Agilent VEE Pro 9.32Data SheetAgilent VEE 9.32 Features New sample programs for Agilent33500 series function/arbitrarywaveform generator, 34411Adigital multimeter and DSO/MSOoscilloscopes. General vTools and USB ModularDAQ vTools Windows 8 operating systemsupportability Microsoft Office Excel 2013supportability Multithreading and multicoreprogramming support SCPI completion Private UserFunction LXI support Conditional breakpoints andbreakpoints window Error call stack Integrated database support Supporting custom menu in XMLformat Enhanced default preferencesdialog box NaN and Infinity support Toolbars for VEE objects More Windows standard dialogboxes.Agilent’s software products make youmore productive, so you can focus onsolving engineering problems,not on programming.Agilent VEE is a powerful intuitivegraphical language environment thatprovides you the quick and easy pathto measurement analysis.
For Faster ProgrammingA Better User ExperienceTest and Measure EfficientlyAgilent VEE (Visual EngineeringEnvironment) is an easy-to-usegraphical language environment thatprovides a quick path to measurementand analysis.Designed for engineers and scientistswho need to quickly create andautomate measurements and tests,Agilent VEE comes with features thathelp users do their job faster andmore effectively.Agilent VEE verifies instrumentaddresses and other parameters atruntime and allows users to changethese parameters without reconfiguring programs. The software handlesdifferent data types automatically,providing automatic conversion anddata handling capabilities with minimal complex programming. Select and edit objects frompull-down menus or toolbars andconnect them to each other bywires to specify the program'sflow, mimicking the order oftasks you want to perform. Illustrate objects and connections between them with colorcoding for easy program differentiation. Create programs easier and faster with SCPI completion, codecompletion and code insight. Debug programs on the fly andquickly test and update codeswith Conditional Breakpoints,Watch Window and OutputWindow. Improve your system performance with multithreadingtechnology and multicoreprogramming.The Modern Integrated DevelopmentEnvironment with dockable tool windows gives users a more modern andstreamlined programming experience,while numerous sample programs,demos and context-sensitive help provide support for beginner and veteranprogrammers alike.Agilent VEE now includes newsample programs with simpleVEE programming for the latestAgilent instruments – the Agilent33500 series arbitrary/function generator, Agilent 34411Adigital multimeter and InfiniiVision2000X/3000X/5000/6000/7000 seriesDSO or MSO oscilloscopes.Agilent VEE can be used as a standalone solution or as part of a customin-house solution, and includes all thecapabilities and support you need tobe successful.2Generate optimized codes withAgilent VEE’s compiler, and furtherenhance those codes with the built-inProfiler. The Profiler analyzes criticalsections of code to save developmenttime when fine-tuning the programs.Agilent VEE Pro comes standard witha RunTime execution engine that provides the ability to distribute run-onlyAgilent VEE Pro applications at noadditional cost. The users are allowedto redistribute the RunTime installer.
Simplify your programmingwith vToolsThere are two available vTools:General vTools and USB ModularDAQ vTools.General vTools offers an easy-to-useinterface for data analysis, includingsupport for simple trending dataanalysis, statistical filters, alert andevents, data scaling and data chartingand graphing. It contains enhancedreporting graph objects with panning,scroll zoom, graphic saving featuresand printing capabilities. GeneralvTools also supports objects andcomponents such as averaging andmarker lookup.Enhanced reporting graphUSB Modular DAQ vTools providesan easy-to-use interface for USBmodular data acquisition (DAQ)hardware connectivity, configurationand acquisition in VEE developmentfunctionality. It offers better integration and supports files generated fromthe Agilent Measurement Managerfor data acquisition modules.USB Modular DAQ vTools is onlyavailable for the Agilent U2300A andU2500A series USB modular dataacquisition.Sample programs from USB Modular DAQ vTools help youunderstand how to set up channel settings and poll data.Download vTools for free download3
