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Sydney Harbour BridgePathology Update 2018A Bridge to the FutureExhibition and Sponsorship Information2 - 4 March 2018International Convention Centre, SydneyDarling Harbour, Update @PathologyRCPA

ContentsWelcome to Pathology Update 2018 - A Bridge to the Future 1Pathology Update 2018 International Guest Speakers 2Pathology Update 2018 Social Events 7Exhibitor Information 8Exhibitor Booking and Confirmation Form 10Exhibitor and Sponsor Registration Form 11Floor Plan 12Exponet Exhibition and Events & Agility Fairs and Events 13Pathology Update 2018 - A Bridge to the FutureThe Royal College of Pathologists of AustralasiaDurham Hall - 207 Albion St Surry Hills NSW 2010 AustraliaEve PropperEvents and Sponsorship Managert: 61 2 8356 5806f: 61 2 8356 5828e: publication has been printed to accompany the Pathology Update 2018 Registration and Preliminary Program.It is available at from September 2017 onwards.Pathology Update 2018 - A Bridge to the Future - page 2ger BridHarbou

Welcome to Pathology Update 2018- A Bridge to the FutureOn behalf of the College Council, Pathology Update 2018 Overseeing Committee and the eight Scientific ProgramCommittees, it is with great pleasure that we welcome you back to the International Convention Centre, Sydney(ICCS) for Pathology Update 2018.Pathology Update 2018 will feature twelve extraordinary international speakers who are leaders in their fields anda contingent of over 140 local Australasian speakers. We would like to thank our international and local all of ourspeakers for the time and effort involved in preparing their presentations.We also thank the Chairs and Members of the Scientific Program committees who have worked long and hard todevelop the scientific programs and to provide something for everyone. Pathology Update is the only Australasianmulti-disciplinary pathology scientific meeting and as a delegate you can attend any scientific stream.As well as enjoying the scientific sessions, please make the most of this opportunity to meet with colleagues andshare stories from areas of interest. We invite all delegates to our Welcome Cocktail Party on the Friday eveningand also hope you will join us on Saturday evening where we celebrate new College Fellows and Award Winners.A special thank you to all our Sponsors and Exhibitors, and we gratefully acknowledge the valuable contributionfrom the Major and Supporting Partners. We warmly welcome those who are with us for the first time and a verysincere thank you to all those who continue to support us year after year by their presence and financial contributionto this conference.This meeting could not take place without continued financial support and we ask you to acknowledge the invaluableinput of the sponsors and exhibitors by visiting each of the exhibition booths during your time at the conference.Education is the prime function of the College and this ceremony marks the culmination of years of training forboth the new pathologists, scientists and their mentors. We would encourage as many Fellows as possible toattend the DS Nelson and QAP Oral Presentations at and the RCPA Annual Admission and Awards Ceremony for thepresentation of their Fellowship.Dr Michael HarrisonRCPA PresidentDr Jan KencianChair, Overseeing CommitteePathology Update 2018 - A Bridge to the Future - page 1

