BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCLearn the User Interface . 3Start BluePrint-PCB . 4Import CAD Design Data. 4Create a Panel Drawing . 5Add a Drill Panel . 5Selecting Objects . 5Format the Drill Panel . 5Setting PCB Image Array . 7Calculate Board Image Copies . 7Calculate Panel Size . 8Add Pinning Holes to Panel. 9Add Fiducials to Panel . 9Edit the Panel .11Set Panel Colors .11Add a Web Route.12Add Mill Tabs .13Associate Mill Tabs .14Apply Web Route Pattern to all Board Images .15Merge Web Routes .16Set Dimension Snap Filtering .17Add Panel Dimensions .18Place Panel Drill Chart .20Place Mill Tab Detail .20Place Panel Drawing Notes.21Save the File .21BluePrint-PCB’s Documentation Hierarchy .22What else can BluePrint-PCB do?.22Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 1 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCBluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialThis tutorial is intended to help you create PCB panel documentation with BluePrint-PCB. Thetutorial includes demonstration files to be used for creating PCB panel documentation.We cover the basics here. For more in-depth information on BluePrint-PCB functionality, pleaserefer to BluePrint-PCB’s Help content or contact us at You may find it easier to print this document rather than switch back andforth between this document and BluePrint-PCB as you follow the instructions.About the Demonstration FilesThe demonstration files used for the tutorial are located in the BluePrint-PCB installation folderunder a sub-folder named “Demo Files”. The location of the installation folder varies dependentupon your source of the BluePrint-PCB installation.If you are using licensed BluePrint-PCB:The default installation folder is:C:\DownStreamTech\BluePrint-PCB x.x.If you are using the Demonstration (unlicensed) version of BluePrint-PCB:The default installation folder is appended with Demo. For example:C:\DownStreamTech\BluePrint-PCB x.x Demo.Where x.x is the version of BluePrint-PCB you are currently using. For example, if you are usingVersion 6.0 of BluePrint, x.x would be 6.0. Since you may have chosen another location for theinstallation we refer to the installation folder as “Your BluePrint-PCB Installation Folder”.Overview/PhilosophyBluePrint-PCB expedites the PCB documentation process. The process begins with extractingdesign data from your PCB tool and importing it into BluePrint-PCB.BluePrint-PCB automates the creation of drill drawings with drill charts, layer stack-up details,via stack up details. BluePrint-PCB automates the creation of assembly drawings with detailviews, bottom and topside assembly views, parts lists, and other such PCB documentation.Documents can be customized to meet your specific documentation requirements. Simply starta document, drag and drop documentation elements onto your drawing sheets and create yourdocumentation.Before you BeginBefore you start the first exercise of this tutorial, take a moment to review the elements of theuser interface presented on the next page.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 2 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCLearn the User InterfaceBluePrint-PCB’s user interface is similar to that of other Windows based applications.RibbonDocumentViewing WindowsDrawing ElementTool PaletteRMB pop up menuTasks PaneView ModesScreen SplitterBluePrint-PCB’s Graphical User InterfaceRibbons: Ribbons are located across the top of the application. They provide access to nearlyevery command available in BluePrint-PCB. Many ribbons are context sensitive and appear onlywhen you select objects in the drawing. Several commands located on ribbons are alsoreplicated in the pop up menu presented when you click the right mouse button (RMB).Workspace: The main workspace is where you edit and preview your documents. You select atab (or mode) to create or edit a document, preview a document or view and query design data.Tool Palettes: On the left side of the application are Tool Palettes. Tool Palettes containdrawing elements you drag and drop onto your documents and are organized by drawing types.Drawing elements for use on any type of document such as a title block and drawing border areadded from the Common palette. Drawing elements for use on a Fabrication drawing, such as adrill chart, drill pattern and a layer stack-up are added from the Fabrication Drawing palette.Similar groupings of drawing elements are added from the Assembly Drawing palette. View andselect sheets in your document set from the Content palette. View and work with your BluePrintPCB library from the Element Gallery palette.Tasks Pane: On the right side of the application is the Tasks Pane. Use this pane to search forand find objects in the drawings. Review files you have imported into BluePrint-PCB such asimage files, Word processor documents, Gerber files, etc. Use Step and Repeat to duplicateobjects in an array pattern.