Software and HardwareCompatibilityPowerful Features for IncreasedProductivityEvaluate Agilent VEE ProAgilent VEE interfaces with popularsoftware and hardware tools, andprovides easy, menu-driven control ofdatabase. Agilent VEE uses the .NETFramework and ActiveX to simplifycommon tasks, and supports industrystandard instrument drivers, includingIVI-COM and VXIplug&play. Usersmay also use SCPI or the .dll librarysupplied with many instruments.MATLAB Script and the MathWorksSignal Processing Toolbox areembedded in Agilent VEE Pro at noadditional cost, and come with 1800MATLAB functions, more than 1000of the most popular MATLAB analysisand visualization functions preprogrammed as one-click objects.Test a trial version of Agilent VEEPro and see its benefits for yourself.Download a free, fully functional30-day evaluation copy, or request aCD to be shipped to you.Agilent VEE Pro supports all popularprogramming languages, includingVisual Basic, C/C , Visual C# andall.NET compliant languages.Agilent VEE Pro supports variousinstruments and data acquisitiondevices, and works with surfacemount machines, robots and othermanufacturing equipment via the.NET Framework or supplied ActiveXlibraries. The .Net Framework(Common Language Runtime andFramework Class Libraries) isinstalled with Agilent VEE Pro, so it isinstantly available.For more information, downloadBuilt-in MATLAB functions include: Numeric computation Engineering and scientific graphics(2D, 3D, waterfall, bar, pie) Signal processing Arrays and matrix math.A Complete SolutionThere is no need to buy expensiveadd ons to get the full set of Agilentfunctionality. Agilent VEE includes allthe capabilities and support you needto be successful, including: Built-in MATLAB Script and SignalProcessing Toolbox Menu-driven control of Excel anddatabases Support for Microsoft .NETFramework Unlimited RunTime distribution ofyour Agilent VEE Pro applications Localized documentationAgilent VEE Pro can communicatewith any instrument from any vendorusing GPIB, LAN, USB, RS-232, VXIand LXI, and controls most standardinstruments’ plug-in cards with aninstrument driver, a vendor-suppliedDLL or with Agilent VEE Pro’s directIO capability.4
Minimum System Requirements for Agilent VEE Pro 9.32Prior to installing Agilent VEE Pro 9.32, Agilent VEE Student, and Agilent VEE Runtime, ensure that your PC meets the following minimum system requirements for installation and operation.System RequirementsOperating SystemMicrosoft Windows XP SP3 or higherMicrosoft Windows 8 (Professional,Enterprise), Microsoft Windows 7 SP1(Professional, Ultimate, Enterprise),Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 (Business,Ultimate, Enterprise), or higherArchitecturex86 (32-bit), 64-bit for Windows 7 and Windows 8 supportability 1Processor450 MHz Pentium II or higher required(800 MHz recommended)1 GHz required(2 GHz recommended)Minimum RAM128 MB minimum(256 MB or higher recommended)1 GB minimum(2 GB recommended)Minimum disk space700 MB hard disk free spaceVideoSuper VGA (800x600) display or higherresolution monitor with 256 colors or moreSupport for DirectX 9 graphics with 128 MBgraphics memory recommended(Super VGA graphics is supported)BrowserMicrosoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higherMicrosoft Internet Explorer 7 or higherPre-requisiteMicrosoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, or 2013(If using Office products with Agilent VEE Pro or Agilent VEE Student)Agilent IO Libraries Suite 16.3.16603.3 or higher(This is only needed when you communicate with instruments using Agilent VEE)Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 2Connectivity options for instrumentationAgilent 82357B USB/GPIB InterfaceAgilent E5810A LAN/GPIB GatewayAgilent E5810B LAN/GPIB/USB GatewayAgilent 82350B PCI High-Performance GPIB Interface CardUSB connecting directly to instruments supporting the USB/TMC protocolStandard RS-232LAN connect to instruments supporting the VXI-11 protocolNational Instruments I/O hardware using NI 488 version 1.5 (or higher) 3National Instruments I/O hardware using NI VISA version 3.0 (or higher) 3132-bit application running on WOW64 (Windows-on-Windows) emulator.2Microsoft.