MAXWELL HEIGHTS SSGRADE 8 PARENT’S NIGHTCOURSE SELECTION PRESENTATIONMs. Hunte, PrincipalMs. Fletcher, Vice PrincipalMs. Samara, Vice PrincipalMrs. Verhoog, Vice PrincipalMs. Retsinas, Head of Guidance
Maxwell HeightsAdministrative TeamMrs. Verhoog, Vice PrincipalMs. Samara, Vice PrincipalMs. Hunte, PrincipalMrs. Fletcher, Vice Principal
MAXWELL HEIGHTSDAILY SCHEDULEWarning bell at 9:25 am, classes start at 9:30 am*Please note times are subject to change, depending on possible COVIDrestrictions*Period 1 Class 9:30 to 10:45Period 2 Class 10:45 to12:00Lunch 12:00-1:00Period 3 Class 1:00 – 2:15Period 4 Class 2:15 to 3:30Students are expected to be out of the building by 3:40pm, unlessthey are under the direct supervision of an adult – ie. Sports, clubs,extra help, etc.
ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL Each course is worth one credit Maxwell Heights SS is on a semester system Semester One runs from August to the end of January Semester Two runs from February to June 4 credits are taken each semester There will be formal exams at the end of each semester Maxwell is on a modified school year calendar
DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS 30 Credits 18 Compulsory Credits 12 Elective Credits Community Involvement - 40 hours Volunteer hours can begin in July before the start of grade 9 Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Written in grade 10
THE ONTARIO SECONDARY SCHOOL DIPLOMA(OSSD)Total of 30 credits18 compulsory credits 4 English (1 credit per grade) 1 Physical and Health Education 3 Mathematics (at least 1 inGrade 11 or 12) .5 Civics .5 Careers 2 Science 1 Canadian Geography 1 Canadian History 1 French as a Second Language 1 Art (instrumental music, vocal music,drama, visual art, dance) 1 English or French or Native Language orClassical or International Language or SocialSciences and Humanities or Canadian andWorld Studies or Guidance or Co-op 1 Physical and Health Education or Arts orBusiness Studies or Co-op 1 Science (Grade 11 or 12) or TechnologicalEducation , Computer Scienceor Co-op
COURSE CODESThis letter identifies thestream/destination.ENG 1 P 1D AcademicP AppliedL Locally Developed O OpenIndicates grade level 1 grade 9A ArtsB BusinessC Canadian & WorldStudiesE EnglishF FrenchG GuidanceH Humanities & SocialSciencesL International LanguagesM MathematicsP Physical EducationS SciencesT Technology
CHOOSING THE DELIVERYMODELFORYOURCOURSES For the 2021- 2022 school year students and familieswill have the choice of selecting from the followingtwo types of delivery models: Face-to-Face In Person Classes: (Course codes end in a 1) Students will attend Maxwell Heights eachday for their classes Synchronous, On-line Classes: (Course codes end in a N) Students will attend classes that are led by ateacher during the regular school day
SELECTING FACE-TO-FACE ORON-LINE COURSES Students will need to select all of their courses inone type of delivery Students may not have a combination of Face-toFace and On-Line courses Once students select their courses, they will not bepermitted to change their delivery type On-Line courses may be selected from the listing ofSynchronous On-Line courses in My Blueprint
GRADE 9 PROGRAM6 Compulsory Subjects 2 Elective Subjects8 Courses
GRADE 9 COMPULSORY COURSESSubject yDevelopedLevelOpen LevelENG1L1/NMAT1L1/NPhysicalEducationPPL1O3 / N- malePPL1O4 / N– femaleScienceSNC1D1/NSNC1P1/NSNC1L1/N
CHOOSING THE LEVELS FOR YOURCOURSESMATH Math will be offered at the de-streamed and locallydeveloped levels next year De-streamed is a merging of the academic and applied levels Grade 9 de-streamed math provides the prerequisite for anylevel math in Grade 10ENGLISH AND SCIENCE Both of these subject will be offered at the applied, academicand locally developed levels next year Grade 9 applied and academic levels in these two subjectsprovides the prerequisite for any level in Grade 10
CHOOSING THE LEVELS FOR YOURCOURSESGEOGRAPHY AND FRENCH Both of these subject will be offered at the applied andacademic levels next year Grade 9 applied and academic levels in these two subjectsprovides the prerequisite for any level in Grade 10
ACADEMIC, APPLIED ORLOCALLY DEVELOPED?ACADEMIC Academic courses focus on the essentialconcepts of the discipline PLUS additionalrelated concepts. Develop students knowledge and skills by emphasizingtheoretical, abstract applications of the essential conceptswhile incorporating practical applications as appropriate.