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 3 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCStart BluePrint-PCB1. If not already started, start BluePrint-PCB. BluePrint-PCB’s welcome screen ispresented with links to help you start a release package, access this tutorial, access thehelp system and other activities.2. Select the Inches Units.bps file and click OK to apply the Start-Up file.Import CAD Design Data1. Most release packages are initiated by importing design data from a CAD system. Forthis tutorial, you will import a sample design in ODB format. Select Ribbon: Home New From Import Mentor Expedition ODB .2. Browse to and select the preview.tgz file from Your BluePrint-PCB InstallationFolder /Demo Files folder.Product Highlight: BluePrint-PCB is compatible with several PCBdesign systems including BoardStation, Expedition, PADS,Allegro, OrCAD, Visula, CADStar, CR5000, and Altium. BluePrintPCB also offers file import or export between Mechanical CADSystems via Design Exchange File format or DXF. Image files canbe imported from almost any file format including PDF, bmp, jpeg,and gif just to name a few.Imported CAD Design View1. At the bottom of the document viewing window, click the Design tab. The importeddesign is presented.2. Locate your cursor over traces, vias, pins and other design elements and BluePrint-PCBdisplays tooltips with detailed information for the element.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 4 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCCreate a Panel Drawing1. Select Ribbon: Home New Drawingand choose Panel Drawing . The Viewmode changes to Edit mode and a new blank sheet appears.2. If the new drawing has a sheet border and title block, skip to “Add a Drill Panel”.3. If it is not open, click the Common Tool Palette.4. On the Common Tool Palette, locate your cursor over the Sheet Borderelement.Press and hold left mouse button, move your mouse over the blank sheet and releasethe mouse button to drop a sheet border element onto the sheet. Note how the sheetborder is automatically positioned in the proper location.5. Repeat the drag and drop process to add Title Blockand Revision Blockelements to the sheet. Note how the elements are also properly positioned on the sheet.Add a Drill Panel1. Select the Panel Tool Palette.2. Drag and Drop a Drill Panelelement onto the sheet. BluePrint-PCB automaticallyadds a 4 image (2 x 2) PCB panel array with board outline and drill symbols.Selecting ObjectsSelection of objects in BluePrint-PCB is dependent upon what is under the cursor at the time ofselection, or click of the left mouse button. When the cursor is not over an object in a view orsheet, the cursor appears normaland nothing is selectable. When the cursor is overselectable or editable objects, the cursor changes to a different presentation.1. Move the cursor around the Drill Pattern and note how it changes as it passes overselectable objects.Format the Drill PanelThe Drill Panel is a detailed drill pattern view of the assembly panel design. Drills arerepresented by various symbols such as plus, cross, diamond, square and so on. Thepresentation of the Panel design view can be modified via the Format Panel View dialog.1. Select the Drill Pattern and choose Ribbon: View Fit SelectionPattern into the fit the Drill2. With the cursor over a selectable object in the view (cursor presentation), RMB andchoose Format Panel from the pop-up menu. The Format Panel View dialog appears.Use this dialog to set panel size, number of PCB images, locate fiducials and pinningholes, drill symbol data and other panel parameters.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 5 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCSelect Format Panel from Pop-up MenuPanel Format DialogProduct Highlight: The format panel dialog presents a preview of thecalculated panel image in real-time. This allows you to maximizethe panel array and size while minimizing material waste.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 6 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCSetting PCB Image ArrayBluePrint-PCB offers two methods for defining the PCB image array for the panel.Step and Repeat OptionsAuto-calculated - BluePrint-PCB calculates the PCB image array based on user definedvalues. For example, set image spacing, number of horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) images, andBluePrint-PCB calculates panel size to accommodate the array. Alternatively, set panel size,number of images and BluePrint-PCB calculates image spacing.Spreadsheet – BluePrint-PCB calculates the PCB image array based on user defined imagelocations.For this tutorial, the PCB image array will be calculated for an 8.500 x 11.000 inch panel with0.200 inch border spacing.Calculate Board Image Copies1. Click Compute adjacent to the Board image copies values. The number of images willbe calculated based on other defined parameters.2. In the Panel size area, set Width to 8.500 inch and Height to 11.000 inch.3. Set all Border Spacing and Border Image spacing values as 0.200 inch.4. Board image copies are auto-calculated as a 2 x 6 array.Format Panel settings for a 2 x 6 Array5. Click Preview. The drill panel is updated in the drawing.6. Set all Border Spacing values to 0.500 inch to accommodate the addition of pinningholes and fiducials. BluePrint-PCB now calculates a 2 x 5 array (or 10 images).7. Decrease Board image spacing to 0.100 inch in both X and Y.