you are ready to begin. Get started with classes now by submitting an application andsome additional information.Checklist for Enrollment at Hopkinsville Community College Complete the application at www.hopkinsville.kctcs.eduVisit Financial AidCreate and access you PeopleSoft self-service accountHave high school (copy) and/or other official college transcripts sent directly to HCCTake the KYOTE/TABE Assessment prior to New Student OrientationMeet with Advising Center to review placement test scores, discuss programs, schedule classes, andsign up for New Student OrientationContact the Business office to make payment arrangements, if neededVisit the Bookstore to obtain your books or visit www.kctcs.bncollege.com to purchase your booksonlineAccess your student email and continue to monitor your PeopleSoft self-service accountAttend you first day of class or log onto you Blackboard account for distance learning coursesWhat additional information will I need to submit?So you have decided you would like to apply for admission but aren't sure what additional information youneed to provide to complete the admissions process. We have provided a list of common admission typesbelow with a list of items you will need to provide. If you scored below 20 on the ACT in reading, below 18 onthe ACT in English, or below 19 on the ACT in math, you will need to take the KYOTE/TABE test. KYOTE/TABE isfree for first-time takers and is administered by our Testing Center.First-Time StudentIf you are a student who has never attended another college and has earned a high school diploma or earneda GED , you will need to provide: Your high school transcript or GED test scores.Scores from a placement test such as the ACT or KYOTE/TABE.Transfer StudentIf you are a student who has attended another college but do not plan to return to that college, you will needto provide: Your high school transcript or GED test scores.Your official transcript(s) from the colleges you have previously attended (go ahead and sendregardless if you earned credit or not).Scores from a placement test such as the ACT or KYOTE/TABE.9
Transient (Visiting) StudentIf you are a student who would like to take classes with Hopkinsville Community College but arecurrently attending another college to earn a degree, you will need to provide: A Visiting/Transient Student Agreement stating you are eligible to take classes at Hopkinsville (you willneed this each semester).Scores from a placement test such as the ACT or KYOTE/TABE.Your official transcript(s) from any colleges you have previously attended (as needed) to show proof ofprerequisites.High School StudentIf you are currently in high school and would like to enroll in college courses, each semester you will need toprovide: A statement signed by a counselor from your high school and your parent or guardian giving youpermission to take courses.Scores from a placement test such as the ACT or KYOTE/TABE.Your current high school transcript.If you have questions, please visit our Admissions Frequently Asked Questions page.Are there other requirements?If you want to enter a selective program such as Nursing, you may have a few more special requirements. Formore information, contact our Advising Center a few months before you plan to begin your studies.Are there any other admission restrictions?If you meet the general requirements for admission, you will be considered regardless of race, color, religion,gender, marital status, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or mental or physical disability.Selective AdmissionsAdmission to Selective Admissions ProgramsAdmission into allied health programs at the college is based on selective admissions criteria specific to eachprogram. If you are interested in the admissions criteria for our Nursing program, please contact anadmissions advisor in the Advising Center. Some general education requirements must be completed prior toadmission into the programs. Additional general education courses may be taken prior to admission into theprograms or after enrollment in the programs.Registering for ClassesOur goal is to make registering for classes as easy and convenient as possible. We want to provide youmaximum assistance as a first-time student while helping you gradually learn the tools necessary tosuccessfully utilize Student Self-service 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.As a first-time student, you will attend New Student Orientation to register for your first semester courses.After your initial class registration, you are encouraged to schedule an appointment with your assigned facultyadvisor to complete a MAP (My Academic Plan) which will serve as your guide to completing your educational10
goal. Once your MAP is filed with the Advising Center, we will activate your Student Self-Service registrationaccess. Student Self-service tutorial videos are available for your convenience. Additionally, you may contact amember of the Student Services Team to assist you at any time you have questions.To find a list of available classes, you are encouraged to use the KCTCS Class Search feature available in yourStudent Self-Service account. The KCTCS Class Search feature lists classes real-time and displays courses fromall 16 KCTCS colleges. You may also use the HCC Class Schedule on our website, but keep in mind that it is onlyupdated once every 24 hours.HopkinsvilleCampus RegistrationTwoimportant registration dates to remember each academic year are March 1 and October 1. Students will needto meet with someone on their team of academic advisors to have access to register for the upcomingsemester. The Fort Campbell Campus maintains a different registration schedule and is described in detailbelow.Fort Campbell Campus RegistrationIf you plan to enroll in classes at the Fort Campbell Campus, remember that the Fort Campbell Campusmaintains a different registration schedule than the Hopkinsville Campus. The Fort Campbell Campus offersfive 8-week terms throughout the year: January, March, June, August, and October. Active duty soldiers may register via the GoArmyEd Portal eight (8) weeks prior to the start of the term.You may contact the Coordinators of Military Enrollment at allisha.lee@kctcs.edu orleighann.brown@kctcs.edu.Continuing/returning students who have meet with their academic advising team may register three(3) weeks prior to the start of the term.New students to Hopkinsville Community College - Fort Campbell