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is not included in Windows 8. The Agilent VEE installation package will prompt you to download and installMicrosoft.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 from the Internet. Please refer to spx for more information.3Agilent VEE no longer provides official NI supportability. However, the NI interface is still available.5
Agilent VEE Comparison TableAgilent VEE 9.32ProStudentAgilent VEE 8.5Agilent VEE 8.0ProExpressStudentProExpress Agilent VEE 7.5ProDevelopment ToolsMultiThreading Multicore Programming SCPI Completion Private UserFunction Toolbars for VEE Objects Enhanced Default Preferences dialog box Color Coding Modern Integrated Development Environment [IDE] Microsoft Windows 7 Support Microsoft Office 2007 Support Programmatic Properties for VEE Objects Code Completion and Code Insight Minimap Project Explorer Window .NET ActiveX and IVI-COM Support Support for Microsoft .NET Controls The Callable Server Feature The Remote Function Feature Creating RunTime Version of Agilent VEE Programsand Secured Version of Agilent VEE Objects General vTools and USB Modular DAQ vTools Conditional Breakpoints Error Call Stack Output Window Watch Window and Edit and Continue Breakpoints Automatic Error Handling Debugging Tools Show Data Flow and Show Execution Row Line Probe and Object Probe Step-into, Step-out and Step-over LXI Support Industry-standard Connectivity*1*1*1*2*1*1*2*3Dynamically Change VISA Interface and Address Using Agilent IO Monitor to Monitor InstantCommunications Instrument Manager Auto-detect and Configureof Instruments VEE I/O Configuration File Saved with Program Integrated Database Library Custom Menu in XML Format MATLAB 2007a Support Built-in MATLAB Engine MATLAB Script Objects *4 Integrated Excel Library Connectivity ToolsOther Tools *4 *1 - GPIB, RS-232, GPIO, USB, LAN, VXI*2 - Agilent USB only*3 - GPIB, RS-232, GPIO, USB, LAN, VXI*4 - Support only when MATLAB is installed on your machineAgilent VEE Education 9.32 has all the features of Agilent VEE Pro 9.32 and comes packaged with 10 standalone licenses. Agilent VEE 9.32 doesnot come with an express version.6
Ordering InformationNote: All products listed below are structured as options under the W4000D product number.Core productNotesAgilent VEE Pro 9.32 Software (W4000D-1TP)Includes the full feature of Agilent VEE Pro 9.32 CDand Quick Start Guide (6 languages)Agilent VEE Pro 9.32 Student Software (W4000D-2TP)(for students only)Includes the full feature of Agilent VEE Student 9.32CD and Quick Start Guide (6 languages)Agilent VEE Pro Education 9.32 (W4000D-3TP)(for education customers only)Includes 10 licenses of Agilent VEE Pro 9.32 andQuick Start Guide (6 languages)Upgrade licensesNotesUpgrade from Agilent VEE Pro 8.5 to Agilent VEE Pro 9.32(W4000D-5TP)Includes CD and Quick Start Guide (6 languages)Upgrade from Agilent VEE Pro 8.0 to Agilent VEE Pro 9.32(W4000D-6TP)Includes CD and Quick Start Guide (6 languages)Upgrade from Agilent VEE Pro 7.5 & below to Agilent VEE Pro 9.32Includes CD and Quick Start Guide (6 languages)(W4000D-7TP)Upgrade from Agilent VEE Express to Agilent VEE Pro 9.32(W4000D-8TP)Includes CD and Quick Start Guide (6 languages)Additional optionsNotesAgilent VEE Education 9.32 10-license option (W4000D-4TP)Includes Software Entitlement Certificate to add on10 licenses to VEE Education 9.32 (W4000D-3TP)*No Documentation/Education Package (W4000D-0B0)Includes Software Entitlement Certificate only/Basic Education package only(default for W4000D-2TP and W4000D-4TP)For additional ordering information, technical policy, part numbers, and pricing assistance please refer personalized view into the information mostrelevant to you.www.axiestandard.orgAdvancedTCA Extensions forInstrumentation and Test (AXIe) is anopen standard that extends theAdvancedTCA for general purpose andsemiconductor