Pathology Update 2018International Guest SpeakersDr Volkan AdsayDr Volkan Adsay is Professor of Pathology, Vice Chair, and Director of Anatomic Pathologyat Emory University. Dr Adsay completed his Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathologyresidency in New York and went on to complete a two-year fellowship in OncologicPathology at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre. After 11 years as faculty atWayne State University and Karmanos Cancer Centre he joined Emory University in 2007.Dr Adsay is an internationally-recognised pathologist in the field of gastrointestinal andpancreatobiliary cancers. He has published over 240 peer-reviewed articles, authored severalchapters in the most prestigious textbooks of Diagnostic Pathology (Sternberg’s DiagnosticSurgical Pathology; Odze and Goldblum’s Surgical Pathology of GI tract Liver, Biliary tractand Pancreas) Gastrointestinal Tract Surgery (Blumgart’s Surgery of the Liver, Biliary Tractand Pancreas) and Oncology (Kelsen’s Gastrointestinal tract Oncology), mostly focusing oncancers of pancreatobiliary tract, gallbladder and ampulla. He serves as President for theUnited States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (USCAP), President of PancreatobiliaryPathology Society (PBPS) and as committee member in several national and internationalacademic medical societies. He has given over 150 lectures at national and internationalplatforms. He sits in the editorial board of 7 medical journals including American Journal ofSurgical Pathology, Virchows Archives, and Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.He is also the recipient of multiple teaching awards from medical students and residents aswell as one of the recipients of the AACR Team Science Award in 2013 as a member of theHopkins Team.Dr Volkan Adsay will present in the Anatomical Pathology scientific stream.Dr Patrick BossuytDr Patrick Bossuyt is the professor of Clinical Epidemiology at the University of Amsterdam.He studies the effectiveness of clinical interventions and helps translating study results torecommendations for practice. Dr Bossuyt leads the Biomarker and Test Evaluation Researchprogram in Amsterdam. The BiTE Program aims to appraise and develop methods forevaluating medical tests and biomarkers, and to apply these methods in relevant clinicalstudies. In doing so, the program wants to strengthen the evidence-base for rational decision- making about the use of tests and test strategies in health care. Dr Bossuyt spearheadedthe STARD initiative for the improved reporting of diagnostic test accuracy studies. Dr Bossuythas authored and co-authored several hundred publications in peer reviewed journals andserves on the editorial board of several of these, including Radiology and Clinical Chemistry.He chairs the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Dutch Health Insurance Board, overseeingthe national health care benefits package.Dr Patrick Bossuyt will present in the Chemical Pathology scientific stream.ySydnePathology Update 2018 - A Bridge to the Future - page 2ger BridHarbou

Prof Matthew CollinProf Matthew Collin is Professor of Haematology at Newcastle University and Director of theNorthern Centre for Bone Marrow Transplantation at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals. Hiswork is dedicated to the analysis of human dendritic cells and macrophages in vivo throughthe Human Dendritic Cell Lab founded in 2008 at Newcastle University. His work was amongthe first to separate human dendritic cells and macrophages from tissues and to demonstratethe longevity and monocyte-independence of tissue macrophage populations. With FlorentGinhoux at A*STAR Singapore, work in the Human DC Lab was instrumental in definingmouse-human parallels in the dendritic cell system including identification of the humantissue equivalent of mouse CD8 cDC1 and mapping of the CD14 dermal cell to a monocytemacrophage lineage. More recently he was among several investigators who independentlyidentified heterozygous GATA2 mutation as the cause of a novel syndrome of mononuclearcell deficiency leading to myelodysplasia and acute myeloid leukaemia. GATA2 and IRF8mutation have been identified as genetic causes of dendritic cell deficiency, defining a newcategory of human primary immunodeficiency. His work also includes studies of histiocytosisusing somatic mutation to track the clonal origin of Langerhans cell histiocytosis and ErdheimChester disease and exploitation of monocyte-derived cells as potential therapeutic targets ingraft versus host disease. Studies from the Human DC Lab are published in the New EnglandJournal of Medicine, Immunity, J Exp Med, Blood and British Journal of Haematology. Matthewis a member of the American Society of Hematology, British Society for Haematology, Fellowof the Royal College of Pathologists and Member of the Royal College of Physicians of the UK.Prof Matthew Collin will present in the Haematology scientific stream.Dr Laura CollinsDr Laura Collins is the Director of the Division of Anatomic Pathology at Beth Israel DeaconessMedical Center in Boston, MA and an Associate Professor of Pathology at Harvard MedicalSchool. Dr. Collins graduated from Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School in Londonand completed her Anatomic and Clinical Pathology Residency Training at the Beth IsraelHospital in Boston followed by a Cytopathology Fellowship at the same institution. She hasserved the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology as a member of the EducationCommittee, Chair of the Residency Advisory Subcommittee and she is currently a member ofthe USCAP Board of Directors. She is the incoming President for the Arthur Purdy Stout Societyof Surgical Pathologists. Dr Collins is an internationally renowned breast pathologist. She haspublished numerous original articles, review articles and book chapters on breast pathology.She was the guest editor for a monograph on Current Concepts in Breast Pathology in theSurgical Pathology Clinics Series. Along with Dr Stuart Schnitt, she has published a pathologytextbook entitled “Biopsy Interpretation of the Breast”, now in its second edition and shewas a contributor to several chapters in the WHO Tumours of the Breast, 2012. Her researchinterests are in breast cancer and in particular the understanding of precursor lesions andearly breast neoplasia. In addition to her work in research, Dr Collins is a committed educator,giving numerous lectures and post-graduate CME courses around the US and the world tosupport the ongoing education of pathologists and pathologists-in-training in the diagnosisof breast disease.Dr Laura Collins will present in the Anatomical Pathology scientific stream.Pathology Update 2018 - A Bridge to the Future - page 3