Campus are encouraged to attendone of our ENABLE advising sessions prior to enrolling in courses. Please contact 270-707-3810 toensure your seat.New students may also register during "open registration" one (1) week prior to the start of the term.Email AccountAll enrolled Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) students will be given access to aKCTCS-assigned email account. Official communication from faculty and student services personnel will besent to this address. Students will continue to have access to this account as long as they are enrolled.Readmission After Two or More YearsStudents who have been readmitted after having remained out of a KCTCS College for a period of two or moreyears and who has completed at least 12 credit hours in non-developmental and non-remedial courses with agrade point average of 2.0 or better after readmission, may choose to have his/her previous KCTCS course workremoved from the computation of the grade point average. This procedure is commonly called “academicbankruptcy.”A student who declares academic bankruptcy will continue to receive credit for those courses in which a gradeof A, B, C, D, or P was earned prior to readmission without including those grades in the GPA computation. Astudent who has completed a credential and re-enrolls may not apply the academic bankruptcy rule to coursestakes for the credential already completed.11
Advanced Placement ProgramKRS 164.098 requires Kentucky institutions to award credit for scores of 3 or higher on the Advanced PlacementTests. KCTCS colleges participate in the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance ExaminationBoard. Interested students should have their examination results sent to the Admissions Office of their localKCTCS college. Please consult your advisor and/or the KCTCS catalog for a list of Advanced Placement courses.Previous College WorkAn applicant who has previously attended an accredited college or university which awards degrees at theassociate level or higher and who has an overall grade point average of at least 2.0 on a 4.0 scale in all coursework attempted will be accepted for admission. For specific information on course placement, applicantsshould refer to the KCTCS Assessment and Placement Policy, which is available on the website atwww.kctcs.edu or in the KCTCS catalog. An official transcript of all previous college work must be submitted.The Council on Postsecondary Education’s (CPE’s) general education transfer policy provides the basis for aninstitution’s policy on the acceptance of transfer credit. The American Association of Collegiate Registrars andAdmissions Officers’ "Transfer Credit Practices of Educational Institutions" shall serve as a reference foradmission of transfer students to an institution and for the acceptance of transfer credit.KCTCS colleges shall provide academic guidance concerning the transfer of credit to transferringstudents. KCTCS colleges shall accept a student’s college credit earned when a course is taken both for highschool credit and for college credit. Credit earned through a dual credit or dual enrollment arrangement shallbe treated the same as credit earned in any other college course.Degree credit work is recognized credit hour for credit hour if taken on the semester system. Quarter hoursare recognized as two-thirds (2/3) of a semester hour. Recognition of credit earned at a non-accredited collegeor university may be obtained by special subject examinations or may be validated upon the completion of 12credit hours, excluding developmental or remedial courses, with a grade point average of at least 2.0.Change of ProgramWhen students enroll in a KCTCS college they select a program of study in which they wish to “major” or receivea credential. Students may request a program change through the Hopkinsville Community College AdmissionsOffice. These students are instructed to seek appropriate advisement and financial aid counseling.KCTCS Assessment and Placement PolicyStudents enrolling in KCTCS colleges for the purpose of earning credit applicable toward an educationalcredential —certificate, diploma, or associate degree — must demonstrate through the submission of scoreson specified assessment instruments that they possess the minimum academic skills essential for success.Students who do not have the appropriate test scores in a given area must successfully complete remedialcourses before enrolling in entry-level courses for that subject area.This assessment and placement policy specifically applies to: Students who will enroll in a KCTCS college for the first time in fall 2001 or later for thepurpose of earning an educational credential. This includes students who intend to transfer to auniversity and students who are undecided on a program of study.12
Students who transfer from a non-KCTCS institution and who have not demonstrated academicskills appropriate for the educational credential they seek either through assessment results orsuccessful completion of relevant entry-level courses.Students who decide to earn an educational credential subsequent to their enrollment as anon-credential seeking student and who have not demonstrated the academic skillsappropriate for the educational credential they seek.The skills for which the Assessment and Placement Policy applies are mathematics, reading, and writing. AnACT score of 19 or above in mathematics, 20 or above in reading, and 18 or above in writing allows thestudent to enroll in entry level courses for those areas. A student who scores less than 19 in mathematics, 20in reading, and 18 in writing is required to take the KYOTE/TABE Placement test and will be placed into classesaccording to her/his score on the placement test.Students who do not intend to seek an educational credential are exempt from taking the assessmentinstrument; however, all students must meet individual course pre-requisites such as those for entry-levelEnglish and mathematics courses.Last Day to Enter an Organized ClassStudents registering during the late registration period may be required to pay a late fee before they canregister. The last day to enter (add) an organized class (including Saturday and Sunday, but excluding KCTCSrecognized holiday) is as follows: 16-week Session-by the close of business of the 7th calendar day of the session. 8-week Session-by the close of business of the 4th calendar day of the session. 6-week Session-by the close of business of the 3rd calendar day of the session. 