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 7 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLC8. Click Preview to preview the Drill Panel on the drawing.Format Panel With Larger Border Spacing.9. Set Board image rotation to 90 degrees. BluePrint-PCB calculates a 4 x 2 array (8images). A 0 degree rotation is clearly a better use of space. Set the rotation back to 0degrees.Calculate Panel Size1. Click Compute adjacent to Panel Size. BluePrint-PCB now auto-calculates an 8.300 x9.400 inch panel instead of the 8.500 x 11.000 inch panel to support the newparameters.Calculated Panel SizeQuestions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 8 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCAdd Pinning Holes to Panel1. Click the Pinning Holes tab.2. Click Add. The Add Pinning Hole dialog appears.3. Select Pinning Hole x125 and click OK to add it. In the preview, note its appearance inthe upper left corner of the panel. It needs to be relocated.4. In the Position area, click Relative.5. Set the position options to Left at a location of 0.200 inch and Top to 0.200 inch.6. Add a second Pinning Hole x125 at Relative Right 0.200 inch and Top 0.200 inch.7. Add a third Pinning Hole x125 at Relative Left 0.200 inch and Bottom 0.200 inch.Pinning Hole AdditionsAdd Fiducials to Panel1. Select the Fiducials tab.2. Click Add. The Add Fiducial dialog appears.3. Select Fiducial x40. Click OK to add it. In the preview, note its appearance in the upperleft corner of the panel. It needs to be relocated.4. In the Position area, click Relative.5. Set the position options to Left at a location of 0.200 inch and Top to 0.600 inch.6. Add a second Fiducial x40 at Relative Right 0.200 inch and Top 0.600 inch.7. Add a third Fiducial x40 at Relative Left 0.200 inch and Bottom 0.600 inch.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 9 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCFiducial Additions8. Click the Drill Symbols Table tab on the Format Panel Drawing dialog. The drillsymbols assigned to drills in the PCB image and the Pinning Hole are presented. Notethe assignment of A as the symbol for the Pinning Hole.Drill Symbols Table9. Click Lock Panel Boards in the lower left part of the dialog. This freezes the Drill Panelview with the current settings.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 10 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLC10. Click OK to accept the settings and view the updated panel.Locked Panel ArrayEdit the Panel1. With the panel selected, choose Ribbon: Design Enable Editingpanel editing and applies panel color settings to the panel. This enablesNote: After entering Edit Panel mode, clicking outside of the panel will unselect thepanel and abort Edit Panel mode. If this occurs, just re-select the panel and enablepanel editing mode again.Set Panel Colors1. Use Panel Colors as a visual aid for panel editing activities. Choose Ribbon: Design Panel Colors. The Panel Colors dialog appears.2. Choose the Panel Form Factor color and assign it a Light Grey color.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 11 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCAssign Panel Colors3.Click OK to apply the colors and close the dialog.Add a Web Route1. Select the PCB image in the lower left corner of the Drill Panel and choose Ribbon: View Fit Selectionto fit the selection into the view.2. With the PCB image selected, choose Ribbon: Panel PCB View Add.Arouting pattern, or web route, is added around the entire perimeter of the PCB image.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 12 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCWeb Route Added to PCB ImageAdd Mill Tabs1. Click the outer edge of the web route to select it.2. Choose Add Mill Tab from the pop-up menu.Format Mill Tab Dialog - Position3. On the Position tab of the Format Mill Tab dialog, set position as Panel Origin and set Xto 0.450 inch and Y to 1.300 inch.4. Click the Style tab. Choose Perforated Break style.