Dr Howard JacobDr Howard Jacob is a Faculty Investigator and Executive Vice President for Genomic Medicine atthe HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology. Dr Jacob uses molecular genetics to understandcomplex, multifactorial disease. His passion for improving the lives of critically ill patients has beenthe catalyst for his determination to bring whole genome sequencing into a clinical setting. Dr.Jacob received his PhD in pharmacology from the University of Iowa in 1989. He completed twoparallel postdoctoral fellowships in functional genomics and molecular genetics and genomics atHarvard, Stanford and MIT. He was on the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital and HarvardMedical School before moving to the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. Dr. Jacob wasthe founding director of the Human and Molecular Genetics Center as well as the Warren P.Knowles Chair of Genetics and a professor in the departments of physiology and pediatrics atMCW, positions he held for nearly 20 years. He joined the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnologyin 2015. In his role as Executive Vice President for Genomic Medicine at the HudsonAlpha Institutefor Biotechnology, Jacob leads the clinical genomics team at HudsonAlpha and is heavily involvedin its two clinical enterprises - the Smith Family Clinic for Genomic Medicine and the ClinicalServices Lab. The Smith Family Clinic is believed to be the world’s first stand-alone genomicmedicine clinic devoted exclusively to the use of whole genome sequencing for the diagnosis ofrare undiagnosed and misdiagnosed disease. The Clinical Services Lab offers CAP/CLIA wholegenome sequencing and interpretation. Jacob also runs a research lab at HudsonAlpha. Hisresearch focus is verification of specific changes to DNA that are disease causing, and pinpointingthose genetic changes quickly enough to benefit patients.Prof Howard Jacob will present in the Genetic Pathology scientific stream.Dr Mark LachsDr Mark Lachs is Director of Geriatrics for the New York Presbyterian Health System, Co-Chiefof the Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology at the Weill Medical College of CornellUniversity, and a tenured Professor of Medicine at the College. Dr Lachs’ major area of interest isthe disenfranchised elderly, and he has published widely in the areas of elder abuse and neglect,financial exploitation, the measurement of functional status, and the financing of health care foran aging population. In January of 2000, Dr. Lachs became the director of the Cornell Centre forAging Research and Clinical Care (CARCC), a multidisciplinary group of scientists, clinicians, andeducators who seek to speed scientific advances from bench to bedside, teach geriatric medicineto physicians-in-training at all levels, and create a trans-institutional community of gerontologistsat Cornell. His service to community and country includes membership on an Institute of MedicineCommittee to address the training needs of health professionals in family violence, consultationto WHO on matters related to elder abuse, and creation of the New York City Elder Abuse Center,a multidisciplinary collaboration between academicians and community partners to prevent andrespond to elder abuse He also sits on the Board of the American Federation for Aging Researchwhere he currently serves as president.Dr Mark Lachs will present in the combined Forensic Pathology and Clinical Forensic Medicinescientific stream.ySydnePathology Update 2018 - A Bridge to the Future - page 4ger BridHarbou