5-week Session-by the close of business of the 2nd calendar day of the session. 4-week Session-by the close of business of the 1st calendar day of the session. Irregular Session-prorated according to the length of the session in proportion to the traditional 16week session.Please check your local KCTCS college course schedule and/or with your local college registrar for specificquestions concerning the last day to enter (add) an organized class and session specific Add/Drop dates.Drop PolicyIf a student withdraws from a class, he/she must complete a Drop/Add form. A student who withdraws fromany class after the drop/add period until mid-term will receive a grade of “W” which will not count in thegrade average. After mid-term, the student must obtain permission from the instructor of the class or classeshe/she is dropping to receive a “W.”A student who is unable to complete course requirements by the end of the course may request anincomplete, or an “I.” The student must have the instructor’s written approval and must complete all workwithin one (1) year of the posting of the “I” on the student’s academic file.This drop policy applies to all students with the exception of VA students on financial aid. In order to complywith Federal VA regulations, the drop/add period length cannot exceed thirty (30) calendar days.13
RESIDENCYDetermination of Residency Status; General Rules(1) A determination of residency shall include: (a) An initial determination of residency status by an institutionduring the admission process or upon enrollment in an institution for a specific academic term or foradmission into a specific academic program; (b) A reconsideration of a determination of residency status by aninstitution based upon a changed circumstance; and (c) A formal hearing conducted by an institution uponrequest of a student after other administrative procedures have been completed.(2) An initial determination of residency status shall be based upon: (a) The facts in existence when thecredentials established by an institution for admission for a specific academic term have been received andduring the period of review by the institution; (b) Information derived from admissions materials; (c) Othermaterials required by an institution and which are consistent with this administrative regulation; or (d) Otherinformation available to the institution from any source.(3) An individual seeking a determination of Kentucky residency status shall demonstrate that status by apreponderance of the evidence.(4) A determination of residency status shall be based upon verifiable circumstances or actions.(5) Evidence and information cited as the basis for Kentucky domicile and residency shall accompany theapplication for a determination of residency status.(6) A student classified as a nonresident shall retain that status until the student is officially reclassified by aninstitution.(7) A student may apply for a review of a determination of residency status once for each academic term.(8) If an institution has information that a student’s residency status may be incorrect, the institution shallreview and determine the student’s correct residency status.(9) If the Council on Postsecondary Education has information that an institution’s determination of residencystatus for a student may be incorrect, it may require the institution to review the circumstances and reportthe results of that review.(10) An institution shall impose a penalty or sanction against a student who gives incorrect or misleadinginformation to an institutional official, including payment of nonresident tuition for each academic term forwhich resident tuition was assessed based on an improper determination of residency status. The penalty mayalso include: (a) Student discipline by the institution through a policy written and disseminated to students; or(b) C
First, it assures HCC students that they are receiving an education that meets the high standards of an independent organization. Secondly, since HCC is accredited to award associate degrees, an HCC degree is automatically recognized and . Meet with Advising Center to review place
HCC Respondus version April 5, 2020 Page 6 of 6 Log in to HCC Respondus Canvas. How to take an HCC assessment. 12. To log in, enter your full HCC email address in the format W HCC id number@student.hccs.edu and your HCC password 13. Navigate to your HCC course and select the assessment. If required, follow the directions
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has tripled in incidence in the US over the last three decades, and the HCC incidence rate among patients with cirrhosis has been shown to be 2%-4% per year.(1-3) HCC is the leading cause of death in patients with cirrhosis. In the West, over 80% of patients with HCC have concomitant cirrhosis.
targets and strategies discussed above for personalized treatment of HCC. Keywords: HCC, incidence, treatment Introduction Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), in most cases, occurs as a result of chronic hepatitis, and the biggest risk factor is cirrhosis [1, 2]. Currently, some clinical treatments are available for HCC,
Risk Adjustment Coding and HCC Guide Chapter 1. Risk Adjustment Basics 2020 Optum360, LLC 11 HCC Compared
stories concerning HCC and its alumni. Contact the alumni director by phone (413) 552-2253 or email: jbrown@hcc.mass.edu (put “HCC Alumni Connection” in the subject line). Class Notes/Change of Address: Please submit the reply form on page 10, or call the Alumni Office (413) 552-2
agency coordination (MAC) system Participate in a group activity to develop an activation and/or planning job aid for the Hospital Command Center Course Topics HCC Basics HCC Staffing and Organization – HCC Activation – Command Structure – Internal/External Participation – Flow of Information HCC & Incident Management
Final 2022 Part C and ESRD Normalization Factors: 2020 CMS-HCC Model: 1.118 . 2017 CMS-HCC Model: 1.128 . CMS-HCC 2019 ESRD dialysis model & 2020 ESRD dialysis model: 1.077 . CMS-HCC 2019 ESRD functioning graft model & 2020 ESRD functioning graft model: 1.126 . Frailty Adjustment for Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE .
AngularJS is an open-source web application framework or JavaScript framework. Develop and maintained by Google and by a community of individual developers. In other word you can say AngularJS is an extended form of HTML with new