test. Agilent is a foundingmember of the AXIe consortium.Three-Year ent’s combination of product reliabilityand three-year warranty coverage is anotherway we help you achieve your business goals:increased confidence in uptime, reduced costof ownership and greater convenience.www.pxisa.orgPCI eXtensions for Instrumentation(PXI) modular instrumentation deliversa rugged, PC-based high-performancemeasurement and automation system.Agilent Channel the best of both worlds: Agilent’smeasurement expertise and productbreadth, combined with channel mericasCanadaBrazilMexicoUnited States(877) 894 4414(11) 4197 360001800 5064 800(800) 829 4444Asia PacificAustraliaChinaHong KongIndiaJapanKoreaMalaysiaSingaporeTaiwanOther AP Countries1 800 629 485800 810 0189800 938 6931 800 112 9290120 (421) 345080 769 08001 800 888 8481 800 375 81000800 047 866(65) 375 8100Agilent Advantage rate measurements throughout thelife of your instruments.Agilent Electronic Measurement Groupwww.lxistandard.orgLAN eXtensions for Instruments puts thepower of Ethernet and the Web insideyour test systems. Agilent is a foundingmember of the LXI consortium.For more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Agilentoffice. The complete list is available at:DEKRA CertifiedISO 9001:2008Quality Management is a U.S. registered trademark ofThe Math Works, Inc.Europe & Middle EastBelgium32 (0) 2 404 93 40Denmark45 45 80 12 15Finland358 (0) 10 855 2100France0825 010 700**0.125 /minuteGermany49 (0) 7031 464 6333Ireland1890 924 204Israel972-3-9288-504/544Italy39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain34 (91) 631 3300Sweden0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted )Product specifications and descriptionsin this document subject to changewithout notice. Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2013Published in USA, September 6, 20135990-9117EN
Agilent VEE (Visual Engineering Environment) is an easy-to-use . instrument driver, a vendor-supplied DLL or with Agilent VEE Pro’s direct IO capability. Evaluate Agilent VEE Pro . Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB I
Agilent 1290 Infinity Agilent G1888A X X Agilent 7673A Agilent 7683A Agilent HS7694 X X Agilent 7695A X Agilent 79855(A) X Agilent 5880 Agilent 5890 Agilent 6850 (27 Pos. Einlegeschale) . Autosampler-Kompatibilitätstabelle 2. H eadline as disp
Agilent 1290 Infinity X Agilent G1888A Agilent 7673A X Agilent 7683A X Agilent HS7694 Agilent 7695A Agilent 79855(A) X Agilent 5880 X Agilent 5890 X . Autosampler Compatibility Chart Crimp Neck ND8 1 1. Snap Ring ND11 Screw Neck ND13 Shell Vials Shell Vials Shell Vials Shell Vials Headspa
Agilent 1290 Infinity X X Agilent G1888A Agilent 7673A X X X Agilent 7683A X X X X Agilent HS7694 Agilent 7695A Agilent 79855(A) X X Agilent 5880 X X Agilent 5890 X X . Autosampler Compatibility Chart 2. H eadline as disp
2 teaspoons Hy-Vee Selects extra virgin olive oil 2 large yellow onions, diced 4 garlic cloves, minced ½ cup Hy-Vee dried cranberries (or raisins) 1 tablespoon Hy-Vee ground cumin 1 tablespoon Hy-Vee ground coriander 1 (15 oz.) can Hy-Vee no-salt-added black beans, drained and rinsed ½ bunch fresh cilantro, chopped Juice of 1 lemon
Tip 1: How to use Agilent 82357B USB/GPIB converter in NI’s MAX or LabVIEW? Figure 2. Typical setup for Agilent IO Libraries Suite. 1 Agilent I/O Libraries Each Agilent IO product is bundled with the Agilent I/O libraries. There are four I/O libraries included in Agilent IO libraries Suite: Agilent
Digital Multi Meter No Substitute Agilent 3458A, Agilent 34401A, Agilent 34410A and Agilent 34411A 1 Dynamic Accuracy Test Kit No Substitute Agilent Z5623A Opt H01 1 Power Sensor No Substitute Agilent E9304A with Opt H18 Agilent 8482A 1 1 Calibration Kit No Substitute Agilent 85032F 1 Fixed
Agilent 7890 GC Agilent 8860 GC Agilent 8890 GC Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC Agilent 5977 Series MSD Agilent 7000 Series GC/TQ OpenLab Note: The My Order portal, along with your Agilent field service engineer, may have specific site preparation information for your configuration. Train y
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