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 13 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCFormat Mill Tab - Style5.Click OK to apply the settings and add the Mill Tab.Mill Tab Added6. With the Web Route selected, from the Panel Tool Palette drag a new Mill Tabadd place it at any location along the arced route segment on the right side of the PCBimage.Associate Mill Tabs1. Selecting a Mill Tab requires you to click in a very specific location. The image belowhighlights the milling arcs in bold, the best location for selecting a Mill Tab. When it isproperly selected, it is highlighted in yellow as shown on the right.Select a Mill Tab2. Select the first (left) Mill Tab added in the previous steps. With the cursor over the MillTab, RMB and choose Associate Mill Tab from the pop-up menu.Associate Mill TabQuestions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 14 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLC3. The cursor presentation changes to. Select the right Mill Tab to associate the MillTab pair. The right Mill Tab adjusts its location (if not previously aligned) to behorizontally aligned with the left Mill Tab.4. Click OK to accept the Mill Tab Association.5. Press Esc to exit Mill Tab Associate mode.6. Add two more Perforated Break style Mill Tabs at the following locations:a) X 1.300 Y .450b) X 2.700 Y .4507. Add and associate two more Perforated Break style Mill Tabs at the following locations:a) X 1.300 Y 2.150b) X 2.700 Y 2.1508. Your board image should now look like the image below:Web Route with Mill TabsApply Web Route Pattern to all Board Images1. Zoom out to view the entire panel. Make sure the Panel is in Edit Panel mode.2. Select the Web Route and RMB. Select Apply Parameters to All Images from the popup menu.Apply Parameters to all PCB ImagesQuestions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 15 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCThe web route pattern is copied to all PCB images.Web Routes Copied to all Board ImagesMerge Web Routes1. Locate the cursor over a blank area (no PCB image) of the panel, RMB and chooseMerge Web Routes from the pop-up menu.Merge Web RoutesQuestions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 16 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCThe panel updates to shown the actual material cavities that would result once themilling operation is completed.Web Routes Merged2. Click on the drawing sheet in an area outside of the panel to exit Edit Panel mode.Set Dimension Snap Filtering1. Choose Ribbon: Draw Snap to Filterappears. The Dimension Snapping Filter dialogDimension Snapping FilterQuestions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 17 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLC2. Choose Select Filter Mode.3. Disable (uncheck) Panel Mill Tab Center Points, Panel Mill Tab End Points, PanelMill Tab Perforations, and Panel Web Routes.Configured Dimension Snapping Filter4. Click OK to Apply the Filter Settings and close the dialog.Add Panel Dimensions1. Zoom into the lower left corner of the Panel.2. Choose Ribbon: Draw Place Origin Horizontal Coordinate Origin. An origindimension is attached to the cursor.Horizontal Coordinate Origin3. Position the origin end point over to the lower left corner of the panel and note how itsnaps to the panel outline. Snapping is indicated by the appearance of a yellow circleand a snapping graphic on the cursor.Snapping Graphic4. Click to place the origin on the corner. A new origin element is attached to the cursor.Press Esc to cancel adding additional origins.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 18 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array Tutorial5.DownStream Technologies, LLCChoose Ribbon: Draw Add Datum Horizontal Coordinate Dimension.Horizontal Dimension6. Move the cursor horizontally along the panel snapping and adding a dimension at eachof the following:a) Fiducialsb) Pinning Holesc) Center of Mill Tabsd) Left (or Lower) Most Board Edgese) Panel Edges7. Repeat the above using Vertical Dimensions vertically along the left side of the panel.Panel with DimensionsNote: It may be necessary to adjust the dimension appearance after alldimensions have been added.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 19 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCPlace Panel Drill Chart1. Choose Ribbon: Home Fit Sheet(or Press F2) to view the entire sheet.2. Move the Panel to the left to make room on the sheet for a Drill Chart.3. From the Panel Tool Palette, drag and drop a Drill Chartelement onto the sheetto the right of the panel above the Title Block. A Drill Table with totals for all PCBimages, Pinning Holes and Mill Tab drills is added.Panel Drill ChartPlace Mill Tab Detail1. Drag and drop a Mill Tab Detailfrom the Panel Tool Palette onto the sheetbelow the Panel. The Mill Tab Detail Wizard dialog appears.2. Set the Mill Tab Name to Perforated Break, click OK. The Mill Tab Detail is on yourcursor. Move the detail below the panel and simply click to place it on the sheet.Mill Tab Wizard DialogQuestions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 20 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCPlace Panel Drawing Notes1. From the Fabrication Tool Palette, drag and drop Fabrication Notesand locate them above the Drill Table.Completed Panel DrawingSave the File1. Select Menu: File Save.2. Choose a destination folder and enter My Panel as the file name.Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 21 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCBluePrint-PCB’s Documentation HierarchyA BluePrint-PCB file is a PCB release package. A release package contains several drawingsand other files required to document the fabrication and assembly of a printed circuit board.Release drawings can include a fabrication drawing, an assembly drawing or a custom drawing.Each drawing can be one or many sheets. Each sheet can have one or many drawing elements.Use the Contents Palette to view the hierarchy of drawings, sheets and elements.Documentation HierarchyWhat else can BluePrint-PCB do?Much more! Contact us at 800 535 3226 or Parts List Management and display Variant definition and display Manufacturing Process Step definition and display Component Coordinate List by one-up PCB, Panel, Variant, and Process Step Create document templates that can be reused for every design Create a single Release Package depository for all product creation files Full 2D drafting and dimensioning tools 3D display Stackup Visualization Customize the User Interface Create Assembly Panels And more .Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 22 of 23
BluePrint-PCB Panel Array TutorialDownStream Technologies, LLCBluePrint-PCB Panel Array Tutorial 09/15/2018Questions? Email blueprintsupport@downstreamtech.comPage 23 of 23
Sep 15, 2018 · BluePrint-PCB calculates panel size to accommodate the array. Alternatively, set panel size, number of images and BluePrint-PCB calculates image spacing. Spreadsheet – BluePrint-PCB calculates the PCB image array based on user defined image locations. For this tutorial, the PCB image array
design data from your PCB tool and importing it into BluePrint-PCB. BluePrint-PCB automates the creation of drill drawings with drill charts, layer stack-up details, via stack up details. BluePrint-PCB automates the creation of assembly drawings with detail views, bottom and topside assembly views, parts lists, and other such PCB documentation.
SP3 : Technologies de traitement SP4 : Outil global d'aide à la décision Action 6 PCB OPTITRI Action 7 PCB ECODEPOT Action 8 STAB PCB Action 9 PCB SEDICA Action 10 FUNGI EAT PCB Action 12 BIODECHLOR PCB Action 13 DESTHER PCB Action 14 PLATPIL PCB Action 15 SEDIRHONE PCB / / / / SP3.1 : dragage et criblage SP3.2 : confinement SP3.3 : absorption
Aluminum Single Side PCB Aluminum Metal Clad Circuit Boards Aluminum Printed Circuit Board P r o d u c t s & S e r v i c e s. MC PCBS MC PCB Single Slide PCB SS PCB Panel Light MC PCB P r o d u c t s & S e r v i c e s. METAL CORE PCBS LED Street Lights Metal Clad PCB Metal Clad PCB Metal Core Circuit Metal Core Circuit Boards P r o d u c t s .
10.2.1 Finding and Selecting Objects Figure 4. Use the PCB panel to find and select objects. Using the PCB Panel The PCB panel can be used for browsing objects in a PCB. To open the panel click PCB » PCB in the panel control buttons down the bottom right of the workspace.
11.1 PCB design process The PCB Design training covers how to use the PCB Editor to create a PCB from setup, through component placement, routing, design rule checking and CAM output. We first look at the overall PCB design process. The diagram below shows an overview of the PCB design process from schematic entry through to PCB design completion.
components on the PCB and solder them. Di erent method to make PCB There are in all three basic methods to make PCB 1. Iron on Glossy paper method 2. Circuit by hand on PCB 3. Laser cutting edge etching. Since laser method is industrial method to make PCB we will get in detail of %rst two method to make PCB at home. How to Make PCB at Home: Page 1
Before you start translating your Altium PCB design data into OrCAD PCB Editor, PCB design data has to be . saved as a PCB ASCII File (*.PcbDoc) within Altium PCB Designer . STEP 2 - Running the Altium PCB Translator In OrCAD PCB Editor, under the file menu, choose .
1 Introduction Formal ontologies provide a conceptual model of a domain of interest by describing the vocabulary of that domain in terms of a logical language, such as a description logic (DL). To cater for different applications and uses of ontologies, DLs and other ontology languages vary significantly regard-ing expressive power and computational complexity (Baader et al. 2003). For .