Academic, Applied orLocally Developed?APPLIED Applied courses focus on the essential conceptsof the discipline. Develop student’s knowledge and skills by emphasizingpractical, concrete applications of the essential conceptswhile incorporating theoretical applications, asappropriate.
Academic, Applied orLocally Developed?LOCALLY DEVELOPED Locally Developed courses are intended for studentswho require flexibility and support in order to meetcredit requirements. These courses are offered in Math, Science and English in Grade9. These courses review and reinforce the elementary curriculumexpectations to provide the skills necessary for further study atthe secondary level.
DO ALL THE COURSES THATA STUDENT SELECTS HAVE TOBE AT THE SAME LEVEL?No!Students are encouraged to take the type ofcourse that best suits their interests, goals andlearning styles.Students may select a variety of course types.
CAN A STUDENT TAKE MORETHAN ONE COURSE IN THESUBJECT AREA?Yes!For example:Semester #1: MAT1L1 (Locally Developed Math)Semester #2: MTH1W1 (Destreamed Math)
GRADE 9 ELECTIVE COURSES* students select 2 Courses*all elective courses are offered atthe “open level” .
GRADE 9 ELECTIVE COURSES FACE to FACE COURSES ADA101 - Drama AMI1O1 - ExperiencedMusic AMI1O3 - BeginnerMusic AMV1O1 - Vocal Music ATC101 – Dance AVI1O1 – Visual Arts HIF1O1 - ExploringFamily Studies NAC1O1 - Expressions ofAboriginal Cultures TIJ1O1– ExploringTechnologies (Business andTechnology) ON-LINE COURSES AVI1ON – Visual Arts BTT1ON – Introduction toInformation Tech in Business HIF1ON – Exploring FamilyStudies TIJ1ON – ExploringTechnologies
Families are Vital Partners in Education“75% of teens say their parents/guardiansinfluence the decisions they make” Teens Can Be Resilient in High School, 2016
DDSB Commitment Ensuring all Grade 8 students transitioning to Grade9 will make thoughtful, evidence-informed courseselection choices reflective of their commitment totheir own potential and success in high school andbeyond.Ensuring all Grade 8 students have the opportunity to learn about their strengthsand interests while investigating various viable pathways options for their initialpost-secondary destination such as: Apprenticeship, College, Community Living,University, and the World of Work.
Family Activation of Read the “Choosing My Success” StudentTransition Guide with your childDiscuss the “Career Life Planning Process” found inthe Transition GuideConfirm the choices on the “Choosing My Success”Course Planning Tool and return to Gr8 teacher byWednesday March 3, 2021Select Courses through Course Planner in MyBlueprint
RevisedTransitions Document forAll Grade 8 Students Read the “Choosing MySuccess” Student TransitionGuide with your childDiscuss the “Career Life PlanningProcess” found in the TransitionGuideConfirm the choices on the “ChoosingMy Success” Course Planning Tooland return to Grade 8 teacher byWednesday March 3, 2021Select Courses through CoursePlanner in My Blueprint
Career-LifePlanning Process Read the “Choosing My Success” StudentTransition Guide with your childDiscuss the “Career LifePlanning Process” found in theTransition GuideConfirm the choices on the “ChoosingMy Success” Course Planning Tooland return to Grade 8 teacher byWednesday March 3, 2021Select Courses through CoursePlanner in My Blueprint
“Choosing My Success”Planning Tool forAll Grade 8 Students Read the “Choosing My Success” StudentTransition Guide with your childDiscuss the “Career Life Planning Process”found in the Transition GuideConfirm the choices on the“Choosing My Success” CoursePlanning Tool and return toGrade 8 teacher byWednesday March 3, 2021Select Courses through CoursePlanner in My Blueprint
COURSE PLANNING TOOL Elementary Schools willdistribute to students Each student’s planningtool will be pre-populatedwith individualized data Grades 3 and 6 EQAO Grade 7 Report Card Data
COURSE PLANNING TOOL Students are encouragedto review their courseselections with theirparents/guardians andtheir elementary teachers The completed courseplanning tool needs to besubmitted with the careercruising option selectionsheet
Family Activation of Review the “Choosing My Success” Overview for Grade 8 Studentsand their FamiliesRead the “Choosing My Success” Student Transition Guide withyour childDiscuss the “Career Life Planning Process” found in the TransitionGuideConfirm the choices on the “Choosing My Success” Course PlanningTool and return to Grade 8 teacher by Wednesday March 3, 2021Select Courses through Course Planner inMy Blueprint
COURSE SELECTION PROCESS On-Line Process Grade 8’s from Maxwell Heights’ Family of Schools Elsie MacGill, Gordon B. Attersley, Norman G. Powers, PierreElliott Trudeau, Seneca Trail, Sherwood All other grade 8 students please contact theguidance office for instructions
Step 1: Create Your AccountCreate your ownmyBlueprint Account School Account LogIn and enter your DDSBcredentials
STEP 2: From theDashboard, clickon Plan Courses
STEP 3: Addcourses to yourHigh School Plan.Click on Courseto select fromcourses at yourschool.