Dr Michele MorrisDr Michele Morris is a Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseasesat the University of Miami-Miller School of Medicine in Miami, Florida. She is Director ofthe Immunocompromised Host Section, providing consultation services to haematology/oncology patients and solid organ and stem cell transplant recipients at Jackson MemorialHospital, University of Miami Hospital, and Sylvester Cancer Center. She participates in oversightand policy development at a center that performs over 570 solid organ transplants and 200stem cell transplants annually. She is a Fellow of the American Society of Transplantation,the Infectious Diseases Society of America, and the American College of Physicians. She iscurrently President of the international Transplantation Society Transplant Infectious Diseasessection. She is a member of the Mycoses Study Group, and has been a leader in the DonorDerived Infections Consensus Conferences of the American Society of Transplantation IDCommunity of Practice. She has also been active in the Education Committee of the ID-COP,and actively participated in the ID-COP’s Influenza and Chagas Disease working groups. Sheserved on the United Network for Organ Sharing Disease Transmission Advisory Committee,where she led the Geographic and Seasonally Endemic Infection Subcommittee, resulting inthe development of infection screening guidelines for transplant candidates and living donorsthat have now been adopted in the United States as national policy.Her clinical researchfocuses on the diagnosis and management of invasive fungal and mycobacterial infectionsand the prevention and treatment of transplant-related infectious diseases.Dr Michele Morris will present in the Microbiology scientific stream.Dr Michelle ReidDr Michelle Reid is a board-certified cytopathologist and surgical pathologist with subspecialtysign-out responsibility in gastrointestinal, pancreatobiliary and genitourinary pathology. She hasbeen practicing pathology for the past 11 years. She joined the faculty of the Emory UniversityDepartment of Pathology in 2010 and is currently Associate Professor of Pathology andDirector of Cytology Services at Emory-Midtown where over 250 EUS-guided pancreatobiliaryfine needle aspiration biopsies and bile duct brushings are performed and evaluated annually.Dr. Reid serves on several national cytopathology committees and has numerous publicationson pancreatobiliary tract histopathology and cytopathology. She has led numerous courses,workshops and invited lectures on these subject areas at various national and internationalmeetings including the CAP, ASCP, American Society of Cytopathology (ASC), EuropeanCongress of Pathology (ECP), International Academy of Pathology (IAP) and the upcomingUSCAP meeting. She is also Section Editor of Cytopathology for the Archives of Pathologyand Laboratory Medicine journal. Dr. Reid’s experience as both a cytopathologist and surgicalpathologist with research interest in pancreatobiliary pathology give her a unique perspectiveon the challenges faced by pathologists who must routinely interpret these specimens, aswell as the importance of accurate diagnosis of lesions involving these sites, through theidentification of key discerning cyto-histomorphologic findings.Dr Michelle Reid will present in the Anatomical Pathology scientific stream.Prof Jacqueline ShawProfessor Shaw has been at the forefront of circulating tumour DNA research for over 15years. Research in her team is focussed on circulating nucleic acids for early detection andmonitoring of breast cancer and her group have published several first in field papers. ProfessorShaw’s lab is also the cfDNA “hub” for TRACERx, the major Cancer Research UK funded trialin NSCLC. Professor Shaw leads the cfDNA advisory group for the 100,000 Genomes projectled by Genomics England and serves on a number of advisory boards and editorial boards ofinternational scientific journals.Prof Jacqueline Shaw will present in the Genetic Pathology scientific stream.Pathology Update 2018 - A Bridge to the Future - page 5

Dr Cameron TurtleDr Cameron Turtle completed medical training in Australia, followed by dual Fellowships of theRoyal Australasian College of Physicians and the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia,and a PhD in Immunology. He is an Associate Member at Fred Hutchinson Cancer ResearchCenter (FHCRC) and Associate Professor at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle, WA. Heserves as an attending physician on the Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HCT) Service andthe Immunotherapy Service at FHCRC, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) and the UW MedicalCenter, and has a research laboratory in the Clinical Research Division at FHCRC. His laboratoryis focused on understanding the characteristics of distinct subsets of human CD8 T cells, theirpotential utility for tumor immunotherapy, and their role in immune reconstitution after HCT. Dr.Turtle is Principal Investigator and IND sponsor of multiple investigator-initiated clinical trials ofCD19-targeted chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-modified T cell therapy for patients with B cellmalignancies.Dr Cameron Turtle will present in the Haematology scientific stream.Prof Zoltan TakatsProf Zoltan Takats has obtained his degree in Chemistry from the Eotvos Lorand University,Budapest, in 1998. He has carried out his Ph.D. research at the Chemical Research Centre of theHungarian Academy of Sciences and at Purdue University. He has obtained his inanalytical chemistry in 2003. He has been doing mass spectrometry-related research for morethan

Surgical Pathology; Odze and Goldblum’s Surgical Pathology of GI tract Liver, Biliary tract and Pancreas) Gastrointestinal Tract Surgery (Blumgart’s Surgery of the Liver, Biliary Tract and Pancreas) and Oncology (Kelsen’s Gastrointestinal tract Oncology), mostly focusing on cancers of pancreatobiliary tract, gallbladder and ampulla.

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