STEP 4: Click onReview CourseSelections toreview yourchosen courses
STEP 5: ClickSubmit CourseSelections tosubmit coursesto your school
STEP 6: Click Send ApprovalEmail
STEP 6: Parent/Guardian canApprove or Reject
STEP 6: Enter Parent/GuardianEmail
STEP 7: Print yourSign-Off Sheet ifrequired or Save aCopy of itNote: You can reprint thisform at any time from theHigh School section of youraccount
STEP 7:Print yourSign-OffSheet ifrequired orSave a copyof it
IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER On–line selections can be submitted beginning:Tuesday February 16, 2021Selections may be saved in the course planner NOW. On-line Course SelectionsSubmitted and signed option selection sheets and courseplanning tools are due to Grade 8 teachers by:Wednesday March 3, 2021
GETTING READY FOR HIGHSCHOOL Three day program in August at Maxwell Heights Registration opens on May 1 Prepares students for the transition to High School Focuses on: Math Skills English Skills Study Skills Homework Management Time Management Social Skills
FIRST DAY OF GRADE 9 Monday August 30, 2021 Classes begin at Maxwell Grade 9’s and theirparents/guardians
REGISTRATION INQUIRIESON-LINE COURSE SELECTIONQUESTIONSPlease contact theGuidance Office at905-440-7339Or contact Mrs. Retsinas byemail
CHOOSING THE LEVELS FOR YOUR COURSES MATH Math will be offered at the de-streamed and locally developed levels next year De-streamed is a merging of the academic and applied levels Grade 9 de-streamed math provides the prerequisite for any level math in Grade 10 ENGLISH AND SCIENCE Both
Teacher of Grade 7 Maths What do you know about a student in your class? . Grade 7 Maths. University Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 10 Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 5 Grade 4 Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1 Primary. University Grade 12 Grade 11 Grade 10 Grade 9 Grade 8 Grade 7 Grade 6 Grade 5 . Learning Skill
Grade 4 NJSLA-ELA were used to create the Grade 5 ELA Start Strong Assessment. Table 1 illustrates these alignments. Table 1: Grade and Content Alignment . Content Area Grade/Course in School Year 2021 – 2022 Content of the Assessment ELA Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8
ANSYS Maxwell V16 Training Manual . 2013 10 Release 14.5 D. ANSYS Maxwell About ANSYS Maxwell –ANSYS Maxwell is a high-performance interactive software package that uses finite element .
John C. Maxwell, a #1 New York Times bestselling author, coach, and speaker, was identified as the #1 leader in business by the AMA and the world's most influential leadership expert by Inc. in 2014. His organizations — The John Maxwell Company, The John Maxwell Team, EQUIP, and the John Maxwell
MAXWELL LEADERSHIP BIBLE THIRD EDITION JOHN C. MAXWELL EXECUTIVE EDITOR FOURTH PROOFS - NKhV Maxwell Bible 9780785218548_int_00_fm_nkjvmaxwell_fourth proofs CC18.indd 5 4/3/18 10:16 AM. The Maxwell Leadership Bible, Third Edition
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